Mark by
Gary Benjamin Holt Jr. (yeaster) hosted by
GATES Independent Blog(Horror) - New Glover Academy had a reputation of being one of the most intellectually domaint schools in the country, however all of that changed when the class of 2008 entered, immediately creating havoc, sending the school on a downward spiral ever since. Now starting their Junior year, the BORIS CIRCLE decides to take matters into their own hands, targetting those who threatens the school's reputation, with one of them being BRANT BENNETT, a former star athlete but a teacher's worse nightmare, with poor grades and an attitude to boot. After the death of a classmate, Brant becomes a prime murder suspect and is forced to either help solve the case or stay in jail...but something watches him...waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike...seeking to harm those he holds dear... (pdf - formatting:

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Project Greenthumb by
James C(Comedy, Action) - The cost of marijuana has become too expensive in California, and Project Greenthumb has taken it upon themselves to steal the weed from dealers and redistribute it for a lower price. On one of the jobs they come across an old business partner, and things really go through the roof. 93 pages (doc - formatting:

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Time on the Harbour by
Graham Bottomley(Sci Fi) - Time on the Harbour' is like a mix between 'Back to the Future' and 'U-571' and was inspired by a fascinating true catastrophe that has not yet been told by filmmakers: the only wartime Japanese submarine attack on Sydney Harbour. The story centres on two teens, Mark and Gemma Bradley, who time travel back to 1942 and accidentally change the life of their grandfather Kevin. Because of their mistake, Kevin is due to board a troop ship that they know will soon be torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. Though Mark and Gemma kidnap Kevin and try to convince him not to get on the ship, he thinks they're crazy, escapes from them, and boards anyway. With no other options, the teens must break into the high security Naval Base and get him off the ship before the attack. Otherwise their grandfather will be killed and they won't exist. 112 pages (pdf - formatting:

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Fear to Tread by
Michael Rome (mrome55)(Horror) - A team of young paranormal researchers are in over their heads when they uncover a hidden and terrifying chapter of American history in the old Brooklyn sewers. During the Revolutinary War over 4,300 American soldiers were killed in battle, but over 11,000 American sailors died aboard the British prison ships anchored in New York. 'Paranormal State' meets 'John Adams' 25 pages (pdf - formatting:

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Beyond Coincidence or Mojave Voter by
Josh Farris(Drama) - L.A. boy (protagonist) goes through personal Jerry Maguire-type crisis. He is mysteriously followed and questioned by a stranger. In fender bender, the extremely attractive, politically minded protagnist meets his perfect fit in the Mojave Desert. The ying/yang, two sides of the same coin, etc.--make for a great political team. They start a new political party with late 60's type political movement. All the while, the stranger turns out to be the spirit fo the protagonist's girlfriend's dead father. He struggles with telling her or not. The stranger is guided by (maybe) a supreme power. 104 pages (doc - formatting:

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The Cobra 1 by
Dayakar Padayachee (HakarG17)(Action) - The Cobra is based on a comic book i made while at school, the plot is about a heart surgeon who discovers his wife and child is murdered, he finds a card saying D.G co-operation which the whole city is aware the biggest mafia group own, head by the Don Donald Gobers. Jake Hearts the surgeon sets out for revenge only destroying himself and Donald by falling into a chemical vat of Acid. While Donald falls into a vat of chemical slime. Next day taking Chanel Heathers (a friend of his) nephew to the snake park, he realizes that a cage has been open, he tries to close it only getting bitten by a venomous Cobra. Nearing death he see's his dead son in heaven telling him he hasn't finished fighting Donald, and tells him you are the Cobra (a super-hero). Meanwhile Donald returns from the dead reborn as the terrifying Slime Troll. 41 pages (doc - formatting:

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Last Weeks Scripts