This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
INT. CLASSROOM The camera pans around the classroom, showing all of the students, it then goes around the back of one napping student, a clear slacker, with his hair unkempt and his shirt not tucked, with trainers on his feet and chewing gum in his mouth. All of a sudden, a pen flies onto his lap. In no particular rush, he comes into consciousness, scratching his head. TEACHER This is a classroom, not your bedroom, I'll have you know that, Joseph. JOE looks up, at first confused as to whether the TEACHER is addressing him. He looks at her puzzled. JOE What? Oh, Ok. MISS HURST fakes a smile, then reverting to her tightly wound, stuck up persona. MISS HURST I would also appreciate it, if you would be so kind as to deposit a certain contraband item of yours in the bin. JOE looks at MISS HURST like she has grown a third eye. JOE Deposit my what? MISS HURST Put your Chewing gum in the bin, unless I'm asking too much? JOE now follows what she means, and takes a sarcastic tone with MISS HURST. JOE Why of course, Miss Hurst, nothing would make me happier. He Struts/Marches to the front of the class, proudly thrusting his gum into the bin. He then takes a bow and walks back to his seat. Joe Sits. MISS HURST (Grimacing) Thank you, Joseph. That's much better. Angle on Joe, camera pulls in. JOE (Narrating) 1st period, Maths, Miss Hurst, can life get any worse? This is pretty much every Friday morning for me... Sitting here, not taking in a word of what she has to say, my mind wandering about anything but this class... DISSOLVE TO EXT. FOOTBALL FIELD (DAYDREAM) JOE is playing football and having fun. CUT TO EXT. SCHOOL (DAYDREAM) JOE is hanging out with his friends. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM (DAYDREAM) JOE gets up out of his seat and begins to taunt and make gestures at Miss Hurst. After a while she turns around and looks at him, astonished. MISS HURST Mr. Griffin! JOE jumps in surprise. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM (DAYDREAM) JOE jumps (in his seat), the class around him are all staring at him, and Miss Hurst continues to peer at him with a sense of utter Loathing. MISS HURST Just who do you think you are? I warned you once already about this business of falling asleep in my class! I simply WILL NOT TOLERATE IT! JOE Sorry, miss. MISS HURST Save it, young man, you are in sixth form now, for Christ's sake! Start acting like it! You are no longer a child yet you insist on acting like one! And now, like a child, I must, I mean I simply am forced to give you a detention. JOE Miss. MISS HURST You will stay behind during class, so I may give you your Detention slip. JOE Yes, miss. Miss Hurst continues to ramble on, partially about JOE, partially about maths, the camera focuses selectively on Joe, moodily taking notes. FADE TO INT. CLASSROOM The camera pulls in on JOE standing with Miss Hurst, who is clearly rambling on about much of nothing, and trying to give JOE a "motivational talk". The camera cross-cuts between JOE's face and that of Miss Hurst. JOE (Narrating) God she just keeps on going on and on and on and on. It's driving me insane! MISS HURST You understand I don't enjoy this? JOE nods. JOE I understand. (Narrating)I understand you're a bitch. MISS HURST I'm Glad, you have so much potential, Joseph, you're at least capable of exhibiting a lot more effort than you are at the moment. JOE You're right, miss. I'll try harder, you know, I've just been having a hard time focusing recently. MISS HURST Why do you think that is, Joseph? JOE (Narrating) Probably because you and your class are about as exciting as watching a championship nail filing competition. MISS HURST Joseph? JOE Oh, um, I dunno miss, I think it might just be teen angst and stress getting to me a bit. MISS HURST Is something at home stressing you out? JOE Oh no, I'm fine miss, don't worry. I'll try harder, I promise. MISS HURST (Very awkwardly/forcedly) Well, if you ever need to speak to, my ears are always open, and I always have the time. JOE (Narrating) Sure you do. JOE Thanks, miss, it really means a lot to me that you would be willing to make an effort. And if I ever need to talk to anybody, you'll be the first person I come see. Miss Hurst tries not to look like he has just threatened her. MISS HURST Very well. I'm not going to give you a detention today, Joseph, and I feel like we really made some progress here. But I do expect an increase in your effort, or else I will be forced into giving you one in the future... JOE Yes miss, I'd better get going to second period now... MISS HURST Right then, goodbye. JOE walks out. INT. SCHOOL (HALLWAY) JOE is casually walking to second period. He walks past a few people, though not many, as most are in class. Each person has a different reaction to seeing him, one says, "Hi",(A 'Plastic') while another looks at him with mixed hate/judgment/fear (an antisocial Geek/Nerd), a genuine friend walks past saying, "Hey, you alright mate?", and a Younger kid walks past. During this period he leaves the Language block and is walking outside, then re-enters in the C block. He walks up to a door and steps in. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM (Other side of the door)JOE casually walks in, it is evident from the teachers reaction and posture, along with his weak voice, that he is a pushover, yet he attempts to make an example of JOE. TEACHER You're late. JOE Yeah, sorry about that, Miss Hurst wanted to talk to me about some stuff. TEACHER Oh, um, Ok. um, Where's your Tie? JOE Oh, long story sir, I was wearing it yeah, and I was brushing my teeth, and then what happens? THUD! A big blob of toothpaste and saliva goes flying onto what was my only clean tie, the others are out for cleaning. TEACHER Oh, I see, Alright then, um, please take a seat, today we're learning about culture. JOE begins to walk over to his desk, where his friend (MICHAEL) is smiling at him. JOE (Narrating) General Studies, (he laughs), it's such a bullshit lesson. MICHAEL Hey, mate you been missing out on this incredible lesson! JOE Oh yeah, mate! MICHAEL Na, Seriously mate, High Culture, Low Culture man, Free your mind! they both look up to find the TEACHER is oblivious, and that roughly 3 people are paying attention to the TEACHER as he rambles on, whilst the others go about their conversations. MICHAEL So what you gonna do this weekend? JOE Nothing much, sit at home, chill out, watch some TV, play a little Gears of war, go chill out with you lot, you know, same shit as usual. MICHAEL Cool cool, you not going to Sophie's party? JOE Nope, you know I don't like her. MICHAEL So? A party's a party, man. JOE yeah but I aint even invited or nothing, plus I bet you it'll be lame. MICHAEL Why is that? JOE Cause they're always lame, these parties, so and so gets absolutely wasted, whats-her-face gets even more wasted and gets with loads of boys, whats-his-name gets with ugly-girl, miss thing rejects Mr. Cocky, whatever man, that shit is just boring. MICHAEL Whatever to you, (laughing) it's not my fault your an antisocial twat. JOE (Laughing) Oh yeah sure, I'm so antisocial, right? MICHAEL Na, seriously, you never seem to go on about the girls in our year like you used to, I'm starting to worry about you if you know what I mean. JOE What?! MICHAEL Yeah mate, it's starting to get uncomfortable, hey, if you're gay thats your business but you gotta warn me first! JOE You twat! They fight playfully. The girl sat behind them nudges MICHAEL. MICHAEL Oh, hey. GIRL Hey, Ellie asked me to give you this. She hands him a note. MICHAEL Oh, thanks sweetheart. GIRL giggles and blushes. GIRL No problem. MICHAEL starts to unwrap the bit of paper, while JOE crowds around him. JOE Hey, what we got here? MICHAEL Nothing much, you know. They read the message. JOE So you and Ellie, eh? MICHAEL Keep it down. JOE no seriously like she's on you, like, "hey MICHAEL, when are you free so we can go somewhere and have a little fuck fest?" MICHAEL (Whispering) Keep it down man! She'll hear you! JOE begins to dry hump the table. JOE Ah, Yeah, Oh yeah, Ah, oh thats it right there baby, Ah, Ah, Ah, Oh my god! After saying "Oh my God too loud, everyone, including the teacher, look round. TEACHER Do you mind, Joe? JOE Sorry sir, I just, couldn't control myself. TEACHER Ah, well, um, Please try to control yourself when you're in my class. JOE Certainly, I'll try my very hardest, sir. He slumps back in his chair, embarrassed. MICHAEL Retard. JOE Shut up. They both laugh. DISSOLVE TO JOE and MICHAEL are asleep in their seats. The bell rings and they wake up. JOE Ah, Break time! MICHAEL Yeah mate, hey I'll catch you up, alright? JOE Why? You got something to do? OH I SEE, Bros before Hoes mate, remember that. MICHAEL (Laughing) Man, Shut up I swear! JOE gets up and walks out MICHAEL stays behind and begins to chat up ELLIE. CUT TO INT. SCHOOL (HALLWAY) JOE is walking down the hallway to leave the C block and walks/jogs/skips down the steps. He walks into the snack bar and sees two friends of his in the Dinner queue. JOE goes and skips the queue with them (DAVE) (ROB). ROB Hey mate, hows it going? JOE Good, good man, you cool Rob? ROB Yeah it's all good mate. ROB (CONT'D) Hey what lesson you just have? JOE General Studies, You? ROB I had a free period mate, sat in the library and did fuck all the whole lesson. JOE Cool, man. (Sees BEN) Hey Ben! Come sit down! BEN sits. BEN Hey, what's up. FREEZE FRAME ON BEN. CAMERA PULLS IN SLIGHTLY. JOE Not much mate, hows everything with you? BEN It's alright I guess. JOE Yeah? Hows your mum doing? BEN She's fine. JOE How you holding up, with everything? BEN I'm Ok, Joe, don't worry about me. JOE Course I worry about you, Your like my brother mate! BEN You too man, don't worry about me. ROB (Interrupting) Ok, you're his brother he's your brother we're all brothers, you two finished being all broke-back mountain? JOE hey why don't you shut the fuck up, cum stain. Hey Michael! JOE motions him over. JOE Hey well if it aint Ellie's future husband. OTHERS Whats this? JOE Ellie Richards been writing all these notes to Mike, talking bout are you going to Sophie's party and la la la la la. They talk and mess around, eventually getting their sandwiches and then everyone sticking their sandwich stickers on ROB, who then tries to put them (very aggressively) on BEN. BEN does not retaliate, but laughs it off instead. JOE Hey, you lot have a free last period? OTHERS (Mixed Yeses and Nos) Oh, well anyway, You wanna go into town? OTHERS Yeah we might as well. (Except Ben) BEN I'm alright thanks, I'd rather not. Everybody else accepts this and goes about their business, whilst JOE stops to talk with BEN. JOE What's wrong? BEN Nothing. JOE Well then why don't you wanna come out? BEN Well I got a lesson last period, and if I'm late for registration the teacher will get on my ass, plus we aren't allowed into town during lunch, and JOE Hey! It's a Friday, mate. Chill out a bit, let loose, don't be so scared of the consequences of everything, otherwise you'll never do anything or have any fun, man. BEN Yeah, I guess you're right. JOE So you gonna come out into town? BEN uh, I don't know, probably. JOE Ok, man, you don't have to, but you should, have a little fun, you know? BEN Yeah, I see what your saying. JOE Ok, see you fourth period. BEN Cool. JOE walks off. ANGLE ON BEN, Camera takes BEN'S POV as he walks off to class. ANGLE ON BEN walking down the hallways. Unlike when JOE was walking to Second Period, there are different reactions to BEN as he walks by, the smiles from girls, rather than actual attraction, reflect the opinion "He's a really nice guy, but I'd never want to be with him", To the girl who "looks up and down" at BEN, signifying her opinion of social superiority over him. The boys react differently to BEN, most liking him, some ignoring him completely. The camera follows BEN through to class, showing he has less "pep in his step" than JOE, though a very innocent (though not TOO innocent) good-natured, smile rests on his face most of the time. CUT TO INT. WHITE-BOARD The text (Period 3) is written on the board. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM BEN walks into his classroom and takes a seat. As he sits he shares glances with a somewhat pretty-looking girl. He sits down with a dumb smile on his face, indicating his feelings. TEACHER If you turn to page 254, you should see some questions on alcohols and when you finish those, page 372 has some questions on proteins, any questions? A student raises their hand, they begin to ask a question as the sound fades out and the camera pulls in on BEN as he begins to open his book to find the page, and begins to scribble on his notebook. CUT TO INT. BEN'S NOTEBOOK Ben has written his name and traced over it several times, he begins to write the first few letters of the answer to a question, then begins to go over that, then begins to doodle in the margin. He tears off the corner of the page, and scribbles "How R U?" on the piece of paper, passing CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM BEN looks over at the GIRL (KATIE), and watches her read the note. She looks over to him and he waves. She smiles back and waves back. She scribbles something on the paper. BEN gets a note back from her. CUT TO INT. BEN'S NOTEBOOK Ben drags the note across his exercise book and opens it. It says "I'm doing really Good, You alright? xx". BEN grabs his pen and begins to scribble. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM BEN passes a note forward. a montage begins of notes being passed to and fro. The sequence ending with BEN receiving a note from her which has part of their conversation on it. CUT TO INT. BEN'S NOTEBOOK part of a conversation is shown on the note. KATIE Erm, I'm kinda busy lunchtime, you wanna talk after school? BEN Yeah, sure, that would be great. KATIE K, See you after school then! xx CUT TO INT. BEN'S NOTEBOOK Ben smiles nervously, he leans back in his chair slightly. DISSOLVE TO EXT. SCHOOL (DAYDREAM) BEN and KATIE are walking together, holding hands. BEN is talking to her. BEN So yeah, uh, well I mean, I understand if you would rather just be friends or you're not interested, or if nows a bad time... KATIE (laughs a little) Ben, Honestly, I've been waiting for us to have this talk for ages. BEN Wait, so that means? They kiss. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM BEN is sitting, smiling and completely daydreaming as those around him work/talk/mess about. His teacher approaches him. TEACHER Come on, Ben. Let's see some work. BEN (Sighing) Yes, sir. TEACHER Come on, I know you don't find it hard, when you can be bothered you always produce great results, its just this daydreaming and the way your effort levels seem to sway so dramatically... BEN (sighing more) Yeah, sorry sir, I've just been distracted recently. TEACHER Ok, just knock out these questions and you can be as distracted as you want, (trying to be nice) Drift off in period 4, just try and work in my lesson... BEN picks up his pen and begins to write. FADE TO INT. CLASSROOM The school bell rings, and the students, bags already packed, get up and leave for their next class. The camera starts to pull in on BEN, who is leaving class. KATIE catches up with him. KATIE Hey, so I'll see you after school yeah? BEN Yeah, sure. KATIE Great! Bye then. She hugs him briefly and walks away to catch up with her friends. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM BEN, JOE, DAVE, MICHAEL and ROB are sat in class, all looking somewhat bored. A note is passed to BEN, It says, "You Coming to town then?", he looks over at JOE and nods. BEN then sits back in his chair and begins to daydream again. DISSOLVE TO EXT. SCHOOL (DAYDREAM) BEN and KATIE are standing in the street. KATIE has her right hand on his shoulder. His posture is weaker than the previous scene. KATIE I'm really sorry, BEN, I would just rather we stayed friends, I really like you and everything, I just don't know that I could see us together. I'm so sorry, You understand, right? BEN (holding back the sadness) Yeah, don't worry about it, I understand. BEN forces a smile. KATIE I knew you would! you're so understanding, oh, well I have to go now, see you tomorrow? BEN Yeah, sure. KATIE runs of to join a group of mixed girls/boys. CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM (DAYDREAM) The camera begins to pull in out from BEN, and in on JOE, who has a weird smile on his face. The camera cuts to the attractive TEACHER, then back to him, then back to the TEACHER, then back again to him. The camera then cuts to the teacher blowing a kiss to him, then back to him, then to the teacher beckoning him over with a finger, then back to him. JOE gets out of his chair, walks over to the teacher, and they begin to get off. The lights switch off, and the camera cuts to a view of the classroom, which is now empty, they are getting off on the classroom desk. TEACHER (In sexy tone) Oh, Joe! TEACHER (in completely different tone) Oh, Joe. TEACHER Joe TEACHER Joe! CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM JOE is sat in the full class, the TEACHER staring at him. TEACHER Would you care to put the answer on the board Joe? The perverted smile on JOE'S face drops immediately, he begins to act nervously, he quickly glances down, as it is evident he has a BONER. JOE uh, you mean like go up to the board and write it? TEACHER That's usually how you do it, Joe. JOE ah, well, miss, I hurt my leg real bad doing sports studies, so uh, I'd really rather not. I can give you the answer if you want, though. The teacher looks at him, then decides to spare him. TEACHER No, no, that's fine Joe. Any volunteers? The camera pulls in on JOE, as he takes a Long, loud, sigh of relief. The TEACHER glances round at him suspiciously, possibly regretting her decision. The camera pulls in on MICHAEL. DISSOLVE TO INT. BEDROOM (DAYDREAM) MICHAEL is going through his wardrobe looking through MICHAEL (narrating) What should I wear to that party? CUT TO INT. CLASSROOM Michael looks ponderous. FADE TO INT. CLASSROOM The school bell rings. The students get up to leave. TEACHER Ok, everybody, have a good weekend! and don't forget the essay due on Wednesday. Oh, and Joe, could you stay behind a few minutes please? JOE slumps, while standing packing his bag. Everybody gets up and leaves the room, leaving the TEACHER and JOE. TEACHER So, Joe...What happened today? You were barely in the lesson. JOE Yeah I'm Sorry miss, I'm just really tired today, I was so busy last night. The screen splits. In one screen JOE is talking to the TEACHER, in the other, he is playing Xbox 360. TEACHER What were you busy doing? JOE Well, working mostly, I had a bunch of homework. Plus it's the fourth period on a Friday, so you can imagine I'm not at my best. TEACHER Ok, well get my homework done, and make sure you have an early night tonight then. JOE Will do, miss. TEACHER Ok, Have a good weekend, JOE. Joe Leaves the classroom. CUT TO EXT. SCHOOL ROB, DAVE, BEN and MICHAEL are walking together down steps to walk in the direction of town (Manwood road). Behind them Joe is jogging to catch up. He jumps and holds himself up on both their shoulders. JOE You alright mateys? BEN Man you're killing me here. MICHAEL Yeah, you fat bastard! Joe jumps off of them. CUT TO INT. CANTINE (OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT) A plate of spaghetti Bolognese spells out the word "LUNCH". FADE TO EXT. TOWN BEN and JOE are sitting on a bench in town while the others are in a shop. JOE You worry too much, that's what will get you. Don't take it too seriously, don't be nervous, if she says No, it's hardly that bad, I mean, you're only 16, and she'll probably say yes, I've seen you two together. BEN You think so, eh? JOE Yeah, you just have to be yourself, but be confident, not a dick, but confident, you know, forget what others think, they probably don't care anyway, it's not like exposure, everybody knows you like her, and most people think you're a cool guy anyway, so just go for it, forget about all that other shit.. BEN You know, its not that simple! JOE Sure it is, just go with the flow... BEN Yeah that's fine for you to say! all you ever do is go with the flow...and everything is fine for you, well it isn't fine for me, man, you can't go through life just going with the flow! JOE Hey, I'm just trying to give you some friendly advice, how far has your way got you? BEN Yeah, but, you just, you make it seem so fucking easy to be relaxed, and it isn't! You can't just be relaxed all the time! JOE Hey, you done lecturing me? I am who I am, and I aint about to start conforming and acting like some twat, always worrying about what everybody thinks about me... BEN Yeah well you are who you are, but that's not who I am! JOE Hey, you know what, you just need to calm down, alright? BEN I can't calm down, it's just too much sometimes, all these people look at me, and their judging me Joe, I know it! I know they're judging me! They sit in their perfect little worlds, with mummy and daddy sorting everything out for them, and they judge me! they think, who the fuck is this guy? and that feeling, Joe, it eats at me, it picks me to pieces, I can't calm down! JOE Ben, what you're feeling is normal. We all feel the same way... BEN there's no way you feel the same... JOE No, I don't, but if I let myself think about it as much as you did I probably would, everybody just looks at me and thinks, good for nothing slacker, never done nothing for nobody, and I know this, but I don't think about it, so I'm alright, just try to stop thinking about it alright? stop taking shit from people, stop caring about what others think so much, and just be you and fuck who doesn't like that! BEN (laughs) You're crazy. JOE Will you at least try? BEN Yeah, Ok. All of a sudden the others come walking on screen, with various food/drink in their hands. JOE You lot ready to get going back? I'm gonna miss my train at this rate. MICHAEL (gasping sarcastically) Oh yeah! lets make sure Joe doesn't miss his train! JOE Hey fuck you! FADE TO EXT. TOWN (COMING OUT OF CHURCH AREA) The five are walking out of the church area and crossing the street. They are laughing and mucking about in the typical fashion. Michael is in the middle of telling a story. MICHAEL Now, I knew she was drunk, but so was I, and I figured we were about the same drunkenness. So we're kissing, and then, she looks at me, and says "I don't feel so great", and I'm thinking I can't be THAT bad a kisser, next thing I no, (makes vomiting noise) all over my shirt, my brand new shirt I bought just that afternoon, and I wasn't going home till the next morning. So I start to realize what's happened yeah, and then I can smell this fucking puke on my shirt, and it starts getting to me, and then I look at her mouth, and I just kissed that mouth, and I couldn't help myself, I just vomited right back on her! OTHERS That's sick! MICHAEL Yeah, how do you think I felt?! ROB So you two get right back together after a quick clean up? The OTHERS all make disgusted noises. ROB (laughing) What? What's the big deal? They all laugh. MICHAEL Well actually... The OTHERS all make disgusted noises. JOE You sick fuck! MICHAEL (laughing more) I was only kidding! (Looks at Rob) You're the one who got with Jane, the one with the Dog face! They all laugh. JOE Oh dear! She actually does have a dog face! oh say it aint so Rob! ROB (looking embarrassed) That's a lie, I never got with her! BEN (laughing innocently) You know, now that you mention it, she really does look like a dog! MICHAEL Yeah! I know right?! BEN I think its the Nose that does it! They all laugh, except ROB, who looks embarrassed and angry at BEN, feeling that he has taken the spotlight, while ROB looks a fool. ROB (Coldly/Agresssively) Yeah, well who you got with recently, BEN? OTHERS OOOOOOOOOOOH! BEN Nobody actually, Rob, you know that. ROB Oh yeah, I forgot. Oh what about Katie? BEN (starting to get angry himself) No, I can't say I have. ROB Wow, well that's surprising, I mean everybody knows she's a bit of a slag. BEN Oh really? ROB Yeah, Really. BEN I suppose Dog face is better? ROB I didn't get with her! BEN Hey, don't worry, we're all friends here, if bestiality is your thing, we're supportive of you one hundred percent. ROB Hey so what if I got with her? At least I got with someone, the amount of people you've gotten with is? BEN Can't say I remember. ROB You don't? Its an easy number! None! Zero! Naught! BEN Oh, you got me! you got me mate! ROB I mean, maybe if you had half a pair of balls, you would ask a certain someone out. BEN looks at ROB, his anger building. ROB You know what I think it is? I think you don't actually want to go out with her. I think thats why you've never made a move on her, why you never made a move on any girl. I think I know why you don't want to go out with any girls either. I think its cause you're gay. I mean, thats the only explanation I can think of for why someone would be such a - MICHAEL is about to tell ROB to shut up, but BEN beats him to it. BEN Hey, why don't you go fuck yourself? ROB What? ROB Steps in closer to BEN. BEN Walks right up to ROB fearlessly and enraged. BEN I SAID, WHY DON'T YOU GO FUCK YOURSELF? BEN shoves ROB very aggressively, ROB is taken aback. ROB Are you crazy? BEN Try me. BEN looks at ROB menacingly, as though he wants to take hi rage out on him. ROB What's your problem? BEN My problem, is that you act like a dick head day in day out, I'm sick of it, you think you're so tough? Then come and try me. ROB (Sarcastically) Oh, I forgot how much of a hard man you were. BEN Being hard got nothing to do with it, either stop fucking around, or if you wanna act like I'm a fool, then go ahead and make me one. ROB But. BEN I'm waiting. ROB (Laughing nervously) Fuck off, Ben. Stop kidding around. BEN I'm waiting. ROB Hey look, just leave it out alright? BEN Leave it out? ROB Yeah, leave it out. BEN Fine, I'll leave it out if you stop being a prick all the time. ROB Huh? BEN Will you stop being a prick to me all the time? ROB (Nervously, and confusedly) Um, Yeah, Sure. BEN Fine. BEN reaches out his hand and they shake hands, they continue to walk, the atmosphere still slightly tense. JOE Hey what time is it? MICHAEL It's 1:45. JOE Oh, we're alright for time then. MICHAEL Yeah. JOE Hey, Ben, you wanna come round mine after school? BEN Na, I can't, got something going on. Sorry mate. JOE It's cool. Hey look there's Katie. Show Katie talking with friends. BEN Oh, crap. Hey can I catch up with you lot later? I'm just gonna go talk to Katie real quick. OTHERS Yeah, see you later mate. (ETC) BEN begins to jog lightly across the street. The camera cuts to, JOE'S face as he shouts in distress. JOE Ben! JOE sprints out in front of BEN and pushes him back. Cut to BEN'S surprised face. Cut back to JOE getting taken out by a car. The Passenger is somewhat injured in his car. BEN's limp body falls to the ground. KATIE AND FRIENDS scream, along with JOE'S Friends. JOE reaches out for BEN as BEN runs over distraught. BEN Reaches out also, sliding to his knees and reaching for JOE'S hand, which has fallen to the road. JOE is unconscious and presumably dead. BEN Grabs his hand. JOE'S hand twitches slightly, he opens his eyes slightly and looks at BEN, however briefly. JOE DIES. BEN shakes JOE, crying, and shouting. He begins to shake him more and more violently, he puts his head to JOE'S chest, and, sensing no pulse, sobs softly. Others scurry near. He motions them away. He looks in anguish at JOE, flashing half of a bittersweet smile. He is assisted by MICHAEL in hoisting JOE to a nearby low wall to lie on, out of the street. He Slumps/Kneels near JOE, crying (MICHAEL is also crying). KATIE approaches and looks at JOE, sad and shocked. She pries BEN off of JOE and they Embrace. The Camera pulls out to show the whole bloody and emotional scene.                                  THE END.
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