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How should I format my work?
Your work should be submitted in screenplay format. There are several free and low cost options to choose from to help format your script.
What happens after I submit my work?
The script will be reviewed for appropriateness for hosting or posting on simplyscripts.com. This can take up to 10 days. You will receive an email notifying if your work will be posted or not. If posted,the script will first be posted on the discussion forum. Once a week, the previous weeks scripts will be posted to the main Unproduced Original Script Page. After a week or so, the script will be moved to a Last Weeks Scripts page. Monthly, the Full Script and Genre and Script Search Database will be updated.
If you have submitted more than one script at a time, the remaining scripts will probably be posted over the next weeks after the first script has been posted
I'm worried that my script will be stolen. If it is stolen what will you do about it.
Protection of your work is your responsibility. Submission of your work indicates that you agree to NOT hold SimplyScripts or its owners responsible if your work is stolen or misused in any way.
Let me be clear: Your work can be stolen.
Here are some resources about protecting your work. It is strongly suggested that your title page include This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.
No one is reading or commenting on my script?
This isn't a screen reading service and there is no guarantee that anyone will read or comment on your work. If you are new to the discussion board there probably will not be a lot of reviews of your work or anyone reading beyond the first ten pages of your script. The discussion board requires some give and take. If you read and thoughtfully review someones work, the more likely your work will get reviewed. If someone does take a look at your work and you give something out of the advice, you can help pay it forward by reading someone's work and commenting. Pay it forward, so to speak.
How do I get my work removed?
Just submit your name, email address and script title to the Remove My Script page. The work will be down within 10 days if not sooner. Note: If you want to remove a script because you have a new draft, please go to the Submit Your Script page and check, This is a script, logline, genre, or title update to a work already on the site.
How do I update a work already on the site?
Just submit your script as you originally did and check the This is a script, logline, genre, or title update to a work already on the site.. I will update whatever is new.
Why come I can't just post the first few pages of my script? Why do you insist on "complete" scripts?
I am afraid that posting incomplete works would flood the site with junk. You are welcome to post your work in progress on the discussion board in the Work In Progress section.
Where can I find my script?
You can use the internal Advanced Script Search which is updated roughly monthly. If you use Google Search, you should probably append "simply scripts" to your search query. There is a search available on the Discussion Board, also.