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PKòUG?îXt»ÌQÌQscript-igi.html Schedule

INT. Hospital/room.Day

The sun shines brightly from the hospital window, Hitting Kasey's(main character) warm body. The T.V. in his room is on the news channel which has a woman broadcasting the weather with a smile on her face.

(women broadcasting)

Kasey's tries to listen in on the two police men conversation from out in the hall.

Kasey starts to have flashback on the events that takes place at his new luxury house.

Dissolve to: new home.

Int. new home/dinning room. Day

(LOOKING THROUGH Kasey EYES)everything IS UPSIDE DOWN, blurry, AND VERY UNSTABLE. starting FROM the top of the stairs, body parts are furiously being TOSSED into the air.

(Kasey on the dinning room floor )

Kasey eye's hits back in forth from the Front Entrance door to the very top of the stairs.

QUICK CUT: hospital ROOM.


Tears roll down Kasey's face.


fade out: old home.

  int. Kasey & Julian old HOME/living room. DAY

Kasey house glows very brightly,its very spacious. Everything looks like it never been touched.  

Kasey holds Julian cold face in his hands.



 My, I can't do this anymore.


(Julian slowly pulls away.)



I can't be like this...(Um)

Julian looks at Kasey confused then he chuckles.


(Julian eyes follow his hand as he sweep down from Kasey neck to his chest then pause.)

Babe, I understand that the last incident was dreadful for the both of us but the schedule hasn't been harm, something like that will never happen again.

Julian looks into Kasey dead eyes with lust.


Babe, don't be so soft. When your so hard.

Julian smirks then leads in for a kiss but Kasey looks away.



I want to feel the sun across my cheeks.

Kasey turns in looks Julian directly in the eyes.


I don't want to hurt anybody, anymore...I'm getting the cure.

Julian pulls away completely.

There was a long harsh silent's. 

 Julian stares blankly at Kasey for awhile then starts to laugh.



Babe, you don't mean that.

Julian backs away and rises both of his arms.


We're vampires!(pause) We can live forever, together.


(Julian lowers his arms a little and hints them towards Kasey.)

Darling, isn't that very fact whats been keeping us fighting so hard to survive.


(Julian rise his arms to his first position.)

We're gods. Who would ever want to give up something so extraordinary... Something So divine?

Julian chuckles some more then lower his arms then walks toward the kitchen.



Julian stops dead in his tracks.


( very determined)

This life is not mine... it's yours. I long for some sorts of normality.

Kasey grinds his teeth together and balls up his fist



That cure.. is against our law.

Kasey nods.


and.. what of the schedule?


It want be broken.

Julian looks disparately up at the ceiling for awhile then looks towards the kitchen


(soft voice)

But you have, my love.

Julian disappears into the kitchen.

a moment later moaning comes for inside of the kitchen (Julian drinking victims blood).


Kasey puts his head down.

INT. KASEY & JULIAN old HOME/bedroom. night 10 p.m.

Everything is going like its in slow motion, lots of blinking.(romantic moment).

(dancing/gliding with sorrow)

Kasey and Julian gets up like machines and start putting their clothes on very smoothly.

Kasey grabs his key chain with a small light on it and Julian grabs his designer sunglasses, they both glide downstairs to the front entrance,stare at each other for a brief second then walks out the door.

Ext. Kasey & JULIAN old home. night

Both Kasey and Julian walk there spread ways.

As both are walking there spread ways down a sidewalk the environment looks very cold and dark with street lights that glares on Kasey as he is walking down his path but as Julian walk down his path there is only darkness.

int. boy's club. night

(Bright color lights are glances off of Kasey nude chest and face as he sits in the VIP section of the boy's club. )

Julian slams his drink into the table breaking the glass instantly almost along with the table. 



I am sorry, my love.

Julian contemplates on getting rid of Kasey.

(The hospital is still in service.)

Kasey is walking away from the hospital with pints of blood in his hands and a couple of syringes in his pocket.

Quick cut:stranded location

He heads down this narrow path and stops at a bridge.



Shaking with his small flash light in his hand, Kasey breaths in and out points his small flash light towards the bridge and then goes under.

Int. vampire club.night

The club is gloomy and dark with little music playing. Different looking vampire are everywhere talking,and dancing but mostly trading in different goods.

Kasey walks in and vampires starts glaces at him. He makes it over to a lonely table in the back.

A huge beast like vampire sits beside him.


(panting/ very heavy voice)

You... have my blood?


In the back of the club, you have it?

the beast looks around very carefully and digs into his jacked pocked and pull out this small tube what looks a lot like black blood. Kasey quickly grabs it and walks off.

quick CUT: Stranded location.night

Kasey just comes out from under the bridge when he sees this women with her dog heading towards him.

(Dog barking at Kasey)

When the women and her dog is closer to Kasey, Kasey quickly grabs the dog's collar and throws it far away up into the air. Kasey then grabs the women and pulls her underneath the bridge.


Oh..God!Please don't.



I am so sorry.

Kasey breaks her neck and drags her out from under the bridge. He Kneels down beside her and pulls out a syringes then takes the black blood and inject her with half.

Ext. New HOME.Daylight

Kasey is hurrying toward his new home but when he's almost there sunlight hit his back.

a big bolt of light shines out for miles.

(Some early bird neighbors)

Neighbors quickly look toward Kasey's direction and sees the woman's dead corpse on his shoulders.


(Distance screams)

O my god, what is that?

Kasey quickly goes into the house and slam shut the door be hide him.

A few second later.

Julian grabs Kasey from behind and throws him and the corpse across the room. Kasey quickly stands up and drinks the other half of the cure while Julian glides over to the woman's corpse that landed a few feet below Kasey.

Julian hold up the corpse by her neck like a play toy and shouts.


Is this what you want to become?!

Julian pulls off one of her arms(blood goes everywhere)and Kasey looks at the corpse with remorse.


uh, Their so discussing.

Julian pulls the other arm off and blood hits Julian in the face).


(Julian toss the corpse over his shoulders)

So, you want to be like them you say! Then die like them!

Julian toss the corpse over his shoulders and quickly knees Kasey in the chest and throw him to the ground, placing his boots on Kasey's chest.

Julian shows Kasey his teeth.


(In pain)

If we ever loved each other...we would both consider what's best.

Julian slowly pulls back and steps off of Kasey chest



that's not the kinda life, I could ever live.

Police sirens and cars screeches right outside of Julian and Kasey new home.

Julian shots his head up towards the door while Kasey pushes his upper body off of the floor, panting hard (and in a lot of pain).


Julian, I...

Julian glares at Kasey.




you will do wants best for you and I for me.

Julian sprint's toward the front entrance and grabs the first SWAT officer that busted Through the door(Julian bright lights temporally blinds the remaining officers outside when the sunlight touches his body) and flies up onto the top of the staircase.



Julian takes the first swat officer apart. The second and third Officer's sees Julian and starts shooting.

Swat officer(Second)

(Gun shots)

Dave, no!?

Swat officer(third)

(Gun shots)

What the fuck!

The second officer goes up the stairs and Julian glides down and breaks his neck then starts to slowly ripping it off in front of the third and fourth officer's.

The officers stop and shock.

The fifth officer comes in and shoots at Julian.

The Third and the fourth officer's start shooting at Julian and Julian glides over and knocks the fourth officer's down and grabs the third officer, flying up on the ceiling biting him on the neck.

third officer



While the fourth officer was on the floor he noticed Kasey(Kasey is having a ceaser).

The fifth officer bullets penetrates through Julian chest and Julian falls to the ground along with the third officer (Julian is just foots away from Kasey). 



what? Is thi...

The fifth officer quickly shoots Julian in the head.

Kasey looks up at Julian dead corpse and then faints.

Dissolve to: the hospital room.

INT. Hospital/room.Day

Kasey wipes away his tries, turns toward the window and embraces the warm sun on his face and smiles.

Fade to white



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