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    Submit Your Script for the Spring 2023 One Week Challenge.

Get a Superpower, save the world

"What if..?"

It's an ordinary day, you're minding your own business when, without even thinking, you do a good deed for someone. Something selfless. Simple. Maybe you paid it forward. Maybe you helped an old lady across the street. Whatever it is, you left someone better than when you found them. Now—

"What if..?"

The powers that be of the universe take notice of your good deed and decide, somehow, some way, to return the favor by offering you a gift. A gift of extraordinary proportions. A superpower. Any superpower you so desire. Lasers from your eyes or sparks from from your lips. Anything. No questions asked. With a gift this enticing, naturally, you accept, but—

"What if?"

After you've done your good deed and received your chosen superpower, this day, of all days, just happens to be the day the world is going to end. A disaster of cataclysmic magnitude is hours, maybe minutes, away, and you're literally the only one who can stop it, and you must stop it with your newfound power. So…

What are you going to do?

  • Genre is open.
  • 10 page maximum
  • Do not put your name on title page. Anonymous challenge.
  • Scripts are due to by Friday, April 7 at midnight edt.
  • Please put (c) 2023 on title page.
  • This is a challenge, not a contest.

SimplyScripts WT Submission / Release form

Please fill out the below as completely as possible. Note: the *'d items are required. After you hit "submit" you will be given a screen to upload your script.


E-mail address*:

Discussion board username:

If you do not have a discussion board account you can register here. While not required for the challenge, it does provide an opportunity to review other scripts of the challenge and respond to reviews of your own work, and is highly encouraged.

Script title*:

Genre: | Other:



Anything else?  Comments?  Questions?

I understand that Simply Scripts will review my work for appropriateness for hosting or posting on 

I understand that my email address will be displayed with my script in the event anyone has comments about the script. 

I understand that protection of my work is solely my responsibility and that I will NOT hold responsible if my work is stolen or misused in any way. 

I understand that if I wish my script or link to my script to be removed, I will notify the webmaster at: .   I understand it may take up to 10 days or more before the script or link will be removed.

I understand that submission of my script does not guarantee that will either host the script or post a link to the script. 

I understand that  is merely a showcase for unproduced/original scripts and in no way guarantees that my script will be read by producers or directors or anyone who will produced my script.

I understand that will only link to full scripts.  Simplyscripts will not link to a log line or synopsis or idea.  Simplyscripts will only link to a full, complete script.

The work I am submitting is my own work

(check here that you have read and understood the above paragraph)


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