This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
EXT. GENERAL STORE - NIGHT One man stand outside the demolished General Store. The man walks under the street light and looks into the sky. His name is MARV. MARV Whoever destroyed this good ol General Store at the Mill must die a death, a horrible by me. Marv then nods his head. He looks to the ground and see's a shotgun with a box of shells next to it. MARV Whoever did this will get their punishment. The good ol' West will have its revenge. Marv picks up the shotgun and the box of shells and starts walking of in the distance. CUT TO: EXT. EMPTINESS - NIGHT Marv stands by the mountains. MARV I have a feelings whoever did this is around here somewhere. A Cabin is seen behind Marv. Marv turns around and sees it. MARV That is it! A Cabin. The person must be in there. Marv runs over to the Cabin. MARV We must make a great entrance. Something they will never expect. Suddenly a person opens the door and shoots Marv in the head. He falls down dead. EXT. EMPTINESS Marv is standing by the Cabin again. MARV Let's try this one more time. Marv looks over at the Cabin. An oil tank is seen next to the Cabin. Marv nods his head. He aims the shotgun at the tank and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. MARV Huh? Marv walks over next to the tank. He points his shotgun and shoots the tank again. Nothing happens. MARV That's weird. A person then comes around the corner. Marv see's him. He then shoots the person in the head. MARV Got ya! Hahahahaha. Marv then walks to the entrance of the Cabin. He walks inside. INT. CABIN The Cabin is full of hay and guns. MARV Hot damn! Marv grabs a bunch of the guns and puts them in his boots, belt, and pants. Marv nods his head and leaves the Cabin. EXT. OUTSIDE CABIN - NIGHT Marv stands outside the Cabin. The wind blows hard. MARV Whoever destroyed the General Store will have hell to play. I will climb the highest mountain, fly on the fastest bird, i will do whatever it takes to get revenge. Muhahahahaha. Marv then walks towards the mountains. EXT. MOUNTAINS Marv is climbing up a mountain. Smoke is seen coming from the top of the mountain. MARV (Singing) A pirates life is the life for me. Just like my good ol' pal Andy. But oh boy i can't forget about me pal dogglebe and this one week challenge that he once gave me. He thought he could trick me. He even called me sissy. He made me get in a pool and i saw George acting a fool. I could of swore i saw Bert but i knew it wasn't true. Just because it was someplace nice and dark doesn't mean it was him. I'll take him to the farm and hang him high. Oh here we are. Marv then makes it to the top of the mountain. EXT. TOP OF MOUNTAIN A man stands before him. MARV Oh my god it's... GUY JACKSON Guy Jackson. GUY JACKSON stands there, smoking a cigarette. MARV I should've known it was you. GUY JACKSON I am a Soldier of Fortune and no one is taking me down. MARV So it was you. All along it was you!?! Why did you do it. Marv stands up on his feet. GUY JACKSON Ever since the USC lost i have been causing as much havoc as i can. MARV But... What about Don? Was he in the store when you burned it down? GUY JACKSON Yes. I wanted that mother fucker dead. Ever since i stumbled in on him he has been such a dick towards me. This had to be stopped. And now you stumbled upon me and for that you must die. Guy Jackson pushes Marv off the mountain. Marv falls and splats on the ground. Blood is everywhere. CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY A kid is sitting in front of a T.V. screen. He is holding a controller. KID GOD DAMN THIS GAME SUCKS! The kid then throws the controller to the ground. BLACK SCREEN THE END
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