This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE BOMB Written By: Matt Layden 12/10/2006 INT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY VOICE (O.S.) Get out of the god damn building now! Men and women dressed in suits and dresses run towards the exit sign. RICK, a tall slender man with a mustache walks over to CHUCK, a bald man with more muscle. Chuck is bending over a small device in front of a window. Rick passes by computers and fax machines before kneeling next to Chuck. RICK How long do you think we have? CHUCK Less then two minutes. Rick inspects the device. RICK So what do we have here. Chuck glares at Rick. CHUCK Class 4, high alert. If we don't get this thing disarmed the entire floor is gone. Chuck gets up and paces around the office. CHUCK (CONT'D) Is everyone off this floor? RICK Yes, their heading down the staircase as we speak. CHUCK I hope it's enough time. Chuck grabs his small tool kit and places it on the floor. He opens it and reveals pliers, cutters, tape, gum, and wipes. Chuck takes out the cutters. Rick takes the plastic shell off of the device and sees three wires. One is green, one is red and the other is yellow. RICK Three wires. Green, red, yellow. It doesn't look like any lead to the core, are you gonna strip it? CHUCK No time. Rick looks back at Chuck. RICK You're not stripping the wire? Chuck looks up to Rick. CHUCK No, I said there is no time. RICK Well, how the hell are you going to know which wire to cut. CHUCK I don't. RICK You can't go on faith. CHUCK Well Rick, you're in luck. I'm not going on faith, I'm going base don my ability to disarm a fucking bomb. RICK Is that what you said to Fred? Chuck stops what he is doing immediately. CHUCK What the hell did you just say? RICK Listen, if you wanna throw out the stripping of the wires, then I'm out of here. CHUCK Hold it right there. You don't leave a fellow officer behind. RICK That's good, coming from you. CHUCK What the hell is your problem? RICK My problem is you think you're a fucking hot shot and it gets people killed. CHUCK I've been in the bomb defusing profession since before you were sucking on your mothers tits. You watch your god damn mouth and get the hell out of my way, I'm cutting the red wire. RICK The hell you are. Chuck charges towards the bomb, but Rick stops him. CHUCK Get the hell out of my way. RICK You're not killing me like you did him. Rick pushes Chuck away from the bomb. 1:10 minutes left on timer. Chuck ran after the bomb once again and Rick held him back, pushing him against the window, cracking it, making the Statue of Liberty barely visible, skewed by the broken glass. CHUCK Get the hell off of me! RICK No, you're not cutting the red wire. I'm not letting you kill me! Chuck pushes himself off the window and the two crash through a fax machine onto the floor. Rick gets up quickly with Chuck right behind him. RICK You think no one knows? We all know you're responsible for his death, you killed him. CHUCK I didn't kill him. You weren't there, you have no idea what the hell went down. RICK No, I wasn't, but I can sure as hell bet it was something like this...and I'm not letting it happen again. 45 seconds. CHUCK Fuck you, who the hell do you think you are? RICK He was my friend! CHUCK He was my partner! Rick is standing closer the bomb, Chuck still has the cutters in his hands. CHUCK More then a partner, he was my friend. I see his face every god damn night. I have to live the rest of my life, knowing that his death is because of me. I told him which wire to cut, as I stood in the hallway. The blast should have killed both of us, but it didn't. I survived. Chuck is in tears while he speaks. 27 seconds. CHUCK I'm not letting that mistake happen again. I'm not letting anyone die up here. Now let me get to that bomb. Rick stops to think for a moment. CHUCK There's no time to think, let me to that bomb now. Or we're both dead. Rick can't decide whether to let Chuck cut the wire, or cut a different one himself. The timer can be heard ticking down. 20 seconds. RICK Well now's your chance to redeem yourself. Rick stood back, Chuck ran to the bomb with the cutters still in hand. 16 seconds. Chuck scrambles with the wires in hand, he doesn't know which one to cut now. RICK Cut it. CHUCK I can't. RICK What? Cut the damn wire Chuck. CHUCK I can't...I see his face...I see Fred. RICK Cut the fucking wire Chuck, cut it now. Cut the god damn wire or you're dead. Chuck's sweat beads drip into his eyes, he wipes them away trying to decide which wire to cut. 10 seconds. Chuck places the cutters on the red wire. He squeezes very gently, not cutting the wire. Chuck then stops himself and thinks. 6 seconds. RICK No time to think, cut the damn wire. Chuck begins muttering to himself. CHUCK Help me Fred, help me. Chuck moves from the red wire to the blue wire. 4 seconds. CHUCK Do you believe in God? RICK I'll tell you in a minute. 2 seconds 1 second. Cut. FADE OUT: EXT. STREET - DAY Hoards of people are waiting outside in the street. Caution tape surrounds the building. Police and firemen are everywhere. There is a rumble heard from up above. Everyone looks up as debris falls from the sky. The world went black. The end.
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