This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
FADE IN: EXT. ST PAUL MINNESOTA -- DAWN -- WEDNESDAY MORNING A perfect sunrise reveals a heavily treelined street laced with beautiful and well kept homes. A PAPER BOY on his morning deliveries jumps the curb on his bike. One, two papers perfectly hit front porches when the boy abruptly skids to a stops in front of a house that is definitively out of place on this street. It's run down, with trash scattered throughout the yard. On the front porch, a stray DOG has its head stuck deep inside one of three ORANGE, pumpkin faced trash bags. The boy snatches a paper from his sack. He sails it at the dog, but misses badly and hits the screen door window. "SMASH" the glass shatters into a million pieces. INT. HOUSE -- BEDROOM A man lays asleep in bed, still clad in yesterday's work clothes, his arm outstretched, BEER CAN clutched tightly in his hand. The sound of breaking glass has no affect on his slumber. His name is DANIEL DELYONS. An average looking man of 22 years, hair a bit long, sporting several days of beard growth. The room is in shambles. Nothing is where it should be. The walls are completely covered with posters of beautiful women. Several are in swim suits, some are not. EXT. HOUSE -- STREET A GARBAGE TRUCK pulls up to the curb. The paper boy escapes across the boulevard just missing a man stepping from the truck. The garbage man tosses trash bags into the side opening, then pulls back on a lever, crushing the trash. INT. HOUSE -- BEDROOM A screeching noise echoes throughout the room. Dan's closed eyes spring open to view his ALARM CLOCK just feet away. The beer can becomes a MISSILE as it thrusts out the window, crash landing into a sea of foam at the garbage men's feet. Dan pounds the clock with his fist but it won't shut off. His work boot does the trick as the clock is smashed to bits. But the noise does not stop. Dan's a bit confused. Out the window he looks, then at the clock again. In a second he's racing toward the bedroom door when -BAM- he plants face first into the closed door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Stunned, he plummets backward, landing flat on the floor. His one open eye stares painfully at a smiling poster of FAITH HILL that is taped to the ceiling. Dan wobbles to the door. A laughing poster of ASHLEY JUDD greets his pounding head. DAN God, I know you're listening. I'm not asking for a miracle, just a chance that my wish might come true. He swipes Ashley's cheek with his thumb. He follows up with a light kiss to the poster, then smiles wide. DAN (CONT'D) A simple kiss is all I want. I promise, I'll clean up my act. No more swearing, no fighting. I'd even quit... drinking. Just give me a sign that you're listening. MONTAGE OF SCENES: Showering, shaving, searching for some clean work clothes. Dan pours cold coffee into an ORANGE cup, drips fall as he slides it into an absolutely filthy MICROWAVE oven. A RADIO clock on the kitchen counter reads 6:29 as a second later it's 6:30. Bam, out blasts the morning babble. MALE VOICE ON RADIO Here's a little ditty that's got me shaking in my boots. This is for all Leo's out there. Our horoscope for today says that our lives will drastically change this morning. Dan patiently waits for his coffee when SPARKS fly from inside. He forgot to take the metal spoon from the cup. Dan immediately grabs the smoking cup and promptly burns his hand on the hot spoon. Dan flings the spoon at the wall, where it ricochets to the floor, joining several other scattered utensils. MALE VOICE ON RADIO (CONT'D) The last line says that tonight we'll reap the rewards of a lifetime. This is my lucky day. On the way home I'm buying a lottery ticket. DAN A fool and his money soon part. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. INT. WILLIAMS DISTRIBUTION WAREHOUSE OFFICE -- MORNING Calmly sitting behind a large wooden desk is a balding middle aged man. He's ED MINOR, an ornery old curmudgeon. He delights in the smooth drag from a cigarette. With perfection he sails a smoke ring across the desk top, when the door swiftly opens blowing apart the smoke ring. Entering the room is a well dressed man of 50 years. Visibly upset, he lunges for the safety of a chair. His name is MARLOWE WILLIAMS, owner of the Williams Distribution Company. ED Marlowe? Is something wrong? His tone is serious as he reaches for Ed's pack of cigarettes. MARLOWE Has someone ever drove you so crazy that you can't even think straight. Ed shakes his head "yes". Marlowe sucks in a long drag. MARLOWE (CONT'D) I woke last night from a horrible nightmare. I was standing in the doorway of a church at my daughter's wedding. I pulled on the doors but they wouldn't open. I screamed out "NO". No one turned a head except the groom. It was Delyons. He smiled at me, turned to Mary and said I DO. ED He was marrying your daughter? MARLOWE Yes! My worst fear is that this nightmare will come true. I will do anything to avoid that, anything. Marlowe's trembling hand puts out his cigarette in an ashtray. Ed's face lights up with joy. ED I understand. Consider it done. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- FRONT PORCH Dan crushes broken glass with his feet as he races toward a rusted out ORANGE Ford pickup truck that is perfectly parked in the grass next to the wide open driveway. Dan stops for a moment, puzzled, he drags his hand down his entire face at surveying the truck's location in the grass. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. EXT. DAN'S TRUCK -- CITY STREET -- MOMENTS LATER Dan drives erratically, weaving in and out of traffic. He's slowed momentarily by heavy traffic. Traffic is again moving, he just misses the rear of a car. He runs a red light as people in a cross walk recoil back. INT. DAN'S TRUCK Dan draws a cell phone from his front pocket, with difficulty he dials. He catches the time on the RADIO clock. 6:55 AM. DAN Anytime now Mary. MARY (V.O.) Hello. DAN Good morning beautiful. MARY (V.O.) Morning. Are you calling from work? DAN Just about. My damn alarm clock is broken again. Dan swerves into a sizable parking lot. A giant sign decorates the side of the building. It reads: "WILLIAMS DISTRIBUTION, MINNESOTA'S LARGEST BEER DISTRIBUTOR" MARY (V.O.) It's not the alarm clock is it? He hesitates, he's busted. DAN No, I got in late last night. MARY (V.O.) That's four nights in a row. DAN Four? Today's only Wednesday. MARY What about Sunday. When I called, you were at the bar, again. DAN I wasn't at the bar on Sunday. He can't hide it. His face reveals a big lie. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. EXT. WAREHOUSE PARKING LOT Dan's truck SKIDS to a stop, just inches from a parked car. MARY (V.O.) I wish you wouldn't lie to me. I've always told you the truth. Dan's out and running on a mad dash, zigzagging between parked cars, cell phone stuck to his ear. MARY (V.O.) (CONT'D) I won't know for sure till later today but I think I might be... Dan hurtles a small fence when his feet fail him and he drops the phone, causing the battery to fall off. He scoops it up and quickly sticks the battery back on. DAN Mary! Hello. Damn it. INT. WAREHOUSE -- HALLWAY Standing there straight as a pine tree is Ed. Like a bolt of lighting Dan splits between him and the wall. DAN Look out. Comin' through. ED I need to talk to you, Delyons. Dan foot-slides up to the time clock, it's 7:00 a.m. He frantically searches for his time card. There it is. Whoosh, he punches in ONE second before the clock clicks over to 7:01. He triumphantly thrusts his arms in the air. DAN It don't get any closer then that. The mood is broken. A hand tightly clamps onto his shoulder. ED You're late for the last time. DAN Late? No way, I made it with one second to spare. ED One lousy second will never CHANGE anything for you. Dan's a bit confused. Ed looks totally annoyed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. INT. ED'S OFFICE -- MOMENTS LATER Dan rests calmly in a chair when the door SLAMS, causing the glass to wobble, almost breaking. Ed forcibly drops a large stack of FOLDERS onto his desk. ED How you ever got out of the mail room is beyond me. Dan spies a bowl full of mouth-watering CANDY on Ed's desk. He reaches for a piece but Ed won't have it, he pounds his fist down on the desk. Dan springs back in his seat. Ed opens a folder with 2003 printed on the cover, he carefully scans the entire page. Ed rolls his eyes in disgust. Ed reveals to him the FULL page. Dan contorts in his seat. ED (CONT'D) If I get one more report that you touched anyone, insulted anyone, did anything to embarrass me or the owner of this company I will... DAN Can I see what's in my file? ED No! Listen close, I won't say this again. Consider yourself on grace. DAN On grace? What the hell's that mean? ED It means one more screw-up and your sorry ass is fired. Is that clear? EXT. ED'S OFFICE -- DOOR A man gathering papers from the top of a file cabinet slyly leans close to the door and listens. A short, stocky man, the name BILLY is on his shirt. INT. ED'S OFFICE DAN Yes, crystal clear. But Ed, you... ED You'd like to use up your grace arguing with me? DAN It's a conspiracy, sir. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. ED A Conspiracy? You should'a been fired after your first week on the job when you failed to come back to work after a simple noon time delivery. Now get out, NOW! DAN I told you a hundred times that my truck broke down that afternoon. Ed points his finger to leave. Dan escapes from the room as Ed hauls from his desk a BLOOD PRESSURE CUP. He wraps it around his arm. Putting the stethoscope to his ear he vigorously squeezes the small pumper. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- KITCHEN -- MORNING MARY Williams, a very pretty, slender woman of 21 years, anxiously sits at a table twisting a long lock of her hair. She shifts her gaze to the WINDOW, visibly waiting for something when a car creeps into the driveway. MARY It's about time. Mother, Val's here. NORMA enters the room, gorgeous from head to toe. She's inquiring as she arrives at Mary's side. NORMA What are you two up to? MARY Nothing, just a little shopping. NORMA You have more clothes than you could ever wear. Do you really need more? Mary hesitates a moment, then painfully peeks back out the window toward a very large back yard SWIMMING POOL. MARY I need something special. Saturday's the 24th. The third anniversary of the day I met Daniel. Norma softly rubs Mary's shoulders, then stares with uncertainty out the window toward the pool. NORMA Has it been three years already? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. MARY 2 years, 11 months, 27 days. Mary wastes no time as she streaks toward the back door. Norma reaches out a lone hand but grabs only air. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- BACK DOOR VALERIE, strolls up. A big woman, not fat, just big boned. Val lumbers up the back steps as Mary blows down them. VAL Whoa, what's the hurry? MARY I feel like I'm going to throw up. 0VAL It could be nerves. Or more likely the start of morning sickness. You have to relax. There's nothing you can do but wait. Mary slowly turns to give Val a "you got to be kidding" stare. INT. WAREHOUSE -- LUNCHROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Dan is fixed at a table scanning some paperwork. He's unaware of the men gathering behind him. Billy cracks a cocky smile. Prodded by other drivers, he slides up to Dan. BILLY Don't worry about Ed. Just call that sweet little honey of yours, she'll save your sorry ass once again. Dan aggressively turns to confront Billy. DAN Don't go there, man. BILLY I just wish that she had a sister. I could DO her, then I'd never have to worry about losing my job. Billy snorts with laughter. Dan stands immediately as his CHAIR rockets across the room, smacking off a table. DAN You say one more word about her and I'm gonna do you. BILLY Have you ever noticed she acts kind of, well, just a little retarded? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Quick as lighting, Dan THRUSTS his fist into Billy's jaw, relocating him over a table and CRASHING it to the floor. Dan leaps on Billy. One, two, three solid hits to Billy's face send the surrounding workers in to break up the fight. Billy gets off the floor holding his face. Ed's fuming as he storms out of his office, the blood pressure band still dangling from his swinging arm. ED What the hell was that noise? Ed can't help but notice Billy's now REDDENED cheek. Ed swings around to challenge Daniel, nose to nose. ED (CONT'D) You hit him, didn't you? DAN Never laid a hand on him. In a booming voice, directed to the surrounding workers. ED Someone had better tell me what just happened here! I'm not kidding! A number of the workers look away, a few silently shake their heads "no". Ed coldly stares at Billy. ED (CONT'D) What happened to your face? Billy glances at Dan a sharp second. BILLY I fell. ED Used your face to break the fall I'll bet. Get your ass out of my sight. All of you, get out NOW. Ed swiftly points at Dan as the pint-sized black pumper swings around striking him square in the jewels. Ed's knees buckle. ED (CONT'D) Ah, I'm watching you. Give me ah... one reason, one is all I need. Slowly tip toeing back to his office, Ed stops at the door to gather some strength. Like rats fleeing a sinking ship, the other drivers scatter out of the room. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Back at the table, Billy confronts Dan. BILLY I promise, you will pay for this! Scooping up his paperwork, Dan coldly stares down Billy. DAN If you ever degrade her like that again, I'll knock your teeth out. From the side a scrawny little man sneaks up to Billy. Alvin is his name. He has the look of a weasel. ALVIN You idiot! I've been waiting three years for this day. His route was all but mine and you blew it for me. BILLY Believe me, you won't have to wait long. INT. VAL'S CAR -- CITY STREET -- MORNING Val's attention is grabbed by a blinking dashboard light. The gas gauge needle shows EMPTY. VAL Gotta stop for gas. What did you tell your mother? MARY Shopping. VAL Shopping? You didn't tell her? MARY No. No one knows except you. VAL If you are pregnant, you can't keep it a secret. They will find out. Mary's distressed as she angrily turns her head away. INT./EXT. VAL'S CAR AT GAS STATION -- MOMENTS LATER Mary spots a WOMAN about her age resting on a bus stop bench. She's definitely pregnant. Mary stares profoundly as the woman struggles to her feet to board a stopped city bus. Mary reaches down with both hands and cradles her stomach. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. INT. BEER DELIVERY TRUCK -- CITY STREET -- MINUTES LATER Dan reaches up to turn down the radio blasting out music. He glances at the young helper seated next to him. JOE is his name. He's 19 but looks all of 15 years old. Joe's a little uneasy as he stares at Daniel. DAN Well say something. You're not retarded are you? JOE No sir, I ah, did it take you very long to become a driver here? DAN About a week. I started in the mail room but moved up fast. Now I have the best route in the company. EXT. FRONT PORCH OF A HOUSE A SMALL BOY, three or so, slips out the front door holding a tiny GOLF CLUB and ORANGE GOLF BALL in his happy hands. JOE (V.O.) In a week? How did you manage that? DAN (V.O.) Just lucky I guess. I'll give you a word of advice that worked for me. On company time, never stop for a burger. Always bring your own lunch. Perfectly placed on the sidewalk is a rubber tee. He tries to tee up the ball but fails. It rolls off toward the street. The boy giggles as he picks up the ball at the street's edge. JOE (V.O.) I know. Do you know what it cost's for a burger nowadays? The boy's second attempt to tee up the ball fails. This time the ball makes the street, the kid's hot on its trail. INT. BEER TRUCK DAN I know exactly what it costs. You're a smart kid. You'll be driving in... OH SHIT! Dan instantly spots the rolling orange golf ball. A second later the small boy runs into the street. Dan takes evasive action - tires squealing, trailer skidding. Dan skillfully keeps the truck under control. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Joe, caught unaware and not buckled in, flies forward smacking hard off the dashboard. He pops up and buckles himself in the seat. On the dash board is a large sticker that reads. "All Employees Must Wear Seat Belts" Dan falls out the door. He rounds the front only to be met by the kid standing just inches from the shining bumper. DAN (CONT'D) Jesus H... So much for something drastic happening this morning. The boy hoists up his orange golf ball. Dan nervously takes hold of the young boy's hand. INT. HOUSE ON STREET -- KITCHEN Loud music fills the room as a young WOMAN in her early twenties stands stirring up a bowl of pancake mix. Her name is Karen. She suddenly stops when her instincts tell her something isn't quit right. She spins around, looks through the OPEN front door to see sun light reflect off the bumper her son is standing by. KAREN Bobby. The pancake mix flattens to the floor as she dashes out the front door. EXT. FRONT OF BEER TRUCK The worried mother clutches Bobby like the day he was born. KAREN Oh my god. Bobby, are you okay? DAN Let me guess, he belongs to you? BOBBY He's my son. Bobby smiles as he hold out the orange golf ball. She slaps the ball from his hand as it rebounds right to Dan. He looks at writing on the ball. "Shamrock driving range". KAREN What were you doing in the street? BOBBY My ball roll way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. DAN You'd better keep a closer eye on him. We're talking inches, lady. KAREN How can I ever thank you. DAN We all got a little lucky this morning. Let's just keep this between us, our own little secret, okay? She shakes her head "yes". Bobby reaches out and touches Dan's hand. BOBBY Dat my ball? Dan sees Karen shaking her head "no". Dan nods his head "yes" agreeing to keep the ball. Dan touches Bobby's hand. DAN I bet you didn't know that this ball is magic. Anyone who touches it will be blessed with good luck. Could I borrow it for a few days? I sure could use a little GOOD LUCK. Bobby giggles and shakes his head "yes". Dan ruffles up his hair. Karen picks him up and now just admires Dan. Her face that was previously filled with fear is transformed as she smiles a mile wide. KAREN If there's ever anything we can do. DAN Maybe one day you can return the favor. Until that day, good luck. Dan smiles, then sticks the ball in his POCKET and walks away. At the passenger side of the truck Dan bends down to view spilled beer leaking from the bottom of the trailer. He smacks his knee, then pops up to SHOUT into the window. DAN (CONT'D) Hey Rookie, you alive in there? Joe unbuckles the seat belt, then peeks out the window. JOE I can't believe you're so calm. INT. CAR PARKED BEHIND BEER TRUCK A man in his 30s, well dressed with flawless hair, sits inside a black Cadillac impatiently blasting away on the HORN. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14. EXT. BEER TRUCK SIDE DOOR DAN This is nothing. Last month I pulled a guy out of a burning car but the damn media showed up so I split before they could take my picture. JOE That was you? DAN That was... what in the hell! EXT. CAR BEHIND TRUCK Dan rounds the rear of the trailer to witness a man pointing his finger at him. Dan does a Bo Duke across the car hood. In the corner of the windshield we catch a quick glimpse of a card. It reads "ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR OF ST. PAUL." Dan lunges inside, tugging the man's hand off the horn. DAN This is a residential neighborhood not the interstate. The man SLAPS back Dan's hand and angrily points at him. ASSISTANT TO MAYOR Take your filthy hands off of me. Dan quickly collars the guy by the shirt, pulling him part way out the window, banging his FACE off the window edge. The man reaches up to cover his eye. DAN Filthy? I'm gonna shove that horn right up your... Dan pulls harder on the guy's shirt. The man struggles for the automatic window switch. ASSISTANT TO MAYOR I'm the assistant to the... Dan attempts to smack the man but the window closes as Dan's hand bounces hard off the window. Dan jumps back in pain. The man guns the car, backing up, just missing the car behind. He jams it back into gear and steers straight for Dan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. ASSISTANT TO MAYOR (CONT'D) Ahhhh. Dan tumble-rolls as the car misses him by inches. Dan wipes the street debris from his now dirty work shirt. INT. BEER TRUCK Dan sinks into the seat. He wipes some sweat from his face. JOE What happened? DAN Some crack head tried to run me over. Dan pulls a can of beer from his lunch cooler. It's guzzled down in seconds. Joe looks on in a daze. Dan squishes the aluminum can off the dash board and tosses the empty to the floor. JOE Do you know what time it is? Dan scans the radio clock, it's 8:44 as a SECOND later. DAN 8:45. I'll tell yea, if I ever have a son, the first thing I buy him is a harness and ten feet of rope. EXT. CLINIC PARKING LOT -- MINUTES LATER In the background a sign reads "HIGHLAND CLINIC for all your health care needs." INT. VAL'S CAR Val unbuckles her seat belt. Mary's uncertain as she clutches her purse close to her chest. VAL They have home pregnancy tests. I used one myself. MARY I need to know for sure. VAL How long since your last period? MARY Two months. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. VAL Two months? You don't need the test. You're pregnant. Can I ask you something personal? MARY Personal? About me? VAL About Dan. You were dating, Kevin Otto right out of high school and you up and dumped him for Dan Delyons? MARY Kevin wasn't the right man for me. VAL And Delyons is? Mary opens her purse, handing Val a PICTURE of her and Dan sitting on a park bench. They're both smiling cheek to cheek. MARY It's not what a man looks like that's important to me, it's how that man makes me feel. VAL I see the way you look at him. Do you really love him that much? MARY I do. VAL You can't be serious. MARY I feel safe when he's with me. VAL Safe? He's a walking disaster area. MARY No, he's my knight in shining armor. My Lancelot. He's opened my eyes to see what a real man should be like. VAL A real man? We're talking about Dan Delyons, not Richard Gere. Mary reaches out and tightly squeezes Val's hand. Her voice breaks as she rubs the top of her thighs. MARY I have to tell you what he did. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. VAL You're upset? What did he do to you! Val's mad. Mary's watery eye's search for a place to start. MARY Everything a man could do. VAL I knew he was a scumbag. MARY No, you got it all wrong. VAL Then tell me what happened to you. MARY Three years ago on July 24th. It was hot that day, so hot. I thought I'd just--but my legs--I, I couldn't move them. I couldn't keep up. VAL What are you talking about? MARY I went down like a rock. Me, an excellent swimmer. I was drowning in my own pool. All of a sudden, he was there for me. He saved my life. VAL Why didn't you tell me about this before? MARY We decided not to tell anyone, not even our parents. VAL You mean your parents don't know? That doesn't make any sense. MARY I know, but he didn't want anyone to treated him special, like a hero. VAL But he is a... he sure fooled me. MARY I know he's not perfect. I can live with his faults because I know the truth. If he hadn't been there for me, I wouldn't be here today. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18. VAL I understand everything now. Mary reaches out and takes back the picture from Val. MARY This is the only picture I have of him. I don't know what I'd do with out it, with out him. VAL You're very good at keeping secrets. The lights come on from inside the clinic. It opens. INT. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR OF ST.PAUL -- MORNING A very well dressed man of 50 years sits at his desk. A large plaque reads "MAYOR". Across from him sits his Assistant, sporting a seriously swelled up black eye. ASSISTANT TO MAYOR Don't you think I'd tell you if I knew who did this to me? MAYOR A black eye doesn't leave you blind. What kind of vehicle was he driving? ASSISTANT TO MAYOR All I remember was that it was green with a beer bottle on the back. MAYOR A beer truck driver? That narrows it down to one company. You're coming with me to identify this man. ASSISTANT TO MAYOR But sir, I leave this afternoon for meetings in Chicago, I don't have... MAYOR Then leave this to me. When I'm done with him, he'll be lucky to get a job driving a garbage truck. EXT. LIQUOR STORE PARKING LOT -- MORNING The Green beer truck pulls into the lot and stops. EXT. WILLIAMS WAREHOUSE PARKING LOT -- MORNING Skidding up to the doors of the warehouse is a long black limousine. It parks across a handicapped parking spot. The car door opens as the Mayor promptly exits the vehicle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19. INT. -- ED'S OFFICE -- MORNING Sitting peacefully at his desk. Ed savors a sip of coffee. All at once the door opens with a bang, almost breaking the glass. Ed spills coffee on his clean white shirt. The Mayor invades the room. Ed's pissed until he looks up. ED Damn it. Who the hell are... Mr. Mayor, I didn't recognize you. MAYOR A green delivery truck, the driver works for you. I want him. ED We do have one truck that color. Is there a problem, sir? MAYOR Oh yea. I want this guy's name and I want it now. His ass is mine. ED His name's Dan Delyons. He's been nothing but trouble from day one. MAYOR No one assaults my assistant without having to deal with me. ED It's not the first time he's done something like this sir. MAYOR But it will be his last. ED You have my word. I will personally take care of this situation. MAYOR I hope so for your sake. I go way back with the owner of this company. ED Consider him fired the instant he sets foot in my office. MAYOR Make this happen or your ass will be standing right behind him, in the unemployment line. The smile drops right off Ed's face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20. EXT. CLINIC -- SIDEWALK -- MORNING Mary swiftly walks toward the car. Val thumbs through a pamphlet about pregnancy. She halts Mary at the front of her car. VAL Here, take this, it tells you what to expect as your body changes. MARY Changes? How am I going to tell my parents about this? VAL Having a baby is part of every woman's life. Your parents know that. MARY I can barely take care of myself. How can I take care of a baby? VAL It's in your blood. I know you'll be the best mother your baby could have. Mary gives Val a monster hug. INT. ED'S OFFICE -- MORNING The Mayor walks out as Ed sits PARALYZED, staring bug eyed at an array of pictures of his 25 plus years with the company. He pops back to life and swipes the phone off his desk. He spots a black paper weight with gold lettering that reads. "25 YEARS OF EXCELLENT WORK". He hurls it at the glass door. ELAINE, the receptionist, a young woman, has her head buried in a book when the sound of breaking glass startles her. She looks up in time to see the paperweight EXPLODE into the wall, just feet from her desk. ELAINE Oh my god. Someone's shooting. Ed stomps out over the broken glass. Elaine, now hiding under her desk, observes a pair of feet approaching. ED Elaine! Get me Delyons on the radio. She slides out from under the desk and scurries to the RADIO. ELAINE Base to 21 base to 21... Come in. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. EXT. LIQUOR STORE PARKING LOT -- DAY Dan is resting against a stack of cased beer when he hears the truck's two way radio. He leaps into the truck. DAN Yeah base, 21 here. Go ahead. INT. OFFICE -- RADIO DESK Ed snatches the microphone from Elaine. ED I was just paid a visit by the Mayor. Do you have something to tell me? DAN (V.O.) Not really. I don't know the Mayor. Ed slams his fist on the desk. Elaine recoils back in shock. ED What did you say? DAN (V.O.) I said, I don't know the Mayor. ED Get your ass back here now. DAN (V.O.) Right now? What about my deliveries? ED Get your ass back here now! DAN (V.O.) 10-4 Ed, 21 out. Ed zings the microphone at the Radio. He stomps back into his office crushing more of the broken glass under his feet. INT. BEER TRUCK -- CITY STREET -- DAY Billy and Alvin look at each other and start laughing. INT. LIQUOR STORE -- FRONT COUNTER Dan wanders in like nothing's happened. An older man is perched behind a counter, mid fifties, wearing a "golf or die" t-shirt. His name is LEROY WINTERS. DAN I need some money, Leroy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22. LEROY Don't we all. What's the verdict? DAN 752.55 straight up. Leroy pulls out a checkbook. Dan spots a large poster behind the counter. It reads, "WIN A MILLION DOLLARS." DAN (CONT'D) Win a million dollars, what the heck's that all about? LEROY The annual hole-in-one contest. DAN A hole in one, like that's golf right? LEROY What? You've never been golfing? DAN Do I look that stupid? Of course I've been golfing, dozens of times. Dan makes a swinging motion that appears more like he's shooting a hockey puck than a golf ball. Leroy chuckles, then curiously scans his watch for the time. LEROY I won't answer that. If you're gonna enter, you better do it today. The contest ends in about eight hours. DAN How much does it cost? LEROY 10 bucks a pop. They draw 5 names for a chance to win a million dollars. DAN Did you enter? LEROY Ten times. DAN Ten times? Leroy, you feelin' okay? You just wasted a hundred bucks. LEROY It's the best money I've ever spent. Besides, it makes me feel good to know that even that SMALL amount can help a child to live a last wish. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23. DAN I still think it's a huge waste of money. I'll take just one ticket. Dan draws a ten from his wallet and signs the back of the ORANGE ticket. Leroy tears it apart and hands half to Dan. LEROY Don't lose that ticket. DAN Yeah, I know right where to put it. Dan drops it in his wallet, behind the same smiling PICTURE of him and Mary. LEROY Good luck. We'll see you next week. DAN Not if I win the million. I'm packing up the truck and heading to Florida. INT. BEER TRUCK -- MOMENTS LATER Dan pounds down another brew. Joe gazes down at a half dozen empty beer cans at his feet. DAN What would you do with a million dollars? JOE Retire after one day on the job. DAN Not me, I'd spend it all for a kiss from the actress Ashley Judd. Dan lets out a nasty beer belch then tugs down the visor, revealing a picture of Ashley smiling. DAN (CONT'D) Now there's a woman. God has never made a more beautiful smile. JOE You better lay off the suds. No kiss is worth a million dollars. Even if it is from Ashley Judd. DAN Believe me son, a kiss from her would be worth every penny. Dan kisses his finger and touches it to Ashley's picture. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24. INT.-- WAREHOUSE -- AFTERNOON Dan hops out of the truck. No sooner do his feet hit the floor then the air is pierced by Ed's voice on the intercom. INTERCOM (V.O.) Delyons, report to my office. Now. Dan makes the dreaded walk to Ed's office. He cautiously avoids a pile of broken glass. DAN Earth quake go off around here? INT. ED'S OFFICE Dan sneaks in. Ed spins around in his chair to face him. ED It took you less than an hour to use up your grace. DAN I think you're mistaken. ED Is "idiot" tattooed on my forehead? DAN I don't see anything from here. Dan spots a sly grin. Ed's eyes show stone cold anger. ED You had an encounter on a city street this morning. Care to tell me what happened? DAN Is that what this is all about? The kid that ran in front of my truck? ED Bullshit! There was no kid. DAN I swear it's true. I damn near flattened the little guy. ED Liar! You assaulted the Mayor's Assistant this morning, didn't you? Ed SLAMS the desk top. The candy dish flies, sending small pieces of candy raining down on Dan's lap. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25. Dan pulls a piece of candy from his front pocket. He skillfully unwraps it and tosses it in his mouth. DAN You gotta believe me, I had no idea who that guy was. ED Of all the people in this city, you had to mess with the Mayor. DAN The guy wouldn't lay off the damn horn. Ed leans forward and points a mean finger at Dan. ED The Mayor chewed me a new one. I'm giving him what he wants, you. Dan unwraps another piece of candy and tosses it in his mouth. ED (CONT'D) You don't know how long I've been waiting for this day. DAN What, it was just a little slap. ED Your grace is gone. YOU'RE FIRED! Dan spits out the half chewed candy, right past Ed's head. DAN Fired? Can't we talk about this? ED Get out! You don't work here any more. DAN But. Ed points his shaking finger toward the door. Dan creeps out, takes his time card and punches out. Trudging to the front door, he leaves. Ed follows his every move, then picks up his phone. ED It's done sir. He's leaving as we speak. Yes sir. Thank you, sir. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26. EXT. WAREHOUSE PARKING LOT Dans truck drives out the driveway. EXT. CEMETERY ENTRANCE -- AFTERNOON Dans truck enters a cemetery and stops at a grave site. Dan stares down at a large grave stone that reads, "ROSE DELYONS". He carefully places a dozen roses into a large glass vase. He pulls a few dandelions from the stone's base. DAN Things aren't going so well, Mom. Tears start to roll as he quickly wipes them away. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- DRIVEWAY -- AFTERNOON Val and Mary are sitting in Val's car. Val drinks from a bottle of water. Mary thumbs through the pregnancy pamphlet. MARY This has got to be a dream. It doesn't seem real, me a mother. VAL It's no dream. What do you want? MARY What do I want? VAL Yea silly, a boy or a girl. MARY I hadn't even thought about that. VAL Whether to get blue or pink. We live for that kind of decision. From the house, Norma walks out the door toward the car. Mary gets nervous, grabbing Val's arm. MARY Oh my god, here comes my Mom. How am I going to tell her. VAL Open your mouth and say it. Norma leans against the car door. NORMA Hi girls. Is something wrong? You've been sitting out here a long time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 27. Mary struggles to say something when she looks down at the pamphlet in her hands. MARY Mom, we need to talk. She hands the pamphlet to Norma, who looks at the cover. Norma reaches up and touches her now quivering mouth. MARY (CONT'D) I'm gonna have a baby. Mary drops back in her seat, anticipating a tongue lashing but gets the opposite. NORMA A Baby? Why didn't you tell me. Norma opens the door and draws her out to a monster hug that only a grandmother could give. MARY I just found out. I don't blame you if you feel I've let you down. NORMA Oh Mary, you've never let me down. MARY But Mom, I'm not married. NORMA Do you want to have this baby? MARY More than anything. Norma wipes back Mary's hair, looks her deep in the eyes, then kisses her on the cheek. NORMA Then marriage can wait. Let's go inside, we need to start making plans. Norma walks away. Mary's downright shocked, she stands frozen as Val leans toward the open window. VAL See, I told you. You have nothing to worry about except the pain. Val starts the car, drops it in gear and pulls away. MARY Wait a minute. What pain? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28. INT. FRANKIE'S BAR -- EVENING Frankie's is a very dark, dingy low end beer joint. Billy and Alvin are planted on bar stools. Dan crashes the front door, heads straight to the bar and pulls out a stool. BARTENDER The usual tonight? BILLY Better give him a double shot of whiskey, on me. DAN Not a chance. I can't see straight when I drink whiskey. Billy cocks an inquisitive EYEBROW at those words. Dan tosses a twenty on the bar. The Bartender opens a bottle and slides it into Dan's hand, followed by the change for the twenty. BARTENDER Man, I can't believe you got canned. ALVIN I canned. BILLY So canned I. Dan pounds the beer and nudges the empty at the Bartender, who pushes a full bottle back into Dan's waiting hand then answers the phone under the bar. DAN That's the best you ladies can come up with? BILLY Here, call her. Maybe if you lick her boots she'll talk to daddy. Dan gets extremely pissed. He smacks the phone away then he yanks Billy off the stool, pushing him against the bar. DAN Keep it up, you'll be leaving here in the back of an ambulance. Dan cocks his arm back to nail Billy in the face when the bartender stops him. BARTENDER Whoa... hold on a minute the phone is for you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29. DAN For me? Who is it. BARTENDER I don't know, take it in the booth. Dan releases Billy and heads right to the phone booth. Billy picks his cell phone up off the floor and dials. At the phone booth, Dan grabs the phone. DAN Hello? MARY (V.O.) Why haven't you answered your phone? DAN Mary? I would of but I don't have my charger. What's the matter? MARY (V.O.) I went to see a doctor this morning. Worry crosses his face as he stops drinking his beer. DAN A doctor? Are you feeling okay? MARY (V.O.) I'm fine. Can you come over please. Relieved, Dan tilts back in the booth, looks at his watch. DAN It's after six? I'll never be able to get past your father. You remember what happened last week when I tried to crash your birthday party. Entering the bar are TWO COPS. They march up to the bar. Dan notices the cops speaking to Billy, who in turn points at the phone booth. The cops turn and quickly scoot to him. MARY (V.O.) He didn't know the gun was loaded. DAN The first shot may have been an accident, the second was on purpose. I still have ringing in my ears. Aw crap! Baby, I can't talk right now. MARY (V.O.) You're not coming to see me? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 30. DAN I don't think I'll be able too. The cops now surround the phone both door. Dan opens the door slowly as the lead cop pulls the phone from his ear and hangs it up. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- DEN MARY But, I'm gonna have a baby. Dan, don't hang up on me again. Marlowe enters in time to see her slam down the phone. She's fuming. He's confused. MARLOWE What's going on? Mary, what's wrong? MARY Nothing, nothing's wrong. He reaches out to her but she brushes him aside. Mary streaks across the room. She reaches the patio door, hesitating a moment, she lightly rubs the DOOR FRAME with her hand then escapes out the door. MARLOWE Why is she upset? Is this about Delyons being fired? NORMA What! You fired Daniel? MARLOWE No. I had nothing to do with it. NORMA You're lying. Your handwriting is all over this. MARLOWE So what if I did. I don't answer to anyone when it comes to protecting my daughter. NORMA You made a promise to her three years ago. That's not fair to her. MARLOWE No one ever said that life was fair. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- SWIMMING POOL Mary sits at the rim of the pool, her FEET in the water. With both hands she lightly RUBS the tops of her thighs. Norma slowly comes up from behind. NORMA Are your legs sore? MARY My legs are fine. It's my life that's falling apart. NORMA I know it's been a rough day. Norma slips off her shoes and drops her feet in the water. MARY Things were going so smoothly. All of a sudden everything's. NORMA Going to be just fine. I want you to know that I'm always here for you. MARY I know. Mary reaches down and scoops up a hand full of water and rubs her hands together. NORMA It's been ages sense we swam together. What do you say we do a few laps. MARY I want too but I'm to upset to swim. NORMA When you were a little girl. I always knew right where to find you, here in the pool. Mary starts to vigorously rub the tops of her thighs. MARY Daddy called me his little mermaid. NORMA Soon you'll teach your own children to swim like a mermaid. MARY Like you taught me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 32. NORMA Baby, this might not be the best time to say this but I have to. MARY What is it? NORMA The reason why Daniel may be a little hard to deal with tonight is... he lost his job today. MARY He lost his job? Why? NORMA He was fighting again. Mary melts into her mother's arms. INT. FRANKIE'S BAR Officer COOPER, a long-time St.Paul cop in his early forties and in excellent shape hovers over Dan. Dan attempts to get up but is shoved back down in the seat. COOPER Weed man, you've popped up again. I have here a warrant for your arrest. DAN A warrant? Jesus, what for? COOPER Assault upon a public official. Cooper grabs Dan by the shirt collar and yank's him off the stool. Seconds later his face is pushed up against the wall. Every person in the bar is now focused on them. DAN Coop, you have the wrong man. COOPER I got direct orders from the Mayor himself. You're going to jail. The second cop cuffs Dan, pulling him away from the wall. DAN To jail? Can I at least finish my first beer? COOPER I know you. That's not your first. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 33. Billy and Alvin start laughing as Dan is escorted past them. BILLY Going for a little ride? Dan notices his change on the bar. DAN Hey, butt brothers, the next round is on me. Dan exits the bar. Billy motions for another round. The bartender pulls two more beers from the cooler. ALVIN That was classic man, letting the cops know he was here. BILLY What are cell phones good for if you can't use them to help out a friend. INT. POLICE CAR -- CITY STREET -- TWILIGHT Dan stares solemnly out the side window, then abruptly turns his head away as the Williams warehouse comes into view. Officer Cooper, glancing into his rear view mirror, catches Dan squirming in his seat. COOPER You're the most wanted man in town. DAN Most wanted? COOPER How long have I been dealing with you, five, six years now? DAN Sounds about right. COOPER This ain't no speeding ticket or underage drinking in the park. DAN You seam to think I knew who that guy was. COOPER That's always been your problem, you don't think. Dan leans forward, face up against the metal partition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34. DAN The Mayor, what kind of a guy is he? COOPER Former marine, he chews on nails and spits out railroad spikes. DAN That's impossible. COOPER You obviously don't know the Mayor. DAN Rotten horoscopes. So much for reaping the rewards of a life time. COOPER One day you'll understand that rewards don't just fall into your lap, they have to be earned. Cooper turns to look at Dan as both cops laugh hysterically. INT. OFFICE BUILDING -- DOWNTOWN ST. PAUL -- EVENING Two men and a woman stand in a beautifully decorated office. Several empty cardboard boxes encircle them. JOHN, a 45 year old man sports a scheming smile. TOM, a salesman, looks like a star quarterback. JANET, the office secretary, a pretty well built woman wearing a low cut blouse. Tom pours entry cards into a metal barrel. JOHN Did you get the box from my trunk? TOM Yes sir, I just dumped it in. JANET There sure are a lot of entries. JOHN I figure about 10,000, times 10 bucks a pop, that's 100 grand. But I tell Make A Wish that we only got 7 thousand entries. That's thirty thousand extra bucks in my pocket. Tom and John cynically laugh. Janet looks on in astonishment. TOM Our cut of 50 percent, plus expenses should make for a real nice bonus this year. Right John? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35. JOHN That all depends on wither I can trust you or not. JANET I'll do just about anything for money. JOHN That's why I hired you. Okay, now that we are all on the same page. Janet, spin the barrel. I'll pick the first two, Tom the second two, and you get the last one. Janet spins the barrel. Grinning from ear to ear John pulls out the first two names. JOHN (CONT'D) Our first contestant is, April Summers of Spring Valley. The second one is Candy Korn of Farmers Grove. Tom reaches in for his two contestants. TOM Third contestant is, Johnny Walker from Red Wing. The forth one is Jane Tarzani from Jungle, Minnesota. Janet stares at the opening of the barrel, hesitates a moment. JOHN Let's go sweet heart. JANET Okay, here we go. She reaches deep into the barrel. Pulling out an entry, she goes to read it when she realizes she's pulled two. JOHN Just one if you don't mind. JANET I know, I know. Flustered, she puts both entires back in the barrel, then she picks a single entry closest to the opening. JANET (CONT'D) Our fifth contestant is Daniel Delyons of... Dan Delyons of St. Paul? JOHN Dan who? Do you know him? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36. JANET Ah no, never heard of him. The look on her face reveals a different story. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- STREET -- NIGHT A light rain has fallen, casting a clean shine on the street. Janet drives up in her tiny car. She's groans as she scans the trash filled front yard. Janet knocks on the front door, waits, then knocks again. JANET Hey Danny boy, you home? Open up it's me, Janet Meyers. No reply. Janet pulls a post it note from her purse, writes out a note and sticks it to the door. Mary drives up across the street. She stops and watches Janet walk to her car and leave. Mary quickly hikes to the front door. She pulls off the note. It's too dark to read. Mary gathers herself and knocks. No response. She peeks through a window, sees nothing. She scoots back to her car. INT. MARY'S CAR Mary's hand trembles as she holds the note up to the light. A heart shape on the paper with words inside that read. NOTE Dan, stopped by to see you. Have a Million Dollar surprised for you. Call me on my cell phone as soon as you get home. Love, Janet. INT. CITY JAIL -- INTERROGATION ROOM -- THURSDAY MORNING Dan leans back in a wooden chair. He scans the room, a typical interrogation room, a lone table and two-way mirror. A male captain sits next to a plain clothes woman detective. She ruffles through some papers, pulls a sheet from the pile and passes it to the captain. DAN God, not another full page. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37. WOMAN COP Mr. Delyons, how are you this morning? DAN I've definitely had better nights. WOMAN COP Now, we need to talk about you and the Mayor's assistant? DAN No! Lady, I want my phone call. WOMAN COP You'd like to call a lawyer? DAN No! Screw the lawyer. WOMAN COP I really don't think this is the time to start making threats. DAN I need to talk to my girlfriend before I say a word to any of you clowns. From her hand bag she procures a cell phone and slides it across the table. It dives into Dan's lap. WOMAN COP You've got two minutes. She and the captain step out. Dan dials the phone. He cocks his head to observe the two way mirror. MARY (V.O.) Hello. DAN Good morning beautiful. I'm sorry I couldn't make it over last night. MARY (V.O.) Why are you in jail? DAN How did you find out? MARY (V.O.) Did you beat up the Mayor's Assistant? Dan shields his mouth from the two way mirror. DAN I'm sorry. I did, but I swear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38. MARY (V.O.) Who is Janet? DAN He deserved... Who? MARY (V.O.) Janet. I saw her at your house last night. She left a note on your door. DAN Baby, do you have any bail money? MARY (V.O.) You didn't answer me. Who is Janet? Why does she want you to call her. Dan hears the DOOR opening, he pivots to see the Woman and the Captain returning to the room. DAN I don't know any Janet. I need bail money, can you take care of that for me? MARY (V.O.) Are you telling me the truth? DAN The whole truth and nothing but... The woman cop nabs the phone and slides it to her ear. MARY (V.O.) I believe you. Daniel, you're going to be a. WOMAN COP Sorry, this conversation is over. She flips the phone shut. From behind a door flies open, colliding with the wall. Dan snaps his head for a look. All eyes track the Mayor as he enters the room. MAYOR Good morning captain, lutenant. I only have a minute to spare. Well, well. So this is our mad slaper? The Mayor steps around, getting right in Dan's face. MAYOR (CONT'D) I dare you to slap me. Come on tough guy, I'm waiting, SLAP ME. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 39. The Mayor cocks his hand to strike Dan's face. Dan looks for help from the woman detective. DAN Can he say that to me? WOMAN COP The Mayor is still a police detective Mr. Delyons. He has decided to handle your case personally. DAN The Mayor is still a cop? MAYOR You're gonna get what you deserve. Nobody makes a fool out of me. When this weekend is all over, I'm going to hang a large picture of you on the wall in my office. Dan's a bit ruffled as the Mayor lightly slap's his face. MAYOR (CONT'D) Whenever some one asks me why it's up there, I'll laugh my ass off and tell them to take a good look. That's the face of a loser. The Mayor straightens out his suit. The captain and the woman detective stand and face the Mayor. MAYOR (CONT'D) Captain, I'll be at a charity banquet this morning. Keep me informed on your progress on this case. As he leaves the Mayor puts an ORANGE BUTTON on his lapel. It reads "FOUNDING MEMBER - MAKE A WISH MINNESOTA" INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- KITCHEN -- MORNING Mary strolls in. Marlowe and Norma are sitting at the table. Mary's focus falls directly upon her father. MARY We had a deal. I do what you want, you keep Daniel on with the company. MARLOWE He's been drinking on the job and now he's beating people up. How long until he turns on you? MARY He's never laid a hand on me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 40. MARLOWE If he ever did, I'd kill him. Mary, deserts the table when Norma stops her. She hugs Mary, then gives Marlowe a sharp look of disapproval. MARY Mom, I don't know what to do? NORMA How about we bail him out. Marlowe is jolted by her words. He stands, causing the table to shift a foot, knocking over a number of dishes. MARLOWE Bail him out? What in the world is wrong with you two? NORMA We could use your help. A little bail money would be a good start. MARLOWE As long as I have a single breath left in my lungs, he doesn't exist to me. Those words shock Mary. Marlowe stomps out the back door. MARY He's never done anything to Daddy. Why does he hate him? NORMA It's a male thing. No man is ever good enough for another man's daughter. MARY Please don't tell Daddy about the baby. He might not miss this time. NORMA Your secret's safe with me. Now, let's round up some bail money. MARY Thank you... for helping him. INT. CITY JAIL -- CELL BLOCK -- MORNING Dan sits on the edge of a bed. A guard unlocks the cell door and points at Dan. GUARD Front and center, you've made bail. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 41. Dan jumps to his feet, struts confidently out of the cell. INT. CITY JAIL -- OUTER WAITING ROOM Dan scans the room. A tug on his arm spins him around. He's flabbergasted to see Janet standing at his side. JANET Hey handsome, long time no see. DAN Janet? What are you doing here? JANET What, can't an old friend help a friend who's in trouble? DAN In trouble? Wait a second, how'd you know I was in jail? JANET I hate to tell you this but you led every newscast in town last night. DAN Newscast? I was on TV? JANET Everyone in town knows what you did. Dan pounds his forehead in amazement. DAN No way. JANET Somebody's got it in for you. DAN The Mayor, he's behind this. JANET It's been awhile since high school, how have you been? DAN Up until yesterday morning, good. INT. MARY'S CAR -- FRONT OF JAIL Mary pulls to a stop at the curb. Mary glances up as Dan and Janet bounce down the front steps. Mary's visibly upset as she points a finger at them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 42. MARY That's the woman, from last night. What's she doing here? EXT. JAIL -- SIDEWALK JANET Can I give you a lift? DAN Yea, drop me off at Frankie's. JANET I've got something to tell you that will put a huge smile on your face. Dan turns, looking Janet straight in the eyes. She's as giddy as a school girl. JANET (CONT'D) You're one of the lucky five. DAN One of what five? JANET I'm proud to inform you that your name was chosen as a contestant in the 5th annual hole-in-one contest. DAN What? Is this some kind of joke? JANET No joke, I picked your name myself. DAN Are you telling me that I have a chance to win a million dollars? Dan seizes Janet around the waist, raising her off her feet. JANET That's what I'm telling you. DAN Unbelievable. What do I have to do? JANET Just show up on Saturday at the Shamrock Golf Course and you'll get your chance to win a million dollars. Janet gives Dan a satisfied gaze. Before he can reply, she quickly tries to kiss him, but he skillfully avoids her mouth. She gets a piece of his cheek. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 43. INT. MARY'S CAR Mary witnesses the kiss. She's in total shock. Norma reaches out, taking hold of Mary's arm. MARY Oh my God. Now they're kissing. Mary quickly jerks open the car door. She spins back to face Norma. MARY (CONT'D) He'd better have a good explanation for this. EXT. JAIL -- SIDEWALK Dan's not amused at Janet's attempted kiss. DAN Why did you do that? JANET I'm just happy for you. DAN What would make me happy is a ride to get my truck. Janet bounces like a bunny around to the drivers door. Getting in, she eyes Dan through the open window. JANET Well, you coming or not? Dan opens the side door and leaps in. Mary, 50 feet away, trots toward the car as it speeds away. MARY Daniel, wait. Mary's a little dazed as the car vanishes around a corner. Norma creeps up to her side and takes hold of her hand. NORMA I'm sure it's nothing. Mary spins around, angrily flinging Norma's hand away. MARY Mother, I wasn't born yesterday. NORMA Baby, before you blow this all out of proportion you need to... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 44. MARY He was all over her, and in public. Now I know why he won't come over to our house any more. NORMA It's probably nothing sweetie. MARY He said he didn't know her. He lied to me. NORMA Every relationship has a rocky moment or two. MARY What if he doesn't love me any more? What if he doesn't want to be a father? INT. JANET'S CAR -- CITY STREET Janet peers directly into Dan's eyes, smiling a mile wide. DAN I know what you're doing. JANET What? You always loved my smile. DAN When I was sixteen. JANET Do you remember how we first met? Dan, looking down into his lap, slowly shakes his head "yes". JANET (CONT'D) My asthma flared up on the school bus. You held onto my inhaler. You stayed with me until I could breath. Janet lifts her hand to wipe away a tear from her cheek. JANET (CONT'D) You held my hand and kissed my cheek. It was the most terrifying, yet memorable moment of my life. DAN I remember. Sometimes I feel like I'm cursed. When I see a woman's smile, a dozen emotions overtake me until I feel just what she feels. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45. Dan wipes his face but still won't look at Janet. JANET What did my smile say on the bus? DAN You didn't. JANET My smile today says thank you. Dan finally turns to Janet, when from over her shoulder he spots Frankie's. He enthusiastically points to the bar. DAN You're welcome, whoa, there's Frankie's. The lot's completely empty but for a lone orange truck. Janet pulls up and stops front bumper to front bumper. JANET You're still driving that old junker? Dan hops out then leans back into the open window. DAN Rusty but trusty. Thanks for all your help. I'll pay you back but that's as far as I can go. Goodbye. He nods his head and leaves. Janet watches him walk back to his truck. JANET I'm not giving up that easily. I gotta get him to look elsewhere. Janet wisps her hair around and pulls at her blouse, revealing a little more of her chest. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- GARAGE -- LATER Mary's car pulls up and stops inside the garage. MARY His drinking is more important than our relationship. Mary retrieves a kleenex from her purse to wipe her eyes. MARY (CONT'D) He promised he'd love me. Not another woman but me Mother, me. Mary pulls out the picture of them on the park bench. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46. MARY (CONT'D) This picture was taken the day after we met. I want that day back. I want that feeling back. NORMA I remember that day. I was sitting at your father's desk when you showed me that picture. I don't think I've ever seen you so happy. MARY I remember you started crying. NORMA Oh, that's just a woman thing. We cry over the simplest things. Norma starts to cry, a second later Mary follows right along. INT. JOHN SWEENEY'S OFFICE -- MORNING The Mayor, standing at John's desk, keeps a chokingly tight grip on a hand ball. John is fixed behind his opulent desk. Tom nervously loosens the knot on his tie. Jimmy is right behind the Mayor. MAYOR That figure had better be a joke. JOHN I never joke about money. Seven thousand fifty-one entries. The Mayor's body trembles as he hears the amount. MAYOR That's three thousand less than last year's total. JOHN It was an exceptional year last year. MAYOR Seven thousand, that's what... thirty five grand for me? JOHN My figure's a lot closer to thirty. MAYOR Thirty. You rotten thief. You're skimming off the top, I know it. JOHN You don't know jack shit. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47. MAYOR I have a file on you six inches thick. It's just a matter of time. JOHN You can count. Why don't you count your steps on the way out the door. The Mayor slams his fist down on John's desk. John smirks like the thief that he is. MAYOR Stealing money from the hands of dying children. You make me sick. JOHN You make me sick. Get off that high horse you're riding, before it bucks you off face first into the dirt. MAYOR You'll make a mistake, crooks like you always do. JOHN It's going to take more than paperwork to bring me down. I don't think you can do it but you're welcome to try. MAYOR I'll bring you down alright. You can take that to the bank. John pulls a check from his pocket, hands it to the Mayor. JOHN You can take this to the bank. I assure you it will clear. MAYOR I've got special hand cuffs just for you. I assure you, they will fit. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- DEN -- MORNING The phone rings, Norma answers it. A second later she covers the mouth piece and walks to Mary. NORMA Dan would like to speak to you. Remember, ask him about this woman. Mary, lounging in a large chair bounces to her feet, she uncharacteristically tears the phone from Norma's hand. MARY Hello. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48. DAN (V.O.) Hi baby, you don't have to come down to the jail. I'm out. MARY Really, how did you get out? DAN (V.O.) Ah, Billy from work, ah, yeah, he came down and ah, he bailed me out. MARY You're lying. It wasn't Billy who bailed you out. DAN (V.O.) Mary, you weren't at the police station this morning, were you? MARY You said you didn't know her. You lied to me, again. DAN (V.O.) Baby, I can explain. It's not what you think. MARY You kissed her, in public. DAN (V.O.) I'm sorry. I did lie to you. MARY It's my turn to hang up. Mary angrily rips the cord out of the wall and tosses the phone away. NORMA What did he say? MARY Lies, nothing but lies. NORMA I think it's time to pay him a visit. MARY It won't do any good. Mary escapes out of the room. As her door closes another opens. Norma coldly stares Marlowe down as he places his brief case on the desk. NORMA We need to talk. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 49. Marlowe, ignoring her, opens his briefcase and attempts to retrieve some paperwork. Norma shuts the cover down on his hand. He pulls back in shock at her conduct. MARLOWE What is wrong with you? NORMA What's wrong with me is you. MARLOWE Do not try and spin this, he's the problem and you know it. NORMA Mary asked me why you hate him so much. I'm beginning to wonder myself. MARLOWE The only reason he takes notice of her is because of my money. NORMA You think the reason he loves her is because he's after your money? MARLOWE What better way to get a big pay day then to confuse and manipulate her. NORMA You're the one whose's confused. MARLOWE I know a dozen men like him. All they think about is the money, leaving their families behind in second place. NORMA Find yourself a big mirror. Take a long hard look at what you see in it and ask yourself that same question. Norma storms away, slamming the door as she leaves the room. Marlowe examines his sore fingers when the security cameras that monitor their residence fire off a series of beeps. Marlowe focuses on the TV monitor on his desk. An orange truck, prominent on one of the FOUR split screens drives into the driveway. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50. A second later the pickup enters a second part of the split screen that reveals the front door area. Marlowe slams his good hand down on the desk top. MARLOWE This nightmare is going to end. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- FRONT DOOR Dan strides up to the door. Located above him is a security camera. It pans back and forth as Dan knocks on the door. Marlowe opens it, jumps outside. His tone is serious. MARLOWE What did I tell you last week! Don't make me get my magnum! DAN I need to see Mary. MARLOWE What you need is no longer an issue. DAN I want to talk to her, not to stand here and argue with you. MARLOWE This pretend romance is over. I see right through your little game. Marlowe's face puffs with anger. Dan's is not far behind. DAN Pretend... little game? Dan attempts to step past but Marlowe stops him with a stiff arm to the shoulder. Dan looks at it then whacks it away. MARLOWE Name your price, I'll pay it. DAN Keep your money, I don't need it. MARLOWE You're not going to ruin her life. DAN Me? Ruining her life? I'd tell you something about her LIFE but I won't do it because I love her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51. They stand nose to nose. Marlowe clinches his fist. MARLOWE If you ever say those words in front of me again, I'll kill you. DAN You're gonna need more than a magnum to keep me away from her. MARLOWE You just don't get it. Stay away from her, she doesn't need you. DAN Shove it, you son of a bitch. Dan's extremely pissed. He storms back to his truck and burns rubber out the driveway. EXT. DAN'S TRUCK -- CITY STREET -- MOMENTS LATER Dan weaves through traffic, driving a lot faster than the surrounding traffic. A TELEVISION NEWS VAN appears ahead of him, slightly blocking the right lane. Dan swerves around, cutting off the van, sending it careening into the curb. INT. NEWS VAN -- CITY STREET Coffee and other items get hurled around the cab as the van comes to a stop. A NEWSWOMAN CINDY, in her twenties, sits stunned in the passenger seat. The driver JAKE, a balding man in his forties, sits tightly gripping the steering wheel. CINDY What just happened? JAKE That truck came out of no where and just cut me right off. CINDY Did you get a license plate number? JAKE Plate number? No, I was trying to avoid getting killed. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- FRONT DOOR -- MOMENTS LATER Dan storms the front door. He slides the key in and it breaks off in the lock. Angry, he kicks in the door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52. INT. DAN'S HOUSE -- KITCHEN Dan heads straight to the refrigerator and snatches a beer. He veers off down a hallway and sets down his beer, then enters a closet. Soon, items start flying out the door. A loud crashing sound follows. DAN Where's that golf club? Son of a... A black bowling ball flies out, crashing into the wall. It sticks there a second, then crashes to the floor. INT. NEWS VAN -- CITY STREET -- MOMENTS LATER Cindy scrutinizes a piece of paper, then looks at the houses. CINDY The Mayor gave me this address, 325 Monroe Street. Do you see it any. They both straight arm point to an orange truck parked in a driveway. Cindy damn near snaps a vertebra looking at Jake. CINDY (CONT'D) Is that the same orange truck that tried to kill us? JAKE It sure is. And take a look at the address, 325 Monroe Street. INT. DAN'S HOUSE -- HALLWAY CLOSET Dan limps out favoring his right foot. He lifts up a golf club so old that the shaft is made of wood, the head so large it covers half his face. The end falls off. DAN Better whack a few, rotten piece of... He drops the shaft to the floor and grabs his beer off the small telephone table. The clock on the wall chimes 12 noon. He strolls to the couch and pops on the television. On comes the news at noon. Taking a big drink of beer, he spits it out instantly at viewing his own face covering the entire television screen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53. DAN (CONT'D) What the. ANCHOR WOMAN ON TV. Yesterday, the personal Assistant to the Mayor was assaulted on a city street, reportedly by a ST. PAUL resident. For more on this breaking story we go live to Cindy Jones outside the accused man's residence. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- FRONT YARD -- NOON Cindy and Jake are broadcasting from the sidewalk, with the front of Dan's house prominent in the background. CINDY We're here at the accused man's residence. My sources have told me that one Daniel Delyons is the man responsible for this assault. ANCHOR WOMAN ON TV. (V.O.) Has the alleged suspect made a statement to the press yet? CINDY No, he hasn't made a statement yet. We did see him drive by in his vehicle. We intend to speak to him. INT. DAN'S HOUSE Peeking out the WINDOW, Dan looks at Cindy, then at the TV. Beer in hand, he hikes to the door. DAN I got a statement for you. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- FRONT PORCH Cindy knocks once as she primps her hair. Sneaking a look through the half open door, Dan sucks down a healthy shot of beer. Cindy, not shy, sticks the microphone inside the door. CINDY Are you one Daniel Delyons? DAN No! Are you Cindy Crawford? CINDY Why no. Mr. Delyons? We'd like just a minute of your time. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54. She thrusts a mug shot photo of Dan through the door. DAN You won't get a single second of my time. Get the hell off my porch. Dan tears up the picture. The cameraman sneaks onto the porch. Dan flings open the door and heads right to him. DAN (CONT'D) Do you understand English? The cameraman sticks out his hand, stopping Dan momentarily. CINDY Sir, all we want is to ask you a simple question. Did you hit... She sticks the microphone in Dan's face. He violently pulls the microphone from her hand. DAN I'll hit you next if you don't leave my property right now. CINDY Are you threatening me? DAN No threat, FACT. Dan throws the microphone across the yard. Cindy retaliates by jumping on his back. Dan drops her to the porch floor. Cindy bounces right back up and executes a kick to the leg. Dan bends over in pain when he sees the cameraman approaching. He reaches down for that, orange smiling bag of trash. With one looping swing he smashes it over the cameraman's head, sending him busting through the porch railing. Cindy coldly stares at Dan as she helps the cameraman up. DAN (CONT'D) No one takes my picture, no one. The two of them wipe off the stinky garbage. Cindy picks up the microphone. They both head back to the news van. INT. DAN'S HOUSE Dan escapes inside and SLAMS the door hard. Cindy is now broadcasting on the television. Her appearance is quite disheveled. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 55. CINDY ON TV As you just witnessed, we tried to ask Mr. Delyons a simple question when we too were assaulted. ANCHOR WOMAN ON TV. Cindy, are you okay? Are you injured? CINDY ON TV I'm fine. My cameraman's a little sore, but okay. I'll turn it back to you at the studio. This is Cindy Jones reporting live from ST. PAUL. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- STREET -- MOMENTS LATER Cindy massages her butt as Jake puts away the camera. Shutting the van door, they glance toward the house. CINDY That man has a serious problem. JAKE It's only going to get worse. CINDY You got a shot of me landing on my butt didn't you? JAKE Sorry. You want me to call the cops? CINDY JONES No, let the Mayor take care of him. INT. VAL'S APARTMENT -- THURSDAY EVENING A nicely decorated apartment. Val sits comfortably on the couch feeding her young baby. The doorbell rings. VAL It's open. Mary enters, a disheartened look covers her face. VAL (CONT'D) I didn't know you were coming over. You should have called. MARY Everything's done by cell phone. I need face to face time with you. VAL Pull up a chair, I'm listening. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56. MARY Dan's having an affair. VAL Are you sure? MARY I saw them together, he kissed her. Now he's lying about her. Val cradles her child, gently placing a bottle in her mouth. Seconds later a loud buzzer goes off in the kitchen. VAL I'm sorry but how can I help. Darn, I have cookies in the oven. Here, hold Julie for me. MARY But, I'm not good at holding. VAL Nonsense, once you hold a baby in your arms you'll never put her down. Mary holds Julie as Val disappears into the kitchen. Mary gazes at Julie's little face, uncertain what to do. Julie's delighted as her little arms flail away. She reaches out for Mary's earring. MARY No, you're to young for those. Mary's transformed. She instinctively coddles Julie close to her, cups the back of her little head with her hand. MARY (CONT'D) You have the prettiest smile. Julie's little smile turns into a stream of baby barf, covering half of Mary's shirt. Val comes back into the room. VAL I'm sorry, she just finished a bottle. Now, how can I help you? Mary vaults to her feet and hands Val her baby in exchange for a towel. Mary happily wipes away the baby barf. MARY Val, something just happened to me. I, I can't explain it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 57. VAL You don't have to. MARY Everything looks so clear to me now. I knew you could help me. VAL It wasn't me, it was you. Mary gently touches her stomach. MARY I could see in Julie's eyes the love, the closeness that only a mother can share with her child. VAL Every woman has that feeling inside. It's just waiting to come out. MARY You were right, it's in my blood. Mary gives Val a big hug and kisses the top of Julie's head. VAL Are you going to tell him tonight that he's a father? Mary heads for the door when she turns for a last word. MARY Yeah, I have to talk to him about a woman and about a baby. INT. DAN'S HOUSE -- LIVING ROOM -- EVENING Dan rests on the couch, surrounded by several empty beer bottles. He turns over on his side and passes out. The telephone lays off the hook at the end of the couch. INT. MARY'S CAR -- MOMENTS LATER Mary happily dials her cell phone, getting a busy signal. She drives away smiling a mile wide. INT. JANET'S CAR -- CITY STREET -- NIGHT Janet checks her makeup in the rear view mirror. Moments later she stops at the curb in front of Dan's house. Janet slides out, wearing a stunningly short dress. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- FRONT PORCH Janet knocks hard on the door, gets no response. She tries the knob, realizes the door is unlocked and peeks inside. JANET Hello. Anybody home? Janet cautiously walks into the house. She carefully traipses over a pile of junk in the hallway when her attention is drawn to a lump on the couch. Dan slowly turns over onto his back. Janet settles at his side, she leans over him real close. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- DRIVEWAY Mary pulls up and stops her car. She leers at Janets car parked at the curb. Mary surveys the damaged front door. INT. DAN'S HOUSE -- HALLWAY Mary hears a noise. She walks toward it, reaching the living room in time to view Janet leaning over Dan on the couch. JANET Wake up sunshine. Dan's groggy as his blurry eyes open to see a woman's face. DAN You're here. I knew you would come. Dan draws Janet into him for a passionate kiss. Mary is shocked as her hands quickly cover her mouth. JANET Wow, that was some kiss. DAN I've always loved kissing you. Mary starts crying. Janet spins to see her. They share a quick glance. Mary wastes no time in leaving. As Dan's vision clears, he's stunned to see Janet above him. He pushes her to her feet as he struggles off the couch. DAN (CONT'D) Janet? What are you doing here? JANET You invited me over, remember? DAN No, I don't remember anything. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 59. A car door slams from outside. Dan turns to look. He scrambles to the side window in time to see Mary in her car, starting up the engine. DAN (CONT'D) Oh no, she was here, she saw. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- FRONT YARD Dan leaps through the broken porch railing and sprints across the yard. At her car he tries to open her door but it's locked. Dan slaps both his hands on her window. Mary stops her car at the sidewalk. Mary gives Dan a teary look then slowly rolls down the window. DAN Mary, please, I can explain. It's not what you think. MARY You have... lipstick on your face. You're in love with her? DAN No, I'm in love with you. MARY But you kissed her, again. DAN No, I, I thought I was kissing you. Janet, overhearing this from the porch, bounces down the steps, her chest very revealing. Mary watches her walk toward the car. MARY I had something to tell you. DAN I'm here. Tell me. Mary's eyes leave Janet then vacantly look into his eyes. MARY I'm... I never want to see you again. Mary backs out the driveway. DAN Mary please, come back. Dan drops to all fours and cries like a baby. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60. Just feet away on the sidewalk, a small man dressed in running clothes strolls toward them, a camera swings from his neck. Dan lifts his head, his face filled with a big "why me". A bright FLASH fills the night sky, followed by several more in rapid secession. Janet spins quickly to see a cameraman taking pictures. Janet springs to Dan's aid. JANET Get out of here you animal. She hoists Dan up off the ground, trying to shield him from the photographer. INT. DAN'S HOUSE -- LIVING ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER Dan, seated on the couch, his face buried in his hands. Janet calmly rests at his side, begins to rub his back. DAN My life was going so smoothly. All of a sudden everything is in the toilet. JANET It can't be all that bad. DAN Do you realize what you've done. Now she thinks I'm having an affair. JANET It was just the stupid contest. DAN You did this to me for money I don't even have? JANET I'm sorry. Please don't hate me. DAN I don't hate you. I just want things to go back to the way they were. JANET You can't go back, only forward. Dan bounces to his feet, tossing a beer bottle at the wall. Beer and glass smash and splatter all over the wall. DAN The guy on the radio said everything would change. I thought he was a fool. Looks like I'm the fool. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61. JANET You used to be confident, never afraid of anything. You always jumped right in while everyone else stood by. DAN And look what it's gotten me. JANET You have a lot to look forward to. DAN Like what? The Mayor wants me in jail. Marlowe wants me dead. Mary thinks I'm cheating on her. The only person not mad at me is Norma. JANET You're just having a run of bad luck. DAN This is way worse. You know I don't like my picture being taken, yet I'm all over the television. Then some jerk pops out of the bushes and snaps away with a camera. JANET Can I tell you what my dad told me? DAN What, step in front of a bus. JANET No. He told me that every person has good in them. But sometimes, the good gets trapped inside and can't get out. DAN There's no good left in me. JANET You're full of good, I know it. DAN How can I get it to come out? JANET If you use the power of your will, you can reach inside, rip out the bad and let the good shine through. DAN That will never work for me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 62. JANET You'll never know unless you try. Dan reaches for a framed picture of Mary sitting on the table next to the couch. He rubs her cheek with his thumb. DAN For her I'll try anything. EXT. MARY'S CAR -- CITY STREET -- NIGHT Mary drives erratically down the street, weaving over the center line. She's wiping tears from her eyes as her car passes Cooper the cop parked in his squad car. He's enjoying a tongue full of cream filling from a cupcake. He sees her car weaving and is instantly in pursuit. Mary's car is engulfed in red lights as she pulls over to the curb. Cooper slides out, with his hand he scrapes filling from his face, than wipes it on his pant leg. Mary watches him in the side mirror arrive at the door. MARY Good evening officer. I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was speeding. COOPER You were weaving all over the road. MARY I was reaching for a tissue. Copper shines his flashlight in her red as rose petal eyes. COOPER You crossed over the center line. Your eyes look a little blood shot. Have you been drinking tonight? MARY No officer, I was crying, not drinking. COOPER I need to see your license Miss. Mary hands over her license. He slides back to his squad. Mary attention is drawn to a light from across the street. She looks deeply at the large NEON sign. Frankie's Saloon. MARY Maybe it's time for my first drink. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63. Cooper returns to her window, hands back her license. COOPER This is a bad stretch of road, lots of drunks run this street. Pay better attention. You're free to go. MARY I most certainly will. Thank you officer. Good night. Cooper leaves. Mary can't take her eyes off the bar. She drives right into the bar's parking lot. INT. FRANKIE'S BAR Hesitating, Mary slowly works her way through the locals. The bartender is wiping a glass as he observes her walk up and stop at the row of bar stools. MARY I'm sorry, I don't have a reservation. BARTENDER A reservation? You don't need one here. You just have to be thirsty. Mary cautiously slides her behind onto the bar stool. MARY I am a little thirsty. BARTENDER Wonderful. What's your poison? MARY Poison? Oh, I get it. BARTENDER What do you usually drink. MARY Nothing. I'm here to have my first beer. You make the call. BARTENDER One lite beer coming up. But first I need to see some identification. MARY Boy, you just turn twenty one and everyone wants to see your ID. She hands over her license. He scratches his chin as he quizzically looks at her and then back at the licence. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 64. BARTENDER Unfortunately it's the law. Are you Dan Delyons, Mary Williams? MARY I am. BARTENDER Where is he? I thought you two were real close. MARY We were but an old girlfriend worked * her magic on him. The bartender pulls a dripping wet bottle of beer from the cooler and pops it open, placing it right in front of her. BARTENDER I'm sorry to hear that. Mary, this one's on the house. If anyone bothers you tonight, you let me know. MARY Thank you. He leaves. She stares at the frothy bottle of beer. She tentatively reaches for the bottle, then surveys the dimly lit room for any onlookers. No one's looking her way. Mary takes a sniff of the beer. The bottle is at her lips when she stops in her tracks and pushes the bottle away. With her left hand she reaches down and touches her stomach. MARY (CONT'D) I can't drink this crap, it is poison. I won't harm my baby. INT. DAN'S HOUSE -- LIVING ROOM Dan lounges on the couch sucking down a beer. Janet's long gone. The phone rings. Dan answers it. EXT. DAN'S HOUSE -- FRONT PORCH Dan leaps off the porch and into his truck. He wildly speeds off down the street. A mini van pulls out right on his tail. An emblem on the door reads "Metropolitan Press Photographer". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 65. INT. PRESS CAR -- CITY STREET The Photographer from the sidewalk is sitting in the passenger seat. The woman driving the car is young, energetic. PHOTOGRAPHER I saw him through the window, he's been drinking and now he's driving. WOMAN DRIVING CAR You got your camera ready? PHOTOGRAPHER Ready to make my first front page. INT. COP CAR -- CITY STREET -- MOMENTS LATER Cooper is lounging in his squad car. He happily stuffs a chocolate cupcake in his mouth. A call comes across the two way radio. RADIO Dispatch to unit 14. COOPER Damn it, can't a man finish a lousy cupcake. 14 here, go ahead. RADIO Got a report of an orange pickup truck headed down 7th. A citizen called reporting the driver is drunk. COOPER Roger dispatch, an orange... Dan speeds by the squad. Cooper scrambles to start his car. COOPER (CONT'D) Pickup. Delyons, I got you now. INT. DAN'S TRUCK -- CITY STREET In his rear view mirror Dan sees the flashing lights of the police car. The bar is in sight, just half a block away. Dan doesn't slow down at all, it's full bore straight ahead. Flying across the parking lot, Dan skids to a stop. He's out and running toward the front door. The cop car skids to a stop, just inches behind Dan. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 66. INT. FRANKIE'S BAR Dan frantically looks for Mary. He spots her at the bar pushing away a full bottle of beer. He bolts to her side. Cooper crashes the front door, scanning the room for Dan. COOPER Delyons. Stop where you are. Dan, out of breath, looks back at Cooper rushing his way. Dan reaches out and snatches Marys bottle of beer. He opens his mouth and dumps it down his throat. MARY Daniel? Five seconds later Cooper tackles Dan to the floor. Mary's shocked as she watches them wrestle on the floor. Dan reaches out his free arm as Cooper kneels on his back. DAN What are you doing down here? COOPER Get your hands behind your back. MARY Why are the police after you? The photographer and the woman enter the bar and immediately start snapping pictures. Mary steps back a few feet, but not before a shot from the photographer catches the three of them together. COOPER You're under arrest for drunk driving. DAN Drunk driving? I haven't had a drink until a few seconds ago. Dan hands to Cooper the now empty beer bottle. COOPER Damn it. You might have beaten the rap on the DWI but fleeing an officer will still get you arrested. DAN Mary, are you drinking? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 67. MARY I wanted to have my first beer but I couldn't drink it because I'm... Cooper slaps the cuffs on Dan as another flash from the photographer's camera blinds all three of them. As his eyes clear, he spots the little man taking pictures. DAN Nobody takes my picture, nobody. PHOTOGRAPHER You're in public, I can take any... Dan breaks free and kicks the man in the groin. Dan stands like a mountain over the little man. DAN Snap off a picture of that, asshole. Cooper physically drags Dan out the door. Mary stands in shock at what has just happened. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- POOL -- NIGHT Mary slowly walks up to the edge of the pool, hesitating for a moment. She sits down and puts her feet into the water. She scoops up a small amount of water in her hand. She wets her face and then her neck. From behind a bay window, Norma keeps a watchful eye on her. INT. MAYOR'S HOUSE -- EARLY FRIDAY MORNING The Mayor angrily opens the front door revealing Jimmy leaning against the door frame, a desperate look covers his face. MAYOR The sun ain't even up yet. You better have good news to be here this early. As they slip into the kitchen Jimmy nervously sits at the table. The Mayor drinks from a huge fancy coffee cup. JIMMY John sent a fax to the office last night. I've been up sense I got it trying to decide how to tell you. MAYOR You have the names of the five finalists? Hand it over. Jimmy pulls the fax from his pocket then hesitates a moment to think about what might happen. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 68. JIMMY There's a... tiny problem, sir. - Could you put down the cup please. MAYOR This is my favorite cup and no I won't put it down. Give me the fax. Very slowly he hands over the fax. As the Mayor scans the page, his eyes pop out. His severely trembling hand causes the coffee to splash onto the floor. MAYOR (CONT'D) The last name on this fax. Tell me this is a typo. Tell me! JIMMY I'm sorry, sir. I double, hell I triple checked it, it's Delyons alright. EXT. MAYOR'S HOUSE A large bay window smashes as the Mayor's coffee cup sails through it, over patio furniture and into the pool. INT. MAYORS HOUSE The Mayor's on top of Jimmy choking the life out of him. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- KITCHEN -- FRIDAY MORNING Morning sunlight spills through the window. Mary reaches for the coffee pot. A knock at the back door draws her attention. She opens it to view Janet staring back at her. Mary tries to shut the door but Janet quickly sticks her foot in, stopping the door. JANET Wait, please, we need to talk. MARY Talk? You have some nerve coming here after what you did. JANET It doesn't take any nerve to lie to you. It does take everything a person has inside to admit the truth though. MARY The truth that you're trying to steal away the man I love. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69. Mary walks out, closing the door behind her. She and Janet come together, a visible tension between them. MARY (CONT'D) I saw him. He kissed you. JANET He did kiss me, but I swear to you he thought he was kissing you. MARY You're lying. JANET I have nothing more to gain by lying. MARY Yes you do, his love. JANET I had my chance years ago but I blew it. You don't know how lucky you are to have that man love you. Mary pauses several seconds as she realizes the truth. MARY You're not having an affair then? JANET We're not. He needs you now more than ever. Don't let your love for him end because of my stupidity. From behind, Marlowe strolls out the door and picks up the folded up morning paper from the deck. He quizzically looks Janet up and down. MARLOWE Morning baby, who's this? Mary pivots back to Janet, indecision in her face. MARY Daddy, this is Janet. A friend of, a friend of mine. MARLOWE Hello Janet. Baby, I hope you're feeling better this morning. MARY Yes, I feel much better now. He kisses Mary on the cheek then disappears inside. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 70. Mary and Janet look each other up and down. JANET There's one more thing. Daniel has been chosen as a contestant in tomorrows hole-in-one contest. MARY Contest? But he's in jail. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- KITCHEN Marlowe rests comfortably at the table, unfolding the paper. His chin drops to the floor. A large picture covers the front page showing Dan, Officer Cooper and Mary. The caption reads "Weed Man Pops Up Again." It goes on to say "Dan Delyons - Who Assaulted Mayor's Assistant and Television Reporter Last Night Arrested for Fleeing Police and Assaulting Newspaper Photographer." MARLOWE NORMA! Norma joins him at the kitchen table. NORMA Why are you yelling? He hands her the paper. A large picture of Dan and Mary greets her stunned eyes. NORMA (CONT'D) He's on the front... wait a minute, that's our Mary. They stare at each other in disbelief. INT. CITY JAIL -- INTERROGATION ROOM -- DAY Dan, plastered on a rickety old chair, looks up as the Mayor and several other men walk into the room. They all circle like buzzards over a dead carcass. The Mayor pulls up to the table straight across from Dan. MAYOR I thought I was done dealing with you. Looks like I was wrong. DAN I never touched that damn Photographer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71. MAYOR Unfortunately that's not why we're here. These men are members of the "Make a Wish Foundation". We've put together a proposition for you. DAN Not interested. The Mayor's pissed. He clinches both fists. MAYOR I haven't even... they've decided to offer you cash to withdraw from the hole-in-one contest. DAN How much cash we talking about? The Mayor takes out a wad of bills, tossing it on the table. It rolls up just inches from Dan, who stares at it wide eyed. MAYOR Two grand, no questions asked. All you have to do is withdraw your name. DAN Two grand? Not even close. Make it twenty-five and you got a deal. The leader of the group of men seated at the table, a very well dressed man named JACK, breaks into the conversation. JACK Twenty five. Mr. Delyons, that's out of the question. Our take for the charity is barely that amount. DAN Keep your two grand. I feel lucky. I think I can do this. MAYOR Get this through your thick head. We don't want you in our contest. DAN Want's got nothing to do with it. I'm one of the lucky five, gentlemen. The Mayor retrieves a piece of paper from his pocket. MAYOR There are some pretty serious charges pending against you. You sure that's the way you want it? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72. DAN Are you saying you'll drop the charges against me if I take the cash. JACK All of them. You'll be a free man with two grand in your pocket. DAN Let's see, two grand or a million. You really must think I'm stupid. The men at the table all gather themselves into the corner. Standing arm in arm they whisper between themselves. The Mayor, still seated at the table, looks from the men back to stare coldly at Dan. MAYOR You owe me one bay window. DAN What? I don't owe you squat. MAYOR Go on, take the money, disappear. DAN Disappear! You can't be serious. This contest is about me, not about you and these fricken old geezers. Dan pushes the roll of cash at the Mayor, who tightly squeezes the roll. All the men return and settle at the table. MAYOR Is that what you think this contest is about... you? I should shoot you where you sit for sheer stupidity. JACK We've come to a decision. If you show up at the contest you can participate. If you fail to show up someone else will take your spot. MAYOR What! You can't do this. JACK We have to follow the rules. DAN Yea Mayor, follow the rules. MAYOR Jack, think about what you're doing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73. JACK I need to speak to you, alone. They all scrutinize Dan. He smiles as they all amble out. EXT. INTERROGATION ROOM -- HALLWAY The Mayor and Jack stroll down a long hallway. MAYOR I know this guy. He's bad news. JACK Calm down, the rules say if he doesn't show up we can choose someone else. MAYOR I know the rules. Wait just a minute, I've got an idea. If he can't make bail, he can't make the contest. JACK Our problem are solved with a simple phone call. The Mayor smiles, puts his arm around Jack as they walk off. INT. JOHN SWEENEY'S OFFICE -- AFTERNOON Janet's feverishly digging through a desk drawer when a woman appears at her desk. She's dressed in a suit. Her name is Amy Parks. JANET Good afternoon, can I help you? AMY Is John in? I'm Amy Parks with Premium Insurance Company. JANET I'm sorry, he's out of the office. AMY Did he leave a check with you? JANET No, he didn't leave any check. AMY That's not good. Tell him I'll send a messenger over later to pick up the premium check. JANET Premium check? For the contest? I thought he paid it last week? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 74. AMY He hasn't. Advise him that I need that check by 5:00 p.m. or there's no coverage and he will be liable for any prize money awarded. JANET He'll definitely want to hear that. EXT. JOHN'S OFFICE -- HALLWAY John pops out of an elevator and heads toward his office when he's startled to see Amy exit into the hallway. He quickly hides in a broom closet. With the door cracked open he observes Amy enter the elevator. He slithers out of the closet, smiling like a skunk. INT. JOHN'S OFFICE John sneaks in and sniffs the air, then rubs his hands. JOHN Money money money mon...ey. God do I love that song. JANET Amy, from the insurance company just left. Didn't you see her? JOHN No. Are you busy tomorrow? I need you to fill in for Tom. He quit. JANET You want me at the contest tomorrow? JOHN You're the only one left I can trust. JANET Okay. Oh, Amy said she needs a check to cover the prize money for... JOHN She's mistaken. The checks already been mailed. You can leave early, I'll handle everything from here. John slides into his office. Janet flips on her computer to, "CHECKING ACCOUNT". The curser runs down searching for an out going check but finds none. Surprised, she falls back in her chair. JANET He's keeping the money for himself. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75. INT. CITY JAIL -- CELL BLOCK -- LATE AFTERNOON A door opens from the outer hallway. Dan catches Janet walking in. He bolts to her at the bars. DAN Any word on my bail? JANET, You might want to sit down for this. DAN Sit down? How much is it? JANET Five hundred thousand dollars. DAN Five hundred what? JANET You need fifty thousand in cash to get out this time. DAN I don't even have fifty bucks let alone fifty grand cash. JANET I don't have that kind of money. Do you know anyone who does. DAN I do. Unfortunately I don't think she'll ever talk to me again. JANET Don't underestimate her. Under that shy outer shell lies a strong woman who loves you more than anything. DAN I know that but do you think she'll be able to get me the hell out of here? JANET We'll know by tomorrow. I told her why I did what I did to you. DAN Did she believe you? JANET She did. The rest will be up to you my friend. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- STUDY -- SATURDAY MORNING Mary urgently walks into the room. Her father perched at his desk lifts his head, following her up to where he sits. MARLOWE You're up early. MARY I need some money, Daddy. MARLOWE A little shopping planned for today? MARY No more shopping. I need fifty thousand dollars in cash. MARLOWE Fifty thousand. What for? MARY So he can participate in the contest. MARLOWE Contest? Not with my money. Marlowe slams his fist on the desk top. Mary's unrelenting. MARY I have money in the bank. You just... MARLOWE That money's for your future, not to bail a criminal out of jail. MARY He's not a criminal. I love him Daddy, I do. MARLOWE You don't know what love is yet. He's playing a cruel trick on you. Now he's after my money. MARY He doesn't want your money. He wants me Daddy, he wants me. Marlowe angrily hurls some papers into his briefcase. MARLOWE If that's true then why are you asking me for fifty thousand dollars. Mary breaks down as everything hits her at once. Her eyes quickly scan her father as she starts to cry. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 77. Turning, she runs out the room right past Norma, into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her. Norma reaches the bedroom door. She leans close. She lifts her hand to knock but stops when she hears crying from inside. INT. STUDY -- MOMENTS LATER Marlowe roosts at his desk as Norma storms into the room. NORMA What did you say to her? MARLOWE He's got her so messed up, now she wants bail money so he can enter some stupid ass contest. NORMA I'm going to talk and you're going to sit there and listen. MARLOWE We've been down this road already. NORMA Not this road. MARLOWE I'm beginning to wonder about you. NORMA I've kept something hidden from you. I didn't have the courage to... MARLOWE Courage to what... tell me you've been hiding a nervous break down. NORMA How dare you say that to me. MARLOWE I've noticed that you're always on his side no matter what he's done. NORMA What he's done is given her a second chance to live her life. You'd see that if you'd just open your eyes. MARLOWE Bullshit! He's been nothing but a negative influence on her from day one. Norma peers out the window as her shoulders drop to the floor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 78. NORMA Negative influence? You have no idea what he's done for her... done for you. MARLOWE I know what I'll do if I see him again. NORMA Beg him to forgive you? MARLOWE What in the hell is wrong with you? NORMA Have you ever asked Mary where it was that the two of them first met? MARLOWE That doesn't matter to me. I won't let that scumbag ruin the rest of her life. Norma walks to a book case and pulls out a book. From inside she retrieves a small key. NORMA Daniel, ruining the rest of her life? MARLOWE You better wake up real soon and decide just who's side you're on! She unlocks a small black box on the book shelf. She digs around a moment, then pulls out a video cassette tape. NORMA You sit there like a king, all high and mighty on your throne, yet the man you hold in such contempt is more worthy of your throne than you. She thrusts the tape at him. MARLOWE What am I supposed to do with that? NORMA Watch it! Like I have a hundred times. MARLOWE You're certifiable. Marlowe snatches the tape from her hand. She instantly covers her face with both her hands. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 79. Holding the tape, Marlowe marches over to the television and fires up the VCR. He angrily pushes the play button and drops his butt into a chair in front of the TV. On pops the SECURITY tape of their residence split into four screens, front door, side of the house, pool and back patio entrance to the house. In the lower left corner is a date (7-24-03) No one is in any of these four screens. Marlowe's confused. NORMA I'm so sorry. I wasn't there for her. But he was. Thank God he was. Suddenly, in the pool part of the video, Mary appears. She's noticeably limping as she walks to the pool. She removes her robe, revealing her swimming suit. She pauses for a moment to vigorously rub her thighs. Then, without delay, she dives into the pool. In the front door part of the video screen, an orange truck drives up and parks at the front door. Daniel Delyons gets out, carrying a box toward the front door. It reads "WILLIAMS DISTRIBUTION MAIL ROOM" on it. Marlowe grabs the TV with both hands for a closer look. MARLOWE What the hell's going on here? FLASH BACK TO FRONT DOOR MARY'S HOUSE 3 YEARS EARLIER. Dan rings the doorbell. Waiting nervously, he looks around at the surroundings. In the pool, Mary is swimming in the deep end. Suddenly she gets severe cramps in her legs. First her right leg, then her left leg. She swallows water and begins to choke. Dan, not getting a response at the door, decides to walk around to the side. Pushing on a locked wooden gate, he looks around, decides to leave, when a blood curdling scream pierces the air. Mary, just above the water, gasping for breath. As her head goes under further. Her arms can't keep her afloat. Dan, startled by the screams, drops the box he's holding. He runs back to the gate, shakes it but it won't open. He looks at the top of the gate but he's deterred by it's height. He backs up a few feet, leans over like a line-backer and breaks through the gate, knocking it from its hinges. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80. Dan looks across the yard to the deep end of the pool and spots a pair of flailing arms sticking out of the water. He runs at full speed and dives into the water. Like a torpedo, he reaches her just as her body goes limp, her arms no longer flailing. She has one final breath in her lungs, a split second from drowning, when her body is rocketed out of the water. As she cracks the surface she gasps for air. She discharges the water from her lungs, coughing all over Dan. He swims her to the shallow end of the pool. As he stands up in the water she grabs a hold of him. DAN Whoa, are you okay? MARY My legs I... I couldn't keep up. Who are you? DAN I'm Daniel. Your knight in shining armor. There's a spark between them. She lightly chuckles. MARY I'm Mary. I'm so glad you... Dan, not thinking, lets go of her. With her legs still cramped, she can't stand and falls backward into the water. Her head submerges for just a second when Dan grabs her around the waist and pulls her back up to him. Her eyes widen with pure HORROR at going under water again. She lunges toward him, wrapping her arms around him. MARY (CONT'D) Please, don't let go of me. DAN I got you, I won't let go. He picks her up, carrying her to the pool edge and sets her on the pool deck, her FEET still dangling in the water. DAN (CONT'D) Where's it hurt? MARY My thighs. Where did you come from? DAN The front yard. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81. MARY No, I mean, why are you here? DAN Come rain, sleet or sunshine. A mailman must make his deliveries. MARY Mailman? You're from the mailroom? DAN Yea, you sure made my first delivery exciting. How are you feeling? MARY Scared. DAN You're out of the water, you're legs look fine. I think you'll be okay. MARY I thought I was going to die. DAN Die? Not today, not while I'm around. MARY I, I don't know how to thank you. Dan reaches up and tugs on her chin. DAN How about starting with a smile. Mary's eyes open wide as at last she smiles wide. DAN (CONT'D) Do you believe in fate? I had planned to stop for a burger on the way over here but didn't when I realized I was flat broke. MARY What else could it be but fate. Dan pops out of the water, now sitting just to her side. Dan reaches up and softly caresses her cheek. Dan's slightly blinded by the sun. He covers his eyes. DAN See, you're feeling better already. It's smokin' hot out today. Got anything cold to drink around here? MARY I'm sure I can find you something. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 82. Mary struggles to her feet. Dan vaults to his feet, taking her under the arm. They slowly walk toward the house. Along the way they stare into each other's eyes. She stops him at the doorway, spins in his arms, their faces just inches apart. She pushes him up against the DOOR FRAME. She kisses him. Not just a peck on the cheek but with unbridled passion. She pulls back, her face glowing with joy. Dan is shocked, he can barely speak. DAN Whoa, why did you kiss me? MARY A kiss is the least I can do for my knight in shinning armor. DAN Mary, please don't tell anyone about this. Our little secret, okay? MARY Not even my parents? Why? DAN I know what happened and so do you. I just don't need the attention this would bring. MARY I'll keep it a secret as long as you want me to. Now, how about I make us some lunch. DAN Lunch would be great but I really think I should get back to work. MARY Leave that to me, I know your boss. Mary grabs him by the arm and drags him into the house. FADE BACK TO PRESENT TIME INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- STUDY Marlowe sits frozen, staring at the now empty TV screen. He's in shock, tears welling in his eyes. Norma steps up from behind, smoothly rubbing his shoulders. NORMA He did a good job of ruining her life, didn't he? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 83. MARLOWE Why did you keep this tape from me? NORMA I wanted Mary to decide for herself who she loved, not her father. Marlowe's face reveals the truth he must now confront. MARLOWE Does she really love him? NORMA You know the answer. He may not be the man you wanted. That choice was never yours to make. MARLOWE Three whole years he knew what he'd done. He never used it against me. NORMA Ask yourself, is he worth helping? Your only daughter thinks so. MARLOWE I have money in the safe, take it... Marlowe and Norma quickly turn and face the window as they hear Mary squeal out of the driveway in her car. INT. CITY JAIL -- CELL BLOCK -- SATURDAY AFTERNOON Dan sits melancholy on a cell bed, looking up at the clock on the wall. It clicks over to 1:15 p.m. A guard wanders in, opening the cell door and shouts at Dan. GUARD Lets go, you made bail... again. DAN What! I don't believe it. Who? Dan flies out into the waiting room. He scans the room for Janet but she's not there. He crashes through the front door and spots Norma leaning against a Lincoln Town Car. EXT. CITY JAIL -- STREET DAN Norma, did you do this? NORMA No, Marlowe did it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 84. DAN Why would he bail me out? NORMA Mary asked him to help you. He'd like to speak to you. Dan instantly grabs Norma's hand to look at her watch. DAN Later. I got like 30 minutes to find this golf course. Your car? She holds out the car keys. Dan snatches the keys from her hand, then hugs her tight. They both scramble into the car. EXT. GOLF COURSE -- TEE AREA -- AFTERNOON (THE FOLLOWING SCENES TAKE PLACE ON AND AROUND A TEE BOX AT A GOLF COURSE AND INSIDE A LARGE TENT NEXT TO THE TEE AREA.) Large signs fill the area promoting the contest. The Mayor and Officer Cooper pause next to a row of young CHILDREN. The Mayor caresses the back of a young girl in a wheelchair as Officer Cooper leans over and KISSES her on the cheek. Jimmy quickly walks up to the Mayor. JIMMY Delyons was just released on bail. The Mayor's head just about snaps off as he turns to view a large clock above the tent opening. It reads 1:53 p.m. In the front row stands Karen and little Bobby. Behind them stand Mary and Val. A few feet down stands Billy and Alvin, all waiting for the contest to begin. Mary gazes down at little Bobby in front of her. He smiles and waves at her. Mary smiles and waves back. VAL Why are we here? You know he can't make bail? MARY I'm still hoping for a miracle. Val reaches out and takes hold of Mary's hand. VAL You're amazing. I don't think I've ever seen that kind of love before. MARY I can't hide the way I feel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 85. VAL Then you've forgiven him for what he's done to you? MARY Yes, I have. VAL Then the miracle has already happened. To the side Billy and Alvin pull BEERS from their pockets. They both strain their necks searching for Dan. BILLY Any sign of him? ALVIN No. I can't believe the town idiot's got a shot at a million bucks. BILLY Not if I can help it. They both laugh hard. John strolls past them toward the Mayor, Janet stuck right to his side. Billy and Alvin's eyes are glued to Janet as she passes. INT. NORMA'S CAR -- CITY STREET Dan's driving quickly as Norma searches his face, looking for the simple truth. DAN Is something wrong? NORMA Mary is so full of life when she's with you. Do you love her? DAN What? Of course I do. NORMA I saw you kiss another woman. Are you having an affair? DAN Absolutely not. I would never hurt her like that. NORMA She deserves the truth from you. DAN If I could ever get her alone I'd tell her the truth. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 86. EXT. GOLF COURSE -- TEE AREA John arrogantly struts past an impatiently waiting Mayor. Janet, at his side, is a little nervous at being out front. The contestants are waiting patiently. John does a quick head count. MAYOR Where the hell have you been? JOHN Don't start with me. Only four? Who are we missing? JANET Daniel Delyons hasn't arrived yet. JOHN And where is Mr. Delyons? The Mayor's frustrated. He hooks John by the shoulder, pointing to the clock. It reads 1:55 p.m. MAYOR His time is up. He ain't gonna show. JOHN According to the rules, he... MAYOR To hell with the rules. I order you to get this contest started. JOHN Don't tell me what to do! EXT. GOLF COURSE -- PARKING LOT Norma's car screeches to a stop, Dan and Norma exit the car. Dan's totally confused. Norma spots the tent, she points. NORMA Over there. DAN How can I ever thank you. NORMA You already have. Good luck Daniel. DAN I'll need more than luck. I've never golfed before. Dan quickly gives Norma a monster hug. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 87. Dan sprints away at full speed toward the tent. NORMA I believe you, Mary will too. EXT. TEE AREA The crowd begins to stir as a figure is seen running toward the tee. The Mayor begins to panic. MAYOR It can't be him. I'm begging you John, please start this contest. John quickly checks the clock, it reads 1:59 p.m. John smiles ear to ear as he follows Dan running up to the table. JOHN I can't do that. He still has one minute to show me his ticket stub. Billy and Alvin view Dan running. They both smile wide. Mary and Val turn to the fairway. VAL Is that Dan running this way? MARY It, it is him. How did he? Dan struggles the last few yards. The crowd clears a path for him to the table. The clock turns to 2:00 p.m. Dan is winded as he reaches the table and falls to one knee. Dan unfolds his wallet, dumping it on the table, searching frantically for the ticket stub. He picks up the picture of him and Mary. Stuck to the back of it is the ticket stub. He hands it to John. DAN Did I... make it? John surveys the ticket, then up to the clock. It reads 2:00 p.m., a SECOND later the clock turns over to 2:01 p.m. JOHN Yes, with one lucky second to spare. The Mayor and his friends are horrified as they witness the media swarm toward Dan. Dan's momentary joy is shattered as the media confront him. DAN Yes. I made it... What the, get those cameras out of my face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 88. CINDY Mr. Delyons. Do you have anything to say about the last few days? Dan snatches the microphone from Cindy, then swings to coldly stare at the Mayor. DAN I do. I was fairly picked as a contestant. No bribes, politicians or media dirt-bags will stop me. Dan zings Cindy the microphone, then shuffles over to the other contestants. Dan selects a club from a rack. Leaning on the club, he notices Billy standing across from the tee. Billy waves, then lifts a can of beer and drinks down the whole can. Dan's eyes pop open as he licks his lips. Billy revolves around, pulls a small bottle of whiskey from his pocket and pours it into the empty beer can. ALVIN Have you lost your mind? BILLY You know he can't resist a beer. When he drinks from this can he can kiss any chance at the money goodbye. Turning, Billy hides the can with whiskey behind his back. Alvin pops open a full can and hands it to Billy. Billy motions to Dan, seeing if he wants a drink. They both smile. A voice comes over the loud SPEAKER. JOHN Good afternoon. Welcome to the 5th annual "Hole in One Contest" sponsored by "MAKE A WISH MINNESOTA". Everyone has now arrived, so let's get started. A petite woman walks out and places a ball onto a tee. JOHN (CONT'D) Quiet please. She's about to hit for one million dollars. A hush comes over the crowd as the woman takes a feeble swing, sending the ball off to the right. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 89. Several people dive for cover as the ball slices past them. JOHN (CONT'D) That was a good try but I'm afraid you hit it towards the wrong green. Okay, next contestant, you're up. Dan, standing at the end of the line of contestants, slowly moves toward Billy. The next contestant places a ball on the tee. Cindy, watching Dan, notices him moving. CINDY Jake, take a look at Delyons. Is he doing what I think he's doing? JAKE Once a lush, always a lush. CINDY Keep that camera on him, no matter what happens at the tee. JAKE I got him. Hit me with garbage will you. JOHN You folks in the front there might want to step back a bit. Contestant number two you're up. Good luck. Now just five feet from Billy, Dan watches as the woman swings and pops the golf ball straight up in the air. As the crowd follows the ball, Dan makes a dash for the beer. DAN Hey Billy. BILLY Hey loser. DAN I really could use a drink. You got another beer? BILLY Nope, this is my last one. DAN Last one, damn. Tell you what? I'll give you a twenty for a drink. Dan pulls out the last bill in his now EMPTY wallet, a twenty, and dangles it in Billy's face. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90. BILLY Okay, but just a drink. Dan grabs the beer and drinks down the whole can. Cindy and Jake quietly sneak through the crowd towards Dan. BILLY (CONT'D) Hey. That's more than a drink. Billy reaches out and struggles with Dan over the beer can. Dan finally gives up the can. Billy flips over the can to view nothing but a drip of foam fall out. INT. TENT The Mayor and friends are watching the contest on a large TV. It's stone cold quiet in the tent, they're all in shock. ANCHOR WOMAN ON TV. As you can plainly see, Mr. Delyons, a suspect and a contestant is at this moment drinking on the sidelines. The Mayor drops his head, bouncing it off the table. He suddenly jumps to his feet and grabs Jimmy, rustling inside his jacket. MAYOR Where is it? Where's your gun? JIMMY My gun? Why do you want. MAYOR I'm gonna shoot that S.O.B. Several men converge on the Mayor. They subdue him in his attempt to get Jimmy's gun. JIMMY Sir, think about what you're saying. The Mayor calms down as the men let go. The Mayor bolts for the tent opening. His friends tackle him to the ground. EXT. TEE AREA JOHN That was a terrible shot. Come on people this ain't mini-golf here. Now, contestant number three come on up and take your shot. The third contestant walks up and nervously places the ball on the tee. She swings and completely misses the ball. Totally embarrassed at her attempt, she turns to walk away. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91. JOHN (CONT'D) Where are you going? Get your butt back here and hit the ball this time. Billy's mad as hell and tosses the empty can at Dans head. BILLY You dick, you drank the whole can. DAN There wasn't enough beer in that can to wet the back of a stamp. Billy pulls out the whiskey filled can from behind his back. BILLY Maybe so, but there's enough in this can to wet a million stamps. DAN You dick, you had another beer the whole time. BILLY Yea, fat chance of you getting a drink of it though. A sly grin crosses Billy's face as he spots the TV camera. DAN That twenty will buy you a whole damn case. BILLY Does it look like I'm at a liquor store? Now, watch closely as I suck down my last can of ice cold suds. Billy slowly lifts the can up close to his mouth when Dan snatches the can from his hand and proceeds to pound it down. At the tee, the woman contestant swings, feebly hitting the ball 50 feet down the fairway. She lowers her head in humiliation when the air is pierced by Dan yelling out. DAN Ah, holy shit. Billy starts laughing as Alvin slaps Dan on the back. Dan drops the can to the ground, grabs Billy by the shirt. DAN (CONT'D) What was in that can? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 92. ALVIN Double shot of straight whiskey man. DAN I told you I don't drink that crap. BILLY Getting evens a bitch ain't it? Let's see you make the shot now. DAN I'm gonna kick your ass. Dan pounces on top of Billy, hurling punches to the head. Cindy and Jake break through with the camera. INT. TENT The Mayor, being held down on the ground, watches Dan and Billy fight on the television. MAYOR Get off of me. I have to kill him. JACK Don't do it, he's not worth it. EXT. TEE AREA Two large male security guards arrive and break up the fight. Dan looks up to eye several TV cameras trained on him. John sees all the commotion and marches over to the crowd. Visibly upset, he questions Cindy. JOHN Move aside, let me through. What's the problem here? CINDY They were fighting. JOHN Fighting? Why were they... John's stunned to see Dan being held back by security. JOHN (CONT'D) Delyons, you got exactly ONE second to get back in line or you lose your chance to win a million dollars. With out a seconds delay, Dan hurries back to the tee. Billy is straightening his hair when the security guard grabs him around the neck. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93. SECURITY GUARD If I come back here again, you're leaving on a stretcher. BILLY On a stretcher? The guard thumps Billy's chest, then leaves. BILLY (CONT'D) Ow! Dan leans hard against his golf club, losing his balance and almost falling. The next male contestant stands at the tee, takes a practice swing and steps up to the ball. -BAM- a smooth swing. The ball rockets down the fairway as everyone watches. JOHN He's got a real good shot here. All look except Dan. He woozily shakes his head. Down range the ball lands on the green. The crowd is excited at the shot, then disappointment fills the air as the ball rolls wide of the hole. John wipes the sweat from his brow, then shakes the hand of the fourth contestant. Dan gazes over to the crowd, noticing that most of the people are pointing at him and starting to laugh. John catches Dan stumbling towards the tee. An air of confidence overtakes him. JOHN (CONT'D) Mr. Delyons, it all comes down to you. Go ahead, get a ball. From his pocket, Dan pulls little Bobby's ORANGE golf ball. At the tee, the Whiskey has made him lightheaded. He looks right at the tee but there are now several to choose from. He tries to tee up the ball. He picks the wrong tee. INT. TENT The Mayor, now on his feet, wipes off his clothes. MAYOR Stand back! I'm fine now. I know it can't get any worse than this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 94. EXT. TEE AREA Dan loses his balance and falls flat on his face. The ball rolls from his hand toward the edge of the tee. The crowd goes crazy with laughter. INT. FRANKIE'S BAR Every person in the bar starts hysterically laughing as they point at the large screen TV. Except the bartender, he just shakes his head in amazement. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- DEN Marlowe stares in disbelief at what's happening to Dan on TV. He closes his eyes and shakes his head "no". EXT. GOLF COURSE -- TEE AREA From the back row Mary takes a step toward Dan when Val grabs her arm, holding her back. Dan lifts his head off the ground, revealing some dirt and grass stuck to his nose. His blurry eyes look in vain for his golf ball. Karen leans down and whispers in little Bobby's ear. KAREN He needs your help. You know what to do. Bobby breaks free and scoops up the ball. The crowd, the media, everyone watches little Bobby perfectly place the ball on the tee. He taps Dan on the shoulder. BOBBY That's your magic ball. Dan slowly gets to his feet, rubs Bobby's head, then guides him away. Dazed, he scans the crowd. Everyone's still laughing at him, except Janet. She's pulling at her chest, throwing the bad to the ground and stomping it with her foot. Dan stands straight up and arches out his chest. With his hand he rips at his chest, throwing the bad to the ground. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 95. He does it again, then a third time. With his foot he stomps the ground. VAL What's he doing? MARY I, I don't know. INT. TENT The Mayor nervously paces back and forth as all the members of Make A Wish stand watching the large television. MAYOR All I wanted was to raise money for MY children. Thirty thousand lousy dollars. Nothing he can do will ever make up for this humiliation. EXT. TEE AREA Dan gives Janet a nod of the head. He limbers up and stands at the tee. His stance is a little awkward, his hands holding the club the wrong way. Dan stares straight at the golf ball. JOHN Ladies and gentlemen, let's all give Mr. Delyons a round of applause. But no one claps. The laughter grows to an all out hysteria among the crowd, except for three concerned women. JANET Give it your best shot. MARY I can't watch. VAL It'll all be over soon. Dan slides the club up to the ball. DAN There is good in me. I know it. He swings awkwardly, but hits the ball flush. It looks good. Everyone's heads snap as they watch the ball sail away. Dan tries to watch but the whiskey has done it's job. He falls flat on his back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96. On the green, his ball hits 30 feet from the hole, bounces and rolls right toward the flag. Surprise overwhelms the crowd as the orange ball disappears into the CUP for a million dollar hole-in-one. It's deafly quiet as the crowd is stunned beyond belief. Holding the microphone to his mouth, John is speechless. Val quickly grabs Mary by the arm. MARY What happened? VAL Oh my god. It went in the hole. Across the tee area Janet is crying. She walks to Dan laying on the ground. The security guards help Dan to his feet. Billy and Alvin share a look of disbelief. Words finally come out of John's mouth. JOHN Mon...ey. INT. FRANKIE'S BAR Everyone in the bar has stopped laughing. Their jaws drop to the floor at what they just witnessed. The bartender thrusts his fist into the air in celebration. INT. TENT Every person inside the tent turns to face the Mayor. MAYOR What are you all looking at? JACK He just made a hole-in-one. MAYOR What have I done to deserve this? JIMMY Do you still want my gun, sir? Every person angrily turns to face Jimmy after his words. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97. EXT. TEE AREA Dan is being held up by the two large security guards. He looks dazed but awake. John looks seriously ill. He runs off, quickly handing the microphone over to Janet. From the back row Mary and Val make their way toward Dan. VAL Come on, now's the time. MARY I don't think I should. VAL Don't be silly. Remember, he's your knight in shinning armor. MARY I can't believe you remembered that. Dan still hasn't realized what he's done. A crowd of reporters gather around him and begin shouting. CINDY Mr. Delyons, what do you have to say about what you just did? DAN I ah, ah, what? CINDY What will you do with all that money? DAN Ah, if I won I'd buy a kiss. Mary, now just feet behind Dan, stops dead in her tracks. The press is shocked, they start yelling. Dan's confused. CINDY A kiss. Who would you kiss for a million dollars Mr. Delyons? DAN I'd give everything for just one kiss from Ashley Judd. CINDY You'd give all the money you just won to Ashley Judd for a single kiss? DAN I would, I ah. Money I won? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 98. Janet hikes up and presents Dan the million dollar check. JANET I've been asked to take over for John. He's not feeling so well. Mary's dejected, head down she walks away. INT. PORTABLE TOILET -- BEHIND TENT John looks sick, he vomits profusely into the plastic toilet. EXT. TEE AREA Janet pulls a black magic marker from her pocket. Dan holds the check in his hands. Janet proceeds to write his name next to. "PAY TO THE ORDER OF" on the million dollar cardboard check. JANET Congratulations Mr. Delyons, you're the first winner we've had in the Million Dollar Hole-in-One Contest. Total shock overwhelms Dan. He shakes his head trying to gather his bearings. He takes in a deep breath, then slaps himself in the face. DAN You've got to be kidding. JANET No, this money is all yours. Janet hugs him. Dan looks over her shoulder at the crowd as most of the people are now lightly clapping. His eyes stop at the front row where several young CHILDREN are seated. They don't appear healthy, as they all look back at him with smiles on their faces, except for ONE. A wheelchair bound girl, 13 years old, with long blonde hair catches his eye. She struggles with all her strength to break a smile. After agonizing seconds, finally, a weak smile crosses her face. But as the pain in her body overtakes her, the smile drops down to a frown. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99. Dan can't take his eyes off her. Janet whispers into his ear. JANET (CONT'D) The good in you rose to the surface. What you choose to do now will make you who you are. From the back Val observes Mary walk away. Val's had it with Dan, she stomps towards him. The Mayor, streaking out of the tent, makes a bee line for Dan but first he has to make it past Val. He doesn't. -BAM- Val knocks the Mayor to the ground. Her purse falls into her hand, she tightly clinches the strap. A look of relief crosses Dan's face. A second later the black purse smashes off the side of Dan's head, sending him crashing to the grass. Janet looks on in astonishment. The two security guards back away from Val as she stares them down. From the ground Dan tries to get up when, -BAM- right across the top of his head with a second shot from the purse. He seeks cover under the big check but a third swing crushes the middle of the check, just an inch from his nose. Dan hurls the check to the side and scrambles to his feet. DAN Damn it Val, why'd you hit me? VAL I should break your neck for what you just did. She takes one more swing at him but he ducks the purse. DAN I didn't do anything to you. VAL You did it to Mary. She was here watching you and you do this to her. DAN Mary's here? Where is she? VAL She ran away after you said you wanted to kiss yet another woman. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 100. DAN I did, but that was before I knew I had won the money. VAL You're no knight in shining armor. You're nothing more than a drunk, who barely qualifies as a man. The crowd goes deafly quiet as all eyes fall upon Val. VAL (CONT'D) Your BABY she's carrying, I hope you never see it. DAN Baby? Is Mary gonna have a baby? VAL Take the money and your stupid childish fantasies and go to hell. Val bluffs with her purse, then kicks Dan in the leg. Dan falls to one knee in pain as he watches Val walk away. In comes the Mayor and takes the microphone away from Janet. DAN She never told me about a baby. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- DEN Marlowe's laying flat on the floor, he reaches for his throat. MARLOWE I can't breath. I can't breath. EXT. GOLF COURSE -- TEE AREA The Mayor grabs Dan. They glare at each other a moment. The Mayor turns him toward the crowd. MAYOR First a millionaire and now a father. I don't know whether to hug you or have you arrested. Why don't you tell us how it feels to be both. The Mayor reluctantly hands the microphone to Dan. Dans eyes fall back upon the wheelchair bound young girl. Her head has slumped lower. She slowly lifts it, staring in pain back at Dan. As their eyes meet, a chill rocks his spine. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 101. His focus rises to a sign high above the girl's head, that reads: "With your help we can make every wish come true." Dan stares in silence at this beautiful young girl. DAN (V.O.) Ten times? Leroy, you feelin' okay. You just wasted a hundred bucks. LEROY (V.O.) It's the best money I've ever spent. Besides, it makes me feel good to know that even that SMALL amount can help a child to live a last wish. Dan's face is transformed. He finally connects all the dots. He turns to the Mayor and nods his head up and down. DAN You were right. This never should have been about me. INT. MARY'S CAR -- PARKING LOT Mary's in tears as she pounds the steering wheel in frustration. MARY I can't take it any more, I can't. EXT. TEE AREA Dan stares intensely at the check in his hands. He lifts his head revealing watery eyes. DAN I had no idea what this was all about. He looks back at the little girl in time to see her head fall slowly, chin resting on her chest. Dan's voice cracks. DAN (CONT'D) I do now. A few days ago I asked God for a wish that would change my life. A simple kiss was all I wanted. Dan looks up into the sky for a few seconds. DAN (CONT'D) I didn't think you were listening. Dan drops his head and quickly grabs the magic marker from Janet's pocket. He turns the check around to the back side and begins writing. DAN (CONT'D) For the first time in my life I know what to do. What I have to do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 102. The crowd stirs as Dan hands the check over to the Mayor, who is thoroughly shocked. Janet nods her head in agreement. DAN (CONT'D) I'm sure the Mayor will know what to do with this. Dan hands the microphone to the Mayor, then shakes his hand. MAYOR Man, was I ever wrong about you. Dan walks a straight line to the young girl. The Mayor holds the check up high over his head, turning it side to side for everyone to see what's written: PAY TO THE ORDER OF: MAKE A WISH FOR THE CHILDREN It's signed by Dan Delyons. Dan kneels next to the young girl. The media swarms them. Dan gently lifts her head. Her pain filled eyes open wide. DAN Would you mind if I changed my wish to you. I'm sure Ashley wouldn't mind a bit. He gently swipes her cheek with his thumb. She reveals a smile that would melt any man's heart. DAN (CONT'D) Has anyone ever told you, you have the prettiest smile. He leans in and kisses her tenderly on the cheek. That was "A SIMPLE KISS". The crowd is hushed when a lone clap is heard that instantly grows into a thunderous ovation. EXT. PORTABLE TOILET BEHIND TENT -- MOMENTS LATER John peeks out the door, planning for a quick escape, when he's completely surrounded by hundreds of onlookers. MAYOR Going some where thief? JOHN No. I ah, was taking a. This has got to be a mistake. MAYOR And you made it. What's the matter, John? Fall face first off that high horse of yours? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 103. John turns white as a ghost, sinks to his knees and starts to vomit. The Mayor drops to one knee next to John. MAYOR (CONT'D) I can count to a million, can you? JOHN It's impossible, how could he make... MAYOR The shot? After what he's been through, he's the only one who could have. JOHN One lousy second changed everything. MAYOR It sure did. You were right, scumbag. Paperwork didn't bring you down. A Dan Delyon did. Cooper forcefully pulls John off the ground and cuffs him. MAYOR (CONT'D) Put him in my limo. We'll be stopping at his bank to make a withdrawal. Two remaining cops escort John to the Mayors limo. The Mayor turns in time to notice Dan walking by himself across the fairway. He promptly grabs Cooper by the arm. MAYOR (CONT'D) Go get him. Take him anywhere he needs to go so he can find Mary. COOPER It'll be my pleasure, sir. EXT. GOLF COURSE -- FAIRWAY Dan appears satisfied as he treks across the fairway. He hears a voice from behind. It's Cooper racing his way. COOPER Delyons! Stop where you are. Old habits die hard as Dan runs off with Cooper on his heels. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- GARAGE -- AFTERNOON Mary, silently sits in her car, staring at the steering wheel. A knock on the side window startles her. Marlowe opens the door. Taking her hand, he helps her out. MARLOWE Baby, I'm so glad you're home. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104. MARY Daddy, I was wrong about him. MARLOWE I'm the one who's wrong. I've said and done some awful things to him. Mary's mood instantly changes as she shuts the car door. MARY What? You've never liked him, ever. MARLOWE That was before I knew what he had done for you in the pool. Marys stunned, she falls back against the car door. MARY The pool? Oh my god, Daddy. I'm so sorry, I, I should have told you. MARLOWE It was your Mother who showed me. MARY Mom showed you? But how could... MARLOWE The security cameras caught everything that happened. MARY Cameras? Oh my god, Mom knew what happened and she never said anything. MARLOWE Is there something else you're hiding? MARY I don't know what you mean? MARLOWE Believe me, it's not a secret anymore. MARY I was afraid to tell you. I didn't know how you'd react. Promise me you won't hurt him. MARLOWE I promise. MARY I'm pregnant. Daniel is the father. They both hesitate a moment, then hug each other. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105. INT. COP CAR -- CITY STREET -- AFTERNOON Officer Cooper driving, Dan fixed comfortably in the front seat wears an astonished look on his face. DAN Never thought I'd be riding up front. COOPER It's been one of those days. DAN Can I ask you something? You won't laugh at me, will you? COOPER No, I won't laugh. DAN Do you think I'd make a good father? COOPER I think you'll do just fine. DAN Coop, the pain that young girl was feeling broke my heart. COOPER Her name is Anna. She's my niece. DAN Your niece? How old is she? COOPER She just turned thirteen. She's fought a courageous battled with leukemia for over a year now. DAN Leukemia? Is she dying? COOPER She won't make it to Christmas. DAN Then we'll bring Christmas to her. She asked for a wish. What is it? COOPER She'd like to take her family and a few friends to Disney Land. She wants a picture of herself with Mickey Mouse to take with her to heaven. DAN A picture... to heaven? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106. COOPER She's quit the photographer. You should see the walls of her bedroom. I think a picture would bring her the most joy. DAN Then a picture's what she'll get. COOPER Why are you doing this? DAN What do you mean? COOPER Why not a third or even half? Why give it all away. DAN I could never look at another child again without thinking that I had a chance to help but turned away from them for my own selfish reasons. COOPER Wow, was I ever wrong about you. DAN Something happened to me today, I can't even begin to explain it. COOPER It's called becoming a man. The police car turns into Mary's driveway and stops. Cooper holds out his hand. Dan stares at it for a second, then tightly shakes it like a good friend would do. DAN I hope so. Say hi to Anna for me. Make sure she gets that PICTURE. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- DRIVEWAY Marlowe, standing by the front door, observes Dan get out and slowly make his way toward him. They come together as Marlowe places a hand on Dan's shoulder. Dan looks but makes no attempt to remove it. DAN I don't know why you did it but, thanks for bailing me out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 107. MARLOWE I did it because I love my daughter. You have to understand why I was so hard on you. DAN I understand everything now. You're her father, you're protecting her. MARLOWE It's what I had to do. It's what you'll have to do. Dan takes in a deep breath and slowly exhales. DAN You saw what happened on TV? MARLOWE I did. DAN I assume you know about the baby? MARLOWE I do. DAN I love your daughter, sir. If you'll let me, I'd like to spend the rest of my life with her. Marlowe struggles to keep his emotions inside. MARLOWE Promise me that you'll protect her and that your family will always come first, before anything else. DAN I promise you, nothing will matter more to me. Marlowe nods his head agreeing. Dan turns to walk into the house when Marlowe tug on his shirt stopping him from leaving. MARLOWE Why didn't you tell me about saving my daughters life. Dan is definitely shocked at what Marlowe has said. DAN How did you find out? Did Mary tell you what happened? Marlowe points to the CAMERA over the front door. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 108. MARLOWE We have them all around the house. Norma showed me a video tape of what you did for my little girl. DAN A video? I knew she knew what happened. MARLOWE The other day you gave me a clue. I just wasn't listening close enough to hear it. DAN You weren't the only one who wasn't listening close enough. MARLOWE I think you know where to find her. Dan quickly walks away as Norma drives into the driveway. She stops at the garage where Marlowe meets her. She gets out of the car, when Marlowe takes hold of both her hands. NORMA Was that, Daniel? MARLOWE Yes. Norma, please tell me the truth. Have I been a good husband and father? NORMA You did a good job. You helped me raise a kind and loving young woman. MARLOWE Honey, can you possibly forgive me for how I've treated you? NORMA I already have. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- SWIMMING POOL Dan hesitates a moment at the patio door. He lightly rubs the door frame. He turns to view Mary sitting at the pool's edge. Her feet are in the water as she rubs her thighs. Dan slowly makes his way toward the pool. He collides with a patio chair making a slight noise. MARY Daddy, I don't know what to say to him any more. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 109. Dan's face reveals that this is his moment of truth. He places his hand on her shoulder. She reaches up and cups his hand. DAN Ask him if he still loves you and he'll say, "more than life itself". Mary's surprised, she springs to her feet. MARY What are you doing here? DAN I should have been here yesterday. I should have been here everyday. MARY You got past Daddy? DAN Yea, imagine that. Daniel leans over and straightens out a chair at the table. DAN (CONT'D) We have an understanding? MARY Understanding? DAN We both want the same thing. To love and protect you. MARY You both have a funny way of showing it. DAN I'm sorry. The last four day have not been my best. MARY They know about the pool. DAN Yea, your Dad thanked me. Your Mom has for three years. Dan turns around to look at the pool. Mary looks down at the waters edge. MARY I'm so tired of keeping secrets. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 110. DAN So am I. Do you remember what you said to me that day in the water? MARY I remember everything. DAN You asked me not to let go of you. Dan spins around to face Mary. DAN (CONT'D) I'll never forget the way you looked at me. I felt important, like I was needed, wanted, a man you could depend on. Now, I feel I've let you down. Mary cover her mouth, amazed at what she's hearing. MARY I see the same man in front of me. DAN You still love me after everything? MARY I've never stopped loving you. DAN I'm so glad to hear that. Dan strolls toward her with his arms open. She gives him the stare that only a woman can give. MARY Not so fast. It's my turn to talk. DAN I'm listening. MARY What about the contest and what you said about paying this Ashley woman for a kiss? DAN That was a silly childish fantasy. It's gone now. MARY And what about Janet? Are you in love with her? Mary folds her arms, waiting for the right answer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111. DAN No. Janet's my friend, nothing more. MARY You're not going to kiss her again? DAN Never again. Dan rubs the side of his head. DAN (CONT'D) Speaking of friends. Your friend Val, knocked the crap out of me with that big purse of hers. MARY She hit you with her purse? Are you okay? You're not hurt? Dan shakes his head "yes" as he touches the side of his head. DAN I'm fine. She told me your secret. MARY Secret? DAN The secret you've been trying to tell me for four days. MARY What did she tell you? DAN You're going to have our baby. Mary's shoulders drop as a great weight has been lifted. MARY I wanted to tell you myself but every time I tried to. DAN It's doesn't matter who told me. All that matters to me is you. A tear begins its life in the corner of her eye. MARY And our baby? You're not going to leave us, now that you know? DAN I'll never leave you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 112. MARY What are your plans for the Million dollars? Dan starts laughing. Mary's confused. DAN My plans? That's right, you did see what happened? MARY I'm afraid to ask. DAN Don't get mad, but after you left I... kissed another woman. MARY You did what? Who was she? Dan back tracks around a table and stands next to the pool. DAN If only you could have seen her. She wasn't Ashley Judd. She was a beautiful young angel waiting for her wings. MARY And you gave her a Million dollars? DAN Her, and all her friends. Mary finally realizes what he's trying to say. MARY Make a wish? DAN Hers, and mine. MARY I believe you. DAN As of this moment, I don't have a penny to my name. MARY You have everything I'll ever need. What more could I ask for? Dan hesitates a moment, takes in a deep breath. DAN I could ask you to marry me. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 113. MARY Married? Are you sure you're ready? Dan smiles a mile wide as he touches his heart with his hand. DAN If I'm not ready now, I never will be. Mary is overwhelmed with emotion. Dan, standing just inches from the deep end of the pool, holds open his arms. Mary doesn't budge an inch, she looks down to the water at his feet. The smile slowly vanishes from her face. MARY I, can you come this way? Dan's dumbfounded for a moment, when it hits him right between the eyes why she won't come to him. Dan glares at the water, then back at her. He intensely looks at his watch. He starts to disrobe, his shirt, shoes, tossing his wallet to the pool deck. Mary's confused at his actions. MARY (CONT'D) What are you doing? Dan, now in just his jeans, tests the water with his toe. DAN With everything that's happened I forgot the date today. MARY It's the 24th. DAN That's right, today's July 24th. Three years to the day I meet you. Right here in this pool. MARY I was afraid you had forgotten. DAN I'll never forget this day again. This is our day, Mary. Good things happen to me, to us on this day. I'm going to marry you on this day. MARY Our wedding, next July? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 114. DAN On the 24th. I know the other secret you've been hiding from everyone. MARY I'm not hiding anymore secrets. DAN It must drive you crazy to sit at the edge of the pool and not have the courage to dive in. Dan dives into the water, surfacing half way across in waist deep water. Mary watches intensely. MARY Please, don't make me do it. Panic overtakes her. She promptly walks back and forth. DAN I can't make you do anything. She leans slightly toward the water, her body wanting but the fear is too much. She stops herself. INT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- STUDY Norma and Marlowe stand watching from a window. Norma wears a look of hope on her face. Marlowes confused. NORMA Come on baby, you can do it. MARLOWE What's he doing? She needs my help. NORMA No. If she can overcome her fear, she'll never be afraid of the water again. MARLOWE Why do you put up with me? NORMA When you find the right man, you'll do almost anything not to lose him. MARLOWE I'm the one who's certifiable, for not telling you every single day just how much I love you. Norma smiles a mile wide. Three years of anguish have been erased from her face. They come together, hug, then kiss. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115. EXT. WILLIAMS HOUSE -- POOL Mary walks to the edge and looks at Dan, then at the water. She takes a stride backward. Her whole body starts shaking. DAN You've done it a thousand times in your mind. Remember how good it felt to simply dive in. MARY That was before I almost died. DAN You didn't die, you lived. I'm asking you, to please reach inside and pull out the fear. There's no need to be afraid any more. Mary moves to the rim of the pool, her body lurching, her eyes tearing up. She reaches up, pulls on her chest and tosses her fear to the ground. But the shaking doesn't stop. She does it again. This time the shaking partially subsides. She looks out to Dan, who's holding his arms wide open. She pulls at her chest a third time, tosses the fear to the ground, stomps it with her foot, killing it. The shaking ceases. She lifts her hands, they're still. In a graceful motion she dives in, swimming under water all the way to Dan. She surfaces and instantly hooks him around the chest. Her eyes bulge with happiness. She loosens her grip on him. Now standing alone in waste deep water, she falls backwards, her head submerging for the longest two seconds of her life. She bursts back out, not with a look of terror but smiling a mile wide. MARY I can't believe I did it. DAN And none to soon. Who else is going to teach our son... or daughter to swim, me? Her shy exterior is gone as she kicks back her shoulders and heads right into Dans arms. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 116. MARY Do you still want to hold me? DAN Both of you. Dan gives her a monster hug. Cheek to cheek he whispers into her ear. DAN (CONT'D) Who needs a poster on the wall when I can kiss the most beautiful woman in the world. MARY Everyday. DAN I love you. MARY Thank you, for everything. If there ever was a forever kiss, it happens now. As they part the picture freezes showing Dan and Mary smiling a mile wide. As the credits roll, several still pictures pop on the screen showing young, terminally ill children in far off places, their wishes answered. The final PICTURE fills the entire screen. It's ANNA, MICKEY MOUSE and DANIEL together, all smiling a mile wide. THE END: FADE OUT:
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