This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
THE LunchROOM Episode 1.03 "Screw Your Spirit" WRITTEN BY Bruce Snyder CREATED BY Bruce Snyder CAST LIST Will Cooper................................. Joel Mayberry............................... Brian Vandele............................... Brock Warner................................ Reicther.................................... Casey Jennings.............................. GUEST CAST LIST Cheerleader #1.............................. Cheerleader #2.............................. Rene David.................................. Emily Lucas................................. Josh Hamm................................... Mrs. Mitchell............................... Mr. Kline................................... Tuba Player................................. Justin Johnson.............................. Coach Chase................................. Principal Stevens........................... Cheerleader #3.............................. Copyright © Bruce Snyder TEASER: INT. SHOP CLASS – MORNING Reicther and Will are working together on a making something out of wood. Will is carefully cutting the wood, while Reicther watches. In the background we can here Maroon 5's "This Love" playing on a radio. REICTHER God, I hate this song. WILL What song? REICTHER Listen. Will does so. REICTHER Oh, DAMN YOU MORON 5! Will shakes his head. WILL Your not too smart are you, Reicther? REICTHER Why are you calling me dumb? At least I didn't name my band Moron 5. OPENING CREDIT SEQUENCE: Marvin Gaye's "Ain't That Peculiar" plays over the credits. INT. HALLWAY – MID-DAY At the turnpike of this hallway, stand two CHEERLEADERS. They have flyers. They hand them out to the people that walk by. CHEERLEADER #1 Listen up, everybody! Tomorrow night, our Centerville Bulldogs will play the Richmond Knights for the state championship. Show up for the game and support your team! CHEERLEADER #2 YEAH!!! Will walks by. They hand him one. He looks it over and throws it down. CHEERLEADER #1 bends down and picks it up. CHEERLEADER #1 Here, you dropped this. Will looks at her, then the paper. WILL No, I didn't. He drops again and walks off. Just then Reicther is walking by. CHEERLEADER #2 shoves a flyer in his face. He screams out of surprise and drops his stuff. INT. MATH CLASS – SECONDS LATER Will is sitting down at his table. He is rubbing his head. EMILY and RENE walk up and sit down. WILL I can't tell you how much I'm awaiting three o'clock. EMILY Cause of vacation? WILL Well, there is that. But I can't take all this... (searches for word) spirit. RENE There's nothing wrong with a little spirit. WILL Little? In gym class, when I was showering Brian Layton has his nuts painted with the school colors. The right was blue. The left was white. Rene and Emily laugh at this. WILL That's pushing it too far. INT. ENGLISH CLASS – SAME Brock and Brian sit, listening to the teacher, MRS. MITCHELL. MITCHELL Now, since it's the last day before break and because of the game tomorrow we're going to write an essay about the crazy things that have been happening. Brian and Brock seem disappointed. MITCHELL At has to be at least ten sentences. And I only want positive things. Nothing negative. Brock leans into Brian, talking quietly. BROCK How the hell are we suppose to do that? Brian shrugs. MITCHELL You have until the pep rally at one thirty. She sits. The class quickly gets to work. Brian and Brock are the only ones who have to think about this. BRIAN How the hell are we going to do this? Brock shrugs. The both begin to stare at the papers in front of them. INT. SPANISH CLASS – SAME Most of the class are talking. We notice that Reicther is sitting in the back. MR. KLINE gets their attention. KLINE Ladies and gentleman. I have an announcement to make. Everyone quiets down. KLINE I've just been informed that do to the overcrowded seating for the pep rally, we'll be seated next to the band. Reicther doesn't like this idea. REICTHER (to himself) Crap. INT. MATH CLASS – SAME Will, Rene, and Emily still sit. This time, JOSH HAMM has joined them. They have all stopped working and are now talking. JOSH You know, what I would pay good money to do? WILL (V/O) Lose weight? Ha ha. Ba zing! Will looks around and realizes that he didn't say anything. WILL (V/O) Man I wish the others heard that. RENE What's that? JOSH I would pay good money to be in the locker room before tomorrow's game. Rene and Emily nod their head. Will seems confused. WILL Wait, why the would you want that? JOSH C'mon, Coach Chase's speech before the game would be the greatest. Will stares at him, like he's an idiot. WILL It wouldn't be that great. Now, if it were like a movie he would give a five minute emotional speech where he would cry at the end. And this motive our team so much we would win. Unfortunately, we live in Indiana. Here, Jerry Springer is considered masterpiece theater. Rene and Emily laugh. Josh smiles, but doesn't like how he bashed his dream. WILL It will probably go a little something like this. (imitating coach) "Sorry I'm late. I got backed up in traffic. Um...a famous person once said...this one's for all the marbles. So go out there and win those marbles." Rene and Emily laugh harder. Josh joins in by laughing. EMILY God. You're got no spirit what so ever do, Will? WILL I can't get very excited about a group of guys who call "assface" every morning. That's like Jews getting excited about Nazis. INT. ENGLISH CLASS – SAME Brian and Brock try to work, but seem to have a bad case of writer's block. CLOSE UP ON BRIAN'S FACE: He begins to write. BRIAN (V/O) "Spirit week is... Brian begins to think. BRIAN (V/O) "Spirit week is... Brian gulps, like he's about to do something bad. BRIAN (V/O) "...good." Brian sighs. BRIAN (to himself) That felt wrong on several levels. Brock finishes up writing and gets up. He walks up to Mitchell and hands her his paper. He begins to head back. MITCHELL Wait, Brock. Brock stops and turns back to her. MITCHELL I've just got look over this, quickly. She begins to read over it, pleased so far. She gets to spot, and looks up at Brock. MITCHELL (shocked) Brock! Well, I think we both know you need to fix this paper. She hands Brock the paper back, and he walks away. When he returns to his seat, Brian seems eager. BRIAN What'd you write? Brock lifts the paper and points. Brian reads it and smiles. INT. MATH CLASS – SAME Rene and Will are still seating. Emily and Josh have left. WILL What does a person do during a pep rally? RENE Um...rally...your pep for the team. WILL (sarcastic) You're very helpful, you know that? RENE To be honest, I'm not sure what the hell will happen. VOICE (O.S.) All right, everyone gather their things. The rally is going to begin soon. INT. ENGLISH CLASS – SAME Brock and Brian sit. They look guilty. BROCK That was the hardest thing to ever write. Pause. BRIAN I feel like I've killed somebody or something. Pause. BROCK I feel the need to take long cold shower. Pause. CLOSE UP ON CLOCK: It strikes: "1:30." Brian looks up and notices it. BRIAN Ah, crap. INT. MATH CLASS – SAME Rene is now talking to Emily. Will is looking up at the clock. The loud speaker comes on. VOICE (O.S.) If, all the freshmen could make their way to the gym. We're going to start the pep rally. Will sighs. He stands and leaves frame. INT. GYM – SAME In the corner of the bleachers are the BAND. The Spanish class are seating themselves next to them. Reicther looks around for a seat and sees the only empty one is next a TUBA PLAYER. He sighs, but doesn't move. Mr. Kline comes up behind. KLINE C'mon, Mr. Reicther. Take a seat. REICTHER Do I have to seat there? KLINE Is there anywhere else to sit? REICTHER No. KLINE Then I guess you sit there. Reicther walks up to the seat and sits down. He eyes the Tuba Player. The Player doesn't notice him and blows into his tuba. Reicther jumps at this. He begins to eye the Player. The Player doesn't notice. ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BLEACHERS - Will, Brian, Brock, and Casey are walking up the aisle. The four turn and scrunch into a row. The group sits quiet for a second. WILL This sucks ass. BROCK What the hell are we having a pep rally for? BRIAN The team won something...a game I think. And now, there going to play another game...or least that's what I think. Casey is looking forward before...BAM! A pair of beads hit him right in the eye. CASEY Owwww!!! WILL You bastards! Will picks up the beads and is about to throw them back. CASEY Wait! I still want the beads. Casey takes the beads. Just then JUSTIN JOHNSON walks up the aisle. He notices Will sitting on the edge. He rubs Will's hair. JUSTIN Hey, Willie. He walks away. Will looks forward, angrily. The others are looking at him. CASEY Will, you're not going to anything stupid are you? WILL Not physically. But right now, in my mind, I'm kicking the shit out of him. The lights dim. REICTHER - The band begins to play, while Reicther grabs his ears like their in great pain. THE GUYS - They all look around, confused. WILL What the hell is going on? VOICE (O.S.) Ladies and Gentleman, please welcome...your Centerville Bulldogs! Suddenly, TWELVE TEENAGE BOYS run out on the Gym floor. The audience on the bleachers go nuts, except for the guys. They look around. The audience going nuts lasts for a minute, before things quiet down. COACH CHASE walks up in front of the guys, with a microphone. CHASE Hello, everybody. He is greeted with applause. CHASE Please, please. I don't deserve it. If anyone does, it should be these fine gentlemen behind me. Everyone begins to clap. Brian seems annoyed. BRIAN Jesus Christ, are these guys going to applaud at everything? CHASE Now, before I go on, Principal Stevens would like to say something. PRINCIPAL STEVENS walks out onto the court. REICTHER - The band begins to play again. He covers his ears. REICTHER (to himself) Son of a bitch. Stevens grabs the mike. STEVENS Well, I don't know about everyone out there but I'm proud of my Centerville Bulldogs. Now it's not like this happens everyday. As Stevens goes on with his speech, The guys look bored and space out. SWIPE TO: A FEW MINUTES LATER - Stevens is just finishing up his speech. STEVENS That's why I declare today, Bulldog day. The audience goes wild again. Brian leans over to Will. BRIAN Does he really have the power to do that? Will shrugs. Now, a group of CHEERLEADERS enter onto the gym floor. CHEERLEADER #3 All right, who wants to win some prizes? The audience continues to go nuts. While everyone goes nuts, The guys look at each other and begin to have a normal conversation. CASEY So did you guys find out what sport they won at? BROCK I don't think they said. BRIAN They had to say. WILL No, actually I think Brock might be right. See I ne – Just then, I small fluffy thing hits Will in the head. WILL What the hell? He picks it up, to reveal that it's a SUBWAY SANDWHICH. WILL I was just attacked by a low fat sandwich. CASEY We keep getting by things. It's like a fucking war, man. BRIAN I hope this thing doesn't last too much long. Will unwraps the sandwich and takes a bit. He quickly swallows and looks disgusted. WILL It's got that loaf stuff on it. Will just randomly tosses it forward. INT. HALLWAY – MINUTES LATER Brian, Will, Brock, and Casey quietly come through the gym doors. They are followed by a large crowd. WILL Free at least, free at least, THANK GOD ALMIGHTY I'm free at last! INT. STUDY HALL – MINUTES LATER Reicther sits at his table alone, feeling his ear. Will and Brock come up and sit down. WILL That's all that was? It was basically them just saying "we're going to win" for half an hour. BROCK It was pretty stupid. REICTHER I think it would be funny if we lose. I mean, after all this build-up. WILL What's wrong with your ear? REICTHER They sat me next to the tuba player. Brock has a good laugh over this. Will smiles. WILL How well can you hear? REICTHER Barely. Justin Johnson is walking in the background. He's got an idiotic smile on his face. Brock notices him. Justin walks, and is talking to someone off camera. He quickly trips over a stack of boxes. The contents spill all over the floor. Will and Brock begin to laugh. REICTHER Did you guys hear that? FADE OUT. END OF EPISODE
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