This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE LUNCHROOM Episode 3.01 "Instant Karma" WRITTEN BY Bruce Snyder and Vincent Biga CREATED BY Bruce Snyder CAST LIST Will Cooper................................. Joel Mayberry............................... Brian Vandele............................... Brock Warner................................ Reicther.................................... Casey Jennings.............................. Chris Hughes................................ Stacy Cifaretto............................. Mr. John Parker............................. GUEST CAST LIST Mrs. Hackford............................... Cathy Phenis................................ Margie Mayberry............................. Eric Bishop................................. Beautiful Mexican Girl...................... Eric Bishop................................. Copyright © Bruce Snyder TEASER EXT. BEACH – DAY It's a beautiful summer day. The sun is just setting creating a very beautiful glow. Near the water we can see TWO PEOPLE kissing very passionately. They stop. The man pulls his head back to reveal it's WILL. We see that the woman he has been kissing is a BEAUTIFUL MEXICAN GIRL (who sorta looks like Salma Hayek.) GIRL Oh my. I've never had such an experience. WILL Well, it's just about to get better. They begin to kiss again. WILL (V/O) Sometimes life treats you so good that it's almost hard to believe it's real. INT. WILL'S ROOM – MORNING Will lays in his bed, with a big smile. He rolls over and hits his head against the NIGHT STAND. WILL OW!!! He rolls the other way and falls out of the bed. WILL (V/O) Then the cold harshness of reality kicks in. OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. AFTER CREDITS: Blackness. TITLE CARD: What Happened Over Summer MONTAGE (The Rolling Stones' "Beast of Burden" plays): FADE IN: INT. WILL'S ROOM – DAY Will is sitting on his couch watching the movie "On the Waterfront." He seems deeply interested in it. INT. BRIAN'S HOUSE – COMPUTER ROOM – DAY Brian sits at his computer, typing very fast. CLOSE UP ON COMPUTER: It reads "Demon of Truth: The Chronicles of Haven by Brian Vandele." Brian continues to type. EXT. SUMMER HOUSE – EVENING The sun is just going down. It's beautiful. INT. SUMMER HOUSE – LIVING ROOM – CONTINUOUS Joel sits on the couch, playing a video game. The sun is in eyes. He gets up and closes the blinds on this beautiful sunset. JOEL There. He goes back to playing. INT. BROCK'S HOUSE – KITCHEN – DAY LOIS, Brock's real mother, sits at the kitchen table, reading over some papers. CLOSE UP ON PAPER: They are divorce papers. Lois sighs. INT. BROCK'S HOUSE – COMPUTER ROOM – SAME Brock sits at his computer. He stares at his computer, waiting for something. BROCK C'mon, c'mon. ON THE COMPUTER – Suddenly an icon pops up an says "SarahRose" is now online. Brock smiles. BROCK Finally. He begins to type her a message. INT. WOODS – EARLY MORNING Reicther sits near the bay of a small river. He is sitting in a lawn chair. Near him is a small tent. He looks very relaxed. He closes his eyes, leans back, and goes to sleep. The CAMERA PANS over to the LEFT to see a fishing pull. It's mounted in the ground. It's being tugged furiously. This happens for a few more seconds before it is pulled out of the ground. INT. COLLEGE – SMALL ROOM – DAY There's about twenty kids in this room. One of them, sitting in the very back, is Casey. He looks bored. He looks around the room. He sees something. CASEY'S POV: He sees KAY JOHNSON. A blonde who is a little chunky but cute. Casey seems to smitten. EXT. STREET – LONDON – DAY The street has very few people walking along it. Suddenly Chris turns the corner and begins to walk down the street. He is eating from a bag and enjoying the England scenery. INT. CLASSROOM – DAY Stacy is sitting in the front of this room filled with about 15 other students. Each of which, are making something out of clay. Stacy is making a bowl. When she stops molding it, she lets it sit. Pause. It collapses in on itself. Stacy frowns. INT. CLASSROOM – DAY This one is filled with eight students. In the front is Will. On the board it reads "Filmmaking for Young Adults." There is an old, bearded man presided over the class. Will plays close attention. INT. BRIAN'S BEDROOM – NIGHT Brian is sitting on his bed. He reading from a piece of a paper. WE PULL BACK... ...Until we can see all of his room is absolutely covered with paper. There has to be over 500 pages. Brian looks satisfied and sits the paper down. He looks about his room, pleased. But suddenly he looks worried. BRIAN Oh crap. I forgot to number the pages. He tilts his head in frustration. INT. JOEL'S HOUSE – KITCHEN – EARLY EVENING We can see MARGIE MAYBERRY, Joel's mother, is sitting with ERIC BISHOP, a doctor. Both are smiling and having a good time looking at a magazine. INT. JOEL'S HOUSE – LIVING ROOM – CONTINUOUS Joel is sitting on the couch, watching TV. He can hear the laughter coming from the kitchen. He looks over his shoulder and into the kitchen. He turns back to the TV, angry and frustrated. INT. BROCK'S ROOM – LATE NIGHT It's about three in the morning. Brock is still typing. He stops and sighs. BROCK Oh Sarah. He sits back in his chair. INT. REICTHER'S ROOM – LATE NIGHT Reicther sits on top of his bed. He is deeply involved in watching an old episode of "The X-Files." Instead of being scared, he has a smile plastered on his face. EXT. COLLEGE – NIGHT Casey and Kay are walking down a paved path. Casey says something to which Kay busts out laughing. Casey says something more to which Kay playfully hits him in the shoulder for. EXT. CHRIS' HOUSE – DAY A TAXI pulls up along the sidewalk. Chris gets out of the back, carrying two suitcases. He looks at the house. He smiles. CHRIS Home again. He walks up to the front door. INT. STORE – DAY Stacy is walking down an aisle of pants, looking carefully at each one. She looks ahead and sees MARILYN. Marilyn is looking at some red sweater, not even noticing Stacy. Stacy quickly runs away. EXT. STORE – CONTINUOUS Stacy quickly comes out and catches her breath. STACY That was close. She walks away. SLOWLY FADE TO BLACK. TITLE CARD: "Falling Back Into Place" FADE IN: INT. SCHOOL – HALLWAY – BEFORE SCHOOL Will and Chris are walking down the hallway, talking. CHRIS Okay. I got a good one. WILL All right. CHRIS What do you call it when hooters starts it's own door to door business? WILL What? CHRIS Knockers. Chris laughs. Will smiles. WILL Talk about cheesy. Did you learn that from your little trip to London? By the way, how was it? CHRIS Well it was still the same place that I remember. What about you, how was your summer? WILL Well, I was either constantly on the computer, constantly listening to old blues albums, constantly masturbating, or constantly fearing coming back to this hellhole. Awkward pause. CHRIS Old blues albums you say? They walk out of frame. INT. LUNCHROOM – BEFORE SCHOOL At a table sits Casey and Joel. Casey is frantically trying to finish a paper while Joel just sits in silence watching Casey. Will and Chris appear and sit down. WILL A big hello to my real friends and a big fuck you to my fake ones. JOEL Hey guys. Chris notices Casey. CHRIS What are you doing, Casey? CASEY Finishing my English Project. Will and Chris seem confused. WILL Wait a minute. You have homework... on the first day of school? CASEY Yep. It's all a part of being in the Smart English class. (under his breath) Lousy school system. WILL Casey, I think that says something very bad about you if you had homework over summer vacation. Or even worse, the fact that you didn't get done. CASEY I'm sorry, okay. Three months just go by very, very quickly. JOEL Oh yeah, they zoom by. CHRIS Aren't you in that class Joel? JOEL Yeah. But I got it done. CASEY SHUT UP! Alright Joel! WILL Well, someone's hormones are rising. Reicther, head hanging down, slowly walks up and sits. When he sits, his head continues to hang. REICTHER (depressed) Hey guys. JOEL What's wrong with you? REICTHER I feel ashamed of myself. WILL Reicther...feeling...ashamed?! Jesus Christ. That's usually the one of those things you don't feel, Reicther. CHRIS Why do you feel ashamed, Reicther? REICTHER church had this teen dance. CASEY (quietly to Joel) Reicther goes to church? JOEL Shhh. REICTHER And at this dance was Kinsey. WILL Oh that one, overweight girl that was stalking you last year. REICTHER That'd be her. Anyway, halfway through the dance she comes up to me and asks me to dance with her. And...I ran away and hid in the men's room. Everyone begins to laugh. REICTHER And ever since then I've felt horrible. Brian and Brock appear and sit down. BRIAN What are we laughing at? WILL Casanova over here, ran away and hid in the men's room after a girl asked him out. BRIAN (to Reicther; jokingly) You bastard. Reicther sighs again. Suddenly the bell rings and each person goes off in different directions. INT. MR. PARKER'S ROOM – AN HOUR LATER The class is filled with about 20 kids. On the board it is written "Latin American Studies." MR. PARKER presides over the class. Brian and Brock sit in the very back. PARKER Okay. The next paper you get contain my home phone number and my email address. I put my home number down because that's usually where my phone is. Now, feel free to call me or email me about any of the homework assignments. A PUNK KID laughs. Parker takes notice. PARKER (fast) And before your little minds begin to race with millions of ideas on how to prank call me or send me dozen of pornography images via email, I'll let you know that I do have caller idea and I am friends with computer teacher who will trace the emails to you and I will hunt you down and get sweet, sweet revenge. Punk Kid looks afraid now. PARKER Okay, now on today's lesson plan. INT. HACKFORD'S OFFICE – SAME MRS. HACKFORD, the guidance counselor, sits at her desk. Stacy sits across from her. Hackford is carefully looking over a certain paper. HACKFORD Well, Stacy. It seems that if you pass all these classes on your schedule you will only be 3 credits away from graduating. STACY Really? That's great! HACKFORD Okay. Now, did you send in the applications? STACY ...What applications? HACKFORD College applications. You did send them in, right? Stacy looks embarrassed. STACY I forgot. HACKFORD Oh Stacy. STACY I know, I know. I just keep telling myself "I'll do it tomorrow, I'll do it tomorrow." And I guess, I prolonged it...for 4 months. HACKFORD This is very bad, Stacy. It's going to be very difficult to get into a good college this late in the game. Hackford sighs. Stacy looks ashamed. HACKFORD Well, we should still get you to send in some applications. STACY Okay. Hackford gets out a piece of paper. HACKFORD Okay, Stacy. What are your plans after you graduate from High school? STACY What am I doing to do after school? (giggles) As little as possible. Stacy laughs. Hackford doesn't laugh at all. STACY Sorry. HACKFORD Do you always avoid questions with jokes? STACY I don't know. Do you avoid jokes with questions? Hackford sighs. HACKFORD This is very serious matter, Stacy. STACY I know. It's just...I don't know. I don't know what college I want to go to. I don't know what job I want. HACKFORD You don't know? But what about all those seminars and career days we had? STACY Never really took it seriously. Sad ain't it? Stacy looks depressed. INT. TREADMILL ROOM – SAME Joel is running on a treadmill. He is sweating a lot and having trouble breathing. Suddenly CATHY enters. She takes notice of Joel and looks worried. CATHY Oh my. Are you okay? JOEL (breathing problems) Yeah...this is people run. Cathy smiles. CATHY Mind if I join you? JOEL (breath problems) all. Cathy gets on the treadmill next to Joel's. Before she starts, Joel quickly gives up. He stops running and lets the machine take him off it. CATHY Are you sure your okay. JOEL I'm not dead yet. That's a plus. CATHY Maybe the treadmill isn't your thing. JOEL I'm starting to think exercise isn't my thing. Joel begins to take deep breaths. JOEL I'm Joel Mayberry, by the way. CATHY I'm Cathy. JOEL Let's see if I can't give this big bastard another shot. Cathy smiles, as Joel turns his machine on. INT. STUDYHALL - SAME Will, Brock and Reicther are all sitting at a table, Reicther is hunched over drawing something while Brock and Will are making small talk. WILL So why did the gods flood the world? BROCK Because the Hero of Time didn't come. WILL ...Why not? BROCK I don't know he just didn't. WILL So how did people survive the flood? BROCK They all went to the mountain tops. WILL Oh...How did they know there was going to be a flood? BROCK The gods told them. WILL Oh...So if the gods had the power to flood the earth why didn't they have the power to kill this evil sorcerer guy who wanted to do all that bad stuff? BROCK I don't know the logic behind the game's story line. WILL It seems pretty weak to me. Will looks down at a paper. BROCK Yeah but your boat can talk. Will looks up. WILL That's kick ass. Will notices Reicther. WILL What the hell are you drawing? REICTHER I dunno. WILL Why do all those stick figures have frowny faces on them? REICTHER Because I'm depressed that's why. WILL I didn't know 'depressed' was in your vocabulary. REICTHER Shut up Will. I'm going to the bathroom. Reicther stands up and walks away. BROCK I think you have to ask... The teacher says nothing as Reicther leaves. BROCK Never mind. WILL (V/O) I'm getting sick and tired of all this depression stuff from you guys! First its Casey over Lacey, then its Brian with Cathy, now its Reicther because he DOESN'T like some fat chick! The whole thing is really pissing me off, quit bitching about it and move on with your life! Brock sighs. BROCK I can kind of relate to what he's feeling. (pause) I'm depressed over Sarah. Pause. Will seems conflicted. WILL Um...I totally feel for you. INT. GYM ROOM – SAME Joel is now just walking on a treadmill. Cathy is beside him jogging at a steady pace. CATHY So, why did you guys go running through a forest full of thorns? JOEL Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time. GYM TEACHER (O.C.) Its time to go people! Joel and Cathy shut down the machines. CATHY Nice talking to you. Cathy leaves, Joel watches her in bewilderment. INT. STREET - AFTER SCHOOL Will and Joel are walking home. JOEL Brock's on a girl too? WILL Yeah, sad isn't it? JOEL Why can't we just settle crushes like the good old days? WILL This is High School my friend, nothing about it is good. JOEL I'm getting tired of all our friends getting depressed over girls. WILL Yeah, We're the only ones left, they've gotten every one but you and me. JOEL And Chris. WILL Just what I said, you, me, and Chris. They walk up to Will's house INT. WILL'S HOUSE – WILL'S ROOM – MINUTES LATER Will and Joel enter. Joel takes a seat on Will's couch. JOEL Oh man. You're never going to believe what happened to me today in Gym. WILL Hold that thought. Mother nature is calling and I must accept the charges. Will leaves. Joel sits and drinks. He looks around the room. He notices a piece of paper, scrunched up on the floor. He picks it up. Joel unfolds it and it says "For Cathy." He begins to read. After a few seconds we hear: BRIAN (voice over; reading note) "Unfortunately I can not say who I am. All I can tell you is that I am one of Will Cooper's friends." Realization hits Joel. INT. CASEY'S ROOM - LATER Casey and Kay are talking on the phone we are intercut between them. CASEY So how about a movie this Sunday? KAY Sorry I can't, I have church. CASEY Oh. KAY What about Thursday? CASEY No I have therapy. KAY Oh...well... She begins to flip through a date planner. INT. BRIAN'S HOUSE - SAME Brian and Brock are playing a game. Brian is focused on the game, while Brock seems more interested in talking about Sarah. BRIAN Die you damn Ewok! BROCK Ewoks look like teddy bears...Sarah likes teddy bears... BRIAN That's nice. You can give her a stuffed Ewok once we kill them all. BROCK Nah, she wouldn't want anything to do with me BRIAN Damn, dirty Rebels. STOP SHOOTING ME! BROCK I bet the Ewoks are Sarah's pets and the Rebels are guarding her pets. Brian looks greatly confused. BRIAN What? Explosions from the game. BRIAN Speaking of guarding, make sure the Rebels don't take the temple back. BROCK Why? BRIAN What do you mean why? We need the temple, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE! BROCK There's no use the temple would just crumble because Sarah's Ewoks are so strong. Brian looks at Brock with a weird face. BRIAN (under his breath) Please tell me this is isn't how I acted about Cathy. INT. CASEY'S ROOM - A LITTLE LATTER Casey and Kay are still talking on the phone, they each have a big pad of paper and a pen. CASEY So how about Wednesday? KAY No I'm volunteering at the Senior center on Wednesdays. What about Saturday? CASEY (under his breath) Over achiever. KAY What was that? CASEY Thursday's no good, I have practice. What about Friday? Beat. KAY I'm free Friday. CASEY Me too! KAY So Friday it is then. CASEY Okay, see you in two weeks. They both hang up. INT. BRIAN'S ROOM – LATER Brian and Brock are sit sitting on the couch, playing video games. BROCK I think – BRIAN - Brock if that sentence ends or even contains the word "Sarah" I don't want to hear it. Long pause. BROCK Maybe – BRIAN Brock, please don't piss me off. I'm running out of places to hide bodies. Brock quiets up. CUT TO BLACK. FADE BACK IN: INT. HALLWAY - MORNING BEFORE SCHOOL Will and Chris are walking down the hallway talking, they look up and see Reicther talking to a pretty girl. Reicther asks her a question and she shakes her head 'no' then she walks away. Reicther notices Will and Chris and walks over to them. Reicther seems happy. WILL What was that all about? REICTHER I just asked her out and now I'm guilt free! CHRIS (confused) What? Chris puts a hand up to a wall. WILL Why did you ask her out for and how Are you guilt free? REICTHER Well, I figured that if I asked someone out and got rejected I would see how it would be like to be Kinsey. NOW I'M MORALLY OFF THE HOOK! WILL I guess...that makes sense. Reicther walks away, with a big smile on his face. CHRIS That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard Chris takes his hand away from the wall that he was leaning on, he looks at his hand, its been painted blue. Chris looks down the hall a bit to see a sign reading "Freshly Painted." Will begins to laugh. CHRIS Great. Now it looks like I gave a smurf a handjob. FADE OUT. (Over the end credits, "Instant Karma" by John Lennon plays over them.) END OF EPISODE
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