This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE LunchROOM Episode 1.09 "What Was That?" WRITTEN BY Vincent Biga CREATED BY Bruce Snyder CAST LIST Will Cooper................................. Joel Mayberry............................... Brian Vandele............................... Brock Warner................................ Reicther.................................... Casey Jennings.............................. GUEST CAST LIST Chris Hughes................................ Debbie Vandele.............................. Lois Warner................................. Tyler....................................... Bryce Warner................................ Copyright © Bruce Snyder TEASER: INT. BRIAN'S LIVING ROOM – EARLY MORNING Brian is laying on the couch, under a blanket. Brock sits in the armchair and looks drowsy. BROCK Are you going or not? BRIAN I don't know are you? BROCK Yeah I’m going. BRIAN How late did we stay up last night? BROCK Like 3 A.M. Well maybe closer to five. BRIAN There’s a big difference between 3 and 5. BROCK What’s your point? BRIAN We stayed up all night at my house now you want to go over to Reicther's and do the same thing? BROCK Yeah so? Are you coming or not? Brian throws off the blanket quickly. BRIAN Hell yes. I have nothing better to do and you know it. BROCK You could always stay here and fantasies about Cathy. Brian thinks. BRIAN That's true. BROCK Hey you didn’t throw anything at me when I said Cathy. Maybe your getting over her! BRIAN No its just too early to throw shit at you BRIAN’S MOM (O.S.) Its 1 p.m.! BRIAN Quiet you! OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. AFTER CREDITS: INT. BROCK'S VAN – LATER THAT NIGHT Brock, Bryce and Brian are sitting in the back seat, Brian still looks a little sleepy, Brock’s mom is driving off screen. It is night. LOIS (O.S.) So what are you guys going to do here? BRIAN Shoot each other with paint balls, duh Brock’s mom. BROCK Didn't you sleep at all? BRIAN No. BROCK Why? No a better question is how. BRIAN I was so tired I couldn’t fall asleep. BROCK That doesn't make sense. BRIAN Yep. BROCK’S MOM (O.S.) Well here we are. EXT. REICTHER'S HOUSE – DRIVEWAY - SAME Brock and Brian get out of the van. Bryce tries to follow but Brock pushes him back in. They walk up a gravel drive way where they are greeted by Reicther. REICTHER Hey guys. BROCK Hi Reicther. REICTHER No. You guys gotta call me by my first name here. BRIAN That’s funny, you don’t have a fist name. REICTHER It will cause mass confusion among my parents. BROCK That’s what we want. REICTHER Huh? BRIAN I’m going to wait for the moment when you and your parents are in the same room then shout out. BRIAN & BROCK HEY REICTHER!! BRIAN Just to see all of you look at once. REICTHER That’s a stupid idea. BRIAN So says you. They follow Reicther into his house. INT. REICTHER'S ROOM – SAME Reicther, Brian, and Brock enter. We see Joel and TYLER already there laughing about something. REICTHER That’s the other guy I told you About. BROCK No way. REICTHER Yes way. As Brock and Brian enter Tyler looks at Brian. TYLER Geez will the paint balls even get through the blubber? BRIAN (V/O) Oh he’s one of those people Joel’s smile fades as the room is silent. BRIAN Ha-ha oh I’m rolling with laughter by your clever observation of my weight. TYLER I was just joking. BRIAN Oh right. Tyler turns around again to talk to Joel we see Brian give Tyler the finger which makes Joel smile again. Brian sits on Reicther's bed. TYLER What tired from the walk over here? BRIAN How ever could you tell? Tyler begins to laugh, Brian does too but quickly stops as he takes out his Game Cube from his bag. Tyler goes to sit by Brian. TYLER What games did you bring? BRIAN Super Smash Bros. and Soul Caliber II are the only thing for Game Cube, and for PS2 I have Dynasty Warriors 4, Dynasty Tactics 2, and Clone Wars. What did you bring Joel? JOEL Nothing you don’t have except Armored Core 3. BROCK Armored Core!? Gotta play gotta play gotta play, hook it up Joel! JOEL Ok, you freaking psycho. Joel starts to set up the PlayStation2 BRIAN When is Will getting here? REICTHER I don’t know, soon I guess. REICTHER’S MOM (off screen) Hey some one else is here! BRIAN I bet that's him. Reicther and Brian leave the room TYLER So your name’s Brock right? Your that one guy me and Reicther tried to 3-way. Joel finishes hooking up the PS2 and hands a controller to Brock and turns it on. JOEL That doesn’t sound right. TYLER 3 way call I mean. JOEL Did it work? TYLER No only me and Reicther were talking and he was just mumbling. BROCK (mumbling) You were mumbling too... EXT. REICTHER'S HOUSE – DRIVEWAY - SAME Will get out of his car and head lights pull away. Reicther and Brian are there to greet him. WILL Hey guys. REICTHER Hi Will. WILL What did I miss? BRIAN Grade-A fat jokes. Will looks confused. BRIAN Forget about it. They enter Reicther's house. INT. REICTHER'S ROOM – SECONDS LATER They head into Reicther’s room where they see Tyler, Joel, and Brock looking at a class picture of their JR. High class. TYLER Jock...Prep...Bitch. REICTHER What are you guys doing? JOEL Looking at that stupid class picture from last year and Tyler’s trying to guess what social class they are. BROCK So far he’s guessed all right. WILL Hey where can I charge up my camera? REICTHER In the computer room I guess. Why? WILL I wanna charge up my battery for my camera. REICTHER Do you really think something of interest is going to happen? WILL There are five us here are you saying that nothing of interest will happen? REICTHER Good point. They leave. TYLER He looks like an ass BRIAN Who? Tyler points to the picture BROCK He was like a bad Hemorrhoid. Tyler points to another picture TYLER And he looks fatter than Brian! No one laughs but every one smiles, Brian sits down on Reicther’s bed and begins to play a game. TYLER She looks like an ugly lesbian but this one hot. Joel smiles and motions for Brian to look Brian get up to look. BRIAN Who? TYLER Her. He points to a picture, Brian smiles BRIAN If you say so. Brian goes back to playing, Brock joins him BROCK (whispering) I thought you were gonna kill him! BRIAN He thinks that girl was hot, he's clearly not right in the head so I'll let it slide. Brock laughs a little bit. Will and Reicther enter. WILL What did we miss? BRIAN Nothing important. REICTHER’S MOM (O.S.) Pizza’s ready! BROCK Good I’m starved. BRIAN I haven’t eaten since last night. TYLER Stand back guys or Brian will mow you all down. Tyler, Reicther, Brock, and Will leave. JOEL So what do you think of Tyler? BRIAN He’s alright if you can get past his bad taste in women and his fat jokes. Joel laughs and they leave the room too. INT. REICTHER'S KITCHEN – A FEW MINUTES LATER All the guys are standing around eating pizza and talking TYLER Hey Reicther you remember Wilky? Reicther shudders. REICTHER Unfortunately. JOEL Who’s Wilky? REICTHER He's very annoying. He's like the Pauly Shore of my old school. Everyone nods in understanding. TYLER We’ve found a way to ruin his life. REICTHER How? TYLER Ok me and the guys all chipped in to hire this really hot transsexual dominatrix, were gonna set up a session with her and Wilky, but were gonna have a tape recorder recording the whole thing, then were gonna send it to his parents, it will cost a ton of money but it will be great! Every one is silent. There is a long pause. WILL That's fucking stupid. TYLER No. It would be the funniest. Reicther begins take a few steps away from Tyler. REICTHER (V/O) Beep beep, backing up... WILL (V/O) Note to self, stay on Tyler’s good side. BROCK (V/O) That’s just wrong, I don’t care who you are. JOEL (V/O) If it wasn’t so evil it would be great. BRIAN (V/O) Gee...I wonder if I left my TV on. WILL Hey guys I bet my camera’s charged we can go outside and do something if you want. TYLER Maybe latter I’m gonna play Soul Caliber Tyler walks to Reicther’s room. REICTHER I’ll go. BROCK Me too. WILL Ok I’ll go get the camera. Will goes in the same direction as Tyler, Brock and Reicther go in another direction, Brian finishes his pizza and starts towards Reicther’s room. JOEL Where are you going? BRIAN With any luck to beat Tyler’s ass in Soul Caliber. JOEL I’m going out side but I’m rooting for ya. INT. REICTHER'S BACKYARD - SAME We see through a night vision mode digital camera held by Will. Brock, Joel, and Reicther are standing in front of the camera, looking into it. REICHER Is it on? WILL Its on and recording. REICHER Cool. short silence. REICTHER Now what do we do? WILL I don’t know why don’t you and Brock try to beat up Joel? REICTHER That sounds like a fair fight JOEL Come on I’ll kick both your asses!! Joel tackles Brock and Reicther. They are squirming on the ground. Will is laughing uncontrollably. WILL Keep it up guys this is gold! BROCK Help me! Brock gets free and runs away, Joel still has Reicther on the ground and is yelling like a maniac. JOEL Had enough?! REICTHER Never!! Joel sits on Reicther. JOEL Give up? REICTHER Never! Joel gets Reicther into a painful lock. REICTHER I can’t breathe! JOEL Do you give up? REICTHER Yes! Get off me! Joel gets off Reicther who is now gasping for air. JOEL Who’s next?! Joel looks at the camera with a smile on his face WILL Don’t do anything stupid now... Joel? JOEL Come here Will! We see the camera aimed down and we can see Will’s legs as he runs away. WILL I swear to god if you break this camera I’ll fucking kill you! JOEL If your gonna kill me then why are you running? FADE TO: EXT. REICTHER'S HOUSE – BACKYARD – A FEW MINUTES LATER Will is on the ground wrestling Joel, the camera is still in night vision and is now held by Brock. REICTHER Joel has Will in a head lock, will Will submit? WILL God yes! Just get off me! Joel releases Will. REICTHER Aww you weren’t supposed to give up. WILL (gasping for air) Why not? You did! REICTHER That was because he formed an air tight seal around my head and was rubbing my face in the grass. Where’s your fighting spirit? WILL What about Brock he ran away as soon as he could! BROCK Leave me out of his I’m no fighter. JOEL I almost forgot. How about it Brock lets go! BROCK You wouldn’t hit the guy with the camera would you? JOEL Oh your right. Joel takes the camera away and hands it to Will. JOEL Now your fair game. BROCK Not cool! Brock takes off and Joel chases him. JOEL Come back here Brock o buddy o pal! BROCK Get away from me! They run off screen. WILL Look what you did now. Brock can’t defend himself he’s a stick! REICTHER So am I. WILL Yeah but Brock didn’t want to fight you were all for it. REICTHER Fighting is funny. WILL Until some one gets hurt...then its hilarious BROCK (O.S.) AHHH!! REICTHER (looking off screen) Well it looks like Joel caught him, come on I got an idea. INT. CASEY'S HOUSE – LIVING ROOM. SAME Casey and Chris are sitting on a couch watching T.V. CHRIS Where are the guys any way? CASEY They all went to Reicther’s house to spend the night CHRIS And left us out of it? CASEY Seems that way. CHRIS That's not cool. Why did they do that for? CASEY Well, we're the new guys. I've only been around for a month. You, a few weeks. Most of them are just not warmed up to us yet. Short pause. CASEY I have an idea. Hang on I gotta ask my mom something. CHRIS Ok. Casey walks off screen. EXT. REICTHER'S HOUSE - BACKYARD – SAME The camera is still in night vision and is held by Will, Reicther is crouching on the other side of a window where we can see Tyler and Brian still playing Reicther is holding 2 deer antlers in his hands. Reicther give a series of hand motions to some one offscreen. The camera pans to show Joel doing random complex hand commands. REICTHER (mouthing the words) Forget it. Reicther moves to under the window, he begins to hit the antler’s together. We see Brian turn around quickly he then turns around again playing the game again. Several moments of Reicther hitting the sticks together pass by. WILL Hey guys lets hurry up this prank! Brian and Tyler turn around, Reicther starts cracking up. WILL (yelling) Oh shit I think they see me, I wonder if they heard me! Brian moves to the window. BRIAN I’m coming out. WILL Ok. The camera moves to the side yard. REICTHER You ruined it, Will. Brian looked right at you. WILL So? It was dark I bet he couldn’t see me. Brian and Tyler come out of the house. WILL Hey Brian could you see me when you first looked. BRIAN Not really but I could see a little red dot and a figure holding the camera WILL See Reicther! I told you he couldn't see me. REICTHER It would have worked on any one but two video game addicts. BRIAN Hey man I can quit any time I want. TYLER You mean like how you can stop eating twinkies any time you want? BRIAN Dude it’s getting old, I get it I’m fat. JOEL Hey look. Joel points offscreen and the camera follows his finger, we see Reicther’s field is very foggy. BROCK Oooooh if this were one of my dreams and army of aliens would be coming out of there right about now. Will hands the camera to Brian. BRIAN Where are you going? WILL To look for the aliens. Will runs into the field. REICTHER I’ll go get a flashlight so we can explore it. Reicther goes into the house, the camera focuses on Will running, zooming in on him, he trips and it looks like he falls in a pit from the view of the camera. Will runs back. WILL Something moved!! Everyone starts laughing. Reicther comes back with a flashlight. REICTHER Who wants to go within the mist with me? JOEL I'll go. WILL Me too. TYLER I’m going. REICHER What about you Brock? BROCK Your not getting me to go out there! BRIAN I’ll make sure you don’t get too far out. REICTHER Sure. Reicther, Will, Joel, and Tyler walk into the fog. BRIAN Isn’t this fun Brock? BROCK No I feel like I’ll see tall figures appear out of there any second. The camera focuses on the fog. BRIAN Yeah I can see that happening. BROCK Uh, where did they go? BRIAN Oh shit, come on. Brian and Brock walk a little into the fog, when they can see faint outlines of them they stop. BROCK Uh-oh. BRIAN What? BROCK Look at how much of the house we’ve lost The camera turns to the house, we can barely see an outline, but the porch light is blaring. BRIAN Don’t worry the light will guide us Back WILL (shouting) Hey guys come here Brian and Brock walk towards Will is waving for them WILL Reicther found something. They go over to where Reicther is crouching REICTHER It looks like weird foot print BROCK What are you talking about? REICTHER You mean you can’t see it BROCK No. REICTHER Your blind. BRIAN I can’t see it either. REICTHER Your both blind. Brian goes over to stand by Joel BRIAN Do you see it? Joel smiles JOEL Not really BROCK Come on lets go back, it’s freaky out here TYLER Don’t be a coward. REICTHER Yeah ya coward. BROCK I’m not a coward! Suddenly we hear a low growling sound, the camera turns in it’s direction. JOEL What the fuck was that?! TYLER Stop it JOEL I’m not kidding I heard it dude! BRIAN I heard it too! WILL I think I heard it too. BROCK Ok I’m a coward! JOEL Me too! Everyone starts running for the house. TYLER You only have to run faster than Brian. BRIAN Shut the fuck up! They all reach the house and run inside. INT. FIELD - CONTINUOUS We see two figures running in the fog. As the figures get closer we see it is Casey and Chris cracking up. CHRIS That was great. CASEY Did you see them run? CHRIS How did you do that noise? Casey does the low growling noise again CASEY What can I say it’s a gift. CHRIS What should we do now? CASEY Reicther has a screen window, with any luck he’s left it open come on INT. REICTHER'S ROOM - SAME Everyone is scarred, Brian and Joel are bracing the door, Tyler is closing all the blinds, and the windows. Reicther is sitting on his bed, Brock has his back to a wall, and Will is holding the camera. REICTHER That was fun. WILL Fun?! REICTHER It could be a never before-seen animal. BRIAN I hate the people like you in those horror movies. Who think that all the bad shit happening to them is "interesting." BROCK Yeah really. REICTHER I just want to know what that was. TYLER Oh you mean you guys don’t know where you are? BROCK What do you mean? TYLER Conner’s Bridge isn’t too far from here ya know WILL What?! You mean there’s a haunted bridge around here? REICTHER Yeah BROCK Don’t you think we would have liked to know that before we went out there! REICTHER No not really. There is a pause. Everyone seems scared and tense. BROCK Ok I’m scared. JOEL Yeah I’m pretty freaked out. BRIAN I have to agree. REICTHER Who wants to go back out? BROCK Are you fucking crazy!? REICTHER No. BRIAN I’ll go if everyone else goes I guess. WILL I'm definitely in. JOEL Yeah I’m in if every one else is. TYLER I’ll go. BROCK Hell no. REICTHER Come on Brock we’ll even bring protection. Reicther pulls a pair of nun chucks out of a drawer. BRIAN There mine! REICTHER All right Reicther hands Brian the nun chucks and pulls out a pocket knife from his pocket. REICTHER Here Brock BROCK No way man! JOEL Brock what would be scarier, going out there with all of us, or staying here all alone by your self. Brock is silent a moment. BROCK Ok... TYLER I’m bringing this! He has a paint ball gun in his hand WILL I’ll man the camera REICTHER I’ll use the mini shovel, what about you Joel? JOEL If it isn’t a ghost I can bring it Down. Every one murmurs in agreement REICHER Ok let’s go! INT. REICTHER'S BACKYARD - SAME Every one is there armed, we are seeing though night vision again. REICTHER Maybe we should split up. BRIAN Ok Reicther you go out there an we'll all stay here. They start walking out in the field every one is on edge. REICTHER (whisper) No one say anything unless it’s absolutely necessary, and try to be careful when you walk. Everyone is extremely quiet as they walk through the Field. BRIAN (whisper) Maybe we should go closer to the woods. REICHER (whisper) Yeah good idea They start heading towards the thick tree’s, they stop near where they were before when they heard the sound. WILL (whisper) This is the spot Everyone nods in agreement, suddenly they hear a slight rustling in the woods, Brock looks in the direction with wide eyes, Brian starts spinning the nun chucks. He does this for a few seconds, before realizing that everyone is staring. WILL (whisper) Calm down there, Bruce Lee. They are all quiet for a moment, then Joel motions for Tyler and Brian. JOEL (whisper) Brian, ditch the chucks, you don’t know how to use them. Brian hands them to Brock, making sure the chain doesn’t clank together. JOEL (whisper) Ok, Brian, me an you are the two strongest guys here, me and you should go into the woods, Tyler you cover us Tyler nods and gets ready with the gun. BRIAN (whisper) Your lucky I owe you Joel smiles, he and Brian start into the woods. It is silent a moment, then we can hear a loud rustling, and what seems to be some one falling down. We then hear a punch thrown and a groan. JOEL You bastard! BROCK Oh shit they got Brian! BRIAN No I’m fine JOEL Yeah but I know some one that won’t be. They are dragging Casey by the ankles, we then see Chris come out of the woods too. CASEY I give I give! CHRIS Sorry guys but you guys are so easy to scare. CASEY Come on guys have a heart! They all glare at him. TYLER Hey I got an idea! INT. REICTHER'S BACKYARD – HOURS LATER It is light outside but the sun isn’t up yet, we see Casey duct-tapped to a tree, Tyler, Joel, and Will, all have paint ball guns aimed at him, Brock is holding the camera, Reicther, Brian and Chris are standing off to the side. Tyler also is wearing a mask and Brian and Reicther have guns to their sides. REICTHER Casey are to be executed by a firing squad CASEY Why isn’t Chris taped to a tree? WILL That would be a hate crime. CASEY Crap. Reicther holds up his hand, then drops it REICTHER Fire One round. Joel, Will and Tyler all shoot him once, all the shots hit him in the chest. Casey shouts out in pain. TYLER Too bad this guy doesn't have the fat protection of Brian. Brian looks over. BRIAN Tyler... TYLER What's up, Sponge Bob Fatass? BRIAN Do you have any medical problems? TYLER No. Brian lifts his gun and shoots Tyler three times in the face. Tyler falls down. FADE OUT. ("The Last Time" by The Rolling Stones plays over the credits.) END OF EPISODE
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