This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
Too Many Lights A short by Topher Rhives FADE IN: INT. HOUSE - NIGHT Amber, 17, sits hunched on a couch. A low light of a TV flickers. On the floor two children Charlie and Andy sit - their eyes glued to the screen. No one speaks. They just watch the tube. Click. Amber clicks it off. CHARLIE Oh come on. 10 more minutes. Amber sighs. AMBER Come on nothing. It's past ten. You're lucky I didn't send you to bed at nine like your parents asked me too. ANDY 10 minutes. Please. AMBER I've given you an hour more. The kids sigh. Neither is willing to admit defeat. They plead. AMBER (CONT'D) (CONT'D) No. No and no. Not 10 minutes more. Not five minutes more. Nothing. Head to bed. (beat) Now.) She shakes her head. The top stair of a staircase creeks. She looks up. A young girl around 4 stands at the top of the stairs. She clutches a blanket. AMBER (CONT'D) (CONT'D) I thought you were asleep. SISTER Too many lights. AMBER The night- light bothering you? The little girl shakes her head. AMBER (CONT'D) Go back to bed, honey. I'll be up in a few minutes to tuck you... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. A sudden THUMP THUMP THUMP of footsteps patters across the floor upstairs. (beat) Amber looks at the ceiling, then back at the child who remains motionless on the landing. AMBER (SLOWLY) Amanda... Is somebody up there with you? Amanda nods, starting to cry. BAM! The lights explode off. Enclosing the three in darkness. Charlie screams. A loud electronic noise whirs around them. The lights flicker on and off. The three huddle together. Upstairs a scream is heard. With that the lights come back on. Flickering on and off. AMBER (CONT'D) It's alright, it's alright. She herself is not so sure. She grabs an instant polaroid that rest on a side table. AMBER (CONT'D) Charlie and Andy, you guys stay close to me. Charlie picks up a green toy light saber. His brother holds a blue one. CHARLIE Can we bring these along? AMBER Sure, as long as you guys stick close. ANDY We'll be brave Jedi Knights. She starts to head up the stairs. AMBER (CONT'D) I want you guys to keep as quiet as possible. Charlie and Andy nod in agreement and the three slowly start to head up the stairs. CREAK. One step. The lights fade on and off. CREAK. Another step. The lights once again fade on and off. This time the interval of darkness seems to be getting longer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. AMBER (WHISPERED) (CONT'D) Amanda? You alright. CREAK. This time the lights seem to be off. There's no reply from Amanda. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. Amber turns on the polaroid. AMBER Amanda? FLASH. A bright light illuminates the hallway. Nothing is there. Charlie huddles close. He grips his lightsaber tight. THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. The sound of footsteps sounds right beside them. FLASH. Another polaroid flash illuminates the hall. Once again nothing is there. They walk into a room. Fumbling around in the darkness. FLASH. The entire room is illuminated. On the bed the covers are pulled over the pillow. A window is wide open. A breeze blows the curtain. Amber approaches the bed. AMBER She's not here... THUMP. THUMP. THUMP. The footsteps run down the stairs. Amber calls after it. AMBER AMANDA! Now the lights have returned to a regular interval of fading in and out. She looks towards the open window and then towards Charlie and Andy. AMBER (CONT'D) You don't think she went outside? A pause. ANDY Maybe she wanted to play in the snow... With that Amber herds the kids out the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. AMBER Please, please tell me she's still in her. She rushes down the stairs - skipping steps as she flies down. She runs down to the entryway where she finds the door - WIDE OPEN. She catches her breath and heaves out. AMBER Andy... get the flashlight. Get the flash... She walks towards the door. BAM! It slams closed. The crunch of footsteps in the snow can faintly be heard. In the living room Andy searches for a flashlight. The TV flickers on. CHARLIE Amber! She rushes into the room. A loud high pitch wail emits from the screen. She grabs the remote and clicks it off. RING. The phones ring. She walks towards it. An alarm buzzes on. Appliances buzz to life. The chandelier in the dining room sways back and forth. The three huddle together. Charlie is on the verge of tears. Amber is too stunned to do anything. CHARLIE (CONT'D) Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! RING. RING. RING. She walks closer to the phone. Lights flicker on and off. Charlie continues to scream until it becomes one long wail. With that the light stops swinging. The alarm turns off. And the appliances shut off. A moment of uneasy silence. RING. Amber takes a breathe. AMBER I'd better get that. (beat) It's probably the neighbors wondering what's going on. We'll look for Amanda in a few minutes she's probably outside in the front. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. She takes another breath and eagerly picks up the receiver. AMBER (CONT'D) (CONT'D) Hello... DING-DONG - offscreen the doorbell rings. A sharp electronic noise buzzes in her ear. It sounds like a distorted conversation. One in an unrecognizable language. She throws the receiver down and runs out to see Andy at the door. Before she can utter a word Andy throws open the door. A brilliant white light floods into the house. FADE OUT: THE END
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