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Reviewed by: Max - SimplyScripts Reviewer

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Director: Christopher Columbus
Writer: Steve Kloves
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter
Emma Watson as Hermione Granger
Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley

Grade: A-

You call me a semi-Harry Potter fan. I've read the first two books and loved them. I was very disappointed about the first film which cut a lot out. I found that the filmmakers tried to rush the film and there was no room for character development, which what the first book was all about. So I went into the theater a little worried that the film might not be so good, maybe worse. So I went in and I had a blast.

The film centers around Harry Potter (Radcliffe) who goes to a school for young wizards learning witchcraft and wizardry. Before he goes back for his second year, he is warned by a creature named Dobby that if he goes back terrible things will happen. Harry ignores Dobby and goes back to school where he hooks back up with his friends Ron (Grint) and Hermione (Watson). Pretty soon after they arrive terrible things do begin to happen: people roaming the hallways begin to turn to stone. Harry and company have to find out what's going on and stop it!

I really had a lot of fun with this film. I love the idea of going to a school of witchcraft and wizardry. I really dug the flying car! The plot was great. I really believed they did a better job of sticking to the script this time. I also liked the much darker look of this film. It was scary. The special effects were great and so was the acting. Radcliffe is very good at portraying the heroin and Emma Watson was great as the smart Hermione Granger. The thing I didn't like was Rupert Grint as Ron Weasley. He is so damn annoying. I can't wait to see the third installment, I still need to read the book.

copyright (c) 2003, Max Colston, Used with Permission

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