Fear of Sleep by
Ben Murray(Sci Fi, Noir, Thriller) - The film is based in an alternate earth and has four parts to it, three are dreams and one in reality. What has happened in the dreams is tied to what happens in reality. It is a fight to be with the one you love no matter what stands in your way. 68 pages (doc - formatting:
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The Case That Wouldn't Die by
Philip Hirzel (sagaem_kai_cornelli)(Comedy, Horror, Crime) - James West is a failing and out-of-cash detective who can only seem to find a false sense of pride in his work. However, one dark (though not stormy) night he is visited by the beautiful Bambi Bellmonte. She tells James of her husband's recent murder, but the death is not the issue. She's seen her husband since his death, and she wants James to find out why he faked his death. James is sent down a long and twisting road full of lies, deceit, action, the dead, and the undead. 55 pages (doc - formatting:
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Costeno - Rise of an Empire by
Bojan Letic(Action) - Luis "Costeno" Pimentel is a psychologically unstable man. He is depressed, extremely violent, and quick to anger. He will kill anybody who is against him with Immediate Homicidal Aggression. I wrote this out of Boredom, so i'm still working on more additions. It's about him as he makes his Murderous way up the Drug Lord's ladder. (html - formatting:
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Buddy List by
Derek Pigsley(Horror, Teen Slasher) - For four weeks, a teenage girl has been chatting with an older guy online. He seems nice, and her friends seem to be OK with him as well. But soon she finds that he is not who she thought he was when he follows her to her friend's father's lake house and begins to narrow down the competition, desperate to become her one and only 'best friend'. 90 pages (pdf - formatting:
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The Unknown by
Kemps Jonah hosted by
The Unknown(Sci Fi) - A tactical Blitzkrieg-like invasion of Aliens throws earth into commotion. Jack, an innocent beach saver, loses contact with his family in chaos, and wants to find them asap, combined with finding a method to evade and defeat the hunting creatures that are on a clear and prepared mission. 134 pages (pdf - formatting:
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Last Weeks Scripts