This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
SCENE 1 A large pond in a forest surrounding. the water and area in general is calm. A dirt track through a forest. Once again it is calm and tranquil. Cut to: Int. Party or social gathering. (While music plays loudly, JAMIE is leading his friends telling jokes and bantering sharply between each other. Several stand-alone shots of immature pranks such as competition to see who can blow up a condom the quickest, downing drinks, friends being thrown in the shower etc. SAM seems to come off worst out of all of this.) (JAMIE walks into the bathroom and locks the door, the noise from the party dropping substantially. Looking in the mirror, he fills the sink with water and splashes some on his face). CUTAWAY: The Lost pond. Jamie is staring into the rippling water. SCENE 2 Jamie and sam are walking along the long dirt track through the forest. (JAMIE stops at the opening through which the pond is visible. He stares for a time before SAM shouts for him to keep up). CUT-IN: The peaceful Pond. Cut to: EXT. Sam and jamie arrive back at their housing estate. (SAM waves goodbye to JAMIE who ignores him, walking straight into his house.) SCENE 3 INT. Jamie's Bedroom. (Jamie is laying on his bed staring up at the ceiling. Loud music can be heard from the next room) JAMIE Kelly! (There is a long pause) JAMIE Kelly, for fuck's sake! (JAMIE gets up abruptly and storms to KELLY's bedroom, where she is painting her nails.) KELLY Fuckin' ell Jay, I could have been naked! JAMIE Turn it down KELLY I could have been 'avin a shag! JAMIE Turn it down KELLY Where you bin? JAMIE With the boys. KELLY Do you want to get a takeaway with me? JAMIE Just turn it down. (Leaves) KELLY Oh you moody shit! (JAMIE returns to his room and sits on the bed once more. KELLY's music can be heard now playing louder than before. JAMIE pulls a small brown parcel out from under his bed and opens it. He takes a Patrick Wolf CD out of it, goes to the CD player and starts to play it with the volume loud enough to match KELLY's. He lays back to down on the bed.) (After a while, KELLY enters and switches JAMIE's music off.) KELLY What the fuck is this? JAMIE Oh for gods sake Kell, just piss off KELLY Patrick Wolf! JAMIE I've borrowed it from someone KELLY Why you listening to this? JAMIE Kell, please just fuck off / KELLY No! JAMIE I just wanna go to bed / KELLY I wanna know why you're so moody all the bloody time JAMIE I swear if you don't leave me alone I'll fucking / KELLY What?!...You'll what? Jesus, Jamie! (KELLY storms out of the room and immediately turns her music up loud again. JAMIE goes to the CD player and removes the disc, snaps into two and throws it against the door.) SCENE 4 EXt: Daytime. Jamie's House. (A knock at the door is heard as KELLY goes to answer it. It is SAM who is swiftly invited in to meet JAMIE). Cut to: JAMIE's room. (JAMIE is putting gel in his hair in a small mirror. The broken CD is still evident on the bedroom floor. He is wearing a rather over-dressed style of blazer/t-shirt and smart jeans. KELLY and SAM enter.) JAMIE Knock! KELLY Who's there? SAM Sorry Jay KELLY Fuckin' ell Jamie, where you going? JAMIE Out SAM You look good mate JAMIE What do you mean? SAM Well, you look nice JAMIE What are you saying? SAM Nothing! KELLY Oh Christ, sort him out Sam (KELLY exits in a hurry) JAMIE Is it too much? (Pause) SAM We're just going to meet the boys aren't we? JAMIE Yeah SAM Yeah. JAMIE Right. It's too much. SAM What is all this then mate? JAMIE What do you mean? SAM Who are you trying to impress? JAMIE Why do I have to be impressing someone? SAM I'm just/ JAMIE Why don't you take a closer look at yourself before you come here criticising me/ SAM /honestly mate, I didn't... JAMIE You know even my sister hasn't looked twice at you, no matter how much you fucking want her to. And that's my sister...i mean look at her. (Long pause). SAM Are you ready? SCENE 5 SAM AND JAMIE WALK ALONG THE TRACK IN SILENCE. THEY PAS CUT-IN: The pond. INt: House. Lively atmosphere. (The boys are drinking, playing music and computer games. The atmosphere is rowdy and charged but JAMIE is seemingly distant and withdrawn. This has not gone unnoticed.) Cut to: EXT. JAmie drinking beer alone. (SAM joins JAMIE outside. There is silence) SAM You're not yourself. JAMIE What a stupid thing to say. SAM Well, you're not. JAMIE No. SAM What's wrong? JAMIE Nothing. SAM I just want you to be you. JAMIE Do you? SAM If you can't talk to me, who can you talk to? JAMIE Oh right, of course because it's so unlikely that I'd have anyone else in my life other than you Sam. SAM Ok. Why are you so harsh to people now? JAMIE Haven't I always been. That's what you guys love isn't it? The ability to say what everyone else is thinking. SAM Right. What am I thinking then? JAMIE ... SAM I'm your friend Jamie. JAMIE Yeah. SAM Your friend. JAMIE OK. SAM Fucking hell, what is wrong with you? I'm trying here! (SAM finishes his beer, drops the bottle on the floor and walks away. JAMIE follows) CUTAWAY: The pond. EXT: THE CALM TRACK THROUGH THE FOREST, ADJACENT TO THE (SAM is ahead of JAMIE despite JAMIE's attempts to get him to stop.) JAMIE Sam! Sam! Just stop will ya? SAM Why? JAMIE So we can talk. (SAM stops. Still facing away from JAMIE) SAM What? CUTAWAY: The pond. JAMIE Turn around. SAM No. JAMIE Why? SAM I don't want to. JAMIE I want to apologise. (SAM turns and approaches JAMIE) SAM You've never apologised to anyone in your life/ JAMIE Sam/ SAM Because you know that if you apologised for just one thing/ JAMIE Sam SAM You'd end up apologising for everything. Every little thing you end up doing, saying or being. Not because you need to but just because you think you should. CUTAWAY: The pond. JAMIE You don't know me SAM You know that I do...and you know what, I'm the only one that does and that eats away at you doesnt it. (JAMIE rushes over and pushes SAM hard in the chest, knocking him backwards. A small scuffle of pushes ensues during which JAMIE is pushed and ends up facing the pond. He is transfixed.) CLOSE UP: Jamie. Transfixed by the pond. SAM Jamie. Are you ok mate? Jamie? JAMIE ... SAM Well I can say it. I can't say everything I want to but I can. I can say. I'm sorry. Jay? (SAM slowly turns and walks away towards home). (JAMIE begins to walk towards the pond. He explores the surrounding areas and the eventually leans over to see his face reflected in the water. Exploring further up the hill he spots a bench overlooking the pond and sits serenely down and stares out across the forest.) SCENE 6 EXT: A busy high street (JAMIE gets off of a bus and makes his way into a shop. We see him appear to browse generally around the store before hovering around the section containing make-up. He spots the guard staring warily at him, and pretends to browse some nearby items. As the security guard is distracted by another customer, he picks up an eyeliner pencil and makes his way hurriedly to the self-service till.) (JAMIE nervously checks who is around before scanning the item through the self-service machine and placing it into the "bagging area". As the machine repeatedly asks for the item to be placed into the bagging area JAMIE more and more desperately tries to get the pencil to register on the machine.) ASSISTANT You OK love? JAMIE Yeah ASSISTANT Let me... (She shuffles past JAMIE and picks up the pencil). ASSISTANT Is it this? JAMIE Errr yeah (The ASSISTANT looks JAMIE up and down and fixes the machine.) JAMIE Thanks. (JAMIE hurriedly pays and leaves the shop) CUT To: Jamie's bathroom (JAMIE uses the mirror to help him apply the eyeliner...rather unsuccessfuly) SCENE 7 Ext: Pond. (JAMIE is staring into the water once more. He makes his way to the bench armed with a bottle of vodka and a camera. He carefully places the bottle of vodka on the ground, takes out his phone and switches it off.) (Time passes). (SAM is seen walking past the pond along the track towards the boys' house. JAMIE watches him intently before drinking his vodka.) Cut to: INT. Boys' house. (Once more, the boys are in social mode playing music and games and drinking. This is only broken by a loud knock at the door. DAN goes to answer the door) DAN Jamie! (JAMIE stands at the door with vodka in his hand sporting thick eyeliner. He calmly walks past DAN and enters the house.) DAN Are you wearing make-up? (JAMIE enters the living room and sits down. He is greeted with shocked silence followed by tentative mocking) DAN Are you alright mate? JAMIE ... FRANKIE Fucking hell, it's Amy Winehouse! SAM Jay? DAN How pissed are you? SAM Where have you been mate? FRANKIE This is priceless DAN That actually is make-up isn't it! FRANKIE Jesus! SAM Are you alright? (Long pause) JAMIE Are we playing Fifa? FRANKIE How am i supposed to concentrate on the game when fucking My Chemical Romance is sat opposite me! SAM Fuck off Frankie FRANKIE Why the hell are you wearing it Jay? DAN Nothing wrong with it mate, but it's a bit weird. JAMIE So, no Fifa. (There is a long and awkward silence. JAMIE finishes the rest of his vodka, clearly upset and calmly leaves the house and the visibly confused DAN, FRANKIE and SAM.) Ext: The pond. Cut-in: Jamie rushing along the track, past the pond and up to the bench. (Time passes. Eventually we see SAM reach the pond and spot JAMIE at the top of the hill. He slowly makes his way towards him before joining him on the bench. There is a long silence.) SAM They're worried about you. JAMIE ... SAM I'm worried about you. JAMIE ... SAM What is this about? JAMIE It's not about anything. SAM OK. Let me start small. Are you wearing make-up? (JAMIE just turns to look at SAM showing his clearly made-up face in a sarcastic fashion). SAM Ok. Well it's cool. JAMIE Is it? SAM JAMIE Oh great SAM Come on Jay JAMIE You followed me here to carry on taking the piss did you? SAM You know I didnt. It's nice here. JAMIE Yeah. SAM You come here much? JAMIE No. SAM Right. I'm worried about you. JAMIE No you're not. SAM I am JAMIE You know me more than anyone else remember. So if you know everything, you shouldn't be worried. SAM What are on about? JAMIE Why don't you just back off and let me be me? SAM And what is "you?" JAMIE ... SAM An emo? JAMIE Don't be ridiculous SAM A drag queen? JAMIE Oh just fuck off now. SAM Jamie, I'm worried about you. JAMIE Will you stop saying that. SAM But I am. JAMIE Because I'm not fucking about doing ridiculous things to get a cheap laugh? SAM Well this... JAMIE Don't Sam. SAM I'm joking. JAMIE Well don't. I don't want to joke for a while. I just wanna...I just wanna, I don't know...I just want to be. SAM You JAMIE I know. But can you? (Long pause) SAM It's nice here. JAMIE Yeah. SAM I think we'd all be happy if you just relaxed. JAMIE Oh heaven forbid SAM Jay... JAMIE I'm sick of living like I'm someone else SAM You don't have to/ JAMIE SomeTHING else. SAM Just be.../ JAMIE ...and I'm not the only one either. I can't be who you all want me to be. SAM Jamie. JAMIE ... SAM Jamie. JAMIE ... (They pause and sit for a while. SAM slowly looks at JAMIE who is staring dead ahead towards the pond. After a time, SAM gently leans in and kisses JAMIE softly on the cheek. SAM returns to looking straight ahead.) EXTREME WIDE SHOT: The bench PAN: The pond down the hill.
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