This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.-------------------------
"HIDDEN" by Steven J. Fauquier First Draft December 17, 2004 Second Draft E-Mail February 5, 2005
FADE IN: EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY A rainy, gray day. Gravestones surround the entire foggy area. Most of the gravestones have colored flowers and other personal belongings from loved ones enshrouding them. CHRISTIAN TASROE kneels in front of a gravestone, head down, sobbing. Christian is very young-looking, thin, unshaven. Someone SNIFFS close behind. Christian quickly composes himself, alert. An ELDERLY COUPLE passes by, arm in arm. We hear them whisper something to each other, WE CAN'T MAKE IT OUT. They move along until they vanish into the thick fog. GRAVESTONE R.I.P. In Loving Memory Jessica Tasroe 1971 - 2003 Christian's LEFT HAND reaches out, still adorned with a wedding ring, he runs his fingers along the engraving of the word "Jessica". Beat. CHRISTIAN (o.s.) We'll be together soon. EXT. PARKING LOT - DAY Christian walks past several parked vehicles, hands in his jacket pockets. He reaches his unclean black Cavalier and gets in. INT. CAR - DAY Christian drives along a busy three-lane road as rain pelts his windshield. He flicks on the wipers, too slow, makes them faster. The windshield begins to fog up. He turns on the heat to clear his view.
2. Christian's head darts from side to side, checking his blind spots. He flicks on a turn signal. EXT. ROAD - DAY The Cavalier makes a lane change from the middle lane to the left lane. It's just as crowded, maybe more so. INT. CAR - DAY Christian slumps back in his seat. He turns off the heat and turns on the radio. The radio plays "Losing My Religion" by R.E.M. Christian wipes his face with his damp jacket sleeve. A loud HONK startles him. Christian looks in his rearview mirror to see a black truck BLINKING ITS LIGHTS so close behind that the vehicle is almost touching his back bumper. FRONT WINDSHIELD POV Through the rain and the hypnotic windshield wipers, we see the traffic has picked up speed and is now moving along smoothly ahead. EXT. ROAD - DAY The black truck moves to the middle lane and gives a few more incessant HONKS before speeding passed the Cavalier. INT. CAR - DAY Christian angrily watches the truck speed ahead. CHRISTIAN Yeah, I heard you the first time jerk off. Pretty tough behind a horn aren't ya? He shakes his head and flicks off the radio. He drives along in silence, cooling off. Beat. CHRISTIAN I'll be out of your way soon, don't worry. (beat; quietly) Soon I'll be out of everybody's way. DISSOLVE TO:
3. INT. OFFICE - LATER DAY Christian sits alone in a small, white cubicle. NO ONE IS SEEN, but THE SOUND OF MANY COMPUTER KEYS BEING PRESSED fills up the silence of the room. He stares at a framed picture of his wife as she smiles for the camera. The spray of a fountain has shot up behind her right at that moment. COMPUTER SCREEN Blank. A marker blinks on and off waiting for something to be typed. Beat. CHRISTIAN turns off the computer screen. Gathers his things, leaves. INT. ELEVATOR - LATER DAY Christian presses the L button for lobby on the panel. He waits for the doors to close. They begin to shut but are promptly stopped in progress by a HAND that shoots out from around the corner. The hand belongs to Christian's BOSS who stands in front of him; scowling as most bosses do when their employees aren't working. BOSS Where are you going Tasroe? More of a demand than a question... CHRISTIAN Home. BOSS Something the matter? Gotta a tummy ache do ya? Christian looks away, disgusted, fed up. BOSS I told you last month you were on thin ice Tasroe. If you want to be at home so much, just stay there. Why bother coming in at all? You sure as hell don't do much around here anymore except take up space.
4. CHRISTIAN I - - BOSS When was the last time you met your quota? Christian glances at his shoes. beat. BOSS Exactly my point, you can't even remember. The elevator doors begin to shut again. Boss man stops it with his intrusive foot. CHRISTIAN I'm having some personal problems... you know this. BOSS You've been having these same personal problems for over a year now. I was sympathetic then... but now it's just pathetic. Christian shakes his head. BOSS You hafta move on pal. I mean look at you, you're a mess. And to be perfectly frank with you Tasroe... I don't want you moping around here anymore effecting my employees' working environment. CHRISTIAN So you're letting me go? The elevator doors begin to close. BOSS Think of it as a permanent holiday. They shut completely. EXT. CITY - LATER DAY Cars drive along, bumper-to-bumper, HORNS BLARING. Many clouds of smoke from large industrial buildings climb into the atmosphere and join the natural ones.
5. INT. PHONE BOOTH - LATER DAY Christian leans up against the side of the booth, phone pressed to his ear. CHRISTIAN (Softly) ... I don't know right now. Everything's just fallen apart since she left. (beat; listens) Maybe a factory worker, something along those lines. (beat; listens) There are plenty of plants just across the way here. (beat; listens) I know it's not what you wanted but... (beat; listens) C'mon Ma... (beat; listens) I can't even think about that right now. You know how hard it is to meet people in the city. A middle aged FAT WOMAN knocks loudly on the phone booths flimsy doors. She holds a McDonalds super-sized milkshake in her stubby hand. FAT WOMAN (Somewhat muddled) I need to use the phone right now. You can't occupy it all day ya know. Christian looks at her and nods. CHRISTIAN Because people only care about themselves, that's why Ma. (beat; listens) Not now, I gotta go. Love you. He hangs up, exits the booth passed the fat woman who bumps him on the way by. EXT. LIQUOR STORE - LATER DAY Christian's car pulls into one of two remaining empty spaces at an otherwise crowded parking lot. No surprise.
6. INT. LIQUOR STORE - LATER DAY Christian stands second from the front in a long line. His mini shopping cart full of over-sized beer cans and liquor bottles. An OLD BALDING MAN pays for his Cognac at the register. A very young looking TEENAGER stands nervously with a forty of Smirnoff in his hand. He wears his hat backwards. CHRISTIAN (Whispers) How old are you? The teenager is startled, he looks around, spots Christian. TEENAGER Eighteen man. What's it to ya? CHRISTIAN (Smiling, still whispering) How old are you really? The teenager looks at the distracted cashier at the register. With his mouth he mimes the word, or number "sixteen". Smiles. CHRISTIAN (Nodding) At least you're not stealing. (beat; whispers) Take off your hat... up your chances. The teenager does. TEENAGER (Whispers) Thanks. CHRISTIAN (Shrugs) Hey, you're young... have some fun. TEENAGER Nice. That rhymed. The cashier places the old, balding mans Cognac in a brown bag. He leaves. Christian moves up to the register, pays. The cashier doesn't even look at him.
7. EXT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Bright florescent lights, BOOMING MUSIC from inside, your typical nightclub. A long line has formed, composed of about 20-30 PEOPLE waiting to get in. The WOMEN are dressed in as little as possible, sexy. TWO LARGE BOUNCERS, one Asian, one African American, guard the door. Various cars whip by the street in front, MUSIC BUMPING. INT. NIGHTCLUB - NIGHT Various MEN and WOMEN crowd around the bar, shouting for one of the bartenders' attention. The dance floor is even more crowded, COUPLES grinding up against each other. Those who have never met before, brought together by alcohol. The techno-style MUSIC gradually grows INCREASINGLY LOUDER. DISSOLVE TO: INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT The stark contrast of a quiet, messy apartment. A lamp is cracked and lies on its side on a small table. The LIGHT sputters to life before dying again. A shelf has been toppled over, numerous magazines are scattered over the floor. A window is open; the cold night air causes the curtains to float in the air rhythmically like a ghost. The full moon glows bright in the distance over the tall buildings of the metropolis. Broken beer bottles litter the floor. The little amounts of backwash that always gathers at the bottom of the bottles has spilled out onto the carpet. Christian sits on a ratty looking couch that holds no pillows. A half-full or half-empty bottle of Whiskey is clutched in his hand and resting on his thigh. The glow of the television, turned up to full volume, flickers off of his drunken face. A local NEWS ANCHORMAN is heard speaking.
8. ANCHORMAN (o.s.) ... after a mother of two deceased children went missing last weekend. Friends of the family believe that she may have taken her own life. Police are still looking for any evidence that may have led to her disappearance. (Continuous) ...... Christian takes another swig of Whiskey. He reaches for the portable phone nearby. He presses one button, speed-dial no doubt. Christian sits back against the couch, phone held tightly to his ear, waits. Beat. Someone picks up. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Drumheller Distress Center. How may we be of assistance? Silence. Christian says nothing. beat. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Hello? NOTE: Christian's dialogue is all in drunken slurs. Beat. CHRISTIAN So you're that guy that's been hired for my life... for saving my life, right? MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Sir, is this an emergency? CHRISTIAN Are their any kinds of stress... distress that isn't?
9. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) I'm going to ask you to wait on the line sir, someone will take your call in a few short moments okay? CHRISTIAN Yeah okay, sure, good. Christian chugs some more Whiskey. Beat. WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Hello this is Wanda speaking. Who am I speaking too? CHRISTIAN You, Wanda, are speaking to a man that is teetering on the edge. I may jump. WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Sir... (Deep breath) Do you have a weapon on you sir? CHRISTIAN Nope. WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Good, that's good. Ummm, why do you want to do that? I'm sure you have family that will miss you, a wife, a girlfriend, kid's maybe? What about all your dreams? Are you going to leave them unfulfilled? Christian smiles like someone watching a playful puppy. WOMAN'S VOICE (Continuous; o.s.) Your on the edge, I understand that. But nothing good can come from jumping sir, only death. CHRISTIAN Good.
10. WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) No it is not good sir. When - - CHRISTIAN Why do you care, huh? WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Excuse me? CHRISTIAN Why do you care what happens to me? WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) I care because I - - CHRISTIAN You care because it is your job to care. I'm a stranger to you. Why would you care about someone you don't know? WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Sir, I - - CHRISTIAN Wanda? WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Yes sir? CHRISTIAN This is you firth... first time isn't it honey? Your first time handling a suicidal caller, am I right or am I right? Silence. beat. WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Second, actually. CHRISTIAN You have any other talents Wanda? WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) I'm not quite sure what you mean?
11. CHRISTIAN Obviously not then. You know Wanda... you should probvly, probably learn another talent. WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) And why is that, sir? CHRISTIAN Because you're not very good at your job. Silence for a long beat. Christian listens intently. CHRISTIAN You still with me, or are you practicing becoming a mute? Beat. Christian yawns. CHRISTIAN I'm gettin' tired over here. Maybe I should jump after all. WOMAN'S VOICE (More serious, less caring; o.s.) You don't enjoy life, sir? Christian thinks it over by taking in some more liquor. The bottle makes a HOLLOW POPPING sound when he brings it down from his lips. CHRISTIAN Life is something I do when I can't get to sleep. (beat) Bad night, Wanda. WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Sir, wait! CHRISTIAN Wanda? WOMAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Yes? CHRISTIAN Don't listen to me... I'm drunk.
12. He hangs up. INT. APARTMENT - BEDROOM - NIGHT Christian stumbles into his room, bottle in hand. He drops to his knees near the bed and pulls out a brown BOX wrapped in duct tape. DRESSER Numerous pictures behind glass frames. Pictures of Christian and Jessica at various places, in each others arms smiling. Some pictures are of Jessica alone, smiling, happy. Various Polaroid's lay on the dresser as well. Christian places the box on the bed and sits beside it. Facing ahead, he gulps down some more pain killers in liquid form before putting the bottle on the bed-side table. Taking a deep breath, he drops the box in his lap and examines it closely. BOX Christian's HANDS rip off the tape and open the lid; revealing a GUN with many BULLETS rolling around beside it. He picks up the gun and studies it. INT. APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT A bright WHITE LIGHT shows everything in crystal-clear, unforgiving clarity. Christian pisses without a care into the toilet and onto its seat. He holds the gun in his left hand, drinking from the Whiskey bottle with the other. Christian looks abnormally pale and skinny. His face and eyes tired and worn-out. He finishes pissing, shakes, and takes a final swig of Whiskey before dumping the backwash down the toilet and flushing it. INT. APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Christian sits facing the television as before, but now it is turned off. He holds the gun carelessly on his lap like he did the liquor bottle. His face contains a far away look. OPEN WINDOW Rain begins to blow into the apartment with help from the gushing wind outside.
13. Down below we hear people ARGUING and CAR HORNS BLARING at one another. WALL Dull THUDS. A woman's MOAN emits form behind it. A man's GROAN accompanies it. CHRISTIAN is now crying. The type of crying when tears stream down his face but with no facial movement. The look of hopelessness. Christian slowly brings the gun to his head and presses it against his temple. beat. He closes his eyes - - ... and pulls the trigger. CLICK. The gun is empty. Christian mimes what he thinks it would be like to blow his own brains out and falls sideways onto the couch. Beat. He cries like a baby. FADE TO BLACK FADE IN: INT. CAR - NIGHT Christian drives along happily with his wife JESSICA beside him. Jessica is good looking in the cute sort of way. They laugh. THE VIEW SHAKES EXT. ROAD - NIGHT A white Cavalier and a white truck are tangled together in the middle of the road. Windows blown-out, doors off hinges, scrap steel and metal intertwine. THE VIEW BLURS. INT. AMBULANCE - NIGHT Christian is bloody, bruised and breathing through an oxygen mask as he sits over a broken, crumpled mess of a body. TWO DOCTORS work on the carcass desperately.
14. DOCTOR #1 (Very low, slow motion) Clear! DOCTOR #2 (Very low, slow motion) We're losing her! THE VIEW DISTORTS AND SHIFTS OUT OF POSITION. INT. HOSPITAL MORGUE - NIGHT A PAIR OF HANDS in white latex gloves pull back a white sheet, revealing Jessica's lifeless face. Christian stands over her solemnly and tries to hide his inner pain. He fails. His bottom lip quivers. A tear drops from his eye. A BLINDING WHITE LIGHT. EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY The many FAMILY MEMBERS surround the area dressed in black. They hold colored flowers and personal items. Christian watches a casket slowly lower into the ground. SLOW DISSOLVE TO: INT. UNKNOWN ROOM - DAY The BRIGHT SUN shines through the window and onto - - CHRISTIAN as he sleeps in a neatly made bed. His face cringes as the sun's rays hit it. He slowly opens his eyes and looks around, still drowsy. Unfamiliarity comes over Christian ... he springs up like someone threw ice water over him. CHRISTIAN'S POV A generic room. We see three walls, painted dark blue. A dresser with a light and a book on it. Two closed doors. Turning to the window we see a bright blue sky with thick, puffy clouds. Lush Evergreen, Oak, and Maple trees reach into the air. Christian looks around confused, startled. He throws the blankets off and gets out of the bed.
15. He wears the same clothes as the last time we saw him. Making his way to the desk he looks down at the book, the cover reads: "Holy Bible". CHRISTIAN (Under his breath) What the...? INT. CLOSET - DAY Many brand new shirts and pants hang down in front of us. Beat. The clothes part and Christian stands in our view looking the clothes up and down. INT. UNKNOWN ROOM - DAY Christian rushes towards the second closed door and opens it. He squints as a bright, but NATURAL LIGHT hits him. He shields his eyes with his forearm. EXT. SUBURBIA - DAY Christian stands in a doorway, looking around. To either side of him are houses that look exactly like the one he's standing inside of. BIRDS CHIRP. PEOPLE CHEERING are heard in the distance. Christian begins rubbing his squinting eyes when - - Two loud HONKS' are heard. He brings his hands away from his face, still squinting. A black BMW with tinted windows rolls up to the curb in front of him. Christian watches as a TALL MAN wearing a bright white suit steps out of the backseat of the luxury vehicle. The tall man smiles, shuts the door. The BMW promptly pulls away from the curb and drives off. TALL MAN (Enthusiastic shout) Good morning! Christian scans the area, looking for others. He can't be talking to him?
16. The tall man heads up the path towards Christian, looking straight at him. TALL MAN (Smiling) Have a nice sleep? He stops in front of Christian and offers his hand. TALL MAN I'm John Cross. Christian looks the tall man up and down, bewildered, he returns the handshake out of reflex. JOHN shakes his hand vigorously. CHRISTIAN I'm... confused. JOHN (Smiles) That's okay Adam, we all are. Christian is taken aback. CHRISTIAN Uhh, maybe there has been a mistake but... who are you? And why do you think my name is Adam? JOHN I don't think... I know. Christian wipes his eyes, squints at John. CHRISTIAN I hate to burst your bubble sir but my name is actually Chris - - JOHN (Smiling) I know what you think your name is. Christian right? Of course I am. Christian studies this presuming stranger. CHRISTIAN Do you always answer your own questions like that? John's smile broadens. He stares at Christian. beat.
17. CHRISTIAN Alright enough of this. Tell me what's going on pal. Right now. JOHN (Smile casually fades) Sure, you're entitled to know like everyone else. But answer me this, has anyone ever told you that you're extremely forward with people you just met? CHRISTIAN Yeah, but only the people that I just met and am forward with. John's smile returns. beat. JOHN (Gives him a wave to follow) Let's take a walk. It's such a beautiful day, isn't it? CHRISTIAN A walk? More CHEERS ARE HEARD. JOHN (Motions towards the cheers) To see where the fun is. John makes his way down the path, adjusting his suit. Christian watches him carefully. He scans the unfamiliar area and hesitantly follows after. EXT. FIELD - DAY A large hill looms close now. John and Christian walk parallel to each other, but keep their distance. Or more like Christian keeps his distance. The long grass of the field reaches just above Christian's knees, and just below John's. The many CHEERS GROW CLOSER with each passing step. CHRISTIAN Alright, so we're walking... JOHN Isn't it grand?
18. CHRISTIAN I'll tell you what, I'll pay you a grand to tell me what I'm doing here. JOHN Money is of little importance in this place. CHRISTIAN I see. He doesn't. beat. CHRISTIAN So what's your story John? JOHN Me? Well, there is no interesting story behind my life. CHRISTIAN I beg to differ. I've known you for a total of ten minutes and I'm interested. JOHN No you're not. You're only interested in getting my answers to your questions. But what is of great importance is you, for it is you that I have been watching intently, day after day. CHRISTIAN You've been watching me, huh? Okay, so what does that make you? God?... or Santa Clause? JOHN What is the difference? You don't believe in either of them anyway. Christian nonchalantly kicks at something in the grass. CHRISTIAN That's not entirely true. I mean let's face it, God and Santa Clause don't exactly come packaged together with a bow on top. They're entirely different... JOHN Funny. You had no trouble associating the two a moment ago.
19. Beat. Christian squints once again, shields his eyes. CHRISTIAN Well, it was just as plausible to me as accepting the fact that you've been watching me day after day, John. More CHEERS emit from beyond the large hill. CHRISTIAN So let me get back to my first question, since you agree that you have the answers... John smiles. CHRISTIAN What is this place? JOHN (Toying) You don't know? CHRISTIAN I know that I fell asleep in my apartment - - JOHN Passed out. CHRISTIAN and... What? John glances at him. CHRISTIAN Whatever. I know that I passed out in my apartment and woke up here. And unless I have a terrible sleep walking problem, John, you owe me an explanation. John speeds up his walk toward the hill and moves ahead. JOHN You'll be enlightened shortly, Adam. Christian stops for a moment and then jogs to catch up. He puts an arm across John's chest, both men halt in their tracks.
20. CHRISTIAN My name is Christian. Christian Tasroe, got it? You seem like a fairly intelligent man, I'm sure you can grasp the concept. JOHN Your name is Adam. Adam Alexander. John starts to walk away; Christian stops him with an arm across the chest again. John looks to the arm, back up. CHRISTIAN (Getting angry) I know who I am okay? JOHN You do? CHRISTIAN Damn right pal. So before we take another step in our magical fairy walk, you're going to tell me why you keep calling me Adam. John waits patiently; Christian takes the hint and removes his arm. Beat. JOHN Do not fall under the false impression that I'm trying to make you different here Adam. The cheers coming from behind that hill are from people that you will feel right at home with. We can all relate to you. We are all the same because we are all different. Different from the rest. Here, in this place, every single person receives a different name because they're being received as a different individual... embraced as one. Christian shakes his head. CHRISTIAN Riiight... (beat. impatient) So where exactly is here, John. More CHEERS.
21. JOHN (Smiles) Hear that? John begins to walk ahead. Christian promptly follows, no hesitations this time, curious. EXT. HILL - DAY CHRISTIAN'S POV We ascend the large hill; John waits patiently at the top with his back to us. The CHEERS are just beyond. We climb and finally reach the top. The SUN BLINDS US for a moment. We look down towards the noise and see a game of baseball being played in a very professional, and obviously expensive park. The bleachers surrounding the field are filled with many, many PEOPLE. Looking to the right, we see an outdoor stage resembling the kind you'd find on Broadway. Their is a play going on at the moment, many SPECTATORS watch with interest. Their are TEENAGERS below playing on the NBA-style basketball court, or swimming in a large pool, sliding down water slides. Some ELDERLY folks fish in a pond. Others simply read a book. A beautiful waterfall drops from a canyon above. A large dome with arcade-like sounds emitting from it is spotted in the acres of land before us. YOUNG TEENAGERS run in and out. Various PEOPLE eat a seemingly endless abundance of food at picnic tables, chatting it up, laughing. In the distance, many boats drive around a lake. PEOPLE water skiing and tubing behind them. Christian's jaw drops as he scans the area ahead of him. CHRISTIAN Jesus... what is this place? JOHN Call me John. (Smiles) It's almost like a utopia, isn't it?
22. CHRISTIAN (In awe) Or an incredibly expensive summer camp. John laughs. JOHN I told you, money is of - - CHRISTIAN (Still watching everything below) Little importance. Yeah, I got it. (beat) I thought you had some explaining to do before, but now... CHEERS from the baseball game as another run scores. CHRISTIAN Where did all these people come from? JOHN Everywhere. All around. Beat. CHRISTIAN How long have they been here? JOHN They are always here. This is their home. Christian turns to John. beat. CHRISTIAN You mean they own all this? JOHN They don't 'own'... but it belongs to them, yes. CHRISTIAN And money's of little importance? JOHN Well, none actually. Christian shakes his head. CHRISTIAN Sorry, I'm not buying it John.
23. JOHN Well you don't have to. That's the beauty of it. It has all been paid for. CHRISTIAN Nothing in life is free. (beat; smiles) So what's the catch? JOHN (Watching the baseball game) Nice catch! CHRISTIAN Excuse me? Christian follows John's gaze down to the diamond. An OUTFIELDER cleans himself off and throws the ball back to the infield. THE CROWD CHEERS. JOHN (Watching the baseball game) One of our best players. (Turns to Christian) Sorry, what did you say, Adam? CHRISTIAN Well Frank, which is what I'm going to call you until you get my name right in case you're wondering; But uhh, I still get the feeling that you're not telling me everything there is to know. JOHN What do you want to know? Christian can only laugh. Isn't it obvious? CHRISTIAN Do these people even have jobs? I mean, how can they afford to pay the taxes? Anything this good is too good to be true. JOHN Why is it too good to be true? Do they not deserve this? Do they have to be tied down to mind numbing jobs they hate just to barely squeak by paycheck-to-paycheck? (MORE)
24. JOHN (CONT'D) Here, money is not part of the equation. Here, anything is possible. Here... your dreams come true. I mean that quite literally. CHRISTIAN Oh really? So what you're essentially saying, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that everyone down there is living their dream at this very moment? JOHN That wasn't what I was saying, but essentially, yes. They are. (beat. To himself) You're catching on faster than the others. Christian scans the area below once more. beat. CHRISTIAN Okay, I'll bite. If this is indeed true, I gotta say that I'm disappointed. I mean this is great and all, but excuse me for saying... it is not very imaginative. JOHN Imaginative? CHRISTIAN Yeah. When I dream, I dream of flying. I dream of becoming a super-hero. I dream of having sex with the woman I saw on T.V. the night before. Getting my drift? JOHN Those are fantasies, there is a difference. CHRISTIAN So people can live their dreams here... just not their fantasies? I still fail to see the difference. JOHN Fantasies are something you do when your awake, to escape reality. Dreams come at a time when your sense of reality has dulled, when you're asleep. Dreams are pure.
25. CHRISTIAN Actually I dream about flying, super-hero's and sex when I'm asleep. So if what you are saying is true, and this is indeed a dream-world... I should be able to spread my arms right now and take off like Superman. Christian does the Superman pose and jumps in the air. He doesn't go anywhere. CHRISTIAN Dammit. Guess that just about spoils your theory. JOHN (Amused) Even dreams and fantasies are limited to your imagination. And all imaginations have some realistic walls, unfortunately. CHRISTIAN So whoever manufactured this place, whoever created it, paid for it, whatever. They can distinguish between the two? JOHN No, I wouldn't say that. These people do all the distinguishing that is needed. But even without that I believe that I could explain the difference on my own. CHRISTIAN Yeah, I would guess so. I'd be surprised if you couldn't at this point. So enlighten me o wise one. John smiles. beat. JOHN Dreams are something you want to happen. Fantasies you do not. CHRISTIAN I don't know what you fantasize of John, but I sure wouldn't mind if one of my fantasies came true. JOHN You don't mean that.
26. CHRISTIAN Oh, but I do. JOHN You don't. Because as soon as that fantasy of yours occurred, it would become reality. The very thing that you try to escape and replace with a dream. CHRISTIAN I'm not trying to escape - - JOHN Why do you think you are here among these people? You were unhappy with where you were in life, and so were all these people before you. I wish you could see yourself now... lost in wonder. Enchantment. CHRISTIAN How...? How can you assume anything about me? You don't know me. You don't know where I've been. But you do know where I am and how I got here, and that alone is why I have followed you out this far. JOHN That is a lie and you know it. Beat. Christian shakes his head and squints, he's utterly lost, disoriented. He begins to SMACK himself on the cheek. CHRISTIAN (To himself) Alright time to wake up now. (Smack) Let's go. Anytime. (Smack) Note to self... cut down on the hard stuff. No more full bottles. Use a god damn chaser. He SMACKS himself once more. JOHN What are you doing? CHRISTIAN I'm trying to wake up from this... this dream.
27. John nods. JOHN Okay well, before you go back to that five star apartment you live in, at least stay to answer one question of mine. CHRISTIAN I thought you answer your own questions? And how do you know about my - - ? JOHN The things you see before you, do you find them pleasant or unpleasant? Christian plays along and looks below at all the ordinary people living an extraordinary life. CHRISTIAN (Looks to John, shrugs) Pleasant, obviously. JOHN So if this is in fact a dream of yours, you'd agree that it is a pleasant dream, am I right? CHRISTIAN You are. JOHN Then why do you want to wake up? The words hang in the air. beat. JOHN The fact of the matter is that dreams make a better reality. (Points below) Don't you want to be a part of it like all these people? Christian scrambles to regain the upper-hand in the conversation. True male hormones at work. CHRISTIAN Don't... don't even try to convince me that those people in the crowd dreamt of being spectators.
28. JOHN Everyone in this place is living their dream because their not stuck in a nightmare. Christian rolls his eyes, but can't help but be a little intrigued at the possibilities, no matter how preposterous. CHRISTIAN So what's your role in this, huh? Why aren't you down there living it up with all the rest? JOHN Because my dream is making other people's dreams a reality. CHRISTIAN (Jokingly) That's very generous. JOHN Right now, I know this is difficult for you to understand. But it will all be crystal clear very soon. I haven't forgotten about you. (Motions below) All these people have experienced their dream individually, and now they live in one giant dream together. (Turns to Christian) Tomorrow Adam... you'll live yours as well. But until that time, I only ask that you restrain yourself from venturing down there. (Mimicking Christian) You seem like a fairly intelligent man, I'm sure you can grasp the concept. Before Christian can respond, John is off walking down the hill towards the people. Christian remains standing idly on top of the hill, a statue in disbelief. Beat. CHRISTIAN (Quietly to himself) No problem... Frank. DISSOLVE TO:
29. EXT. HILL - SUNSET The glowing sun shimmers its last remnants of life just beyond the hill. The sky resembles a painstakingly detailed painting with the various reds, oranges, and yellow's encompassing it. Beat. We admire the scenery. The silence. The peace. DISSOLVE TO: INT. UNKNOWN ROOM - NIGHT Christian sits alone on the edge of the bed, staring out the window at the full moon off in the distance. On his lap is a Polaroid picture. THE PICTURE is of Christian's wife Jessica. She smiles at us sitting on a park bench with a fountain spraying water up behind her. The same picture we saw framed in his office. Christian's thumb is rubbing the picture gently. Beat. THE DOORBELL RINGS. Christian snaps out of his daze and spins around. He pockets the picture, slowly gets up, and heads towards the door. Somewhat unsure. INT. THE DOOR - NIGHT The door opens, revealing a WOMAN with her back to us. Christian waits. beat. CHRISTIAN Ummm... yes? The woman remains standing with her back to Christian, gazing up at the stars. WOMAN'S VOICE Wonderful night, isn't it? The woman turns around. She's beautiful in every sense of the word. WOMAN My name is Eve... Eve Gardener.
30. EVE GARDENER'S eyes delve into Christian's eyes. Christian looks like he's been struck by a lightning bolt. EVE Are you a religious man? Christian takes a moment to gather himself. beat. CHRISTIAN (Half swallowing) Excuse me? EVE The Bible... do you read it? Beat. Christian studies her face. CHRISTIAN What is this? EVE It's a question. Realization rushes over Christian's face. CHRISTIAN (Solemn) Whatever it is you're selling, I'm not interested. EVE What I'm selling is free. The big question is whether you'll buy into it or not. Christian shakes his head. beat. CHRISTIAN I get it. You're a Jehovah's Witness right? Well thanks, but no thanks. He begins to close the door. Eve stops it with her boot. EVE I'm trying to help you. CHRISTIAN Help me? What makes you think I need help? EVE Because you asked for it.
31. Beat. Christian looks Eve up and down, sizing her up. CHRISTIAN Do I know you? Eve just stares at him. beat. CHRISTIAN John sent you didn't he? Eve continues to stare at him with a blank expression. beat. CHRISTIAN I knew it. You're a beautiful woman and that nut wants to know my dreams and fantasies. So he sent you to get them from me, right? (beat; smirking) I know how this works, and I'm not going to let it. Sorry to disappoint you honey, but you, your delusional boyfriend, and your little cult can go to Hell as far as I'm concerned, and that's not a very far distance at all. As soon as I regain my bearings, I'm outta here. Eve places her boot further inside the doorway. Christian glances at it, looks back up. EVE Why is it that when people ask for help and receive it, they're never as grateful as they should be? They feel like it was their fate to be saved all along and were never in any real danger at all. But when this help is not granted, they automatically blame God. Why? Eve removes her boot from the doorway. CHRISTIAN I don't blame God for anything, which is why I don't thank him for anything either. Beat. EVE I see. Eve turns around and begins heading down the path without so much as a nod goodbye.
32. She glances back at Christian over her shoulder. EVE Don't go to sleep... Adam. Christian watches in bewilderment, speechless as Eve rounds the corner and out of sight. DISSOLVE TO: INT. UNKNOWN ROOM - DAY CLOSE UP ON CHRISTIAN'S FACE as his eyes suddenly open. His breath comes out like a gust of wind, or somebody inhaling their last breath. His frightened eyes dart from side-to-side. Sweat perspires from his forehead. We finally see what Christian is looking at. THE INSIDE OF A WAREHOUSE It is completely empty. An extremely large, vacant area with only one large window up top that allows the sun's rays to fill the structure. Concurrently, it also reveals the vast amount of dust that fills the air; the invisible viruses that we breathe everyday without knowing, or caring. Note: We only view Christian in EXTREME CLOSE-UPS, unless directed otherwise. CHRISTIAN tries to get up, he can't. A thick rope hugs tightly around his throat. The rest of his body is SOMEHOW RESTRAINED. He tries again but his attempts are only halted by this unknown force that is holding him back. He twists and squirms with all his strength but cannot seem to get loose from his trap. He begins to panic. CHRISTIAN S-somebody here? Christian's VOICE ECHOES through the empty warehouse as he struggles continuously against his confinement. CHRISTIAN Can anyone hear me?
33. Beat. A DOOR IS HEARD OPENING. Christian suddenly stops struggling as he HEARS FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING. He tries to turn his head, but his neck is confined to very limited movement by the thick rope. CHRISTIAN Hello? The FOOTSTEPS are closer. CHRISTIAN Who's there? The FOOTSTEPS seem to hover over him until - - John Cross comes into view, smiling. CHRISTIAN (Relief) Oh thank God! Get me out of here John. John continues to stare at him, his smile fades. JOHN Thank God? Does that mean you can blame him now too? Christian's relief is short lived. CHRISTIAN John, what the hell happened to me?! JOHN (Smile returns) This is what you wanted. CHRISTIAN What? No! I don't want this. Can't you see I'm tied down? I want out! Now! Help me out John. Christian begins to struggle with the most ferocity yet. JOHN Relax Adam. John casually walks out of Christian's view. CHRISTIAN Where are you going?! Don't leave me here, please!
34. Silence. beat. Christian's eyes are wide, intensely listening for any sound. beat. CHRISTIAN (Whispers) Oh shit. This is not happening. It's not real. It's a dream. It has to be... a dream. Christian closes his eyes tightly. Trying to wake up anywhere else but where he is. Beat. JOHN (o.s.) A dream? Now that wouldn't be very imaginative. Christian opens his now moistened eyes. CHRISTIAN What is going on here? (beat) This doesn't make any sense. John walks back into Christian's view, arms behind his back. JOHN It makes perfect sense Adam. You just don't happen to understand it. (beat) This is what you need. Christian struggles with his invisible restraints. CHRISTIAN I don't need this. I don't want this. I don't even know what this is. Why did you bring me here? John's smile widens as he leans his face down towards Christian's. JOHN As I recall... you called us. INT. PHONE OPERATING ROOM - NIGHT FLASHCUT:
35. Dozens of people are seated at small cubicles as they talk into their headsets. Eve Gardener is one of them. She shakes her head, obviously upset. EVE You don't enjoy life, sir? The HOLLOW POPPING SOUND of someone drinking out of a bottle is heard. CHRISTIAN (o.s.) Life is something I do when I can't get to sleep. (beat) Bad night, Wanda. BACK TO SCENE: INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY John continues to stare at Christian. His eyes seemingly look into Christian's soul, his thoughts. JOHN Eve didn't like being told that she was not good at her job, Adam. That was very rude of you. Christian struggles to take this all in. CHRISTIAN (Exasperated) You set this all up. (beat) But why? How? JOHN Who? What? When? Where? What does it matter Adam? All questions are rhetorical when you know the answer. Christian begins to tremble. CHRISTIAN (Quietly) Enough games... please. Why do you keep calling me by a name I'm not? What is this place? Who are you? (beat) What happened to my life? Please...
36. Beat. John stares down at Christian, a mix of pity and sympathy in his eyes. JOHN (Soft) It's a shame. People's dreams come and go so fast that they can barely remember them when they wake up. But the bottom line is... we all wake up. We all choose to. John softly taps Christian on his cheek with the palm of his hand. JOHN You have been kept in the dark long enough. John slowly backs away. He stares at Christian with a look of sincerity we have not yet seen from him. His words match his new demeanor. JOHN You are not in a dream world. This is real, no matter how unbelievable it might seem. And if it does seem unbelievable to you, good, for that is its purpose. My purpose. (beat) I call you Adam for your own safety, Christian. (beat) This place, everything you've seen, touched, experienced... does not elude explanation. (beat) You are in the witness protection program, Adam Alexander. Christian's eyes widen. beat. CHRISTIAN (Whispers) What? JOHN It's not unlike most suburban communities actually. The nicer the place, the deeper the secrets. The same can be said for people. (beat) Christian Tasroe was in danger. I rescued him. I... resurrected him.
37. CHRISTIAN No. JOHN I gave you life. Christian can't conceal his frustration any longer. CHRISTIAN Given me life?! You've given me nothing. What makes you think your so high and mighty?! JOHN Because I value my life, Adam. I'm not suicidal. The words hit Christian like a car crash. beat. JOHN I told you that you were like those people you saw over the hill. You are those people, and they are you. Christian is left speechless. JOHN (Continuous) Well not literally of course, but you are all bound by the same immoral fabric. You see Adam, no one can measure what is going on inside of somebody that wants to die. Most people spend their entire life avoiding death, thus never really living at all. So doesn't it make perfect sense then, that those who spend their life embracing death, may have the right idea? Christian shakes his head in disbelief. JOHN (Continuous) Many on the outside believe that people who commit suicide do it because they don't want anything to do with the world. But I believe that people commit suicide because they are afraid that the world doesn't want anything to do with them. (beat) So I created one that did.
38. CHRISTIAN W-what are you saying? John nods his head, proud. JOHN What I'm saying Adam is that I've created a shelter for the emotionally homeless. The people on the edge. The suicidal people. Like yourself. CHRISTIAN No. There's no way you could do that. (beat) It's not possible. JOHN Not possible?! That shouldn't be in anyone's vocabulary. Besides, you're not the only one with the number for the Drumheller Distress Center on speed dial, Adam. Christian's eyes are wide. CHRISTIAN (Whispers) Jesus Christ... JOHN Now your making me blush. Christian's face suddenly goes bright red; he struggles against the restraints. CHRISTIAN And this is how you help people you psycho fuck!? You tie them up against their will, abduct them from their homes?! What kind of protection program is this huh?! What the fuck are you protecting me from!? John's arrogant smile returns.
39. JOHN There is really no need for profanity. After all, it is only a useless substitute for not knowing how to express what you're actually trying to say. But let me be frank... seeing how you're comfortable with that anyway, as I attempt to interpret your malevolent question to form an accurate answer. CHRISTIAN (Struggles in restraints) Fuck you! JOHN Exactly. John bellows a hearty laugh. beat. JOHN What am I protecting you from you asked? (beat. Dead serious) I'm protecting you from yourself, Adam. As I do everyone that enters this program. Free will or not. The witnesses are the people around you that see your decline everyday. You and all these people in this program are the walking dead out there. But in here... you are all alive. (beat) I have created Heaven on earth for people who only knew Hell. Can't you see what a magnificent accomplishment I've achieved? Christian can no longer bring himself to look at John. His eyes study the empty warehouse, looking for something, anything. CHRISTIAN'S POV We watch the sun's rays shine through the window high above. We look back to John, who remains standing there calmly, looking down at us. He inhales the many visible air born viruses that consume the area. Christian slowly becomes unusually calm and at ease considering his predicament. Beat.
40. CHRISTIAN Then why only take in suicidal people then John? If this is such an accomplishment, then why not everybody? JOHN Normal people want to be where they are... or at least can tolerate it. The suicidal obviously do not and can not. That is why if I don't help them, who will? The average Joe or Jane walking the streets with a Big Mac and super-sized fries in their stomach? Our government? (Snickers) I don't think so. CHRISTIAN Then how? And don't tell me money is of little importance. We both know that can never be the case. John shakes his head with amusement. Begins to pace. JOHN Okay, I admit I have put in some money into this place. But in the long run, it is such a small price to pay - - CHRISTIAN The things I've seen cost a bit more than some money. So level with me. It's the least you can do considering... Christian moves around in his restraints. He makes his point. JOHN I'm disappointed in you Adam. I thought you were more intelligent then that. I really did. (beat) What is money? When you break it down, really, what is it? All it turns out to be are pieces of paper with different pictures on it. Now if I could duplicate Heaven, as you clearly saw I could, then Adam Alexander... how difficult do you think duplicating pieces of paper would be?
41. Christian shakes his head in sheer disbelief. CHRISTIAN You're insane. I just hope you can see how transparent it is. JOHN Ah, insane... what an interesting word. It seems insanity is associated to everything that is beyond understanding. CHRISTIAN No. Just things that people refuse to accept. It has nothing to do with understanding. And I refuse to accept this. This... reality... dream world... whatever you want to call it. I refuse to accept it. JOHN That's fine, you don't have to. Choice is an illusion anyway. Christian begins to tremble once again and mounts the only offense available to him in his predicament... he spits as much saliva as he can at John. It lands directly on John's white jacket. John looks at it, brushes it off with a scowl. JOHN You also refuse to accept that your wife is six feet under, rotting away. Don't you? Christian's face becomes stone. JOHN Or is death just a concept you don't understand? The words linger in the musky atmosphere of the warehouse. Beat. CHRISTIAN (Trembling) How could you know about my wife? John reaches into his pocket.
42. JOHN You'd be surprised what people tell strangers with enough liquor inside of them. (beat) Especially over the phone. John pulls out A POLAROID PICTURE, examines it, quickly shows Christian, and tosses it onto his chest. It is the picture he was looking at earlier; his wife sitting happily on a park bench, a fountain spraying up behind her. JOHN Pictures say a thousand words? I believe that's wishful thinking, don't you? Christian fights to try and compose himself, it's a losing battle. John smiles down at Christian and briskly walks out of view. Beat. CHRISTIAN (Calling out) How do you justify this to yourself, John?! Who benefits?! It's certainly not the people! John's FOOTSTEPS FADE FURTHER AWAY. Beat. THE DOOR IS HEARD SLAMMING SHUT. Christian is left alone with only his thoughts and his memories in the form of a picture that he can't get off his chest. FADE TO BLACK CHRISTIAN'S SMALL, RAPID BREATHS ARE THE ONLY SOUNDS HEARD THROUGH THE DARKNESS. FADE IN: INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT The empty warehouse would be pitch-black if not for the tiny remnants of moonlight shining through the window above. The floating viruses seem to have vanished, but they are still present, only hidden.
43. The most haunting thing about this place is that WE NO LONGER HEAR BREATHING. An eerie silence encases the atmosphere. Beat. THE DOOR IS HEARD OPENING. This time MANY FOOTSTEPS ARE HEARD entering the warehouse. MALE VOICE (o.s.) I got the lights. A SWITCH CLICKS ON SOMEWHERE. The SURGE OF ELECTRICITY travels through the warehouse like blood through a vein until a DULL, ORANGE LIGHT fills up the warehouse. CHRISTIAN lays motionless, eyes tightly shut. Beat. Many BOOTS come into view surrounding Christian. Their SHADOWS engulf him. beat. FEMALE VOICE (o.s.) He dead? Beat. MALE VOICE # 2 Rope coulda choked 'em. A HAND REACHES DOWN toward the thick rope, checks its tightness, pulls back out of view. MALE VOICE # 3 Nope. Too loose for that. One of the boots KICKS Christian in the ribs with a THUD. MALE VOICE # 2 (Impatient) Get up! THE DOOR IS HEARD OPENING AGAIN. MORE FOOTSTEPS ENTER. MALE VOICE # 2 (Calling out) I think he's dead, John. THE FOOTSTEPS GROW CLOSER.
44. JOHN (o.s.) He's not dead Ezekiel... Only dreaming. LAUGHTER. More BOOTS come into the picture, their SHADOWS accompany them. John leans down over Christian, he takes the Polaroid picture off of his chest and taps him on the forehead with it. JOHN Rise and shine sleepy head. Christian's eyes slowly open. He wears the look of everyone when they first wake up, absolute disorientation. Like he's been born all over again. His eyes are glassy and far-away as they try to adjust to the DULL LIGHT. CHRISTIAN'S POV We are staring up at an excess of 20 people looking down at us. Countless more can be seen in the background. These people all share one similar characteristic; they don't look well. Most are either very skinny or very fat, no middle ground. They all are extremely pale and have dark circles underneath their eyes. The men and boys wear nothing more than T-shirts and jeans; the women and girls the same. Very generic. Very hopeless. Christian is startled at such a sight and attempts to sit up like someone just threw ice water on him. But this time the thick rope impedes his progress, choking him. JOHN Relax now. Christian GAGS and COUGHS. JOHN (Looking over his shoulder) Mary... some water. MARY (o.s.) Sure. FOOTSTEPS ARE HEARD JOGGING AWAY. CHRISTIAN (Raspy) What is going on?
45. JOHN Your dream Adam. Your fantasy. The thing you wanted most in this whole entire world. (beat) It's time. And it is quite a surprise... even for me. Christian scans the area, confused. CHRISTIAN (Raspy) Are these the... the people over the hill? JOHN Uh-huh. But their not all old. LAUGHTER. Beat. CHRISTIAN (Raspy) My... dream? JOHN This is a case where you should be able to answer your own question, Adam. CHRISTIAN (Coughs. Raspy) I have a new one. JOHN (Fake surprised) Really? FOOTSTEPS APPROACHING. CHRISTIAN (Raspy) Yeah. (beat. coughs) I want out of here, Frank. JOHN (Amused) That's not your dream talking. Just desperation. MARY (o.s.) Here.
46. John takes the glass of water from Mary. EZEKIEL (o.s.) Bet you were dreaming about that too. John nurses the water to Christian, who sips slowly. beat. Christian begins to gulp down the water. He finishes, keeping the water stored in his mouth. John hands the glass to someone, turns back to face Christian. Christian spits all of the water over John's face. Some people GASP. Then it is silent. beat. EZEKIEL (o.s.) Ungrateful bastard! Ezekiel KICKS Christian in the ribs with tremendous force. WE HEAR A CRACK. Christian GROANS in pain. JOHN Ezekiel! relax. Save it. Ezekiel spits on Christian's face and slowly backs away. CHRISTIAN (Grimacing) Fuck you! Piece of shit! John wipes the regurgitated water off of his face with his shirt. JOHN That is the second time you've spit on me Adam. (beat) Shame on me, indeed. Christian begins to struggle intensely against his unknown restraints. CHRISTIAN (Hysterical) Fuck all of you! Let me out of here! I haven't done anything to you fucking people! JOHN Now is that really what you meant to say Adam? Or did you just fail to find the proper words?
47. CHRISTIAN (Looking at everyone) How can you do this to someone?! Don't you see, he's using you! He's making you slaves! Why can't you see this!? MARY (o.s.) He gave us life again. CHRISTIAN No! John steps out of view as Christian squirms with immense anger and desperation. JOHN (o.s.) Let's get him up. Christian's eyes dart from side-to-side as the many SHADOWS CLOSE IN AROUND HIM. CHRISTIAN W-what's happening... ? Various sullen PEOPLE raise Christian off the floor of the warehouse. WIDE SHOT: WE CAN NOW SEE that Christian is tied to a large CROSS. His hands spread out straight to the sides, his feet bound together at the bottom. The cross climbs until it is standing upright, supported by those below. It stands a good 20 feet off the ground. The word "Drumheller" is printed on the cross behind Christian's outstretched arms. His arms cover most of the word, however visibly behind his head, the word "hell" is spotted in clear view, free from bodily obstruction. Christian looks down at the CROWD supporting the cross below, panic in his eyes. John stands calmly, both hands wrapped around his back, looking up at Christian. CHRISTIAN (Calling down) What is this!?
48. John smiles below. JOHN (Calling up) I knew you were special Adam! From the moment I saw you! There was just something about you that I had never seen before! THE DOOR IS HEARD OPENING ONCE AGAIN. MORE FOOTSTEPS ENTER. Christian tries to look towards the door, but is restrained by the thick rope around his neck. JOHN (Calling up) All these people never really wanted to die Adam! They just wanted help! They only wanted to be saved! But I was wrong about you! You're different! Even from us! Christian's body begins to shake. CHRISTIAN No! Please! JOHN (Calling up) You're the only one who dreamt of the very thing I tried to protect you from... Death! Now you shall have it Adam! You shall live your dream! CHRISTIAN No! I don't want this! Christian can now see all of the PEOPLE that just entered the warehouse standing directly below, looking up at him. They hold rocks and lit torches. CHRISTIAN (Voice cracking) Oh God. Christian turns ghostly pale. He shakes his head as tears flow down his face. WE CAN HEAR THE FIRE CRACKLING BELOW.
49. CHRISTIAN (Calling down) I never really wanted to die! I only needed help! I'm not different, I'm the same! If I wanted to die I would've done it myself! JOHN (Calling up) That's a lie and you know it! Christian looks directly at John. No more pleading, only anger. CHRISTIAN (Calling down) You say your dream is to help everybody!? Bullshit! You just want control! Who are you to play God!? Who are you to take life as you please!? You're the god damn anti- Christ! John's eyes widen, this infuriates him. JOHN (Calling up; pointing at Christian) You threw away your old life after your wife died Adam! What do you call living in depression twenty four hours a day?! What do you call living in a mess of an apartment only to get drunk and kill off all of your emotions like they never meant anything to you!? You call that life!? Do you!? John grabs one of the torches and burns the Polaroid picture of Christian's wife. Christian looks hopelessly straight ahead, he is now eye- level with the WINDOW of the warehouse. CHRISTIAN'S POV A full moon stares back at us through the window. Not a cloud in the dark sky. Beat.
50. CHRISTIAN (v.o. calm) If there is anyone out there... I need your help. I want to live. I remember how to live now. I don't want to die. Please. Jess, I will see you again one day, but not now honey. Not like this. I never knew how to love something out there until I knew how to love what was in here. I need your help. Somebody's help. Anybody's. I don't want to die. Do you hear me? (beat) Do you? Beat. Suddenly a BRIGHT, FLASHING LIGHT appears before Christian's eyes. He looks around confused, startled. EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY FLASHCUT: GRAVESTONE R.I.P. In Loving Memory Jessica Tasroe 1971 - 2003 CHRISTIAN (o.s.) We'll be together soon. EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY FLASHCUT: The many FAMILY MEMBERS surround the area dressed in black. They hold colored flowers and personal items. Christian watches a casket slowly lower into the ground. INT. CAR - DAY FLASHCUT:
51. CHRISTIAN I'll be out of your way soon, don't worry. (Quietly) Soon I'll be out of everybody's way. INT. ELEVATOR - LATER DAY FLASHCUT: BOSS You hafta move on pal. I mean look at you, you're a mess. And to be perfectly frank with you Tasroe... I don't want you moping around here anymore effecting my employees' working environment. INT. PHONE BOOTH - LATER DAY FLASHCUT: FAT WOMAN (Somewhat muddled) I need to use the phone right now. You can't occupy it all day ya know. Christian looks at her and nods. CHRISTIAN Because people only care about themselves... TELEVISION FLASHCUT: ANCHORMAN (o.s.) ... after a mother of two deceased children went missing last weekend. Friends of the family believe that she may have taken her own life. Police are still looking for any evidence that may have led to her disappearance. INT. THE DOOR - NIGHT FLASHCUT:
52. EVE Why is it that when people ask for help and receive it, they're never as grateful as they should be? They feel like it was their fate to be saved all along and were never in any real danger at all. But when this help is not granted, they automatically blame God. Why? PICTURE FLASHCUT: Christian and Jessica Tasroe's wedding picture. In each other's arms, smiling. Such a bright future ahead of them. SLAM BACK TO SCENE: INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Christian stares ahead, a tear rolling down his cheek. Beat. He looks down. The FIRE is lit at the bottom of the cross. Christian looks to the crowd with frightening realization; John nods. The many PEOPLE hurl their rocks at Christian; The fire climbs toward him as he screams in tormented agony. FADE TO BLACK FADE IN: Christian's burnt and bloodied carcass in full view, tied up to the cross and smoking from the recently extinguished flames. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY An elderly couple walks along arm-in-arm by several gravestones. The fog casts a slight mist in the air. The ELDERLY WOMAN SNIFFS as they pass a MIDDLE-AGED MAN who leans in front of one of a hundred gravestones in the area. ELDERLY WOMAN (Whispers) So much sorrow is hidden in such a small place. The ELDERLY MAN nods his head.
53. ELDERLY MAN (Whispers) I guess that's better than a little bit all over. The elderly couple walk away arm-in-arm; They vanish into the thick fog. FADE OUT. THE END
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