This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
EXT. BACKYARD - EVENING TIMMY (10) sits on the ground and digs a hole. He has a little yellow plastic shovel and a small bucket. MOTHER (O.S.) Timmy! Dinner time. Timmy looks behind himself and runs away. The sun then suddenly goes down and lightning strikes the hole Timmy dug. A squirrel then magically appears out of nowhere. SQUIRREL God dammit! The little squirrel then runs towards the hole. It squats down and takes a shit in the hole. SQUIRREL (Constipated) Ah come the fuck on! The squirrel then looks relieved and walks away. The sun then suddenly comes up. Timmy comes running back outside and sits down by the hole. Timmy looks in the hole. He holds his nose and takes his shovel. He then shovels the poop out of the hole. SQUIRREL Hey! Timmy looks up and the squirrel is looking down at him from the top of the tree. SQUIRREL What the fuck are you doing?!? The squirrel then jumps from the tree in front of Timmy. SQUIRREL Why are you touching my shit. TIMMY You can talk? SQUIRREL Oh my god. I can talk?!? AHHH! The squirrel runs around in circles. It then stops in front of Timmy. SQUIRREL (Serious) I can talk...bitch. TIMMY What do you want? SQUIRREL You touched my shit!?! Why you touch my shit? TIMMY Well it was in my hole. So i had to took it out. SQUIRREL Wanna fight bitch? TIMMY Mom- SQUIRREL (Cuts Timmy Off) Mommy is not gonna help you. This is my shithole now. TIMMY But i dug it. SQUIRREL Shut the fuck up. I am your master. TIMMY No you're not. SQUIRREL AHHHHHHH! The squirrel then takes a sword out. SQUIRREL Let's fight! TIMMY I don't wanna fight. The squirrel starts swinging the sword around. SQUIRREL I'm ready to kick your ass. Timmy gets up and start running away. The squirrel chases him. They are running around the yard. SQUIRREL (Running) Stop running. I just wanna be your friend. The squirrel then stops. Timmy looks back and stops also. The squirrel then starts to take another shit. SQUIRREL God dammit. Not again. After the squirrel is done it picks the shit up and starts throwing it at Timmy. It splats against the tree and after a few throws it hits Timmy in the face. TIMMY Ewww. Timmy wipes it from his face. TIMMY Fine! The hole can be yours. SQUIRREL That's what i thought bitch.
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