This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE LUNCHROOM Episode Fifteen "Writing Wrongs" Written by Bruce Snyder & Edward Drogos Created by Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Vincent Biga EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Edward Drogos STORY EDITOR Rebecca Parker CONSULTING PRODUCER Max Majernik CAST LIST Will Cooper................................. Joel Mayberry............................... Brian Vandele............................... Brock Warner................................ Reicther.................................... Casey Jennings.............................. Chris Hughes................................ Ellen Conner................................ Cathy Matthews.............................. Mr. John Parker............................. GUEST CAST LIST Ms. Diane Ballard........................... Kate Davidson............................... Dr. Peter Dorian............................ Lois Warner................................. Anne Baxter................................. Copyright © Bruce Snyder TEASER: FADE IN: INT. SCHOOL - HALLWAY - DAY WILL COOPER and ELLEN CONNER turn the corner, and walk down the hallway. They seem to be in the middle of an argument. WILL C'mon! Why won't you watch it? ELLEN Because it's a fucking prequel that's why! WILL "Batman Begins" is not a prequel, it's...more of a reboot. ELLEN No, it's a prequel. WILL So what if it is! What's your problem with prequels anyway? ELLEN Because they're stupid! If this Batman story was so good, why didn't they make this the first Batman movie, instead of the Tim Burton one? Will struggles to reply. ELLEN If you have a good story to tell before the main one, then tell it first! Don't wait until a later date to tell it! Beat. WILL Next you're going to tell me "The Flintstones" prequel was bad. ELLEN Don't even get me started on Stephen Baldwin as Barney. They turn the corner. CUT TO: INT. WARNER HOME - BROCK'S ROOM - SAME Brock is lying on his bed, with a bathrobe on. Next to him on the nightstand is a bowl of tomato soup. It appears that Brock has stayed home sick today. Brock is quietly sleeping. Suddenly there is a POUNDING sound coming from his wall. It continues for a few seconds before Brock finally starts to wake up. Dazed, Brock looks around confused. BROCK What the...? The pounding intensifies. Suddenly...BOOM. A samurai sword which was hanging from the wall has fallen off and hit Brock in the head. BROCK Ow! Brock, frustrated, gets up and leaves the room. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL - HALLWAY - SAME Will and Ellen are walking down the hallway. WILL What do we have to see Ms. Ballard for? ELLEN She wants us to get fitted for our costumes. WILL (fake excitement) I just can't wait! ELLEN Oh come on. You know you want to dress up like a hairy Hungarian. WILL Please Ellen. Even Hungarians don't want to look like Hungarians. She giggles. They reach the door. CUT TO: INT. WARNER HOUSE - HALLWAY - SAME Brock walks up to his mom's room, where we can hear where the loud pounding is coming from. Brock knocks a little. BROCK Mom? No response except for more pounding. He reaches for the handle. CUT TO: SPLIT SCREEN: On the left side of the screen we see Will and Ellen and on the right it's Brock. Ellen and Brock both reach for door handles at the same time and open them. When both doors are opened we hear moaning and groaning. All three characters look absolutely terrified at what they're seeing. Will and Ellen scream and cover their eyes. Brock doesn't move from his position. Almost like he's catatonic. The moans stop and we even hear an "Oh Jesus" coming from one of them. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL - HALLWAY - SAME Will and Ellen are running down the hallway, screaming. Suddenly MR. JOHN PARKER emerges from the classroom, with his pants around his ankles, chasing after the two. PARKER Conner! Cooper! Get back here! He falls onto his face. SMASH CUT TO: OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. AFTER CREDITS: FADE IN: INT. SCHOOL - COMPUTER CLASS - LATER THAT DAY BRIAN VANDELE sits at his computer station in his computer class. Brian has AIM open, and sends a chat invitation to CASEY JENNINGS. Casey AIM's back: "What?" The screen splits into two, showing Casey also at a computer. Brian: "I want to show you something." Casey: "Again, what?" Reicther signs on and the screen splits into three showing them all sitting in front of computers. Reicther: "What are you two doing?" Brian: "I want to show you two something." REICTHER I'm sitting right next to you. The three screens merges into one to show that Brian, Casey and Reicther are sitting next to each other in their computer class. REICTHER (CONT'D) And to be honest, I've already seen enough of you in gym class. BRIAN Look at this site. CASEY Yeah, I've been there before. Those pictures aren't real, I mean you can tell by her - BRIAN (overlapping) No, look it's a novel site. They have hundreds of novels that people wrote and posted on here. REICTHER God, aren't the libraries filled with enough books? Do you really need more on the internet? BRIAN Well you can post your work in progress and people can comment on it. CASEY So are you going to put your fantasy book thing on it? BRIAN It's called "Demon of Truth: The Chronicles of Haven" and it is an epic science-fantasy novel...and I think I will. It might help to get some constructive criticism on it. REICTHER So what I said about it means nothing? BRIAN You never read it. I gave you a copy but you wanted to see if you could cover your whole entire room with paper shredding. Reicther smiles. REICTHER That was a good day. BRIAN (CONT'D) Look, there are like 1000 members on it. Where else can I get 1000 people to read my work and comment on it? CASEY Sounds cool. BRIAN I think I will do it. REICTHER Okay, now that picture has to be real. Brian and Casey lean over to Reicther's computer and look at the screen. CUT TO: INT. PARKER'S ROOM - LATER Will and Ellen are sitting in two desks. Ellen is biting her nails, while Will is rocking himself back and forth. Both seem to be very upset by what they saw earlier. Across from them, sit Parker and MS. DIANE BALLARD who also sit in desks. Both Parker and Ballard seem to be messy, as their hair is a bit frizzed and some of their clothes are unbuttoned. PARKER I understand you kids might be... well, a bit upset by what you saw. ELLEN Mr. Obvious over here. BALLARD Now, by all means, we do not accept behavior like this. I hope we haven't encouraged you to do something like this. WILL Encouraged!? Lady I think you guys reversed puberty for me. My balls have actually receded back up inside of me. PARKER Again, sorry you had to see that. ELLEN Well I just hope I can have a body as good as yours when I'm in my forties. BALLARD (offended) I'm only thirty five. ELLEN (embarrassed) Well it certainly doesn't show. Beat. WILL Why would you guys do that? In the middle of the day, no less? Beat. PARKER I accidentally fell into her. Ballard smacks him. PARKER Fine! We did it because we both have a free period together. WILL This is just too much. C'mon, Ellen lets go. Will and Ellen both stand and head for the door. BALLARD Where are you two going? ELLEN In sports terms, I think they call it "walking it off." WILL Man, the guys are never going to believe this. Parker and Ballard shoot each other worried looks. PARKER Wait! What do you mean by that, Cooper? Will and Ellen stop at the door and turn back to them. WILL It's just that my friends won't believe me when I tell them about this. BALLARD You two can't tell anyone. ELLEN Why not? PARKER Because if you tell anyone, you automatically fail high school. Ballard hits him in the arm. BALLARD I think you do better when you don't speak. PARKER Well if you would stop being so condescending, then everyone wins. Will realizes something. WILL Wait a minute! I know why we can't talk. ELLEN Because this was the most disturbing thing we've ever seen and not talking about it will help us forget? WILL They'll lose their jobs! PARKER Hey, Cooper caught on. Diane, call Ripley's because he ain't going to believe this. WILL (greatly confused) Ripley? ELLEN So it's true? BALLARD Yes. It's goes against certain school policies. ELLEN You know what this means, Will? WILL What's it mean? ELLEN The fate of their careers lies in our hands. PARKER True. I always knew that you two would play some part in me being exiled from this place. Will and Ellen smile. They seem to have an upper hand. BALLARD What if we were to give you some kind of compensation for not speaking of this...ever...ever, ever...fucking ever again? Will and Ellen seem curious. ELLEN What kind of compensation? Ballard thinks. BALLARD Um... (beat) One moment. Grabs Parker and pulls him off to the corner. BALLARD (quietly) Okay now it's time to play the game "What's My Job Worth to Me." PARKER Let me think. Low paying job with ungrateful little bastards that kill my self esteem. (beat) Wait why am I afraid of them telling? BALLARD Because if they tell we probably won't be allowed anywhere near this place again. PARKER (excited) Is that a promise? Ballard sighs. She turns back to Will and Ellen. BALLARD Well how about this. You go home tonight, sleep on it, and tomorrow tell us what you want. WILL Like what? BALLARD Whatever you want. We'll try our hardest to get. Will and Ellen seem really happy. BALLARD Deal? ELLEN You got it. She shakes hands with Ballard. The bell rings. Will and Ellen depart, talking to each other. PARKER I'd just like to point out that this is the worst idea in the history of ideas. CUT TO: INT. WARNER HOME - LIVING ROOM - MINUTES LATER Brock is sitting on the couch. His eyes and mouth are wide open. He doesn't move at all. In fact he appears to be catatonic. Across from him stands his mother, LOIS WARNER who is wearing a bathrobe. ANNE BAXTER enters the room, just putting on her T-shirt. LOIS Um...well, Brock... Beat. LOIS I'm sorry that you walked in on that. But it is a very natural and beautiful thing. In fact I have some charts somewhere to explain this. ANNE (confused) You have charts about sex? LOIS It makes sex easy to explain to the boys. Anne, a bit freaked out, leaves the room. Lois notices that her son hasn't moved or spoken. She goes over and sits next to him. LOIS Brock, honey? You okay? (beat) Sweetie? (beat) You want me to get you something to feel better? (beat) You want a coke? (beat) You wanna watch some TV? (beat) You wanna cookie? (beat) That sound good? (beat) Okay I'll go get you a cookie. Lois gets up and leaves the room. Brock continues to stare and not move a muscle. CUT TO: EXT. SCHOOL - PARKING LOT - AFTER SCHOOL CHRIS HUGHES emerges from the school. Most of the cars have left the lot. Chris seems to be looking around for someone. CHRIS (calling out) Kate? (beat) Kate! KATE (O.S.) Over here! Chris turns around and notices that Kate is up in a tree near the building. KATE Hey, Chris. CHRIS What are you doing up there? KATE Hiding out. CHRIS From who? KATE The world. Which seems to be constantly shitting on me. Chris sighs. CHRIS Come on down and let's talk about it. CUT TO: INT. CHRIS' CAR - MINUTES LATER Chris is driving while Kate is sitting in the passenger's seat. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. CHRIS What's this? KATE Application papers for Eastern Psych. Beat. CHRIS The mental institution? KATE Yep. My mom thinks I should go there. CHRIS What? Why? KATE Our family doctor, Peter Dorian, thinks I'm showing no signs of improvement so he thinks I should go back for some treatment. CHRIS I'm sorry baby. Kate seems sad. CHRIS Well, what I've learned from my time here in America is that everyone in some small way is out of their fucking minds. So you shouldn't take it so badly. KATE Yeah, I know. But I'm still depressed. I just need to find the biggest tub of cashews known to man and just go nuts. Chris shoots her a look. CHRIS That was a really bad pun, Kate. A smile comes across her face. KATE I know. They both start to laugh. CUT TO: INT. VANDELE HOME - BRIAN'S ROOM - NIGHT Brian surfs around the SimplyNovels site and goes to the REGISTER HERE page. He types in his screen name 'thebrianvandele' and a password. He clicks next and is taken to the SUBMIT YOUR NOVEL page. Brian takes out a CD from a large stack on his desk, puts it into the computer and selects "Demon of Truth: Chapters 1-13 on the screen and uploads it to the site. He selects that it is a 'work in progress' and clicks next and now has to enter in a short synopsis of his novel. BRIAN (talking as he types) John Dawson, an, an average transfer student from the Midwest in China discovers the fulfillment of his destiny as well as the details of his quest to save the world from the evil Lord Haven... (he reads it over to himself again) Perfect. Brian clicks next and is taken to the comment forum for "Demon of Truth: The Chronicles of Haven" by Brian Vandele. BRIAN (CONT'D) Cool. He goes to the main page where he sees that there are 8 members currently online. He looks at the clock, it's just after 10 P. M. BRIAN (CONT'D) I'll give them a couple of hours, it's a pretty long story. Brian gets up and goes to his bed. He picks up the alarm clock and sets it. He turns off the light and lays down. FADE TO: INT. VANDELE HOME - BRIAN'S ROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT It is 11:59 P. M. and after a second the clock turns to Midnight and the alarm goes off. Brian immediately gets up and goes over to the computer. He logs on to SimplyNovels and looks for his novel. His thread is halfway down the TOP 25 LIST with 7 views but no comments. Brian looks confused for a second, and then goes back to bed. He sets his alarm again and lays back down. FADE TO: INT. VANDELE HOME - BRIAN'S ROOM - LATER The alarm clock goes off at 2 A. M. Brian hits the snooze as he slowly gets up and walks over to the computer. He hits refresh and the "Demon of Truth" thread now has 20 views and 1 comment. Brian blinks sleepily and starts to go back to bed. But after a second he stops and runs back to the computer. He clicks on the new comment and reads it. BRIAN (reading) Hey, funny title, ha-ha LOL. He scrolls down to the end of the page, and then back to the top but there is nothing else. BRIAN (CONT'D) That's it! Brian sits there, thinking what to do. BRIAN (CONT'D) (to himself, as he types) Hey, thanks! The title is something that I'm working on. I could change it at any time to make it fit with the story better...I know I posted a big chunk of the novel, so I understand it may take a while to work through it... So, I look forward to hearing your feedback. He posts it and sits back in his chair. CUT TO: INT. LUNCHROOM - NEXT DAY Brock is sitting in a chair just staring ahead. He doesn't move at all. Joel, Casey, and Reicther are studying him, seemingly surprised by this new Brock. JOEL So he just...doesn't move? CASEY Yeah. He came in this morning and was whispering "My God. My God. Someone poke my eyes out." JOEL Wow. Must have seen something horrible. Suddenly, with no reason, Reicther slaps Brock in the face. CASEY What the hell did you do that for? REICTHER Come on. It's me...Reicther. Personally I'd be surprised if I didn't do that. JOEL Good point. Will enters with a notebook and devilish smile. CLOSE UP ON LIST: It reads "Things I Want." While we can't make out a lot of things on the list we can clearly see that two of the things are "Ashton Kutcher Dead" and "Halle Berry." Reicther takes notice. REICTHER What's that? WILL A list. REICTHER What kind of list? WILL Can't tell. Reicther and Joel look at each other. JOEL A nerdy misfit making a suspicious list. I'm sure people won't take notice. REICTHER I wouldn’t start worrying yet. Will hasn't invested much in his trenchcoat collection. CASEY A Columbine joke? Really? After a second, Chris enters and sits down. CHRIS Guys, I need you to be honest with me. CASEY Um, okay. Your accent freaks me out. JOEL You apologize way too much. WILL You don't say enough British slang. Call it a 'loo' for Christ's sakes! Long pause. Everyone waits for Reicther. REICTHER Oh my God! I've got nothing. Shock comes to the faces of the others. REICTHER I'm just as concerned as you guys. CHRIS Not about me. It's about Kate. WILL Oh she's a great girl. Pretty. Funny. CHRIS Do you guys...think she's crazy? WILL (overlapping) Oh fuck yes! JOEL (overlapping) She's crazy! CASEY (overlapping) She's nuttier then squirrel shit. Again they all wait for Reicther who again says nothing. REICTHER Oh my God! What's wrong with me today! Chris seems a bit surprised. CHRIS You guys really think that? JOEL Chris, how many times has she endangered your life? Beat. CHRIS Only once or twice... (quietly) ...or a dozen. WILL How many stitches have you gotten since you started dating her? CHRIS Only four. To be fair one of those times wasn't because she was crazy. WILL Really? CHRIS Yeah. It was because she took too many pills and fell asleep at the wheel. Will, Chris, and Casey give him a look. Reicther seems concerned about something else. REICHTER (to himself) I'm losing my touch. CASEY What brought this on, Chris? CHRIS Kate's mom wants to send her to a mental institution. WILL No offense but that sounds like a good idea. CHRIS (offended) How is that a good idea? Brian comes in and sits down. BRIAN Guys, I feel down. JOEL Brian, can it wait? Chris is having a bit of a problem. BRIAN So am I! No one is reading my book. CASEY Maybe it's because it sucks. Reicther hits Casey. REICTHER STOP STEALING MY THUNDER! CHRIS Seriously Brian, I need their help more then you. BRIAN I've been here longer, Frenchy. CHRIS (slightly confused) I'm British, you twat. BRIAN British, French. They all smell bad in the end. The bell rings. Brian and Chris seems disappointed. JOEL Well, look at that. You both have unsolved problems now. Brian and Chris mutter something under their breathes. The Gang starts to depart except for Brock who doesn't move an inch. After a few seconds, Casey and Joel return. JOEL (sighing) You get the legs, I'll get the shoulders. The two go over and begin to pick Brock up. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL - COMPUTER CLASSROOM - LATER Brian runs into the classroom and to his computer. He signs on to SimplyNovels and goes over to his thread to check on it. There are 26 views, but no new messages. BRIAN What? Reicther walks up behind him. REICTHER Your novel blowing up the site? BRIAN No. No one has commented on it yet. REICTHER Oh, so I guess it just blows then. Brian has to ignore this because the rest of the class and the teacher walk in. Brian stares at the SimplyNovels home page. The flashing REGISTER HERE button catches his eye and he gets an idea. CUT TO: INT. VANDELE HOME OFFICE - LATER Brian is in the office using the other computer. He clicks the REGISTER HERE button and types in the user name 'lilscotty4784'and a password. He pauses for a minute and then clicks register. He goes to the 'Demon of Truth' thread and begins furiously typing. INT. VANDELE HOME - STAIRWAY/HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER Brian walks up the stairs and down the hall back into his bedroom. INT. VANDELE HOME - BRIAN'S ROOM - CONTINUOUS He walks over to his computer and signs on as 'thebrianvandele' and goes to his thread (now his home page.) BRIAN (he types) Well, thanks for asking. If you must know... INT. VANDELE HOME - STAIRWAY/HALLWAY - MOMENTS LATER Brian walks out of his room and down stairs and back into the office. INT. VANDELE HOME OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Brian types. BRIAN Yeah, I love a little background on such emotionally deep characters, and with such a involving story, I just wasn't sure. Thanks... He smiles and types on. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY - NEXT DAY Will and Ellen are walking down the hallway, toward Ballard's room. WILL Okay, in honor of this made a list of things we would want. ELLEN A list? Aw, you're cute. WILL We've got to be careful and pick the best thing. She grabs the list and begins to look it over. ELLEN Why is Halle Berry's name on here like five times? WILL Okay, forget the list. ELLEN Oh! Someone really likes Halle Berry. She starts poking him. WILL I do not! PARKER I can't believe we're actually doing this. BALLARD Pardon me for valuing my job. PARKER You and you're stupid need to teach. Will and Ellen appear. PARKER Well if it isn't Eva Braun and her hubby Adolf. WILL (confused) Wasn't she on "American Idol?" BALLARD Have you two decided on what you want? WILL We have a list of a few things we want. Ellen notices the ring pop. ELLEN Hey! What's that? PARKER Oh, it's some ring pop I confiscated from some freshmen. ELLEN Oh can I have it! PARKER Deal! Parker tosses it to Ellen. PARKER Pleasure doing business with you two. WILL Wait, what?! We didn't make any requests yet! BALLARD Technically Ellen did. She requested the ring pop. PARKER My colleague here is right. We said any one thing you wanted. Ellen said ring pop. She got. Deal is done. Will looks extremely pissed off. Ellen looks embarrassed. The bell rings. BALLARD Oh, that's the bell you kids better get to class. Will and Ellen begin walk away. Will seems disappointed and shots Ellen a very angry look. ELLEN Wanna lick my ring pop? Will doesn't respond and just keeps walking. CUT TO: EXT. STORE - LATER THAT NIGHT Chris's car pulls up into one of the spaces. CUT TO: INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS Chris is looking for change, while Kate sits in the passenger seat. She looks a little tired. CHRIS I'm going in for a cream soda. KATE Can you get me some candy? CHRIS Sure. Chris leaves the car. CUT TO: EXT. STORE - FIVE MINUTES LATER Chris walks out of the store, deep in thought. He walks over and enters his car. CUT TO: INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS Chris settles himself in his seat. Kate has fallen asleep and lies her head against the window. CHRIS You know, I never could grasp it. What's the difference between butter and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter? When I tasted it inside they were exactly alike. Anyway here's a Milky Way Bar. He notices that she's sleeping. CHRIS Kate? (beat) I get her a candy bar and she goes to sleep. Pushes her and her wrists show, she’s slit them. CHRIS Oh shit...this isn't good. CUT TO: INT. ER - MINUTES LATER Everything is seems unusually quiet. There are some doctors checking their charts and some nurses are filling out paper work. Then all of a sudden Chris BREAKS through the door carrying Kate. Blood is now POURING from her arms. CHRIS Help me! I need a doctor! Some doctors and nurses rush over. DOCTOR #1 Quick! Someone get room one ready! The doctors grab her and begin running down the hallway. Chris tries to keep up. DOCTOR #2 What happened to her?! CHRIS Um...she fell. DOCTOR #1 On to what? A wild wolverine? DOCTOR #2 Stay here son. We'll take care of her. Chris stops and as the Doctors take her into Intensive Care. He watches until he they are completely out of sight. CUT TO: INT. BRIAN'S CAR - NEXT DAY Brian is driving Casey home. CASEY How is your pretending to be someone else and lying going to get you popular? BRIAN It is amazing! Look, see this way, I can get interest. If I can keep it in the top 10 threads then people will think it's really popular and read it. (beat) It's self promotion. CASEY It's misleading you audience. BRIAN Well, when I receive the Nobel Prize for Writing, I'll be sure to forget to thank you. CASEY There is no Nobel Prize for Writing, but when you get sued for plagiarism, I'll be sure not to bail you out. Brian pulls up to Casey's house, and Casey is about to get out. BRIAN Hey. CASEY What? BRIAN Do you think I'm a good writer? CASEY (after a moment) Yes Brian...You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you. Casey slams the door closed leaving Brian. CUT TO: INT. VANDELE HOME- BRIAN'S ROOM - LATER Brian signs on to Simply Novels. On the screen, Brian sees that he has 5 new posts on this book thread. BRIAN God damn it, people do like me. He clicks on the thread and begins to read. His face changes from expectant to very worried as he reads on. BRIAN (CONT'D) Oh crap. (he begins to type) Whoa, wait a minute guys. I don't know how you got this idea that I'm posting as someone else. It's just a coincidence that Scotty posts 90 seconds after I do...nothing more than that. I've never met this Scabby, or whatever, guy before... (pause) But, I hope all this confusion doesn't deter anyone from reading my novel. I'll have the rest up in a few days. He posts this and gets up about to leave the room. He stops in the door frame and checks his watch. He sighs and waits, watching the time on his watch. INT. VANDELE HOME OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Brian talks to himself as he types. BRIAN Wow, I wasn't expecting that this afternoon. I guess that since Brian and I are the same age, our posts could be confused as coming from the same person, but I've never met Brian before. I live in Australia, and by the way, I can't wait for the next chapters! G'Night, mate! Brian posts this and sits back looking a little worried. CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - LATER Chris waits outside Kate's room. Suddenly a young man in his mid-thirties with short brown approaches. This is DR. PETER DORIAN. DORIAN Is this Kate Davidson's room? CHRIS Yes. DORIAN I'm Peter Dorian. I'm Kate's psychiatrist. CHRIS I'm her boyfriend, Chris. They shake hands. DORIAN You want to tell me why she tried to kill herself last night? CHRIS Suicide? She didn't try to commit suicide. DORIAN Really? CHRIS Yeah. She just, uh...tripped. DORIAN Tripped? CHRIS Yeah...onto some knives. Beat. DORIAN So let me get this straight she got self inflicted slash wounds because she accidentally tripped in your car? CHRIS Right on the nose, doc. Dorian gives him a look. CHRIS What? I don't see any plot holes in that. DORIAN Look, I know you're trying to protect her but you just can't in this case. Sorry to tell you this but Kate is going to go to Eastern Psych. This incident just proves that she isn't making any progress towards recovery. Chris seems upset but defeated. CHRIS Yeah...I understand. DORIAN I'll start the paperwork. We'll probably take her out there by the end of next week. Chris nods and then looks into Kate's room. She's fast asleep with bandages around her arms. CUT TO: INT. VANDELE HOME - BRIAN'S ROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT It's after 10 p. m. and Brian is sitting in front of his computer. No new comments have been posted. His AIM window pops up on the screen. 'ReictherIsAGod35' wants to chat. Brian accepts. ReictherIsAGod35 : You've been outed. Brian signs off and after a moment begins typing on Simply Novels. BRIAN (typing) Alright, look. I may have tried a new and possibly deceiving way of publicizing my novel. But me and my friends thought this place would be great to get some feedback on my work, and in order to get more interest, Scotty needed to help. But now, Scotty won’t be back and I hope all this can be forgotten. He posts this. FADE TO: MUSIC MONTAGE (Five For Fighting's "Superman.") INT. SCHOOL - COMPUTER CLASSROOM - NEXT MORNING Brian walks in and goes to his usual PC. He signs on to Simply Novels and looks for his thread, but it is no longer in the top 20. He goes to the Database of Novels, but sees that his novel is no longer there either. He notices that he has two new messages in his Mailbox. He clicks on the "Read Mail" button. BRIAN (reading) In accordance of our new strict grammar policies, your last post has been deleted. "Me and my friends" is not correct grammar. (to himself) You're shitting me. (clicks on next message) Since you did not apologize for this we've had no choice but to remove your novel from the site. Reicther sits down next to him. REICTHER Hey, I saw that your novel was gone this morning, you should have just fessed up. BRIAN I did! I did! I wrote this long apology last night, but it was removed because I didn't use the proper conjunction of the superlative in the right tense or some shit. REICTHER Really? BRIAN This is McCarthyism, or sexism or grammarism or something... REICTHER So you went through all that trouble, and no one ever read your novel. Reicther pulls out his books, while Brian looks over to him getting an idea. BRIAN Hey. No one read my novel! REICTHER Yeah, I know, that sucks. BRIAN So I can resubmit it...Under a different title. REICTHER I guess. But you spend like 3 months trying to come up with that title. But, you're kind of blacklisted on that site now, aren't you... Beat. BRIAN Can I use your e-mail? Reicther rolls his eyes. FADE TO: INT. HALLWAY - MINUTES LATER Will is walking along, looking rather depressed. Ellen is walking beside him, looking guilty. ELLEN Aw, Will I'm sorry. If it makes you feel better they gave me grape flavor. And frankly grape is shit. Will simply rolls his eyes. ELLEN Come on, Will. Is there any way I can make this up to you? Will stops. His eyes get big and a devilish smile comes across his face. WILL Well, now that you mention it...I do happen to have "Batman Begins" in my locker and I know how much you've dying see that. Ellen groans. ELLEN Do I have to? WILL Sorry, Ellen. You dug your own grave. ELLEN (under breath) Fucking prequels. Will laughs. FADE TO: INT. JOEL'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - AFTER SCHOOL (HOURS LATER) Joel and Casey are sitting on the couch, with a cationic Brock in-between them. Casey is channel suffering, while Joel is looking at Brock with concern. JOEL I'm starting to get concerned. How much longer can Brock stay like this? CASEY We just need something to snap him out of it. Casey flips some more. TV VOICE (O.S.) And now for another great episode of "Full House." All of a sudden Brock snaps out of and looks around. BROCK Where am I? Joel and Casey look confused. FADE TO: INT. HOSPITAL - KATE'S ROOM - NIGHT (HOURS LATER) Kate is fast asleep on the bed. There are dozens of wires hooked up to her. Chris is sitting in the big chair next to her. He is hard at work writing something down. After a few more seconds of writing, Chris takes a deep sigh and lays the paper down on the tray next to Kate's bed. Chris slowly stands. CLOSE UP ON PAPER: It's the application for Eastern Psych. Chris has filled it out for Kate. Chris heads for the door. He takes a look at Kate before turning out the lights and leaving. FADE OUT. END OF EPISODE
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