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Buy the 'Bringing Down The House' CD FRAILTY

Reviewed by: Max - SimplyScripts Reviewer

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Director: Bill Paxton
Writer: Brett Hanley
Starring: Bill Paxton as Dad
Matthew McConaughey as Fenton
Powers Boothe as Wesley Doyle

Grade: A

"Frailty" is a terrifying tale of a loving father (Bill Paxton) who is assigned by God to murder people disguised in human form. The father enlist his two children, Fenton ( Matthew O'Leary) and Adam (Jeremy Sumpter), to help him out with the murders.

Amazing! Too bad the movie wasn't publicized enough and ended up bombing at the box office. Everything's perfect: the acting, the directing, the script. It has a dark and scary tone set in a small and nice little town. It has intense scenes that will make you gasp and an ending that will knock you flat on your ass.

As the movie opens we're introduced to Fenton as a man. He's in the FBI office of Wesley Doyle (Powers Boothe). Fenton tells him that he knows that his younger brother is the one responsible for the recent murders going on. Fenton then takes Doyle to where he knows where his brother buried the bodies. On the way there he tells him the whole story of how is dad received the message from God and help out with the murders. It's great how we're submerged into the characters lives. We either want to root for them to kill these evil demons or we want to hate them for murdering innocent people. But we never know the truth until the shocking ending. I love movies that toy with people's minds and deal with the supernatural. And they pulled it off great.

The acting is the most important part in this movie. If the kids would have been bad actors then the whole film would have went to hell. But Matthew O'Leary and Jeremy Sumpter pull it off magnificently. You actually felt for them. Matthew Mconaughey also gives another great performance at telling his story. But the best actor in the film is Bill Paxton, who also directed. He gives a chilling and terrifying performance. You actually thought he was a nut case! Paxton also did great at directing for it being his directorial debut. Brett Hanley writes an excellent script with excellent dialogue and chilling moments that were pulled of wonderfully. One of the best films of 2002.

copyright (c) 2003, Max Colston, Used with Permission

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