This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
DEAD CASE - BY JAMES ANTHONY MCSLOY FADE IN: ANGLE: TELEVISION On the screen the local news is playing. We see a montage of various city landmarks and then a title that reads "BAY CITY NEWS". Sitting behind the news desk is Joanne Berkley. Blonde, good looking. Your typical news anchor. JOANNE Good evening and welcome to Bay City News. Today marked the two Year anniversary of the end of the gangland drug war that split Our fair city in two. Memorials have been held on both sides of the city for the victims of this bloody feud. Local MP James Robins held a press conference earlier today where he made this statement "I'm going to wash the scum from our streets and rebuild the downtown district to make our city whole once more". We PULL BACK from the television and see that it's playing away to a dark, dank room in: INT. DAWKING'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Fast asleep in a chair, in front of the television is HARVEY DAWKINGS, late forties, a man who was once in great shape but has let himself go a little. JOANNE (O.S.) In other news. The police still have no leads on Lucy Hanover's murder. This is the fifteenth murder of it's kind in the last thirteen months. Lucy's body was found, horribly mutilated under the downtown bridge earlier this week. Her body was also stolen from the morgue before any forensic evidence could be taken. In sports news... The sound from the TV becomes simple background noise. We CLOSE IN on Harvey's face. It begins to twitch, as though he is having a bad dream. He moans slightly and his expression grows more desperate. We begin to hear noises, a woman's SCREAM, a SCUFFLE and then total silence. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) (whisper) Harvey. The man wakes, startled by the noises. He takes a minute, trying to catch his breath We finally see the room and it's tiny, and rundown. The bed is by the wall, covered in folders, photographs, and pieces of paper with notes scribbled down on them. The chair is surrounded by half empty take-away cartons and empty liquor bottles. The walls are covered with newspaper clippings. The various headlines read: "Mutilated Body Found", "Slasher Strikes Again", "Top Cop's Wife Found Butchered", "No Killer Caught In Bay City Murders". Dawkings rubs his forehead. He is wearing a well worn suit. He reaches into the trouser pocket and pulls out a small bottle of aspirin. He pops a couple into his mouth and chews them. DAWKINGS (V.O.) I wake from another nightmare. The same nightmare I've been having for the past two months. We hear a POLICE SIREN pass outside. The light FLASHES through the window. The blinds casting lines of shadow across Dawkings's face for a brief moment. Dawkings reaches over and picks up a carton of cigarettes from the small table by the chair. He knocks over an empty bottle of whiskey. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) Must have been another heavy session last night. He stands up and walks over to the bed. He empties his pockets, throwing down another empty bottle of aspirin, a lighter and a police badge. Dawkings looks down at the badge for a moment. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) They used to call me Harvey "the iron fist" Dawkings. I was the best and everybody knew it. But things change. People change and me, I remember the exact moment when my whole life changed. He takes a long drag from his cigarette. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) It's been almost three months since she was taken from me. My precious Jessica. Ripped away from me by some monster. Dawkings moves over to the wall of news clippings. He pays close attention to the clipping that reads: "Top Cop's Wife Killed." Below the headline is a picture of Jessica Dawkings, smiling. Dawkings touches the photo. We see the other photo's. Horrible images of death. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) The same monster that's been stalking the city for the past thirteen months. A monster that slaughters its victims like cattle. If only the guys in the lab could get a look at them we might be able to catch this fucker. Dawkings heads over to the bed and picks up a sheet of notepaper. Written on it is a list of names, all of them have been scribbled out. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) I've chased every lead I could find. Used up all of my resources. Paid for useless information that's got me no closer to the killer. The PHONE RINGS, startling Dawkings. He answers. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) (into phone) Dawkings... DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) People are only too happy to stab each other in the back in this town, if the price is right. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) (into phone) Why are you telling me this? What's in it for you? (the phone goes dead) Hello? Dawkings hangs up the phone. He looks down at it for a moment, confused. He picks up his badge, and his gun, which is buried under a pile of crime scene photos. He grabs his suit jacket and pulls it on. It's just as worn and creased as the rest of the outfit. He looks down at his jacket and picks up some old food stuck to it. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) There was another killing. Same as all the others. The difference with this one. The victim. It's Julia Domingo. Crime Boss, Tony Domingo's little girl. CUT TO: INT. DAWKINGS CAR - NIGHT (MOVING) Dawkings drives a cigarette hanging from his mouth. DAWKINGS (V.O.) The killer had just made one huge mistake. Nobody touches one of Domingo's. Whoever was stupid enough to kill Julia was already a dead man walking. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - CONTINUOUS Dawkings car turns a corner onto the street and down through a tunnel that divides the town. On the walkway under the tunnel we can make out the silhouettes of two drunks fighting. One of the drunks falls against the other, and seems to be resting on him for a moment eventually knocking him over. The standing drunk staggers away, uneasy on his feet. CUT TO: EXT. DOMINGO'S HOUSE - NIGHT Dawkings pulls up to the front of a magnificent looking house. Standing guard at the front door are two armed police officers. Dawkings gets out the car. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a carton of cigarettes, pops one in his mouth and lights it. He takes a long deep drag, expelling the smoke slowly. He looks up at the amazing, expensive house. DAWKINGS (V.O.) Toni Domingo's place. A house paid for by dirty money. A place meant to keep him and his safe. (beat) Guess money can't buy you everything. Dawkings approaches the two armed police. He flashes his badge and the two cops step aside. ARMED COP 1 (to Dawkings) The Chief will have a fit if he sees you here Dawkings! DAWKINGS Why do you think I'm here? He shoots the cop a quick smile. He drops the cigarette, stubs it out with his foot and heads into the house. CUT TO: INT. DOMINGO'S HOUSE, LOBBY - CONTINUOUS The house is in total chaos. There are police officers and detectives everywhere searching for evidence, interviewing members of the family and staff. Dawkings enters and takes a moment to marvel at the size of the room. DAWKINGS (V.O.) If only these walls could talk, a judge would have to put Domingo away for good, and I would make sure I was the cop to bring him in. A police forensic, VINCE CARTER, late thirties, and bald makes his way down the stairs. He doesn't look too good. He holds his hand over his mouth as if he is holding back his lunch. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) (to Vince) What's the deal Doc? CARTER Just like all the others. Nothing has been stolen, but the victim has been murdered and horribly mutilated. The killer continues to mutilate the victim even after death. The weird thing is there's no indication that a weapon has been used. Looks like the killer may have used their bare-hands. DAWKINGS Have you found any prints? Hairs? CARTER No, and I wont be able to check for any fibers or fluids until we get her back to the lab. We'll have to clean her the body up a bit. There's too much blood to do a full analysis here. DAWKINGS The Chief better put more guys on this. If Julia's Body disappears like the others Domingo will go ape! CARTER There must be some sick gang stealing these bodies and selling them on the market. I bet bent cops sell them on as well. This town is going to hell. He pats Dawkings on the shoulder. DAWKINGS Anything else I should know Doc? CARTER One of my guys found this, it could have been left by the killer or it could be some of Domingo's shit. He hands Dawkings an evidence bag. Inside is a bottle of pills. CARTER (CONT'D) We found it by the body. Looks like some kind of drug. We won't know if Julia ingested any of it until I do a toxicology. Never seen anything like it before. You recognise it? DAWKINGS No. Can't say I have. But I'll take it to be processed if you want? CARTER Sounds good to me. Saves me the paper work. He hands Dawkings the bag. Dawkings rolls the bottle around in the palm of his hand for a moment, studying the label. Dawkings begins to walk away. CARTER (CONT'D) Oh, Dawkings. He turns. CARTER (CONT'D) Catch this monster before it's to late. Dawkings nods. DAWKINGS (V.O.) For me. It was already too late. CUT TO: INT. DOMINGO'S HOUSE, UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER Dawkings steps into the hallway and makes his way down towards a doorway guarded by two ARMED COPS. He approaches and the COPS and nods. ARMED COP 2 If the Chief asks I didn't let you in, okay? DAWKINGS I never saw you. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) It's a good job I still had respect with some of the other guys on the force or I would have still been standing outside. He enters the room. CUT TO: INT. DOMINGO'S HOUSE, BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS Total carnage. The dead body is draped over the edge of the bath, covered by the shower curtain. Cops dust for prints, and take photo's of the crime scene. A couple of the forensic technicians look up at him and then go back to collecting evidence. Dawkings pulls out a smoke and lights it. He moves further into the room and stops right in front of the body. FORENSIC GUY 1 You're going to have to put that out. We haven't finished collecting yet. Dawkings looks at the guy as if to say, "make me". But he puts it out in the sink. The Forensic goes back to his work. Dawkings looks down at the covered body. DAWKINGS (V.O.) Poor little Julia. Her Father couldn't protect her from death. No matter how powerful he was. Dawkings crouches down by the body. He reaches for the sheet, hesitates for a moment and then pulls the sheet back. We see FLASHES of the horror that is Julia Domingo's corpse. Bloodied, and disfigured. Dawkings covers the body and stands in silence for a moment. DOMINGO (O.S.) What the fuck is he doing here? Dawkings whips his head around to find the source of the voice. DAWKINGS (V.O.) Everything suddenly got a whole lot worse. Charging towards Dawkings is TONY DOMINGO. A big guy in his forties, dressed in a sharp, expensive Italian suit, seething with anger. Hot on his heels is the Chief of Police, HARRY LIME. Thirties, skinny, and completely stressed out. DOMINGO What the hell are you doing here Dawkings? I heard you stopped being a real cop a long time ago. DAWKINGS Came here to help catch the bastard who slaughtered your daughter, Domingo. Not doing any harm. LIME (furious) Not doing any harm? I thought I told you to steer clear of this case. Your too damn close to it Dawkings. Walk away before you end up suspended or on Carter's slab. DOMINGO (to Lime) What the hell are you doing putting washed up cops on this case? This is my little girl who has died, not some two bit hooker. LIME I assure you. This man is not on the case and if he doesn't get his ass out of here now, he'll be writing parking tickets for the rest of his working life. (to Dawkings) Get the out of here! Now! Domingo is up in the Lime's face. DOMINGO Let me tell you what's going to happen. You are going to send a squad over to Nolan's shitty bar and your going to arrest that murdering son of a bitch. DAWKINGS (V.O.) Lawrence Nolan, rival crime lord from poor downtown district. Couple of years back Nolan's father and Domingo had an all out war that crippled the city. Splitting into two sides, the poor side, ran by Nolan's father, and the rich side, ran my Domingo. Since the passing of Nolan's old man Lawrence inherited everything, including his enemies. DOMINGO That bastard wants to scare me and take my turf. Well he'll have to pry it from my cold dead hands. (to Lime) If you don't sort this out. I will. Got it Lime? Domingo reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of cash and throws it at Lime. The money falls to the floor and starts to soak up the blood. Domingo storms off leaving Dawkings and Lime looking down at the money. LIME (to Dawkings) You better stay away from Nolan and this case Dawkings. Cause if I hear your name mentioned one more time. Your through. Understand? And off he goes, we hold on Dawkings' face for a moment as he ponders. DAWKINGS (V.O.) It was time to pay Nolan a little visit. CUT TO: INT. CASSIE'S BAR - NIGHT The bar is busy. Smoke hangs in the air while men huddle in round tables, gambling, dealing and drinking. A GIRL dances for a group of men. One of the men gets carried away and reaches for her. In an instant the BOUNCER grabs the guy and drags him out of the bar. The man falls against the bouncer and BITES him on the arm. The bouncer GRUNTS in pain. BOUNCER 1 Get the hell off me junkie. He grabs the guy and tosses him out of the pub just as Dawkings enters. He stands in the doorway from a moment, taking in the sights of Cassie's. DAWKINGS (V.O.) Cassie's. If you like drugs, drink and girls, then this is the bar for you. It's the only place you can get pussy for a penny. The owner of this fine establishment; Lawrence Nolan. Dawkings makes his way through the busy bar. Behind him a glass breaks and a fight breaks out between two rowdy customers. He passes one of the dancing girls, who begins to dance up by him. He flashes her his badge and she backs off. Dawkings approaches the back room, which is guarded by two huge men, Nolan's personal bodyguards. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) I'm here to see Nolan? BOUNCER I'm sorry but Mr. Nolan is busy right now. DAWKINGS I don't think you understand me. Dawkings flashes the bouncer his badge. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) I need to see Nolan. Now! The bouncer looks pissed and as though he is going to turf Dawkings out. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Look we can do this two ways... BOUNCER Give me a second. The Bouncer heads into the back room for a minute. In the background we hear a SMASH as another fight breaks out in the bar. The Bouncer returns. BOUNCER (CONT'D) Mr. Nolan will see you now. Dawkings nudges past the Bouncers and into the back room. Sitting at a desk at the back of the room is LAWRENCE NOLAN, forties, dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. Very casual. Sitting on his lap is the beautiful, SARAH MILLER, mid twenties, dark hair and piercing green eyes. DAWKINGS (V.O.) Lawrence Nolan's girl. Sarah Miller. Everything a man desires in life. Nolan has many girl's but Sarah seems to be the flavour of the month. NOLAN Ah. Detective Dawkings. It's been a while. Hope you're not here to shoot me again? What can I help you with? Dawkings can't take his eyes off her. Nolan notices this. DAWKINGS If I was I would aim a little higher than your knee-cap this time. NOLAN (to Sarah) You may leave us now. She nods her head and leans in to give Nolan a long passionate kiss. SARAH Don't be long. Sarah saunters past Dawkings giving him a sexy, seductive smile as she leaves. SARAH (CONT'D) Nice meeting you Detective. Nolan gestures for Dawkings to sit. DAWKINGS You know why I'm here Nolan. Julia Domingo. NOLAN Ah. Julia. Yes I know the girl. Went out with her a while back. Really pissed off the old man. She's a pretty looking thing. What about her? DAWKINGS Well she's not looking too pretty anymore. She's dead. Surprise registers on Nolan's face. He sits in silence for a moment. Dawkings pulls out a smoke, pops it into his mouth and lights it. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Murdered. NOLAN And you think I had something to do with it? What a fucking surprise. DAWKINGS Domingo thinks your after his turf. Nolan laughs. NOLAN After his turf? After what happened to my old man last time. Come on! He's more of an idiot than I thought. Look at me. I have everything I could ever want, money, women, power. Why would I risk all of that by starting another war with Domingo? It just wouldn't be smart. Dawkings thinks for a moment, watching the smoke from his cigarette rise into the air and then dissipate. DAWKINGS (V.O.) He's telling the truth. It wouldn't be smart for him to risk it all. But Domingo wouldn't care about that. He wants somebody to pay and for him that person is Nolan. Dawkings rises from his seat. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Oh and one more thing. He tosses down the evidence bag with the empty bottle of pills in it. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) What can you tell me about these? Nolan stares down at the bag. Surprised. NOLAN (lying) Nothing. I've never seen anything like this before in my life. Dawkings SLAMS his hand down on the table. DAWKINGS Your lying. Nolan leans over the desk dangerously close to Dawkings' own face. NOLAN (angry) Who do you think you are Dawkings? Coming into my place of business and accusing me of shit like this. For a washed up cop, you got some balls. BAM! Dawkings grabs Nolan and SLAMS his head down onto the desk. He holds him down as he draws his gun and presses it against his head. DAWKINGS If I find out you've been keeping anything from me, I'll be back. Got it? Dawkings stubs his cigarette out on the back of Nolan's neck. Nolan GROANS in pain. Dawkings releases him and walks out of the room. CUT TO: EXT. CASSIE'S BAR - NIGHT Dawkings exits the bar. He pulls out a smoke and pops it into his mouth. SARAH (O.S.) Need a light? Dawkings turns. Sarah steps out of the shadows, lighter in hand. Dawkings allows her to light his smoke. He takes a long draw and exhales. DAWKINGS What can I do for you Ms. Miller? Dawkings moves towards his car and Sarah follows. SARAH It's not what you can do for me. More of what I can do for you. You were here about that little bitch's death. Weren't you? DAWKINGS You mean Julia, how did you know? SARAH News like that spreads fast in this part of town. DAWKINGS Rumour is Nolan is to blame. SARAH Do you believe that? DAWKINGS No. SARAH Well you should. Dawkings looks confused. DAWKINGS How do you mean? SARAH I have something I want to show you. CUT TO: EXT. DOCKS - NIGHT All that remains of the old town docks are a couple of derelict factories, and warehouses. Dawkings car pulls up outside one of the disused warehouses. The warehouse has been abandoned for years. Windows are broken and the place could do with a lick of paint. In the distance we hear a FOG HORN followed by a Buoy BELL. Dawkings and Sarah get out of the car. Dawkings loads up his six-shooter. DAWKINGS (V.O.) On the way down to the docks Sarah informed me that Nolan had been lying after all. He did know about the pills, he had paid some guy to mix the drug and sell it from this warehouse. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Stay in the car. SARAH No. What I have to show you is inside. Dawkings reluctantly shakes his head and heads for the warehouse Sarah in tow. INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT It's a dark, brick building, filled with old unused machinery. Most of the windows have been broken or boarded shut. The only light is from the outside moonlight, cast in through the windows. Dawkings enters. Gun drawn. He slowly and silently makes his way through the warehouse, Sarah follows closely. Scattered about the floor and propped up against the walls are large black bags, which resemble body bags. Dawkings looks down at one for a moment and then moves on down a hallway and into another large open part of the warehouse. Again there are more "body bags" scattered about. SARAH He does his work from in there. She points to a large metal shutter at the back of the room. Dawkings approaches it. He puts his gun away and lifts up the shutter with a CRASH! Sarah and Dawkings grimace. Sarah, covers her nose and mouth from the awful stench, which hits them as soon as the shutters go up. SARAH (CONT'D) Oh. What's that smell? DAWKINGS It's coming from in here. The back room is in complete darkness. All that can be seen is the shape of a large mound that occupies the centre -- which is most -- of the room. Dawkings moves into the room. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a small flashlight, shining it onto the wall. The wall is covered in bloody hand prints, and claw marks. He pans the flashlight down from the wall and across the floor -- which is covered in more blood, and what looks like vomit -- and up onto the base of the mound. The beam of light catches a small decomposed human hand, the tips of the fingers worn away and bloodied. The light moves up the mound and we see an arm, a torso and then a HUMAN HEAD, it's eyes staring vacantly at us. It's mouth stained with blood and god knows what else. Dawkings steps back, startled. Sarah gasps in horror. Suddenly dim lights flicker on and we see that the mound is actually a huge pile of dead and decomposing bodies. HARRIS (O.C.) I see you've found my little collection. I think one may even belong to you Dawkings. They both turn to see DANIEL HARRIS. He's a little eccentric and looks wild. Standing in the doorway. In his hand he holds a pistol. He smiles at Sarah. HARRIS (CONT'D) Hello Sarah. You've done an excellent job. Hope you didn't have to "do" anything to get him here. Sarah steps away from Dawkings side. SARAH I'm sorry Harvey. But you just couldn't keep your nose out could you? DAWKINGS This has nothing to do with Nolan does it? HARRIS Nolan. (laughs) Nolan can't even wipe his own arse without help. He's nothing compared to the real man in charge. Which reminds me. He turns to Sarah. HARRIS (CONT'D) Sorry Sarah. BANG! Harris shoots Sarah. She falls back, blood spraying over the mound of corpses. Dawkings goes for his gun but Harris is fast. He has his gun aimed at Dawkings in the blink of an eye. HARRIS (CONT'D) I don't think so. Drop the weapon. Dawkings does as he's told and tosses the gun to the ground. DAWKINGS She didn't need die. You already have me. HARRIS Actually. I don't have everything...yet. Dawkings looks at him confused. HARRIS (CONT'D) I want the only thing that links me to this whole mess I believe you have it. Dawkings pulls out the evidence bag and looks at the capsule of pills. HARRIS (CONT'D) Got it in one. Give them to me. Dawkings tosses him the bag. HARRIS (CONT'D) I'm surprised you got this far for such a slow cop I don't know how you've been causing my boss so much trouble. Thought you'd be a little smarter Not that it matters. You'll be just another mistake to throw on the pile. Harris raises his weapon. With a ghostly MOAN, something LUNGES at him out of the shadows from behind. It's A MAN in a dirty hooded jacket and ratty looking jeans. His skin is ROTTING. He tries to bite Harris but only manages to knock him over, sending the gun skittering across the ground. Dawkings dives to the ground and picks up his gun. He aims it at the corpse. DAWKINGS Freeze! Police! The corpse keeps on advancing towards Harris, who is crawling backwards away from it in sheer terror. HARRIS What are you waiting for? Shoot it! Shoot it! Dawkings fires...once, twice, three times. The man is shot in the stomach, heart, and neck...but he keeps on moving towards Harris, blood oozing from the wounds. Finally, Dawkings shoots him in the head...he falls. Dawkings quickly reloads. But as he does it, he stares at the corpse, frowning, weighing life-long belief against the hideous facts of the moment. He kicks the corpse with his foot. DAWKINGS What the hell was that? Harris, still sitting close to the mound, is catching his breath. He notices his gun not far from him. He edges closer to it. Dawkings turns, fast, his gun directed at Harris. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Now tell me. What the fuck is going on here? HARRIS This wasn't meant to happen. DAWKINGS What? HARRIS The drug. It was created as a cure for the city. It was meant to get rid of the scum of the town, the junkies, rapists, dealers, all the low life. It was designed to cause them to overdose and die. The lab tests were fine but we didn't take the whores into account. The virus the drug contains is carried in bodily fluid so when the prostitutes took the drug they were passing the virus onto their customers. Thing is it isn't just the people in this part of town that use the hookers. When the rich started showing signs of the virus people started asking questions and the man in charge pulled the plug. (beat) We started gathering the victims and brought them here for disposal. But some of them escaped. DAWKINGS So that's where all the bodies have been going? You have been stealing them to cover your tracks. (beat) How could a dead body just "escape"? HARRIS I was as shocked as you are. We managed to round up four of the escaped six and found that they were wandering around. Some how the drug only kills the body but the brain is still working, driven by it's most primal instincts. DAWKINGS So you're just a henchman? You're just getting rid of the paper trail? I want to know who your boss is? Harris lets out a laugh. HARRIS Are you fucking kidding me. So do I! I'm on a need to know basis only. Harris gets to his feet. HARRIS (CONT'D) And if you don't mind. I'd like to get the fuck out of here before... We suddenly hear a DULL GROAN from outside of the room. HARRIS (CONT'D) It's too late! You've made too much noise. A DECAYING HAND from the mound GRABS onto Harris' leg, pulling him down towards the mound. Harris SCREAMS! HARRIS (CONT'D) Dawkings! Help me! Dawkings shoots into the mound, blood sprays from the awakening corpses. More and more of the corpses' eyes open and begin moving. Dawkings grabs Harris and pulls him out of harms way. A corpse suddenly grabs Dawkings arm and BITES a chunk out it. Dawkings blasts the corpse right between the eyes. More corpses begin to enter the room. GROANING and shuffling towards Dawkings and Harris. Dawkings moves over to Harris and picks him up. Harris looks down at the bite wound in horror. HARRIS (CONT'D) You've been bitten. DAWKINGS It's nothing. HARRIS I told you it's passed via bodily fluid. DAWKINGS Well get me the cure then. HARRIS The cure? DAWKINGS There has to be a cure for this thing. Harris looks down at Dawkings' gun. HARRIS (playing along) If you get me out of here I'll give you the cure. The corpses are close now. Dawkings empties a couple of rounds into the nearest one but it doesn't fall. Another corpse lunges for Dawkings, who cracks it across the head with the but of the gun and shoots it right between the eyes. HARRIS (CONT'D) Come on. This way. Dawkings shoots at a couple more and follows Harris further into the warehouse. DAWKINGS Why the hell were those things locked in here? Why didn't you kill them? HARRIS That's why they were here. This whole building was going to go up in smoke. Along with those things. They reach the end of the warehouse and see two zombies blocking their way. CLICK! CLICK! DAWKINGS Shit! Dawkings quickly reloads. BOOM! BOOM! The two zombies go down. Dawkings and Harris head into a small corridor. Harris looks behind them and sees the corpses are hot on their tail.. At the end of the corridor is the exit. BOOM! BOOM! Dawkings continues to fire at the oncoming zombies. Suddenly he doubles over in pain. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) (in pain) Fuck! He begins to cough and falls to his knees. Harris walks over to him. HARRIS Looks like it's the end of the line for you. Soon you'll be one of them and this whole place will be up in flames. Oh and for your information... Dawkings looks up, his face drained of all colour. HARRIS (CONT'D) ...there is no cure. Harris smiles and heads for the exit. Dawkings coughs again, this time coughing up a blood. He turns and sees the corpses are ridiculously close now. DAWKINGS Hey! Harris turns. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Fuck you. BOOM! BOOM! Dawkings shoot Harris in the leg and the stomach. He falls to the ground in a heap. Dawkings carefully gets to his feet and stumbles into the nearest door. CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE, STORAGE CLOSET - CONTINUOUS He slams the door shut behind him. We hear a horrible MOANING SOUND from outside the door and then THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! The corpses want in. The room Dawkings has entered is tiny. The only way in or out is through the door he's just came in. He sighs and puts his back against the wall and his foot against the door. CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE, CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS Harris is still on the ground. All we can hear is his breathing. Short fast breaths. He is still alive and is trying to pull himself up along the ground towards the exit. There is a group of corpses BANGING on the door Dawkings went into. The rest are making their way towards Harris. We hear another LOW GROAN. Harris tries to turn his head to see. His eyes widen with fear and he opens his mouth to-- CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE, STORAGE CLOSET - CONTINUOUS From inside we hear Harris SCREAM and then silence. Dawkings sits against the door. He pulls out a smoke, pops it in his mouth and lights it. DAWKINGS (V.O.) I heard his scream and it brought me a sick sense of pleasure. Knowing that one of the bastards who was responsible for killing my wife was dead. Dawkings suddenly bursts out into a COUGHING FIT. Blood SPRAYS FROM HIS MOUTH. The cigarette falls to the floor. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) My insides were burning. I didn't want to turn into one of those things! I knew what had to be done. The light begin to FLICKER. He puts the end of the gun against his head and closes his eyes. DAWKINGS (V.O.) (CONT'D) This was it. The end of my story. He pulls the trigger but the gun jams. Dawkings opens his eyes and lowers the gun. He can't believe it. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Son of a bitch. He opens the chamber and empties the rounds out all have been spent. He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out his carton of cigs. Only one left half broken. He pops it into his mouth and lights it. The light continues to FLICKER until the BULB SHATTERS and we are in total darkness. There is a CRACK and light spills in from outside. Dawkings looks up and smiles. DAWKINGS (CONT'D) Come get me you bastards. A corpse steps into the light, casting an ominous shadow over Dawkings and the screen goes BLACK. BLACK OUT: THE END
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