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This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE LUNCHROOM Episode Five "Guess Who's Coming Out at Dinner?" Written by Melinda Waterman & Bruce Snyder Created by Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Vincent Biga EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Edward Drogos STORY EDITOR Rebecca Parker CAST LIST Will Cooper................................. Joel Mayberry............................... Brian Vandele............................... Brock Warner................................ Reicther.................................... Casey Jennings.............................. Chris Hughes................................ Ellen Conner................................ Cathy Matthews.............................. Mr. John Parker............................. Ms. Diane Ballard........................... GUEST CAST LIST Jordan Jones................................ Athaliah Jones.............................. Father Joseph Birmingham.................... Kay Johnson................................. Lois Warner................................. Copyright © Bruce Snyder TEASER FADE IN: EXT. SCHOOL – HALLWAY – AFTER SCHOOL WILL COOPER, REICTHER, and CHRIS HUGHES are all gathered around JOEL MAYBERRY. Joel is sitting on the floor looking very sad and lonely. The other three are standing around, trying their best to cheer him up. CHRIS C'mon, Joel. Don't you want to go by the shake shop? Joel ignores them and seems to be quietly humming Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone." CHRIS This is scary I've never seen Joel Like this before. REICTHER Yeah usually you're the one that's Grumpy and no fun to be around. But now you've passed onto him like a cold or something. WILL Oh! I know what will cheer him up! Will starts giggling like a little girl. WILL Reicther, what's the capital of Thailand? Reicther thinks. REICTHER Uh, I don't I think it's New Delhi. WILL (angry) No! You're suppose to say Bangkok. Just as he finishes Reicther punches him in the balls. Will falls to the ground in pain. Reicther laughs in victory. REICTHER You tried to pull that on me? I INVENTED that move! CHRIS Doesn't matter. Joel is still sad. Reicther turns and sees Chris is right: Joel is still signing and being sad. REICTHER Didn't work? That moment was so great I think I need to change my pants. Chris rolls his eyes. Will tries to stand and continues to hold his crouch. WILL Uh-oh. Look out, Jesus Freak at Five O'clock. They all turn and see JORDAN JONES coming their way. He's slightly taller since last we saw him. He's buzzed off all his hair and has a small goatee on his chin. CHRIS Shit. And here I was thinking I could avoid him until after graduation. WILL God, when's the last time we've seen him? CHRIS Two years your locker. Remember? FLASHBACK: INT. HALLWAY – WILL'S LOCKER – TWO YEARS AGO TOM LAWRENCE stands in front of Will's locker, proclaiming his love to Jordan who stands surprised. At the end of the hall, Will and Chris peek their heads out of the corner to spy on the action. Tom leans in to Jordan and kisses him on his lips. Chris and Will look on, astounded. WILL Well isn't that ironic and disturbing enough to be describing it to a shrink. CHRIS Yep. WILL Let's go tell him before he freaks out. They start to walk to Jordan and Tom, who is pulling away from Jordan after the kiss. TOM (smiling) Well. Jordan stands there for a moment, then all of a sudden Jordan gives Tom a kiss, moving him up against the locker. Chris and Will stop in their tracks. Stunned, Will and Chris turn around and walk the other way. In the background Tom and Jordan still kiss. CHRIS Your locker is seeing a lot of action, Will. WILL Shut the fuck up! CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY - PRESENT WILL Oh yeah! Weird how I totally just forget about something as frightening as that. Jordan is getting closer. REICTHER Remember men. Stand your ground. If we're not careful he'll try and convert you. CHRIS (whispering to Will) To what? Catholicism or homosexuality? WILL Does it matter? With the former you're getting someone up the ass while with the latter your taking it in the ass. Jordan reaches them. There's an awkward pause. Jordan is unsure what to say while The Gang look annoyed to even be in his presence. JORDAN Hello all. Scattered "Heys" all around followed by another awkward silence. JORDAN So...How's senior year going? WILL Cut the crap, man! CHRIS What do you want Jordan? If you're here to tell me how my people killed Jesus, your too late. Brandon Brim beat you to it. JORDAN No. Actually I have a personal favor that I would like guys to help me out with. REICTHER Personal favor? For you? Why should we even waste our time? Ever since second grade you've been a diaper for us. You're always on our asses and your always full of shit! WILL Not to mention the fact that you've mocked our beliefs. CHRIS And been intolerant to us who are different. REICTHER So what possible favor could be so important that you would come to us? Long beat. JORDAN I need one of you to pose as my boyfriend so that I can come out of the closet to my family. This request is met with mouths wide open. From the general look of their eyes and facial expressions this might be the shock of the century to them (except for Chris and Will who already knew.) Even Joel breaks out of his sad state. JOEL You're gay?!! SMASH CUT TO: OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. AFTER CREDITS: FADE IN: INT. SCHOOL – HALLWAY – SAME The Gang are all still staring at Jordan with pure look of shock. Jordan gets tired of waiting. JORDAN Okay, you guys can stop staring at me. You've been doing it for like two minutes. WILL It's just been a while since we've seen a Gay Republican. REICTHER It's impossible. It's one of those scientific Paradoxes like in Back to the Future II. Jordan sighs. REICTHER You're not gay. This is probably some weird trick that has something to do with Jesus. JORDAN I hate to put an end to your long line of insulting remarks to the King of Kings but I'm being a hundred percent serious. I...I'm... (struggles) I'm gay. REICTHER I still smell a load. Prove it. JORDAN (confused) What? How am I suppose to prove I'm gay? Reicther thinks. REICTHER Sing me a Broadway melody and show me your abs from all the exercise you do...or just make out with Chris. Chris hits Reicther. CHRIS Those aren't facts. Those are negative stereotypes. (beat) Right? JORDAN Yes. Chris hits Reicther again. WILL I'm still confused. How could you be gay? I thought that thing with Tom was a one time thing. JORDAN Sometimes I'm just as confused as you are. I mean looking back at what I've stood for and what I've just doesn't seem like the path I would go down. REICTHER I'm so confused?! What's this business with Tom? JORDAN About two years ago, during our sophomore year Tom Lawrence came up to me and told me he liked me. And out of the blue he just... he just kissed me. And I kissed back. CHRIS Which I was lucky enough to witness. JORDAN I mean I did it, and it didn't feel disgusting or actually felt kinda right. But at the time I didn't fully understand those feelings and I didn't really want to. So I pushed Tom away. I told him I wasn't like that and I never would be. But as time went on my mind kept going back to that one moment. It made me question myself like nothing else had. It made me depressed just because I didn't know what was wrong with me. But then during the summer... FLASHBACK TO: INT. BIBLE CAMP – DAY (FLASHBACK) Jordan is sitting at a desk, deeply focused on reading the bible. JORDAN (V/O) ...all the confusing feelings finally came out. THE CAMERA PULLS BACK... To reveal another boy sitting on a nearby bed. This is MARCO and he's bronze and cute. He looks at Jordan with a big smile. Jordan looks back at Marco and smiles. Jordan closes the bible and damn nears tackles Marco. They kiss furiously until they roll off the bed. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL – HALLWAY – PRESENT The Gang are all a little put off by the story. JORDAN Eventually the counselors found out and kicked us out...that and for what we did the Holy water. CHRIS That was more then I wanted to know. JORDAN Anyway I finally woke up. I realized that I'm here and I'm quite queer and I better start getting use to it. REICTHER That's great Jordan...well we'll be getting on our way now. Reicther and Will begin to walk away. Chris pulls Joel up and they follow suit. JORDAN Wait! Where the hell are you going? REICTHER Shake shop. JORDAN What about my problem? CHRIS (uneasy) Jordan, I'm not sure if having one of us pose as your boyfriend will help you in coming out. JORDAN Please! C'mon! I don't know if I can do this alone. CHRIS This is very dramatic thing for you Jordan. You really want someone there with you? JORDAN I need to do this. And unfortunately I don't think I can face my mother with this news alone. REICTHER Afraid of his mother? (scoffs) Pussy. Jordan shoots him a "fuck you" look. WILL But why us? I mean we don't even like you. JORDAN (ashamed) ...I don't really have any friends. CHRIS (surprised) Oh. JORDAN And I figure since Chris and Will already knew about it that you guys seemed like the perfect people to ask. WILL He's got a point. The Gang are at a crossroads. REICTHER Gang huddle! The Gang huddle. REICTHER What should we do? WILL He's obviously afraid. So maybe we Should help him out. REICTHER Do I hear a volunteer? WILL Not from me! I've got plans with Nadine. REICTHER Chris? CHRIS I've got a date with Lorelei. REICTHER Who? CHRIS This blonde girl I'm seeing. She's really - REICTHER Okay, okay. I didn't want your life story. Well, obviously Joel can't do it and I can't do it. WILL Wait, why can't you do it? REICTHER We want this evening to go WELL for him, don't we? WILL Someone HAS to do it. BRIAN (O.S.) Hey guys! The Gang turn and see BRIAN VANDELE standing a few feet away. They get an idea and start looking at each other. Brian's suspicious. CUT TO: INT. JORDAN'S CAR – LATER Jordan and Brian sit in awkward silence. Brian is seemingly displeased with his situation. Beat. JORDAN Wanna play th - BRIAN (overlapping) NO talking! Silence continues. CUT TO: INT. WARNER HOME – LIVING ROOM – LATER It's LOIS WARNER and ANNE BAXTER's engagement party. They sit on the couch, drinks in hand. They are surrounded by various women raging from their twenties, thirties, forties, and so on. The song "How I feel" by Kelly Clarkson is playing so house that the room is almost vibrating. Everyone is laughing it up and having a good time. BROCK WARNER enters carrying a tray of little sausage wieners. He sits them down on the table. BROCK Now go easy. This is the last of the little wieners. Several of the women start to giggle. BROCK (sarcastic) Wow. I never get old of THAT. Brock goes back into the kitchen. CUT TO: INT. WARNER HOME – KITCHEN – CONTINUOUS Brock heads to the sink and puts some dishes in. The PHONE rings. Brock lets out an annoyed sigh before answering the phone. BROCK Hello? CASEY (O.S.) Hello, Brock? BROCK Casey? Is that you? (We now intercut between Brock and CASEY JENNINGS who is standing in his messy room.) CASEY Yeah, it's me. BROCK Finally, a familiar voice. You won't believe how rowdy a bunch of middle age lesbians can get. What are you up to? CASEY Oh a little of this, a little of that. OH! And my girlfriend is missing. BROCK What?! Missing? CASEY Yeah you know where a person's location isn't known. BROCK I know what missing means, you stooge! How is your girlfriend missing? CASEY her location isn't known so - BROCK Enough with the textbook definition, Casey! CASEY Well we kind of had a fight. The noise from the party gets slightly louder so Brock walks toward the corner of the room for quietness. BROCK What did you "kind of" had a fight over? CASEY We got our replies back from college...and we both got accepted to Ball State University. BROCK That's fantastic! How could that start a fight? CASEY Because she didn't just get accepted into BSU. She also got acceptance letters from Yale and Norte Dame. Brock drops some dishes in shock. BROCK SHE GOT ACCEPTED INTO YALE?! CASEY Yeah. But the problem is that she doesn't want to go to Yale, she wants to go to BSU. BROCK WHAT?! Doesn't want to go to Yale? Is she fucking crazy? What possible reason could there be for her to go to BSU over Yale? Beat. CASEY Awkward pause. BROCK Oh... CASEY I started to yell at her, telling her she was making a huge mistake following me to BSU. That going to Yale is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Then she screamed "I'm just following you because it'll make me happy." Then I said some things, then she said some things. And-And...I don't know. She just up and left. And I have no idea where she's gone. BROCK No clue what so ever where she might be? CASEY I don't know. Maybe out with one of her friends are something. Suddenly a crashing sound comes from outside. BROCK Casey, I'll call you back. Brock hangs up. He slowly approaches the window and looks out. BROCK'S POV: He sees a shadowy figure stumbling around the backyard. Brock looks around and grabs a kitchen knife. He takes a few deep breaths before heading for the door. CUT TO: EXT. WARNER HOME – BACKYARD – CONTINUOUS The backdoor opens and we can barely make out Brock's figure. He flips a switch and a light brightens the entire backyard. It turns out that the dark shadow stumbling around the yard is KAY JOHNSON, Casey's girlfriend. BROCK Kay?! Even in the light, Kay continues to stumble. It appears like she's drunk. KAY (drunk) Brock! Help me! I keep standing still but the ground is moving so fast! She then passes out to the ground. BROCK Oh shit! CUT TO: EXT. JONES HOUSE – LATER (NIGHT) Jordan's car pulls up, and Brian and Jordan get out. Jordan is breathing heavily, obviously nervous. BRIAN Hey Jordan. Just out of curiosity, I'm not thinking about changing sides or anything but what's it like to kiss a man? JORDAN I don't know. What's it like to kiss a girl? Brian thinks. BRIAN It's pretty good. I guess it's just like kissing a dude who bleeds for five days every month. JORDAN (stunned) You amaze me sometimes. Brian notices Jordan's nervousness. BRIAN Still want to go through with this? JORDAN It's now or never. Thanks again for doing this. BRIAN No problem. What else was I going to do on a Friday night? Masturbate? At least I'm doing something that lasts more then a minute. They begin walking to the door. BRIAN Oh by the way. I came prepared. Brian pulls out a GAY PORN magazine from his pocket. Jordan is absolutely confused on why Brian has done this. JORDAN ...WHY?! Why would you bring gay porn to a dinner? BRIAN You know...just in case... JORDAN (angry; confused) In case of what? We finish dinner and decide that instead of desert we want to rub one to a naked firemen? BRIAN (excited) There's firemen in this issue? Brian starts to flip through the magazine. Jordan rolls his eyes. JORDAN Let's keep the focus on me and MY gayness for now. The reach the door. Jordan searches for the keys while Brian puts away the mag. BRIAN Is there anything else I should know before we go in? JORDAN Look out for my mom. She's a little..."off." BRIAN You got it. JORDAN Oh! And don't look at her left ear. BRIAN Why not? JORDAN Just don't! If she offers you whiskey, take it! BRIAN I don't even drink! JORDAN And for the love of God, if she asks you to pet the dog then: PET THE DAMN DOG! Brian is now scared. Jordan unlocks the door and the two enter. JORDAN Mom, I'm home! The door closes. JORDAN (O.S.) I hope you don't mind but I brought "someone" home for dinner. CUT TO: INT. JONES HOUSE – LIVING ROOM – CONTINUOUS Brian and Jordan enter. From first glance the house seems to be like something out of the 1950's or that it belongs to old people. Crucifixes, odd figurines, and pictures of Jesus. Jordan takes off his jacket, while Brian squirms. BRIAN should we do this. JORDAN ...I don't know. BRIAN What do you mean you don't know? How can you not know? This is your plan! JORDAN I don't know, I was thinking about winging it. BRIAN Winging it?! Are you out of your faggot ass mind?! Jordan smacks Brian. JORDAN Don't use the word "faggot"! It's degrading! BRIAN Thanks Mr. High and mighty! Your one to talk. You're the one who's been hiding the fact that he's gay for two fucking years now! JORDAN Some things are better kept in the dark! BRIAN THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING HERE!!! Jordan's mother, ATHALIAH JONES, enters from the kitchen. Quickly stop fighting and put on fake smiles. ATHALIAH Hello, thy son. Whose this? JORDAN This is my friend, Brian Vandele. BRIAN And I'm his big fat gay lover! Jordan turns to him, just simply stupefied that Brian admitted it. ATHALIAH G-G-Gay? Jordan, is thy heathen speaking the truth? Jordan turns to his mother, obviously conflicted. JORDAN Well, in a way it is true but I can explain! Athaliah gasps before passing out. BRIAN screwed up pretty badly. Jordan starts to pushing and shoving Brian JORDAN WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!!! BRIAN You said to wing it! I got nervous and it was the first thing that came to mind! JORDAN We should have at least talked it out reasonability. Calm, quiet. Not just blurting it out! BRIAN That WOULD have been better. Jordan is freaking out. JORDAN Oh my God! Oh my God! What am I going to do! BRIAN You know when she comes to, I can always some I'm the big fat gay lover of a DIFFERENT Jordan. JORDAN Brian, from now on don't talk unless you can improve the silence. Jordan continues to pace. CUT TO: INT. BROCK'S ROOM – LITTLE LATER Kay is lying on Brock's FUTON COUCH. We can still hear the music blasting from the engagement party. Brock walks over to the door and pops his head out the door. BROCK Can you guys try and keep it down! My friend is slightly hung over! He closes the door. Moans and groans come from Kay. KAY Why are all the good things in life vomit inducing? Brock walks over and kneels by her. BROCK How are you feeling? KAY I feel slightly better. She suddenly freezes. BROCK What's wrong? KAY Your walls! They're rotating! Making me... Kay reaches for a near by trash can and starts vomiting. Brock is a more then a little put off by this. KAY (as she finishes) Please don't tell Casey about this. BROCK Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. Besides, telling him isn't going to help anybody. KAY Your probably right. Beat. BROCK ...even though he is kinda right. KAY (annoyed) Ugh, not you too. BROCK Sorry, but it's YALE! I mean they only accept the best and the brightest! It's a once in a lifetime chance! KAY I know, I know. Believe me I know. My parents have been telling me that shit day in, day out for the last week. Brock realizes he's crossed the line. BROCK Sorry. KAY You want to know the reason? It's because I want happiness. And the only way I'm going to get that happiness is if I'm with Casey. I don't care if that means not going to Yale...I'd rather happy then be smart. Brock is impressed. KAY The only reason I got wasted was because Casey said I was stupid for doing what I was going to do. Selfish bastard didn't seem to realize that I was doing this for him. BROCK Hey, now. Casey just wants what's best for you. Beat. KAY I just wish he wanted the same thing I wanted. Both sit in silence for a few seconds before LOIS WARNER, drunk, pops her head in. LOIS Brock, sweetie, what are the name of those square cookies we use to get you when you were little? BROCK Fig Newton's? LOIS No, that's not it. Remember, they were filled with fig. BROCK (annoyed) Fig Newton's? LOIS That's it! Sweetie, me and the girls are going to make a quick run to the Wal-Mart and get some fig Newton's. If were not back in three hours, it means were having the time of our lives. She leaves. Brock shudders. BROCK Why do I constantly surround myself with drunk women? KAY Cause you wouldn't have us any other way. Kay starts giggling. CUT TO: INT. JORDAN'S HOUSE – DINNING ROOM Jordan and Brian sit together at the side of the table. Athaliah can be heard from the kitchen, talking to someone. Jordan is staring dead ahead, thinking about his situation. Brian on the other hand looks bored. BRIAN (whispering) Do you have anything to eat? JORDAN Not now, Brian! Athaliah hangs up and reenters the room. JORDAN Mother, I - ATHALIAH Don't. JORDAN I'm just - ATHALIAH Be silent, my son. BRIAN (whispering) Why does she talk like that. JORDAN She was raised in a very, VERY strict religious home. ATHALIAH You will not speak of thy grandfather that way! He raised me prim and proper. Sometimes I wish I could have raised you that way. Maybe you wouldn't have turned out a...a – JORDAN A what mom? A faggot? A ferry? Stop me when I get close. ATHALIAH A homosexual. JORDAN Ever think that I was born this way? That no matter how you raised me I would have turned out this way? ATHALIAH Everyone has a choice in their destiny. BRIAN I'm sorry lady but I'm going to have to call shenanigans on that. Not everyone gets to choose what they become. You think Aquaman wanted to be Aquaman? FUCK no! Talking to fish isn't a power! That's just some bullshit power! THUMP. BRIAN What just kicked me? JORDAN Common sense saying shut up! ATHALIAH It doesn't matter. I've already found a solution to this problem. JORDAN "Solution?" What do you mean solution? ATHALIAH I've called Father Birmingham and he's agreed to come over and exorcise the demons from you. JORDAN Exorcise the demons!?! What the fuck!? BRIAN Wait a people are possessed by demons? (sighs) This is why I'm an atheist. JORDAN So Birmingham is going to try and "cure" me of being gay? ATHALIAH Precisely. Jordan, this isn't just for me. It's for your own good. We have to save your soul! JORDAN There's nothing wrong my soul and there's nothing wrong with me! There's a KNOCK at the door. Athaliah gets up and leaves the room. BRIAN Cure you? They're going to cure you of being gay? JORDAN My mom is really extreme when it comes to religion. BRIAN ...Can you cure someone of being gay? JORDAN Can you cure Reicther of being an asshole? Ah, so no chance in hell? JORDAN Bingo. ATHALIAH (O.S.) He's right this way, Father Birmingham. Athaliah reenters with FATHER JOSEPH BIRMINGHAM by her side. He's an older man in his early sixties, big glasses, and a receding hair line. He is carrying a bag with him. BIRMINGHAM So these most be the two little sinners you were talking about. Brian looks around. BRIAN (to Jordan) You think he means us? JORDAN How did you get here so quick? My mom only called like a minute or two ago. BIRMINGHAM I actually live across the street just in case of religious emergency. BRIAN (scared) I'm REALLY glad I'm an atheist. JORDAN (sarcastic) So father, how do you propose to "rid me of my demons?" Human sacrifice? Some ancient voodoo dance? Birmingham chuckles. BIRMINGHAM Oh if only I could be young, cynical, and mouthy again. (beat) No son I'm not going to be doing any of that. We have a different method. Birmingham pats his black bag. Briand and Jordan exchange curious looks. CUT TO: INT. JONES HOUSE – LIVING ROOM Birmingham, Jordan, and Brian are sitting on a couch watching TV. Loud moans and grunts come from the TV. Jordan shakes his head in embarrassment, while Brian is watching very intently. BIRMINGHAM So...this do anything for you? JORDAN (to himself) Oh lord. Beat. BRIAN Gross! Why would a dude do that to a girl's ass? That's where she shits. CUT TO: INT. BROCK'S ROOM – LATER Brocks helps Kay walk towards the door. It's obvious that she's still a little tipsy. BROCK I still don't know if I should be letting you go home. Your still drunk. KAY I'm not drunk. I'm perfectly ober. BROCK Ober? Don't you mean sober? KAY Sure. What ever floats your boat. BROCK Maybe I should give you a sobriety test. Quick, say you're ABC's backwards. KAY Can YOU say your ABC's backwards. Brock hesitates. BROCK Touché. They reach the door. KAY No need to worry. I'm not driving. I've got my friend Kylie waiting outside. She's going to drive me home. BROCK As long as you get home safe. Casey would kill me if I let you drive. KAY Thanks again, Brock. Not just for shelter but calming me down a bit. The talk did me some good. You didn't change my mind but you certainly gave me some food for thought. BROCK Hey. If you ever need anything. Don't be a stranger. I just hope my mother is somewhat sober next time. KAY I hope I'm somewhat sober next time. They both giggle. The two just look at each other. Awkward silence. Suddenly Kay leans in and KISSES Brock. The kiss lasts only a few seconds but seems to go on for a long time. Brock is shocked, while Kay pretends like it never happened. KAY (nervous) Um, I, uh, probably should le – BROCK (overlapping) Good idea. Go. GO! Kay quickly leaves. Brock breathes heavily. BROCK (to himself) What the hell did I just do?! CUT TO: MUSIC MONTAGE (The Marshall Tucker Band – "Can't You See?") EXT. JONES HOUSE – LATER Brian and Jordan emerge from the front door. Brian runs his hand through his hair, while Jordan stares off to the distance, distracted. BRIAN Well that was an interesting evening. Jordan nods, still distracted. BRIAN You okay man? JORDAN Yeah just a lot on my mind. BRIAN Do you need me to stick around for a while longer? BIRMINGHAM (O.S.) Jordan! Check this one out! It's Demi Moore in "Striptease!" I'm a man of God and even I'm getting turned on. Jordan rolls his eyes. JORDAN I think I'll be fine. Brian nods and begins to walk away. Getting about thirty feet away he takes one more look at Jordan who is staring at the ground, contemplating. Brian begins walking home. CUT TO: INT. BROCK'S ROOM – LATE NIGHT Brock is pacing around the room. BROCK (to himself) Oh God, Oh God, Oh God! I kissed my best friend's girlfriend! I'm so screwed. It's okay it's okay I just have to make sure no one finds out about it. The CAMERA PULLS BACK to reveal BRYCE WARNER standing in the corner of the room. BRYCE Who'd you kissed? Brock freaks out. BROCK BRYCE GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! BRYCE All right. Jeeze. No need to get angry. Bryce leaves Brock even more freaked out then before. FADE TO BLACK. TITLE: "The Following Monday..." FADE IN: (THE SONG CONTINUES) INT. SCHOOL – HALLWAY – MORNING Jordan is at his locker, getting his books ready for the next class. Brian turns the corner and walks up to Jordan. BRIAN Hey, Jordan! There you are man, I've been looking for you. Jordan turns to him confused. JORDAN Why? BRIAN Because I want to know how it went on Friday. Did your mother finally accept fact. Beat. JORDAN Oh that. No need to worry about it anymore. Jordan closes his locker. JORDAN They cured me. Brian's excitement turns to disbelief. BRIAN Cured you? C'mon, Jordan. That "curing" business was a bunch of bullshit. JORDAN That's what you think. But it wasn't until I started taking Father Birmingham seriously that I realized the error of my way. I am now hundred percent normal again. BRIAN Normal? You call bottling up being gay normal? JORDAN I'm not gay anymore! They fixed me. Brian shakes his head. BRIAN can really scare a person, Jordan. Brian leaves, a bit shaken. Jordan shrugs it off likes it's no big thing. FADE TO: INT. SCHOOL – LUNCHROOM – MINUTES LATER Brian enters the lunchroom and goes over and joins Will, Chris, Reicther, Joel (who looks slightly happier), and very nervous Brock. Reicther is in the middle of talking when Brian sits down. REICTHER And that's why I now play Guitar Hero naked. (beat) Where were you, Brian? BRIAN Just checking in on someone. REICTER Whatever. Reicther continues talking. WILL Finally. There's Casey. Brock's eyes grow wide. BROCK (V/O) Easy, Brock. Don't freak out. I'm sure Kay kept her mouth shut. Out of no where a pair of hands grab Brock by the shoulder and throw him to the ground. A quick PULL BACK reveals it's CASEY JENNINGS and he is furious. All The Gang stand up. With Brock on the floor Casey starts to violently kick him in the stomach. Everyone else in the lunchroom start to take notice with some gasping and others shouting "fight." Will and Joel attempt to stop Casey, with no luck. Casey gets one last good kick: right in Brock's face. After that Brian, Chris, and Reicther help them pull Casey away. A crowd has now form around them. Brock is badly beaten. He holds his stomach in pain and has blood pouring from his nose. Casey pushes The Gang away from him, takes a few breaths, and looks toward Brock. CASEY You come near me again or Kay again I will end your life. That's not a's a goddamn promise. Casey walks away. Everyone is confused, not able to comprehend what just took place. The Gang tend to Brock all shouting out variations on "what happened?" As the crowd pushes in more on Brock, we focus on Casey who walks away down in empty hall. FADE OUT. END OF EPISODE
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