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Reviewed by: Max - SimplyScripts Reviewer

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Directors: Peter and Bobby Farrelly
Writer: Peter and Bobby Farrelly and Bennett Yellin
Starring: Jim Carrey as Lloyd
Jeff Daniels as Harry
Lauren Holly as Mary Swanson

Grade: A-

"Dumb and Dumber" is probably one of the most funniest comedies of all time. Literally. There's very few movies that can make you laugh so'll need hospitalization. There's very few moments where I didn't laugh. From beginning to end this is just one long joke.

Lloyd (Jim Carrey) is a limo driver and his best friend Harry (Jeff Daniels) is the owner of a dog-grooming service, whose company van looks is made up like an actual dog. One day, Lloyd falls in love with one of his customers named Mary Swanson (Lauren Holly) while driving her to the airport. Once they have parted ways Lloyd realizes she has forgotten her suitcase. He then takes the suitcase and him and his buddy run off to Aspen to return it.

On the way there they meet up with serious troubles. They run into a group of tough guys at a diner after Harry throws a salt shaker behind him for good luck and hits one of the gang named Sea Bass. For revenge of Sea Bass hawking a snot ball on Harry's burger, they find out a way to put there bill onto Sea Bass's. Probably the funniest moment in the film comes when they're driving down the road and Harry says, "That was genius. How'd you come up with that?" and Lloyd replies by saying, "Saw it in a movie once." Then Harry says, "Did they get away with it in the movie?" and Lloyd says, "No. The guys found them a half mile down the road and slit their throats. Cool, huh?"

Another funny part would be when Lloyd has to go to the bathroom real bad while they are driving. Harry doesn't feel like pulling over so Lloyd pisses in a couple of beer bottles. They then get pulled over by a cop, who is played by Harland Williams. The cop asks for the beer and takes a swig of it. He gets a big surprise when he realizes what it really is.

"Dumb and Dumber" is a hilarious off-the-wall comedy. Laughter from beginning to end. Peter and Bobby Farrelly, who are Comedy Gods, pull of another great scripts and direct perfectly. They definitely know a lot about comedy and how it should be directed. Every film they make goes into the Best of Comedy Hall of Fame, especially this one. Jim Carrey does what he usually does in all of his films and we love him for it. There's just something about the man. Probably the best comedic actor of all time. Jeff Daniels takes a departure from his regular roles and really does something hilarious. I just realized that this dude is one goofy guy! Lauren Holly plays one of the sane people in this film. She did a great job and I'll tell you what, she is smokin'! Especially during that dinner scene where Lloyd's fighting the kung-fu chef. Talk about major cleavage. This film is fun and hilarious.

copyright (c) 2003, Max Colston, Used with Permission

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