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Reviewed by: Max - SimplyScripts Reviewer

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Director: Robert Zemeckis
Writers: Bob Gale and Robert Zemeckis
Starring: Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly
Christopher Lloyd as Doc Brown
Thomas F. Wilson as Biff

Grade: A-

"Back to the Future" is a fabulous tale about a young teenage named Marty (Michael J. Fox) who is friends with a wild scientist named Doc (Christopher Lloyd). One day Doc invites Marty to help him test out a new invention with him. Marty discovers that it's a time machine, made into a De Lorean car. Pretty cool, huh? Well, the time machine ends up working and Marty is accidentally sent back thirty years to 1955.

buy the photo When Marty enters the town he decides to stroll into a coffee shop. There he meets his father - as a teenage - as he sits down for a cup of coffee. After that he accidentally keeps his parents from meeting! That means if his parents never meet...he will never exist! So he hooks up with Doc (30 years younger) and they band together to get his parents together and keep Marty from disintegrating from the Earth.

A very cute movie. I've always wondered what my parents would have looked like and acted like back when they were teenagers. This movie really makes fun of it. I am a big fan of time travel movies. I've always been interested in the subject. I think it's really cool. And to make a De Lorean car a time travel device is even cooler! Director Robert Zemeckis and writer Bob Gale really put together a fun and amazing film. Filling it with major laughs and great surprises.

The acting is all good here. Michael J. Fox is funny and believable as a teenage trying to hook his parents up. Although, I would have been a little bit freaked out if I knew that I was going to die if I didn't hook my parents up in time. Lloyd is pure genius. I love him! He really passes as a madcap scientist. Lea Thompson and Crispin Glover are a cute couple and pulled everything off well. Robert Zemeckis (one of my favorite directors) directs everything magnificently and really caught everything. Zemeckis and Gale also created a great script. I've read earlier drafts of it and was surprised what the time machine originally was: a refrigerator. A cute and adorable movie that never gets boring.

copyright (c) 2003 Max Colston, used with permission

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