The Clan by
Genevi Engle(Action, Adventure) - A deadly group of telekinetic terrorists known as The Clan, devise a plot to enslave a city as mindless drones. When the terrorists gain worldwide control, a rebel army rises up to take down the Clan's empire. 81 pages (pdf - formatting:
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continuum by
Abi Mohammed(Sci Fi, Fantasy) - An insecure Physicist invents a machine that provides commercially available time but when a destitute, evil alien race begin to use the machine as a gateway to take over Earth, he must battle them, even as those who have become dependent on the machine stand in his way. 101 pages (pdf - formatting:
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A Beautiful Wasteland by
Kris Engle(Drama) - A young man returns to his hometown after a stint in jail and as an ex-con competes to find a job with immigrants willing to work for minimum wage while battling his families racist views. Caught between falling in line with his family or risking taking a stand, his former childhood friend becomes more and shows him another way to live. When he finally takes a stand, he realizes to his horror that he may be too late. 119 pages (pdf - formatting:
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Planemo by
Ian J. Courter(Sci Fi, Fantasy) - Returning veterans must execute a final mission to recover a lost freighter and save a colony in dire need, but they encounter a remote, sunless planet with a horrible secret and hostile aliens. It quickly becomes a fight to survive. 114 (pdf - formatting:
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Last Weeks Scripts