This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
RICK ROGERS IN: GRAVEROBBERS FROM SPACE (first draft) By Samuel Goldstein INSPIRED BY THE ACTION AND SCI FI FILMS OF MICHAEL BAY AND ED WOOD TWO VERY UNDERRATED AND MISUNDERSTOOD DIRECTORS. I WANTED TO MAKE A MOVIE THAT COULD BE CALLED WORTHY OF THEIR DIRECTION. THIS IS MY EPIC. FADE IN: EXT. SPACE - TIMELESS We open to a saucer zipping through space. Bold text flies towards the screen. RICK ROGERS IN GRAVEROBBERS FROM SPACE We zoom towards the craft. INT. SPACESHIP - TIMELESS - CONTINUOUS Inside the silver hubcap craft is a candlelit dinner. A young alien couple sit across from each other. A wine bottle and center piece lays between them. They are MELVON and AKANA. MELVON Darling, I could give you the stars, on this our honeymoon in space. Akana sighs deeply. Love is in her eyes. AKANA Sounds marvelous. MELVON Look. He presses a button. A shudder opens to reveal a stunning SHOT OF EARTH. A clunky robot, ROBOTOR, pours a glass of wine. Akana reaches across the table and gently grabs Melvon's hands. AKANA It's so close. Melvon stares out the window. First in wonder - then in shock. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. MELVON (shocked) Too close! He jumps into the DRIVERS SEAT. He struggles with the controls. Akana screams a WILHEIM SCREAM. The entire ship begins to shake. The lights blinking on and off. MELVON (CONT'D) The gravity! The gravity! THE GRAVITY! AKANA It's too strong! They scream. The spaceship spirals down to earth and crashes... IN A GRAVEYARD. INT. PUPPET THEATER - DAY We are watching a kids show: PETER'S PUPPET PEEP-SHOW. PETER is an awkward looking man with thick circular glasses and frizzled hair. He has a puppet in each hand. PETER Hey kids, I've got three puppets but two hands. A puppet rises from below the table. PETER (CONT'D) However is that possible? The program is cut short. INSERT TITLE CARD: WE INTERRUPT THIS PROGRAM FOR A SPECIAL NEWS BULLETIN EXT. FIELD - DAY A geeky looking reporter, JEFF WACHOWSKI, stands in the middle of the field. He adjust his suit and fiddles with his glasses. JEFF WACHOWSKI I'm Jeff Wachowski with breaking news. (MORE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. JEFF WACHOWSKI (CONT'D) It seems a sensational story is developing in our very own backyard. Local eyewitnesses claim to have seen an alien spaceship. That's right. A FLYING SAUCER, crash into this very graveyard. Over this very hill, right behind me. (beat) Local skeptics claim to have seen those local eyewitnesses smoking the marijuana which has been known to cause massive group hallucinations, homicidal rage, and homosexual tendencies. (beat) Be that as it may, the story is nonetheless shocking and truly sensational. If it is indeed true. Now if you'll follow me, we shall further investigate... He halts the camera. JEFF WACHOWSKI (CONT'D) Keep in mind, the government has this site under quarantine, so I must go alone. It's vital that the camera man stay here... he is all we got. The camera stays put as Wachowski continues to walk over the hill. JEFF WACHOWSKI (CONT'D) Hopefully you'll be able to hear me. And hopefully I will talk loud enough, because if I don't, I might loose my job. The camera sneaks up behind him. Wachowski looks back in shock. JEFF WACHOWSKI (CONT'D) What! I thought I told you to stay put. Now wait here while I investigate. He heads over the hill. A few moments pass and then we hear... JEFF WACHOWSKI (CONT'D) What? No! How unpleasant! No! No! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. The screen goes to a PLEASE STAND BY. INT. STREET - DAY A car pulls up to the curb. Inside, a young reporter - ANNE PARKER fuses with her hair. NARRATOR (V.O.) A young reporter awaits her big break on a strange story... when suddenly, without warning. A hand slaps on the window. A music chord STRIKES. She screams a WILHELM scream. We pull back to reveal it's a bum washing the window. ANNE PARKER I don't need my windows washed! A man. RICK ROGERS steps into the frame. He is a square chinned man with sharp clothes and an even sharper wit. RICK ROGERS Pardon me sir, but I believe the lady won't have what you're selling. The hobo looks up. Rick Rogers pulls him away. Then he punches him. The hobo stumbles and Rogers winds up and throws a final blow, knocking the hobo down. Anne steps out of the car. ANNE PARKER Oh thank you. Rogers looks off into space. RICK ROGERS Don't thank me, thank the U.S Army. A pause. ANNE PARKER Look! She points down. RICK ROGERS I know, he's dead... from before? ANNE PARKER How can you tell. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. RICK ROGERS No one survives a punch from Rick Rogers, and he survived two. A pause. ANNE PARKER You don't mean, he's... RICK ROGERS That's right. A zombie! The bum goes back to washing the car. ANNE PARKER Who apparently... CRASH ZOOM onto Roger's face. RICK ROGERS Doesn't know that he's dead. ANNE PARKER Oh Rick. She clutches him close. MONTAGE: THREE SEPARATE SCENES THAT ILLUSTRATE THAT THE DEAD HAVE RISEN. STOCK FOOTAGE: The dead rising from a graveyard (PUBLIC DOMAIN MOVIE OF COURSE) EXT. HOUSE - DAY We follow from a shoulder point of view the zombie of a HUSBAND. He knocks on his door. HUSBAND Helen? Are you home? Helen, come on now, it's me Steve. We can make out faint voices in the house. HELEN (O.S.) You sure I should answer. I didn't think he'd be back. (beat) Well, alright. Steve continues to knock. The door swings open. HUSBAND Oh Helen, how I've missed you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. She takes a breathe. HELEN Steve, I think we might need to talk. An older man appears from behind the door. HELEN (CONT'D) You died Steve, so I remarried. The older man drapes his arm over her shoulder. OLDER MAN Steve, this must be rather awkward... HUSBAND Father? OLDER MAN Meet you're new mother, son. EXT. CRASH SITE - DAY The glow from the ship shines from offscreen. Leaves cover the two alien bodies. Melvon sits up. MELVON Akana? He turns to see her body. MELVON (CONT'D) Akana! No! He lifts her hand and lets it drop. MELVON (CONT'D) She has died. NARRATOR (V.O.) Sadly, the alien lovers had been parted... BY DEATH. Robotor lays a hand on Melvon's shoulder. Melvon looks at her body. MELVON This is a dark day, Robotor. For not only has the love of my life died, but the love in my heart as well. He opens a compartment in Robotors chest and pulls out a ray gun with a chord still attached to his chest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. MELVON (CONT'D) Mark these words, Robotor. These humans will know fear and fear to know... The horror from space! EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Anne Parker and Rick Rogers drive on the road. RICK ROGERS The name's Rick. Rick Rogers. ANNE PARKER I'm Anne Parker, I'm a young reporter from New York. What do you do, Rogers? RICK ROGERS I'm the hero. I'm also a part time scientist and recreational adventurer. ANNE PARKER So where are we headed? A pause. RICK ROGERS To a cabin, in the woods. (beat) We should be safe there. EXT. WOODS - DAY Robotor and Melvon trudge through the woods. Akana is draped in the arms of the large mechanical man. MELVON Come my mechanical minion. We have planning to do. (beat) We must make sure to keep out of sight. Humans here may not seem to understand our strange appearance. EXT. WOODS - DAY - CONTINUOUS A pickup is parked at the edge of the woods. Three hunters sit by it. HUNTER Come, Lars, betcha we bag a big one. LARS Betcha you're right. (MORE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. LARS (CONT'D) (beat) Say, where'd that mutt of yours run off to? HUNTER Ya got me... LARS Say, Charlie there, you wanna go get the guns? Suppose we get to hunting. Charlie grabs the guns from the back of the pickup. The hunters walk into the woods, joking and carrying on with each other. LARS (CONT'D) Charlie, you a city-slicker, ain't you? Charlie laughs. CHARLIE Yeah, I guess I am a city-slicker. They joking is cut short by Hunter. HUNTER What's that over there in that bush. He points to the woods. LARS Looks like we got a big one here. NARRATOR (V.O.) It was something larger then any of them could ever have imagined. Something metallic and SINISTER! Robotor steps out from behind the shrubs. HUNTER Good god! That thing is hideous and metal! LARS It's got a woman hostage, too! Lars aims his gun. MELVON Not so fast! He steps out, his ray gun aimed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. He fires - Lars' rifle is vaporized. MELVON (CONT'D) Now prepare to tremble. Tremble with fear! He fires at Lars, who throws his hands up to block the ray. But it is to no avail. He is vaporized. Hunter fires his gun. It bounces off Robotor. HUNTER Not my hunting buddy! He fires again. MELVON Stupid human. You do not know how stupid you are. Melvon fires and instantly vaporizes Hunter. Scared, Charlie starts to run. Melvon and Robotor give a walking chase. MELVON (CONT'D) You will not escape. They slowly walk offscreen. AT THE EDGE OF THE WOODS. Charlie arrives at the truck. He struggles to open it. CHARLIE Lars must of had the keys. (beat) Damn you Lars! Melvon and Robotor appear from behind the trees. Charlie ducks as Melvon fires. The truck is vaporized. Charlie runs off and Melvon and Robotor follow. MELVON You will fear us, human. They slowly walk offscreen. INT. MEDICAL ROOM - TIMELESS A zombie sits in a chair while a scientist strolls across the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. NARRATOR (V.O.) Meanwhile, scientist worked around the clock to figure out how to stop this problem. SCIENTIST I don't know how to say this, but you're dead. The zombie looks up. ZOMBIE Oh. Well, I feel fine. SCIENTIST You're not fine. You're dead. ZOMBIE I don't feel dead. A pause. SCIENTIST You see those organs over there. He points to a selection of jarred organs. ZOMBIE What about them? SCIENTIST They came from you. The zombie looks down. ZOMBIE So what are you going to do? The scientist pulls out a bat. SCIENTIST I thought I'd hit you with this bat and then you'd tell me when you were dead, dead. The zombie sits up. ZOMBIE Uh, no. He sits up and walks off. NARRATOR (V.O.) And with that, the undead began their revolt. The zombie casually looks around and walks out of the door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. EXT. COUNTRY ROAD - DAY Parker and Rogers continue to drive. ANNE PARKER How much further to the cabin, Rick? RICK ROGERS It's just over that bend right over there. Charlie crashes from out of the woods and stumbles into the road. ANNE PARKER Watch out Rick! There's a man in the road! He swerves out of the way and runs the car off the road and into the crash. The two lurch forward. A pause. Rogers turns the key. RICK ROGERS The car is dead and most likely that man in the road is dead as well. ANNE PARKER The shock must have been too great. That poor man. They rush out of the car and tend to Charlie. Who lays motionless on the ground. ANNE PARKER (CONT'D) He must be in a coma. RICK ROGERS Give me some water, that should wake him up. She hands him a glass of water. He splashes him and Charlie slowly comes to. CHARLIE What happened? RICK ROGERS You were in a terrible car accident and unlike so many other people who die every year in senseless hit and run accidents. You are lucky to be alive. Charlie sits up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. CHARLIE The robots are coming! The robots are coming! Parker smacks him. ANNE PARKER What are you talking about? CHARLIE The robots are coming! Melvon and Robotor step out from the woods. MELVON The robot is already here! WILHELM SCREAM. Melvon fires his raygun and narrowly miss the three. The car is vaporized. The alien and the large robot start to come forward but stop. MELVON (CONT'D) Look! They have water! Parker looks at Rogers. ANNE PARKER What's happening, Rick? Rogers stares at the alien menace. CHARLIE It's the water! By George it's the water! RICK ROGERS It seems they don't like the water. Melvon stands on guard. MELVON H2O is most unpleasant when it wets your body. (beat) The chaffing is most uncomfortable, Robotor. Charlie takes the cup of water and charges at Melvon. He splashes the alien with the liquid. MELVON (CONT'D) You have irked me! Foolish move by a foolish human. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Robotor raises his great arms and comes down on Charlie's shoulder. It knocks him out. MELVON (CONT'D) Moronic red shirt man, did you think that you would survive? Rick Rogers steps forward - a pistol is drawn in his hand. RICK ROGERS No, but I will. Melvon laughs. MELVON And who do you think you may be? Rogers stands firm. RICK ROGERS Why, I am Rick Rogers. (beat) One false move and I put a bullet between your eyes. Melvon aims the gun on Parker. MELVON One false move and I make dust particles out of your woman there. (beat) Now hands up, you're coming with me. INT. ALIEN SPACE SHIP - TIMELESS Rogers, Charlie, and Parker are trapped an invisible cage. Robotor keeps guard. MELVON Yes! Yes! Yes! He walks over to Parker. MELVON (CONT'D) You're perfect. ANNE PARKER What? Why? Why you can never... MELVON But I can. RICK ROGERS You'll never get away with it spaceman! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. Melvon laughs. MELVON But I already have. Charlie looks up. CHARLIE Wait? Weren't we just outside like less then a minute ago. Rogers thinks on this. RICK ROGERS Of course we were? But don't you remember the entire army base that surrounded this ship? MELVON Don't you recall how I destroyed all of them in an action packed sequence. ANNE PARKER And how about that helicopter that opened fire? And how Robotor grabbed it with in his claws and threw it into the rest of the commandos? CHARLIE No. A pause. MELVON Now, I shall remove her brain. (beat) So I can place it in the body of my lovely bride. RICK ROGERS You'll never get away with it! DISSOLVE TO: INT. ALIEN SPACE SHIP - TIMELESS -- LATER Akana's body is hooked up to a BRAIN TRANSFER device. It raises up. MELVON It is done. He presses a button. MELVON (CONT'D) Rise my love! Rise! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. He moves close to her. She screams and shoves him away. MELVON (CONT'D) Come beautiful! AKANA (Anne Parker) I don't love you! MELVON No, it's not true. He moves closer and she backs away. AKANA (Anne Parker) I'm still Anne! She hits at the controls and gadgets in the UFO. The invisible cage is lifted. Rogers nudges Charlie. RICK ROGERS We're free. Melvon looks in anguish. MELVON I have failed! Melvon grabs his ray gun in frustration. AKANA (Anne Parker) I'm not your bride! MELVON You're not anything to me anymore. He fires the gun and kills is zombo-bride. MELVON (CONT'D) No, I have lost again. Robotor comes over and consoles him. ROBOTOR Time travel. Melvon looks shocked. MELVON Oh my god. (beat) I gave you a voice box. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. ROBOTOR Yes! And you can bend the time paradox with The Intromexophaser! A pause. MELVON Now, I can only do one thing. I must go back in time and correct the operation! Robotor hands him the INTROMEXOPHASER. He is about to press the button. RICK ROGERS Not so fast! He punches Melvon in the face. He staggers backwards and falls over. Rogers grabs the machine. Melvon looks up, as Rogers presses the button. MELVON You stupid, silly, foolish man * (beat) It's set for THE FUTURE! It is too late - Rick Rogers time travels to the future. EXT. THE TOWN - DAY - FUTURE INSERT TITLE CARD: 2000NOW Rogers appears on the steps of an old Victorian building. INSERT TITLE CARD: (in color) Rogers looks around. RICK ROGERS Good God! Time is cyclic and they've all reverted! A guy walks by, holding a cell phone to his head. GUY I need the money now. Don't fuck me, George. Don't fuck me over! (beat) I swear to God I will ripe your cock off. Rogers is now on alert. He walks down a grimy looking alleyway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Suspenseful guitar music plays. RICK ROGERS Hello? It's backed up with a bass. RICK ROGERS (CONT'D) Show yourselves. He looks around. Nervous. VOICE (O.S.) Nice box! ANOTHER VOICE (O.S.) Yeah, nice Intromexophaser! Four guys step out into the light. RICK ROGERS Who are you guys? The group advances forward. TIMEPIRE 1 Would you believe we are vampires? (beat) Time traveling vampires. Rogers gasp. RICK ROGERS Not timepires! TIMEPIRE 1 Yes timepires! With a band! (beat) But alas! Our lead singer went back in time and froze himself. (beat) So we need to go forward in time to when the ice caps melt. Due to global warming! RICK ROGERS Global Warming? TIMEPIRE 1 Yes! Global Warming! When you go back warn your friends that they must find alternative fuel! (beat) But for now we must save our lead singer! Guitar solo plays. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. TIMEPIRE 2 Will you help us? RICK ROGERS Yes! I'll help you. A pause. Music plays. TIMEPIRE 1 Then we must go into the future! He presses the button. EXT. ANTARCTICA - DAY - FUTURE The five appear in a barren desert. INSERT TITLE CARD: FIVE MONTHS LATER - ANTARCTICA The lead singer stands in the middle. In a frozen pose. He breaks free! LEAD SINGER I am the LEAD SINGER! The band begins to play. INSERT HEAVY METAL SONG The band finishes their song. TIMEPIRE 1 Thank you. He tosses the machine to Rogers. RICK ROGERS No, thank you. He goes back in time. TIMEPIRE 2 He was nice. TIMEPIRE 1 Yeah he was cool. A pause. TIMEPIRE 2 Hey look, the sun. (beat) Seems we've been out in it all along. The band then dies an agonizing death. Puking their guts out and screaming. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. INT. THEATER - DAY - PAST INSERT TITLE CARD: 1863 Rogers appears in the hall. INSERT TITLE CARD: (in sepia tone) A man runs into him. He is JOHN WILKES BOOTH. JOHN WILKES BOOTH Hey sorry about that. RICK ROGERS No problem my Scandinavian friend, sorry about walking in front of you. (beat) Anything I can do to help? JOHN WILKES BOOTH Yeah, do you know where Abraham Lincoln is? RICK ROGERS Yeah I just saw him head into that balcony over there. JOHN WILKES BOOTH Thank you. Rogers turns as Booth pulls out a gun. RICK ROGERS Now back to save Anne Parker! INT. ALIEN SPACE SHIP - TIMELESS Parker is about to be hooked up to the machine. Melvon is in ceremonial drag. MELVON It will all be over soon. Rogers appears. RICK ROGERS Not so fast! MELVON How did you escape? RICK ROGERS I didn't. I time traveled. He points to the invisible cage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. RICK ROGERS (CONT'D) That's me over there. (beat) Damn, I look devilishly sexy. Melvon screams. MELVON Robotor! Kill Rick Rogers! Robotor walks over to the invisible cage. He opens it. He walks in and then snaps Rick Rogers neck. Rogers walks behind him and shuts the door. MELVON (CONT'D) Wrong Rogers! He opens fire. ANNE PARKER Help me Rick Rogers! He fires at the machine. Smoke fries from it. Parker is free. Melvon laughs maniacally. He fires and hits the invisible cage. It blows up. Charlie looks around and then steps out of the cage. CHARLIE I'm free! Yes, I've been freed! He pumps his arms up and down. Robotor steps on him. Crushing him. MELVON Hey Rogers! I've got your girl here, and you'll never see her again! He snatches Parker hostage. He aims the gun at her head. Rogers steps in his path. RICK ROGERS Melvon, you do not want to do that. MELVON I think I do! Rogers moves to the control panel. He presses the launch button. The craft begins to shake. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Melvon stumbles and Parker breaks free. MELVON (CONT'D) I'll destroy you! He fires and haphazardly hits Robotor. Robotor turns towards Melvon. ROBOTOR Kill Melvon! Melvon steps back. He fires, but his gun is empty. MELVON No! He fires again. MELVON (CONT'D) No! Robotor advances. MELVON (CONT'D) NOOOOOOOOO! He pulls out a remote and clicks the button. Another robot walks out of another room. It is ROBOTORNATOR. MELVON (CONT'D) Quick Robotornator! Destroy him! The two robots engage in mortal combat. A video game style LIFE BAR appears and they begin to punch each other like ROCK-EM SOCK-EM ROBOTS. Rogers helps Parker up. RICK ROGERS Quickly, we have to go! He presses the shudder to see - A SHOT OF EARTH. Parker gasp and collapses into his arms. ANNE PARKER What's going to happen to us? Rogers holds her close. RICK ROGERS I don't know, I just don't know. Meanwhile. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. The two robots continue to fight. The LIFE BARS are almost empty on both. With a mighty swing, Robotor punches Robotornator. His head spins around and he falls over. INSERT: PLAYER 1 WINS! The camera pulls out to reveal: INT. BASEMENT - DAY The two robots are on a tv screen. They are part of a VIDEO GAME. PLAYER 2 Oh come on, that's bullshit! PLAYER 1 What? You lost man. Player 2 rolls his eyes. PLAYER 2 You must of had fucking God mode on or something. A pause. PLAYER 1 God mode? Are you serious? PLAYER 2 Yes I'm serious! Another pause. PLAYER 1 So tell me, just how could I have God mode on if my life bar was going down! Player 2 ponders this. PLAYER 2 You could of turned it on at the last minute. Player 1 laughs. PLAYER 1 You are un-fucking-believable. He holds out his hand. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. PLAYER 1 (CONT'D) Just pay up. Player 2 sighs reluctantly, pulls out his wallet, and hands him a ten. PLAYER 2 Fine. Player 1 snatches the cash away. A pause. Player 1 pockets the bill. PLAYER 1 You know, I switched the calibration on your controls while you were taking a piss. He laughs as Player 2 snatches his controller away. PLAYER 2 I hate you. Angrily he presses the buttons. PLAYER 2 (CONT'D) I really do. INT. ALIEN SPACE SHIP - TIMELESS -- CONTINUOUS Robotor begins to go haywire. MELVON Stop Robotor! Robotor flails his arms. ANNE PARKER It's going crazy! RICK ROGERS Anne, we have to go! They head out of the room. Melvon steps in front of his robot. MELVON Robotor, you have to stop. The mechanical man does not heed his warning. Instead he pushes the spaceman... INTO THE AIRLOCK along with himself. MELVON (CONT'D) Robotor, what are you doing? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. Parker taps on the glass. He looks over. ANNE PARKER Hey spaceman... Melvon looks up. She presses the OPEN AIRLOCK button. ANNE PARKER (CONT'D) Goodbye. Robotor and Melvon fly out into space. Melvon screams and then explodes in a fiery burst. Rogers struggles with the controls. ANNE PARKER (CONT'D) We're going to crash! He continues to move the wheel. RICK ROGERS Not on my watch! The spaceship crashes into a planet. EXT. PLANET X - DAY Rogers and Parker emerge from the crash. ANNE PARKER Where are we? Rogers looks around. RICK ROGERS I don't know but this planet looks uncharted. Parker gasps. ANNE PARKER You're not saying that were on PLANET X? RICK ROGERS Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying! (beat) Looks like another adventure for Rick Rogers! He strikes a heroic pose. Charlie emerges from the wreckage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. CHARLIE I'm alive! I can't believe it, you guys. Golly gee! He smiles and looks around. CHARLIE (CONT'D) Isn't this just swell? Us three. The three amigos, ready to take on anything! Quest for new adventures! (beat) Oh it's just great to be alive! A brontosaurus dips it's head into the scene and eats Charlie. An uneasy pause. Rogers turns to Parker. RICK ROGERS I guess it's true what they say. Don't count your chickens before your eggs hatch. He and Parker begin to laugh. They are accompanied by a sitcom style LAUGH TRACK. After a good hearty laugh, Rogers turns to the camera. RICK ROGERS (CONT'D) Stay in school kids. (beat) And remember: Nothing says cool like a lit and smoking cigar between the fingers. THE END
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