This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
EXT. SREET - NIGHT BOBBY (19) walks down the dark, lonely street. The wind blows his hair perfectly and his thick brown hair waves in it. JAMES (41) then walks on the street. He stands in front of Bobby and he stops. Bobby also stops. JAMES I reckon you'd like to cross this here point now wouldn't ya? BOBBY I ain't lookin' for any trouble now mister. I just wanna get home to my wife who will be havin' her baby soon. LESLIE NIELSON then walks on the street. He looks at Bobby and James. LESLIE NIELSON Hello there kids. JAMES You fuckin' bitch why are you still acting!? James then pulls out a shotgun from his pants! He shoots Leslie. Bobby stands there, in shock for a second. While James walks over to Leslie's body, Bobby runs over to a dumpster and hides behind it. He looks over at James. James spits on Leslie then looks up. He then points his shotgun and spins around in a circle. JAMES Where are ya boy? I think you should come out now before things get a little too rough around here, ya know? James looks around again. JAMES God dammit! He then shoots Leslie's dead body. He hits his leg and his leg slides across the street. James looks over at the dumpster. He points his gun towards it. He then shoots a hole right through it! Bobby runs from behind it and dashes behind another one which was right next to it. BOBBY You'll never get me alive! JAMES Then i'll get ya dead. James then walks over to the dumpster. He quickly runs to the other side. Bobby is sitting there. BOBBY God damn! You scared the crap outta me. James smiles and laughs. Bobby stands up. BOBBY Oh my god. Bobby points towards where Leslie Nielson was. James looks over. Leslie is running down the street. While blood pours from where his arm used to be. JAMES Fuckin' Leslie Nielson. James shoots Leslie in the leg. His leg flies off and blood pours from it. Leslie falls to the ground. James and Bobby walk over to him. They both look down at him. BOBBY What is he doing here anyway? JAMES I don't know. BOBBY It's weird. JAMES You think that was weird! Remember that time i drank coffee with Muhammad. BLACK SCREEN WORDS APPEAR The writer does not want to show the image of Muhammad for he does not want a jihad jihad coming down on him. So he replaced him with a cow. CUT TO: INT. COFFEE LOUNGE - FLASHBACK James is drinking coffee with a cow. JAMES This coffee is excellent Muhammad. CUT TO: EXT. ROAD - PRESENT Bobby shakes his head. BOBBY Yeah. JAMES Man i'm sorry for tryin to kill ya. A tear comes from Bobby's eye. BOBBY It's alright man. James and Bobby hug. As they hug Leslie is seen looking up at them. He then tries to crawl away. James then shoots him in his other leg. LESLIE NIELSON AHHHH! Why is everyone always shooting at me! BLACK SCREEN THE ENDReturn to