This screenplay is copyrighted to its author. All rights reserved. This screenplay may not be used or reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
A TRAFFIC JAM - DAY A hard RAIN falls over all we see. And... a FREEWAY snakes far, but the cars do not move in the northbound lane. Southbound is moving fine. IN STOPPED TRAFFIC-- horns are not blaring. The situation is accepted by everyone behind the wheel. Just like the guy in that car. The blue Honda. In the number three lane. THE LEGEND APPEARS: Modern Day INT. HONDA - DAY TIM COUCH, 28 but with eyes that betray his age, drums his fingers on the wheel. Staccato beats a way of removing himself from this frustration. Beside him, in the passenger seat, EMILY COUCH, 26, folds her hands. EMILY Knock it off, please. TIM Sorry. He stops the drumming. Turns on the radio. EMILY Please... TIM It's one or the other, Emily. EMILY You need more options. TIM Don't I know it. A moment of silence. Tim resumes the tapping. EMILY We're going to be late. TIM You think? Emily unlatches her seatbelt. TIM What are you doing?! EMILY Walking. She opens the car door and climbs out. TIM Emily, what the hell are you doing?! You'll kill yourself! EMILY I wish. EXT. FREEWAY - DAY Defying the pounding rain, Emily shuts the car door and worms her way between cars trapped in traffic. To the median. Over it. Where... and this stops our heart... she casually crosses the OTHER LANES OF FAST MOVING TRAFFIC. Cars whip by at 80 mph missing her by inches but there's NO FEAR IN HER EYES; a Sunday stroll in the park as far as she's concerned. She SOMEHOW makes it to the other side of the freeway, swings one leg over the guardrail, and continues down an incline... to a neighborhood a few hundred yards away. INT. HONDA - DAY Tim is FREAKING OUT! Panting hard, he steers the car to the median and cuts the engine. Explodes out of the car. EXT. FREEWAY MEDIAN - SAME Tim stands. Watches Emily in the distance. She's safe. He exhales. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD - DAY Pretty, shingled homes, quiet streets. Emily walks with determination through the rain, quickly drenched. EXT. HOME - DAY GAIL, a middle aged real estate agent, stands under an umbrella, in the driveway. She checks her watch. Emily turns a corner and walks quickly toward Gail. GAIL Mrs. Couch! There you are. EMILY Sorry. We hit some traffic. The rain. GAIL Where's your car? EMILY Really? GAIL Um... would you like to stand under my umbrella? EMILY I'm good. This is it? GAIL Three bedrooms, two and a half bath. EMILY (eyes take one sweep across the outside) We'll take it. GAIL Uhhh... would you like to see the inside? EMILY I'm sure its fine. The Honda barrels down the street and SCREECHES to a stop at the new house. Tim, again, explodes from the drivers seat. TIM What the hell was that?! EMILY Tim, Gail. Gail, my husband, Tim. TIM You could have been killed! EMILY Well I wasn't. TIM What could I have done? I can't save you from that! I can't magically lift the cars from the freeway so they don't hit you. EMILY I didn't ask you to! TIM Even if you did ask me, I couldn't! Even if you wanted that! EMILY Which, clearly, I didn't. Uncomfortable pause. GAIL You must be Mr. Couch. EMILY I told her we'd take it. Tim looks up at the house. Eyes sweep over it once... TIM Yeah. We'll take it. GAIL I'd really like to show you the inside... EMILY How fast can we close? The truck will be here... what? TIM (checks his watch) Ten minutes? TIM Ten minutes. GAIL Uh... its... I'm sorry? FROM ABOVE-- we witness our players standing in the driveway as a MOVING TRUCK pulls up. Early. SMASH TO BLACK. A TITLE CARD OVER BLACK-- Twas 'bout a year later... INT. HOME - BEDROOM - MORNING An alarm clock BLARES. Emily's hand smashes it silent. She sits straight up and peels the covers away. What is about to happen will appear highly choreographed. It is not. And it happens without a single edit. Witness: STAIRCASE Emily steps slowly down, to the front door. Opens it. Grabs the newspaper and, without looking, tosses it behind her. TIM, halfway down the stairs, catches it. Continues casually down as... Emily moves into... KITCHEN Tim follows her. Emily grabs a frying pan and fires up the gas stove as Tim turns on the coffee maker. Turns and opens the refrigerator and tosses two eggs. Emily catches them almost without looking. Tim moves to the... BACK DOOR/YARD where he lets ARTHUR, the dog, out. Follows the pooch out and stretches. Surveys the yard and heads back into-- KITCHEN where Emily already has the eggs frying. Tim grabs two coffee cups out of the cabinet. Pours one cup, slides it to Emily who snaps it up and takes a sip. Pours himself one. Slides into a chair at the kitchen table as Emily flips the eggs, waits a moment, flips them back onto a plate and spins it over to Tim, who catches it, sets it down and starts in. Emily crosses into-- HALLWAY She grabs Tim's briefcase. Crosses back into-- KITCHEN Tim, takes one more bite of egg. Closes his newspaper. Stands and POP, snatches a piece of toast that's just been sprung free. He shoves it in his mouth, grabs the briefcase from Emily as he passes her, heading to-- FRONT DOOR which Emily opens, Tim starts to pass through as their dog, Arthur, suddenly stands directly in front of him. Tim SPILLS to the ground. Emily shoos Arthur away. Closes the door. Morning routine... done. INT. DEPARTMENT STORE - DAY Tim leans over a counter, staring intensely at rows of jewels. He is looking for... SALEWOMAN Is there something specific you're looking for? TIM Sadly. I won't find it here, though. SALEWOMAN Oh, don't give up. What's the occasion? TIM Anniversary. SALEWOMAN A necklace then? TIM A ring. I'll take that one. SALEWOMAN All right. That was easy. Do you want to know how much it is? TIM No. SALEWOMAN Lucky girl. She carefully plucks the two carat diamond ring out as Tim absently drops his credit card. Absent because he's focused on the COUPLE to his left... a few feet away... a GUY and GIRL, very early twenties. They EMBRACE. Giggle and whisper to each other. GUY You make me so happy, baby. Tim rolls his eyes. The couple kiss. GIRL I love you. GUY I'll love you forever, baby. They kiss again. Tim goes back to his search. GUY I gotta take a whiz, baby. I'll be right back. She smiles wide. He plants one more on her before wandering off. Tim stands straight. Follows him. INT. DEPARTMENT STORE BATHROOM - DAY The giggly GUY stands before a urinal doing his business. Tim enters, unzips and takes the stand next to him. A moment passes. Tim looks over. The Guy feels it. Looks back. Nods, uncomfortably. TIM Hey. GUY Hey. A moment. TIM You getting married? GUY Excuse me? TIM You're crazy in love out there. Wondering if you're-- GUY Do I know you? TIM Sorry. Moment. TIM Do you mind? Tim stays angled to the urinal, but slides a little closer to the Guy. GUY Dude, what are you doing?! TIM I just want to ask you something. The Guy is freaked out. He'd stop... if he could and beat feat outta there. But he just trickles. GUY Look, man. I just wanna-- Tim leans in closer. Still... angled. TIM Did you mean it? GUY Mean what? TIM You'll love her forever. GUY I... I don't know. I guess. TIM Would you say it... if you really had to? Guy is pissing in bits and pieces now. GUY Huh? Tim stares at him. Looks him over. Smiles. Slides back over to his own porcelain. Stares straight ahead. TIM I'm just saying, you have to be careful. That's all I'm saying. We say stuff sometimes. We're guys. We want to make them happy. Nine times out of ten we're just lookin' to get laid. And we're very goal oriented. We know their weak points. We exploit them. That's all I'm saying. (beat) Just remember. It's never too late... to run screaming in the opposite direction. He shakes. Tucks. Zips. Leaves. INT. SUPERMARKET - MEATS - DAY Emily pushes a shopping cart down an aisle. MEATS. Eyes the butcher, a young man of 17 (who, if we're keeping track, and we are, is named, coincidentally, BUTCH). He's a handsome kid but seems a little dull below the eyelids. Cutting with a thousand yard stare. But the sight of him makes Emily... catch her breath. EMILY Hello, Butch. BUTCH Hello, Mrs. Couch. EMILY I told you, it's Emily. BUTCH Uh... sorry. Emily. How's it goin'? EMILY Wonderful, Butch. Just peachy. You? BUTCH They got the new X-Men comin' out. I'm psyched to get off. EMILY No doubt. (beat) Of work, that is. He has no idea what she means. She rolls forward, but her heart seems to stay behind. Just a little. INT. SUPERMARKET - PARTY SUPPLIES - MOMENTS LATER Emily stops before birthday candles. Eyes them. Picks out the BIG NUMBERS. She frowns. INT. SUPERMARKET - CHECKOUT LINE - MOMENTS LATER Emily lines up her items on the conveyor belt. A bright-eyed CHECKOUT LADY scans away. Hits the "birthday numbers" CHECKOUT LADY Havin' a party, Mrs. Couch? Emily shakes her head. EMILY Anniversary. CHECKOUT LADY Congratulations, dear! She scans a "2". Then an "0". Then an... "8"? CHECKOUT LADY Sweetie-pie, I think you got one too many. EMILY Did I? CHECKOUT LADY How long you been married? Emily takes a moment. Other SHOPPERS in line stare at her. The Checkout Lady stares at her. One more beat, then-- EMILY Eight-hundred and twenty years. A long moment as everyone soaks this in. The Checkout Lady suddenly gets the joke. Holds up her left hand, displaying a puny diamond atop a fading gold ring. She chuckles: CHECKOUT LADY I know what you mean. JIMMY (the Bag Man), huge guy, little slow, soft heart, finishes loading her groceries. JIMMY THE BAG MAN You need help to da car, Mrs. Couch? EMILY I'm good, Jimmy. JIMMY THE BAG MAN You ever let Jimmy know if he can help you, now. EMILY I will, Jimmy. Emily smiles and pushes on. EXT. COUCH HOME - NIGHT A single light on in the main room. Lets go inside. INT. COUCH HOME - DINING ROOM - NIGHT A CAKE sits in the center of the table. Two pieces cut from it. The BIG NUMBERS Emily purchased have fallen flat. Tim and Emily sit on opposite sides of the table. We notice the NEW RING Tim purchased is on Emily's ring finger. Though it seems like more of an annoyance the way her thumb flicks at it. They silently chew. You can hear a mouse fart. Then... EMILY We have a session tomorrow. TIM Do you like the ring? EMILY It's fine. They sit silently. EMILY The session is at three. Tim sighs. EMILY Don't sound so excited. TIM I'm sorry. Gee! I can't wait to see Dr. Merlinski! It's so damn yippee. Silence. EMILY Me too. Emily takes another bite. INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Emily, alone, removes the new anniversary ring. Places it in a jewelry box FILLED WITH DIAMOND RINGS. She shuts the case. Looks near to tears. FADE TO BLACK. INT. DR. MERLINSKI'S OFFICE - DAY Emily and Time sit on a couch. The room is not typical; rather wood walls that indicate some sort of wood cabin. The lighting is poor, in fact most of it seems to come from sunlight seeping through the panels of the walls. They face camera. The voice of DR. Merlinski is deep. Aged. Wise. But we never see him. Just our pained couple. DR. MERLINSKI (O.S.) But it hasn't always been this way, correct? TIM I think it's been this way for awhile. EMILY Yeah, a long time. DR. MERLINSKI (O.S.) You need to remember. Think back. When is the moment, Emily, that you truly fell in love with Tim? EMILY You know, Dr. Merlinski. DR. MERLINSKI (O.S.) Remind me. EMILY That's silly. (beat) It's when he slew the dragon. EXT. WOODS - TWILIGHT Tim, (25) in the full metal ARMOR of a KNIGHT OF THE ROUND TABLE, ducks behind his SHIELD as a DRAGON shrieks a column of FIRE from his fanged mouth! Flames HIT the shield, coning around the protected Tim, who waits a moment for the blaze to stop, then LAUNCHES FORWARD with a sword, DRIVING IT INTO THE DRAGON'S NECK! The beast FALLS. Quivers a moment. Then DIES. Tim rushes into the... INT. DRAGON'S LAIR - CONTINUOUS A cave littered with the skeletons of brave Knights who have attempted and failed the feat that Tim has just accomplished. Tim races to the back of the Lair where Emily, bound by what appears to be a net of DRAGON MUCUS, awaits her champion. With deftness, Tim whips his blade into the dragon mucus, freeing Emily who leaps into his arms. They kiss the kiss of love's true love. SMASH BACK TO: INT. DR. MERLINSKI'S OFFICE - RESUME SCENE DR. MERLINSKI Is that how you remember it, Tim? SMASH TO BLACK. Title Card over black: 821 Years Ago EXT. DIRT TRAIL - TWILIGHT Tim, in peasant dress, walks alongside his good friend ART, through a meadow. TORCHLIGHT from a nearby village twinkle in the distance. ART None more beautiful than if Venus herself did step from the sea fully formed. TIM More beautiful than Lady Gwendolyn? ART Aye. TIM I don't believe you. And she's been taken? ART Aye. They say a dragon in these nearby woods. TIM (clearly Art is fucking with him. Maybe.) No way. Art and Tim come to a clearing closer to the village. And a BOULDER, uncharacteristically placed in the middle of the road. ART Take a look at that! Tim eyes it. A MAJESTIC SWORD appears imbedded into the heart of the bolder, its handle stretched out, daring anyone to grasp it. TIM Methinks that's not normal. ART Methinks you're right. Art grabs hold of the handle. Pulls. Nothing. ART Methinks its in there but good. TIM How could anyone put a sword into a stone? And why? ART Give it a tug. TIM Methinks not. ART C'mon. Art though a coward? TIM Nay. (beat) I just don't feel like it. ART Coward. TIM Maybe its there for a reason. ART What good reason might thou think someone would do such a thing? Beat. TIM It's decorative. ART Give it a tug, coward. Sufficiently goaded, Tim slowly and carefully takes hold of the sword by the handle. Art watches, amused. Tim takes a moment... then pulls... EASILY DRAWING THE SWORD FROM THE STONE! In the near distance, a VILLAGER witnesses the miracle. Shouts back to the Village. VILLAGER Someone has pulled the sword from the stone! The stone! Someone has pulled the sword! Come one, come all and bear witness! Art freaks out, convinced they're in trouble. ART How did you do that?! Tim panics. TIM I don't know! I don't know! ART Well put it back! It clearly belongs to someone! Tim tries sticking the sword back in the stone; won't happen. How the hell can you put the sword BACK in the stone? They look down at the Village, where a small CROWD has amassed, headed up the hill toward Tim and Art. ART Methinks we're in trouble. Tim tosses the sword to Art. ART I don't want it! TIM It was your idea! The Villagers are closer. ART Take back the sword! TIM Methinks... no. Tim races off across the clearing toward a woods. Art wants to follow but the crowd of VILLAGERS is suddenly upon him. VILLAGERS (a cacophony) You did it! You pulled the sword! TIM I didn't do it! He did! VILLAGERS (a cacophony) You did it! You are the one true king?! TIM I didn't! I'm just-- wait, what? VILLAGERS (a cacophony) The true king! Yes! Clearly! There is no doubt! What is you name true king?! ART Um... Art. VILLAGERS (together) King Art! ART Well, it's actually Arthur. Art for short. VILLAGERS (together) All hail King Arthur, Art for Short! They set Art on their shoulders and carry him off. Meanwhile, close by... EXT. WOODS - TWILIGHT Tim RACES through the woods as quickly as he can. As his heart beats through his chest... the woods grow darker. Suddenly, he stops. Listens. Doesn't appear he's being followed. Takes a breath and a step and... FALLS straight into the ground! INT. ENDLESS PIT - CONTINUOUS Falling and bouncing off the walls of this ENDLESS PIT, Tim reaches out for anything to grab onto. Twigs, rocks, anything. He finally gets hold of a LARGE ROCK just as the endless pit proves NOT to be an endless pit and... TIM slams HARD onto the HEAD OF A DRAGON! Still grasping the rock which, by force of the fall SLAMS into the Dragon's skull, KILLING the beast INSTANTLY. INT. DRAGON'S LAIR - CONTINUOUS Tim settles a moment, unsure of where he is. Pitch black. Then the Dragon lets out a death-rattling BELCH and FIRE blows from its fanged mouth, lighting up the LAIR, and catching various TWIGS and GRASS which light cavern. Tim, of course, realizing where he is, flips out. TIM Aghhhh!!!! He falls back, off the Dragon's head, and lands hard on the ground. After a moment, Tim picks himself up and gathers his surroundings. Rocks, rocks, more rocks, and... a WOMAN, trapped behind a web of DRAGON MUCUS. TIM M'lady? It's Emily, of course. She pulls up her head and smiles. EMILY My champion! I knew you'd come! With deftness, Tim picks up an errant stick and jimmies it into the dragon mucus awkwardly, freeing Emily who leaps into his arms. To Tim's surprise, she kisses him the kiss of loves true love. He tries to return the favor. SMASH BACK TO: INT. DR. MERLINSKI'S OFFICE - RESUME SCENE Tim stares blankly. More a statement than a question: TIM Why not. EXT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MORNING A nondescript building at the heart of an office park. We still have no idea what city we're in. Midwest, maybe? We do know the sky has opened up again and the rain is soaking everything in sight. INT. BREAK ROOM - MORNING Inside, nice and dry, Tim STARES at a wall. But its not a blank wall. He's not nuts, right? It's a sign-up sheet. For skydiving. Tim considers. Quickly decides no-way just as BABE BUELL, a fetching 25 year old junior-adjuster, appears beside him. BABE You gonna do it? Tim snaps out of his mini-trance and looks over to her. TIM Do what? BABE Jump? Skydive? TIM Oh. No. I don't like heights. BABE You afraid of them? TIM Afraid? No. I just don't like them. BABE It's okay. I'm afraid of spiders. Babe looks at Tim; we can instantly tell she has an earthquake sized crush on him masked by too much make-up. Yeah, we must be in the Midwest. BABE I saw a Black Widow spider once when I was a kid? Hid in a closet for three days. TIM How did you-- BABE --I held it. There wasn't much to drink or eat. My Mom quit trying to coax me out after six hours. Finally she called the fire department. Suffice to say, I'm afraid of spiders. But nothing else. I'll do anything else. (beat) I'm Babe. Babe Buell. TIM I know. You're an adjuster, right? BABE Junior adjuster. You're in sales. TIM I am. Tim. They shake hands. TIM Don't you find it ironic, Babe, that someone in a life insurance office would post a group outing to skydive? BABE It's actually safer than getting in your car. Statistics show one skydiving death for every four hundred thousand traffic deaths every year. TIM Still. You have to appreciate the irony. Irony is so unappreciated. Babe looks at Tim. Smiles. Signs up for the skydiving event. BABE And life is short. Babe saunters off, hoping he's watching her butt as she flips her hips out of the break room. He does. EXT. SUPERMARKET - PARKING LOT - AFTERNOON The rain has stopped for the moment. Sky is ominous, though. Emily waits. Empty shopping cart before her. Faux shopping, or starting to. She waits. But for what? There. Butch appears, apron in hand, shift over. Emily smiles. Pushes her cart toward him as he walks forward. Pretends not to see him as she rolls her cart into its stable. Then calls out. EMILY Butch? Butch turns. BUTCH Oh, hey, Mrs... Emily. EMILY Just finish up? BUTCH Yeah. Weren't you just here earlier? EMILY Forgot the beef broth. You headed out to get that X-Men comic? BUTCH Sure as shit. Oh. Sorry. I mean stuff. EMILY That's okay, Butch. I've been there, you don't have to soften it up for me. You driving there? BUTCH I don't have a car just yet. Trying to save up. My stepdad says he'll match my savings so I might get one soon. EMILY Give you a lift? INT. EMILY'S LEXUS - AFTERNOON Butch stares oblivious as Emily drives, stealing the occasional glance at his beefy body. EMILY You work out, Butch? BUTCH I dunno. Sometimes. I get busy. EMILY You look... fit. BUTCH Not really. I like bread. And comic books. I collect them. EMILY (trying to care) Do you? BUTCH And figurines. I got 'em all. X-Men, Avengers, Superman post 1976 Christopher Reeve B.S. Superman, right? I don't think so. I got Iron Man-- EMILY --you're what, twenty-one then? BUTCH Twenty-two next month. But I still go to Naperville Community College. I got held back. My mom said it's cause I have an overactive imagination that interferes with my skills. Like Einsted. My stepdad says it's cause I'm dull. I'm not sure who to believe anymore. EMILY What do your friends say? BUTCH They say I'm cool. A moment. BUTCH You like comics? EMILY I like stories. Damsel in distress is good. BUTCH In Superman 198, Superman totally saves Lois from this tree creature who has her locked in a weed dungeon. And instead of using his might, guess what he uses? EMILY I have no idea. BUTCH Weed killer. Fuckin' brilliant. INT. COMIC BOOK STORE - AFTERNOON Butch leafs through the comics until he finds the one he's looking for. Holds it up to Emily. BUTCH It's like twenty dollars, though. EMILY That's fine. She reaches into her purse and pays the clerk. EMILY Do you drink coffee, Butch? BUTCH I like beer. But I can do coffee if I have to. INT. TIM'S OFFICE - AFTERNOON Tim stares at a computer screen. After a moment, his eyes drift over to the picture on his desk. Of Emily in a white dress, standing in a familiar meadow. Who knows, actually, what color the dress is; the picture is sepia tone and faded. Tim frowns. His forehead accordions. He stands and turns to the window. Looks out at the vast nothingness. And the rest of the office park. You get the sense he wants to kick out the glass right there. INT. STARBUCKS - AFTERNOON Butch and Emily sit together at a little corner table. BUTCH So where is Mister Couch? EMILY At work. He sells life insurance. Off Butch's quizzical look. EMILY It's insurance in case you die. BUTCH Gross. A moment. BUTCH If you're married, why don't you have a ring? EMILY I had one. I lost it a few years ago. BUTCH How old are you? EMILY Older than you. Much older. BUTCH You don't seem that old. EMILY I am. BUTCH How did you end up in this town? EMILY That's a very long story, Butch. We move a lot. Suffice to say it was more of a "put up a map and pick where we go next" situation. BUTCH Nothing set up before hand? EMILY No. BUTCH You're a rick-taker, cool. EMILY Lets just say, I get into trouble. But its been awhile. BUTCH Who keeps you outta trouble? Mr. Couch? EMILY He does. Unfortunately. BUTCH You'd rather be in trouble? EMILY I'd rather be anything right now. BUTCH Anything other than what? A beat. EMILY Stuck. BUTCH I don't understand. Stuck where? EMILY You ask too many questions, Butch. BUTCH I know. My Mom says I'm inquasitionative. EMILY Inquisitive. BUTCH That. EMILY There's nothing wrong with being inquisitive, Butch. (beat) You just have to ask the right questions. Butch kinda nods. Not too sure what she's trying to say. Tries his best: BUTCH You're really pretty, Emily. EMILY Do you have an email address? EXT. STARBUCKS - DAY Emily and Butch walk together, a little too close, though it is about to save his life. For as they hit the curb, Butch starts across the street and Emily YANKS him back just as a BUS streaks by, moments from sending Butch to the happy hunting ground. They fall back together. Emily before Butch who lands in his lap. He stares up at her as she cradles his head like a child. BUTCH You saved me. Emily herself is out of breath at what she's just done. She lays her hands over Butch's eyes as other PASSERS-BY gather, having witnessed this Starbuck-adjacesnt miracle. EMILY I just... (beat) I guess I did. Wow. That felt-- EXT. FIELD - MORNING Now Tim's hands cover Emily's Eyes. Then open. EMILY --Amazing! They stand in A FIELD OF WILDFLOWERS looking at a thatch home, hand-built, covered in twigs and flowers and ramshackle but beautiful. An adult-child DREAMHOME. Super the Legend-- Devonshire, England, 1158 Emily kisses Tim and rushes to it. Tim smiles wide. INT. DREAMHOME - CONTINUOUS Though just a few hundred square feet, it might be a mansion to Emily, blushed and spinning carefree. EMILY It's lovely. I'll serve you mead but here. And we can lie there. TIM I love you. She stops. EMILY What did you say? TIM I said I love you. She pauses. Then embraces him. EMILY I love you too. They kiss passionately. Break. TIM I have another surprise. EMILY Another? Tim goes back to the (makeshift) door. Returns with... a DOG... Which races to Emily and drenches her with dog kisses. EMILY I love it! What's his name? TIM Her. It's a girl. EMILY What's her name? TIM Arthur. INT. DREAMHOME - NIGHT (LATER) Tim and Emily sit together, cross-legged, in the center of the room. A campfire burns between them. They are both beaming. Arthur, the dog, wanders about. TIM I want you to know, I will always protect you, Emily. From any harm that may befall. EMILY From everything? From dragons? TIM Well you saw what I did with the last one. Beaming, bursting, she believes him. And he mostly believes him too. She leaps to him. He catches her from a crouched position. They lock lips. Suddenly, a knock at the (makeshift) door! They break. Arthur BARKS wildly. TIM Arthur, hush! (beat) Who is there? Emily seems frightened. Clings to Tim. The Voice of an OLD MAN. OLD MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) I am a stranger walking alone. Cold and hungry. Will you please allow me in? TIM We have no food here. This home is... hastily prepared. OLD MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) You have heat. I can feel the warmth and see the glow of a fire. Just to warm myself, perhaps? Tim stands. Courageous? Looks like it though he's scared out of his mind. Looks back to Emily for a get out of jail free card. Not happening. Slowly approaches the (makeshift) door. Opens it. REVEAL... yes, an OLD MAN. Haggard clothes. A long white beard. Old, yet a sparkle to his eyes. OLD MAN Thank you, young man. Disarmed, Tim stands away as the Old Man enters. OLD MAN So kind, so kind. EMILY I'm sorry we have no food for you. OLD MAN Five houses along the way denied me entry. I am grateful just for the chance to lay down these tired bones beside a fire. TIM You are welcome to whatever we have. EMILY Which is just the fire, I'm afraid. TIM Oh, and my mandolin! INT. DREAMHOME - NIGHT (LATER) Tim finishes a medieval ballad, drawing applause from the Old Man and Emily, seated before the fire. OLD MAN Quite good. TIM I haven't been playing long. It's not like I could ever make any money doing it. EMILY (beaming) I think you could. I think you can do anything in the world. She kisses Tim. The Old Man peers at Tim and Emily. Smiles. OLD MAN You are in love? EMILY Very much. TIM (looking at Emily) Forever. Yes. OLD MAN That's a long time. Really think you're up for that? TIM/EMILY Without a doubt. OLD MAN So kind, you are to me. So loving of each other. Seriously, you really believe in everlasting love? Forever love? TIM/EMILY Yes. The Old Man warms his hands. Rubs them together. OLD MAN I believe you. That's why, if you wish, I will grant you that. TIM Grant us what? OLD MAN Everlasting love. EMILY How will you do that? OLD MAN By granting you everlasting life. A shock/pause moment. EMILY Are you a wizard? The Old Man nods. TIM I don't believe in Wizards. OLD MAN Well I have a good mind to think you don't believe in dragons too but we see where that's taken you. TIM Wait, how do you-- EMILY --Hush! He's clearly wizardly. OLD MAN I will give you everlasting life so that your love can follow. (beat) However... there's a catch. Should either of your become unfaithful to the other... the spell will be broken. You shall become mortal and live a natural life. TIM When you say "unfaithful"... OLD MAN Wandering eyes you will both have, that's a given. But neither lips shall touch, nor loins may join, another. And if you follow these rules, and should your love be pure, you will live across the ages. TIM That's amazing. OLD MAN Wait... Its not exactly all its cracked up to be. You will watch those you love beyond yourselves grow old. And they will die as you move on. (beat, to Emily) You will not be able to have children. She gasps. OLD MAN What woman with eternal life would wish to live to see their children die? This is not a decision to be taken lightly, I understand, but-- TIM Yes. Emily, think of it! This moment can last eternity... if its true, which I have my doubts, of course. We will never die! OLD MAN Oh, you can die, my son. Just not of old age. So don't go pissing off any Ogres and such. Steer clear and you'll live an eternity. EMILY (hesitant) But... no children? TIM We'll have each other. (beat) Yes, yes, Old Man. The Old Man looks to Emily. She thinks a moment. Looks at Tim. Smiles. Then looks back to the Old Man. EMILY Yes. The Old Man closes nods. Closes his eyes. Waves his hands and... opens his eyes. TIM Is that it? OLD MAN It is done. I must be on my way. Thank you for the warmth of your fire and your time. Enjoy your eternity together. EMILY Will we see you again? OLD MAN Often, I'm guessing. The Wizard leaves. Tim and Emily watch him go. Then turn to each other. EMILY I don't know, Tim. What if it is true? This is frightening. TIM It's wonderful. Think of it! You and I... every waking moment. Think of what we'll see! The journey's together! Our love will stretch oceans of time, if its true of course. (beat, joyous) We'll be together forever! SMASH TO: EXT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - ROOF - PRESENT DAY Tim stands, suited, suitcase in hand, atop the, slightly, windswept eighth floor roof of the Brighton Life Insurance building. He just stares. After a moment, steps forward, nearer to the ledge. A moment. He sets down his suitcase and considers. Then one foot up. Then two... and suddenly he's on the ledge. Looking down and then out at the expanse. A BLAST OF WIND catches him off guard... TIM Whoa! Tim wavers, wobbles and dips forward when-- BABE (O.S.) Gotcha! Babe Buell's hand swats out and grabs the back of his belt. Yanks him back to the roof. BABE Forgot to tell you: if you skydive you need a parachute. TIM I wasn't skydiving. I mean, I wasn't going to jump. I just like to-- BABE --think about it. Sure, who doesn't? I used to cut myself from the age of twelve to twenty. It's a quirk. TIM Thank you for... saving me. BABE I saw you wander up here. Thought, well that's odd. Usually people go down the elevator at the end of the work day. TIM I'm glad you did. BABE Then buy me a drink. TIM I should get home. BABE Wasn't for me, you'd be headed home to the morgue. Tim slowly smiles. Nods. TIM You're right. I owe you a drink. BABE Good. TGI Fridays is having a happy hour price on the Mocha Tequila Sunrise. (beat) I love Mocha Tequila Sunrises. INT. TGI FRIDAYS - EVENING Hustle and bustle of the Monday crowd at a Tuesdays; Tim and Babe occupy a southern booth. She sucks a Mocha Tequila Sunrise. He drinks just a Mocha coffee. BABE You don't drink? TIM Not since... INT. WEST GERMAN BAR - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) ON STAGE-- Tim and three other BANDMATES are playing a catchy tune to a group of DRUNKEN WORKERS. Hamburg, Germany, 1958 Tim is on bass guitar. Looks pleased. And... hammered. Between sets, chugs a pint. TIM (V.O.) ...I was in a band. BABE (V.O.) You were in a band? TIM (V.O.) For a minute. They start the next song. Tim is clearly inebriated. He loses rhythm with the song and then... spills forward, CRASHING onto the stage and SMASHING his guitar under his own weight. Booooos from the crowd. The band stops playing. The lead singer and fellow guitarist, JOHN, English accent, checks Tim. JOHN Are you okay, mate? Clearly not. Tim is unconscious. The BAR OWNER charges the stage, in a German accent: BAR OWNER Vat is dis? You don't finish, I don't pay you! John peers out into the audience. JOHN Sorry for the trouble, appears we've had a slight problem. Is there, perhaps, anyone out there who plays guitar? FIVE hands from the audience shoot up. JOHN Bass guitar? Four of the hands go down. One remains. JOHN Wanna come up here, then, love? A YOUNG MAN stands. Slowly approaches the stage. Stands next to John. JOHN Cheers, mate. What's your name? PAUL (English accent) Paul. INT. TGI FRIDAYS - RESUME SCENE Babe smiles. Takes a sip of her drink. BABE Cool. What was the name of the band? TIM I... don't really remember. It was a long time ago. BABE So... you're married? TIM Yes. I am. An uncomfortable pause. TIM It's my birthday. BABE Really? I had no idea! How wonderful! TIM No really a big deal. BABE You, uh... probably wanna get home. I'm sure you're gonna get... lucky. TIM Doubt it. BABE You don't get laid on your birthday? TIM She won't remember. Hell, I don't blame her. I don't remember her birthday. BABE What a horrible thing to say. TIM I'm sorry. I don't mean it that way. BABE That's awful. You both must be so miserable, then. What's her name? TIM Emily. BABE There must be some reason. Or maybe not a reason but something that keeps it interesting, right? Otherwise you'd be like my parents, which I don't recommend. Something you still have in common, right? Now... Babe hangs on this answer. 'Cause it's a loaded question and she's not hoping for the answer she gets. TIM American Idol. Deflated, Babe lets this sink in. BABE You're going to be late, probably. EXT. COUCH HOME - NIGHT Babe's car pulls up before the curb. Tim exits. Says a quick goodnight. Heads to the front door. INT. COUCH HOME - FOYER - NIGHT Emily appears, holding a bowl of popcorn, as Tim steps through the front door. EMILY Where have you been?! TIM The car. Died again. EMILY You should take it to get fixed. TIM You think? EMILY We can't fight tonight. You barely made it. They cross together into the-- LIVING ROOM - CONTINUOUS The both, as if an imbedded routine, plop onto the couch together. Emily hits the remote and the familiar guitar rift starts: RYAN SEACREST (V.O.) THIS... is American Idol! Emily takes a handful of popcorn. Smiles. Tim takes a handful too. Stares at the TV. The program starts... and we PUSH IN on this troubled couple... as Emily rests her head on Tim's shoulder. And then... Tim smiles. And suddenly they don't look so troubled at all. RYAN SEACREST (on TV with contestant) First up, Steve Hollenbeck. What are you singing, Steve. STEVE Crossbow by Red Hot Circuit. RYAN SEACREST Give it up for Steve! Steve starts to sing. Tim... starts to remember. EXT. CABIN - NIGHT A lone cabin in the middle of a grassy field. No other structures in sight. The glow of a fire pokes through windows. Palos de la Frontera, Spain, 1492 INT. CABIN - NIGHT Tim holds up a CROSSBOW. TIM I love it! They sit at a wooden table. A fire burns in a hastily built hearth. It is the only light in this two room home. EMILY Do you really? I thought, you know, it's the newest thing and all. TIM I love it. EMILY Would make hunting so much easier than drawing the bow. TIM No drawing necessary. I love it! They kiss. EMILY You should try it out. TIM I should! Tim grabs the crossbow and heads out the door. TRIPS over Arthur, who's planted himself just right there. Emma laughs. TIM Arthur! EMILY Be nice. It's a sign of affection. TIM He affects me all the time! EMILY It's his thing. Go with it. On now, mighty Tim! Hunt me an animal. I'm hungry for buffalo meat. TIM (eyebrows bouncing) Art thou now? EMILY Get outta here. She giggles as Tim EXITS. Emily goes to clear the plates. After a few moments, a RAP RAP-RAP on the door. EMILY Forget our bows did we? She swings open the door to reveal a SPANISH CONQUISTADOR, name of ANTONIO. Emily GASPS! ANTONIO Señora... I need help. He collapses inside. INT. CABIN - NIGHT (LATER) Antonio shovels SOUP into his mouth as Emily watches. ANTONIO The ship fell apart as it hit the rocks. I have very little memory of it. Wandering for days. EMILY Awful. So what brings you to Palos de la Frontera? Antonio stops eating. Leaves a dramatic pause. ANTONIO I am on a secret mission. EMILY Really? Tell me! I love adventure stories. ANTONIO This... is a tale of revenge. EMILY Revenge? ANTONIO Si. I am here to kill señor Christopher Columbus. Emily GASPS. ANTONIO Do you know of him? EMILY No... are you really going to kill him? Emily is now very uncomfortable. ANTONIO Si. He disrespected my family! My sister in particular. And he will pay with his life! EMILY Terrible. Well... good luck with that. So... you should probably be on your way, then. You know, killing to be done and all. Emily nervously stands. Antonio's eyes narrow. ANTONIO I am grateful I stumbled upon this place and you are kind. EMILY Seems to happen a lot. ANTONIO The man of the house? EMILY He's hunting right now. Antonio nods. Sees his in. ANTONIO You are alone then? EMILY (hesitant) For the moment. Antonio drops his spoon into the bowl. Takes on a ravenous look. ANTONIO It has been many days... since I have seen a woman. EMILY (very worried now) I'll bet. ANTONIO Your man... he will be gone for some time? EMILY Back any minute. Antonio stands. Dramatically SWEEPS the table clear. GRABS Emily! ANTONIO Though I may not be proud of it, this will take less than a minute. Emily SCREAMS! EXT. FIELD - NIGHT Tim DRAGS a dead boar behind him, bow planted securely in the animal's side. TIM So, what's your name? Keeps dragging the animal. TIM No answer? You are such a bore. Tim makes himself laugh. Approaches the shack. INT. SHACK - SAME Tim springs open the door. TIM I got a boar! Emily screams! EMILY Help! Tim, confused, sees Antonio molesting his wife. TIM Hey! He steps into the door as, of course, Arthur is right there. Tim FALLS. The Crossbow goes off... FIRING AN ARROW straight into Antonio's back. He CRIES OUT! Falls. Dies. Tim springs to his feet. Emily crosses to him and wraps her arms around him. EMILY You saved me! TIM What the hell is going on?! EMILY That man! A Conquistador came to the door while you were gone. He attacked me. But... you saved me! Tim looks down at the dead Antonio. TIM Well, I didn't mean to kill him. EMILY It's probably for the best. He was in town to kill some guy named Colombo. TIM Hmmm. Emily kisses Tim's cheek as he stares at the body on the ground, wondering what to do next. EXT. COUCH HOME - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT American Idol has ended. Emily is asleep. Tim lowers her head. Stands and covers her with a blanket. Leans in and kisses her cheek. Pauses a moment... notices a scrap of PAPER sticking from the back pocket of her jeans. Hesitates. Then plucks it out. Opens it. In poor penmanship, it reads: Had a greate time! Butch Tim frowns. Tucks the scrap of paper into his pocket. FADE TO BLACK. INT. TIM'S DESK - MORNING Tim on the phone. TIM I'm not a kid, sir. I know what I'm talking about. (beat, listening) I sound young? Well you sound old which is all the more reason you should be listening to me. The choir invisible is calling, Abe! Dial tone. Call done. Tim Hangs up. BABE'S DESK - MOMENTS LATER Babe looks up. BABE Hi, Tim? What's wrong? TIM I need help. But I can't tell you why. Babe lifts an eyebrow as Tim takes out the scrap of paper. Hands it to her. TIM Can you tell me who this is? She looks at the scrap. BABE All I need. That's the best thing about being an adjuster. Just give me an email address and I can track down your entire life. She types quickly into her computer. BABE Okay, got it. His name is Butch Bowman. Butcher... cute... at Andersons. That's a supermarket. TIM I know. It's where my wife shops. BABE Twenty one years old. No criminal past. Attends Naperville Community College. Pretty clean. TIM Thanks. BABE Are you okay? TIM Remains to be seen. Thanks again. Tim wanders away. Babe follows him with her eyes. Concerned. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - EVENING End of the day. Tim turns off his computer. Looks around. Few people remain on the floor. Babe is among them. She watches him. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - ELEVATOR - CONTINUOUS About to push the "UP" button, he looks back to the office floor-- notices Babe's eyes on him. Hits "Down". Babe gathers her things. EXT. ROAD - EVENING Tim's Honda moves through the night. Another CAR follows not far behind. EXT. BRIDGE - EVENING Tim's Honda slows to a stop. He climbs out. INT. BABE'S CAR - SAME At the turn, Babe's car stops. Turn right, she confronts him. Go straight, she goes on with her life. Babe sighs. Not her fight. She pushes the accelerator and moves on. EXT. BRIDGE - EVENING Tim heaves himself over the rail to the edge. Stares down at the water. FADE TO BLACK. INT. COUCH HOME - DINING ROOM - NIGHT Tim finishes his meal quietly. Emily, opposite, does like. A quiet moment. Then: EMILY I'm going back to work. A moment. TIM Okay. EMILY I'm bored here. TIM Okay. EMILY You're not going to ask me what I want to do? TIM Okay. What do you want to do? EMILY I want to teach history at Naperville Community College. TIM (eyes narrow) Oh, do you now? (beat) Well, you've had jobs before. EMILY I'm not talking milkmaid, Tim. I want a career. A real career. Since I can't have children. TIM Low blow. You know that. (beat) Teaching history? EMILY I think I'm more than qualified, don't you think? I think I'd actually offer a neat perspective. TIM You can't tell anyone. EMILY I know. TIM You don't just waltz in and get a college teaching job, you know? You need credentials. EMILY So forge them. You've been doing it for hundreds of years, for christsakes. TIM (picking at the last bites) Okay. Whatever. INT. STUDY - LATER A small room just off the foyer. A COMPUTER sits on a hastily assembled IKEA desk. But the CROWN JEWEL of the room is in Tim's hand right now: An authentic mahogany 1955 Les Paul standard electric GUITAR. Tim sits in a chair, strumming, unplugged. Playing a song, actually. TIM (singing) Little darlin', the smiles returning to the faces. Little darling it seems like years since it's been here. Here comes the sun... IN THE LIVING ROOM-- Emily hears the song. Crosses into the foyer and peeks into the study, watching Tim. And her face softens. A slow smile reaches her lips. A flood of love fills her heart and she remembers... he can still take her breath away. TIM (singing) Here comes the sun, little darlin'. Here comes the sun and I say, it's all right... And suddenly she feels very sad. Takes a breath and goes back into the kitchen just as Tim looks up. Never knowing that she was there. FADE TO BLACK. INT. DEAN OF FACULTY'S OFFICE - MORNING The DEAN of the Naperville Community College is impressed. Sets down the resume. DEAN OF FACULTY Well, Mrs. Couch, you're more than qualified. In fact, with your credentials, uh, Stanford undergrad, Harvard Law, doctorate from Columbia... I'm a little shocked you're not interviewing at State. Or... at any other real school. EMILY This is as real as I need, Dean. I like to get to the kids that maybe need that extra push, you know? Sure, it might pay more. But I'm not in it for the money. (beat) I want to probe young minds. Good enough for him. Offers his hand. DEAN OF FACULTY Welcome. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - BREAK ROOM - DAY Tim stares, once again, at the skydiving sign-up sheet. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MAIN OFFICE Tim approaches Babe's desk. She looks up. Her eyes brighten. BABE Hello, Tim. TIM You've done it before. BABE I've done lots of things before. Exactly what are you referring to? TIM Skydiving. BABE Yes. TIM I think I want to do it. I think I want to do it with you. BABE Tandem. (beat) I'll be on top. Strapped to you. TIM It's safe? You promise? BABE As safe as anything else, Tim. There are no guarantees in life. No matter what you sell. You know that. (smiling) I'll protect you. Tim seems suddenly... relieved. He smiles. Then frowns. TIM Our loins won't touch, right? Babe squints. Really? BABE No. Our loins... won't touch. TIM Okay. This Saturday then. Good. Tim wanders back to his desk. INT. COMMUNITY COLLEGE LECTURE ROOM - AFTERNOON Mrs. Emily Couch stands before the class in what they call a lecture room... but really just looks like a high school classroom. Yet, she seems confident. Like she's addressing the U.S. Senate. EMILY So, in 1905 the Russian Revolution was marred by strikes, terrorism... not unlike what we've seen in Persia... um... I mean, modern day Iran. In the fifth row, Butch listens intently; this may be the best education he's ever received. Not for the info, of course... he's hot for teacher. EMILY For many, it was kill or be killed. So-- The BELL BLASTS out. Kids leap a half-second before it and are out the door. All, that is... but Butch. Suddenly... they're alone. EMILY Is there... something I can help you with, Butch? Butch stands, almost in slow motion. He steps... carefully forward. Right before Emily's face. EMILY Yes, Butch. BUTCH I want you, Mrs. Couch. EMILY Emily. BUTCH I want Mrs. Couch. Right here. On the ground of this lectern hall. EMILY Lecture hall. BUTCH Whatever. I would like to nail you to the floor! He GRABS her, with passion. EMILY We can't, Butch. You don't understand... BUTCH Oh, I think I understand. Our loins are gonna touch. Big time. He kisses her PASSIONATELY. Her knees weaken. SMASH TO: INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT Emily SHOOTS UP, panting, awake, sweating, tingly. And panicked. EMILY Oh my God! I didn't mean it! Tim, asleep beside her, grunts. Asleep. She shakes him. EMILY Tim! Did you hear me! TIM (sleepily) What. EMILY I didn't do it. It was just a dream. TIM Good for you. She starts HITTING him. EMILY Wake up! He shoots up, pissed. TIM What?! What-what-what?! EMILY I've cheated. Our immortality is gone. TIM What?! EMILY Just now. I had a dream. Another man. We kissed! Our lips touched! That's all it takes! He STARES at her. TIM Eight hundred years, you've never had a sex dream? EMILY You have? TIM All... the... time. EMILY Tim! TIM We haven't done it since 1973. I think I deserve it. EMILY With another woman? TIM With lots of other women. EMILY You... sonofabitch. TIM I'm right here, Emily. Wanna have the flesh and blood boom-ya? I'm here. Really? Huh? Gimmie the pie sweetheart! But no. I guess not. (sweeping under the covers again) You couldn't find my loins if I pinned a map to your eyeballs. EMILY Who wants it?! TIM Clearly not you. EMILY Clearly. TIM Good night, Emily. Sweet dreams. Bang away. Tim rolls over. Back to sleep. Emily huffs. Gets out of bed. Leaves the bedroom.... INT. COUCH HOME - STUDY - MOMENTS LATER The house is dark. Emily, in only her nightgown and still fuming, fires up the computer. Opens her email. Enters: "" and types a simple one line note: "Want to get together this weekend?" Hits "Send". Stares at the screen with this look: That'll show him. Stands. Leaves. FADE TO BLACK. INT. HOME - BEDROOM - MORNING An alarm clock BLARES. Emily's hand smashes it silent. She sits straight up and peels the covers away. What is about to happen will appear highly choreographed. But not in a good way. And it happens without a single edit. STAIRCASE Emily steps slowly down, no robe this time... she's also dressed for work... to the front door. Opens it. Grabs the newspaper and, without looking, tosses it behind her. TIM, halfway down the stairs, MISSES it. Reaches down to pick it up, loses his balance and falls down the stairs. Not noticing, Emily moves into... KITCHEN Tim, grabbing his ankle, hopping, follows her. Emily grabs a frying pan and fires up the gas stove as Tim turns on the coffee maker. It's not been prepared. He fumbles for the coffee. Makes a mess. Finally gets it going. Turns and opens the refrigerator and tosses two eggs. Emily is a few seconds late. The eggs drop and SPLAT on the ground. As Emily starts to wipe the eggs and fix the mistake, Tim moves to the... BACK DOOR/YARD where he lets ARTHUR, the dog, out. Follows the pooch out and massages his ankle. Gets hit by the dog on the way in and FALLS AGAIN! TIM Sonofabitch! We FOLLOW Arthur the dog into-- KITCHEN where Emily already has NEW eggs frying. Tim enters, cursing to himself, grabbing one coffee cup, SPILLING it. Grabs the other (leaving Emily with none) POUNDS IT and slides it to Emily who lets it FALL and BREAK in the sink. Slips into a chair at the kitchen table as Emily flips the eggs, waits a moment, flips them back onto a plate. PICKS UP THE PLATE, GRABS A FORK AND EATS THE EGGS! Tim sighs. Emily shrugs and crosses into-- HALLWAY She grabs Tim's briefcase... and her own. Crosses back into-- KITCHEN Tim, hungry, closes his newspaper, which has left ink stains on his fingers. Stands and POP, WHACKS a piece of toast that's just been sprung free across the room. He sighs again, grabs the briefcase from Emily as he passes her, heading to-- FRONT DOOR which Emily opens. Crosses out. Tim starts to pass through as their dog. STOPS as Arthur suddenly stands directly in front of him. TIM Not today, dog. Arthur, shamed, moves out of Tim's way. He splits and Emily closes the door. EXT. COUCH HOME - FRONT DOOR - CONTINUOUS It is an unusually warm, unusually sunny and beautifully bright day. Tim calls out to Emily, who's about to get into her car. TIM I forgot to tell you... I have to work this weekend. Big account from Wichita is coming in. EMILY That works for me. I have lunch date planned with Martha. TIM Who's Martha? EMILY Do we care? Thinks about it. TIM Nope. She nods. Gets in her car. Starts it. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Emily settles her nerves as the bored STUDENTS slope into the classroom. She wears a bright smile. Especially when Butch enters the room and grabs a desk, waving to her. EMILY Welcome everyone. My name is Mrs. Couch. (beat) Although, I want you all to just call me Emily. She looks at Butch. Nearly winks. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MAIN OFFICE - MORNING Tim stands at the entrance to the main office with a fair view of the BREAK ROOM. Sighs. Scans the room and sees Babe at her desk. He smiles. Stares back to the break room and gets a faint look at the Skydiving sign-up sheet. Smiles. FADE TO BLACK. INT. COUCH HOME - FOYER Doorbell DINGS! Emily appears and swings open the door to reveal: JIMMY THE BAG MAN (from the supermarket). INT. COUCH HOME - LIVING ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Jimmy sits in an EZ-Chair. JIMMY THE BAG MAN So, you want me to whack him? Emily sits on the couch opposite. EMILY No! I don't want you to "whack" him. JIMMY THE BAG MAN I mean hit him. Like with my fist. EMILY I just want you to scare him. JIMMY THE BAG MAN With a gun? EMILY No. Yes. Maybe. Do you have one? As long as its not loaded. I just want you to pretend to be his mugger. JIMMY THE BAG MAN His mother? EMILY His mug-ger. I want you to try and mug him. M-u-g. Then I will spring into action. JIMMY THE BAG MAN I don't know. I'm a pretty big boy. EMILY I can take care of it, Jimmy. Trust me. (beat) How much are we talkin'? Jimmy thinks. JIMMY THE BAG MAN For this job, like a thousand? EMILY Mother-- SMASH TO: EXT. SKY - SAME TIM --fuc....!!!!!!! The obscenity is lost in the turbulence as Tim LEAPS from a plane, attached to Babe. Both suited, Tim scared out of his mind. They spin gracefully in air. Tim slowly loses his fear and starts to get juiced. TIM Yeah, yeah! BABE Whoa!!!! TIM I can't believe I'm doing this!!! BABE It's amazing!!! TIM Don't let me fall!!! BABE Too late!!! At some point a cord will be pulled. But for now, for an instant... they float. EXT. PARK - DAY Elsewhere... Butch and Emily walk together at a town center park. BUTCH This is nice. EMILY It is, isn't it. BUTCH I mean being with you. This park is lame. EMILY Oh. That's sweet. (beat) I got you something. Emily opens the bag she's holding... revealing an X-Men #1. BUTCH Are you fucking kidding me? Butch looks like he's about to have a heart attack. EMILY (coy) Is that one... a big deal. BUTCH Holy crap! Holy crap! (pointing out the cover) 1963. Mint! Shit! It's real! Oh my god, how did you get this?! EMILY I have my ways. BUTCH What are the ways? EMILY Stop asking questions, Butch. BUTCH Emily... you don't know how much this means to me. Butch stares in her eyes. And, while its been flirtatious to this point... Now it gets dangerous. He starts to lean in to kiss her. She hesitates. But only slightly. And the end is almost neigh when... A MASKED MAN jumps from the shrubs, holding a gun! MASKED MAN (unconvincingly) Gimmie you, uh, stuff! Bad timing. Butch freaks out. Gets behind Emily, protecting the comic most of all. EMILY No. MASKED MAN Um... please? I have a gun Emily gets into a karate pose... and then KICKS THE SHIT out of the Masked Man, in ways that would make the Karate Kid shit his pants. Spin kicks, drops, twists. We're DAZZLED. So is Butch! And the Masked Man lies on the ground, crumpled, bleeding, planing on using that thousand bucks, now, on medical/dental. Emily grabs Butch... pulls him from the scene. Smiling. Butch is AMAZED. BUTCH You saved me... again. EMILY I know. BUTCH How did you learn how to do that? EMILY Master Gichin Funakoshi. (off his confused look) Ladies self-defense class. (beat) We should do this again, Butch. BUTCH What, that thing? I dunno. EMILY What are you doing next weekend? BUTCH There's usually a party or something. EMILY Uh... exactly. You're coming to my party. Invite your friends! BUTCH My friends? EMILY All of them. And, really... please stop with the questions. INT. BABE'S CAR - DAY (DRIVING) Babe behind the wheel... Tim is BEAMING. In his own world right now. Proud of himself. TIM I think I want to do that again. BABE It's amazing, huh? TIM I've never felt like that! In eight hundred years! BABE What do you mean? TIM (realizing his mistake) I... It's an exaggeration. I just mean its been a long time. Never, actually, that I felt that kind of rush. BABE Never? TIM There've maybe been a few times. But that was top of the list. BABE You know what I feel when I do that? (beat) Immortal. TIM Why would you say that? BABE I dunno. I feel like I can see the whole world, eternity, and it's mine. And I know, even though I'm falling, I will be safe. TIM Hmmm. And what makes you so sure? Accidents happen. BABE I know. Because I packed the chute. EXT. COUCH HOME - SAME Babe's car rolls to a stop. INT. BABE'S CAR - CONTINUOUS TIM Thanks for today, Babe. Tim looks out the window. At his house. A feeling of dread washes over him in high contrast to the last few hours. Babe picks up on it. INT. COUCH HOME - LIVING ROOM - SAME Emily peeks out the window. Sees Tim in the car with Babe. Frowns. INT. BABE'S CAR - CONTINUOUS Tim sighs. Reaches for the handle when-- BABE Do you know why most marriages fail, statistically? Tim lets go of the handle. Looks to Babe. TIM Enlighten me. BABE Lack of communication. Kids, work, distractions. Et cetera. Husband and wife fail to communicate, thus destroying the very foundation of what's been built to, theoretically, stand the test of time. Which is much harder than surviving an earthquake or a tsunami, statistically. TIM Clearly, you've never been in love. BABE Not exactly. (beat) I thought I was once. I now chalk it up to indigestion. Tim smiles. TIM I'll see you tomorrow. He gets out. EMILY-- quickly disappears from the window before Tim notices her there. Tim heads to the front door. BACK IN THE CAR-- Babe pines a moment. Then drives off. INT. COUCH HOME - KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER Emily is building a sandwich. For herself. Tim enters. TIM Hey. EMILY Oh. You're home. How was weekend work? TIM Fantastic. How was Martha? EMILY Who? TIM Exactly. Tim sits at the kitchen table. TIM Is that for me? EMILY No. She takes a bite. EMILY Who was that with you in the car? TIM Babe Buell. We work together. EMILY Do you now? TIM Do I detect a hint of jealousy? EMILY You wish. Emily throws the remaining half of her sandwich in the garbage. Dramatically. TIM Thanks. EMILY Oh, we're having a party. TIM We are? EMILY Yes. Next weekend. TIM We've never had a party. EMILY About time, then, dontcha think? TIM What the hell is going on, Emily? EMILY (cool as a yogurt stand) Don't talk to me that way. Tim sighs. Buzz gone, he buries his head in his folded arms. Lifts it. Finally notices her ring hand: TIM Where's the ring I bought you? That was really fuckin' expensive! EMILY With the others. TIM That's what this is isn't it?! She leaves the room. TIM It's the ring! SMASH TO: INT. DR. MERLINSKI'S OFFICE - DAY Maybe yesterday. Maybe a hundred years ago. Same setting; Tim on the left side of the couch. Emily on the right. DR. MERLINSKI (O.S.) Tell me about the ring. EMILY I don't want to talk about it. TIM (shaking his head) She's never gonna forgive me. EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - MORNING A pristine Emily, dressed in flowing lace, yet primped dress, an ornate hat and dragging a suitcase approaches a large SHIP. SUPER THE LEGEND: Southampton, England, 1912 She finds a SHIPMATE. Hands her ticket. He directs her up a ramp. EXT. SOUTHHAMPTON - STREET - SAME Tim TEARS through the street at breakneck speed. SHOVING people out of the way. TIM Emily! He CRASHES through a fruit cart. It barely slows him. EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - PASSENGER LOADING - MORNING Emily struggles to get her bag up the loading gate. And no one seems to want to help her, which she finds particularly annoying. When suddenly, Tim appears at the base of the dock. TIM Emily! EMILY Go away, Tim! I've made up my mind. TIM Please! EMILY I'm just sick of your shit, Tim! I want a regular life! TIM Then we'll have one! EMILY That's impossible! Together. TIM Emily, no! EMILY Excuse me?! Tim marches up the ramp and GRABS his wife. EMILY What are you doing? TIM Taking back my wife, damnit! I'm sick of this crap. He YANKS her down the dock by the hand. Pulls. Accidentally pulls the wedding ring... the irreplaceable one he gave her 700 or so years ago... from her finger. It FALLS in slow motion. Almost floats for a moment. Hits the water. SINKS into the water. EMILY My ring! Tim pays no attention. Yanks her off the dock. Picks up her case and marches her far from the enormous ship. The same ship that gets ready to sail now. Ramps retracted, the steamer BLOWS ITS HORN. Begins its voyage. As it floats past we see the christened name of this vessel: TITANIC. INT. DR. MERLINSKI'S OFFICE - RESUME SCENE And finally... we SEE Dr. Merlinski; he is THE OLD MAN, the wizard, that granted Tim and Emily eternal life. He looks much better now, though. Still old, but the beard is cropped to a handsome goatee. Very Donald Sutherland (if he's reading this). DR. MERLINSKI You're still angry about that, Emily? EMILY Why wouldn't I be? That was the very symbol of our love. Our life. (beat) You know what? This is pointless. You should have let me go back then. Emily stands. Exits the room dramatically. TIM You see what I have to deal with? DR. MERLINSKI Do you want to continue alone? TIM I mean, Merlin, what's the point? DR. MERLINSKI It's Merlinski now. Doctor Merlinski. TIM I'm sorry, but seriously. DR. MERLINSKI No one has that name anymore. It's not like "Tim" or "Emily" or "Phil". You can't go around saying my name is Merlin without someone thinking you think you're a wizard. TIM But you are a wizard. DR. MERLINSKI Beside the point. TIM She doesn't know. But I felt really bad about the ring. DR. MERLINSKI How bad? SMASH TO: EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - MORNING No ship in sight. Just Tim. Standing right at dockside. Staring down at the water. SUPER THE LEGEND: Day 2 Tim JUMPS into the water. Stays under. Awhile. Resurfaces... without the ring. EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - AFTERNOON Exact same scene. Tim. Dock. Jumps in. Day 15 EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - AFTERNOON Exact same scene. Tim. Dock. Jumps in. Day 75 EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - AFTERNOON Exact same scene. Tim. Dock. Jumps in. Day 228 EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - AFTERNOON Exact same scene. Tim. Dock. Jumps in. Day 584 INT. DR. MERLINSKI'S OFFICE - RESUME SCENE Tim shrugs his shoulders. TIM I went back to try and find it. (beat) A lot. Dr. Merlinski nods. FADE TO BLACK. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MAIN OFFICE Tim sits at his desk, occasionally gesturing, trying to get Babe's attention. She finally looks up. Spots him. He waves her over. She stands. Crosses to him BABE I have a phone, you know? TIM I need your help. BABE Again? What's the email address? TIM My wife is throwing a party. BABE Okay... What do you need, streamers? TIM Guests. BABE Invite your friends. TIM I don't have any. BABE You've been here a year and you haven't made any friends? Acquaintances? Tim shakes his head. BABE Is this your way of inviting me to a party? TIM And hoping you have other people that will some. BABE Amazingly, I know very few of these jokers too. She scans the room. BABE There's The Juggler. TIM Who? BABE I don't know his real name. We just call him The Juggler. TIM Why? INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MAIN OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Tim's Desk, specifically. PAT "THE JUGGLER" DAVIDSON, late thirties, has one knee up on Tim's desk. A paunchy, cocky guy in a loose suit. Chubby babyface. Full of confidence that betrays his complete ineptitude. Babe stands next to him, her arms folded. DAVIDSON Babe here says you're rockin' a crib this Sat. Pat starts BOUNCING HIS BALLS with his right hand. A nervous habit and clearly the source of his nickname. TIM Huh? BABE I told him about the party. he wants to come. DAVIDSON Will there be chicks? TIM My wife. BABE And I'll be there. Davidson looks at her. Huffs. DAVIDSON Right. Well, count me in. (beat, raises his ball scratching hand) High five. Tim ignores this. Just, TIM I'll... see you there. INT. HONDA - CONTINUOUS Tim puts the key in. The engine won't turn. He tries again. And again. Then FREAKS OUT, bashing at the wheel! TIM Goddamn car piece of rotten crap mother-- Starts BANGING his head on the steering wheel. TIM Why won't things work?!?!?! INT. COUCH HOME - EVENING Emily is dressed to the nines. More cocktail party than anything. The doorbell rings. She crosses it and wearing her brightest smile, opens. PARTY DUDE Yo! Where's the beer?! He's not the only one. 15 TWENTY-SOMETHINGS charge into the house. Tim, on the living room couch, is dressed casually. TIM (delightfully condescending) Your guests? EMILY (slightly embarrassed) Yes. TIM This is gonna be fun. EMILY Shut up. INT. COUCH HOME - LIVING ROOM - LATER This impromptu frat party is in full effect. MUSIC is POUNDING, BEER is CHUGGING. Someone's brought in a KEG that's sitting in a bucket of ice in the KITCHEN. The whole scene littered with community college cliches (too many to list here, so its left to your imagination). Suffice to say, this is no the type of party Emily envisioned. Tim moves slowly through the party, sipping a can of Pepsi. Smiling at this disaster. From the CORNER Babe waves. He crosses to her. BABE Interesting party. TIM I didn't invite them. I think they're my wife's students. And their friends. And their friend's friends. (beat, looking her over) You look beautiful. BABE (blushing) I overdressed. TIM Not at all there was no way to anticipate this. ACROSS THE ROOM-- Pat "The Juggler" is talking to a 22 year old CO-ED. COED So why do they call you "The Juggler" DAVIDSON Want me to show you? IN THE OTHER CORNER-- Butch is doing a KEG STAND. He finishes with a ROAR as Emily approaches. BUTCH Yea! High-fives all around. Emily gets caught in the spray. EMILY Are you having a good time, Butch? BUTCH Yo, this party rocks, Mrs. Couch! EMILY Sure. Butch notices her displeasure. BUTCH Is something wrong? EMILY I just don't get you, Butch. BUTCH Why? EMILY I just wasn't expecting... I mean, you're like this geeky, dorky comic book loving guy, no offense. But then you're also this beer chugging jock. BUTCH So? EMILY It's just... incongruous. Ironic. That you're those things. BUTCH Why can't I be both? Emily chuckles to herself. She gazes at him a moment. It's enough, across the room, for BABE TO NOTICE-- BABE Who's that your wife is talking to? Tim looks. TIM Remember when I had you run that name for me? That's the guy. BABE Butch? Tim nods. Can't think about it. Looks to Babe. TIM Want to see something cool? BABE Sure. He leads her out of the room. To... INT. STUDY - CONTINUOUS Tim closes the door, muting the revelry in the house. Crosses to the Les Paul enshrined in the corner. TIM Here it is. BABE A guitar? TIM Not just any guitar! This is a 1955 Les Paul Standard, PAF pickups. BABE I'm sorry, I don't know guitars. TIM Well, if you did, this would be a really big deal. BABE Oh, right, you were in a band. Sore subject when Tim recalls it. Babe notices this. BABE Uh, can you play me a song? TIM I'd have to go find the amp. BABE Just play it like you had one. Acapulco. TIM A Capella I don't know. BABE Please? TIM What would you like to hear? I know everything. BABE Your choice. She sits in a leather chair. Smiles. Tim smiles back. TIM Okay. Probably something modern. But not too modern. Music got weird lately. INT. KITCHEN - SAME A crowd of Partygoers chant: PARTY DUDES AND CHICKS Down,. Down, down! And we see Emily do a keg stand. Finishes like a pro, back to her feet; she's hammered! INT. STUDY - SAME Tim rests the base of the guitar on his lap. Starts strumming. And sings. TIM Any minute now, my ship is coming in. I keep checking the horizon. And I'll stand on the bow and feel the waves come crashing in. Come crashing down on me. (chord change) And you say... be still, my love. Open up your heart, let the light shine in. Don't you understand, I already have a plan... I'm waiting for my real life to begin. He stops but Colin James Hay's "Waiting for my Real Life to Begin" continues. BABE That was beautiful. TIM It would be better with an amp. BABE (softly) I don't think so. They STARE at each other. Long, quiet moment. She leans in... and the end is neigh when-- Suddenly the DOOR swings open. It's Emily, barely able to stand. EMILY (hammered) There you are! We're out of vodka! I'm gunna go drive and get sum. TIM I don't think that's a wise plan. BABE I'll go. EMILY Who da heller you? BABE I'm Babe. TIM We work together. Emily nods an annoyed and slightly suspicious but too-drunk to-care nod. EMILY Ahhh... right. I member you now. (calling out to the party) Hey, my hubby's babe is gonna go! Par tee!!!! Emily leaves, shutting the door behind her. Tim looks to Babe. TIM That's very nice of you but you don't have to go. BABE I don't mind. Thank you for the song. (beat) It made my night. She stands. BABE Oh! TIM What's wrong? BABE I got you something. TIM You didn't have to get me something. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a small wrapped present. He takes it. He unwraps the copy of Romeo and Juliet. BABE Irony, right? It's unappreciated. Tim chuckles. BABE Why are you laughing? TIM I'm sorry. It's wonderful. You have no idea how correct you are. BABE I'm gonna... go get the vodka. Tim nods. Stares long and hard into Babe. INT. KITCHEN - SAME Emily gets ready for another keg stand. Tussles Butch's hair. BUTCH You're hella cool, Emily. EMILY I am hella cool, aren't I?! I always thought so too. (beat, re: keg stand) Les do this bitch! She does. Like a pro. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT (LATER) The house is TRASHED. Tim moves slowly through the wreckage. The party is long over. He surveys the damage; looks like a great party. Emily is passed out on the couch. He stares down at her. Her sleeping face. God, she's beautiful; her pale skin glistens. Her body, amazing. Tim grabs a BLANKET. Covers Emily, lovingly. Stares at her a moment more. He smiles. Then looks at the copy of Romeo and Juliet Babe gave him. Frowns. Sighs. Leaves. FADE TO BLACK. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MAIN OFFICE Tim sits at his desk. STARING at the copy of Romeo and Juliet. He waits a beat. Picks up the phone. TIM (into phone) Are you available for lunch? (beat) I know they will. We'll get there separately. Dragon Cafe at noon? Okay. INT. DRAGON CAFE - AFTERNOON Tim sits alone at a back booth in this low budget Chinese restaurant. He TAPS his fingers nervously. Babe appears. BABE Hey. Are you okay? (beat) You sounded weird on the phone. TIM Lets order a drink. BABE A little early, doncha think? Anyway you don't drink. She takes a seat opposite him. A WAITER approaches. TIM Today I do. (to Waiter) Two vodka gimlets. BABE Seriously? TIM You're gonna want it, trust me. We need to take the rest of the day off. BABE You're scaring me. TIM Don't be scared. But drink. The drinks arrive just as he says this. She takes a hesitant sip. Tim POUNDS his. Quickly orders another. Then, to Babe: TIM How old do you think I am? She's confused and slightly frightened. BABE I dunno. 28? TIM I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone. I wasn't really allowed to tell anyone. For a long time. But now... it's time. Because I trust you and I am very confused. So... here it goes... (beat) I am one thousand-two hundred and eleven years old. Last Thursday. Babe looks at him like he just sprouted a tail. Purses her lips and nods. BABE Well. You look great. TIM I'm serious. BABE And you're seriously freaking me out here! What is this? Why would you say something so... crazy... to me? TIM I'm not crazy. BABE That's what all crazy people say. That's why it's always such a surprise. TIM Just let me explain. This is hard. It stared a long time ago. With a wizard. Every neuron in her head is telling Babe to stand up and leave. But she doesn't She holds there a moment. Listens. Starts to get sucked in. MONTAGE-- Dissolving frame after frame as Tim tells his story. Of dragons, Spanish Conquistadors... TIM ...there was no way out... Discovering America... TIM Columbus wanted to go south and I'm like, no, stay straight... The Titanic... TIM ...really big ship... The Beatles... TIM I was, like, No, that's cool. I get it. This guy Paul is a really good bass player. Good luck with that. I'm sure you guys will do fine. All you need is Paul. Babe laughs, frowns, just hangs... on every story. Sucked in is an understatement. Babe, as the story reaches its end, has fallen in love. INT. DRAGON CAFE - LATER MANY finished vodka gimlets. Tim sighs. TIM So, now you know it all. Babe looks dazed. BABE I... believe you. I don't know why but, I do. TIM I think I'm done. BABE What happens next? TIM I have no idea. I just know that something has to change. BABE Have you talked to your wife about this? Probably wanna give her a heads up on that. Giving up immortality and all, affects her too. TIM I can't. You told me before about marriage being about communication? I communicated for the first four hundred years. The next four hundred? I could have been channeling the next great gospel of from above and you know what I got? BABE Resistance? TIM Dial tone. BABE I'll honest, there's part of me that wants to tear your clothes off, Tim. Take you home and let you have your way and let you know that that's what I want you to do. (beat) And then there's part of me that wants to help you save what you already have. Which is not like me. (beat) If you are who you say you are... if you really are eight hundred plus... why would you give that up? Babe is near tears. TIM Have dinner with me. BABE It's not right. TIM As friends. My wife has to work tonight. We'll go back to our special place. BABE TGI Fridays? TIM And we'll talk more there. I have big decisions to make. I want to make them with you. She smiles. Rests her head on his shoulder in a familiar position... that makes Tim... uneasy. INT. SUPERMARKET - MEATS - DAY Emily pushes her cart to the butcher section. And there he is, without fail, Butch. He's cutting bacon. EMILY Have fun last night, Butch? Butch smiles. BUTCH Hey, teech! EMILY Now-- BUTCH --Emily. I know. I had a blast. I dunno why you're so nice to me. EMILY Really? BUTCH (suddenly uncomfortable) I have the hots for you, no doubt, Emily. But I don't get it. You're married. EMILY I am. BUTCH Isn't that... wrong? Butch stops cutting the bacon. EMILY (nodding) Completely. They whisper now after it looks like another BUTCHER is eavesdropping. BUTCH I really don't know how to handle this. You're, like, my professor, and like this hot lady that shops at my market, and a cool friend. But if I do you I'm like crossing a bad line. EMILY I understand how you feel. But my husband hasn't been a husband for a long time. It's time, in my mind, for a change. BUTCH That's why my Dad is living in Brazil. EMILY How about we start light, then? Just a dinner. BUTCH Like a date? EMILY Yeah. A real date. And at the end of it, just so you know, you're probably not going to have to try too hard. Beat. BUTCH You want meat? EMILY Bacon, please. Bring it. EXT. TGI FRIDAYS - NIGHT Emily and Butch approach the entrance. They're laughing. He grabs the door for her. INT. TGI FRIDAYS - CONTINUOUS The approach a cheery, pretty young HOSTESS. EMILY Two, please. HOSTESS It's about a twenty minute wait. Would you like to wait at the bar? EMILY (to Butch) Buy me a drink? BUTCH Sure. And that's where they head. Meanwhile, back outside... EXT. TGI FRIDAYS - SAME Tim gets out of his car. Crosses to the passenger side and, gentlemanly, lets Babe out, holding her hand. BABE Wow. Gracious. TIM Grace is important. BABE As important as irony? TIM (coy) The evening's not over yet. He flashes a smile. Hooks his arm. She takes it. INT. TGI FRIDAYS - BAR - SAME Butch and Emily take a seat at the bar. EMILY Two beers, please. HOSTESS STATION - SAME Tim and Babe approach the still smiling Hostess. TIM Table for two? HOSTESS It's about a twenty minute wait. Would you like to wait at the bar? TIM Okay with you? Babe nods. Tim nods and leads Babe over to the bar area when he SPOT EMILY WITH BUTCH. Freezes. BABE Is there something wrong? Tim feels rage, then shame ('cause he's "cheating" a little too). TIM I... need to use the bathroom. Bad. BABE Wow. Okay. Well you should go then. TIM Just, uh-- BABE (a little confused) --I'll go sit at the bar. And wait for you. BAR - SAME Emily, nodding to something Butch has said, lets her eyes wander and SEES TIME WITH EMILY. Quickly turns back to Butch. EMILY Shit. BUTCH What's wrong? EMILY Nothing. Emily peeks back and sees Tim move hastily to the bathroom. Emily slides off her stool. EMILY I'll be right back. I forgot something in the car. BUTCH What did you forget? Emily doesn't answer. Stands and brushes past Babe. Who notices her. Gets it. Nods. Crosses to the bar and takes a seat one stool down from Butch. EXT. TGI FRIDAYS - PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER Emily races to her car. Gets in. Moments later, sneaking out the back door of the restaurant, Tim appears. Spots Emily's car as it starts... and drives off. He waits. Wants her to get home first. Slowly crosses to his car. Keys his way in. INT. TGI FRIDAYS - BAR - SAME Butch scans the restaurant, looking for Emily. Babe snickers, knowing they're both gone. BUTCH Something funny? BABE No. Just want a drink. Badly. The BARTENDER is at the other, far end, of the bar. Out of arms reach, for sure. To which Butch opines: BUTCH Too bad you're not Wonder Woman. BABE Says who? (calling out) Barkeep! The Bartender turns. Babe reaches for a fake invisible lasso at her side. Whips it over her head and tosses it at the Bartender. Starts pulling. The Bartender, getting the joke, smiles and pretends to be dragged back over to Babe. BARTENDER Okay, okay. Sorry. What can I get you. BABE Stoli and soda. She looks over to Butch... who's JAW IS ON THE FLOOR! BABE What? BUTCH Do you like comics? BABE They're okay, Butch. Jaw drops, now, through the floor. BUTCH How did you know my name? BABE Super powers. (smiles, he's cute) I'm Babe. BUTCH Yeah you are. INT. COUCH HOME - KITCHEN - SAME Emily buries her head in her hands at the kitchen table looking sick. EMILY (softly to herself) How could you be so stupid, Emily? EXT. COUCH HOME - SAME Tim's car pulls into the driveway. INT. COUCH HOME - KITCHEN - SAME Emily hears the car. Springs up, grabbing a bowl of lukewarm popcorn. Crosses into the -- FOYER - CONTINUOUS She's there waiting as the door swings open and Tim steps through. He wears no expression. She, on the other hand, fakes cheery. EMILY You're home! Must have been a long day. Just in time. Idol is on in twenty minutes. I made popcorn. Heavy, quiet moment. TIM Yes, it was a long day. I'm tired. I'm going to bed. Another tense moment. The Emily's eyes narrow. She looks at him with a you hypocritical lying bastard look. EMILY Here? She pivots and stomps into the living room. Tim, uneasy, steps slowly up the staircase. FADE TO BLACK. OVER BLACK-- an alarm clock BLASTS its wake up call. INT. BABE'S BEDROOM - MORNING Babe awakes. Naked, covered just by the white sheets, she shuts the alarm off. BUTCH continues to sleep beside her. She nudges him awake. BUTCH Huh? BABE I have to go to work. Babe slides out of bed. INT. BABE'S APARTMENT - LATER She's dressed. Butch is too but doesn't look like he knows what to do next. BUTCH Um, I really had a good time. But I totally get it if you don't wanna hook up again. BABE Is that what you want? BUTCH I'm not much of a catch. BABE Says who? BUTCH (smiling) You ask more questions than me. Babe moves to him. Kisses him. BABE I like you. Last night wasn't an accident. BUTCH It wasn't. BABE You're complex. Lots of duality there. Like Spiderman. BUTCH (smiling) I doubt it. BABE You are. I just think you lack confidence. BUTCH Confidence? She nods. BABE Have you ever been skydiving? Babe smiles. Gives him a hug. Then suddenly her face turns to HORROR as she spots: BABE Spider!!! BUTCH Huh? She CLINGS to him. BABE Right there! In the corner! No! Butch looks to the corner where an innocent looking BABY LONGLEGS wanders. BUTCH Got it. Butch steels himself. Approaches the corner slowly. Aims. Steps on it. Babe looks at him. Beams actually. Her hero! Butch is Spiderman. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MAIN OFFICE Tim enters. Late, he crosses quickly to his desk. Sits and fires up his computer. After a moment, he lifts his head. Scans the room. There. Spots Babe. A quickening in his chest. She raises her head and catches his stare. Tim quickly drops his head. BABE, at her desk, STANDS, picks up a file and CROSSES to Tim's desk. Frowning. Stands there until... he slowly... looks up. TIM Hi, Babe. BABE Thanks for dinner. TIM I'm sorry about last night. I-- BABE --I know exactly why you ditched me. I saw your wife there. TIM Oh, you did? It was just-- Babe FLOPS the FILE in her hand down on Tim's desk. BABE You're immortal? You're eight hundred years old, huh? (beat) You're full of shit, is what you are. And that file proves it! Tim opens the file. Stares at the contents. BABE I told you, I can dig up anything on anybody. (beat) So I dug you. Tim stands. Hands the file back to Babe. TIM Can we talk about this in private? INT. BREAK ROOM - MOMENTS LATER Tim closes the door to the break room. Makes sure no one is in earshot. TIM Let me explain. BABE Timothy William Couch, born 1985, Syracuse New York. Mother, Kate. Dad, James. TIM It's an invention-- BABE --in your mind! She opens the file. Flips though. BABE I have your birth certificate, your school records, your... marriage certificate! (reading) Timothy William Couch and Emily Gwendolyn Connely. August 16th, 2003, Onondaga County. (beat) I checked her records too. Same high school as you. Sweethearts, I guess. Cute. Babe shuts the file. TIM They're forgeries. What I told you is true! It's a skill I had to develop over the centuries. New drivers licences, new birth certificates. Or we'd be found out. BABE Stop! This is pathetic. Look, I had a crush on you. But I wouldn't break up a marriage. I mean, I thought about it for a moment but just a moment. (beat) Seven years married. Man up. What are you afraid of... commitment Kids? Tim looks shamed. Says nothing. BABE Whatever it is, face it. Don't run or that's all you're gonna do the rest of your life. (beat) And don't lie to people, Tim. Because, for just a moment, when you told me those amazing stories, I wanted to believe you. I wanted to believe that something like that was possible. Suddenly Tim SNAPS. Shouts: TIM You have no idea what you're talking about! You're a kid! BABE You're right. I'm an idiot. (beat) There are no buffalo in 15th century Spain. I checked. Babe drops the file on the ground. Starts to leave then SPINS back. BABE Oh! And, for your information Stuart Sutcliff was the original bassest for the Beatles! She leaves in a huff. Tim slowly bends down. Picks up the file. Pulls out the MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. Stares at it. INT. COUCH HOME - STUDY - EVENING Emily sits before the computer. And an email... from "": "Hey, Emily... I knw things were mssed up the other nt. But it wz the best night of my life. Hit me back!!!" Emily starts to respond when the DOOR OPENS. Tim appears in the foyer, looks left and sees Emily shut down the computer monitor hastily. Stand and face him. EMILY Hey. TIM What's going on? EMILY (nervously) Nothing. Just... surfing the net. TIM (doubting) Really? She takes a moment.. Tim looks at her curiously. Then... a look of disappointment. That's all it takes. EMILY Do you know, Tim... how easilly you can hurt me? TIM What? EMILY All it ever taken is a look from you and I feel worthless. Do you understand that? You can say things, and I can say things, and things may happen. (beat) But one look from you can cut me to the bone. A moment. TIM I'm sorry. Have I done something wrong? I just stepped through the door. EMILY The same door. The same look. Emily leaves. Tim waits a moment. Then follows her into-- KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS TIM So what is the crisis this time, Emily? Your little boy toy no longer as "into you"? What prediciment do I need to rescue you from now? Emily spins back. EMILY I don't need you to save me. I want you to want me! (beat) You want to know what's been missing? You used to kill dragon's for me! Kill conquistadors! I may not be trapped in a witch's coven any more. That doesn't mean I don't want you to toss water on them!!! TIM There are no more dragons and witches and Conquistadors! It's now! What do you want, Emily?! EMILY Proof! TIM Proof of what?! EMILY Proof that you meant what you said in that dream house! You didn't have to become a king, just a companion. Proof you meant what I said that day because, honestly, I don't remember. (beat) I want proof that this was worth it. The sacrifices we made, that this is what we wanted! Tim stands still a moment. Lowers his head. EMILY Maybe its time. Tim looks up at her. Has no answer. She leaves the kitchen and shoots upstairs. Tim stands still. Hears the bedroom door SLAM. He waits a moment. Then crosses into... STUDY - CONTINUOUS the computer. What was she typing that she didn't want him to see? He slicks on the monitor. Stares at the screen, face washed in electric blue light. Breaths in. Shuts it back off. Crosses to-- FRONT DOOR - CONTINUOUS He opens it. Looks out. The skies have opened up again. The rain is falling. Hard. INT. HONDA - MOMENTS LATER Tim climbs behind the wheel. Sucks in a breath. Turns the key. Turns on the windshield wipers. Backs out... INT. TAVERN - NIGHT Tim and a shot of whiskey and a beer share a spot at the bar of this small Irish tavern. A BARFLY waves at him from the other end of the bar. He waves and fake smiles back. Sighs. The BARTENDER takes notice of Tim's barely masked pain. BARTENDER Everything okay, pal? Tim CLOSES HIS EYES. Opens them. Looks up-- AND SUDDENLY the BARTENDER is dressed in 16th century garb. And so is Tim. In fact, this TAVERN is suddenly right out of 1594! And not only that... but 1594 LONDON, complete with accents! BARTENDER (Cockney accent) That's three shillings, bloke. Tim pays. A man takes a seat next to Tim. Early 40's. Name of WILL. Gets a beer and turns to Tim. Holds up the drink. WILL Cheers. TIM Cheers. After a moment... WILL You're looking troubled, if I might say. Tim nods. Shrugs. WILL Wife? The Misses? The ol' ball and chain? TIM (sighing) It's just... sometimes she drives me crazy! WILL I hear ya. I got one of my own. And three kids. I understand. It can be tough. Hell, that's why I'm here and she's lounging around Stratford-on Avon eating fuckin' French chocolate. (beat) Bitch. (beat) But... I do love her. We married young. Tim huffs a laugh. Offers his hand. TIM Tim Couch. WILL Will Shakespeare. TIM I've heard of you. You write... poems? WILL Poems, yeah. Sonnets. Plays mostly. TIM A lot of love stuff, then? WILL Goes with the territory. TIM So give me some insight, Will. Why is love so hard? Will sighs. WILL Well, the way I see it, we come into this world alone, and we leave it alone. The journey between those two points is easier, and more fun I've found, with someone else. TIM What if you never reach the end? WILL Ah, we all reach the end, Tim. Just a question of when and how. Hopefully not at the tip of a sword, am I right? Am I right? But seriously, a soul is more complete with another soul, in my experience. And make sure appreciate what you have, right? (beat, leaning in) A bird in the hand is better than those two at the end of the bar. Sure, it might be fun for a night, but in the morning, they fly away, if you're lucky. And you're right back where you started. Beat. Tim is dazzled. TIM You're good. WILL I spend a lot of time thinking about this stuff. (beat) Like this new play I'm writing, Romeo and Juliet. At the end, rather than live apart, they make a suicide pact! In a church late at night! (beat) It's a romantic tragedy. No one's ever tried it. TIM They kill themselves? WILL Yeah. But for love. Long moment. TIM What if one thinks the other one is gone? But, she's really in a deep sleep. But he poisons himself. Then she wakes up... and sees he's dead... and then she does herself in? Will raises an eyebrow. Genius! TIM I don't know the story, but-- WILL --no, that's brilliant! Irony! It's so unappreciated. Will finishes his beer. Shakes Tim's hand. WILL Good luck, Will. Don't give up. Every dark cloud slowly moves to give way the sun. And a rose by any other name still has as many thorns. He winks and exits, stage left. AND SUDDENLY... WE'RE BACK IN THE BAR IN MODERN DAY... And Tim, alone at the bar, takes his last sip of beer. Tosses a few bills and stands. INT. BEDROOM - SAME Emily sits, stone faced and cross-legged on the bed. She stares at a single photo of she and Tim. A Christmas photo. They look... happy. Emily begins to cry softly. She looks at her wrists. The blood pumping through them. Matches her breathing to her pulse she can see barely beating below her skin. EXT. ROAD - NIGHT The rain is falling in sheets. The Heavens have opened up. INT. HONDA - NIGHT (DRIVING) Tim is also stone faced, pushing forward, but maybe not sure where. INT. CABIN - DAY (FLASHBACK) Tim is alone, shortly after telling the Titanic story. Merlin takes notes opposite him. TIM I mean, what is the point? MERLIN You ask a lot of questions. TIM I know. I just don't get it, though. This gift you gave me. This life? What's the point? MERLIN Man's been searching for that one a long time. TIM I'm not talking big picture. MERLIN But you are. TIM I've rescued her, Merlin. Through the years... by accident! She thinks I'm something I'm not! And I've pretended the whole way, doing nothing to help anyone. MERLIN And there you're wrong. INT. HONDA - NIGHT (DRIVING) Tim white knuckles the wheel. Slows to a stop. Kills the engine. EXT. BRIDGE - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Tim gets out of the car. The rain soaks deep into his clothes. TIM (V.O.) How am I wrong? INT. CABIN - DAY (FLASHBACK) Merlin sets his notepad down. MERLIN Every one of us changes the world merely by being a player in it. Just because we don't see the results of our influence doesn't mean we didn't have it. EXT. BRIDGE - NIGHT Tim steps over the rail of the bridge. MERLIN (V.O.) Without you, without her... the world would be a very different place. And that's true for everyone. But for you... it was the particularly important. INT. CABIN - DAY (FLASHBACK) Merlin leans back in his chair. MERLIN I didn't come to your home by accident. I don't make those. Tim stares at Merlin. EXT. BRIDGE - NIGHT Tim peers down at the rain pounding the black waters... just a step away from him. Knows how to end this movie. SMASH TO BLACK. FADE IN... INT. BEDROOM - DAWN The rain continues to fall outside the window. A POW of THUNDER waking Emily. She looks to her left; untouched. Tim never came home. INT. COUCH HOME - LIVING ROOM Emily probes through the house, calling softly, panic building. EMILY Tim? Baby? Nothing. The house is still. Quiet, save the rain outside. Emily begins to openly panic. INT. EMILY'S CAR - MOMENTS LATER (DRIVING) Still in her nightgown, Emily holds back tears. Eyes scanning the horizon past the wipers for any sign of Tim. EXT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MOMENTS LATER Emily's car SLIDES on the rain, to a stop at the front of the building. INT. BRIGHTON LIFE INSURENCE - MAIN OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Emily EXPLODES into the main office, eyes and clothes drenched. EMILY Tim?! Tim?! The OFFICE WORKERS stop what they're doing and stare. From her desk, Babe leaps to her feet and races to Emily's side. BABE Mrs. Couch, what's wrong? EMILY Tim. He's missing! Was he with you last night? I won't be mad. I just need to know where he is. BABE No, of course not. Maybe he's just at a motel. EMILY He hates motels! I'm really scared! (beat, looks hard at Babe) We've never spent a night apart. Ever. Babe nods slowly. BABE It'll be okay. EMILY Promise? (beat) He always does. Emily gives Babe a hug. But, look at Babe's eyes... she knows where to look first. Unfortunately. EXT. BRIDGE - MORNING POLICE and FIRETRUCKS jam the bridge. EMERGENCY WORKERS and POLICE crowd the scene. DIVERS drop into the icy waters. NEARBY-- Emily watches it all. Stone faced again. Babe stands by her. Reaches out to comfort her. FADE TO BLACK. INT. COUCH HOME - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Emily sits alone with a bowl of popcorn. Shell-shock. The television washes her in blue. RYAN SEACREST (O.C.) This... is American Idol! She shudders. EXT. WOODS - DAY Emily wanders to the CABIN. EMILY Merlin?! She pushes open the front door. INT. CABIN - CONTINUOUS Emily moves through the room: there is no furniture. No couch. No chair. Just an empty room. She collapses in the corner. EMILY Merlin? Nothing. She buries her head. EMILY (softly, to herself) This isn't what I wanted. A moment. MERLIN (O.S.) I disagree. She looks up. MERLIN leans against the opposite wall. MERLIN This is what you both wanted, so my notes indicate. Bored, tired. EMILY You're just... mean. You're just a mean Merlin. Bad wizard. Merlin smiles. Approaches Emily. Kneels down to her. MERLIN Sometimes a hard lesson takes time, kiddo. Emily looks at him. INT. COUCH HOME - DINING ROOM Emily eats alone. Barely keeps her food down. The rain outside has just stopped. Emily chews. Swallows. Then stops. Feels something. Confirmed moments later by... A KNOCK AT THE DOOR. She sets down her fork. Another KNOCK. She stands. Moves slowly. Then quickly... to the door. Swings it open to reveal: TIM-- Still wet from the just ended storm. He eyes Emily. Her body is in shock. Takes a breath and then WRAPS HER ARMS around him. Kissing his face in every possible place. Then holding it back, smiling, crying, and looking into his eyes. Every part of her body with one question: EMILY (crying) Where were you?! Tim looks at her. Drops to one knee. SMASH TO: EXT. BRIDGE - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) The rain pounds the world. Everything we see is soaked. Including, over the rail and at the edge of the end: TIM-- he peers down at the water. Nods. Climbs back over the rail. Gets back into his car. INT. HONDA - CONTINUOUS (FLASHBACK) Turns the key. It won't start. TIM Of course. He opens the door again. EXT. BRIDGE - CONTINUOUS (FLASHBACK) Tim stands in the rain. Sighs. Starts walking. INT. AIRPORT - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) Tim stands at a counter. Pays and takes his ticket. INT. AIRPLANE - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) Getting ready to take off, Tim buckles his seatbelt. Listens to the emergency instructions. EXT. SKY - NIGHT (FLASHBACK) His plane streaks through the clouds. EXT. SOUTHAMPTON DOCK YARD - MORNING (FLASHBACK) No ship in sight. Just Tim. Standing right at dockside. Staring down at the water. SUPER THE LEGEND: Day 35,862 Tim JUMPS into the water. Stays under. Awhile. Resurfaces... INT. COUCH HOME - FOYER - RESUME SCENE Tim, still on his knees, presents Emily the ring. The one he lost back in 1912. TIM Found it. She looks at him, tears rolling down her face... and takes the ring. INT. TGI FRIDAYS - DAY Butch sits alone at a table. Waiting. He does lightsabers with his knife. Then Babe appears. He drops the knife. Stands and gives her a kiss. BUTCH Hey, beautiful! BABE What are you doing here, Butch? BUTCH Well, good question. I got this note-- BABE --from Mrs. Couch. BUTCH Emily. Yeah. Babe, it was totally a friend thing. I'm not unfaithfulness. BABE What are you talking about? BUTCH I hardly ever know. A moment. BABE I got the same note. BUTCH Weird. Right? And Emily appears. EMILY You too look like quite a wonderful couple. Really. BUTCH (carefully) Hey, Emily? BABE Mrs. Couch, any word?! How are you holding up?! Just then, Tim appears. Babe almost LEAPS out of her chair. BABE Tim! You're alive! Oh my god, I thought-- TIM --I know. Lets sit. Emily takes a seat next to Butch. Tim next to Babe. TIM We called you here to help us with something. Butch and Babe look clueless. Emily smiles. Finally, BUTCH Did we do something wrong? EMILY No, Butch. We did. So... get ready. BABE For what? And, again, suddenly, Emily KISSES Butch square on the lips. Passionately. At the same time Tim KISSES Babe. Equally passionately. Both couples hold a moment. Break. Tim and Emily stand. Take each others hand. From a nearby table... DR. MERLINSKI smiles. DR. MERLINSKI You're on your own now. Tim WINKS at him. Leas Emily out of the restaurant. Merlin sips coffee. Nods. Smiles. DR. MERLINSKI Good call. FADE TO BLACK. A TRAFFIC JAM - DAY It is an unusually warm, sunny and beautiful day. The freeway snakes far, but the cars do not move in the southbound lane. Northbound is moving fine. And that's where we see a 2038 model HONDA move swiftly in lane three. EXT. HOME - DAY The car parks outside a BEAUTIFUL HOME. An Old Man's hands open the drivers door. An Old Woman's hands open the passenger door. Cross to the back and open the rear door. ARTHUR the dog limps out slowly. He's OLD and a little mangy but loved. Steps carefully right in front of the door as his PUPPIES (now grown dogs) trip over him as they exit the car. And now we see them: TIM, seventy-three. TIM Arthur! Leave your puppies alone! She moves from the door and nestles with a couple of them. Emily, seventy-one, gets out of the car. She smiles. Crosses to Tim. They lock hands and head to the front door, which springs open to reveal MERLIN, forty... ...their son. MERLIN Mom! Dad! Suddenly GRANDKIDS flood the scene. GRANDKIDS Grammy! Grandpa! INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT 73 year old Tim cuts a turkey. His family before him, KIDS, GRANDKIDS. A full family. He looks to Emily. She smiles back. INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Tim and Emily sit on a SOFA. GRACE, their precious, beautiful two year old granddaughter, scurries over to Tim. Sits in his lap. He pats the girl' head. Looks up to a WALL OF PICTURES opposite. Emily does too. We see them each... One of Tim and Emily and their large family. Kids. Grandkids. A happy pose in a park. Another... of Tim alone on stage. Younger, rocking out on a guitar, on stage, to hundreds of fans... Another... of Emily teaching at Harvard to a giant auditorium of underclassmen... Another... of Butch and Babe at the altar, on their wedding day.... Another... of the cover of Butch's COMIC BOOK: "Forever Girl", which looks a lot like a kick butt version of Emily. Signed, "To Tim and Emily, I owe you everything. Butch" Another.... of Tim and Paul McCartney posing together, buddies, at a book signing... And one more. Of Merlin the wizard. Smiling from a hospital bed. Tim and Emily are beside him. Emily looks to Tim. EMILY Did this really happen? Tim narrows his eyes. Pets his granddaughter's hair. And more a statement than a question: TIM Why not. Tim smiles. BLACK.
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