This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE LUNCHROOM Episode One "Heaven Can Wait" Written by Bruce Snyder Created by Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Bruce Snyder EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Vincent Biga STORY EDITOR Melinda Waterman CONSULTING PRODUCER Edward Drogos CONSULTING PRODUCER Max Majernik CAST LIST Will Cooper................................. Joel Mayberry............................... Brian Vandele............................... Brock Warner................................ Reicther.................................... Casey Jennings.............................. Chris Hughes................................ Stacy Cifaretto............................. Ellen Conner................................ Cathy Phenis................................ Mr. John Parker............................. GUEST CAST LIST Ms. Diane Ballard........................... Kate Davidson............................... Arthur Winchester........................... Mr. Zimmer.................................. Nurse Roberts............................... James Kelly................................. Male Driver................................. Female Driver............................... Viper Driver................................ Copyright © Bruce Snyder TEASER Title Card: Previously On "The Lunchroom"... FADE IN: INT. VANDELE HOME - BRIAN'S ROOM - SAME Brian is standing on his bed, messing around with his ceiling fan. FADE TO: INT. BRIAN'S ROOM - LATER Brian is sitting on his bed. He is writing something on the nightstand. FADE TO: INT. BRIAN'S ROOM - LATER Brian is once again standing on his bed. This time his is hooking some wires around his neck, that are attached to his ceiling fan. FADE TO: INT. BRIAN'S ROOM - SAME Brian closes his eyes and jumps off the bed. He then starts to struggle for breath. But then, suddenly, he is slowly lowered to the ground. CLOSE UP ON THE TOP OF ROPE: The knot Brian tied it in is slowly coming undone. Brian finally reaches the ground and his breathing struggle is over. BRIAN What the hell happened? Brian looks over the rope. BRIAN GOD DAMN PIECE OF SHIT ROPE! CAN'T STAY TIED WORTH NOTHING! Brian removes the nonce from his neck. FADE TO BLACK Title Card: Tonight, on "The Lunchroom"... (SONG: The Rolling Stones - "It Won't Take Long.") FADE IN: INT. BATHROOM - DAY TITLE CARD: June. Brian is in the bathroom. He has a shaving blade I his hand. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He tries to slash his wrist but it seems stuck at the edge of his wrist. BRIAN Stupid dull blade! He tries his hardest but can't slash his wrist. Frustrated he throws the razor off to the side. FADE TO: TITLE CARD: July. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Brian is in the kitchen standing by the fridge. He looks around to see if the coast is clear. He walks over and opens the stove. He turns it on as high as possible. He takes another deep breath and sticks his head in. He waits. TIME FADE: INT. KITCHEN - HOURS LATER Brian is still on the ground with his head in the oven. He takes his head out and looks it over. BRIAN Is it broken? After a few seconds of looking it over he notices something. BRIAN ...It's electric. FADE TO: TITLE CARD: August. EXT. STREET CORNER - DAY Brian stands at the corner of a street. Their seems to be a fair amount of traffic going both ways. Brian seems to be struck with an idea. He briefly looks both ways. BRIAN Well, it's worth it. I've got nothing to lose except my life. Brian waits a second before DASHING out into the middle of the street. He quickly closes his eyes and waits for something to happen. Suddenly HORNS begins to blow as cars simply do a quick turn to avoid him. MALE DRIVER (O.S.) Why don't you get out of the street, Sponge Bob fat ass! Brian opens and sees that the cars going around him. He sighs in depression. FEMALE DRIVER (O.S.) Get out of the street you fucking lunatic! Brian lowers his head and slowly begins to walk away. Suddenly a small BLACK VIPER quickly swerves to miss Brian and CRASHES into a giant telephone poll. BRIAN (to himself) Can't even kill myself. (SONG FADES AWAY) He continues to walk away with his head down. He doesn't even seem to notice the crash. Suddenly the DRIVER of the VIPER gets out of the car. VIPER DRIVER neck. BRIAN (to himself) I can't even do the one thing Kurt Cubain did right. VIPER DRIVER HEY! Back off man! His words were poetry. Brian turns to him. BRIAN (sarcastically) Oh, yeah. Great poetry. Just like Tupac or Tim McGraw. Brian shakes his head and continues to walk away. The Viper Driver shakes his head. VIPER DRIVER Punk kids, don't know good music. He stands and watches Brian walk away. He looks down and notices something. He raises his hand to reveal that THREE of his fingers have been CUT OFF. He seems very calm and relaxed. VIPER DRIVER (calm; to himself) Hmm...should I go to the hosipital for this one? He shrugs. VIPER DRIVER This is going to be a thinker. OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. AFTER CREDITS: EXT. CENTERVILLE HIGH SCHOOL - MORNING Establishing shot. CUT TO: INT. LUNCHROOM - MORNING (BEFORE SCHOOL) BRIAN VANDELE, CHRIS HUGHES, and BROCK WARNER are sitting around a lunch table. REICTHER is sitting at the table next to them, with a flannel shirt covering him up. Chris seems to be upset by something. CHRIS But I don't understand, why is it a stereotype? Brian walks up and sits down. BRIAN Why is what a stereotype? BROCK Apparently, Chris was called gay yesterday for wearing a pink shirt. BRIAN (jokingly) Fag. Chris seems confused. CHRIS I'm a cigarette? REICTHER (to himself) Come on. CHRIS Look, wearing a pink shirt doesn't make me gay. BRIAN No, but those pants and shoes do. BROCK They're just stereotypes, Chris. REICTHER (to himself) Almost got it. BRIAN What the hell are you doing under there? REICTHER I'm seeing if life savers create a spark. JOEL MAYBERRY and WILL COOPER approach. Joel seems to be angry, while Will is wearing headphones listening to music. JOEL (to Will) You're not suppose to listen to music like that! BROCK What happened? JOEL Mr. Song and dance here decided to listen to his music this morning while driving. BRIAN What's wrong with that? JOEL - With headphones so that you can't hear outside noises. CHRIS Sounds like something Casey would do. BRIAN What's he listening to? He reaches over and picks up the CD. BRIAN "My Fair Lady", the original Broadway cast recording. BROCK Broadway, you say? CHRIS So, is that gay too? BRIAN God, have you not learned anything from living in America the last year and half? CHRIS I've learned that I can get a pizza faster then an ambulance. Brock chuckles. BROCK It's true. CHRIS It's also very weird that bank doors are wide open but their pens are chained. BRIAN That's not necessarily true. Brian rises his pen. It reads "First National Bank." CASEY JENNINGS walks up, whistling, and sits down at the table. Over his right eye is LARGE BANDAGE. CASEY Morning. As Casey begins to look over a paper everyone else stares at him. BRIAN What the hell happened to you? CASEY I was in an accident. JOEL What kind of accident? CASEY Automobile. Casey then begins to casually read the paper. Everyone seems to be waiting for the rest of the story. WILL That's it? You're not going to tell us what the hell happened? CASEY Oh, sorry. Didn't know you wanted to hear details. Everyone sighs. CASEY Well, me and my uncle Corey were out by the mall. We were coming out of the parking lot. We stopped at the stop sign. He was talking about something, I can't really remember what because the next thing I know I'm looking to my right and see a skinny, drunk, Mexican on a tiny motorcycle going 80 miles per hour. He hits my side of the car, sending his 350 pound fat, white girlfriend onto the windshield. Everyone begins to laugh. CASEY Her ass broke the piece of glass that flew and cut my eye. I have to wear bandage over my eye for a couple of weeks. BROCK Oh well. You'll be fine. As everyone continues talking to Casey, Joel looks up and notices something. We do a QUICK PAN to the LEFT and we see CATHY PHENIS all the way on the other end of the lunchroom. She smiles and waves. Joel gives her a nervous smile in return. She then signals him to come over. JOEL I'll be right back. I have to go clear something with Mrs. Campbell. Joel gets up and leaves. CUT TO: INT. EMPTY HALLWAY - MINUTES LATER Joel and Cathy are standing next to a set of lockers. Cathy has her arms wrapped tight around Joel, kissing him all over. JOEL (tries to get word in) Cat-Cathy...Wa, I - He pushes her off of him. CATHY (embarrassed) Sorry about that. I got a bit excited. JOEL Trust me, I wasn't complaining. It's just that I'm not sure you kiss me so...(searches for word) "passionately" in the hall. Remember we have a secret relationship. (nervous laughter) It's not really secret if your dry humping me in the middle of the hall. CATHY I'm sorry. JOEL It's perfectly all right. Brief pause. CATHY Can I tell my friends? JOEL (confused) What? No. Remember it's "secret." CATHY ...Oh. Brief pause. CATHY How about my family? JOEL (slowly pronounces it) Se...cret! It's not hard to understand. CATHY But what am I suppose to tell them if we go to the movies. JOEL Tell 'em your going to the movies with a friend. CATHY You want me to lie to my parents? JOEL No. I just don't want you to tell the truth. Cathy looks a bit disappointed. Joel puts his arm around her shoulder. JOEL You can tell your family. She quickly smiles. CATHY Thank you. They begin to walk away. TIME SWIPE TO: INT. MR. PARKER'S ROOM - AN HOUR LATER MR. JOHN PARKER is at the front of the room, writing on the chalk board. In the room, Brock takes very careful notes. Brian stares off at the floor. Will is watching Parker. Reicther is fighting sleep. Parker finishes Writing with "Early 1800's." When he finishes and he turns and begins to address the class. PARKER Now dozens of people didn't want to follow king Louis because he was crazy. He was very noted for stopping his carriage to talk to he trees. CLOSE UP ON REICTHER. CUT TO: INT. FORREST - DAY (REICTHER'S FANTASY) The sun is shining bright. Birds are chirping. Near the dirt road we can see KING LOUIS IX (which is Parker dressed up as old English king) standing near a tree. He has his arms crossed. He shakes his head and begins to talk to the tree. LOUIS No, no. You're not right. (pause) Okay, now your being condescending. (pause) You know, I can't talk with you. Your drunk. (pause) No, you can forget it. Louis looks shocked. LOUIS Okay...*that* was racist. SMASH CUT TO: INT. PARKER'S ROOM - SAME Reicther shakes his head a bit, snapping back into reality. Parker is in the middle of a lecture. PARKER Now when the colonists started to propose ideas for this - There's knock on his door. Parker stops and walks over to the door. He opens it to reveal MS. DIANE BALLARD. Parker's smile fades. PARKER Sorry, if I look disappointed. I just thought it was going to be someone important. BALLARD (sarcastic) Ha ha! There's that famous Parker wit. PARKER What do you want, Diane? BALLARD I got it. PARKER Got what? Ballard reaches off screen and bring into frame a giant piece of clothing with a design on it. BALLARD (happily) I got the backdrops! A big smile comes across her face. To this Parker gives her a look ands slams the door. He walks over to the front of the room. PARKER Now the colonists would gather together to get ideas on how to handle the situation - There's more knocking. This time it's constant knocking. Parker, irate, goes over to the door. He opens and closes the door as fast as possible. We hear a THUD, followed by a something heavy hitting the floor. PARKER Okay, moving on to the Civil War. CUT TO: INT. LUNCHROOM - LUNCHTIME The place is crowded with kids eating, some talking, some goofing around. At one table in the far corner we see THE GANG. Reicther and Brock are in front of Casey. He bandage is off and they are examining his wound. Will is reading from his "My Fair Lady" script. Brian and Joel are sitting. Eating and talking. (NOTE: During the scene we never see Casey's wound.) BROCK (off Casey's wound) Jesus! Reicther pokes it a bit. REICTHER Heh, it's like a blood colored sponge! Reicther pokes some more. Brock grabs Reicther's hand and stops him. WILL Hey, where's Chris? He's suppose to help do lines. JOEL Well, because he's in this thing called Peer Helping he gets next period free. So he went home for lunch. WILL Damn it! BRIAN Your getting way too worked up about this play thing. I mean who gives a fuck, it's high school drama. WILL Still, I have an important part. JOEL You're an extra. WILL I'm NOT an extra. I have a name AND lines. BRIAN Oh, yeah? How many? WILL (embarrassed) ...Three. REICTHER Does any one have tape and a piece of macaroni? I'm going to give Casey a new eyebrow. CUT TO: INT. KATE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - SAME We are focused on the TV. It's playing a rerun of "Saved by the Bell." We PAN to the LEFT to see KATE DAVIDSON lying down on the couch. She is in her robe with a blanket covering her. She giggles. KATE Oh Screech and your whacky antics. CUT TO: INT. KATE'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - SAME Chris is standing at the counter. He is preparing a sandwich for Kate. He seems to be in deep thought. CHRIS (V/O) Look at you, old boy. Here you are, spending your free period making lunch for your mentally unstable girlfriend. How did it ever come to this? Pause. CHRIS (V/O) I wonder if Kate's taken her meds. Probably not. Damn it! She can't keep doing this. I've got to talk to her about. (pause) After lunch. NO! I've got to do it now. Do what Will says and go a pair. Whatever it means. He stops what he's doing and heads out of the room. CUT TO: INT. KATE'S HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS Kate is still watching "Saved by the Bell." Chris storms in with a serious look on his face. CHRIS Kate we need to talk. Kate quickly closes her eyes and pretends to snore. CHRIS I know your not sleeping. Chris smiles as he gets an idea. CHRIS Tickle police! Chris begins to tickle her. Almost immediately she begins to laugh. CHRIS (still tickling) Are you awake now? KATE (laughing) Yes! CHRIS (still tickling) Couldn't hear ya'. KATE (laughing) YES! Chris stops tickling. After a second, Kate's smile fades away. KATE You British prick and your damn tickling. CHRIS Kate...I know you haven't been taking your meds. KATE (surprised) What...? CHRIS I saw the was filled with M&Ms. KATE That proves your full of shit! (pause) They were skittles. CHRIS (disappointed) Oh, Kate. KATE I'm sorry. I...I just...didn't...I just didn't want to take them. I don't like pills. CHRIS Why? KATE I don't know. I use to have a hard time swallowing them. I use to choke on them. Pause. Kate begins to giggle. KATE Sorry, I can't help myself. I saw that on Dawson's Creek. She begins to laugh. Chris sighs, angrily. He stands and heads for the door. CHRIS I'm out of here. KATE Wait, your leaving? CHRIS Yeah. KATE Why? CHRIS Oh I have to be home in ten minutes, gotta start my homework...oh yeah, you've lost your fucking mind. He opens the door when suddenly...BAM! Kate comes up from behind and hits Chris in the back of the head with a large book. CHRIS Kate, what the he - KATE Piece of shit! Kate whacks him a couple more times. Finally Chris is able to push her a away. The two stand and stare at each other. Chris seems to trying to say conscious. CHRIS Uh, Kate. Just wait a minute! Kate freezes. CHRIS I know what your thinking. I know that not taking your meds has - KATE Enough about the goddamn fucking meds! She reaches over and gives him a few more whacks before Chris collapse back into a shelf. Two Tea cups fall beside him. CHRIS (weak; off tea cups) Oh, the irony. Kate begins to look Chris over. Her angry slowly fades. She drops the book. She grabs her head. She begins to breath faster. KATE (distraught) Oh, my God! What have I done! CHRIS I'll tell you what you've done. You've hit with a really big book! KATE (distraught) Oh God! I can't believe I did that! Chris seems confused. Kate's anger has seemed to quickly to changed to apologetic and worrisome. CHRIS It's...It's all right. I'm okay. KATE Okay! I just beat the shit out of you with a book. CHRIS (embarrassed) Well, you didn't really beat the shit out of me. A little trickle of blood runs from the corner of Chris's mouth. KATE Oh fuck! Blood! Jesus, I can't believe I did this! CHRIS Blood? (scoffs) That's not's... (thinks) Red Kool Aid. KATE Red Kool Aid? CHRIS Yep. Just regular...thick, salty Red Kool Aid. KATE Oh, Chris! I'm so sorry. I've put you through so much. Kate reaches in and begins to hug Chris. He on the other hand continues to look baffled and a bit frightened. FADE TO: INT. TEACHER'S LOUNGE - LATER MR. ZIMMER, the Geography teacher and the school nurse, NURSE ROBERTS sit at on of the four tables in the room. Zimmer is an older guy, in his mid forties with a grayish beard. Roberts is in her late fifties, wearing thick wire frame glasses with plenty of wrinkles. Mr. Parker is standing at the coffee machine pouring himself a cup of coffee. Zimmer reads the paper, while Roberts is busying doing her nails. PARKER I don't know how I've gone this long without realizing how annoying Ballard is. ZIMMER (not looking up) Well, everyone has their "quirks" John. PARKER Quirks? You call ketchup in Macaroni and cheese quirky? Or that little eye twitching she does when she gets nervous. Parker tries to imitate it but has a hard time. He seems he has difficulty blinking just one eye. PARKER I thought I could do. But anyway, would you call those quirks? ZIMMER Yeah. ROBERTS (overlapping) The very definition. PARKER Call it whatever. All I know is that stupid Pagan whore annoys me and is going to bring down the whole musical. Ballard enters. Her and Parker exchange looks before turning their backs on each other. BALLARD John. PARKER Diane. Zimmer and Roberts smile. ROBERTS (quietly) Oh this is going to be good. PARKER How's class? BALLARD Good. PARKER That's good. BALLARD Indeed. ROBERTS (quietly) Parker is going to rip her a new one. ZIMMER (quietly) Hey, Ballard can get him. Pause. [The next dialogue exchange is very quick.] BALLARD I wanna change a scene. PARKER You would. BALLARD Because I had an idea. PARKER All by yourself? BALLARD (fake laughter) HA, HA. Listen to everyone laugh. PARKER Which scene? BALLARD The garden scene. PARKER ...Garden scene? BALLARD Yep. PARKER B-But...that's my favorite scene. BALLARD Yeah, but it drags on. Stevens all ready okayed it. Zimmer and Roberts seems stunned. Ballard turns and gives him an evil smile before leaving the room. PARKER (loud) Don't let the door hit you where the good lord split ya'! He stands there, while Zimmer stands up and goes over to Parker. ZIMMER (imitating sports announcer) And with the game over Ballard easily beats Parker by a landslide. PARKER Oh, go download some more kiddy porn, Zim. Zimmer is left speechless. Parker leaves the room. Zimmer turns around and sees that Roberts is giving him a look. ZIMMER What? They're "barely legal." FADE TO: INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - LATER CLOSE UP ON CLOCK: It hits three O'clock which is followed by a bell. FADE TO: EXT. AUDITORIUM - AFTER SCHOOL Will walks in from a hallway. He is whistling and looking over his script again. He looks up and immediately stops whistling. ELLEN CONNER is standing near the doorway. He smiles. She looks over and notices him. ELLEN Hello there, stranger. WILL Hello. ELLEN What's your name again? WILL Will. Will Cooper. ELLEN What are you doing for this little production? Sound, make-up? WILL Actually I'm playing the black ambassador. ELLEN Once again I praise Mr. Parker for his fine casting decisions. (sarcastic) It must be impossible to find a black person. WILL (sarcastic) Especially a black actor. There's only like four in the whole world. ELLEN Oh, do I detect a bit of sarcasm? WILL (sarcastic) Was I being too obvious? ELLEN I like how it's one sarcastic remark after another. WILL You want me to stop? ELLEN Pretty please with sprinkles on top. After giving each other looks, the auditorium doors open and Ballard sticks her head out. BALLARD Sorry it took so long. Ballard opens the door. WILL (to Ellen) After you. Ellen enters followed by Will. As Ballard props the door open, Parker turns the corner. BALLARD Ah, John. PARKER Eep. Parker sighs and begins to walk in before Ballard stops him. BALLARD John, wait. Parker turns to her. BALLARD Look, I know we haven't got along so far. PARKER (scoffs) No shi - Ballard places her index finger on his lips, signaling him to be quiet. BALLARD Please, John. Your snarling sarcastic remarks only go so far. John silences himself. BALLARD Look...we both hate each other. T here's really no way around. We can try some cliché way to form a bond like they do on sitcoms but, come on. Nothing's really going to help us. PARKER Good point. BALLARD I say forget the trying to friends part, but we should at least try to do this musical together. Parker stands their, conflicted. After a few seconds of thinking he finally gives in. PARKER Fine. Ballard pats him on the back. BALLARD Okay, good. The two begin to walk in. Ballard takes her hand off his shoulder to reveal she has put a sign on his back that reads: "I hate Black People.." CUT TO: INT. BRIAN'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - SAME Brian is standing over the sink. In his hand is a large butcher knife. BRIAN Screw that fancy shit. Might as well just get it done. He stands, ready to thrust it into this stomach. BRIAN (to himself) Oh, man. This is going to hurt! Suddenly the FRONT DOOR opens and Brock steps in. He quickly notices Brian. BROCK Brian? Brian quickly throws the knife to the other side. BRIAN (nervous) BROWNIES! I was going to cut myself a brownie. He walks over to the stove, pretending not to notice Brock. He finally looks over at him. BRIAN Oh, Brock. I did not see you come in. BROCK (suspicious) Hi... BRIAN What brings you here? BROCK I brought over those sleeping pills you said your mother needed. Brock reaches into his pocket and pulls out a white bottle. He tosses it to Brian. BRIAN Oh thanks. Brock, still suspicious, takes a few steps back toward the door. BROCK Well...I'm going to head home... BRIAN All right. Awkward silence. BROCK Bye. BRIAN Bye. Brock leaves. Brian lets out a sigh of relief. He looks over and sees the KNIFE has his a picture of himself when he was six. BRIAN I can kill anyone and everything BUT myself! CUT TO: INT. AUDITORIUM - MINUTES LATER The place now has pretty full of kids there are about thirty different ones scattered around. Will and Ellen stand Near the stage, talking. She begins to laugh about something. WILL You know you could be a little nicer to me, considering I'm the new guy around here. ELLEN I'm sorry about that. I just use those kind of comments as a defense mechanism. Brief pause. ELLEN Ever been in a musical before? WILL Nope. ELLEN A play? WILL Nadda. ELLEN Talent show? Anything that requires to be on a stage? WILL Nothing off the top of my head. She smiles. ELLEN This should be interesting to watch. WILL I've only know you for like ten minutes and already you find my failure funny? ELLEN I'm sorry, I was only joking. WILL Actually I'm surprised. People find my failure funnier and quicker then you did. ELLEN Well, I'm not people. I'm Ellen. WILL It's one zinger after another with you. Ellen shoots him a smile. Will begins to look around. WILL Well, aren't you going to introduce me around. ELLEN All right. Ellen looks around. ELLEN Okay, over there are the chorus slash background girls. Will looks over. In one corner of the auditorium there are about fifteen girls all gathered around, laughing and talking. WILL (amazed) There's like...twelve of them. ELLEN Not to mention they're only in three scenes. She looks around. ELLEN That is Arthur Winchester. He plays Colonel Pickering. Will turns to another corner. In this corner we see ARTHUR WINCHESTER. He's going got thin bright orange red hair. He wears a pair of glasses. He roughly 5'6. He is standing next to TWO OTHER BOYS. As he explains something to him he moves around a lot. WILL (gasps) I know him! He wore a Star Trek costume to school in eighth grade. ELLEN He's a bit...nerdy. But he's a really good guy. She looks around. ELLEN There's James Kelly. He's the lead. Will looks over to another corner. There stands JAMES KELLY. Roughly six feet tall. Lots of muscle, good looking. He's wearing a letterman's jacket while talking to two girls. Will's mouth is wide open. WILL Holy fucking ass crackers. ELLEN I know. Great ain't it? A jock, a prep, AND a redneck all rolled into one. WILL Wait a minute. Isn't he the one who got in trouble for having sex with the Chinese exchange student Deb behind the belchers. ELLEN Yep. She went back to China and he got a week's probation. WILL Well that's what you get for sticking your fingers in the foreign cookie jar. She smiles. ELLEN It's kind of funny when you think about it. Out there, Arthur's a nerd, James' is a jock, and those girls are working on becoming white trash. But in of it matters. We're all equal. WILL Oh, I see you're the thinkin' type. ELLEN (sarcastically) Should I use smaller words? WILL Only if you plan on using big ones. VOICE (O.S.) Actors behind stage! Will and Ellen gather their things and begin to head back. As most of the cast head toward behind the stage we pan to the LEFT until we see the auditorium doors. There stands Brock, who looks worried. He glances around and spots Will. He begins to head toward him. BROCK Oh Will! INT. SHAKE SHOP - LATER (NIGHT) Casey, Joel, and Reicther are sitting around a table. Casey is about to eat a spoon full of ice cream but he misses as he tries to bite into it a little early. Joel and Reicther are looking at him with a bit of confusion. JOEL Okay there, Casey? CASEY This eye thing is killing me. I've got not depth perception. I'm either not close enough to reach the water from the drinking fountain... (embarrassed) ...or another incident with my girlfriend where I cam up short with something. Embarrassed, Casey quickly tries to take a drink from his cup. But he misses and the straw pokes him in the cheek. He sighs. Chris enters the building. He is wearing sunglasses. He comes over and sits next to Casey. Everyone looks at him. REICTHER Why are you wearing sunglasses at night? CHRIS Oh...uh...No reason...had an accident and got a black eye. REICTHER Really? CHRIS Yep. REICTHER What was the accident. Chris freezes. CHRIS Uh...I tripped...and, uh...landed on a baseball. They all give him a strange look. JOEL Their was a baseball on your floor? CHRIS Yeah... (after another look) So what brings us here tonight? We hear the door bell ring. Will and Brock enter. WILL I can answer that guys. They come over and sit down beside them. JOEL What's up? WILL All right guys. Brock has brought something to my attention. Apparently...Brian tried to kill himself today. CASEY What? How? BROCK Well it looked like he was about to stab himself in the stomach. WILL Plus he asked Brian for some sleeping pills. REICTHER Did you give him the pills? BROCK Yeah. But I was suspicious so I filled it with vitamins and birth control pills. REICTHER (sarcastic) Nice thinking, Columbo. WILL Look. We have a serious problem here. One of our own is trying to kill himself. CHRIS Would should we do? WILL Well me and Brock were thinking that since his mom and Stacy are out of town for the weekend we thought of forming a suicide watch. CASEY Suicide watch? WILL Well, basically take turns watching him. Making sure he doesn't kill himself. REICTHER I don't know. That sounds like fancy talk for babysitting. CASEY Do we need anything? WILL Just some duct tape. REICTHER Are we going to go over there later? WILL Nope, now. CHRIS Now? WILL Yeah. We've got to stop him. Who knows what he may try. There's a pause. There seems to be an odd feeling in the room. Everyone seems to have expressions of confusion, intrigue, and sadness. REICTHER Meh. Let's have ourselves a good old fashioned suicide watch. Everyone either nods or says something in agreement. They all begin to stand and head toward the door. They leave. We stay, and focus on their now empty table before slowly we... FADE OUT. END OF EPISODE
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