This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
EXT - NIGHT - OLD COUNTRY ROAD A truck is sputtering along an old country road, in the middle of nowhere. Inside are Jizzem (21) and The Rum (22). JIZZEM This is the last time I trust you with getting directions. RUMDIZZLE Jack drew us a map, it's all him JIZZ Right. I'm just ready to get hammered. We've been looking for an hour. RUM Why again are we hanging with jack anyway? Last time we attended one of his "Parties" it was in a shit small trailer... in the boonies... (Rum gestures out the window) RUM ...with these obese amazons, and very little fucking beer. JIZZ At least there was a lot of weed. RUM You know I hate tripping out. JIZZ Look, tonight is gonna be awesome. Forget about last time, for now lets just worry if my truck is going to make it... Jizzem's truck hood suddenly BURSTS into flames. RUM You fucking cunt! You jinxed us! JIZZ Shit, the keg! They both bail out and rip a tarp from the truck bed, revealing a keg. It GLIMMERS in the fire and moonlight. RUM One... JIZZ Two... JIZZ & RUM (together) THREE! INT - NIGHT - MASONS HOUSE Kinzer (22) and Brittany (18) are arguing on the couch. Mason (22) sits across from them rocking an un-amped guitar. BRITTANY All you do is seduce girls! I just took Jizzem to the store, and you think it's okay to call my friend! She's a slut! KINZER She called me! Look, my phone is dead. If I wanted to call her... (Patting his pocket) ...I'd plug in my charger, and I'd call her. Have I? No. I'm not trying to nail her. FLASHBACK INT - DAY 7DAY MARKET Rum is speaking to Kinzer, who is behind the counter at a convience store. KINZER ...And she answered Jizzem's phone. So now I'm gonna nail her friend! WOO! RUM You don't feel a little bad breaking up a friendship? KINZER Well FUCK NO! INT - NIGHT - MASONS HOUSE BRITTANY All I am is a piece of ass! Name a time we were together and didn't screw? Kinzer is thinking very deeply, and a look of realization comes over him. KINZER That time we watched Willow. EXT - NIGHT - WILDERNESS Jizzem's truck is now mostly a burn victim. The Rum is lugging a keg behind him, as Jizzem attempts to find a cell phone signal. RUM Once again that goddamned hippy as screwed us again! We could be tearing apart this keg! But no, we had to hang with jack. (Mocking Jizz) There was a bonfire... there are bitches. Now we're stranded out with with no fire OR bitches and a fucking boulder to lug around! JIZZ Relax, we should be able to find it. Can't be too far. RUM Shouldn't be too far huh? Jizzem, this is FLAT LAND. Do you SEE any blazes in the distance? Oh, shit! What's that on the horizon!? Jizzem excitedly looks in search of a fire, as Rum angrily marches towards him. RUM Nevermind, it's a effing MOUNTAIN! We have a better chance of finding Atlantis out here! JIZZEM Then what else do you suggest we do? They both eye the keg. INT - NIGHT - MASONS HOUSE KINZER Can we just forget about this for now? Rum and Jizz should be there soon, we're meeting them there. BRITTANY Fine, but if I see this bitch at the party, I'm going to get Bobbit on your cock! MASON God, shut the fuck up you mongoloid headed cunts! Let's go! BRITTANY Fine! MASON Now where are we going? KINZER I'll show you, I've been there before. EXT - NIGHT - WILDERNESS POV BUSHES - Rum and Jizz are lugging the keg along in tandem, while holding up their cups drunkly and singing Holla Back Girl. JIZZ & RUM B-A-N-A-N-A-S! JIZZ You know, I scored to this song. In my car. RUM Really? JIZZ Yeah, her feet were at the window. RUM Ah, good times. I'm sure glad we had this keg. It's a bit heavy, but it sure didn't skimp on the cold joy! JIZZ Yeah, got a good deal at food lion JIZZ & RUM TO FOOD LION! RUM Hey, why did your truck catch fire anyway? JIZZ I dunno, an arrow or something. Rum drops his half of the keg and shoots jizz a confused but vicious look. RUM A fucking arrow? JIZZ Yeah, an arrow doc. RUM Jizz, someone has to SHOOT an arrow. The shit just doesn't materialize! JIZZ Your point? A look of "I give up" comes over Rum. RUM Okay, listen... MONTAGE 1. Rum is mimicking shooting a bow and arrow. 2. Jizzem is looking confused 3. Rum draws a diagram in the dirt. 4. Jizzem walks over to the diagram and pisses on it! 5. Rum has a makeshift grass/feather boa impersonating an indian. END MONTAGE JIZZ Oh, an arrow! The rum throws his hands up in disbelief. EXT - NIGHT - JACK'S PARTY Brittany Kinzer and Mason arrive at the party. There is a huge BURNING bonfire along with several staggering drunks. KINZER Where the hell are they? MASON Not answering either of their phones. KINZER (yelling) Jack! Get over here! Jack walks over. JACK What? KINZER Have you seen jizzem or rum? JACK No, but I gave them a map. MASON Can I see this map? JACK Sure, here. Mason eyes the map, soon giving a baffled look. MASON What is this... smear? JACK Oh, must've run from the spill. You know, bong water. MASON Spill? It leads them in the opposite fucking direction! How many people have this? JACK Just them. KINZER Great idiot, now they're lost! Once we find them, one keg will be hot and the other will be just suds! And I love suds! BRITTANY I knew it! You love sluts! Mason, let's go find them. She had herpes anyway. KINZER I said SUDS! EXT - NIGHT - WILDERNESS] RUM So this means someone SHOT your HOOD with an ARROW and it BURST into flames! JIZZ But why? But who? RUM I don't know, but it freaks me out. Good thing I'm wasted though, or I might be believing the shit I'm seeing. JIZZ Huh? Rum points, and pull back to reveal a DEMON with his bow and arrow, and the arrow heads are aflame! He is the typical demon type, with cloven hooves, half man, half horse. Jizzem doubles back in awe. RUM Hey, what's wrong? It's like that shit about pink elephants. JIZZ No... wait... what do you see? RUM Some demon cocksucker. JIZZ Me too! RUM Wow, what a coincid... Rum is suddenly STUCK in the arm by an arrow, causing him to fall and spill his beer. Realizing the demon is real, a look of fear is in his eyes. RUM Oh shit, he's real! Oh, God! I'm sorry for stealing my college fund from grandma for a beer pong table! DEMON You are in devils country. No man shall leave alive! JIZZ We're just lost! We'll leave! OR take rum! He's dutch! Evil! RUM No, take him! He's jewish! (cupping his hands around his mouth and whispering) ...God's people. DEMON No deals shall be made! You must pay your debts to the devil! JIZZ Our... souls? DEMON No! Hell is crowded! RUM Wait, if you're so evil, wouldn't that be the worst? You know, our eternal representations, condemned to an eternity of of suffering? You know, lake of fire... wailing... gnashing of teeth! DEMON You doubt me!? A display of evil... The demon pulls a vile from his pocket on his arrow quill. There is a label on it. Rum squints, it reads... RUM The cure to aids? The demon drops it to the ground, and STOMPS it with his cloven hoof. JIZZ That IS evil! RUM Don't encourage him Jizz! What do you want!? The demon points to the keg! RUM Fuck you Demon! Rum RIPS the arrow from his arm and ineffectively tosses it at the demon. DEMON A challenge, then? RUM Fuck you, the stakes are too high. And plus, I'm drunk. JIZZ Look rum, either way, it looks like we are shit out of luck. This may be are only chance to get out alive! RUM Fine...the terms? DEMON A drink off. First to succumb loses. RUM The stakes? DEMON I will transport you to your gathering, and grant a wish each of your choice. RUM Jizz, you ready? JIZZ Let's fucking go. DEMON Let the boozing begin! The demon waves his arms and conjurers up a fully stocked HELL BAR, part bone, part booze, part flame. RUM If you have all that, then why our keg? DEMON Because beer in hell is hot, Tucker Max is still an asshole in hell, and beer never tastes better than from a keg. RUM Fair enough. DEMON Now pick your Poison. RUM Well, they don't call me RUMdizzle for nothing! I'll have Ru... JIZZ We'll drink this! It's green! Rum GLARES at jizzem, and closes in on what he choose. It's green. It's potent. It's ABSINTHE. JIZZ Abs-In-THE. Huh, odd name. RUM Jizzem, no... you don't understand... JIZZ Hey Rum, gotta try new things! DEMON It is DECIDED! RUM (defeated) Oh shit. EXT - NIGHT - TRUCK BREAKDOWN SITE Brittany is staring at the truck hood, as Joseph and Mason are in a small search for clues to their friends where abouts. KINZER Don't see 'em. MASON I think the more interesting thing is, if their charred bodies aren't here, then where? KINZER Man, I knew Jizzem drove some real pieces of shit but this is tops. BRITTANY I think this might have had something to do with it. Brittany grabs hold of the arrow and has to put her weight into it to get it out. She inspects it somewhat thoroughly. MASON An arrow? BRITTANY It has some weird marking on it. MASON Looks... evil. Joseph, you're German. Translate this? KINZER Fuck you wolfman! BRITTANY Can you guys shutup for a minute? How are we going to find them? Kinzer gives it a bit of thought, and spots a KEG TRACK leading off into the wilderness. KINZER I don't think it'll be too much trouble. EXT - NIGHT - HELLBAR LOCATION Close up on: A empty bottle of Absinthe. JIZZ I don't understand why you were so mad, I don't even feel drunk! RUM Where are your shoes? Close on Jizzem's BARE FEET. RUM (OS) And your pants? Pull back revealing that yup, he's pantsless. Meanwhile, the demon downs another glass of absinthe. There are three empty glasses with that one. DEMON You're falling behind there, Human. RUM Don't worry about me, Beezleboss. I saw tenacious D kick your Kings ass. Rum downs his third glass of absinthe. He looks a little woozy. Jizzem downs his as well. All is tied up! JIZZ It's go time! Let's bring out Lucille and finish this shit quick! RUM Not Lucille, not with ABSINTHE! JIZZEM Sissy! RUM (sighing) Make it so. The demon snaps his fingers, and before them is a beer bong. SERIES OF QUICK CUTS 1. The rum holding the bong, as the demon is pouring it in. 2. Jizzem flipping the double kickstand as the demon struggles to bong. 3. The Rum smoking a cigarette, offering the demon one. 4. All of them sitting at a table playing asshole. 5. A social is thrown! 6. The demon is staggering back towards the bar. END SERIES OF QUICK CUTS DEMON Oh, shit. Thats too much. I think I'm gonna be si... The demon PUKES A STREAM OF VOMIT, exorcist style. RUM Jizz, look! The demon is puking his guts out, and finally succumbs and passes out, laying in a pool of his own vomit. JIZZ Another notch in the belt! RUM Goddamn right! Their excited looks turn into a high five... that goes wrong as they miss each other's hand and pass out face first on the ground. INT - MASONS - CAR MASON What is that? KINZER I dunno, but it's on fire. BRITTANY Look! There's some people lying in the grass! The carload gets out and inspects the site. MASON What the fuck? Kinzer is looking confused, attempting to make sense of this situation. Angle on RUM lying passed out. Angle on Jizz lying face down, passed out. Angle on the demon, lying in a pool of vomit. KINZER I got it! Let's write on them! EXT - NIGHT - JACK'S PARTY Everyone rolls up in a car, with Rum passed out in Brittanys lap, and jizzem missing. KINZER Pop it. Mason pops the trunk, revealing Jizzem shoved into the trunk. The demon, Rum, and jizz come to. Jizzem has "JEWISH OX WRANGLER" written across his face. The demon has "Cum Dumpster" written across his chest. DEMON Oh, my fucking head. Where am I? MASON A party. DEMON Man, I godda go. I'm late to collect some souls, then I got a 2 O' Clock possession. Rum stumbles out of the car, staggering as he stands. "Dutch cunt" is written on his forehead. RUM (very drunk) No, man... I can't let you do that, it's not safe. Gimme your keys, you're staying with us. Just... gimme your keys. DEMON Nah man, I missed last Thursday. I can't miss again, my boss... well... he's a real hothead. RUM Fuck it, it's not worth a DUI. Trust me, buddy. DEMON Buddy? Wow... everyone usually just gets real afraid and runs away. I've never been called buddy. Are we... friends? RUM Fuck yeah man. Although we got here by the luck of some friends... we still had a deal. A wish a piece. DEMON Ah, that's right. What is it? RUM Kick mason in the balls. MASON What? DEMON It shall be done. The demon runs a KICKS Mason right in his nuts, Mason falls over in absolute pain. MASON (in pain) What was that for? RUM For ditching us on St. Patricks day! DEMON (to Jizz) And yours, Jewish? JIZZ It's jizzem. And remember that vile you smashed... RUM Jizz! I had no idea! When did this happen!? JIZZ Oh, no. It's fine. I just figure condoms are expensive. DEMON It is done! The demon gives jizzem the vile. DEMON Now let's parrr-tay! Montage 1. Kinzer and Mason pumping the keg. 2. The demon and Jizz smoking a bowl. 3. The demon holding Kinzer back from a fight. 4. Rum shooting Jack with an arrow. He BURSTS into flames. 5. The rum high fiving the DEMON. END MONTAGE FADE OUT
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