x2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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ade in: EXT. swimming pool - DAY Tiny air bubbles drift upwards from the deep end of the pool. We watch them drift up and up and up. They pop on the surface of the water. There is a steady trail of bubbles that suddenly stops. Dissolve to black: LOREN (V.O.) The first thing you have to know about Bobbie . . . CUT TO: INT. Bobbies bathroom - DAY Tiny air bubbles drift upwards in water. One after another they drift up and up and up. They pop on the surface of the water. LOREN (V.O.) . . . is that Bobbie is a girl. We see the face of BOBBIE, a young woman about nineteen-years old. She is lying in the tub. Her eyes are closed. She is gradually releasing the bubbles. The bubbles suddenly stop. Bobbie is holding her breath. She holds her breath, and holds it, and holds it. She starts to strain, overcome by the need for air. Suddenly she sits up in the tub, gasping for air. She covers her face with her hands and starts to sob. CuT TO: EXT. garden street - DAY Bobbie, wearing a coat and jeans, stands on a busy downtown street. Her hair is still a bit damp. She is smoking. Loren (v.O.) Everything else you need to know about Bobbie youll have to discover over time, and in your own way, just like I did. Bobbie stands in front of a glass door on which is painted, USED BOOKS. MASON, a bookishly handsome man in his thirties approaches Bobbie. He nods at her as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his keys. Bobbie Morning, Mason. Mason nods to her again as he fumbles with his keys. Mason Yes, Good Morning, Im sorry Im a little late. Bobbie looks down at her watch. BOBBIE The store doesnt even open for fifteen minutes. (pause) Besides, Im sure youll clock me in at eight thirty. Mason smiles at this. MASON You were here at eight thirty? BOBBIE (smiling) Of course. Mason unlocks the door and they walk inside. 0002000004D0000007404CA,CUT TO: INT. garden street books - DAY The room is two-stories high with a large loft space on the second floor. Both the ground floor and the loft are filled with row after row of used books. Near the door theres a counter with a cash register. Mounted on the wall behind the counter there are tattered posters for books: Unbearable Lightness of Being, To the Lighthouse, and Lolita. They walk in and they both start taking off their coats. Mason stops taking his off and walks behind Bobbie to help her with her coat. As he stands behind her he breathes in deeply, savoring the smell of her hair. He lingers behind her just a little too long, and Bobbie looks back over her shoulder to see what hes doing. Mason fidgets selfconsciously once he realizes that Bobbie is noticing him. Mason, carrying Bobbies coat, walks into the back room. LoREN (V.O.) Ever wonder what happens to those guys who study classics and philosophy in college? They end up like Mason . . . and me, come to think of it, working in used bookstores that are probably going to get run out of business by the internet. Mason and I work here because we are overly educated. Bobbie works here because, well, because Mason and I need her here. 00020000069400000C0A68E,Mason walks out of the back room carrying a cash register tray with a ledger on top of it. He walks towards the counter, where Bobbie, seated cross-legged on top of it, is reading a newspaper. Mason puts the tray inside the cash register, opens the ledger, and marks something down in it. MASON Okay, youre starting with three hundred even today. Can you count it and sign the ledger? Bobbie wearily puts the newspaper down and climbs down off of the counter. She starts counting the money in the register. Mason disappears into the back room and comes out a few moments later carrying a large cardboard box filled with books. He sets the box down on the counter and then pauses and looks, wistfully, at Bobbie. Bobbie looks up and notices Mason staring at her. She arches her eyebrows as if to say what? Mason is startled and looks away. MASON (clearing his throat) Yes, ummm, tell Loren that he needs to shelve these books. Ive already priced them. Bobbie stares at him blankly for a moment. BOBBIE Okay. Mason shuffles his feet and stares at the ground. He runs his hands through his hair nervously. MASON Look, . . . WE HEAR THE DOOR OPEN WITH A JINGLE. LOREN, a young man in his early twenties, handsome and confident, a backpack slung over one shoulder, MP3 player and headphones on, walks in. LOREN (V.O.) Thats me. Cool, confident, . . . whatever. Clearly I dont belong here. Mason seems startled by Lorens entrance. Loren takes his headphones off. Loren Mornin sexy. BOBBIE (pretending to be put-off) Good morning, Loren. LOREN I was talking to Mason. MASON (wearily) Good morning, Loren. Heres some books that need shelving, Ive already priced them. 000200000600000012985FA,LOREN Yes, Mason, I am fine, and I would like to tell you about my evening last night, which, I might add, was diminished greatly by the fact that little Miss Homebody here ditched me right after the movie. MASON (to Bobbie) So you two went out last night? Bobbie returns Masons almost accusatory glare with a look of her own: why do you care? BOBBIE I did. (turning to Loren) And I did not ditch you. I was tired. LOREN Youre always tired. Loren puts his backpack behind the desk and then starts rummaging through the box of books. He pulls out a romance novel and shows the cover to Bobbie. THE COVER ART HAS A MAN WITH HIS SHIRT OPENED TO HIS WAIST EMBRACING A WOMAN WHOS BOSOM IS THREATENING TO POP OUT OF THE TOP OF HER DRESS. LOREN (to Bobbie) This is us, sweetie. Me, the manly-man, and you the courageous, but hungry, if you know what I mean, woman. BOBBIE Theres no way thats you. That guy has pecs. LOREN Hey! Loren peers down inside his shirt. LOREN I have pecs, well, at least I have nipples. MASON All right, Loren, I think youve made our work environment hostile enough for one day. Loren turns to look at Mason and pats him on the chest. LOREN Now this man has pecs. Am I right? Bobbie walks over and rubs Masons chest, too. This seems to make both Mason and Loren uncomfortable. LOREN Easy, sister, lets not get all slutty with the boss. Mason pushes them both away. MaSON Lets just get to work. All right? LOREN Seriously, though man, do you work out? I mean you must work out. MASON No. BOBBIE 00020000070F00001892709,Oh come on, I felt those muscles. Bobbie squeezes Masons arm. BOBBIE Ooohhh, check out these arms. You must work out. MASON I swim a little, all right? Bobbie suddenly looks somber and releases Masons arm. She gloomily walks back over to the cash register. Mason and Loren both look at each other, as if to say, whats up with her? Mason walks towards the front door and turns the Open/Closed sign around. Loren looks back into the box. He finds another book. LOREN Hey, this is a good book, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. (to Bobbie) Have you read it? BOBBIE Science fiction? LOREN Not just science fiction. Its Dick. This is the book Blade Runner is based on. BOBBIE No thanks. LOREN Have you seen the movie? BOBBIE Uhhh, no. LOREN Oh, youve got to see it. Im coming over to your place tonight with my copy of the DVD. BOBBIE Uh, no thanks. In the first place, I dont think its safe to invite you into my home. Secondly, an android movie, pah-leeze. LOREN Starring Harrison Ford . . . BOBBIE And that appeals to me because . . .? Isnt he like old enough to be our grandfather? Mason winces when he hears this. MASON Its a good movie and a really good book. I think youd enjoy it. Its a quick read, give it a shot. Mason walks back into the back room. BOBBIE Let me see it. Loren hands the book to Bobbie. She looks at the front cover for a moment then flips it over and reads the back. BOBBIE Okay, thanks. Ill read it. LOREN Oh sure, Mr. P-H-D recommends it and youre all over it, but little B-A-Loren, who happens to be in the vanguard of the next generation of science fiction writers, recommends it, and your nose is turned up. This is intellectual snobbery. (pause) So, do you want to watch that movie tonight? Bobbie looks at him sideways and sighs. DISSOLVE TO: 0002000007E900001F9B7E3,INT. gARDEN STREET BOOKS - DAY Bobbie is seated behind the counter. She is reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? BOBBIE (V.O.) Her dark pert face showed satisfaction, as if she had achieved something of worth. So I put it on my schedule for twice a month; I think thats a reasonable amount of time to feel hopeless about everything, about staying here on Earth after everybody whos smart has emigrated, dont you think? MR. PEEBLES, a very fat man in his fifties, dressed in a tweed jacket, bow tie, wearing sandals with socks, enters the store. Mr. peebles Good afternoon, Nancy. BOBBIE Mr. Peebles, you know my name is Bobbie, not . . . Mr. Peebles looks annoyed by her contradicting him. BOBBIE Okay, Good afternoon. Mr. PEEBLES Mason phoned. He said you have two of the books Ive been looking for. Bobbie looks underneath the counter and cant seem to find anything. BOBBIE (yelling towards the back) Loren! Wheres Mr. Peebles Nancy Drew books? LOREN How the fuck should I know? BOBBIE Will you look around back there? LOREN Okay. Bobbie forces a smile at Mr. Peebles. LOREN Were looking for them. Mr. PEEBLES Perhaps I should speak with Mason. BOBBIE Hes teaching his Latin class at U of P. MR. PEEBLES (alarmed) What about is job here? What about my Nancy Drew books? BOBBIE Well, you know he really wants to be a college professor, and he loves to teach. Mr. Peebles just grunts at this. LOREN (o.S.) Found em. Loren emerges from the back room holding two books in his hands. LOREN (reading the titles from the books) Nancy Drew and the Vanishing Monkey, and Nancy Drew and the Middle-Aged Underemployed but Sexy Classics Professor. BOBBIE Funny. Just bring em. Loren brings them to the counter where Bobbie examines them briefly then enters some numbers in the cash register. Mr. Peebles reverently lifts up the books and looks at them. BOBBIE That will be seven forty-three. Mr. PEEBLES Of course. Here you are. Mr. Peebles hands Bobbie some cash, and she returns some change to him. 0002000006B20000277E6AC,Mr. PEEBLES Good day, Nancy. BOBBIE Good bye, Mr. Peebles. Mr. Peebles leaves the store and then Loren and Bobbie look at each other. LOREN Spooky. Loren notices that Bobbie is reading Do Androids Dream of Invisible Sbeep. LOREN Great. Youre reading it. Does this mean were on for tonight? BOBBIE Were not on . . . for any night. LOREN Its because you have a thing for Mason . . . right? BOBBIE I do not have a thing for Mason, I just like my time alone. LOREN Youre a loner, Ill give you that. Do you have any friends? BOBBIE Not counting you? LOREN Not counting me. BOBBIE I dont need friends. LOREN Family? BOBBIE I dont need family. LOREN But do you have a family? (pause) Are you an adroid? (pause) I mean you never talk about them, your family, I mean, but I cant shut up about my psychotic family . . . BOBBIE You cant shut up--period. LOREN Ooohhh, hurt me baby. You know I like it. BOBBIE I have a family, but I dont talk to them. LOREN Ooh. Theres a story here, I can sniff it. BOBBIE They dont want to talk to me. LOREN Why? What did you do? BOBBIE Is this your idea of how to seduce me? Back off. LOREN Is it working? Am I seducing you? BOBBIE Are you for real? I mean whats your deal with me? Where is this going? LOREN Going? BOBBIE Do you just want to fuck me? LOREN Uhhh. . . Is that an option? Bobbie stares Loren right in the eye, but he cant return her gaze and has to look away. BOBBIE I mean what do you want from me? Are you in love with me? Or what, am I just a way to occupy the time? Am I just another sad girl youd like to fuck? Loren just stares at her, unable to speak. LOREN I dont know what I want, I guess, I just want to get to know you better . . . 0002000005FD00002E2A5F7,(letting a smile pass) And then I want to fuck you. Bobbie will not smile at this, but she will not remain angry. BOBBIE Okay. Here you go. Im going to assign a book for you to read. LOREN Assign? BOBBIE Yep. She lumbers off down one of the aisles in the store. LOREN (calling after her) Something with sex in it, I hope. You know, something with lots of dirty, filthy, sex. BOBBIE (o.S.) Exactly what I have in mind. Bobbie emerges from the aisle waiving a book. She approaches Loren and hands it to him? LOREN The Marquise of O? BOBBIE Read it? LOREN Nope. Never heard of it. BOBBIE Its by Von Kleist. He and his mistress committed suicide together. LOREN Nice. Whats the book about? BOBBIE Its about knowing something about yourself, knowing it for sure, even though it may not be true. Loren looks at the back cover. Hes not sure. LOREN Okay its something to do on my shift tonight. Yes, a twelve-hour day Im putting in here so your handsome boss can go to a party with his very age-appropriate girlfriend. BOBBIE Shut up. CUT TO: Int. GARDEN STREET BOOKS - DAY Loren is standing behind the counter leaning on it, engaged in a conversation with SHELBY, a sloppily-dressed man in his late thirties. Shelby See, thats why the Pope is involved. LOREN Let me get this straight . . . The Pope worked out a special deal with Microsoft and Wallmart to make sure every piece of software and every C-D they sell would contain a subliminal message? SHELBY Right. LOREN And that message is: the mouse is your one true God? 00020000067900003421673,SHELBY Now you got it. LOREN And that means, Micky Mouse is God, which explains why every is always talks about going to Disneyland after they win the Superbowl or something? SHELBY Exactly. LOREN What I dont get is why the Pope wants that message out. I mean wouldnt he want something like Jesus is God? SHELBY No, no, no. Thats not the Popes agenda. LOREN So his agenda is to get us to worship Micky Mouse . . . ? SHELBY Now, your just being stupid. Bobbie emerges from the back room wearing her coat. She walks past the counter . . . BOBBIE Bye Loren. SHELBY (clears his throat) BobBIE Bye Shelby. Bobbie walks out the front door and both Shelby and Loren watch her leave. LOREN God, I dig her. SHELBY Shes crazy. LOREN Shes crazy? I dont deny that youre an expert on crazy, but, what exactly makes you think shes crazy? SHELBY A couple of weeks ago Im in the dumpster out back. LOREN Hold it. Youre in the dumpster? SHELBY I was looking for something. LOREN What exactly would you be looking for in the dumpster? SHELBY Copies of A Stranger in a Strange Land. LOREN Never read it. SHELBY You should. Its fictionalized, but its based on actual events. LOREN What? Isnt that the hippie novel about the guy who was born on Mars? SHELBY Yes, but in real life he obviously wasnt born on Mars, hes from another star system. The Johnson administration hushed the whole thing up, but the Pope wanted to make sure that it was all under wraps, so he got JFK elected. But JFK, or Bobbie Kennedy, Im not sure which, got Heinlann to write the novel as a way of leaking just enough information to freak the Vatican and the Pentagon out. 0002000004BA00003A944B4,LOREN And thats why the Kennedys were killed? SHELBY Now you get it. LOREN Never mind. What about Bobbie? SHELBY Right. So Im in the dumpster looking to see if Mason is part of the conspiracy . . . Loren rolls his eyes. Shelby Hey, Ive found half a dozen copies of that book in dumpsters behind bookstores. LOREN Really? SHELBY Swear to God. Loren looks like hes taking this conspiracy a little more seriously. LOREN Ooooookaaaaaaay. Anyway, what about Bobbie? SHELBY Well, I look up, and I notice that Mason is up in the loft. Shelby points towards the upstairs loft. SHELBY (continuing) And hes looking down from that window. At first I think, Oh shit. Im busted, but then I realize hes not looking at me. He doesnt even see me, hes looking down at something else. So I climb up to the edge of the dumpster and I stare out, and I see Bobbie sitting on the back step just sobbing. I mean Ive never seen anybody cry like that before. Thats what Mason was looking at. Loren is staring blankly at Shelby. LOREN She was crying? Shelby nods. LOREN Your evidence that Bobbie is . . . crazy . . . is that she was crying? Shelby nods again. LOREN You are so full of shit. Girls cry asshole. 0002000007B400003F487AE,Loren shakes his head and starts walking away from the counter. LOREN And the Pope killed the Kennedys. Loren walks into the backroom. SHELBY (shouting at Loren) You know, you really should read Stranger in a Strange Land. Its the greatest science fiction novel ever written. LOREN (o.S.) Ive been meaning to read it for awhile, but now that youve recommended it . . . INT. mason and Ninas bedroom - nIGHT This room is a small, simple room. There is a large, wide dresser painted green and covered with jewelry and an old, tattered teddy-bear. There is a tall narrow dresser, painted the same green color, covered with coins, a couple of mens belts, several trophies: two for baseball, three for skate-boarding. The bed is simple, but covered with a comforter and several large pillows. Mason is lying down on the bed, his shoes are kicked off, hes reading a tattered copy of The Bell Jar. Nina, an attractive woman with long hair, wearing only her bra and panties, is standing in front of the wide dresser. Nina I cant believe your reading that book. Its shit. Mason I thought you liked Sylvia Plath. NINA I like some of her poetry, but that is not a good novel. MASON I kind of like it. NINA I read it when I was like, fourteen, and I thought it was kind of deep then, but, my God, I mean, dont you find its self-loathing to be boringly solipsistic? MASON Maybe you just dont get Esther Greenwood. NINA I get her, but I think Plaths just being self-indulgent here, relying too much on confessional authority to win an audience, and she didnt win me. MASON I thought you said she did, when you were fourteen. NINA Well, I outgrew that. Besides, whats a man of your age, education, and intellect doing reading something like this? Mason just sighs and shakes his head. Nina pulls some earrings off of her dresser and puts them in. NINA I mean really. MASON Weve been over this. I didnt grow up going to Our Lady Queen of Bitches prep school. 000200000502000046F64FC,Nina spins around to look at him. NINA What, so now youre calling me a bitch? MASON Sorry. Look, Ive told you, in my house we werent even allowed to read fiction . . . you know . . . the novel is what led to the decline of civilization? Nina looks at him and softens. NINA Just because your father was some kind of religious nut doesnt mean you can call me a bitch. Mason I said I was sorry. God. Nina looks at Mason for a moment, then walks over and runs her fingers through his hair. Nina Im sorry, too. I know I can be a bit snobbish. MASON A bit? Nina walks over to the closet and pulls a cocktail dress out. NINA When are you going to get dressed? MASON How about I sit this one out? NINA Sit it out? Why? MASON I just dont fit in with this crowd anymore. NINA Nobody thinks that but you. Everybody knows how tough the job market his for Classicists. MASON No, they dont. Everybody at that party tonight either has a tenure-track job, or believes he or she will have one just as soon as they finish their dissertation. NINA They all love and respect you. MASON They dont do either. NINA Im not going alone. John is throwing this party for me. To celebrate my dissertation getting done. I went with you to your party when you finished your dissertation. 0002000005C300004BF25BD,MASON John wants to screw you. NINA No he doesnt. And what if he does? That doesnt mean I would do it. MASON Does it mean you wouldnt? NINA It means Im with you. Aging professors are horny for younger women. You know that. MASON And I know a lot of younger women horny for aging professors. NINA Well, Im not one of them. I think its sick, those old coots wining and dining impressionable young women, trying to impress them with their knowledge of wine, opera, and Derrida. Mason just looks at Nina and shakes his head. MASON All right, Im going, but Im not laughing at any jokes that involve double-entendres in French. Int. Bobbies apartment - nIGHT This is a small studio apartment. There is a futon in the upright, couch position, a large, old, tattered wooden coffee table in front of the futon, and a small end table next to the futon. A lamp is on the end table as well as a photograph of a thirteen-year-old Bobbie holding a smiling four-year-old girl. Both Bobbie and the girl are all dolled-up, wearing nice dresses and Bobbie has on make-up and her hair is curled. There are no other photographs, plants, or posters in the apartment. Against one wall is a bookcase constructed out of cinder-blocks and old boards. It has four shelves, all crowded with books, and there are stacks of books and magazines on the floor around the book case. Bobbie, wearing sweats, is sitting up on the futon reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 000200000779000051AF773,BOBBIE (V.O.) He had wondered, as had most people at one time or another, precisely why an android bounced helplessly about when confronted by an empathy-measuring test. Empathy, evidently, existed only within the human community . . . WE HEAR A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. Bobbie is startled by the knock, then recovers and gets up and walks to the door. BOBBIE Who is it? Loren (o.S.) Me. Bobbie looks puzzled for a moment, then . . . BOBBIE Loren? LOREN Of course. Bobbie sighs wearily and leans forward so that the top of her head is touching the door. BOBBIE What do you want? LOREN Well, for starters, I want to come in. BOBBIE Why would you want to do that? LOREN Im not gonna rape you. BOBBIE Of course youre not. LOREN (holding up a six-pack of beer) Look, Ive got presents. Bobbie pulls herself away from the door then unlatches the dead-bolt and pulls the chain off. She opens the door. Loren, wearing his small backpack, is standing there holding the six-pack in one hand and a big bag of pretzels in the other. BOBBIE Beer and pretzels? LOREN Yeah. BOBBIE You shouldnt have . . . really. Loren walks past her and sets the backpack, beer and pretzels down on the coffee table. LOREN I like what youve done with the place. BOBBIE How did you find me? LOREN Lucky guess? Bobbie folds her arms and glares. LOREN Okay, so I looked in your file at work. BOBBIE So now youre a stalker? LOREN Lighten up. Hey, look what I brought. Loren reaches into his backpack and pulls out a DVD of Blade Runner. Bobbie continues to glare at him. Loren looks around for her television and then realizes she has none. LOREN Do you have a t.v.? BOBBIE No. LOREN No television. My God. Thats freaky. BOBBIE Okay, Im one of the television-impaired. Am I really missing anything? LOREN Yeah. Theres this new reality show where contestants compete to see who can produce and develop their own new reality show. 0002000006750000592266F,BOBBIE So, I guess youll be going then? Loren pops open a beer and hands it to Bobbie. At first she wont take it, but then she accepts and takes a sip. LOREN Hold on. Loren opens another beer bottle and raises his bottle to toast. She tips her bottle forward and they CLINK. LOREN Cheers. BOBBIE (warily) Cheers. Loren takes a seat on the futon. LOREN Well how about I just act out the movie. Pretend Im Harrison Ford. BOBBIE Why are you here? LOREN I like you. BOBBIE You dont even know me. LOREN Im a guy, I dont have to know you, I have to like the way you look and smell, and then not be annoyed by you. Besides I do like you. BOBBIE But what do you really know about me? LOREN What, are you some kind of escaped homicidal maniac? BOBBIE Maybe. Maybe I am. LOREN Ill take my chances. Sit down. Loren gestures for her to sit down next to him. Bobbie slowly walks over to the futon and sits down at the end of the futon, about three feet away from Loren. MATCH CUT TO: INT. bOBBIES APARTMENT - nIGHT Bobbie and Loren are sitting at opposite ends of the futon, but they are facing each other, Bobbie with her legs crossed and Loren stretched out, but turned halfway towards her. Empty beer bottles and pretzels are strewn across the table. They both hold open beer bottles. LOREN So . . . thats why Picard is better than Kirk. Bobbie just looks at him in amazement. LOREN You get what Im saying, right? BOBBIE I dont even have a t.v., and you just spent twenty minutes trying to explain something to me about not one, but two television series Ive never seen. LOREN Im interesting though, right? Bobbie allows herself to smile. 00020000060000005F915FA,BOBBIE You are a-musing. There is an awkward moment of silence. Loren looks up and notices there is a photograph on the end-table next to him. He picks up the photo. IT IS THE PHOTO OF THIRTEEN-YEAR OLD BOBBIE WITH A FOUR-YEAR OLD GIRL. LOREN Look at you. Bobbie curls her body up tightly and looks down at the ground. LOREN You were quite the cutie. He looks up at her. LOREN You still are. Loren looks at Bobbie, noting that she seems to be getting uncomfortable. LOREN Are you one of those girls whos really uncomfortable seeing pictures of herself? Bobbie tilts her head sideways like, I guess. LOREN Dont tell me. You like look at this photo and see all kinds of little imperfections and then go around telling everyone how awkward you were in high school . . . Right? Bobbie shrugs her shoulder. BOBBIE I see imperfections. Loren looks at the photo again. LOREN (without looking away from the photo) I dont. Look, you even have pretty nice little boobies going there. Loren looks up at Bobbie and smiles mischievously. LOREN Whos the girl? Your sister? Bobbie hesitates for a moment. BOBBIE Yes. LOREN Shes a cutie, too. She must be driving the boys crazy by now. Again Bobbie hesitates. BOBBIE Crazy. Loren looks at Bobbie and then begins to scoot towards her. Bobbie responds by trying to pull farther away but she is already on the edge of the futon. When Loren gets next to her he places a hand on her knee and then affectionately rubs her leg. LOREN What is up with you? Bobbie relaxes a little. BOBBIE 00020000065A0000658B654,Nothing is up with me. What do you mean? LOREN I mean youre smart, funny, sexy, your like the female android I would build if I knew how . . . except of course you would be my sex slave. Bobbie chuckles a little at this. BOBBIE What is this about? Loren looks offended. He reaches up and grabs one of her hands and cradles it in both of his hands. He then starts to gently rub the back of her hand. LOREN Youre so alone. Bobbie seems startled by this and pulls her hand back. BOBBIE Whats wrong with being alone? LOREN Its inhuman. BOBBIE Maybe Im inhuman like one of the androids in that book you gave me. LOREN I dont think so. Loren reaches up and grabs her hand. He pulls it up to his mouth and he gently kisses it. LOREN Was that so bad? Bobbie doesnt say anything, so Loren gently kisses her hand again. Loren then leans up and kisses her on the forehead. Bobbie is still very stiff. Loren looks her in the eye, their faces just inches apart, and then he leans in and kisses her gently on the mouth. Loren pulls back a few inches and looks her in the eye again. LOREN Was that so bad? Bobbie reaches up and grabs his face and pulls him toward her and kisses him. Then kisses him again, the tenderness turning to passion and their bodies uncoil and stretch out until they are reclining on the futon, Loren lying on top of Bobbie. They continue kissing more and more passionately, then Bobbie starts crying. Soon her body is wracked with sobs and tears are streaming down her face. Loren pulls away from her a bit. LOREN Whats wrong? Whats wrong? Bobbie just shakes her head and continues to cry. 00020000064200006BDF63C,LOREN Hey. Hey. We dont have to do this. Loren sits up and rearranges himself so that he is now behind her, cradling her head in his lap. He strokes her hair. LOREN Hey, whats wrong? Bobbie just shakes her head again and uses her hands to wipe away her tears, she gets control of herself for a moment and then starts sobbing again. Loren continues stroking her hair. LOREN Its okay. Its okay. Bobbie gets control of herself again. BOBBIE Just hold me, okay? LOREN Okay. Okay. Bobbie sits up part way and then directs Loren to lie down next to her, so that they are facing each other and embracing. She buries her face in his chest and sobs some more. Loren continues to stroke her hair. Bobbie calms down a bit. BOBBIE Its just been so long since anybody has touched me. Loren passes a concerned and puzzled look across his face. BOBBIE Just hold me. They embrace each other more tightly. DISSOLVE TO: INT. bOBBIES APARTMENT - DAY Loren is spooning Bobbie on the futon/couch. WE HEAR THE SOUND OF BOBBIES ALARM CLOCK GOING OFF. Bobbie wakes up with a start, and then looks around, surprised to find Loren is still there. Bobbie jumps up and turns off the alarm clock, which is resting on the night-stand. Loren slowly comes to life, rubbing his eyes. LOREN What time is it? BOBBIE Time for you to go. LOREN Uh? BOBBIE Get out. Loren just looks up at her with bewilderment. BOBBIE I said, get out. She goes over and grabs his hand and pulls him up. She drags him towards the door. BOBBIE Youve got to get out of here. I have to get ready for work. I have to open the store today. 0002000006280000721B622,Bobbie continues to drag Loren towards the door. LOREN But how about we go get some breakfast and-- BOBBIE No. Youve got to go. Theyve reached the door, Bobbie opens it and pushes Loren out into the hallway. LOREN Well, can I at least take a le-- Bobbie slams the door in his face. She leans back against the closed door and just shakes her head. INT. gARDEN STREET BOOKS - DAY Bobbie is sitting at the counter talking to Shelby. LOREN (v.O.) I thought I had made a real connection with her that night, but it turns out I had done just the opposite. ShELBY And thats why The X-files was cancelled. The CIA got to Duchovney and forced him to quit. BOBBIE Okay. SHELBY Dont patronize me. Youre being patronizing. BOBBIE Well, I just dont see your evidence. SHELBY Evidence? Are you kidding? BOBBIE Well . . . SHELBY Why would David Duchovney quit? I mean,what has he done since then? Loren enters the store. Hes wearing his backpack and hes listening to his MP3 player. Loren pulls his headphones off and stops to look at Bobbie. LOREN Hey. BOBBIE Hey. SHELBY What, no hey for me? LOREN Hey. Loren puts his backpack and MP3 player under the counter and he walks over to Bobbie. He puts his arm around her and leans over and kisses her on the cheek. Bobbie looks at Shelby, who has his mouth hanging open, surprised to see such physical intimacy between Loren and Bobbie. LOREN Are you okay? BOBBIE Yes. Of course. Loren walks towards the back room. SHELBY Whats that all-- Loren (o.S.) Hey, I had to pee in your alley this morning. I hope youre happy. 0002000005FA0000783D5F4,SHELBY Well, well, well. The Ice-Princess melteth. BOBBIE (exasperated) Im not the Ice Princess. (pause) And I havent melted. Loren emerges from the back room carrying a stack full of books. He sets them down on the counter. SHELBY Well, details. Give me details. Are you two an item? Loren looks at Bobbie as if to ask are we? BOBBIE We are not anything. LOREN You mean, last night meant nothing to you? SHELBY Again, Im going to have to insist on details. What happened last night? A little of the old . . . Shelby makes an in-and-out motion with his fist. BOBBIE No. Loren came over, uninvited, drank a bunch of beers, and passed out on my couch. SHELBY (to Loren) Thats what I figured. (to Bobbie) The Ice Princess still wears her frozen tiara. BOBBIE Shelby, are you going to buy anything? SHELBY Why? Do you two want to be alone? BOBBIE Stay. Go. I dont care. Just quit being so annoying. SHELBY Now I know nothing happened. (to Loren, but pointing his thumb at Bobbie) She is definitely on the rag. (to Bobbie) Am I right? BOBBIE Just shut up. SHELBY Truth hurts, uh? INT. gARDEN STREET BOOKS - lATER Bobbie is sitting at the counter reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Mason opens the front door and backs into the store, shaking his umbrella out as he comes in. MASON Afternoon, Bobbie. Bobbie perks up a bit and puts her book down. BOBBIE Hey, Mason. How was your party? Mason takes off his coat. MASON Humiliating. Degrading. Made me feel like bashing my head in with a brick. (pause) 00020000063A00007E31634,The usual. Mason walks back towards his office. BOBBIE Sounds great. Mason walks back out and stands with Bobbie behind the counter. BOBBIE Why is it so degrading, being with those professor-types? (pause) I mean youre like the smartest person I know . . . plus, youre really sensitive (she blushes at this) And funny. Mason rubs her arm affectionately,and Bobbie turns to look at his hand on her arm. This makes Mason uncomfortable and he stiffens and stops rubbing her arm. MASON Well, you know, when youre in graduate school, working on your dissertation, you feel like it will be worth all the effort because then youll get this really great job teaching, and researching, and writing, but when you go five years and you still dont have a job, you have to feel like you did something wrong. BOBBIE But the job market is tough for classicists, thats what you always say, right? MASON Yep, but its just as tough, maybe even tougher, in English Lit., and Ninas got five on-campus interviews coming up this month. Theyre clamoring to hire her. I think shes losing respect for me. BOBBIE Because youre working here instead of at a big university somewhere? MASON Yeah, I guess, plus, you know, I think the stink of failure is all over me, and shes . . . successful. BOBBIE (playfully) Ummm, cant stand to be with a powerful, successful woman? MASON I think youre right. BOBBIE Compensating for something? Bobbie looks down at Masons crotch. MASON Wouldnt you like to know? BOBBIE Actually, I would . . . Bobbie blushes again at this,and her playful mood changes. BOBBIE 00020000067E00008465678,I mean . . . MASON Hey, youre just kidding, I get it. Lighten up. Theres an awkward pause as they both stare at each other without speaking. BOBBIE Is it that important to you? Mason hesitates for a moment and shakes his head. MASON Is what that important? BOBBIE To be a college professor? MASON Ummm, yes. I mean I spent nine years of my life studying, learning Greek and Latin, and then German and French, and then reading all those books and writing my dissertation, and, and, and I love teaching. It just seems like-- BOBBIE --like a waste? MASON Yeah, like a waste. BOBBIE But why? I mean maybe being a graduate student is what you did for nine years, and maybe working here is what you did for five years, but why does it have to add up to some kind of plan? MASON Now you sound like Nietzsche. BOBBIE Never read him. Didnt go to college, remember? MASON Why dont you go to college? Youre smart, you love to read, you love ideas. You should really be-- BOBBIE --doing something with my life? MASON Yeah. Do I sound like your-- BOBBIE --father? MASON Ummm, I guess. BOBBIE Youre nothing like my father, and no, I dont think I should be doing something with my life. MASON Do you want to work here for the rest of your life? BOBBIE Maybe. It depends on how long that ends up being. MASON Well, then you better not live too long because I dont think this store is going to last for more than a year, two at best. BOBBIE Maybe thats enough. Mason looks concerned. MASON You dont sound like your kidding. BOBBIE Maybe Im not. MASON Look, Bobbie, if theres something bothering you-- BOBBIE --isnt there something bothering everybody? 00020000067200008ADD66C,MASON Yes, but most of us plan on living with that something for longer than a year or two. BOBBIE What if you cant? MASON Cant what? Cant live with it for longer than a year or two? What could you possibly have done in your short life that would be that hard to live with? Bobbie looks intently into Masons eyes. She stares at him and he turns to stare at her and grabs her by both shoulders. Mason What? Bobbie looks like shes going to say something, but she just cant spit it out. She looks like she might burst into tears. MASON What? What is it? A sly smile sweeps across Bobbies face . . . BOBBIE Wouldnt you like to know. JUST THEN WE HEAR THE SOUND OF THE FRONT DOOR OPENING AND THE BELL RINGING. Loren walks in. He is startled to see Mason and Bobbie standing so close together, Mason with his hands still resting on Bobbies shoulders. Bobbie and Mason are startled and they look up at Loren. Mason drops his hands and turns to face Loren. Bobbie hangs her head and rubs her hand through her hair. LOREN Am I interrupting anything? MASON Of course, not. Back from lunch so soon? LOREN A little too soon? Mason ignores this. Mason Well I guess I better get going. My class starts in about forty minutes. Mason walks back towards the back room and Loren is standing, staring at Bobbie, who is trying to avoid his gaze. Mason emerges from the back room wearing his coat and carrying his umbrella and a small leather portfolio-case. MASON Ill be back around five, and Ill close up tonight. (pause) Look, Ninas out of town, do you two want to come over to my place tonight, after closing, and watch Blade Runner? 00020000058E00009149588,Bobbie and Loren look at each other. BOBBIE Sure. LOREN Hey, threes a crowd, maybe I should-- MASON (interrupting) What are you talking about? Come over around nine-thirty, okay? LOREN Ive got dinner with my Dad and his new wife, but we should be done by then. MASON Then its a date. Ill see you guys at five. Mason walks out of the store. Loren just stares at Bobbie who goes back to reading her book. The camera pans to the poster of lolita. DISSOLVE TO: InT. fancy restaurant - nIGHT Loren is seated at a table with his father, BARNEY, a man in his fifties dressed in a sport-coat and nice shirt. Next to Barney sits Caitlyn, an attractive woman in her twenties wearing a tight, sexy dress. She is leaning in towards Barney and stroking his arm in between sips wine.. Loren is seated across from them, eating salad. The camera pans to barney. LOREN (V.O.) Thats Dr. Barney Johnson, a-k-a, my dad. Hes a dentist. If theres a more boring, disgusting job an educated person can have, I dont want hear about it. The camera pans to caitlyn. LOREN (V.O.) That is Caitlyn, a-k-a, my evil stepmother. Truth be told, shes not that evil. Shes only about half as evil as she is sexy, but I guess thats still a whole lot of evil. She was my dads dental assistant while he was still married to my mom. Now her job is pretty much just to go to the gym and the salon and look good sitting next to my father. 000200000653000096D164D,Loren continues eating, not really looking up much except to catch a quick peek at Caitlyns boobs. Loren finishes shoveling salad into his mouth and puts his fork down. Barney looks up towards a waiter and nods. The waiter scurries over and scoops up Lorens plate. LOREN (to the waiter) Thanks. Loren stares absentmindedly at Caitlyns chest. Barney So, Loren, hows the studying for the L-S-A-T coming? LOREN (startled) Uh? BARNEY The L-S-A-T? LOREN Oh, yeah. I havent taken it yet. BARNEY So I gathered. Hows the studying coming? LOREN Oh, you know. Great. Its really, really, . . . Look, what if I didnt take it? BARNEY Then, you wouldnt get into a law school and youd spend the rest of your life working at that damned bookstore and living with your mother. Is that what you want? LOREN Well, Ive been writing these stories. BARNEY Oh God, not more of that space-alien crap. Caitlyn I think writing can be very creative. BARNEY Were talking about making money, financial security. What do you know about how hard it is to make a buck in this economy? CAITLYN Dont be an asshole, Bernard. Barney looks at her with annoyance. CaiTLYN Sweetie, whats your latest story about? Loren (V.O.) Sweetie? Did you hear that? Its her trying to be a mother. Shes four years older than I am. BaRNEY (rolling his eyes) Oh, jeez. Loren cocks his head back a bit. LOREN Its set in the twenty-fourth century, fifty years after an ecological disaster has forced everyone underground. Basically its about this guy who falls in love with a girl whos brain has been taken over by these mutant beetles. BARNEY 00020000073800009D1E732,Jeez, Loren, at dinner? Mutant beetles taking over brains? LOREN Its no more disgusting than talking about your job, Dad. CaiTLYN I think its sweet. Barney reaches inside his coat pocket and pulls out a brochure. He hands it to Loren. BaRNEY Take a look at this. You can take the L-S-A-T anytime at one of these centers. You do the whole thing on the computer and they send out your results right away. LOREN Well, I guess I could do it. BARNEY Guess? Look, youre brilliant. Just go take the test, apply to some law schools. I will help you with law school, but I cant stand to see you wasting your life in that crummy store thatll probably be run out of business in a month or two. LOREN Okay, Ill get to it. BARNEY No, do it this week. Go in and take your test. Philosophy is fine. Your beetle-brain stories are fine. But you need to get started with a real career. LOREN Masons got a P-H-D and hes working at the bookstore. BARNEY Hes an idiot. LOREN Hes the smartest guy I know. BARNEY Then why is he working at that damned bookstore? LOREN The academic job market is tough. BARNEY Thats what Im saying. Dont be stupid. Get a skill that you can use to make a decent living. Then you can be like Scott Turrow and write all you want. LOREN All right. Loren stuffs the brochure into his back pants pocket. Just then the waiter arrives carrying three plates of food. CUT TO: INT. masons living room - nIGHT The room is furnished simply. There is an old wooden coffee table in front of an old couch. In addition, there is an old wooden rocking chair and an end table upon which an old ceramic lamp sits. Above the couch a poster of Monets Water Lilies hangs. Aside from this the room is filled with bookshelves and books. Books are stacked on top of the bookshelves and on the floor and under the coffee table. 00020000063A0000A450634,A small combination tv/vcr/dvd sits on a shelf in the corner. Mason is watching a Trailblazers game on the television as Bobbie wanders around looking at books. BOBBIE Are these all yours or Ninas? MASON Theyre all mixed up right now. Some of them are mine, some are Ninas, some of them we bought together. Bobbie has been looking at titles and she spins around to look at Mason. BOBBIE Isnt that kind of scary? MASON Scary? BOBBIE You know, getting your shit all mixed in with other peoples shit. MASON Not really. Its not like its glued together. BOBBIE But what if one of you wanted to make a quick get away? MASON Like were being hunted by the F.B.I.? BOBBIE Okay. Or like maybe you have a big fight, the biggest ever, and one of you says, Im leaving, and you storm into your room and start packing your bags, and the other one is like, go ahead, leave. And the other one is saying, what does it look like Im doing? And then the other one says fine, and, you get the idea, then you storm out, slam your door, and get on a train for . . . Las Vegas. MASON Dramatic. BOBBIE Yeah. But in your case, you, or Nina, would have to come back in and be all like, would you mind helping me find some boxes so we can split up these books? MASON I see your point. So, do you think I should split up the books now, just in case? BOBBIE Im just saying . . . Bobbie goes back to looking at the books. She pulls one off of he shelf. BOBBIE Turgenyev? MaSON Mine. BOBBIE Is it good? Ive heard hes one of those guys everyone says you should read, but nobody actually reads. 0002000006080000AA84602,MASON Hes good, but I havent read him . . . BOBBIE Then how do you know . . .? She looks at Mason and he just shrugs. BOBBIE So, when you were a kid, you just read the Bible? MASON Oh, I read a lot of books, but my parents, and my church for that matter, believed that the creation of fiction was the spark that led to the decline of civilization. They believed novels and movies created feelings in people that were based on false manipulations, and these feelings led them to act in untruthul ways. BOBBIE Sounds well thought-out. MASON Maybe it was, when Plato thought of it, but they just feared everything novel, in every sense of that word. BOBBIE Sounds awful. MASON Sounds and was. Hey, but your California Prep School must have prepared you well . . . all those nuns smacking your knuckles. BOBBIE No nuns. I went to an Episcopal day school. No nuns, just lots of ex-hippies getting passionate about French verbs and reminding us about how awful cool they were in the sixties, even though they look awfully fucking ridiculous now, what with the wearing socks with their Birkenstocks and all that. MASON Baby-boomers. BOBBIE Got to hate em. MASON Thats the one silver lining in my whole I-have-no-career-and-no-possible-future thing. I comfort myself with the idea that at least Im not going to be contributing much to Social Security, so when the Boomers hit retirement age, theres a good chance theyll all starve to death. Bobbie puts the book back on the shelf. And goes back to browsing through the other books. 00020000073D0000B086737,BOBBIE Not to burst your bubble, or tarnish your silver lining, but they wont starve. Theyve been raping the planet and cleaning up in the stock-market for the last thirty years. Theyre going to be just fine. Youre going to starve. MASON Well, now I have no reason to go on at all. Might as well get it over with. (pause) Dont worry, Im too lazy to go through with it. BOBBIE Damn survival instinct. MASON No shit. The will to live (pause) . . . its my fundamental flaw. Bobbie still looking through the books, pauses for a moment, but does not look up. BOBBIE The will to live uh? MASON And procreate. Bobbie still doesnt look up, but Mason watches her. BOBBIE Want to procreate, uh? MASON Well, at least I want to get in a lot of practice in case I decide to procreate some day. BOBBIE Practicing with Nina, or by yourself? MASON A bit of both, though more by myself than with Nina lately. Bobbie turns and looks at Mason. BOBBIE Well that explains a lot. MASON A lot of what? BOBBIE All those smoldering looks youve been giving me lately. MASON What smold-- I havent been giving you any smoldering looks. BOBBIE Dont deny it. I catch you looking at me all the time. Mason just looks at her. He moves his mouth as if hes going to say something, but nothing comes out. BOBBIE Its okay. Now I get it. Youre just horny. Mason gets up off the couch and walks over towards Bobbie. He puts both his hands in his back pockets. Bobbie, alarmed by this, backs up until her back is pressed against the bookcase. MASON Its not about that. Its about . . . JUST THEN WE HEAR A LOUD KNOCK AT THE DOOR. LOREN (O.S.) Hey! Put some clothes on and open up. Im here with the movie. Mason stares at Bobbie for a moment and again looks as if hes going to say something, but then nothing comes out. He then walks over to the door and opens it. 0002000006370000B7BD631,Loren is standing in the doorway, his backpack slung over one shoulder MASON Hey Loren, come on in. Loren pushes his way past Mason and walks in. LOREN So kids, what have you been up to? MASON Just giving Bobbie the tour. LOREN Is there more to your place than this room? MASON Well, the bedroom and the kitchen. LOREN You gave her a tour of your bedroom? BOBBIE We havent gotten that far. Bobbie goes back to looking through the books. BOBBIE Weve just been looking through Mason and Ninas books. LOREN Great. You realize we all work in a used bookstore? Were around books all day. Loren walks over to the couch and plops himself down on it. LOREN Oh good, the game is on. MASON Yeah. Do you want to watch it or just start the movie. LOREN I must say, this is the smallest television Ive ever seen that wasnt attached to James Bonds wrist. MASON What can I say? Im a reader. LOREN Yeah, you and Bobbie. I was over at her place last night, and she has no t.v. at all. Hearing this Bobbie freezes, but does not turn around. Mason looks up at Bobbie and swallows hard. MASON So you two were together last night? LOREN You could say that. Bobbie turns around and looks at Loren. BOBBIE Or you could not say that. Mason looks puzzled by this exchange. Bobbie goes back to looking through the books. She comes across Rilkes Love and Other Difficulties, and pulls it down from the shelf. Loren reaches into his backpack and pulls out a Bladerunner DVD and two packs of microwaveable popcorn. He throws the DVD down on the coffee table and hands the microwaveable popcorn to Mason. 0002000006860000BDEE680,LOREN How about you nuke these and then we turn off the game and start the movie? Bobbie opens the Rilke book to the front page and finds a handwritten inscription: FOR NINA, THE WOMAN WHO TAUGHT ME TO LOVE. YOURS ALWAYS, MASON. Bobbie closes the book and puts it back on the shelf. BOBBIE Sounds good to me. Bobbie then walks over and sits on the couch right next to Loren. Loren seems a bit surprised by this but, half-joking and ironic, he pretends to yawn and stretch and then drops his arm around Bobbies shoulder. At first she stiffens,but then she looks up and sees Mason glaring at them, and decides to snuggle in next to him. Mason hesitates for a moment and then, carrying the microwavable popcorn, walks towards the kitchen. LOREN (to Mason) You do have a microwave dont you? MASON Yeah, its right behind the butter-churn. Match cut TO: INT. masons lIVING ROOM - lATER The lights are turned low as Mason, Bobbie, and Loren watch the final scene of Bladerunner. Two empty microwaveable popcorn bags are strewn across the floor. Loren and Bobbie are still sitting close to each other on the couch, but Mason is in the rocking chair, rocking gently with his arms folded across his chest. As the final credits roll, Mason reaches up and turns on the lamp. Bobbie and Loren squint in defense against the light. LOREN Well? Great uh? BOBBIE Okay. It was good. It was really different from the novel though . . . which I liked, by the way. MASON Classic dystopian vision. LOREN Easy professor. Isnt Harrison Ford great in this? BOBBIE Well, he does make it seem like the androids are a lot more life-like than he is. LOREN Kind of like Mason. MASON 0002000006210000C46E61B,Ha, ha. LOREN Oh come on buddy, lighten up. BOBBIE Do you think the future will really be like that? MASON Dystopian? LOREN No, she means shitty. MASON I can only hope so. LOREN Why is that Mr. Sunshine? MASON Remember the big Y-2-K scare? LOREN Of course. I knew everything would be fine. MASON Well, I was hoping for everything to crash. LOREN You really are a troglodyte. MASON No. I just feel like our whole society is hurdling somewhere out of control and I thought if everything crashed: the computers, the a-t-ms, the credit-card companies, we could all start over. LOREN Yeah, and the power grids, and the water purification systems, and the 9-1-1 systems. MASON Yeah, maybe there would have been a downside. But I thought, if everything crashes, if society stopped, then we could all just figure out what it is that we want to do, and who it is that we want to be. Know what I mean? LOREN Actually, I do. CuT TO: InT. lorens car - nIGHT Loren is driving and Bobbie is seated in the passenger seat. THE RADIO IS SOFTLY PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND. The two are sitting in silence, and Loren glances over at Bobbie several times. Bobbie senses Loren is looking at her and she turns to stare out the window. LOREN Im so glad you liked that movie. Bobbie continues to stare out the window. BOBBIE Yeah. The drive on in silence some more. Loren then reaches over and strokes Bobbies thigh. At first Bobbie ignores this, then she turns and stares at his hand. When Loren realizes she is staring at his hand, he pulls it away and goes back to driving. 0002000006890000CA89683,Bobbie goes back to staring out the window. LOREN Hey. Whats wrong? BOBBIE Nothing. Bobbie continues to stare out the window. Loren pulls the car over and comes to a stop. BOBBIE Hey. Why are we stopping? Loren puts the car into drive and turns off the key. BOBBIE Turn the car back on. Ive got to open tomorrow and Ive got to get home. LOREN What is going on with you? I mean, with us? BOBBIE What us? LOREN Oh come on. Last night youre all kissing me, and grinding my leg, and hold me Loren, I just need to be touched, and tonight youre all snuggly during the movie, and now your like . . . your like . . . the Ice Princess. As Lorens been talking, Bobbie has been backing away towards the door. She is now pressed up against it. BOBBIE Look, Im sorry. Just take me home. LOREN Tell me whats up. Do you have any feelings for me at all? BOBBIE I cant have feelings for anyone. I cant be with you, or anyone else. Loren is silent for a moment. He looks at her, then down at the steering wheel. LOREN Why? AIDS? Bobbie puts her face in her hands and shakes her head. BOBBIE No, I dont have AIDS. I just cant. Look Im sorry. She pulls her face out of her hands. BOBBIE Look, can we just go back to, I mean, continue to be, just friends. LOREN God, I hate those two words: just friends. Those are the worst two words in the world. They dont go together at all. What does that mean? BOBBIE It means, well be friends. LOREN No, it means you want me to shower you with attention and be your lap dog but you dont want to have sex with me. Youre not attracted to me sexually, right? BOBBIE Its not about that. I just cant be involved with anyone. 0002000006860000D10C680,Loren just stares at her for a moment. BOBBIE Can you take me home . . . please? LOREN Is it Mason? Are you in love with Mason? BOBBIE No, definitely not. LOREN I think you are. BOBBIE No. LOREN I think youre just using me to make him jealous. You want him, but Nina has him,and so Im sort of standing in while you wait and hope that Mason will somehow become available. BOBBIE (pounding the dashboard) Take me home! Take me home! Just fucking take me home! Loren is startled by this outburst. LOREN Okay. Okay. Bobbie calms down a bit. Loren turns the key and starts the car. He puts it into gear and they drive away. They drive in silence for a moment. BOBBIE Im sorry. LOREN No, Im sorry. They drive for a few more moments in silence. LOREN I suppose this means Im not scoring tonight. BOBBIE (laughing a little) Uh, I think youre right. LOREN How about a little hand job while I drive. BOBBIE (chuckling a little) Your hand or mine? LOREN I was hoping yours . . . He turns and looks at Bobbie. LOREN . . . but Im guessing mine? BOBBIE Good guess. They drive on some more, still in silence. LOREN All right, but you know Im going to be thinking of you while I rub one out later tonight? Bobbie hits him playfully in the shoulder and chuckles a bit. BOBBIE Every girls dream. They drive on in silence. LOREN (V.O.) And so, my role in Bobbies life was now clearly defined. I was her court jester. My role was to lighten her mood, to buoy her spirit, to lift it from that dark place where it always went. . . but, I was hoping to be like the protagonist in every romantic comedy youve ever seen: I was determined to win her by the end of the movie. 0002000006800000D78C67A,INT. gARDEN STREET BOOKS - dAY The store is dark and empty. The front door opens and Mason walks in, trailing Bobbie behind him. They enter in silence and start taking off their coats. Mason gets his coat off first and reaches to help Bobbie with hers, then changes his mind. Bobbie gets her coat off by herself. MASON Can I take that for you? BOBBIE Uh? MASON Your coat . . . Can I take it for you? Bobbie silently walks over to Mason and hands him the coat. He takes both their coats into the back room and Bobbie walks behind the counter and turns on the lights and then she just leans lazily on the counter. Mason emerges from the back room and walks over to the front side of the counter and leans against it. They are both silent. MASON Loren get you home okay? BOBBIE Im here. MASON Right. BOBBIE Do you want to know if anything happened between us last night? Is that what this is about? MASON (shaken) Its . . . about . . . making sure youre okay. (pause) You seem kind of sullen . . . thats all. BOBBIE Is that a crime? Mason sighs deeply and throws his hands up. MASON Forget it. BOBBIE Fine. Mason walks into the back room and Bobbie puts her head down on the counter. A few moments later Mason emerges carrying the cash register drawer. When he sees Bobbie lying there, her head on the counter, he stops in his tracks. MASON Look, it was just kind of awkward last night. You know, threes a crowd. Bobbie wearily drags her head up off the counter and looks at Mason. BOBBIE I know. Mason walks over to the counter and sets the cash drawer down in front of Bobbie. Bobbie starts counting the cash and Mason returns to the back room. 0002000006560000DE06650,MASON (o.S.) So, are you and Loren . . .? Bobbie stops counting for a moment and rolls her eyes. BOBBIE Im counting. MASON (o.S.) Sorry. Bobbie continues counting the money. Mason emerges from the back room again. MASON Look. I cant take this. Whats going on between us? BOBBIE You tell me. Mason is silent. He just stares at her. MASON Look, I just, I thought that we. . . Why is there this weird tension between us? Bobbie puts the cash she had been counting back into the drawer and puts the drawer into the cash register. Mason looks at her for a second and seems like hes going to say something about her not finishing her counting, but he changes his mind. MASON Okay. Im jealous. Is that what you want me to say? BOBBIE Why are you jealous? MASON I dont know. I guess my life really sucks right now, and I really like you, and you, Loren, and I have been, well, all together in this, and now the two of you seem to be . . . getting closer, and maybe I just feel left out. Bobbie crosses her arms in front of her. BOBBIE Is that it? Mason leans on the counter with both hands and looks down at it, then looks up and meets Bobbies gaze. MASON Yeah, I guess. Yeah, thats it. I mean, its not like Im in love with you, if thats what you mean. I mean look at me, Im like twenty years older than you. BOBBIE More like fifteen. MASON Whatever. The point is . . . Im like, you know, old and goofy. Believe me, a young woman like you would not want to get hooked up with someone like me, a classicist who manages a dying used bookstore. BOBBIE Youre not a loser. MASON I never used the word loser. 0002000006670000E456661,BOBBIE Well, thats what you meant, wasnt it. MASON I dont think thats what I meant. Mason pauses and shakes his head. MASON Wait a minute. You think Im a loser? BOBBIE I didnt say that. MASON No, thats what you said: Mason, youre not a loser. BOBBIE Right. I said you are NOT a loser. MASON But why would you say that? My God, you think Im a loser. Thats what this is all about. Loren is going to be a lawyer and Im going to be, no, I am, a loser. Im an old, impoverished loser. BOBBIE What? MASON Am I right? BOBBIE No. First of all, since when is Loren going to be a lawyer? Last I checked hes going to work here forever, or until someone turns one of his goofy stories into a movie. (pause) And you are not a loser. (pause) Youre just not a success. Mason looks up at Bobbie, who then lets a smile pass across her face. BOBBIE Hey. Lets forget this whole thing, all right? Bobbie then climbs up on top of the counter and, kneeling on it, leans forward and grabs Masons face with both her hands. She then plants a dramatic, noisy, but quick kiss right on his lips. BOBBIE Friends? MaSON Well, you are very friendly. (pause) Friends. Mason reaches up and wraps his arms around Bobbie. Angle on masons face. Mason closes his eyes and breathes in deeply. He loves holding her like this. Angle on both of them embracing. The maintain this embrace for a few seconds too long, then Bobbie pulls away. BOBBIE I bet youre not going to have me over to your house anymore. MASON I wouldnt take that bet. Mason starts walking towards the back room, then stops and wheels around and walks back towards the counter. 0002000006400000EAB763A,MASON Hey, how long have you been living in Portland . . . eight, nine months? BOBBIE Something like that. MASON Its time you got the grand tour. How about we ditch work when Loren gets in and I show you some of my favorite places? BOBBIE Nina, wouldnt mind? Mason seems taken back by this. MASON No, of course not, why would she mind? A mischievous look flashes across Bobbies face. BOBBIE Okay, lets do it. INT. gARDEN STREET BOOKS - lATER Bobbie is standing at the counter and two young people, RASTA GUY and RASTA GIRL, a man and a woman dressed in full Rasta gear with dread-locks and beanies are buying a stack of books. Rasta guy Thanks Bob. Rasta girl Love you Bobbie. The Rasta Girl and Bobbie kiss each other on both cheeks in an exaggerated way. Rasta Guy and Rasta Girl walk towards the exit and as they open the door Loren walks in. LOREN Hey, lay it on me. Rasta Guy and Loren give each other an elaborate handshake and then Loren and Rasta Girl give each other a quick hug. Rasta Guy and Rasta Girl walk out and Loren holds open the door and leans out . . . LOREN Hey, good luck with the hydroponic garden. Loren turns around and sees Bobbie, whos standing behind the counter, beaming. He stops for a moment and smiles at her. BOBBIE (motioning with her finger) Come here big boy. Loren walks over behind the counter and Bobbie gives him a big full-frontal hug. At first Loren hesitates, then he returns her embrace. Bobbie pulls away. BOBBIE Sorry, about last night. Was I a bitch? LOREN I was going to go with psychotic cunt this time, but Ill settle for bitch. 0002000007100000F0F170A,BOBBIE Look, youve been a great friend to me. Okay? I dont want to lose you. Bobbie reaches up and rubs Lorens shoulder. LOREN Im pretty hard to lose. Just then Mason emerges from the back room, wearing his coat and carrying Bobbies. MASON Loren. Good to see you buddy. Youre on youre own til closing, but, since everybodys on the Amazon website, you should be able to handle things by yourself. Mason walks over behind the counter and helps Bobbie with her coat. Bobbie gets her coat on and then reaches up and kisses Loren on the cheek. BOBBIE Bye, sweetie. Mason walks towards the door with Bobbie trailing behind him. Mason opens the door and Bobbie turns around and blows Loren a kiss then walks out the door. MASON See you tomorrow, Loren. Loren Hey, where are you going? MASON Out. With that Mason walks out the door. As the door swings shut . . . LOREN Hey, when does Nina get . . . The door closes. LOREN . . . back? EXT. garden street - dAY Bobbie walks a few paces up the street, then turns to wait for Mason who is just exiting the bookstore. Mason joins her and they walk together, about two feet apart, up the street. MASON I feel like Im playing hooky. BOBBIE Think Loren is pissed? MASON Maybe. They walk a few more steps up the street. MASON Is he pissed because he has to stay at work while we go out and play, or because were spending some time together without him? BOBBIE Probably a little of both. They arrive at an old, beat up Saab parked along the curb. Mason pulls his keys out of his pocket and opens the passenger door. MASON Piece of shit, uh? Bobbie slides into the car. BOBBIE Beats walkin. Mason closes the door and walks around to the other side of the car. Bobbie reaches over and unlocks the drivers door, and Mason opens the door and gets in. 00020000074F0000F7FB749,INT. masons car - momENTS LATER Mason and Bobbie are both sitting in the car staring forward. Mason turns towards her . . . MASON So, what shall we do? Bobbie turns and looks at Mason, she raises her hands and shrugs her shoulders. BOBBIE Your town. MASON I know just the thing. CUT TO: EXT. looping thunder roller coaster oaks park - DAY Close on mason and bobbie who are seated next to each other on the looping thunder roller coaster. BOBBIE Well, this is a thing. MASON Thats all Im sayin. WE HEAR THE SOUND OF THE ROLLER COASTER WORKING ITS WAY UP THE FIRST BIG CLIMB. BOBBIE Can I ask you something personal? MASON What? BOBBIE Do you love her? MASON Nina? BOBBIE Yeah. MASON Well . . . Just then the roller coaster hits the top and starts speeding downwards. BOBBIE SCREAMS. Mason gets this big smile on his face that he just cant wipe off. The roller coaster works its way through the loop and races towards the finish. It breaks to a sudden stop. Close on bobbie and mason. Bobbie and Mason are laughing hysterically. Mason stops laughing and turns towards her. MASON Can I ask you a personal question? BOBBIE (still laughing) Okay. MASON Can you skate? BOBBIE Can I skate? You have no idea. CUT TO: Ext. Oaks park skating rink - DAY Close up of bobbie smiling. We sense she is moving backwards. Close up of mason. Masons eyes are wide, but calm. Mason So, I guess you can skate. Pull back. Bobbie is skating backwards about three feet in front of Mason who is skating forwards, smoothly, but much less artfully. Bobbie spins around one hundred and eighty degrees and skates forward for a few feet, then spins around and skates back towards Mason. She skates around him several times, smiling, twirling, having fun, but also showing off. She takes off and skates around the rink really fast and then catches up to Mason and slips her arm into his. 0002000006820000FF4467C,MASON See, I was thinking maybe I would be teaching you to skate. I used to be pretty good at this, but you, ummm . . . BOBBIE Yeah, I used to do it all the time. They skate on a little further, still arm in arm. Then Bobbie spins around and skates backwards again, but this time she is holding both of Masons hands. BOBBIE I used to do everything: skating lessons, riding lessons, ballet. Even did the cello for awhile. MASON What are you, a princess from some little-known, but very-wealthy European kingdom, disguising herself as a commoner so she can get a taste of what its like to just be a normal person? BOBBIE Something like that. Bobbie lets go of one of Masons hands and spins around under the other. She is very graceful, but this almost makes Mason fall over. When Mason recovers. MASON Okay, okay. Youre way out of my league Dorothy Hammel. BOBBIE Who? MASON Never mind. Bobbie goes back to skating backwards. She is smiling. Mason So graceful. The king and queen must be so proud. BOBBIE Uh? MASON Your mom and dad . . . they must be so proud of you. BOBBIE Im dead to them. Mason looks puzzled at this comment, but Bobbie keeps smiling. JUST THEN, ABBAS DANCING QUEEN STARTS PLAYING ON THE SPEAKER. Bobbie smiles and starts exaggerating the swaying of her hips as she skates. BOBBIE Oohh. What is this? Ive heard it before. Its a classic, right? MASON Dancing Queen. It was a big hit when I was in junior high. BOBBIE Oh yes, when all the troops were coming home from World War Two? MASON Very funny. They skate on, Bobbie skating backwards, holding both of Masons hands, smiling, swaying to the music of Dancing Queen. 00020000067C000105C0676,EXT. pittock mansion - DAY Shot: View of mount hood and downtown portland framed by pine trees. the camera then pulls back to reveal bobbie and mason sitting on the grass taking in the view. The camera swings around to reveal pittock mansion behind them. BOBBIE This city is great. I cant believe it. Why would anyone live in Southern California when you could live here? MASON Have you noticed the weather? BOBBIE I love the weather. MASON Gray, drizzly, damp, day, after day, after day, after day, then a sunny day, then gray, day, after day, after day, after day. Its no coincidence that the Northwest is the home of the espresso craze. Without caffeine wed never survive. Espresso is our sun . . . (pause) Because around here its gray . . . (pause) Day, after day, after day, after day. Bobbie smiles a little at this. MASON But you say you love it? BOBBIE Im not always sunny myself, or havent you noticed? MASON (jokingly) Oh, there is nothing about you that I have not noticed. Bobbie whips her head around to look at Mason. She is not smiling, and this wipes the smile off of his face. They are silent for a moment. Bobbie just stares at Mason and he has to look away. MASON Hey. Mason turns and looks at her again. MASON Have you ever been to the Grotto? BOBBIE What is that, some kind of cheesy disco? CUT TO: Ext. The grotto - DAY Mason pulls his car into a wooded parking lot. Mason and Bobbie get out of his car. Bobbie walks around the car and joins Mason. BOBBIE What is this place? Mason grabs Bobbies hand and starts pulling her away from the car. Bobbie looks down at her hand in his, but does not object and follows along. 00020000061C00010C36616,They walk up a paved, wooded path. Neither one talking. BOBBIE Where are we going? Mason If I tell you, you wont come. BOBBIE Is this the part where I learn your deep secret . . . that youre another one of those famous Northwest serial killers and Im your latest victim? Mason stops walking and turns and looks at her. MASON Was that just a lucky guess, or did I give myself away somehow? BOBBIE Okay, now Im scared. MASON Lets go. Were almost there. Mason pulls her along a little further. They finally arrive at The Grotto: A Shrine to Our Lady of Sorrows made out of stone and set inside a large, wooded grotto. They stop walking and just look up at the cave/shrine. Mason lets go of Bobbies hand. Mason (flinging both hands towards The Grotto) Ta-da! What do you think? BOBBIE Well, cheezy, but . . . I know I should be horrified or something, but its beautiful. (pause) Whos the chick? MASON Youre kidding right? BOBBIE Yeah, its Mary. Who else? The virgin who had a baby and then swore off sex forever. MASON Well, thats the official story, and shes sticking to it. Bobbie walks up the stone steps towards a stone rail. Mason looks around for a moment to see if anyone objects to this, then he follows her. Bobbie puts both her hands on the rail and looks up at the statue. Mason walks up behind her and puts both his hands on her shoulders. Bobbie turns to look back over her shoulder, then stops, and looks back at the statue. MASON Our Lady of Sorrows. BOBBIE Uh? MASON Our Lady of Sorrows, thats what they call her. 0002000006B50001124C6AF,BOBBIE Why? I mean shes Gods mother for Chrissake, isnt that the point? MASON Well, there is that, but she also had to watch her son be crucified, so I think the idea is that she knows all about our sorrows. Shes not only a lady with excellent connections, what with her son being God and all, shes a lady who understands all our sorrows and can put in a good word for us. Bobbie just stares at the statue and unconsciously reaches up and puts her right hand on Masons left hand, which is still resting on her left shoulder. MASON I guess the idea is that you come here, and tell her all your sorrows, and you know, ask her to help. Bobbie is staring at the statue and slowly shaking her head. Mason drops his hands from her shoulders and wraps them around the front of her stomach as he pulls himself up-right behind her. Bobbie responds by leaning her head back against his chest, nuzzling his neck. MASON (almost whispering in her ear) Do you want to tell her all your sorrows? BOBBIE She looks like she already knows them. Close up on the statues face. Close up on bobbie and mason. Mason Do you want to tell me all your sorrows? Male swedish tourist (o.S.) Excuse me. A young blond man, the MALE SWEDISH TOURIST, is standing a couple of feet behind Mason. He is holding a camera. Male SWEDISH TOURIST Excuse me. Would you be so kind to take our photo? The Male Swedish Tourist motions towards the FEMALE SWEDISH TOURIST, a young blond woman. Mason seems startled and a little annoyed. Mason Sure, sure. Where do you want to stand? MALE SWEDISH TOURIST Here. (indicating the place where Bobbie is standing) Maybe here. Bobbie stiffens up, realizing this is an indirect way of asking her to move. 000200000772000118FB76C,BOBBIE Sure. Sure. Let me get out of the way. The Male Swedish Tourist hands the camera to Mason, then the Male and Female Swedish Tourists move over to the rail and stand next to each other. Mason studies the camera and then looks through the viewfinder. Mason Okay. Smile. Mason clicks the camera and then walks over and hands the camera back to the Male Swedish Tourist. Male SWEDISH TOURIST Thank you. Thank you very much. MASON No problem. The Male and Female Swedish Tourists walk away and then Mason walks over to Bobbie, who is still staring at the statue. MASON So, what do you want to do know. Bobbie breaks herself away from the statue and looks at Mason. BOBBIE How about we just, ummm, hang out at your place for awhile? Mason nods his head slowly and silently. MASON (still nodding) Okay. Sure. My place. Hanging out. Int. Masons lIVING ROOM - eVENING Bobbie is stretched out on the couch. Mason is sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of her, holding an open book in his hand. Mason (reading) Earless and eyeless/Perfectly voiceless,/Widen the crannies/Shoulder through holes. We/Diet on water,/On crumbs of shadow,/Bland-mannered, asking/Little or nothing/So many of us!/So Many of us!/We Are shelves, we are/Tables, We are meek,/We are edible,/Nudgers and shovers/In spite of ourselves./Our Kind multiplies:/We shall by morning/Inherit the earth./Our foots in the door. Bobbie I love that. Ive never heard it before. MASON Really? The first time I saw you you were reading Sylvia Plath. Bobbie props herself up on her elbow and shakes out her hair. BOBBIE Really? MASON Yeah. You were still waitressing . . . obviously, and I noticed you standing behind the counter reading The Bell Jar. (pause) I thought, what kind of waitress brings a novel to work, and The Bell Jar at that? Bobbie sits up and pulls her knees up to her chest. BOBBIE I love that book. (pause) 0002000005EB000120675E5,I mean, its not great, but it is . . . sincere. Mason laughs a little at this and reaches up to touch her foot. Bobbie reaches down and grabs his hand. BOBBIE I remember the first time I really noticed you, too. (pause) You had been a customer, but you were just one of the customers, you know what I mean? Mason nods. BOBBIE Lots of guys came into the coffee shop. They would flirt with me, molest me, try to get my phone number, but you never did that . . . a point in your favor. . . but once you were in the shop late, grading exams or something, and I noticed you were sketching something on a napkin. I sneaked a peak over your shoulder and realized that you were drawing me. . . Mason stiffens up a bit when she says this. BOBBIE And you had drawn a single tear running down my cheek. I realized then that you saw me. You really saw me . . . and even though everybody else was hitting on me, you saw me and just left me alone. (pause) So the next time you came in, I started up a real conversation with you, and thats how we got to know each other, and thats how you came to offer me the job at the bookstore, so I wouldnt have to get yelled at for reading at work. Mason chuckles slightly and then gets up and walks towards the bookshelf. He goes immediately to the just the right spot and pulls out a book. He walks back over to the couch and sits down next to Bobbie. He shows her the book. ITS THE BELL JAR. He opens the book and pulls a paper napkin out of it and hands it to Bobbie. 0002000006370001264C631,Bobbie takes the napkin and looks at it. ITS THE PICTURE OF HER THAT MASON HAD DRAWN IN THE COFFEE SHOP. Bobbie looks at the picture for a moment, and then at the book, and then at Mason. She leans forward, wraps her arms around Mason and kisses him. Mason drops the book on the floor and embraces Bobbie. They kiss some more and then Bobbie untangles her legs from underneath her and reclines backwards pulling Mason on top of her as they continue to kiss. Mason continues to kiss Bobbie, running is hands through her hair. He kisses her neck, nibbles her earlobes, and then kisses her mouth again. Mason pulls himself away from her and rolls over on his side rolling Bobbie over onto her side so that they are both lying down on the couch, facing each other. MASON Remember, at the roller-coaster, you asked me if I loved her, if I loved Nina? I dont, I love-- Bobbie stops him by covering his mouth with her hand. BOBBIE Dont say it. Dont ever say it. MASON (pulling her hand away from his mouth) But . . . BOBBIE Dont say it. I cant hear it. Just . . . I need you . . . okay . . . dont say it . . . Just do it. Bobbie presses her lips against his and kisses him, he yields to this advance and begins kissing her. DISSOLVE TO: InT. masons liVING ROOM - nIGHT A naked Mason is lying on the couch on his back, and a naked Bobbie is resting on top of his chest. An afghan partially covers them. Mason is stroking Bobbies hair,and she rests her head on his chest. MASON What am I going to do? BOBBIE About what? MASON About what? BOBBIE About you, me, and Nina, you mean? 0002000006E000012C7D6DA,Bobbie suddenly looks very serious. BOBBIE Do what ever you want. MASON What do you want? BOBBIE Right now, I just want you. Bobbie nuzzles her head into Mason neck. MASON Not a smart choice. Have you noticed, Im a thirty-eight year old loser with no future. BOBBIE Perfect. I dont want anyone with a future. MASON Youre just wasting your time. Doesnt that bother you? BOBBIE I may live another sixty years. I have plenty of time to waste. Bobbie leans up on Masons chest and looks him in the eye. BOBBIE I would love to waste it with you. (pause) Can you waste a little time with me? Mason Well, I have a lot less of it to waste. Im an old man. BOBBIE No argument from me. Mason reaches up and holds Bobbies face in both his hands. MASON What is it? BOBBIE What? MASON What is your secret? Bobbie suddenly stiffens and rolls off of Mason and presses herself against the back of the sofa. Mason rolls over and faces her. MaSON What is it? What is it? Are you really a princess from some obscure European country? What is it? Bobbie buries her face in the cushion of the couch. Mason tenderly strokes her hair. MASON What is it? You can trust me. No matter what it is, it wont matter, Ill still . . . Ill still love you forever. Bobbie, her face still buried, starts sobbing. Her body is wracked with her sobbing. Mason just holds her for a few moments, then he rolls her over so that her face is forced up off the pillow and she has to look at him. BOBBIE (tearfully) Its awful. . . And I told you not to say it, not to say you . . . Its awful . . . MASON Maybe. But I know . . . I know that you arent . . . awful, I mean. BOBBIE If I had the guts I would have killed myself. MASON What? Tell me. I promise it wont matter. BOBBIE 00020000066900013357663,Then why do you have to know? MASON Because I have to know you. I have to know where you go when you get that far-off sad look in your eye. I have to know why I can never meet your parents. I have to know why you dont want a man with a future . . . not that I have one, or am likely to have one. Mason wipes her tears away with his hands. MASON Its time to tell me. Bobbie swallows hard and then looks like shes about to say something. DissOLVE TO: INT. garden STREET BOOKS - DAY Bobbie is standing behind the counter ringing up a YOUNG MALE CUSTOMER. The man is eyeing Bobbie up and down as she is busy checking the prices on his books and entering them into the cash register. The man picks up a paperback copy of Lolita and waves it at Bobbie. YOUNG MALE CUSTOMER I hear this is pretty sexy. BOBBIE (without looking up) Not to me. The man seems flustered by this response. YOUNG MALE CUSTOMER Hey. Ummm, would you like to go get some coffee later? BOBBIE (looking up) With you? Young MALE CUSTOMER Thats the idea. Why are you seeing anybody? Just then Mason emerges from the back room. Bobbie notices Mason and looks over at him. BOBBIE Kind of. The Young Male Customer notices that Bobbie was looking at Mason when she said that. He looks both surprised and disgusted. Young male customer (whispering) Really? That guy? Bobbie glares at the customer. BOBBIE That will be fourteen fifty. YOUNG MALE CUSTOMER Okay. The Young Male Customer reaches into his pocket and pulls out some cash. He hands it to Bobbie and she gives him his change. The Young Male Customer then gathers up his books and walks out the front door. 000200000661000139BA65B,Mason and Bobbie watch him leave. MASON Awkward. BOBBIE For him. Mason walks over to join Bobbie behind the counter. She leans in and wraps her arms around him as she leans her head against his chest. Mason wraps his arms around her and looks over towards the shelves in the store. MASON Anybody here. Bobbie reaches up and gives Mason a quick kiss on the mouth. BOBBIE Nope. Mason responds by kissing her more passionately. Bobbie responds, and they kiss, and kiss, and kiss. LOREN (V.O.) And just as Mason gave up on his dream of being a classics professor . . . he found a new dream, being Bobbies protector. But, as I was about to realize, the problem with dreams is that you have to wake up. Mason and Bobbie continue to kiss. Suddenly Loren burst through the front door of the store. Mason and Bobbie immediately stop kissing and pull apart. Loren stops in his tracks and gawks at them. He pulls the headphones out of his ears. LOREN What the fuck? Bobbie and Mason look at each other. Bobbie bites her lower lip and Mason looks down at the floor and runs his hand through his hair. LOREN Seriously, what the fuck are you two doing? Business slow? MASON Look Loren, we need to, umm, tell you something. LOREN I hope its that the two of you are suddenly into threesomes and that either Nina or I are going to be involved. BOBBIE Loren, Mason and I. Were together. LOREN Since when? BOBBIE Since last night. Loren looks back and forth between Mason and Bobbie. Hes trying to puzzle this out. LOREN Since last night? What could have happened last night to . . . Loren lets out a big sigh and stares down at the floor. 0002000006240001401561E,LOREN I get it. Suddenly, Loren looks back up and starts walking towards the counter. LOREN Wait. No, I dont get it. Mason, youre in a relationship -- a live-in relationship -- and Bobbie, I thought we were . . . and you two get alone for one afternoon and you fuck each other and decide thats all that matters? BOBBIE Loren, You know that Ive always told you that I just wanted to be friends with you . . . And, at some level, youve known that I had feelings for Mason . . . You keep accusing me of having a thing for my boss. MASON And I know its wrong. I should have ended things with Nina a long time ago, but I know that I love Bobbie. Ive loved her since before we hired her here. LOREN Is that why you hired her? MASON Maybe . . . in part. LOREN (to Bobbie) Hes old enough to be your father. (to Mason) No offense Mason just swallows hard. BOBBIE He is not old enough to be my father. LOREN Oh, he may not be as old as your father, but he is old enough to be your father. BOBBIE What does that have to do with it? LOREN (to Mason) And you. You have a Ph.D. You want to be a college professor. What will your colleagues at the faculty club think of your little drop-out girlfriend whos younger than some of your students? A look of pain flashes across Bobbies face. MASON Loren, we know you have feelings for Bobbie . . . BOBBIE Come on Loren, its not that serious. I mean, you were never really serious about me, after all, what would the partners in your law firm think about your little drop out girl friend who works in a used bookstore? 0002000006140001463360E,LOREN (angrily) I dont want to be a fucking lawyer. Im a writer. Im a science fiction writer . . . the geekiest kind of artist you can be. Bobbie reaches over the counter and grabs Lorens hand. BOBBIE Come on, weve talked about this, the geekiest kind of artist you can be is balloon-animal clown. Loren relaxes and chuckles a bit at this. Just then the front door opens and Nina strides in. She is beaming and seems to be in a hurry. She rushes towards the counter and is almost there when she stops, frozen in her tracks. Bobbie and Mason are staring, mouths open, at Nina. Loren turns around and sees Nina standing there. LOREN Oh shit. A look of concern sweeps over Ninas face. NINA Am I interrupting something? MASON Its okay. I wasnt expecting you back until tonight. NINA Got an early flight. (her enthusiasm returning) I had to come straight over. Nina walks over to the counter and leans across it to kiss Mason. Mason awkwardly leans over and kisses her quickly, aiming for her cheek but Nina turns her head at the last minute and kisses him on the mouth. Mason pulls away and flashes a quick, awkward glance at Bobbie. Loren folds his arms across his chest and looks back and forth between Nina, Bobbie, and Mason. NINA Well. I have good news. No, its great news. Nina seems to notice Bobbie for the first time. NINA Im sorry, I dont think weve met. You must be Bobbie. Nina holds out her hand to shake Bobbies. BOBBIE (chuckling) Doctor Clark, I presume? Nina laughs a little at this and does a sort of half-curtsy. NINA 00020000062F00014C41629,Why yes, yes I am Doctor Clark, as of two weeks ago. Nice as it is to hear those two words, please, call me Nina. BOBBIE Nice to meet you, Nina. NINA Yes, you too. Anyway, I have some great news, Im sure all of you will want to hear it. (pause) They offered me the job! Mason and Bobbie flash a quick look at each other. LOREN Where? NINA The University of Wisconsin . . . in Madison. LOREN Wow. Congratulations. MaSON Thats great. Thats great. So, youll take it? NINA Its my dream job. They have a huge, brilliant department with lots of funding for leave time, great students, and Madisons a beautiful town, though its mother-fucking cold. MASON Well, congratulations. Theyre lucky to have you. NINA Wait, thats the good news. Heres the great news. . . I took a copy of your resume with me, and theyre going to offer you a job, too. It wont be in classics, at least not at first, it will be in the freshman humanities survey course, but it will be tenure-track. MASON How? I mean I didnt even apply for anything . . . NINA Well, once they told me they would hire me, I started negotiating a sweetheart deal, literally a sweetheart deal . . . (elbowing Loren) Get it? LOREN Yeah, because Mason is your . . . sweetheart, right? Nina nods at Loren. Mason I thought they just gave those deals to spouses. NINA No. With all the domestic partnership issues? No. I told them wed been together five years and that . . . (sheepishly) . . . that we were waiting for me to finish my dissertation. . . Mason is just staring at her. He flashes a quick glance at Bobbie. 0002000006780001526A672,NINA I know this is a shock, springing it on you like this, but I thought youd be a bit more excited. Mason looks down at the floor and rubs his hand through his hair. He then looks back up at Nina. Mason Its exciting. Its just, I . . . I dont know . . . I need to absorb this. (pause) Look, let me go shopping. Ill buy some good wine and some great food and Ill make a big dinner for you tonight and well celebrate your new job and talk about the whole thing. You can give me all the details. NINA Well talk about it? We need to talk about it? MASON You say it like its a bad thing. NINA Youre right. Okay. Dinner, our place, tonight. Nina leans across the counter again and pulls Mason towards her and gives him a kiss. Nina spins around and walks towards the door. When she gets to the door she opens it and turns around. NINA Nice to finally meet you Bobbie. BOBBIE You too. NINA (to Loren) Nice to see you again, Larry. LoreN Bye-bye. Nina walks out and the door closes behind her. Loren, Mason, and Bobbie all stand in silence for a few moments, glancing back and forth at each other. Mason takes a couple of steps towards Bobbie and reaches down to grab her hand. She pulls her hand away. BOBBIE I think you should go with her. Mason What? No way. BOBBIE You should go with her. MASON But I love you. BOBBIE Come on, Mason. Like Loren says, it was just one night. Youve been with her for five years. Plus, if you go with her you get to fulfill your dream of being a college professor. MASON My dream is to be with you. BOBBIE Since when? Last night? Six months ago? Youve wanted to be a professor for at least fifteen years. 000200000611000158DC60B,They are silent for a few more moments. LOREN Maybe I should leave so you two can be alone. Mason No, well go. (to Bobbie) Lets go up the street and get some coffee, well talk it all through. BOBBIE Well talk? MASON Yes. Im not going with Nina. BOBBIE All right. Lets go talk. Bobbie heads for the front door. MASON What about your coat? Bobbie doesnt reply she just opens the door and walks outside. Mason goes after her. CUT TO: Ext. garden STreet - dAY Its drizzling outside and Bobbie is walking up the street. Mason starts running after her. MASON Hey. Wait. Wait up. Bobbie stops walking and turns around to look at Mason. Mason catches up with her. MASON Im not going with her. Im staying with you. BOBBIE You cant. You cant ruin your life, and break Ninas heart, for someone like me. MASON What does that mean? BOBBIE You know what it means. MASON I dont. I told you last night that it doesnt matter. It wasnt your fault. BOBBIE It was. This is God, or the universe, or karma punishing me. The point is I dont deserve any happiness, but you do, and so does Nina. MASON Lets get out of the rain and talk about this. BOBBIE Mason, you dont need me anymore. Dont you see, you felt old and like you were wasting your life in that stupid store, so you wanted a young girlfriend to make you feel like you still had lots of time left. But now you dont need a young piece of ass, and if you do, you can stalk and fuck one of your students, just like you stalked me for months at that coffee shop and fucked me last night. 00020000063E00015EE7638,Mason clenches his jaw and then grabs Bobbie by the shoulders. MASON You dont mean that. BOBBIE Every word. If you could think with your head instead of your dick youd see that Im right. Itll be easy, youll see. Youll buy your wine, make Nina dinner, celebrate her good, I mean, her great news, and then youll move to Madison and live happily ever after. Ill be one mistake you made one night in a fit of desperation. MASON No. I love you. Ill always love you. BOBBIE Dont be naive, Mason. Arent you supposed to be the mature one in this relationship? Bobbie grabs Masons hands and wrenches herself free. She pushes past him and starts walking towards the bookstore. Mason (calling after her) Lets go talk about this. Bobbie reaches the front door to the bookstore and goes in. CUT TO: InT. gARDEN STREET BOOKS - DAY Bobbie enters the bookstore, dripping wet. Loren looks up from behind the counter. LOREN Back so soon? BOBBIE Cut the shit. Can I borrow your car? LOREN Just like that? BOBBIE Are you going to let me borrow it or not? Loren reaches into his pocket and pulls out some keys. He dangles them in the air in front of him. Bobbie marches over and grabs the keys then heads for the back room. Mason barges through the front door, he too, is dripping wet. MASON Bobbie? LOREN Back room. Just then Bobbie emerges from the back room wearing her coat. She strides quickly towards the front door. MASON Hey. We need to talk. Bobbie You need to shop for dinner tonight. Bobbie reaches the front door and, without a word, opens and storms out. The door closes behind her. 00020000065D0001651F657,Loren Problems? Mason just glares at Loren and flashes him the finger. Ext. the GROTTO - DAY It is raining. Bobbie is kneeling on the stone rail in front of the grotto. She is staring at the statue. BOBBIE What would you do? Bobbie stares at the statue some more. Tears start to roll down her cheeks. BOBBIE I mean, how many lives can I destroy? She starts to sob now. A couple of JAPANESE TOURISTS, a man and a woman, huddled under a single umbrella, walk towards Bobbie. When the man gets to about three feet from Bobbie he holds out his camera as if hes offering it to her. Then the male Japanese tourist notices that Bobbie is crying, and the pulls his companion away from Bobbie. Close up of bobbies face then pan to close up of statue of marys face. Ext. Open-air farmers market - DAY Mason, carrying a canvas shopping bag with a loaf of bread protruding out the top, is wandering through the produce section. He comes to the tomatoes and picks one up. He reaches over and grabs a small brown-paper bag from the tomato stand. He picks up a tomato and looks at it closely, then he puts it in the bag. He picks up another, studies it closely, and puts it in the bag. He picks up a third, looks at it very closely. He keeps studying it, but doesnt seem to be able to put it into the bag. INT. gARDEN STREET BOOKS - DAY Loren is standing behind the counter. Shelby is on the other side leaning against it. SHELBY So, it sucks to be you. LoREN Will you shut up? SHELBY Mason: two women; Loren: zero, zip, zilch, nada, big goose-- LOREN Will you shut up? (pause) I just dont get it, what does she see in him? 00020000061400016B7660E,SHELBY Are you shitting me? Youre practically in love with him, too, you big homo. LOREN But hes so old. SHELBY Maybe shes looking for a father-figure. LOREN Thank you, Doctor Sigmund Pinhead. Two adolescent boys, BOY ONE and BOY TWO, sheepishly approach the counter. Boy One is carrying three books, which he sets on the counter in front of Loren. LOREN Will this be all, gentlemen? The boys look at each other and nod. Loren picks up the first book and looks at the title.. LOREN Metamorphosis and Other Stories. Loren enters some numbers in the cash register. The boys try to look casual. Loren picks up the second book and looks at its title. LOREN Breakfast at Tiffanys. A good choice. Loren enters some more numbers in the cash register. The two boys look at each other nervously, then slouch, trying to appear casual. Loren picks up the third book and looks at its title. LOREN Portnoys Complaint? How old are you boys? Boy one Seventeen. Loren looks at them skeptically. SHELBY My ass. Boy two Fifteen? Loren arches his eyebrows. SHELBY Just give em the fucking book. (pause) And I do mean, fucking book. LOREN (to the boys) Dont you guys have a high-speed internet connection? SHELBY Whats it to you, asshole? Just sell them the fucking book. Loren enters some more numbers in the register. LOREN Twelve dollars even. Boy two reaches in his pocket and fishes through a wad of bills. He hands three of them to Loren. Loren looks at the bills, sorts them, and puts them into the cash register. LOREN Thank you, gentlemen. Boy oNE 00020000066A00017184664,Thank you. The two boys walk towards the door. Boy One opens the door and . . . Loren (to the boys) Remember boys, reading is fun . . . damental. The boys slide out the front door and it closes behind them. There is a moment of silence between Loren and Shelby. Shelby taps the counter with his fingers. SHELBY (shaking his head) Kids. LOREN Yeah. Loren stiffens up. Loren You know, dumb-ass, you may have something with that father-figure thing. (pause) Did you ever notice that Bobbie never talks about her family? Shes all mysterious about it or something. SHELBY Yeah, Whats up with that? LOREN I dont know. I mean I wonder if her father is some kind of asshole . . . or criminal. SHELBY Or maybe a homicidal maniac sitting on death row. I bet he killed her mother right in front of her. That would explain why shes so fucked up. LOREN What? SHELBY Maybe shes like Sidney. LOREN Uh? SHELBY On Alias. You know, her dads a spy, she is too, blah, blah, blah, the same old story. LOREN Same old story? Are you kidding? SHELBY No. LOREN Shes a spy? Just then, Mr. Peebles emerges from the stacks (of books). He is carrying two books in his hands. Mr. PEEBLES It sounds to me like you have a mystery on your hands. LOREN Thats right, Nancy Drew, so what do we do, get in the Mystery Machine, load up on Scooby Snacks, and go hunt for Bobbies dad? MR. PEEBLES I wont dignify that with a response. Loren silently looks at the first of Mr. Peebles books and enters some numbers in the cash register. Mr. PEEBLES Im just saying, that most mysteries, contrary to what my young conspiracy-theory buff here (nodding to Shelby) 000200000632000177E862C,. . . might think, are solvable with a little effort. Loren picks up the second of Mr. Peebles books, looks at it briefly, and enters more numbers in the cash register. LOREN But how would we do that? Were not even sure where Bobbies from. MR. PEEBLES Do you have an internet connection? Loren Six-fifty. Mr. Peebles pulls his wallet out of his inside jacket pocket and pulls some bills out. He hands them to Loren. Loren (to Shelby) You get on that. Her name is Roberta Murphy, and I think she said shes from somewhere in Southern California. Loren puts the bills in the cash register and pulls out some change, which he then hands to Mr. Peebles. Mr. Peebles puts the change in his wallet and the coins in his pocket, picks up his books and starts walking toward the door. LOREN (to Shelby) Im going to go over to her place. She seemed pretty upset after Ninas little visit. Maybe she needs someone to talk to. SHELBY A little rebound action? LOREN Shut up, asshole. Mr. Peelbes reaches the front door and opens it. Mr. PEEBLES I bet some Scooby Snacks sound pretty good about now, dont they? Mr. Peebles looks smugly at Loren and Shelby, nods and leaves. The door closes after him. LOREN Okay. Get out of here. SHELBY You dont close for another twenty minutes. Loren grabs the cash register drawer and walks towards the back room. LOREN (walking) Get the fuck out. Loren goes into the back room. SHELBY (shouting to Loren) What if I still want to buy something? Loren (o.S.) (shouting) Get the fuck out . . . Loren emerges from the back room. Hes wearing his coat. 00020000077D00017E14777,Loren (walking towards the front door) Get the fuck out, and get on that computer search. SHELBY Okay, okay. Shelby gets up. Loren gets to the front door and turns off the light. Shelby walks towards the door as Loren opens it. LOREN Gang, it looks like weve got a mystery to solve. (pause) Can you give me a ride? INT. bobbies bathroom - night Bobbie, fully-clothed, is sitting on the toilet (the lid is down). She holds the photograph from her living room: the one of her and her little sister. Shes staring at the photo. She reaches over and puts the stopper in the bathtub and starts the water. She stands up and goes to the medicine cabinet. She pulls a bottle of pills out and studies it for a moment before setting it down on the edge of the counter and returning to her seat on the toilet. BOBBIE Fucking survival instinct. She reaches over and places her hand under the bathtub faucet, checking the temperature of the water. She adjusts the temperature slightly. She opens the bottle of pills and pours a clump of neon-blue pills out into her hand. She put the pills in her mouth and then gets up and turns on the faucet over the sink. She leans over and drinks straight from the faucet. She stands up and swallows the pills. She then dumps the rest of the pills out of the bottle, puts them in her mouth and leans over and takes another drink from the faucet. She turns the faucet off and walks over to the edge of the tub. She starts to unbutton her blouse, but changes her mind and steps, fully-clothed, into the tub. She sits down facing the faucet watching the water pour out of it. Shes starting to look very woozy. She notices that the water is getting close to the edge of the tub and she leans forward and starts to turn the faucet off, then gets up puts one hand on her forehead and sways a bit as she tries to steady herself by grabbing the edge of the tub with the other hand. 0002000006240001858B61E,She sways a bit more and falls backwards. HER HEAD HITS THE BACK OF THE TUB WITH A THUD. She slips down so that only her head and knees are protruding from the surface of the water. The water continues to run, filling up the tub. Ext. bobbies apartment hallway - night Loren is walking up the hallway, backpack slung over one shoulder and MP3 player headphones in his ears. He gets to Bobbies door and knocks on it. He waits for a few moments. He takes his headphones out and knocks on the door again. He waits a few more moments. LOREN Bobbie! Are you home? He looks around the hallway, wondering if hes being too loud. He knocks one more time and waits a few more moments. He turns and walks down the hall. When he gets to the end of the hall he stops. Loren (to himself) To leave a note, or not to leave a note? (pause) Ill leave a note. He walks back towards her door and when he gets to it he stops. LOREN (to himself) A note. How pathetic would that be? Nice guys finish last. Be mysterious Loren. Be above it all. Let her feel alone without Mason, then shell come around. He turns around and takes a step or two back towards the exit, but he stops again. LOREN (to himself) Of course, a short note might not hurt. He turns around again and unslings his backpack. He squats down and sets his backpack on the floor. He unzips it and starts rummaging around inside. He then looks over and notices that water is seeping out from under Bobbies door. He looks at it for a moment and seems puzzled, then he suddenly jumps to his feet and pounds on the door. 00020000062900018BA9623,LOREN Bobbie! Bobbie! Are you in there? He tries the handle, but its locked. LOREN Hey! Anybody. Help! Help! Somethings wrong. He quickly runs and knocks really hard on two or three other doors. He rushes back to Bobbies door and bangs on it a few more times. NEIGHBOR LADY, a woman in her forties in a grungy t-shirt opens her door and warily peers out. Loren sees her. LOREN Get the manager. We need a key. Neighbor lady Theres no on-site manager. A company in Lake Oswego runs the place. Just then the neighbor lady notices the water all over the hall floor. Loren backs up and charges the door and rams it with his shoulder. We hear the wood crack, but the door doesnt give way. LOREN (rubbing his shoulder) Shit! Ouch! Shit! He quickly backs up and charges the door again and rams it with his shoulder. This time it gives way and Loren bursts through. CUT TO: INT. bobBIES APARTMENT - nIGHT Loren looks around quickly and then spies the bathroom door. He rushes to the bathroom door and flings it open. CuT TO: Int. Bobbies bATHROOM - night He barges in and sees water pouring over the edge of the tub and Bobbie, not moving, completely submerged in the tub. LOREN Shit! Bobbie! Oh shit! Loren rushes over and pulls her out of the tub and carries her into the living room. He lays her out on the floor and immediately begins CPR. He turns her head to the side and pushes down on her stomach. Water gushes out of Bobbies nose and mouth, but she still doesnt breathe. The Neighbor Lady steps into the apartment and SHRIEKS. Loren turns around and sees her. 00020000060B000191CC605,LOREN Call 9-1-1. The Neighbor Lady rushes out of the apartment. Loren holds Bobbies nose and puts his mouth on hers, and blows into it. He repeats this process several times, holding her nose and blowing into her mouth. He then begins chest compressions. LOREN Come on Bobbie. Come on girl. He goes back to mouth-to-mouth. BOBBIE COUGHS AND SPUTTERS and starts to breathe, but does not open her eyes. The Neighbor Lady comes back in and stands over Loren and Bobbie. LOREN Shes breathing, but . . . Loren grabs her wrist and feels for her pulse. LOREN Somethings wrong, her pulse is very weak, and so is her breathing. NeIGHBOR LADY The ambulance is on its way. The Neighbor Lady notices all the water running and hurries into the bathroom. WE HEAR THE SOUND OF THE RUNNING WATER STOP. The Neighbor Lady returns carrying the empty pill-bottle. NeIGHBOR LADY (showing the bottle to Loren) I think she took these. Loren grabs the bottle and looks at it. LOREN Oh shit. He starts pulling Bobbie up. Loren Help me get her sitting up. The Neighbor Lady helps Loren sit Bobbie up. LOREN Lean her head forward. The Neighbor Lady, while helping Loren support Bobbie, tips her head forward. Loren then sticks his index finer down Bobbies throat. She jerks and gags then throws up. She vomits and then coughs and sputters, but doesnt really regain consciousness. Just then a three firemen burst through the front door. Fireman one Whats going on here? Loren and Neighbor Lady lie Bobbie down on the floor trying to keep her out of the vomit. 000200000682000197D167C,Loren finds the pill bottle on the floor and picks it up. He holds it up to Fireman One. LOREN She took these and then fell or something into the tub . . . full of water. I gave her CPR and got her breathing and then we just got her to puke. Fireman One looks Loren up and down. LOREN I was an Eagle Scout. The other two fireman are on either side of Bobbie, checking her vitals. Fireman One looks at the pill bottle again. FIREMAN ONE Do you know how many of these she took? LOREN No idea. Just then a couple of ambulance drivers come in, rolling a stretcher. Fireman two Looks like weve got an O-D . . . sleeping pills. The firemen lift Bobbie onto the stretcher and then the ambulance drivers strap her onto it. They start wheeling her out the door and Loren starts to follow. LOREN I want to go with her. Fireman onE Are you family? LOREN No. FIREMAN ONE Boyfriend? LOREN (pause) No. What are you, Doctor Phi? (pause) Sorry. Im a friend. Just a friend. By now the stretcher is in the hallway. Fireman One goes to doorway and looks down the hall. FIREMAN ONE (shouting down the hall) Where to? Ambulance guy (o.S.) Saint Barts. FIREMAN ONE Meet them at Saint Barts. (pause) Okay? Loren nods his head. The firemen gather up their equipment and start to leave. FIREMAN ONE (pointing to the broken-down door) What about this? Loren Well call the manager. (to Neighbor Lady) Can you do that? Neighbor Lady Sure, Ill call them right away. The firemen all leave. Neighbor Lady follows them out. Loren sighs and shakes his head. He looks around at the mess and shakes his head again. He walks towards the bathroom. CUT TO: INT. bobbies bATHROOM - nIGHT 00020000063100019E4D62B,Loren walks over to the tub and pulls the plug. He sits down on the toilet seat and puts his face in his hands. WE HEAR THE SOUND OF THE TUB DRAINING. Loren looks up, and then the photograph of Bobbie and her sister catches his eye. He picks it up and stares at it. INT. masons apartment - nIGHT Mason and Nina are seated at a small dinner- table. They are finishing dinner, each has a half-empty glass of wine on the table and their plates are empty except for a few remnants of salad and rice. Nina sighs deeply and leans forward, resting her elbows on the table and putting her face in her hands. NINA Thank you for dinner. (pause) I just cant believe that Ive got a job. Nina reaches across the table and grabs Masons hand. NINA Weve got jobs. Mason turns his hand over and grabs Ninas. Mason Nina, the last thing Id want to do is hurt you . . . Nina suddenly pulls her hand away from his and sits up stiffly. NINA That doesnt sound good. MASON Look. I dont want to go to Madison with you. NINA What, because your a partner-hire? Is this some kind of macho bullshit? Mason shakes his head and stares down at the table. MASON No. He shakes his head some more. Mason I know I should go with you. Youre terrific. The job is terrific. Im lucky to get it. Id be lucky to spend my life with you. Its what Ive wanted to do for years. Youre the perfect woman. Nina looks perplexed, then worried, then angry. NINA This is bullshit. Mason shakes his head again and looks like hes going to say something. Nina Is there someone else? Mason seems startled by this. 00020000063C0001A478636,NINA Oh my God,there is someone else. Mason Kind of. NINA Kind of? What the hell does that mean? MASON I do love you, I mean, your perfect-- NINA Will you stop saying that? This grovelling is just passive-aggressive crap. You make it sound like I think Im perfect or something. It makes it sound like Im responsible for . . . (pause) For your cheating on me. Mason meets her gaze for a moment, then looks down at the table. MASON Youre not responsible. Im responsible. NINA So you are cheating on me? MASON Ummm, not exactly. NINA Then, what . . . exactly? MASON Yesterday. Ive been in love with her for almost a year, but I never really even tried to tell her until yesterday. NINA I dont believe this. (pause) Have you fucked her? Mason, still looking down at the table, sighs. Nina Oh my God, you did. You fucked her. (pause) When? Yesterday? Mason (still looking down) I was going to tell you (pause) . . . Break up with you when you got back. Nina folds her arms across her chest and shakes her head. Mason Look, I never wanted to hurt you. NINA Oh really? Well, then add this to the list of your many failures. Mason swallows hard and starts to say something, but doesnt. NINA Who is she? MASON Dont. NINA Who is she? I mean how did you even meet anyone? Youre such a goddamn recluse. That hippy librarian? Mason just shakes his head. NINA Mason, who the fuck is she? I have a right to know. MASON Bobbie. NINA Who? (pause) That teenager at the bookstore? MASON Shes nineteen. NINA Which makes her a teenager. (pause) Youre dumping me for some little teeny-bopper bimbo? 0002000006C10001AAAE6BB,MASON Shes not a bimbo. NINA Maybe, but I bet shes not particularly threatening, either. She probably makes you feel so smart and wise, right? MASON She makes me feel like it doesnt matter how smart and wise I am. Nina glares at him for a few moments. NINA Get out. Get the fuck out of this apartment. Mason pushes himself away from the table and stands up. MASON Okay. Ill come back tomorrow for my stuff. Nina pounds the table. NINA No. Ill go tonight. Ill stay with Deborah. Pack everything up and be out of here by morning. Nina gets up and walks over to the closet. She pulls her coat out and puts it on. She grabs her purse which is by the front door,and opens the front door. Nina I hope shes a fantastic lay, because thats all youve got, Mason. Her perky little boobs and tight cunt are going to have to get you through thirty years of selling used books, tutoring spoiled prep-school kids, and waiting tables. With that she storms out and slams the door. InT. emergency room waiting area - nIGHT Loren is standing at the reception desk talking to a very stern and tired-looking woman who is seated behind it. LOREN I dont know. Shes always saying her parents dont want to see her. The woman looks Loren up and down. Reception nurse Take a seat. Ill tell the doctors treating her that youre waiting. Loren (sighing deeply) Okay. Okay. Im not leaving until I see her. The Reception Nurse points towards the waiting area. INT. masons apARTMENT - nIGHT Mason is going through the books on the shelf in the living room, pulling some out and stacking them in boxes on the floor. He finds The Bell Jar and studies it for a moment. He pulls his sketch of Bobbie out of it and stares at the napkin/sketch. 00020000069F0001B169699,Int. EMERGENCY ROOM WAITING AREA - nIGHT Loren is sitting in the waiting room. Hes got his MP3 player plugged in and hes got a small I-Mac out and hes typing into it. A weary doctor emerges from the back room and speaks to the Reception Nurse. She points the doctor towards Loren. The doctor walks towards Loren and stands in front of him. Loren is startled and quickly closes the computer and pulls his head up. Doctor Youre Roberta Murphys friend? Loren Yes. DOCTOR Weve got her stabilized and well be moving her upstairs. LOREN Can I see her? DOCTOR When we move her. (pause) Obviously, we need to get her some psychiatric help. She said her parents are dead. Is that true? LOREN No. (pause) I dont think so. (pause) I dont know. DOCTOR Do you have any way of finding out? LOREN I sort of have a guy working on it right now. The doctor looks really puzzled by this last comment. DOCTOR Theres nobody to take care of her? LOREN Me. DOCTOR Are you her . . . ? LOREN No . . . not yet. The doctor smiles at this and puts his hand on Lorens shoulder. DOCTOR Go up to the third-floor waiting area. You can see her when they bring her up there. LOREN Thanks. The Doctor starts to walk away, then stops and turns towards Loren. DOCTOR You found her? LOREN Yes. DOCTOR The paramedics claim you saved her life. Good work. LOREN Yeah. Im a real life-saver. INT. gaRDEN STREET BOOKS - nIGHT Mason is carrying a box of books across the store towards the back room. He sets it down against the wall, just outside the door, and he sits on the box, his back propped against the wall. He reaches into his shirt pocket and pulls out his paper-napkin sketch of Bobbie and stares at it. 00020000072B0001B802725,Int. Hospital corridor - nIGHT Loren is sitting in a much smaller waiting area in front of a nurses station and some elevators. He is listening to music, but his computer is still in his pack. The elevator doors open and an orderly and a nurse wheel Bobbie, on a stretcher, out of the elevator. Loren jumps to his feet and pulls his earplugs out. He rushes over to Bobbies side. She looks up at him and weakly lifts her hand, which he takes in both of his. BOBBIE (weakly) My hero. (pause) Or so they tell me. She manages a weak smile. As they roll her down the corridor, Loren walks along, still holding her hand. LOREN Thats right,baby. While you were dead I gave you tongue and groped you thoroughly. I figured thats why you gave me The Marquise of O to read . . . you know, youre way of telling me if I ever found you unconscious I should go for it. The orderly and the nurse exchange a judgmental glance, but continue pushing her down the hall. BOBBIE Was it good for you? LOREN Ive gotta say, Ive had better dead girls. They come to an open hospital door and then turn Bobbies stretcher to angle it through the door. This forces Loren to release his grip on her hand, and they hustle her into the room. CUT TO: INT. bobbies hospital room - nIGHT They wheel Bobbie into the room and then lift her onto a regular bed. The nurse and the orderly fuss over her, checking her I-V lines, fluffing her pillows, and adjusting her blankets. Loren walks to the foot of the bed. LOREN You look like shit. BOBBIE Thanks . . . not fuckable today? LOREN Didnt say that. The nurse and the orderly exchange another judgemental glance. Nurse Shes going to need some rest, but you can stay until her floor nurse comes in. LOREN Yes maam. The nurse and the orderly leave. Loren walks up beside her bed and grabs her hand again. 0002000006B80001BF276B2,LOREN I know this is the most stupid, obvious question, but . . . why? BOBBIE Why what? LOREN You know, why did you do it? BOBBIE What do you think I did? LOREN Tried to kill yourself by taking some tranquilizers and drowning yourself in the tub. BOBBIE Ive had trouble sleeping, and . . . LOREN No bullshit. Was this for Mason? Look, get over him. You had a crush, and now hes back in his world with Nina and the University of Wisconsin and being a classics professor. BOBBIE It wasnt about Mason. Mason just made me think, I dont know, that I maybe should be allowed to live . . . LOREN What the fuck? Allowed to live . . . what the fuck does that mean? Bobbie looks angry and pulls her hand away from Loren and rolls over so she is no longer facing him. Loren droops his shoulders and shakes his head. LOREN Come on. Dont be that way. Is it Mason? (pause) You know, hes going to need Viagra in about a year. Bobbie chuckles bitterly and shakes her head a little. BOBBIE You dont know me Loren. You dont know me at all. LOREN Thats because you wont let me know you. I want to know everything about you. BOBBIE Thats because you dont know anything about me. Loren walks around to the other side of the bed so he can face her. When he gets there, Bobbie starts to roll to the other side, but he reaches out and grabs her shoulder with his hand so she cant roll. LOREN Who are you? Tell me, I want to know. BOBBIE Im a fantasy. Im just like those big-boobed aliens in your stories. Im made up. You made me up. Im a blank slate . . . and Im not fat,and therefore, Im fuckable, if you will, so you can create me, in your own mind, to be just what you want. But you dont know me at all. 0002000006440001C5D963E,Loren releases his grip on her and she rolls over. BOBBIE Im tired. Can you just go and let me sleep? Loren hesitates for a minute then walks towards the door. When he reaches the door he turns around and looks at her . . . LOREN Your welcome . . . (pause) . . . for saving your life. BOBBIE I didnt ask you to do that. LOREN I give up. With that he walks out of the room. Bobbie stares at the door for a moment then rolls over and starts to sob. INT. garden STREET BOOKS - DAY Mason is now seated on the ground next to the box that is next to the door to the back room. He is slumped over the box, asleep. WE HEAR THE NOISE OF A KEY BEING TURNED IN THE LOCK. The front door opens and Loren walks in. Mason is startled and starts to get up. Loren Problems at home? Mason I was expecting Bobbie. LOREN I bet you were. Mason rubs the sleep from his eyes. He is really bedraggled. MASON Where is she? Loren walks over to the counter and takes off his backpack and sets it on the counter. He then walks over to the back-room. Mason is in his way, but Mason gets out of his way when Loren stares him down. Loren goes into the back-room. When Loren comes out his coat is off, and he walks over to the counter. LOREN Is that your shit back there? MASON Its everything I own. (pause) Nina and I broke up. Mason walks over to Loren. MASON Youve seen Bobbie? Where is she? LOREN Shes in the hospital, asshole. MASON (alarmed) What happened? LOREN She tried to off herself . . . because of you. MASON Is she . . .? How is she? LOREN Stable, but depressed. MASON Ive got to see her. Where is she? 0002000006980001CC17692,LOREN No way. Havent you done enough? She loves you man. God knows why, but she loves you. Leave her alone. MASON I love her, too. (pause) Where is she? Loren hesitates, looks up at the ceiling, then back at Mason. He shakes his head. LOREN Saint Barts. MASON Can you watch the store today? If you have to go, just close it up. Mason runs into the back-room and emerges moments later carrying his coat. He heads for the front door. Mason Thanks Loren. I love her. I can help her. I will help her, believe me. Mason opens the door and leaves. Loren is left staring at the door as it closes. He shakes his head. INT. bobbies hOSPITAL ROOM - dAY Bobbie is lying in her bed, flipping through channels on the television. Mason appears in the doorway. He pauses for a moment, and Bobbie looks up and notices him. He rushes to her side and embraces her, then notices the I-V in her arm . . . Mason Oops. Are you okay? BOBBIE Yes. Mason embraces her again. MASON I was at the bookstore waiting for you. Youve never been this late before. BOBBIE Well, Im taking a personal day to assess my career options, revise my goals. Mason pulls away from her and grabs her right hand with his right hand and strokes her hair with his left hand. MASON What were you thinking? BOBBIE You know what I was thinking. MASON We talked about this. It was an accident. BOBBIE An accident I should have prevented. MASON But an accident. It happened. Killing yourself wont change that. BOBBIE I just couldnt live with it anymore. (pause) Then I saw myself dragging you down, too. You were going to stay with me and blow your chance to be a professor, have a career, a normal wife and a happy life. 0002000006B00001D2A96AA,Mason continues to stroke her hair. BOBBIE You didnt tell Nina about what happened? Its nothing. Youll forget all about it in time. MASON I told her. She kicked me out. No, actually I left. I want to be with you. (pause) Actually, she did kick me out. BOBBIE Ill never be happy. It will always haunt me. The shrink that my parents sent me to told me that Im bent on throwing away my life because of it. Can you imagine, one-hundred twenty dollars an hour for that insight? (pause) But its true. I feel it. I cant let myself be happy, not ever. Falling in love with you made me hope that I could, but I think I knew that you would never love me, so, maybe I could just carry that little hope and then still be miserable. (pause) Dont love me. Dont throw away your life on me. (pause) Let me be that sad girl you knew once,but couldnt help. (pause) Go with Nina. Go. INT. gaRDEN STREET BOOKS - DAY Loren is sitting on a stool behind the counter, pounding away on his notebook computer. Shelby walks in the front door. SHELBY Mystery solved. Loren just looks up at Shelby. SHELBY Why so glum, chum? LOREN Bobbies in the hospital. She tried to kill herself last night. I think she was depressed about Mason and Nina. She loves him. SHELBY Thats one theory, but I think I know whats up with Miss Roberta Murphy. Shelby walks over to the counter and faces Loren. SHELBY (handing a sheet of paper to Loren) Look at this. Loren takes the paper. LOREN Its an obituary for Kathryn Murphy. We see a photo printed on the paper. it is an internet version of a newspaper story. The photo is of a four year old girl in a nice dress,bow in her hair, smiling at the camera. The girl is Bobbies sister. 00020000063D0001D953637,LOREN This is Bobbies sister. Shelby Thats right, and theres a couple of other articles in the local Palos Verdes paper. The other articles dont use Bobbies name, but you can tell what happened. When Bobbie was fourteen, she was watching little Katie. The two of them were going out to the pool. Bobbie told Katie to wait by the pool while she ran into the house to grab some CDs. When she came out Katie was at the bottom of the pool, drowned. Loren is still reading the paper. LOREN Shit. SHELBY Yep. A few months later Bobbie tried to kill herself. She slit her wrists in the bathtub. Loren stares off into space. LOREN Shit. INT. garden street books - DAY CAPTION: THREE MONTHS LATER Lore opens the front door and turns on the light. He walks in and is followed by JESSICA, a young woman in her early twenties wearing tight jeans and a wool sweater. Loren walks towards the back room and Jessica walks behind the counter. Loren emerges carrying a cash drawer. Jessica Oh. Let me get the mail. Jessica walks over to the front door and walks outside. She comes back in, rifling through it. Jessica (waving a letter) A letter from Alien Minds. Loren Another rejection? JESSICA Can I open it? LOREN Be my guest. Loren sets the cash drawer inside the cash register. JESSICA They bought your story. Theyre going to pay you three hundred dollars for it. Loren grabs the letter from her. LOREN Im going to be a published author. Jessica looks through more mail. LOREN Im going to be a published author. A real author. JESSICA And a very big envelope from Stanfords Law School. 00020000049A0001DF8A494,Jessica hands a large manila envelope to Loren. He sets the letter from the publisher down on the counter and takes the large manila envelope from Jessica. Loren rips it open and pulls the contents out. He sets them down on the counter next to the publishers letter. LOREN (reading) Congratulations, youve been accepted to Bolt School of Law. Jessica pulls a postcard out of the mail pile. JESSICA Look, you got a postcard, too. Its from Juneau, Alaska. Pretty. Shot of postcard: a water-front village with lots of tall pine trees around it. LOREN Whos it from? Jessica flips the card over. JESSICA Bobbie and Mason. It looks like theyre a couple. Are they gay? LOREN Bobbies a girl. Loren takes the card from Jessica. He glances at the photo, then flips it over. Bobbie (V.O.) Dear Loren, Sorry we left in such a hurry, but we just had to get out: the fucking doctor was going to commit me to some mental hospital. Mason and I got married and settled here. Believe it or not, we are happy, at least as happy as two fucked-ups like us can be. I hope you are too. Love always, Bobbie . . . And Mason. P.S. You can see our new store in this postcard. Guess which one. 0002000005110001E41E50B,Loren flips the card over and looks at the picture. Close up of postcard: we scan the little wooden shops on the water front until we see a big sign: second read: Used books Jessica is leaning towards Loren, but she is looking at the two letters on the counter. Jessica Well, congrats. What are you going to do . . . law school, or become a famous writer? Loren continues to stare at the postcard. JeSSICA Or, you could always throw it all away and stay here with me. Loren looks up at her and smiles. LOREN I could . . . Loren looks back at the postcard. Close up of postcard and zoom in on the second read store. CuT TO: Ext. Second read - day Mason walks up to the front door carrying a cup of coffee. With his free hand he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the key. He slips the key into the door. Bobbie walks up behind him and throws her harms around him and lays her head on his back. Mason opens the door and squirms around and embraces her. Bobbies head, now resting on his chest, turns around and they both look out on the scene in front of them. Pull out: the camera reveals that the store is situated in a small town wedged between a vast wilderness and a beatiful bay. A Bald Eagle soars by and floats off into the distance. Fade out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