Designing Christmas by
April J. Miller An insecure divorced mother goes on a reality show where she is paired with a builder to restore and decorate a house for Christmas in order to win a job and keep her children from her arrogant and rich ex-husband. What she doesn't anticipate is falling in love in the process. 131 pages (Family) pdf format
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Pigeon by
Baz Hogan Career criminals smuggle diamonds into the country using an unconventional method. Caught in a whirlwind of calamity and karma is Sam, a simple young man trying to re-build his broken family. 111 pages (Drama, Gangster, Comedy) pdf format
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Game Face by
LR Penn In this two-act farce, the holiday season is full of drugs, adultery, violence, and slapstick humor as a suburban family rebels against a tyrannical male chauvinist father. It is a classic conflict between the quest for freedom, individuality, and fulfillment and an oppressive regime that is seeking to maintain the status quo. 88 pages (Play, Comedy) pdf format
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Last Weeks Scripts