This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE LUNCHROOM Episode Eight "Comfortably Numb" Written by Vincent Biga Created by Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Vincent Biga EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Edward Drogos STORY EDITOR Melinda Waterman CONSULTING PRODUCER Max Majernik CAST LIST Will Cooper................................. Joel Mayberry............................... Brian Vandele............................... Brock Warner................................ Reicther.................................... Casey Jennings.............................. Chris Hughes................................ Ellen Conner................................ Cathy Phenis................................ Stacy Cifaretto............................. Mr. John Parker............................. GUEST CAST LIST Brandon Brim................................ Kirk Hoey................................... Dr. Erwin Carter............................ Joseph Said................................. Dr. Amy Millsaps............................ Waitress.................................... NOTE: The following episode is told in backwards form. Much like the movie "Memento." Copyright © Bruce Snyder TEASER FADE IN: INT. VANDELE HOUSEHOLD - MORNING TITLE CARD: "Sunday, 10:23 P.M. Vandele Household" We see WILL COOPER sleeping on a couch. We stay on him for a few seconds until he falls off and wakes up. Will rouses himself, then he gets up. He walks by a door and looks in. He seems puzzled. WILL Where's Reicther, Casey, and Chris? CUT TO: INT. HOSIPITAL - ER - SAME CHRIS HUGHES and CASEY JENNINGS are quietly sitting on bench near the doorway. Both seem nervous. Suddenly DR. ERWIN CARTER approaches them with REICTHER as his side. Reicther's entire left side of his face is covered with Scooby-Doo BANDAGE. CASEY Oh, man. Your all right. REICTHER Who are you? Casey and Chris exchange worried looks. CASEY Oh - CHRIS (overlapping) - Shit balls! CARTER (to Reicther) Don't worry, son. Your parents should be here soon. Reicther looks around. REICTHER Holy crap! I'm in a hosipital! CUT TO: INT. FREE HEALTH CLINIC - SAME STACY CIFARETTO sits on the corner edge of a bed. She seems extremely nervous. She slowly rocks back and forth, all the while biting her fingernails. Beat. DR. AMY MILLSAPS enters the room, carrying a chart. She has a big smile on her face. MILLSAPS Your tests came back, Stacy. Congratulations your HIV negative. Stacy lets out a huge sigh of relief. STACY (to herself) Oh thank God. MILLSAPS And congratulations on your baby. STACY What baby? Beat. MILLSAPS You didn't know? STACY Know what? MILLSAPS According to the tests your four and half weeks pregnant. Stacy is shocked. Her mouth is wide open as she just stares at the wall ahead of her, unable to comprehend this. SMASH CUT TO: OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. AFTER CREDITS: INT. SUNSHINE CAFé - NIGHT Title card: "Sunday, 3:17 a.m.: Hours Earlier" Will, Joel, Brian and Brock enter and sit down in a booth. Everyone is really quiet and looking at their menus. Joel starts snickering. BRIAN What's so funny? JOEL Dude, I still can't believe that your first kiss was from a man. Everyone but Brian laughs. WILL Don't worry, Brian. I'll always be there to tell people that story. Brian's face is red. BRIAN Shut up, besides it wasn't on the lips so technically it wasn't the first kiss I gave. BROCK Sounds like a lousy excuse to me. WILL I second that motion. A waitress moves to take their order. WAITRESS What can I get you gentlemen? BROCK I'll have the one pound black angus burger. JOEL I'll have the steak and eggs. BRIAN Country fried steak. After the waitress writes it all down she looks at Will. WAITRESS And you? WILL (embarrassed) I'll have the grilled cheese. WAITRESS That's on the kids menu hon. WILL Yes, I know and I want the grilled cheese. The Waitress shrugs her shoulders. WAITRESS Grilled cheese it is then. The Waitress walks off. BRIAN What's wrong Will, to little to order off the big-boy menu? WILL Shut your fucking mouth. JOEL Dude, I still can't believe that we did so horrible in bowling. Will was the only one to break 100, and he only did it once. BROCK I can't believe your still going on about that, I mean its no big deal. BRIAN Your just saying that because you couldn't break 45. BROCK Hey, I told you to shut up about that. That fucking lane was leaning to one side. BRIAN Sounds like a lousy excuse to me. WILL What I can't believe is that those guys are still playing Risk, what is been like 7 hours right? JOEL That sounds about right. I'm surprised Chris even brought it, you think he would have learned a lesson when I threw Casey through his wall. WILL Ah, good times. SMASH CUT TO: EXT. VANDELE HOME - NIGHT Title Card: "Sunday 12:15 A.M. Hours Earlier." Chris and Casey quickly emerge from the house, carrying what appears to be Reicther. We quickly notice that there is a lot of dried blood on Reicther's head. CASEY Okay, okay. No need to panic. CHRIS No need? I've got Reicther's blood on my pants! CASEY Quiet down! We just need to get him to a hosipital. CHRIS Okay, okay. They head toward the driveway. CHRIS Shit! Stop! CASEY What? CHRIS There's no car! Casey looks over. The driveway is completely empty. CASEY Jesus! CHRIS Brian and the others took it remember? CASEY OH FUCK!!! They stop moving. CASEY Okay, we've got to think of a new plan. Pause. Suddenly Reicther mutters some gibberish. CASEY I've got it, we don't we take the bus? CHRIS What bus? CASEY You know... (thinks of how to describe it) ...The bus system. CHRIS I don't think we have one around here. CASEY WHAT?! No bus! Casey, in anger and without knowing it, drops Reicther. CASEY WHAT KIND OF PLACE DOESN'T HAVE A BUS? Casey shakes his head. Chris begins to struggle holding Reicther by himself. CHRIS Uh...Casey. Casey finally notices. CASEY Oh God! He quickly picks up Reicther. Pause. CASEY What if we walk there? CHRIS A twenty minute walk? CASEY Yeah. CHRIS In the middle of the night... carrying a lifeless corpse? CASEY What's the problem with that? CHRIS Nothing except the police may find that a little bit suspicious. Look we need to transport him there quickly. Short pause. CASEY Wait! I know someone that lives nearby. CHRIS Does he have a car? CASEY Oh yeah. SMASH CUT TO: INT. KIRK HOEY'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MINUTES LATER JOSEPH SAID, the Iraqi exchange student, is sitting on the floor with his eyes glued to the TV. In the background, the album "Dark Side of the Moon" is playing, while the movie "The Wizard of Oz" play on the TV. KIRK HOEY is sitting on the couch, reading a NEWSWEEK. JOSEPH I don't think this is syncing up at all. Chris and Casey enter carrying Reicther. JOSEPH Hey, how did you get in? CASEY The front door was wide open. JOSEPH Oh, yeah. Kirk said he was cold but I thought he was having one of his "fits." CHRIS "Fits?" JOSEPH I bet him fifty bucks that he couldn't go a week without drugs. Since then he keeps shaking and twitching. CASEY How long has he been like this. Joseph scoffs. JOSEPH We only started the bet like an hour ago. KIRK My God! (off Newsweek) Did you hear about this? The President has the authority to kill anyone he suspects of being a terrorist. They don't even have to be confirmed terrorist, just "suspected" ones. He hurls the magazine across the room. KIRK God, this country makes me sick! Casey and Chris seem to be taken back by Kirk's new behavior. CASEY I never knew Kirk could get so... "serious." CHRIS It's quite "frightening" actually. JOSEPH I'll fix this. Joseph reaches into his pockets and pulls out a JOINT and a LIGHTER. JOSEPH (giggling) Here's some spinach, Popeye. KIRK Wait a minute, what about our bet? JOSEPH Ah, forgot about it. You can pay me in whatever food you have. KIRK All I've got left are some moldy old Oreos which - JOSEPH Deal. They shake hands. CHRIS Um, don't want to ruin the moment but our friend is kind of dying here. Joseph hands the items to Kirk, who quickly lights up and takes a long puff. A smile comes across his face. KIRK Let's save your friend! FADE TO: EXT. FREE HEALTH CLINIC - NIGHT Title Card: "Saturday, 11:59 p.m." Stacy is sitting on a bench just outside of the clinic. She is deep in thought. A green VAN pulls up in front and Dr. Amy Millsaps jumps out. MILLSAPS Thanks for the ride, Mark. The Van pulls away. Millsaps shuffles through her purse and is about to go before she notices Stacy. MILLSAPS Are you okay? STACY ...Yeah. I'm fine. Beat. MILLSAPS You know it' cold. Maybe you should come in. STACY I was going to come in, I was just thinking. Beat. MILLSAPS Did you come for a test or are you waiting for someone? STACY Actually I came to get an HIV test. MILLSAPS Oh. Well if you want I can give you the test. I'm a doctor in there. (holds out hand) Amy Millsaps. STACY (shaking hand) Stacy Cifaretto. Beat. STACY That'd be good., how long before I can get the results? MILLSAPS Well we normally get the results back to the patients two days after we administer the tests. STACY Is it possible to get results quicker then that? MILLSAPS Well, if we gave you the test now you could get the results in say six hours or so, but I don't know if you want to wait around here for that long of time. STACY I don't mind. Millsaps gives Stacy an odd look, but can see that Stacy is serious. MILLSAPS All right, Ms. Cifaretto. If you'll just follow me. Stacy stands. Millsaps notices that Stacy isn't smiling. MILLSAPS Remember to keep smiling. Stacy is caught completely off guard. STACY Why? MILLSAPS Well someone once told me it makes people wonder what you're up to. Stacy smiles, and Millsaps leads her in. CUT TO: INT. MOVIE THEATER - NIGHT TITLE CARD: "Saturday, 11:43 p.m." Will, Joel, Brock and Brian have just sat down and are waiting for the movie to start. WILL For opening night this place isn't very full. JOEL That's because this is Batman, its not a historic event like Star Wars was. BROCK Yeah, they needed how many theaters for the midnight showing? BRIAN Three. WILL And how long did you wait in line? BRIAN 2 hours 17 minutes. WILL And how big a star wars geek are you? Brian stretches out his arms as far as they will go. BRIAN This much. JOEL How much longer till the movie starts? BROCK Let me see here... Brock pulls out a pocket watch. BROCK (CONT'D) About 15 minuets I'd say. JOEL God your old fashioned. BRIAN Too bad bowling isn't old fashioned. BROCK Hey, I said shut up about that! BRIAN Your just mad because you're the only one who couldn't break 50. BROCK Shut up, I told you that lane was leaning to one side. BRIAN Sounds like a lousy excuse to me. WILL Do you think their in the right theater? Will points to an elderly couple have taken a seat. BROCK Why would they want to see Batman? BRIAN Duh, their the first generation of Batman faith fulls. BROCK I guess. The lights dim, the movie starts. BRIAN Shut up, no talking! After a short moment of silence Will leans over to Joel. WILL Give me some of you gummy worms. BRIAN I said no talking, you dare disrespect Batman!? WILL You should know better than that considering what kind of dirt I have on you. BRIAN Do your worst. Brian starts drinking from a large soda. WILL Brandon Brim was your first kiss. Brock and Joel break out laughing while Brian drops his drink, spilling it everywhere. WHITE FADE: INT. VANDELE DINING ROOM - EARLIER Title card: "Saturday 10:57 P.M." The room is very dark with only the hanging light illuminating the Risk board and all those who sit around it. Reicther, Casey and Chris are gathered around the Risk board, no one moves anything, they all appear to be deep in thought. Chris glares at Casey, who glares at Reicther who glares at Chris. Suddenly a door flings open and the main light is switched on. WILL Hey guys get ready to go, were going to see Batman at the old time theatre. CASEY Count me out. Reicther and Chris nod in agreement. WILL What? Your not going? CHRIS Righto. WILL But you guys spent 5 extra bucks for the advance tickets and your not even going to use them? REICTHER Nope. WILL Its that game, its evil its like swallowing your souls. Casey glares up at Will. They're dark circles under his eyes. CASEY Take that back! Will stumbles back surprised. WILL Dude, your eyes! CASEY Shut up and leave! WILL A-alright, I'm gone. CASEY Shut off the light. Will flicks the light switch and starts to close the door. CHRIS Gently! Will closes the door softly and we can hear him walk away. CUT TO: INT. VANDELE LIVING ROOM - SAME Joel, Brian and Brock are in the living room. Will enters. JOEL Are they coming? WILL No, I don't think so. BRIAN Why not? WILL They're too busy playing Risk. Joel, Brian and Brock look a little surprised. BRIAN Okay. Well, lets get going. They leave, Will is the last one out Will starts to close the door, but stops and grins. CUT TO: INT. VADNELE DINING ROOM - SAME Casey seems to be in deep thought. CASEY Alright Chris, China attacks Mongolia. We hear Will slam the front door. A curtain bar falls onto Reicther's head causing him to slam his head into the Risk board. The pieces fly everywhere. EXT. VANDELE HOUSE - SECONDS LATER Brian, Will, Joel and Brock are walking to the car. We hear an ungodly scream come from the house. BRIAN What the hell was that? JOEL I didn't hear anything. Will snickers. CUT TO: INT. VANDELE HOUSE - STACY'S ROOM - NIGHT Title Card: "Saturday 10:04 p.m." There's no one in sight. The radio is blasting Queen's "Under Pressure." Suddenly the phone begins to ring. STACY (O.S.) I got it! Stacy runs into the room and picks up her phone. STACY (into phone) Hello? (pause, surprise) Oh, my God! How are you? I never expected you to call. (pause) I'm doing fine. I'm actually leaving for college in a couple of weeks. (pause) It's in Chicago. (pause) Yeah, I know. So what's new with you? (pause) What kind of news? After this there is a very long pause. At first Stacy is carefully listening, occasionally nodding and saying "right." After a while those looks fade into a very stern and serious look. Her mouth begin to open a bit. She quickly drops the phone and covers her mouth. She slowly falls to the ground and puts her back up against a wall. Tears begin to form around her eyes. The music gets louder just as Stacy begins staring at the wall ahead of her. FADE TO: INT. BOWLING ALLEY - NIGHT Title Card: "Saturday 9:43 P.M." We focus on bowling pins all set up, suddenly a bowling ball crashes into them sending them everywhere. As all the pins fall down we see that one is still standing. The camera pans to see Will at the end of the lane, Brian, Joel and Brock are behind him. We zoom in on the group. WILL Damnit! I always miss that one pin! We see Joel is wrapping his feet in toilet paper. JOEL (still wrapping) Stop whining. At least you got the other 9. And its only the first frame. Will walks back to take a seat. WILL Yeah, but you don't understand, I always miss that one. Brock moves up to take his turn. BROCK Stop bitching, at least you can hit the pins. Brock steps up to the lane. Brock bowls, the ball seems to be going dead on, but as it nears the pins it swerves to the left into the gutter. BROCK Damn it all to hell!! We see that there is a little girl in the lane next to them, she looks like she's about to cry. BROCK Oh, like you haven't heard it before! WILL Calm down dude, we've just started. You'll find your groove. JOEL Alright Brian, your up I don't think it will be too hard to beat your first frame of zero. Brian gets up to bowl. BRIAN I told you I haven't done this in a long time. I have to get the rhythm. JOEL Yeah right, whatever you say buddy. Brian bowls and gets a strike. JOEL I think I'll just shut up now. Brian walks back to a table where Will and Brock are sitting. Joel finishes wrapping his feet in toilet paper. WILL How's that working for you Joel? JOEL Just fine, although I bet socks would do a whole lot better. Joel starts to bowl. BROCK So do you think they really won't let us in Wal-Mart again? WILL Who cares? I'm more of a K-mart man. Joel walks back after he takes his first shot. JOEL What did you guys do anyway? BRIAN Well... Brian stops and seems to be trying to think. He looks at Will who also seems to be thinking. WILL Oh my god, we didn't do anything! There is a short pause. Joel and Brock eye Will and Brian. BRIAN Well, nothing 'banned from the store' worthy. FADE TO: INT. WAL-MART PARKING LOT - EVENING Title Card: "Saturday, 8:36 P.M." Will, Joel, Brock and Brian are walking into the store. JOEL Why are we here again? WILL We're hear to buy a light saber. JOEL But Brian already has a light saber. BRIAN Yes but it takes to light sabers to duel. The guys enter the store and look around, the store in huge. WILL Now, where would the toy section be? BROCK I think the place where the bikes are hanging from the ceiling would be a good start. WILL One would think. They start off in the direction of the toys, Joel stops. JOEL You guys go ahead, I'm going to go buy some socks. Joel points to his feet, he has sandals on with no socks. WILL Socks, why? JOEL Because I don't have socks and we're going bowling later, which means we have to rent shoes and I have to wear socks. BRIAN You could just go barefoot in the shoes, they don't care. JOEL Yes but I do! WILL Wait don't you remember that one time - FADE TO: INT. PARK - DAY (FLASHBACK) Will and Joel are walking and talking. JOEL So I said to him- Joel stops walking and looks down, we pan down to see that he has just stepped in dog poop bare foot. WILL That's disgusting. Joel just shrugs his shoulders and wipes his foot in the Grass. JOEL As I was saying- CUT TO: INT. WAL-MART - SAME Back to present. JOEL That's different. Bowling shoes are a breeding ground for all kinds of germs! WILL And a dog's ass isn't? Beat. JOEL I won't dignify that with a response. Joel heads off. INT. TOY AISLE - SECONDS LATER Will, Brian and Brock and are starting at the Star Wars toys. WILL I don't believe it. They don't have a god-damned light saber. BRIAN I find it ironic how all they have is Chewie's blaster. BROCK Well, technically they do, but those are the cheap kind that are just colored plastic cones over a flashlight and only extend 2 feet and don't even come in a box. WILL Fuck that, that's no light saber. I want one that makes sound and shit! BROCK They might have those light sabers somewhere else. WILL Good idea Brock, you go look that way. We'll look this way. Brock leaves. BRIAN We're not going to look are we? WILL Hell no. Will grabs a cheap light saber. WILL En guard, bitch. Brian grabs a light saber and they start fighting in the aisle. They fight for a few seconds before a Wal-Mart EMPLOYEE breaks it up. EMPLOYEE Cut it out, no fighting in the store! WILL But we weren't really fighting. GIRL I don't care cut it out! BRIAN Fine. Will and Brian put the toys on the shelf and start to walk away. GIRL Put them back where you found them. Will and Brian eye each other, then slowly move and put the light sabers back on the hook. The girl turns and walks away. She turns a corner. Will and Brian start walking. WILL What a bitch. BRIAN Yeah, she was talking to us like we were little kids. Brian stops and picks up a toy revolver. Will now has his back to Brian. BRIAN Reach for the sky ya rat bastard! Will turns around and we see that he's holding a toy shotgun. BRIAN Oh crap. INT. ANOTHER TOY AISLE - SAME Brock is standing in front of a light saber display. BROCK Here they are. VOICE (O.S.) (over a p.a. system) Security check on section E, security check on section E. Brock looks around and sees Section E clearly marked on the wall. Brock sighs BROCK Why do I feel that Will and Brian had something to do with this? CUT TO: INT. TOY AISLE - SAME Will and Brian are still playing with the toy guns. VOICE (O.S.) (over a p.a. system) Security check on section E, security check on section E. WILL Did that voice sound familiar to you? BRIAN Look. Brian points to a wall labeled Section E. WILL Oh, damn it. Well Brian, I think its time to go. Will and Brian up down the toys and start walking down an aisle. They turn a corner and see the girl from before talking to a security guard. The girl sees Will and Brian and points at them. The security guard turns and starts walking towards the two. WILL Lets evade the law! BRIAN Sounds like fun! Will and Brian run away. The guard starts running also. CUT TO: INT. ANOTHER TOY AISLE - SAME Brock is examining a box. At the end of the aisle Will and Brian suddenly turn a corner, and continue running down the aisle. BROCK Will I found - WILL Less talky, more runny. Will and Brian run by. Brock looks confused, he turns to see a security guard walking down the aisle. We zoom in on Brocks face, he closes his eyes. BROCK (V/O) Okay, just stay calm and he won't know your with them. Brock opens his eyes and we zoom out, we see he's running and has already caught up to Will and Brian. BROCK Oh damn it! INT. DIFFERENT AISLE - SAME Joel has two packages of socks in his hand. One says "Athlete" the other says "Construction Crew." He seems to be having a hard time deciding. JOEL "Athletes" run a lot, so they must have good socks. But construction workers lift heavy stuff, so they must have good socks too. But, which has the better sock? Joel looks around. JOEL I wonder where the fitting rooms are? At the end of the aisle we see Will, Brian and Brock run by. Joel doesn't notice. CUT TO: INT. DIFFERENT AISLE - SAME Will, Brian, and Brock have just turned a corner into an aisle. They are all out of breath. WILL I think, we lost him. Will looks around the corner. We see the Guard looking in the opposite direction scratching his head. WILL Oh damn it! BRIAN Maybe we could just avoid him altogether and leave. WILL Great plan but he's blocking the way to the exit. BRIAN Hey, I've contributed my share. It's someone else's turn. BROCK Oh my God. WILL What? BROCK Its just like Metal Gear Solid. the guard armed to the teeth guarding the only escape while we try to escape naked and unequipped... WILL (to Brian) What the hell is he talking about? BRIAN A video game apparently. WILL Figures. BROCK Follow me. Brock slowly sneaks out of the aisle, careful not to make a sound to alert the guard. Will and Brian hesitate, but then begin to follow Brock as well. INT. DRESSING ROOM - SAME Joel is trying on the socks, on his left foot is the construction crew sock, on the right is the Athlete sock. JOEL (to himself) The crew sock is much more sturdy and supportive, but the athletic sock is flexy and puts a spring in my step, its also much cooler than the crew sock... Joel looks at his feet seeming unable to make up his mind. JOEL I wonder what it would be like if I wore a crew and athlete sock on each foot... Joel starts to put on more socks. INT. AISLE - SAME The three are now directly behind the guard and are still undiscovered. The three slowly sneak their way past the guard who doesn't suspect a thing. They appear to be in the clear, when suddenly Brock sneezes. The Guard turns quickly and sees the three. WILL Okay, so what happened in that game when the guard caught you? Will turns to see Brian and Brock already running. WILL Oh damn it! Will starts running after them. INT. DRESSING ROOM - SAME Joel has just walked out of the dressing room. We see Brian, Will and Brock all running through the store, after they disappear around a corner, we see the guard chasing after them. JOEL That's interesting. INT. WAL-MART PARKING LOT - LATER We see Joel walking with a Wal-Mart bag in his hand. He gets in a car, we see that it is Will's. JOEL So, are you guys banned from the store or what? BRIAN Yeah, we would gotten away but they locked down the automatic doors so we couldn't get out. Joel nods his head. JOEL Well, at least you'll have an interesting story to tell your grand children some day. WILL I'm looking forward to it. Will starts the car and we see it start to move off. WILL What fucking took you so long? JOEL I had to pay for my socks, oddly enough that didn't get me chased by security. We see the bag Joel was carrying thrown out the window. JOEL (O.S.) My socks! FADE TO: INT. VANDELE DINING ROOM - EARLY EVENING Title card reads "Saturday 7:57 p.m." We see that Chris, Reicther, Casey and Brian are all crowded around the board. CASEY Brian, the Western US attacks the Eastern US. BRIAN You bastard we had an agreement! CASEY Don't you know? I'm a dick, I don't make alliances with anyone. Now roll bitch. Will pops his head in. WILL Hey, Brian. Some guy named Brandon Brim is at the door. Brian gets up and begins to leave. CASEY Hey what about our game! BRIAN Fuck it. Game over. And since it's my house I win. He leaves. CHRIS At least he didn't put you through a wall this time. CUT TO: INT. BRIAN'S LIVING ROOM - SAME Brian enters and heads for the front door. Will, Joel, and Brock are sitting around the couch. Joel has a pad of paper and a pen. Brian opens the door to reveal BRANDON BRIM. BRANDON Hey man. BRIAN Hey. WILL Well, Brian. Aren't you going to introduce us. Without saying a word, he steps outside and slams the door. WILL Jeez. Will turns back to Joel and Brock. WILL I need of a change of scenery, lets go do something. BROCK Funny you should ask, we've been making a list. Brock hands Will a piece of paper, Will looks over it. In the background with can see through the front window, Brian standing talking to Brandon. Brandon is explaining something in detail with a piece of paper in his hand. WILL Buy light saber to light saber duel...Go bowling...That's a short list. JOEL It was all we could come up with... From this point on we focus on Brian and Brandon. Brandon is still showing him the paper. WILL (O.S.) Well, guess what film classic is playing at the old time theater. JOEL (O.S.) What classic? WILL (O.S.) The original 1966 Batman movie with Adam West. Suddenly Brian looks really excited and begins to explain something to Brandon. Brandon laughs. JOEL (O.S.) You really want to see that? WILL (O.S.) Well, it's that or "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure." BROCK (O.S.) Oh God, not that movie. WILL (O.S.) What do you have against Pee-Wee Herman damn it! Brandon pulls out of his pocket, what appears to be Concert tickets. Brian is extremely happy. He jumps up and down a bit. He quickly gives Brandon a massive bear hug followed by a quick KISS on the forehead. THE CAMERA PULLS BACK until we can see Joel, Will, and Brock again. BROCK He's just too weird for me. WILL Trust me Brock. Nothing's too weird for you. JOEL I like the idea of seeing Batman then Pee-Wee. Outside the window. Brandon pats Brian on the back and departs. Brian kinda of looks a bit off. He enters the house. JOEL Me and Brock will go call the theatre and get tickets. Joel and Brock get up and leave the room. Brian comes over and flops on the armchair. WILL So what did old Brandon want? Beat. Brian is about to say something, but considers it. BRIAN Can you keep a secret? FADE OUT. (Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb" plays over the credits.) END OF EPISODE
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