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Final Draftôô˙˙˙˙˙˙˙˙Ň0FFFF000000060002000177AA00000000008C000000002000110190499000Â480048-24F18439200C7-1‚1C6611C6621C6611C66217D620‚‚6400647C318439327FFFF0‚‚1060‚‚1D49B000010000133F00000040085C40840‚‚4F12F7C72DA84403CC0027BB1777C7218085CEF040840‚‚7C712FD2F2D367903CC004D23177D2F22D0EF015EA40840‚‚D2F12F137B2C56ED03CC006136F177137B1CB015EA1BDA40840‚‚137B12F185D2DF5CC03CC0071851177185D26C01BDA21D040840‚‚185D12F1D112DA5E903CC0091D0512F1D11183021D027A040840‚‚1D1112F20F72CC5C003CE00A20D312F20F7198027A02EAB40840‚‚20F712F277F2DA6F903CC00C2773177277F1EE02EAB350440840‚‚277F12F2CB72DA62F03CC00E2CAB12F2CB724E035043AD340840‚12CB712F31692CC5AB03CC00F315D12F316922403AD341B040840‚‚316912F37A92DA6D203CC0011379D17737A91BD041B0490D40840‚‚37A912F3D7128D73D03CC00133D651773D712500490D4FD340840‚13D7112F43392DF6BE03CE001543211BF43391F004FD3566F40840‚‚433912F49012DA68B03CE001748E912F490119F0566F5D8040840‚‚490112F4F412DF70103CC00194F351774F411E005D80641840840‚‚4F4112F54472DA69103CC001A543B12F5447159064186B2840840‚‚544712F5BD92D370703CE001D5BC11BF5BD91F706B28728040840‚15BD912F626D2DA73F03CC001F6261177626D21F072807B4340840‚1626D12F69492DF8AA03CC0021693D177694921F07B4381D240840‚1694912F6EA52D366E03CC00236E991776EA5257081D2887140840‚16EA517772C726C68403CC002472BB17772C722D088718F0440840‚‚72C712F78EF2CC68A03CE002678D71BF78EF1F708F0495C940840‚‚78EF12F7E6F2DF6A703CC00287E631777E6F242095C99C6640840‚‚7E6F12F83692DF66A03CE0029835112F836928D09C66A33E40840‚‚836912F89852D36D103CC002B897912F89851590A33EAA7840840‚‚898512F8F112DF73003CC002D8F051778F111B60AA78B1D040840‚18F1112F94C12DA74F03CC002F94B512F94C11670B1D0B9C540840‚194C112F9B312DA7E103CC00319B251779B311FC0B9C5C09A40840‚‚9B3112FA1052DF6C603CE0033A0F9177A1051D90C09AC8BA40840‚‚A10512FA7A529480303CE0035A78D12FA7A51F30C8BAD08540840‚‚A7A512FAEC92DF7C503CC0037AEBD12FAEC91520D085D7C440840‚‚AEC912FB4852D371103CC0039B47912FB48526A0D7C4DE6A40840‚‚B48512FB8CB2DA67A03CC003AB8BF12FB8CB25C0DE6AE4B340840‚‚B8CB12FBE1B2DF63003CC003CBE0F177BE1B21F0E4B3ED9240840‚‚BE1B12FC5032DA8CD03CE003EC4F7177C5031EE0ED92F7E540840‚1C50312FCDCD286A4A03CE0041CDB51BFCDCD1F70F7E5FDA740840‚‚CDCD12FD2432DF5AC03CC0042D237177D24320A0FDA71048E40840‚‚D24312FD7F32DF6D403CC0044D7E7177D7F31F501048E10ABD40840‚‚D7F312FDBF12DF61103CC0045DBE512FDBF11FA010ABD1137240840‚‚DCB312FE4AF2DA8AB03CC0048E4A3177E4AF1B601137211B6140840‚1E4AF12FEC952B07DF03CC004BEC89177EC951E0011B61121ED40840‚‚EC9512FF15F2DF67603CC004CF153177F15F20A0121ED12BDD40840‚1F15F12FF7872D39E703CC004EF77B177F7871AF012BDD1332040840‚1F78712FFD5B2DF72C03CC0050FD4F12FFD5B1C90133201394640840‚‚FD5B12F103232D361203CC005210317177103231FC01394613F1340840‚‚1032312F107512DF5B503CC00531074512F107511D0013F131463540840‚‚1075112F10C592DA71703CC005510C4D12F10C5917501463514D3F40840‚‚10C5912F110332DF6D803CE00561101B12F11033286014D3F15C9940840‚‚1103312F11DC72DFF3C03CE005A11DBB17711DC7218015C99163F040840‚‚11DC712F123CB2DA76903CC005C123BF177123CB1CB0163F016A8340840‚1123CB12F1294B2D367403CC005E1293F1771294B26C016A831720140840‚‚1294B12F12F432DF77703CE006012F2B1BF12F431DB01720117BD240840‚‚12F4312F138912DA9B803CE00631388519413891227017BD21827A40840‚‚1389112F13D132D369703CC006413D0717713D131E701827A18B4440840‚113D1312F143772DA8B003CE00661435F12F143771DE018B4419221840‚‚1437712F1490F2DA6D503CE0068148F71BF1490F1F00192211984640840‚‚1490F12F14EBF2DA60D03CC006A14EB317714EBF21801984619E8C40840‚‚14EBF12F154AB2D363A03CE006C1549F177154AB1C4019E8C1A48C40840‚‚154AB12F1596927360303CC006D1595D177159691A801A48C1AC0440840‚11596912F15FA92DF77803C8006F15F9D24915FA924901AC041B26140840‚‚15FA912F164E12DA64403CC0071164D5177164E121F01B2611BAF640840‚‚164E112F16BBD2DF87703CE007316B9912F16BBD1B401BAF61C20D40840‚‚16BBD12F170F52DA70303CC0075170E9177170F51E701C20D1C92D40840‚‚170F512F177C52DF6F303CC0077177B912F177C527101C92D1D59640840‚1177C512F184392DAC69038E007B1842112F1843912F00002000008620000000085C, ESTRANGED WRITTEN BY ROBERT JAUREGUI SUPER: One day you are going to lose everything you have. Nothing will prepare you for that day. Not faith, not religion, nothing. When someone you love dies, you will know emptiness. You will know what it is to be completely and utterly alone. You will never forget... JOHN BERGIN FADE IN: EXT. PARK - DAY Families are playing together. People are walking, jogging. BRANDON JONES, early thirties but looks a little older, walks through the park. Brandon's dress is very casual: some jogging pants, tee shirt and tennis shoes. His hair has seen better days and he has a five o'clock shadow. He looks drained due to stress and depression. He has incredibly sad eyes. Brandon stands against a tree and watches a family together. The mom spreads out a blanket for a picnic. The dad plays with their daughter. He has her up on his shoulders while he spins her around. The little girl GIGGLES LOUDLY. Brandon’s eyes seemingly drift off past the family and begin to water. Suddenly he "awakens" and looks at his watch. BRANDON Damn. Brandon gathers himself and walks to his car and leaves. INT. PSYCHIATRIST'S HOME OFFICE - DAY STACY ABRAMS, a woman in her early forties, is writing on a note pad on her desk. A sofa, love seat, and a chaise also decorates the office. Stacy is dressed professionally. Her office phone RINGS. STACY (into phone) Dr. Stacy Abrams. No, Brandon, you're right on time. Uh-huh, just go ahead and park next to my car in the driveway. I'll meet you at the front door. Okay, see you in a sec. Stacy gathers a note pad, a tape recorder and a pen. Brandon enters the office. He oversees the office and Stacy. He stands in front of the desk waiting for instruction. STACY Brandon, feel free to sit anywhere you're most comfortable. Brandon turns around and oversees the office furniture. BRANDON Well, how should we do this? Do I lay back, prop my feet up and tell you it all started when I was five and saw my daddy naked? 00020000069A0000085C694,STACY (stunned) Excuse me? BRANDON Sorry, just a little therapy humor there, Ms. Abrams. STACY Oh. I get it. Cute. And you can call me Stacy. BRANDON Thanks. I guess I'll take the love seat. Brandon sits in the love seat and Stacy sits across from him in the sofa. She starts her tape recorder. With her pad and pencil at the ready the session begins. STACY I'm glad you were finally able to come in to see me, Brandon. Jack mentioned you to me the last few times we saw each other. BRANDON Yeah, Jack is a great friend. Not sure why he's hell-bent on having me see a shrink so bad though. No offense. STACY None taken. Are you opposed to therapy? BRANDON No. I think there are plenty of people in the world who need some form of counseling. But I'm not one of them. There's nothing wrong with me. STACY There is no need to feel defensive. I'm only here to talk to you and to see if I can help coach you through some things that may be bothering you. BRANDON I'm not feeling defensive at all. And I don't need a life coach, I'm fine. STACY Listen, Brandon, you came all the way out here to see me and I offered my services today on the house as a favor to Jack. Can you please at least make an attempt and humor me, if nothing else? Brandon contemplates the offer. BRANDON Okay, but I'm only here because I promised Jack I would. But I don't want to be questioned like a prisoner. I'd prefer an open conversation where we go back and forth with each other. Deal? STACY Deal. (beat) I see you are loyal to your friends. That's a very good trait. BRANDON And the analyzing has begun. Yes, I am very loyal. Hell, if it's possible for men to be closer than brothers, it's Jack and I. 00020000070000000EF06FA,STACY That is a very good thing. We could all use good friends like that in our lives. Now, real quick, let me get these basic information questions out of the way first, okay? BRANDON Fire away. STACY Okay. Your age and current occupation? BRANDON I'm thirty-two and I'm a writer of fiction novels. Stacy writes as Brandon answers her. STACY Okay. And your current social status is? Are you single? Dating? Long-term relationship? Brandon becomes defensive. BRANDON I thought you said you spoke with Jack? STACY I have. Many times. BRANDON Then you should already know I was married and my wife passed away. STACY Jack did mention that but I was seeing if you were talking to someone new. BRANDON I'm not interested in being involved with anyone. STACY We all need time to heal in situations such as yours, Brandon. It's very understandable. I'm sure when the time is right you - BRANDON (very stern) I said I don't want to be with anyone. Stacy sees the absolute seriousness in Brandon’s face. She begins to write on her note pad. BRANDON What? Do I get graded lower for snapping at the doctor? STACY There are no grades here, Brandon. I am only taking notes for any future conversations we may have. (beat,) Why you don’t see yourself dating again? BRANDON In a nutshell I lost the one person on this earth I was meant to be with. The end. STACY Come on now, Brandon. You can do better than that. BRANDON What do you want me to do?? Go on a forty-five minute diatribe explaining to you how and why I won't be with anyone until I die? STACY Yes, if that's what it takes. BRANDON This is ridiculous. I knew I shouldn't have come here. STACY Why do you say that? BRANDON Because all of this doesn't matter. I can’t explain something you obviously can never understand or even fathom. 0002000005F6000015EA5F0,STACY That is very unfair of you to assume, Brandon. BRANDON Do you mind not ending practically every sentence with my name? I feel like I'm being scolded by my mother when I was six or something. STACY Sorry. Please continue. BRANDON Okay, answer me this. Where is your wedding band? STACY I'm not married. BRANDON Why not? You're an intelligent, attractive woman with a stable and good profession. You seem relatively normal. So, why no husband? STACY I'm divorced. BRANDON I knew it. STACY What is that supposed to mean?? BRANDON Just proving my point. STACY And your point being? BRANDON That anyone who threw in the towel on their own marriage could never tell me I need to forget my wife and go find myself another woman. STACY You don't know the circumstances of my marriage. How do you know I wasn't a battered wife or he was an adulterer? Maybe my ex was a cokehead, you don't know. BRANDON Was he any of those things? Stacy puts down her pencil and note pad and tries to be firm. STACY No, he wasn't. BRANDON So why did you get divorced? A beat. STACY Irreconcilable differences. And that's all you need to know! BRANDON In other words you quit on your husband. STACY That's not it at all! Brandon has had enough. He rises from the love seat. Stacy stays seated. BRANDON Let me break this down for you. When you find that one person who can make you smile just by thinking of their touch and whose glance can literally make you cry then, and only then, will you even have a clue as to what I had with my wife. 0002000005FC00001BDA5F6,STACY Brandon, I - BRANDON (interrupting) And if for some reason that one person is taken from you and you feel this void in your soul that can never hope to be filled - you will finally realize why I have no intentions of being with anyone ever again. My wife can never be replaced. (beat) There's more I could try to explain to you but it's pointless to waste my breath on someone who can so easily just ‘move on’ and be perfectly fine with giving up on her husband. Brandon takes out his wallet. He pulls out a business card and tosses it in front of Stacy. It lands on her note pad. BRANDON Here's the number to a pretty good marriage and family counselor. His name's Jacob Roberts. He was referred to me by Jack too. He's also divorced. Give him a call. Maybe you two can brush up on your techniques together. Hell, you might even become a couple. You can both argue over whose fault it will be when you break up. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to be going. Brandon leaves. Stacy stays seated, still somewhat shocked. She glances over to the business card. She picks it up -- studies it. A few beats. Stacy TEARS UP the card. STACY Bastard. Let him die alone. Crazy idiot. EXT. BRANDON'S HOUSE - establishing - lATER A nice two story brick home on a cul-de-sac street. Brandon pulls into his driveway. INT. LIVING ROOM - SAME The home is decorated very nicely but is half empty. Very little furniture. It looks as if nobody lives in it. Brandon's answering machine BLINKS from a new message waiting to be heard. 0002000005D6000021D05D0,Brandon presses the play button. ANSWERING MACHINE Hi, this is Lisa. And this is Brandon. We can't come to the phone right now because Brandon is either A) too lazy to get the phone. Or B) we're both snuggling in bed and don’t want to answer. (Brandon's voice) B! Definitely B! (GIGGLING) So just leave a message when you hear the beep. Ahh! Brandon, don't tickle me when I'm trying to record -- BEEP! JACK Hey, it's Jack. I heard what happened over at Stacy's. I tried calling your cell but you're not answering as usual. Also, Katherine and I are also still waiting on your decision to be the twins' Godfather or not. It would be our honor if you would say yes. Anyways, drop me a line when you get this. Later. Brandon ROLLS HIS EYES. He picks up the phone and dials. BRANDON (into phone) Hey, Jack, I just got your message. Can I go over? Uh...why what's up? Talk about what? Okay, fine, I'll be over after while. Bye. Brandon HANGS UP and heads to his bedroom. INT. BEDROOM - SAME A king sized bed with a nightstand on each side. A closer look shows Brandon's half of the bed is sunken in while the other half remains perfectly level. Nothing hangs on the pasty white walls. On Lisa's side of the bed a frame with the story of Footprints in the Sand stands. On Brandon's side a framed picture of him kissing Lisa. Brandon sits on his side of the bed. He looks over to the picture. Brandon turns the wedding band he still wears and his mind begins to wander. Super: Seven years ago 000200000711000027A070B,EXT. BRANDON AND LISA'S BACKYARD - DAY - FLASHBACK JACK CONNOR, mid-twenties at this time, good shape, cooks in front of a bar-be-que pit with his wife, KATHERINE CONNOR, mid-twenties and attractive. Katherine holds a large serving dish. Brandon stands with his wife, LISA JONES, a gorgeous woman in her mid-twenties, a few feet away from the pit. They are smiling and enjoying each other's company. JACK (to Brandon) Stop fondling your wife and come help me. BRANDON (to Katherine) Does he whine all the time at home too? I bet he has to beg for sex. JACK Screw you, man. (laughs) There's nothing wrong in that department. In fact, honey, can I tell them? KATHERINE Sure. JACK Okay. Brandon? Lisa? We'd like to share some great and exciting news with you. (deep breath) Katherine's pregnant. LISA Oh, Katherine! Brandon smiles at Jack. He gives Jack a hug, then Katherine. Lisa follows suit. BRANDON Congratulations. JACK Thanks, man. LISA There's only one thing that can top this news. KATHERINE What's that? LISA I'm pregnant too! BRANDON (surprised) What?? KATHERINE You are?! LISA Yes! I just found out this morning! BRANDON When were you planning on letting me in on this, babe? LISA Tonight once we were alone. But this just seemed like the perfect time to tell you all. KATHERINE How far along are you? LISA Six weeks. You? KATHERINE Seven! Both women SCREAM together and embrace. Brandon pulls Lisa close and hugs her as if he hasn't touched her in years. They remain in each other's arms. Tears form in Brandon's eyes. LISA Baby, what's wrong? BRANDON Nothing. It's just...I never thought I could be any happier. You always made me feel like the luckiest man in the world. Now we're going to be parents and I feel as if I'm standing on air. Everything is so perfect. I just love you so much. 00020000065F00002EAB659,LISA I love you too, you big softy. They embrace again. Longer this time. Jack and Katherine watch. JACK (whisper) Baby, get the camera. KATHERINE (whisper) Okay. Katherine quietly walks to the table and reaches inside her purse to get the camera. She takes it to Jack. Brandon and Lisa are still in each other's arms smiling. Brandon kisses her very softly on the lips. Just as their lips meet Jack takes the picture now on Brandon's nightstand. The flash from Jack's camera covers the screen. As the flash FADES we return. BACK TO PRESENT DAY INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - DAY Brandon remains twisting his wedding band. His eyes are red from crying. He rubs his hands very slowly on his face then gets up and heads to his bathroom. INT. BATHROOM - SAME Brandon stands in front of the double vanity. He eyes the emptiness on the side Lisa used to occupy. Brandon faces himself in the mirror. The pain begins to overwhelm once more and he resumes CRYING. Brandon turns and starts his shower. Without caring he steps into the shower fully clothed. Brandon starts to CRY ALOUD. Brandon sits on the floor of the shower. He brings his knees to his face and crosses his arms as if trying to hold himself. BRANDON God, just take me. Just take me, please. EXT. CONNOR HOUSE - DAY - LATER A traditional two story home. Nice landscaping. Brandon pulls into the driveway. He approaches the front door and RINGS the doorbell. JACK Hey, man, come on in. INT. LIVING ROOM - SAME Decorated in a modern fashion. The kitchen overlooks the living room. A couple of toys lay across the floor from Jack and Katherine's 7 year old son, Jonathan. 0002000005D5000035045CF,Jack goes inside the kitchen while Brandon remains standing at the bar that overlooks it. BRANDON So what's up? You said you wanted me to come over so we can talk. JACK Nothing really. Today's Katherine's baby shower and I didn't want to be the only guy here. So congrats, you get to join me. BRANDON Great. A house full of women saying, "Awww" all day long. Why didn't you just go somewhere for the day? JACK I could have but I did want to talk to you about what happened at Stacy's. BRANDON Aw, hell, I knew it. I'd really appreciate it if you would stop talking about me to every psychiatrist in town. JACK I'm only trying to help, man. BRANDON You want to help me? JACK Of course I do. BRANDON Then back the fuck off. I love you like a brother but let me handle this, okay? I’m doing fine but every time you bring it up it makes me remember Lisa and then I have to push through the pain. So please, let it go. JACK You can't bullshit me, man. I know you haven't moved on and you're hurting just as much now as you ever were. BRANDON Damn it, Jack - Katherine enters in her maternity clothes looking adorable. Both men stop talking. KATHERINE Hey, Brandon. BRANDON Hey, Kat. KATHERINE I heard you two from the bedroom. Keep it down around my friends, okay? They should be here any minute so at least try to act happy. JACK Come on, man. We might as well go outside now. EXT. BACKYARD - SAME Both men stroll to the patio furniture and have a seat overlooking the nice swimming pool. 0002000006E300003AD36DD,Jack gives Brandon a concerned look. JACK Look, I'm sorry for pushing you into seeking therapy. I just worry about you. It's like you have no drive. Nothing motivates you anymore. I just thought maybe a pro could help you. BRANDON That's funny. Almost all the doctors you send me to are divorced or emotionally unstable themselves. JACK Not everyone gets to live happily ever after. You know how it is these days. The divorce rate is through the roof. BRANDON So why should I take the advice of someone who couldn't even make their own marriage work? JACK Because they are trained professionals. Maybe it wasn't their fault their marriages didn't make it. BRANDON You sound as bad as they do. (beat) I really don't want to talk about this anymore. JACK Cool. Just take it easy and relax, man. Don't' be so defensive. BRANDON Why do I keep hearing that?! I’m not being defensive. I just don’t want to talk about this one subject for the rest of my life. I’m fine, okay?? JACK Shit, man, calm down. You really are on edge. Are things getting worse? BRANDON I - SAID - I - AM - FINE. Little JONATHAN CONNOR, aged 7, comes RUNNING outside and greets his father with a warm hug. Both men calm down around Jonathan. JONATHAN Hi, daddy. JACK Hey, son. JONATHAN Hi, Uncle Brandon. BRANDON Hey, squirt. JACK Did mommy kick you out of the house too? JONATHAN Yeah, she said no boys are allowed in the house right now. Can we go to the park? JACK Maybe in a little bit. Let daddy talk to Uncle Brandon, okay? Go play with your toys for now but stay away from the pool. JONATHAN Okay. Little Jonathan RUNS to where he has some toys and plays with them. JACK You know, sometimes I look at my son and just stare at him in awe. It's like I still can't believe he's mine. 000200000763000041B075D,BRANDON You're a lucky man. Now you and Kat are about to have twins too. Cherish it for as long as you can. JACK I plan on cherishing every moment. Brandon's mood changes and his tone of voice turns melancholy. BRANDON Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if our baby Angela would have made it. She would be seven too and I'm sure I'd be bringing her over to play with Jonathan all the time. JACK Hey, man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to - BRANDON Her birthdays, Christmases. Seeing her grow everyday. Me being so worried about the day she discovered boys. She would have been a beautiful little girl. I'm sure she would have been a dead ringer for her mother. JACK Don't do this to yourself. BRANDON Seeing her graduate. Walking her down the aisle at her wedding. It would have been great. (beat) But like you said, not everybody lives happily ever after, right? JACK Damn it, man. Why do you have to do this to yourself? BRANDON No, tell me. I want clarification. You said not everybody gets to live happily ever after, right?? JACK Yeah, that's what I said. AND?? BRANDON Well, it got me thinking. Maybe Jack's right. We all have to play the hand we're dealt. I put all my chips in the pot and lost. But you still have a mountain of playing chips to play with. JACK Don't turn this around on me. This isn't about me. This is about you torturing yourself. BRANDON So do I ante up again and go for broke? Or do I stay out of the game and remember I had a really great hand once but the dealer had a better one? (beat) I say I retire and sit back and watch you play your hand out. Jack, from the bottom of my heart, I am very happy for you and your family. I only want the best for all of you. I - JACK And that's all we want for you too. BRANDON Then let me find my own way. This is something nobody else can help me with. Not you, not Kat, and not some whacked out shrink either. 0002000006CC0000490D6C6,JACK Well, maybe someone from the church. Or even - BRANDON (frustrated) Are you not hearing me?? I said LET IT GO! (beat) I'm going back home. JACK No, no. Stay. I'll drop it. We can talk about anything you want. BRANDON I don't want to talk. I just want to leave. Besides little Jonathan wants you to take him to the park. And you should. Remember - cherish it all as much as you possibly can. Brandon walks back into the house. INT. LIVING ROOM - SAME Katherine awaits for her guests. She notices Brandon heading for the front door. KATHERINE Brandon, you're leaving already? BRANDON Yeah. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer but I've had a really bad migraine that just won't go away. Enjoy your shower, Kat. KATHERINE Thank you. Drive safe. I hope you feel better. BRANDON Thanks. I'll talk to you later. As Brandon opens the front door to leave, COURTNEY BRUCE, an absolute stunner, had her fist ready and about to knock. COURTNEY Oh, I'm sorry. I almost knocked on your forehead. Courtney LAUGHS. For a second Brandon is taken by her beauty and almost smiles. BRANDON No problem. I was just on my way out. EXT. FRONT YARD - SAME Brandon walks to his car but it’s blocked in. COURTNEY Oh, that's my car. I'll move it so you can get out. Courtney heads to her car but stops in front of Brandon. COURTNEY First I almost clonk you in the head with my knuckles and now it's my fault you can't leave. I know you don't want to hear us women say "Aww, how cute" for the next couple of hours. Brandon gives Courtney a double take. Did she just say that? BRANDON That's pretty much hitting the nail on the head, yeah. COURTNEY (whispering) To be honest neither do I. But Kat is a good friend of mine so I'll tolerate it for today. BRANDON 0002000006A200004FD369C,Yeah, Kat's the best. COURTNEY You call her Kat too? Katherine is such a formal name. I call her Kat because it's easier. Brandon does another double take. COURTNEY Well, I better let you go so you can get out of here. Courtney looks for a final goodbye or something. Brandon just stands there speechless. COURTNEY Okay. Maybe we'll run into each other again. And next time I won't almost hit you in the head. BRANDON Yeah. Bye. Courtney walks to her car and moves it so Brandon can leave. Brandon enters his car then pulls out and drives away. Courtney parks in the spot Brandon just vacated and exits her car. COURTNEY Ooo-kay. He was odd. Cute, but odd. INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - DAY Brandon lies in bed with the television on but not really watching it. His face is emotionless. The house phone RINGS. Brandon looks over to it lazily but doesn't answer it. The answering machine picks up with the same familiar greeting as before. JACK Brandon? If you're there, pick up. Katherine went into labor. We're at the hospital now, so get your butt down here. She could deliver at any time. Don't miss it. See you soon, bro. Bye. Brandon looks at his watch and TAKES A DEEP BREATH. With a lackluster effort he gets out of bed. INT. HOSPITAL WAITING ROOM - LATER Brandon reads a magazine as he hears his name being called. COURTNEY Brandon, right? Brandon looks up and sees Courtney. He can't help but to stop and take in her beauty. He catches himself and returns to normal. BRANDON Yeah, but how did you know? COURTNEY Kat told me at the baby shower. BRANDON Oh, okay. COURTNEY What? Did you think you had a stalker? BRANDON No. COURTNEY Good. You're cute, but not that cute. Courtney SMILES. 0002000007170000566F711,Brandon scratches his chin with his left hand exposing his wedding band. COURTNEY Nevermind, my mistake. BRANDON Mistake about what? Before Courtney can answer Jack enters the waiting room. JACK It's official. We have twin girls! COURTNEY Oh, Jack! I'm so happy for you and Kat! Courtney gives Jack a big hug. Afterwards Jack looks over to Brandon. BRANDON Come give me a hug, you big stud. They hug giving each other HARD PATS ON THE BACK. BRANDON Congratulations. How's Kat doing? JACK She's tired, but she's fine. (beat) Hey, you never answered us on being the twins' Godfather. So what do you say? Brandon glances over at Courtney then back to Jack. BRANDON Can we talk about this in the other room, please? JACK Sure. Both men walk out into the hall outside the waiting room. INT. HOSPITAL HALLWAY - SAME JACK What's the problem? If you don't want to be their Godfather just say so. BRANDON It's not that. I just don't know if I'm exactly role model material. JACK We're not asking you because you will lead them into being great contributions to society. It is a token of love, not leadership. So just shut up and say you'll do it. BRANDON Have you been working on that speech for a while? JACK A little, yeah. Did it come out okay? It sounded a bit rehearsed. BRANDON It came out fine. JACK So are you going to or not, fucker? BRANDON Who can argue against a tear jerking proposal like that? Brandon offers Jack a hand shake. JACK (off handshake) Thanks, man. But damn, did it have to be harder than pulling teeth to get you to say yes? BRANDON You know I love drama. Plus I get a kick out of making you sweat. (beat) So where is everybody else? You weren't able to get in touch with the rest of your families? JACK We got in touch with most of them. So far you and Courtney are the only ones here. 00020000069E00005D80698,BRANDON Yeah, I can see that. Who is she anyway? How do you two know her? JACK She's been working with Katherine for a little over a year now. They became good friends right away. She is very cute isn't she? BRANDON Don't start, Jack. This is a happy day for you. Let's not ruin it. (beat) I'm going to go take a walk and maybe get something to drink. JACK Okay but just don't leave. You still have to see the girls, Godfather. BRANDON You are so bad at doing the whole guilt trip thing. (beat) I just need some air. You know hospitals don't sit well with me. JACK Yeah, I know. So see you in a bit? BRANDON Yeah. Brandon walks down the hall and turns a corner out of sight. Jack goes back into the waiting room. INT. WAITING ROOM - SAME JACK Hey, Courtney, Brandon said to excuse him but he went for a walk. Hospitals give him the willies. COURTNEY He seems like a nice guy but has such a sad, troubled look in his eyes. What's his story? JACK It's a long one. Probably best left for another time. (beat) Hey, I'm sorry but I'm going to go check on Katherine. Brandon should be back in a bit. COURTNEY Go back to your wife, silly man. I'm a big girl. I'll be fine. JACK Thanks for coming. Katherine and I really appreciate you being here. COURTNEY Maybe you two can show your appreciation by making me the Godmother of your next child? JACK Uh...let's not go there right now. COURTNEY Okay, but I want first dibs on naming rights for middle names. Jack gives Courtney a smile and exits the waiting room. EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - BRANDON'S CAR - MOMENTS LATER Brandon sits looking down in his lap. INSERT - PICTURE An ultra-sound picture with "Angela Jones - 4 months" written on it. 00020000071600006418710,BACK TO SCENE Tears fall down onto the picture. INT. HOSPITAL MATERNITY WARD - LATER Brandon looks through the glass window and sees his two new Goddaughters. They’re both dressed in pink skullcaps as they sleep quietly. Their name tags are labeled CASSANDRA CONNOR and JENNIFER CONNOR. As Brandon continues looking, his mind wanders. Super: Seven years ago INT. BRANDON AND LISA'S BEDROOM - NIGHT - FLASHBACK The couple lies in bed together. LISA Let's play the name game again. BRANDON (laughs) Baby, we play this game every night. LISA Brandon! BRANDON Sorry, sorry. I have to remember those hormone swings. Okay, let's play. LISA Okay. If we have a boy I want him named after you, Little Brandon Junior. But what if we have a girl? BRANDON I already got that one figured out. I've been thinking about it a lot and it's an obvious choice. LISA What did you have in mind? BRANDON Well, I can't help but to be amazed how truly lucky we are. We are being given a little angel from Heaven. So I figured what other name fits a beautiful angelic girl than Angela? It just feels right. What do you think? Lisa SMILES and KISSES Brandon. LISA Angela. Angela. You're right, it fits. I love it. Brandon leans down to Lisa's stomach and kisses it. He rests his cheek on it and SINGS in a whispery voice. BRANDON (whispering) My little, Angela. Daddy's girl, Angela. BACK TO PRESENT DAY INT. HOSPITAL MATERNITY WARD - DAY Brandon has a blank stare in his eyes. Courtney approaches Brandon from behind. BRANDON (whispers) Angela. COURTNEY Who's Angela? I thought the babies names were Jennifer and Cassandra? Brandon comes out of his trance. BRANDON I, uh...my mistake. I must have been daydreaming. COURTNEY Sounds like you need some rest. But since we're here you want to grab some coffee? BRANDON Coffee? COURTNEY 00020000075E00006B28758,Yeah, coffee. You know, coffee beans ground into dark liquid? Smells really good? Some people even drink it? BRANDON You sure do have a way of getting your point across. COURTNEY Thanks, I got it from my mom. She was such a smartass. BRANDON Thanks...Courtney? That's your name, right? COURTNEY That's the name they gave me. BRANDON Thanks, Courtney, but I'm going to have to pass. Will you take a rain check? COURTNEY Sure. Jack comes walking towards Brandon and Courtney in his scrubs. JACK Come on, you two. They're going to bring the girls to the room. COURTNEY Oooh, I'm so excited. JACK Well, come on. (to Brandon) You ready, Godfather? BRANDON (softly) Yeah. All three head towards Katherine's room together. INT. COFFEE SHOP - DAY We see Jack sitting outside at one of the tables reading a newspaper. Brandon approaches wearing sunglasses and dressed in a white tee shirt, baggy shorts, and sandals. Brandon sits with Jack. BRANDON Hey. JACK Took you long enough. I nearly finished reading the entire sports section. BRANDON Sorry, I was trying to finish up a couple things at the house before I left. So what’s up? JACK Well, I asked you to meet me today because I thought we should talk. BRANDON I figured that. The only time we see each other anymore is because you want to ‘visit’. JACK That's what I wanted to talk to you about. We never hang out anymore. You don't answer your phone for days at a time. BRANDON Is there a point to all this? JACK I just want to know what's going on with you. Why the renewed self seclusion? BRANDON I've just been busy. JACK Busy doing what? You don't go out. You're not the type to get up and take a drive. I know you're not seeing anybody. So tell me what's up? BRANDON Damn, why the third degree? JACK I want you to level with me. For Christ sakes the twins are a month old now and you haven't even come by to see them once yet. 0002000008C9000072808C3,BRANDON If you must know my ‘self seclusion’ as you put it is only because I started writing again. JACK (pleasantly surprised) You have? Since when? BRANDON A few weeks ago. I had an idea come to me and I started pounding away at the keyboard. JACK That's good to hear, man. It's been so long since you've written anything. I was beginning to think you gave it up. BRANDON No, I just haven't had anything come to me for a while. Now that I finally do I just wanted to concentrate on that. I'm going to meet with my publisher in about an hour to discuss it. JACK You're going to meet him dressed like that? BRANDON I'm not dating him, you freak. He's my publisher. I'm not trying to impress him with my fashion sense, just my writing. (beat) So are we cool now? JACK Yeah, we’re cool. Katherine and I were just worried how you were doing. BRANDON Well, now you can both relax. Nothing's wrong. (off wristwatch) But I do have to get going if I'm going to make it to my meeting on time. JACK Give me a shout later this week. Maybe we can hang out and shoot the shit. BRANDON Okay. Give my love to Kat and the kids. Jack nods. Brandon heads back to his car and leaves. INT. RESTAURANT - DAY A fine dining place. Only people with money dine here. Brandon approaches the HOST, a man in his thirties, dressed in a tuxedo. The Host looks at Brandon's dress and practically frowns at him as he approaches. HOST (uppity tone) Are you here about the dishwasher's job? BRANDON That's cute. I have a reservation. HOST I highly doubt that, sir. BRANDON Why? Because I'm not dressed in a monkey suit? HOST There is a dress code here, sir. If you have ever been a patron here you would have known to come dressed appropriately. I'm sorry but I can not allow you to enter unless you have a dinner jacket. BRANDON You can't or you won't? Tell me, was it your life's dream to become a snobbish little man dressed like a penguin telling people whether or not they're allowed to enter an eating establishment? As the tension builds Brandon’s publisher, RON FRIEDMAN, in his fifties, dressed to the nines approach them both. RON Brandon, I see you're making a new friend. BRANDON I'm just having a friendly conversation with Sir My Shit Doesn't Stink over here. 00020000069500007B4368F,HOST Excuse me? RON Joshua, don't pay any attention to him. The Host will now be referred to as JOSHUA. joshua Mister Friedman, do you know this... man? RON Yes, he's with me. He has a way with people. Joshua To say the least, sir. Your usual table? RON Of course. Lead the way. BRANDON (to Ron) Wait a minute. I don't need a stupid jacket now just because I'm with you? RON Keep your voice down, Brandon. Be glad I got him to let you in at all the way you're dressed. Jesus, man, did you sleep in that outfit and just head on over to meet me when you woke up? BRANDON Saves time that way. Joshua takes a final uppity look at Brandon with a raised eyebrow. He leads both men to a quiet table booth. Joshua gives them both a menu and excuses himself. INT. restaurant booth - same Only a few tables aren’t occupied. The customers are all dressed in exquisitely. They all see Brandon and have a look of displeasure on their faces. RON If your writing was as creative as your wit you'd have numerous best sellers. BRANDON Hey, I told you I'm working on something new. It may not be on the top ten lists but it will be good material. RON Calm down. I'm merely saying I don't know what to expect from you when you submit a story anymore. When we first signed you years ago you had a real gift for writing wonderful stories about love, romance and people audiences cared about. But ever since your wife passed you have turned in some disturbing work. BRANDON Disturbing? Such as? RON You know what I'm talking about. Don't play coy with me. Your work turned into an angry display of writing. Then it turned very sad and depressing. I just want to know what to expect this time around. 0002000006A5000081D269F,BRANDON I thought you would appreciate me being able to run the gamut of emotions. It shows I have range. RON It shows me you write about things you are feeling at the time. So I need to know how you are feeling at this present time. What's your new book about? BRANDON It's called Death of a Dream. It's about a man haunted by his dreams. He knows they are only dreams but they seem so real and vivid that when he wakes up he can't tell if the dream is over or not. He begins to learn that his dreams are telling him of some terrible things to come in his life. He tries to decipher them before they lead to his demise. RON Another dark book but it sounds interesting. Do you think you can give me 50 pages in the next couple of weeks? With a brief synopsis of what's to come after? BRANDON Sure. I'll give you something that will leave you wanting more. RON I'm glad to see you're motivated again. We were beginning to worry about you. BRANDON Why? RON Well, try to understand our point of view. You used to be a top ten novelist. Hell, a former number one novelist. You were young, exciting and motivated to pump out book after book of quality work. But here lately that has not been the case. We have been very patient, hoping you still have that incredible talent inside you and all you have to do is somehow hit the switch again. Another couple of lackluster books from you and we will be reconsidering our commitment to you as a writer. BRANDON Trust me; this will be a page turner. A suspense thriller people will get into. RON I hope so. I personally don't think it's your best genre but I'm willing to give you the chance to prove yourself again. Now enough about business, let's eat. 00020000069900008871693,BRANDON Sounds good to me. (beat) Think the people here will mind if I belch out loud and take my sandals off? RON I'll say it again. If you can somehow transfer that wit of yours into a good story we'd have a best seller on our hands. Both men grab their menus as the scene FADES. INT. THE CONNOR LIVING ROOM - DAY Jack and Katherine sit on their sofa cradling their newborn daughters looking weary from lack of rest. The doorbell RINGS. KATHERINE That’s probably Courtney. She said she would be coming by to visit the kids. JACK I'll get it. Jack gets up with his daughter in tow and answers the door. INT. FRONT DOOR - SAME COURTNEY Oh!!! Give me that baby! She is so cute! JACK Hello to you too, Courtney. COURTNEY Oh, hi, Jack. I'm sorry but I can't help it. You guys have the most precious babies I have ever seen. JACK Thanks. Come on in. INT. LIVING ROOM - SAME KATHERINE Hey, Courtney. Welcome to the jungle. COURTNEY Hey, Kat. You guys look tired. JACK Us? Tired? Noo! We're Superparents. KATHERINE Speak for yourself. I'm beat. COURTNEY If you two ever need a sitter, let me know. I love coming over to see the kids. KATHERINE Well, you have come over a lot more than their Godfather that's for sure. JACK Katherine, I've told you many times Brandon has been busy writing a new book. KATHERINE And I'm happy for him. But does it honestly take a lot of effort to pick up the phone for five minutes and say hello? JACK Babe - KATHERINE I know he's your best friend. I love him like a brother myself. And I'd say the same thing to my brother if he never bothered to call. But he has. And he lives across the country. Courtney senses the frustration and intercedes. COURTNEY 0002000006CB00008F046C5,So, Brandon's a writer? Jack takes the cue and responds quickly. JACK Yeah. He's very talented actually. But he's had a major case of writer's block lately. COURTNEY Maybe he just needed another good idea. Or maybe his wife helped him think of one? Jack and Katherine look to each other then back to Courtney. COURTNEY What? What did I say? JACK Nothing. You asked about Brandon a while back and I said we'd get into it another time. I just forgot with the babies and all. COURTNEY Yeah. When I first met him I thought he was cute but a bit strange. Something about his eyes...they are so sad but very nice. But I noticed he was wearing a wedding ring and that was the end of that for me. JACK Courtney, there's a story behind the ring - COURTNEY And why is he always alone? Where is his wife? Does she ever go with him anywhere? Or is he one of those loner types? JACK Uh, you see, Brandon wears his ring but...he isn't - COURTNEY If you're going to say he isn't happily married you can save your breath. I'm no home wrecker. JACK Oh Lord, no. It's not that at all. COURTNEY Okay, good. Because if you were I'd have to slug you. Hope you wouldn't mind, Kat? Katherine shakes her head. COURTNEY Okay, I'll play along. What's up? JACK You see, Brandon...was married. But his wife passed away from cancer about seven years ago. They were inseparable. He hasn't exactly gotten over it yet. That's why he still wears the ring. COURTNEY Oh my God. I feel terrible for saying all those things. JACK Don't. You didn't know. Now you can talk to Brandon without feeling guilty. If you're interested? COURTNEY But you said he hasn't gotten over his wife’s passing yet. KATHERINE Jack, didn't he tell you to leave him alone about this subject? 0002000006A3000095C969D,JACK Since when does he know what's good for him? COURTNEY I am not going to be the rebound woman, Jack. JACK After seven years? That's one hell of a rebound. COURTNEY But - JACK You said yourself you thought he was cute. Had nice eyes, right? COURTNEY Well, yeah, but - JACK No buts. Just try talking to him. What's the worst that could happen? INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - DAY - LATER Brandon paces the floor in a tee shirt and some shorts TALKING on his cordless phone. BRANDON You what?! Shit, man, you know I am busy writing and don't like to be bothered at home. Who the hell told you it was okay to invite her over to my house?? Call her back and tell her I'm not home. Brandon's doorbell RINGS. BRANDON Aw, shit. You are such an asshole. Yes, I'm going to open the door. Oh, fuck you. That does not mean I like her. I have to go let her in but this is not over between us. Brandon PRESSES HARD on the button on his phone to hang up. Not satisfied with the small beep he SLAMS the phone down on the bed. The DOORBELL RINGS again. Brandon gives himself a once over before walking over to the front door. EXT./INT. FRONT DOOR - SAME Courtney waits outside for an answer. Not getting a reply she decides to leave. As soon as Courtney turns away Brandon opens the door. He stands there not saying a word. COURTNEY Hey. Jack said you may be home. Were you busy? No reply. COURTNEY (in a manly voice) Hi, Courtney, come in. Have a seat. Make yourself at home. (back to her normal voice) Any of this sound familiar in greeting a guest? BRANDON I - COURTNEY Oh, just take two steps back, silly man. I don't bite. Not yet, anyway. Courtney SMILES. Brandon obliges and allows Courtney into his home. 0002000006DE00009C666D8,INT. LIVING ROOM - SAME Courtney leads Brandon to his sofa. She takes a seat on one end. Brandon sits way on the other end. BRANDON So, Jack sent you? COURTNEY Yes. That man, I swear. I think he's trying to play cupid with us. Brandon has relaxed back to his old self: melancholy with little emotion. BRANDON He's doing something alright. I think I need to have a long talk with him. COURTNEY If this is uncomfortable for you I can go? I don't want to be a bother. BRANDON (quickly) No! I mean, you don't have to go. Please forgive me. It's been a while. I'm sure Jack and his big mouth told you about my situation. COURTNEY Briefly, but I'd much rather hear it from you. BRANDON We're talking fourteen years of memories here. It could take a while. COURTNEY Well, seeing how you are dressed I don't think you were going anywhere. I think I'm going to cash in that rain check you promised me at the hospital. BRANDON What did you have in mind? COURTNEY You. Me. A pot of coffee. Good conversation. You didn't think you were going to get lucky, did you? Courtney LAUGHS. BRANDON Oh, God, no! I just meant - COURTNEY I know, I know. I just love messing with you and seeing that panicked expression on your face. It's cute. BRANDON Thanks a lot. COURTNEY I tell you what. You go get cleaned up, and I'll put a pot of coffee on. And no locking yourself in your room, buddy! BRANDON I wasn't going - COURTNEY (laughing) I know! I love teasing you, remember? Brandon exits shaking his head. Courtney enters the kitchen and notices a picture of Lisa on the fridge. She removes it to have a peek. INT. BATHROOM - SAME Brandon stares in the mirror. BRANDON Jack, I am so going to kick your ass. Brandon stares at his wedding ring. He closes his eyes and SIGHS. 0002000007400000A33E73A,INT. LIVING ROOM - LATER Brandon returns looking fresh and dressed nicer. He notices two glasses served with coffee and all the trimmings on his coffee table. Courtney emerges from the kitchen area with some croissants. COURTNEY I ran to the store real quick while you were in the shower. These are so soft and fluffy. You'll love them. BRANDON Thanks. Both get comfy on the sofa but still seated very much apart. COURTNEY Jack tells me you're a writer. I wonder if I've read anything of yours? BRANDON Ever hear of Golden Lights of Broadway? That was mine. COURTNEY Get out! I loved that trilogy of books! I could so relate to Audrey, the aspiring actress trying to make it in the big city. BRANDON You could? Are you an aspiring actress? COURTNEY No, but I am an artist. I paint. And I've always wanted to make it in New York City. You know the saying? If I can make it there... Brandon nods. COURTNEY I actually got the balls to get an agent last year. I haven't sold anything yet, but I'm not giving up on my dreams. BRANDON I'm not sure how to take a woman who says she has the balls to do anything. I'm having flashbacks of The Crying Game over here. COURTNEY (laughs) I assure you I do not have testicles. But I may have bigger balls than you. Courtney makes a gesture with both hands as if they were full carrying two giant melons. BRANDON I like how you're not afraid to say whatever is on your mind. I was that way once. Always smiling and joking around. COURTNEY What made you change? Brandon's attitude slowly begins to change - becomes darker. BRANDON Well, after my wife died I really didn't have much to smile about anymore. It's funny how one minute you're on top of the world - and the next you're broken down. Got your head out of the clouds. And you don't walk so proud anymore. (beat) But I don't want to bore you with all that. 00020000075E0000AA78758,COURTNEY No, I want to hear about it. It sounds like you have a lot to say. Brandon immediately puts his shield up. He becomes evasive and takes control of the conversation. BRANDON I do. But first tell me a little about you. This isn't therapy time for Brandon Jones. If you share, I share. COURTNEY I'm game. What do you want to know? BRANDON Well, for starters, have you ever been married before? COURTNEY No. BRANDON Why not? COURTNEY Why do I feel like I'm being put on trial here? BRANDON Can you answer the question, please? COURTNEY Fine. I have never been married because I haven't found a man who I would want to share my life with until I die. I got engaged once. But nobody has made me want to walk down the aisle with them. Brandon attacks with his usual condescending manner. BRANDON What happened? Did you see the shortcomings and flaws as turn-offs and kick 'em to the curb? COURTNEY No. Of course not. BRANDON Then I'd love to hear your excuse. COURTNEY I don't have an excuse. I - BRANDON You what? Let's hear it. COURTNEY I want the fairy tale, alright?? A man who I can love and who will love me back. Kids. A dog. Grandkids. A nice house that will always be home to my family. Somewhere my husband and I can be two old people sitting in our rocking chairs reminiscing about good times and memories. Is that sufficient enough, asshole?! Brandon is stunned. For once he’s speechless by a showing of pure emotion. COURTNEY What? You have nothing to say?? Nothing coldhearted to comeback with? I am sorry you lost your wife, Brandon. Really I am. But why do you have this huge fucking barrier the size of the Great Wall of China up to keep the rest of the world out?! If you want to end up all alone you're doing a damn good job of it. Courtney SNATCHES her purse from the coffee table and gets up to leave. She stops at the front door and turns back to Brandon. 0002000007FB0000B1D07F5,COURTNEY If you grow up and shake this self hatred and pity you have then we can talk again. If not...I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for. Courtney leaves. Brandon contemplates the tongue lashing. He puts his hands to his face and GROANS. BRANDON (with his hands over his face) Aww, fuck! (to self) Nice going, asshole. Brandon slowly rises. He heads to his kitchen counter and grabs his car keys. EXT. THE CONNOR HOUSE - DAY - LATER The weather has turned very cloudy. The thunder ROLLS. Brandon pulls up to Jack's house. He races to the front door. He KNOCKS HARD and RINGS the doorbell. INT. KITCHEN - SAME Jack is preparing dinner when he hears the doorbell. He goes to answer it. JACK Hey, what's up? Jack lets Brandon in. INT. LIVING ROOM - SAME Brandon looks around and finds the house empty. BRANDON Where's Kat and the kids? JACK She went to go grab a couple things from the store with Jonathan. I'm getting dinner started while the twins are sleeping upstairs. Did you want to stay for dinner? BRANDON No. JACK So what's going on? BRANDON Oh, nothing. Brandon HITS Jack with a hard right hook to his face. Jack gets floored with the punch. He wipes a little blood from his mouth. BRANDON Get up! JACK What the hell’s your problem?? I'm not going to fight you. Jack rises from the floor in a defensive stance. Brandon looks at Jack with his fists ready but he can't bring himself to hit Jack again and becomes frustrated. BRANDON AHHH!! Damn it! I told you over and over to leave me alone! First you try sending me to every loony doctor you know and now you're trying to hook me up with the first piece of ass that comes around! JACK What?? Courtney said she was interested in you. So I thought maybe she should go over to talk to you. I'm not trying to get her to sleep with you, you dick. BRANDON What part of LEAVE ME ALONE don't you understand?? Fuck! Now she's all pissed off at me. And all because you had to stick your fucking nose into my life - AGAIN! Do me a favor and stay the fuck away from me, okay? 0002000006DB0000B9C56D5,JACK Come on, man - BRANDON I mean it this time. Stay away. A roll of thunder BOOMS. Katherine enters the kitchen through the back door carrying a bag of groceries with Jonathan. KATHERINE Oooh, boy. It's about to come down hard out there. Hi, Brandon. I saw your car outside. Staying for dinner? Brandon's piercing gaze doesn't leave Jack's face as he answers Katherine. BRANDON No. I have to go. Give my love to the kids. (beat) Goodbye. KATHERINE Be careful driving out there. It's about to pour. Brandon stands staring at Jack for a few beats then leaves. Katherine joins Jack and notices his bloody mouth. KATHERINE Oh, Jack! Are you okay?? JACK I'm fine. It looks worse than it is. KATHERINE What the hell happened now? JACK Wish I knew, babe. I wish I knew. INT. BRANDON'S CAR - DAY - LATER (RAINING) Brandon has a scowl on his face. He MUMBLES to himself. EXT. CEMETERY - LATER (RAINING) Brandon parks his car and walks the familiar path to his wife's grave. The rain POURS DOWN on Brandon but he doesn't seem to notice. He stands above the grave with a blank, emotionless face. INSERT - HEADSTONE LISA JONES, BELOVED WIFE. YOU WERE SO PRECIOUS GOD TOOK YOU HOME TO BE WITH HIM. Back to scene As Brandon continues getting rained on his mind drifts. Super: Seven years ago INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE - DAY - FLASHBACK Brandon and Lisa sit side by side. Lisa has her head on Brandon's shoulder. She is showing due to her pregnancy now. Brandon holds her. DOCTOR THOMAS, in his fifties, enters holding a few files with notes attached. Dr. Thomas takes a seat and opens the files. His face looks grim. DR. THOMAS We have the results back from the tests we ran on you, Mrs. Jones. Everything seems to be fine with your baby. But - LISA Oh, thank God. 0002000008260000C09A820,Brandon KISSES Lisa on the forehead comforting her. DR. THOMAS But for some reason I can't find any previous history on any routine physicals done on you prior to your pregnancy. When is the last time you took one? LISA Not since I played softball back in high school. Why? DR. THOMAS Well, that explains why your condition wasn't discovered until now. BRANDON What do you mean ‘her condition’? DR. THOMAS According to the test results your wife has a rare form of lung cancer. BRANDON Then you have the wrong results. My wife doesn't even smoke. DR. THOMAS This particular form of lung cancer is found in non-smokers as well, I'm afraid. LISA Doctor, I am having severe migraines. Nothing is wrong with my breathing. DR. THOMAS Unfortunately, Mrs. Jones, the cancer has spread to the brain and has been growing for years. That explains your migraines. Regular check-ups may have discovered it much sooner and we would have more options. LISA More options? DR. THOMAS If it was detected sooner we may have been able to go into surgery and attempt to cut the cancer out. But now the growth is approximately the size of a lemon and it is much too dangerous to attempt that procedure. BRANDON So what do you suggest? What is your diagnosis? Tell us something here! LISA Are you saying I'm going to die? BRANDON Hell no! You're not going to die! Don't say that! DR. THOMAS What I do suggest is that Mrs. Jones be admitted immediately. We can best care for her if she stays here. We can start with chemotherapy and radiation treatments ASAP. But there are drawbacks. LISA What drawbacks? DR. THOMAS Well, due to the radiation therapy, your fetus will be damaged and you will lose your baby. LISA No! Then I won't do it. I won't knowingly kill my baby! BRANDON Doctor, she is about to enter her third trimester. Surely the therapy can wait a few short months. DR. THOMAS The cancer is spreading rapidly. Waiting any longer would be the worst thing you can do. But I understand this is a decision only you two can make. Come see me up front when you decide. The doctor exits his office. 0002000007D10000C8BA7CB,Lisa begins CRYING as she holds her stomach. Brandon tries consoling Lisa in his arms. Super: Weeks later INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - NIGHT Brandon looks burned out as he stands next to Lisa's bedside. He CARESSES her head -- now bald from the radiation therapy. Lisa looks pale and weak. PAN DOWN to Lisa's stomach as she RUBS it gently. It has gone down in size from losing her baby. LISA (weakly) Brandon? BRANDON Yes, baby? LISA Go home and get some rest. You look so tired. BRANDON I'm not leaving you. LISA There's nothing you can do here. Go get a nice, hot shower and have one good night's sleep. BRANDON I don't care about sleep. I'm staying right here. Doctor Thomas enters the room and eyes the couple. DR. THOMAS Mr. Jones, can I have a word with you in my office? BRANDON I really don't want to leave my wife. Besides, whatever you want to tell me you can say it in front of her. DR. THOMAS Please, Mr. Jones. Your wife needs her rest. I don't want to disturb her. Dr. Thomas MOTIONS to Lisa -- she is asleep. Brandon continues to CARESS her bald head. Brandon leans over and KISSES his wife on her forehead. BRANDON (whispers) I'll be right back, babe. Brandon reluctantly leaves with Dr. Thomas. INT. DOCTOR THOMAS'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Both men enter the office. DR. THOMAS Mr. Jones, you may want to have a seat. BRANDON (sharply) No, I'm just fine standing. What is it? DR. THOMAS Your wife hasn't responded to the therapy as we had hoped. BRANDON So we try something else. DR. THOMAS The cancer keeps spreading. There's nothing more we can do. I'm sorry. The painful reality hits Brandon hard. BRANDON (weakly) No. She can't die. We already lost Angela. Brandon is in disbelief. He begins to CRY. BRANDON How long does she have? DR. THOMAS It's hard to say - BRANDON HOW LONG?! DR. THOMAS A couple of weeks. A couple of days. We don't know for sure. Brandon’s eyes focus straight ahead but on nothing in particular. Suddenly Brandon picks up a chair and TOSSES it against a wall. 0002000007450000D08573F,BRANDON NO! NO!! NO!!! DR. THOMAS Sir, you're going to have to calm down or I'll be forced to call security. Brandon's eyes POP OPEN. He glares right at Doctor Thomas. BRANDON Security? You think I give a fuck about security?! FUCK YOU!!! Dr. Thomas reaches for his phone and dials. Brandon shakes his head and he keeps SAYING NO to himself. DR. THOMAS (into phone) Yes, this is Doctor Thomas. I need security sent to my office immediately to escort someone off property. Dr. Thomas HANGS UP the phone. DR. THOMAS Security will be here any second to escort you off the hospital grounds for the evening. You are more than welcome to return when you have calmed down. The pain overcomes Brandon. He can barely speak. BRANDON (fighting through tears) Calm? How the hell can you expect me to be calm? My wife is going to die and you want me to be - Brandon FALLS to his knees. A security guard comes in the door. He sees Brandon on the ground then eyes the Doctor. SECURITY GUARD Doctor Thomas, are you okay, sir? DR. THOMAS Yes, yes, I'm fine. Kindly escort Mr. Jones to the parking lot. He is coping with some terrible news he's just received. SECURITY GUARD Yes, sir. The security guard tries helping Brandon to his feet. Brandon straightens up quickly and pulls himself away from the guard. BRANDON Don't touch me! Brandon WIPES his faces and leaves the office. EXT. HOSPITAL PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER Brandon arrives at his car. He fetches his keys and gets inside. INT. CAR - SAME Brandon slides the key in the ignition but doesn't start the engine. Like a tidal wave the pain returns. Brandon CRIES ALOUD and BEATS the steering wheel with his fist. He finally rests his head against it as the scene FADES OUT. INT. JONES HOUSE - NIGHT - lATER Brandon SHUTS the door behind him and leans back against it. With little energy he makes his way upstairs. 0002000006AC0000D7C46A6,INT. UPSTAIRS - SAME Brandon walks over and rests his head against the door to the baby's room and closes his eyes. He forces himself to go inside. INT. BABY'S ROOM - SAME The room has already been decorated for the expected baby girl. Pinks, yellows, and light purples all around. Brandon stands above the crib. He nudges the musical figurine above the crib. CHIMES OF MUSIC play as it moves. Brandon sits hunched over in a large wooden rocking chair. He looks over the entire room and takes it in one last time. IMAGINARY IMAGE - An image of Lisa picking up Baby Angela from her crib and holding her is seen. Lisa SMILES at her daughter with admiration. BACK TO SCENE The image FADES and Brandon rises from the chair and heads for the door. Brandon stops at the door and looks downward. BRANDON (softly) Goodbye, Angela. Brandon exits the room and closes the door behind him. He walks back downstairs to the master bedroom. INT. MASTER BEDROOM - SAME Brandon sees the familiar picture of him and Lisa kissing softly on his nightstand. Brandon grabs the picture and stares as his eyes water. Brandon runs his forefinger over Lisa's image and kisses the picture as his tears begin to fall. With his sobs becoming stronger and uncontrollable Brandon lies down and holds the picture close to his chest. His eyes are CLENCHED TIGHT. BRANDON (crying) Why, God? Why? Brandon's sobs FADE SOFTLY. SUPER: Days later INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY Brandon stands next to Lisa CARESSING her head as she sleeps. Lisa's heart monitor machine BEEPS but with a long pause between the beeps. She is close to the end. Lisa's eyes open faintly and she sees Brandon caressing her. She smiles weakly. Her voice is very faint. 00020000064F0000DE6A649,LISA Brandon? BRANDON Baby, try not to talk. Save your strength. LISA My husband. I have always loved you. You know that, right? Brandon fights back tears. He knows she's fading fast. BRANDON Yes, my love. LISA And you loved me with everything you had. BRANDON Everyday. Lisa raises her hand and Brandon holds it softly. Brandon can't hold back the tears anymore. LISA Don't cry. I'm going to a better place. And I'll be waiting for you there. And Angela will be too. At first Brandon can't speak. The pain rips through him but he fights through it. BRANDON She is beautiful just like her mommy. Hold her close to you and you both wait for me. LISA Brandon? BRANDON Yes? Lisa can no longer speak. She only looks at Brandon and SMILES as a single tear falls down her cheek. She closes her eyes for the final time as the life leaves her body. Brandon looks at Lisa as she dies. Through teary eyes and soaked eyelashes he rests his head on her chest. The heart monitor stalls to one continuously long BEEP as Lisa flat lines. Brandon leans close to Lisa’s ear. BRANDON Remember, I will always love you. Always. Brandon KISSES Lisa's hand and then her cheek. Brandon's tears continue to fall as he wraps his arms around Lisa to hold her one last time. ZOOM OUT on Brandon's body from behind as he CRIES. BACK TO PRESENT DAY EXT. CEMETERY - (RAINING) Brandon still looms above his wife's grave. BRANDON (to grave) Lisa, I miss you so much. It takes all the strength I have just to get through one more day. Baby, tell me how to get through this because I'm all out of answers. I feel dead inside. Please, help me. 0002000008E50000E4B38DF,Brandon's eyes never leave his wife's headstone. ZOOM OUT shows a wide shot of Brandon standing alone. INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Brandon's clothes are soaked. He takes his shirt off and drops it to the floor. Brandon kneels in front of one of the nightstands. He opens a drawer revealing a handgun inside next to a clear plastic case which holds a single bullet. Brandon loads the bullet into the gun. He COCKS the gun and puts it up to his head. Brandon closes his eyes tightly. He strains but can't bring himself to pull the trigger. He opens his eyes. While BREATHING HEAVILY, he sees the Footprints in the Sand frame on the nightstand in front of him. INSERT - FRAME From Footprints: "During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." Back TO SCENE Brandon puts the gun down and SIGHS. Brandon returns the bullet and the gun back as they were. He has this routine down pretty well. Brandon lumbers into the bathroom. INT. BATHROOM - SAME Brandon stares at himself in the mirror. Brandon looks down from the mirror for a beat. He turns his shower on and starts getting undressed. INT. OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Brandon’s actually clean shaven and dressed nicely. He strolls up to the front desk RECEPTIONIST. RECEPTIONIST (into headset) Thank you for calling Siegel and Shuster Accounting, please hold. (to Brandon) Yes, sir, how may I help you? BRANDON Is Katherine Connor in today? RECEPTIONIST Yes, sir, she is. Who may I say is asking for her? BRANDON Tell her it's Brandon. RECEPTIONIST One moment, sir. The receptionist dials Katherine's extension. RECEPTIONIST (into phone) Katherine, there is a Brandon up front to see you. Okay, I'll tell him you're on your way. (to Brandon) She'll be down shortly, sir. If you'd like you may have a seat while you wait. BRANDON Thanks. Brandon has a seat. The receptionist goes back to her duties. Brandon picks up an issue of WALKING magazine. BRANDON (to himself) Are you kidding me? Walking? There's an actual magazine for walking? As Brandon flips through the pages Katherine enters the room. KATHERINE You have a lot of nerve coming up here. BRANDON I know. I'm sorry. Katherine notices the Receptionist eavesdropping. KATHERINE Let's go outside. 000200000A590000ED92A53,Brandon follows Katherine outside the office. EXT. OFFICE BUILDING PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER BRANDON Like I was saying, Kat, I'm really sorry for - KATHERINE I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. BRANDON I know. KATHERINE It’s been almost a week since you hit Jack and basically told him to go to hell. You haven’t even bothered to pick up the phone in all that time to apologize. BRANDON I just...I had a lot of stuff going on in my head lately and I - KATHERINE You've had a lot of stuff going on in your head for years. Brandon is at a loss for words. KaTHERINE Jack and I have been very caring, patient, and understanding. I know Jack can be a pain in the ass sometimes but that does not give you the right to hit him. BRANDON You're right. I'll call him later tonight. I promise. I just want to clear the air and make things right on a few things. KATHERINE Brandon, you know we love you. And we will forgive you. Just apologize to Jack and I'm sure everything will be fine. BRANDON I will. But I also need to clear things up with Courtney too. I was pretty rough on her and I feel awful about it. Katherine I heard. You gave her your infamous ‘if you've never really been in love then how the hell could you understand what I'm going through’ routine. That bit is really getting old. BRANDON I just want to tell her I'm sorry. She didn’t deserve to be treated like that. KATHERINE Then why did you ask for me and not her when you got here? BRANDON Honestly? Katherine nods. BRANDON I wanted to talk to you first to see if she hates me. Basically I was chickenshit. KATHERINE I'm not sure she wants to have anything to do with you. BRANDON Any chance you can find out for me, please? KATHERINE (sighs) Brandon, I swear. I feel like your mother sometimes. BRANDON Please, Kat. She's the first person who has been able to reach past my pain and touch me in a way I haven't felt in years. I'd hate to know I threw that away because I was being an asshole. KATHERINE Alright. But all I can do is ask her. I can't make her come down to see you if she doesn't want to. BRANDON Thank you, Kat. You're the best. Don't tell Jack I came by today. I want to tell him myself and apologize, grovel, or whatever it takes for him to forgive me. KATHERINE That’s fine. Now let me go see what she says. Brandon reaches out to Katherine and they hug. BRANDON I'll give you guys a call tonight. KATHERINE Okay. Be good. Katherine leaves to find Courtney. EXT. OFFICE BUILDING PARKING LOT - MOMENTS LATER Brandon leans against his car as he sees Courtney approaching. She looks as radiant as ever. Courtney has her guard up big time. COURTNEY 0002000005C80000F7E55C2,Kat said you wanted to see me? BRANDON Yes. I wanted to apologize for my behavior and what I said. COURTNEY Okay. Go ahead. BRANDON I'm really sorry. You were right. I shouldn't take out my pain on you, or anyone else for that matter. COURTNEY Apology accepted. I have to get back inside now. Maybe we'll bump into each other again sometime. Courtney turns to leave. BRANDON Wait. That's it? COURTNEY What were you expecting? For me to come running into your arms once you said you were sorry? BRANDON No, but I was hoping maybe we could... COURTNEY We could what? Come on, spit it out. BRANDON You really are making this difficult. COURTNEY Look, Brandon, I'm as nice and fair as they come. But I definitely don't put up with anybody's shit. I wanted to get to know you. The real you - BRANDON That's what I'm trying to tell you. I want to talk to you. Really talk this time. No subject is out of bounds. (beat) But I don't blame you if you don't want to because I screwed things up. I'd run away from myself if I could. Courtney sees the pain in Brandon's eyes. She inhales deeply and caves. COURTNEY Damn you. BRANDON (puzzled) What did I do now? COURTNEY I'm trying to be upset with you and you go and say something to make me want to give you another chance. I must be a glutton for punishment or something. Tell me what you had in mind. BRANDON I honestly didn't expect you to do anything more than hear me out. I didn't have a plan in case you wanted to talk again. 0002000006ED0000FDA76E7,COURTNEY Since you're new to this I'll be the man here and ask you to dinner. BRANDON Deal. Where did you want to go? COURTNEY Let's go to Mama's Kitchen. I love their Italian food. Friday at eight. And if you stand me up I will hunt you down and mount you on my wall when I'm done with you. BRANDON (wide-eyed) Don't worry, I'll be there. COURTNEY Good. I really do have to get back inside now. Here's my number. Courtney takes a pen out from her pocket. She GRABS Brandon's hand and WRITES her phone number on it. COURTNEY Don't let that smudge off. I won't give it to you again if it does. BRANDON I got it. I'll call you before Friday. COURTNEY You better. Ciao! BRANDON Bye. Courtney hurries back inside. Brandon stares at the phone number on his palm. For the first time, in present time, he SMILES. EXT. NEIGHBORHOOD PARK - DAY Brandon and Jack are shooting hoops. Jack DRIBBLES the ball around the three point line. Brandon guards him. JACK So, let me get this straight. She asked you out? BRANDON Yeah. JACK I'm still hurt you apologized to her before me, you asshat. Brandon Quit your bitchin' and miss your shot already. JACK Same prick, different day. BRANDON Yeah, yeah, come on. Jack takes a shot and misses. Brandon grabs the rebound and dribbles to the spot Jack just missed from. BRANDON She's different, man. There's a certain quality about her I haven't felt or seen in anybody since... Brandon stops dribbling and holds the ball. JACK Since Lisa. It's okay to say it. And you know better than to pick up your dribble from so far out. You never could shoot for shit. Jack knocks the ball away from and takes it in for an easy lay up. Jack dribbles the ball back to the three point line. JACK Don't think about it so much. It's just dinner right? 0002000006350001048E62F,Jack starts dribbling again. BRANDON Yeah, just dinner. Sometimes I feel like in some way I'm cheating on Lisa. Does that sound weird to you? JACK Half the shit you do sounds weird to me. Why should this be any different? Jack begins backing Brandon down from the three point line into the paint so he can attempt to score easier. JACK Just go out with Courtney - (dribbles) Enjoy each other's company - (dribbles) See if there's any chemistry - (dribbles) And don't fuck it up. Jack turns, elbows Brandon in the chest and easily lays the ball in the basket. JACK Bam! Tie game, baby! And you know we don't play that pussy shit where you have to win by two. I should talk about Courtney more often. It distracts you and I'll be able to beat your ass out here constantly. Brandon shakes off the elbow shot and refocuses on the game. BRANDON You really should try something because your skills out here never evolved past the sixth grade. JACK Fuck you. My ball and it's game point. BRANDON It's called point game, dumbass. This isn't tennis. Take the ball out and bring it. You know you can't handle the pressure. JACK What pressure? You're standing there like a zombie thinking about what color socks you're going to wear tomorrow night on your date with Court-kneeeee. Jack tries to fake Brandon out with some pretty pathetic moves. BRANDON Shit, make a move already! Jack makes his move and Brandon steals the ball from him easily. Brandon takes the ball to the three point line, faces the goal and stops dribbling. He moves the ball all around so Jack can't steal it from him. 0002000008BB00010ABD8B5,JACK (while swiping for ball) Bad move. You never were a good shot from behind the line. Brandon lightly shoves Jack away with his shoulder. Brandon shoots the ball. SWISH! BRANDON Never say never, Jack. You lose...again. JACK Kiss my ass. Both men walk to their cars. They both have a bag with towels, water and Gatorade. They dry their faces from the sweat. BRANDON You always were a sore loser. Too bad it's all you do when we play. JACK Yeah, whatever. I'm tired anyway. Do you want to head back to my house and order a pizza? The game's on tonight. BRANDON Thanks man, but I'm just going to head back to the house and take a shower and relax. JACK Suit yourself. BRANDON I'll drop you a line on Saturday to let you know how it went. JACK Cool. BRANDON Thanks, man. JACK For what? Allowing you to humiliate me out here again? BRANDON No. Just thanks for you being you. Even your overprotective mother qualities and all. JACK Someone has to do it. Have fun on Friday. BRANDON Thanks. Jack puts his towel back in his bag and leaves. Brandon packs his bag but stops before he's done gathering together all his things. BRANDON (to self) You are doing the right thing, aren't you? (beat) Damn it. Stop thinking so much. Brandon shakes his head and finishes packing his bag. INT. MAMA'S KITCHEN ITALIAN RESTAURANT - NIGHT Customers are LAUGHING and TALKING all around. Waiters are serving customers. Courtney sits alone at a table. She looks at her watch. INSERT - WATCH 8:20 P.M. BACK TO SCENE Courtney looks around for Brandon -- nothing. COURTNEY I'll give him ten more minutes. EXT. MAMA'S KITCHEN PARKING LOT - SAME Brandon sits inside his car. He’s dressed nice but looks unsure of himself. INT. CAR - SAME Brandon looks at himself in the rearview mirror. BRANDON What are you going to do? Sit out here all night? A beat. Brandon takes the keys out of the ignition, exits his car and walks inside. INT. RESTAURANT - SAME Brandon joins Courtney and has a seat. BRANDON Sorry, I'm late. I got a late jump getting ready and I couldn't - COURTNEY I saw you outside in the parking lot. BRANDON You did? COURTNEY Uh-huh. I saw you out there when I drove up. Unless that was another guy who resembles you sitting in your car? 0002000007F5000113727EF,BRANDON (apologetically) Okay, you got me. A WAITER approaches the table. WAITER Would you care for something to drink, sir? BRANDON Tea is fine. WAITER Okay, I'll be right back, sir. BRANDON Thank you. The Waiter leaves. COURTNEY So why were you outside so long? Having second thoughts? BRANDON Not really. It's just been a really long time since I've gone out with anyone. Part of me was nervous. The other part of me didn't want to look like an idiot. Too late for that now. COURTNEY How about we forget it and start over? BRANDON Works for me. COURTNEY Okay. (overtly enthusiastic) Hi! Isn't this place nice and cozy? The Calamari - to die for. Brandon joins in the fun. BRANDON (in a terrible Italian accent) Fuh-git about it. I'll be having the Chicken Alfredo. Brandon lets out a smile and small laugh. COURTNEY Hey, now there's something I wondered if I'd ever see. BRANDON What's that? COURTNEY Your smile. It's nice. You should show it off more. BRANDON Thanks. I haven't smiled much in a long time. COURTNEY Since your wife died, I know. You mentioned it when we spoke before. And then you bit my head off. But all that is forgiven. This is a new day. BRANDON Yes it is. I really appreciate you giving me a second chance. I also promised you we could talk about anything. So feel free to ask me whatever you want to know. The waiter returns with Brandon's tea. BRANDON Thanks. WAITER I'll be right back to take your order. The waiter leaves the table area. COURTNEY Okay. What do you think it will take for you to be happy again? BRANDON Wow, you don't waste any time. Couldn't we start by you asking me what my favorite song is? COURTNEY Nah. Those are tiny little trivial things. I want to know about you. So tell me. Do you see yourself being happy ever again? I mean really happy. Not just going through the motions. Brandon takes in a BIG SIGH and gives the question some thought. BRANDON To be honest, I try not to look ahead. I did that once, with my wife, and it didn't turn out the way either of us expected. 00020000069200011B6168C,COURTNEY You just live your life seeing what the next day will bring? BRANDON Pretty much. How can I explain this? (beat) It's different when you lose your spouse from a death than from infidelity or divorce. Usually in those situations there were problems in the marriage and both spouses are ready to leave one another or not happy. But when you lose the other half of your heart you feel empty. Especially with us. We were expecting our first child during her sickness. She lost the baby and eventually lost her battle with cancer. So it's hard for me to make any kinds of plans of being with anybody long-term. I guess I'm scared I'd lose another woman again I could possibly love. And I don't think I could live through that again. The waiter returns to the table. WAITER Are you two ready to order? COURTNEY Well, I haven't looked at my menu yet, but I know what I want. WAITER Yes, ma'am. The waiter has his pencil and pad ready. Courtney looks right at Brandon when she orders. COURTNEY I'll have the Calamari. I hear it's to die for. Brandon orders in the same way, looking directly at Courtney. BRANDON And I'll have the Chicken Alfredo. WAITER Okay, will either of you be having a salad this evening? COURTNEY Yes. Thousand Island dressing, please. WAITER And you, sir? BRANDON None for me, thanks. I'm a meat and potatoes man. WAITER Okay, I'll be back with your dinner shortly. The waiter leaves. Courtney jumps right back into the conversation. COURTNEY So what was it about your wife that you loved so much? BRANDON Why do you ask? COURTNEY Because I believe that any man that can love someone that much has a lot of love to give. So stop stalling and tell me. 0002000009F6000121ED9F0,BRANDON It wasn't any one thing. It was everything. COURTNEY Like what exactly? Give me details. BRANDON (smiling&remembering) She had the most strange habits sometimes. Like when she would be in bed she would try to make herself go to sleep by rubbing her feet together softly. It worked too. And sometimes she would sleep with her arms crossed across her chest and her elbows would stick straight out. Brandon gives Courtney an example of this. BRANDON Needless to say that made it difficult to cuddle sometimes. You ever hear about love songs or people telling stories about how they would love to watch their loved ones sleeping? Because they looked so peaceful and beautiful? COURTNEY Yeah. Brandon begins to CHUCKLE. BRANDON Well, not Lisa. Every time I watched her sleep she would always be laying there with her mouth wide open. Brandon gives another example and reclines in his chair with his mouth wide open and his eyes closed. Again he begins LAUGHING while remembering. Courtney laughs. BRANDON I swear there were so many times I wanted to drop something in her mouth just as a practical joke. (beat) But it's things like those that I miss. Sure, I miss the loving and the big stuff. But it's those little trivial things, like you call them, that I can't stop thinking about. Nothing is trivial. We knew from the very beginning we were made for each other. COURTNEY Really? How? BRANDON Just a certain feeling someone gets I suppose. (remembering) I remember I wanted to talk to her the first time I ever saw her. MONTAGE OF IMAGES reflect Brandon's descriptions MOS. BRANDON (VO) We met our freshman year in college. I was leaving the Administrations Building when I saw this gorgeous girl sitting on the steps crying. I went over to see why she was upset. She told me her tuition check had bounced and she wouldn't be allowed to go to school there anymore. I tried to comfort her. I took her for a walk. We hit it off from there. We talked for hours. We came up with a plan for her to get a job to pay for her tuition and she could still go to school there. She stayed in my dorm with me since she couldn't afford to pay rent anywhere. We just goofed off, watched movies, watch the sun go down or talk all night until we would fall asleep holding each other. We graduated together and were married shortly after. I was having my first book published and she was starting her own interior designing company. Then we bought our home. She decorated it of course. We couldn't have been happier. Everything was perfect for so long. 00020000074900012BDD743,(beat) But then... A QUICK IMAGE OF LISA DYING. END OF MONTAGE Brandon’s smile fades. Courtney notices and tries changing the subject. COURTNEY So...did you stand in front of your mirror trying to decide what to wear tonight? I know I did. Brandon shakes off the pain before it can overcome him. BRANDON I'm sorry. Here I am babbling away about myself. Let's talk about you. What are your dreams? What do you want in life that will make you happy more than anything else? COURTNEY (thinking) Where to begin? I guess my ultimate dream is to be a recognized painter and be able to do that full time. It would be nice for someone to enjoy something I created. You have to know where I'm coming from being a writer yourself. BRANDON Yes, it's nice. But now my writing has gotten darker. COURTNEY Why is that? BRANDON ‘Write about what you know’ is what we're always told. My work is no different. You can always see my life metaphors in my books. COURTNEY What was the metaphor in Golden Lights of Broadway for your life? BRANDON Remember Audrey? The main character who was chasing her dreams of becoming a Broadway actress? Courtney NODS. BRANDON Well, I always wanted the dream of the perfect little family. And I had it, even for a short time. COURTNEY Oh, okay. I see what you mean. What about now? BRANDON Lately my books have been more of a darker tone. It's painfully obvious why. I would like to go back to writing about more uplifting material. I just haven't had the inspiration to. COURTNEY I think you're well on your way back. BRANDON What makes you say that? COURTNEY Well, you're here aren't you? You could have easily said no but you didn't. And here we are, having a nice talk over dinner. It's not like you agreed to come because of my good looks. BRANDON Well... Brandon let's the thought hang in the air. Courtney gives Brandon a double take. 00020000062C00013320626,COURTNEY You little - BRANDON (laughing) No, no, I was kidding. Hey, you can't be the only one allowed to tease here. COURTNEY Touché. Brandon leans closer to Courtney in a sly way. BRANDON But what I really want to know is... Brandon stops. Courtney leans in even closer smiling back at him. COURTNEY What? Brandon stares at Courtney with a serious yet flirtatious look. BRANDON I want to know where our waiter is. I'm starved. Brandon LAUGHS. COURTNEY You dork. BRANDON Hey, I have some catching up to do. You've been messing with me for weeks. COURTNEY Uh-huh, okay. Well consider us even, mister. And let the games begin. Brandon holds up his glass for a toast. Courtney obliges and they drink from their glasses. COURTNEY It is a good question though. Where the hell is our waiter? Courtney looks around for their waiter but makes eye contact with another waiter. COURTNEY Hey, Jeeves! Hungry people over here! BRANDON (smiling) You really are a nut, you know that? COURTNEY Yeah, and you love it. So pipe it, Jonesy. Brandon smiles and their eyes meet. Both have a shared moment. A waiter approaches their table with their food. INT. MAMA'S KITCHEN RESTAURANT ENTRANCE - LATER Brandon and Courtney are on their way out. As they are walking out Stacy Abrams and JACOB ROBERTS are walking in together holding hands. Brandon notices the couple. BRANDON You got to be kidding me. Dr. Abrams? Dr. Roberts? Both doctors are a little embarrassed to be seen together by Brandon. STACY Yes, Brandon. We just came for - JACOB -for dinner. There's a seminar coming up and we... 0002000005D3000139465CD,BRANDON Hey, no need to cover anything up for me. If you two are dating that's great. Just because I predicted it doesn't mean you have to be embarrassed by it. COURTNEY Brandon, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends? BRANDON Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Courtney, I'd like to introduce you to doctors Stacy Abrams and Jacob Roberts. They're both shrinks Jack set me up to meet. (to the doctors, sarcastically) And I must say both of your counsel has had a tremendously positive impact on my life. Courtney exchanges hellos with both doctors. BRANDON Now you two don't go doing anything I wouldn't do tonight. STACY I beg your pardon?? BRANDON No need to beg, I’m sure Jacob here is more than willing to give. Brandon gets closer to Stacy so he can whisper in her ear. BRANDON (whispers) And remember what I said. When you two break up you can fight over whose fault it was. Stacy pulls her head away from Brandon and has a look of shock on her face. BRANDON Best of luck to you both. Brandon gives both doctors the two thumbs up sign. He turns to Courtney and holds his elbow out to her. BRANDON Darling? Courtney takes Brandon's arm and they exit the restaurant together. Brandon is heard LAUGHING loudly as they leave. STACY I feel sorry for that poor woman. She has no idea what kind of...man he is. JACOB You got that right. He is certifiable. A real whacko. EXT. PARK - DAY Brandon and Courtney are walking at the same park from the beginning of the movie. 00020000072800013F13722,COURTNEY What made you bring us out here? Are you a health nut? BRANDON No. This is just a place I like to come to when I want to get away for a while. It's peaceful here. Quiet. You can think out here and not be disturbed. COURTNEY Yeah. The little creek with the ducks is pretty too. BRANDON I know. Sometimes I come out and feed the ducks some bread. Funny how a little bread can make you their best friend. COURTNEY The ducks are just like us, Brandon. You give them a little attention and they love you for it. BRANDON True. COURTNEY So what else do you like to do? BRANDON Lots of things. I just haven't done them in a while. COURTNEY So let's do them. BRANDON I don't want to bore you with them all. COURTNEY Oh, don't think we'll only be doing the things you like to do. I'm going to get my kicks in too, Bucko. So let's go, Jonesy. BRANDON (smiles) Okay. HANGING OUT MONTAGE BEGINS With the requisite music Brandon and Courtney enjoy each other's company. 1. At a video arcade playing air hockey. Both are trying to win. The score is tied 6-6. Brandon shoots the puck hard at Courtney's goal. She stops it. She holds the hand she had the paddle in as if her finger was hit by the puck. Brandon makes sure she's okay. Courtney shoots the puck into Brandon's goal and wins. Brandon points to her and mouths 'you cheated'. Courtney laughs and holds up her index finger claiming she's #1. 2. Playing basketball. Brandon holds Courtney's forehead with one hand and shoots with the other and makes it. Courtney shoves his hand away and mouths for him to 'bring it on'. Brandon smiles and begins to dribble using his butt to shield her off. Courtney pulls down his shorts, steals the ball and scores. She turns to see Brandon still struggling with his shorts around his knees. She's laughing so hard she falls to the floor. 0002000007100001463570A,3. An art museum. Courtney explains the different works of art from different artists. Art is her passion and she enjoys showing him around. 4. Out roller blading. Brandon hangs onto objects scared to let go. Courtney zooms by him a couple of times sticking her tongue out at him. Brandon decides to just take off. He falls hard on his butt. He is in pain and holding his bottom. Courtney stops to make sure he's okay. He pulls her down with him and tickles her. She laughs as she tries to get away. 5. At the park again. They sit on a park bench with a loaf of bread by the creek feeding the ducks and talking. A romantic sunset overlooks the scene. Courtney rests her head on Brandon's shoulder as she looks at the ducks. Brandon looks at her head with uncertainty then back to the creek with the same look. EXT. PUBLISHER'S OFFICE BUILDING - DAY Brandon enters carrying a leather bag draped over his shoulder. INT. PUBLISHER'S OFFICE BUILDING - MOMENTS LATER Brandon is at the receptionist's desk. VICTORIA, the receptionist, greets him. BRANDON Hi, Victoria. I have an appointment with Ron today. VICTORIA Hey, Mr. Jones. He's been expecting you. You can go right in. BRANDON Thanks. Brandon heads for Ron's office. INT. RON FRIEDMAN'S OFFICE - MOMENTS LATER Ron is at his desk on the phone. Ron doesn't notice Brandon approach so he decides to KNOCK. Ron looks up but continues his phone conversation. RON (into phone) Yes, yes. That sounds good. Ron waves at Brandon to enter. Brandon sits down in one of the chairs in front of Ron's desk. He sets his bag down by his side. Ron wraps up his phone call. RON Okay, Dan. We'll talk more about it over golf next week. Yes, same rules as usual, loser buys the round. Talk to you later. Uh-huh. Bye. Ron hangs up and gives Brandon all his attention. 000200000F6000014D3FF5A,RON Sorry, Brandon. Another writer wanted to go over some details of the marketing we'll be doing for his latest book. BRANDON No problem. I remember those days. RON So do I. That's partially why I wanted to see you today. BRANDON What's on your mind? RON It's your latest book you're currently working on. I read over the synopsis and pages you've turned in to me. To be honest, I don't see the real potential in it. BRANDON You don't think it would make a good book? RON No, that's not what I'm saying. I think it would be a good thriller but... BRANDON But what? RON Let's not bullshit here, Brandon. This isn't the type of material you have had success with. I would really love to see you write a more uplifting story. Something with a main character people long for to see happy. That's what you're good at. BRANDON Well, I have been working on a new story. One I'm sure that will be more to your liking. RON You have? Why haven't you told me about it? BRANDON I only started on it a couple weeks ago. RON What's it about? BRANDON It's about a rebirth of sorts. A man's way of trying to find meaning in his life when all he has around him is chaos. But one day he thinks he may have found what he has been longing for and benefits from it. RON Sounds like it has potential. I like it. That's the kind of story people will feel good about. And the kind you are terrific at writing. Does it have a happy ending? BRANDON You'll have to wait and see. RON When do you think you can let me see some of it? BRANDON Funny you should ask. Brandon reaches for his leather bag. He takes out a small stack of paper with the title ‘SECOND CHANCE’ on the top page. He hands it to Ron. BRANDON (off papers) Here you go. Hot off the laptop. RON Wonderful. I'll read through it tonight and call you first thing in the morning. BRANDON Okay, but if you can't get in touch with me just leave a message. RON Yes, I know how hard it is to get you to answer your phone. BRANDON No, it's not that. I'm supposed to be having an early breakfast tomorrow morning with...a friend. Ron gives Brandon a curious look. RON A friend huh? Does this friend happen to have a name? BRANDON Yes she does - RON She?? BRANDON Yes, it's a she, Ron. And her name is Courtney. She's just a friend. RON Hey, I don't need an explanation. I'm just happy for you. BRANDON Thanks. So, you'll give me a call with your feedback on it as soon as you're done? RON Of course. BRANDON Cool. I hate to cut this short but I'm having a late lunch with Courtney and I don't want to be late. RON Uh huh. Tell your ‘friend’ I said hi. Talk to you soon. BRANDON (smiles) Will do. Hope you like the new book. Buzz me manana. Brandon grabs his leather bag and leaves. Ron looks at Brandon's submittal. RON (off Brandon's book) Second Chance. Fitting title. If anyone deserves it, Brandon, it's you. EXT. COURTNEY'S HOUSE - NIGHT Brandon escorts Courtney to her front door. They hug. BRANDON I'll give you a call tomorrow. COURTNEY You don't want to come inside? Just for a little while? BRANDON No, it's getting late and I better get home. COURTNEY (playfully) I'm not going to bite you. Well, not hard. BRANDON (seriously) I'm not worried about that. COURTNEY Then what is it? Is it me? BRANDON No. No, it's me. I just...I'm not ready to take that kind of step yet. COURTNEY What step? I'm just asking you to come inside so we can talk, relax, hang out. BRANDON Please. Don't rush me on this. I'll know when I'm ready. And right now I know I'm not ready. COURTNEY Okay. Just don't string me along because you like my company. I'd like to think we have a possibility of a future together. But if you don't feel the same way you need to let me know. BRANDON I don't like thinking about the future, remember? I just want to enjoy the moment for now and not worry about tomorrow. A beat. COURTNEY Okay, forget I brought it up. Can I get a goodnight kiss? BRANDON Courtney, I...I don't - 00020000075D00015C99757,COURTNEY I understand. Don't worry about it. Just give me a call tomorrow. BRANDON I'm sorry Court - Courtney turns around and enters her home cutting Brandon off. Brandon stands at the front door looking deflated. After a few beats he gets in his car and leaves. INT. EMPLOYEE LOUNGE - DAY Courtney and Katherine sit at a table having a cup of coffee. Courtney takes a sip from hers and makes a prune face. COURTNEY Oh, God! This is awful. Trish must have made this. I swear that girl - she doesn't even drink coffee! Katherine starts LAUGHING. KATHERINE I'm glad you took the first sip. COURTNEY Thanks a lot. Both women toss out their coffee and return back to the table. KATHERINE I would ask you out to lunch but you've been spending most of your free time with Brandon lately. COURTNEY Oh, I'm sorry. If you want we can go to lunch today. I'll call Brandon and say I'm going with you. It's no big deal. I know he'll understand. KATHERINE No, no. I'm happy for both of you that things are going well. Have you two - you know? COURTNEY (mouth agape) Stop being so nosy! I don't kiss and tell. KATHERINE So you have?! COURTNEY First of all that's none of your business. And secondly - oh hell, okay, he's barely laid a hand on me. KATHERINE Are you serious? He hasn't even tried to make a move? COURTNEY Nope. I've even asked him to my place a couple times. Not for sex, but just for a more intimate setting. He's turned me down flat. He still wears his wedding ring too. KATHERINE Give him time. He's a wonderful man but ever since he lost his wife he's changed so much. COURTNEY Oh, he's been the perfect gentleman. But a kiss would be nice. KATHERINE He hasn't even kissed you yet?? COURTNEY I can't believe I'm gossiping about my love life. No, he hasn't. We hold hands and give each other a hug at the end of the night but that's it. But I think he'll come around soon. 000200000699000163F0693,KATHERINE You think so? COURTNEY If he doesn't my little vibrating boyfriend is going to need new batteries. Both women CRACK UP. KATHERINE (still laughing) On that note I think I'll go back to my office now. COURTNEY (laughing) Yeah, me too. I think I've said too much already. Both continue LAUGHING as they exit the break room. Super: New year’s eve INT. HOTEL BALLROOM - NIGHT Brandon and Courtney celebrate with Courtney's accounting company. Jack and Katherine are also in attendance. PEOPLE are all around enjoying the party. There's a certain level of anticipation in the air as the crowd awaits the New Year. Brandon and Courtney talk out on a terrace. EXT. hotel terrace - sAME BRANDON It's nice how your company has this kind of get together for New Year's. COURTNEY Yeah, it's like our own little family. It's just...sometimes I feel like I want more out of life. BRANDON Like what? COURTNEY You know, like grabbing onto a dream with both hands and not letting go until you reach it. It's times like this when I wish I lived in New York. BRANDON Why New York? COURTNEY It's the atmosphere. The energy it has. Especially at times like New Year's Eve. The whole world watches that big ball drop in Times Square. Part of me sometimes wonders what it would be like if I lived out there. BRANDON Why haven't you moved there? COURTNEY Just plain common sense I guess. I know I'd love it but I have a very good job here and it's secure. If I were to move there I'd be living by the skin of my teeth. So basically I'm scared shitless. BRANDON Well, take it from someone who knows. Not being happy with life is no fun. Most days I wonder how I get the strength to get out of bed. 00020000078400016A8377E,COURTNEY Even now? BRANDON (puzzled) Yes, even now. My pain hasn't vanished. It's always right beneath the surface. I fight like hell daily to keep the darkness from creeping over the edges. COURTNEY (thinking) Well, maybe someday something really special will come into your life and you can be happy again. BRANDON Maybe. But I'm not counting on it. Brandon stares out into the skyline. Courtney looks at Brandon disappointed and hurt. Jack and Katherine come running out on the terrace. JACK Come on you two. Ten seconds until the New Year. Both couples DASH inside to join the others for the countdown. INT. hotel ballroom - same CROWD (simultaneously) Six, five, four, three, two, one - Happy New Year!! The crowd SINGS "If Old Acquaintance Be Forgot..." as the music begins. Jack holds his champagne glass up. He’s a little buzzed. JACK Hey, hey. I wanna offer a toast. BRANDON Uh, Courtney and I don't have glasses to toast with. JACK Technicalities. You two hold your hands up and pretend then. Brandon and Courtney oblige and hold their empty hands in the air as if they were holding glasses. JACK See? Was that so damn difficult? What was I saying? BRANDON You were making a toast, you lush. JACK Oh yeah! To the best of friends. Happy New Year. May the coming year bring more joy and happiness. Brandon, my best friend, my brother. Thank you for being the twins' Godfather. It's nice to see you smile again. And to Courtney, you've been a great new friend to our little family. May the coming year be as prosperous and joyful as this past year has been for Katherine and I. The two couples bring their collective 'glasses' together. BRANDON That was actually a very well delivered toast. (to Katherine) You should get him liquored up more often. He thinks better this way. KATHERINE Speaking of which, I better get him home. He's not completely drunk yet but if we stay much longer he will be shortly. JACK 0002000009D7000172019D1,I am not drunk. I feel gooood. BRANDON You need help getting him to the car? KATHERINE Thanks, but I think he can make it on his own. You two staying for a while? Brandon turns to Courtney for an answer. COURTNEY No, I think we're heading out too. KATHERINE Okay, then. See you two later. Give me a call to let me know you got in okay. COURTNEY Okay. You be careful too. Katherine leaves with Jack. Jack waves bye with a smile on his face. Brandon and Courtney wave back. BRANDON He never could handle his liquor. You ready to go? COURTNEY (softly) Yeah. Brandon and Courtney get their coats and leave. EXT. COURTNEY'S HOUSE - LATER Brandon parks at Courtney's house. He walks her to her door. COURTNEY Thanks for coming tonight. Those things are terrible to go to alone. BRANDON I can imagine. I'll give you a call tomorrow to see how you're doing. COURTNEY Would you care to come inside for a little while? BRANDON (sighs) Courtney, I told you I’m not ready - COURTNEY This time it's different. I wanted to show you something I have inside. BRANDON (wide eyed) I'm really not ready for that! COURTNEY What? No! Nothing like that. It's a painting I've been working on for the past few weeks. I wanted to show it to you. BRANDON I don't know. COURTNEY Please? Brandon makes eye contact with her and can no longer resist. BRANDON Okay. COURTNEY (pleasantly surprised) Okay?? BRANDON Yes, okay. I'll come in to see your painting. Courtney digs out her keys and unlocks the front door. INT. COURTNEY'S LIVING ROOM - SAME Numerous paintings align the walls and the floors. Brandon surveys many of them. BRANDON Nice place. You weren't kidding when you said you love to paint. Are all these yours? COURTNEY Yeah. Hopefully one day these will all be hanging in other people's homes. BRANDON You're good. COURTNEY You don't have to say that. BRANDON No, I'm serious. You're really good. COURTNEY Well, thank you. But the one I wanted you to see is in the other room. You can have a seat if you like while I go get it. BRANDON (still looking around) Okay. COURTNEY Okay, I'll be right back. Courtney takes off to the other room. Brandon takes a seat on the sofa still admiring the works of art. Courtney returns with a painting covered with loin cloth. She sits next to Brandon placing the painting in between them. BRANDON You really are talented. I can't place your style but I like it. COURTNEY I don't think I really have a style. I just paint from my heart and this is what comes out. BRANDON (off hidden painting) 0002000006AE00017BD26A8,So what's hidden under here? COURTNEY This is for you. Open it. Brandon takes the cover off and reveals the painting to only himself. His eyes take it all in. INSERT - PAINTING The painting shows Brandon with his hands in his pockets standing a few feet away from a small group of people. Brandon is looking far off somewhere and his eyes are strikingly similar to his own in person -- very sad. BACK TO SCENE BRANDON I don't get it. COURTNEY I didn't think you would. Let me explain. (beat) Remember when you told me writers write about what they know? Like in some ways their art can imitate whatever may be going on in their lives at the time? BRANDON Yeah. And? COURTNEY Well, I think that may be true for all artists in one way or another. But this painting is a metaphor of your life. Courtney takes the painting and explains things. COURTNEY You obviously know this is you, right? BRANDON Obviously. Very good, by the way. COURTNEY Thanks. Now these other people represent those around you. They can be your family, friends, whoever. They're all enjoying each other's company, having a good time. But you, you're over here, just outside their reach. These people are right there waiting for you to join them in having fun. But you'd rather go the other way and be alone. You're just so - estranged from the rest of the world. You think you're too far gone to make it back. Brandon doesn't argue. He knows she's right. BRANDON Maybe I am. COURTNEY But you don't have to be. Brandon looks back at the painting, trying to change the subject. BRANDON It looks like I'm concentrating on something in the distance here. What am I supposed to be looking at? And why do I have such a sad look on my face? 0002000008D00001827A8CA,COURTNEY You're looking away into nothingness. I've seen you do that more times than I can count. You have the saddest eyes I have ever seen. I can see the pain in your eyes all the time. Even when you let out a smile or joke around it's like you forget you're supposed to be depressed and you return back to form. But those few times when you do smile I can see how much love you have to give. But you have to be the one to choose to give it. BRANDON I don't know if I can anymore. COURTNEY We've been going out for a while now. Have you felt absolutely nothing this whole time? BRANDON I have felt...something. The times we're together are when I am able to be more like my old self. COURTNEY Wouldn't it be nice to find out if something wonderful can grow from those feelings? BRANDON (softly) Yes. COURTNEY Then why not let it happen and see where it may lead? BRANDON What if I do let my feelings for you grow and something terrible happens again? Then what? I already told you I'm scared - COURTNEY I'm scared too, you know? I'm scared of you not being able to love me back or not being able to be with me at all. Of us not making it and you one day just cast me aside. But damn it, I want to give it a shot. BRANDON Why? Why with me? Courtney moves closer to Brandon. She takes his face into her hands. COURTNEY Because all the pain you're going through shows me when you love someone you love them unconditionally and forever. And that's the man I want to come out. If you can let go and allow yourself to love again I know I can make you happy. Courtney makes her move and KISSES him. Courtney pulls back. Brandon hasn't tried to stop her. She goes back and they kiss again. And again. They continue kissing and begin touching and caressing each other. Courtney lies back on the sofa while still kissing Brandon. He is now on top of her. Brandon kisses her neck as she MOANS and caresses him. COURTNEY (passionately) Brandon, make love to me. Brandon stops immediately. He pulls away from Courtney. BRANDON I...I'm sorry. I can't. COURTNEY No, I want you to. BRANDON No, I mean...I shouldn't be doing this. I think I...I better go. Brandon SPRINGS UP and SPRINTS for the door. COURTNEY Brandon - Brandon, don't go. Too late. Brandon’s gone. 0002000006E300018B446DD,Courtney lies on the sofa feeling terrible. She looks over to the painting of Brandon. She tears up and starts CRYING. INT. CONNOR HOME - LIVING ROOM - DAY Jack and Brandon are watching an NFL playoff game. Katherine and Jonathan are baking cookies in the kitchen. The twins are a few feet away in their matching high chairs sitting quietly. JACK (to television) Catch the ball! Jesus, you'd think for six million dollars a year these guys could at least catch a ball. BRANDON Need I remind you of your athletic skills? The last time I threw you a football it damn near was impaled in your nostrils. JACK That was almost ten years ago. I'm surprised you still remember that. BRANDON Maybe so but it's the last time you picked up a football. JACK Shut up. I help pay these guys salaries. Let me bitch and complain in peace. BRANDON It's safer for you, that's for sure. JACK You know, you can leave at any time. BRANDON Are you kidding? Watching you squirm is the most fun I've had in a while. Both men LAUGH. Katherine brings a plate full of cookies to the coffee table for the two men. They each grab a cookie and begin munching. KATHERINE Alright you two, knock it off. No foul language in front of the kids. Stuff your mouths with these cookies and hush. JACK Mmmm, thanks babe. These are great. BRANDON Thanks, Kat. You still haven't lost your touch. KATHERINE You're welcome boys. I like to bake but I wish I had more help. Courtney said she was going to come over to help me and visit the kids. (to Brandon) Has she called you to say when she's coming? BRANDON Uh...no. We haven't talked in a few days. KATHERINE Really? She never mentioned anything about that. Then again she has been going crazy trying to get her things ready for her move. BRANDON 00020000062B00019221625,Her move? KATHERINE Yeah. She's moving to New York. I thought you knew? BRANDON No - she hasn't told me yet. KATHERINE Oh, I'm sorry if I ruined the surprise. Well, she should be here any time now. She can explain it to you then. Brandon puts his cookie down. BRANDON (trying to think of something) Oh, damn. I forgot I'm supposed to meet with Ron about my new book today. JACK On a Sunday? BRANDON Yeah I know. He's weird like that sometimes. But when he calls I have to go. I'll talk to you guys later. Brandon heads for the front door. As he walks out he sees Courtney coming up the walkway. EXT. connor home -same COURTNEY I'm glad I caught you here. We need to talk. BRANDON Not now. I have a meeting I forgot about and I'm running late already. Brandon walks briskly to his car trying to avoid conversation. COURTNEY Well, when is a better time for you? Brandon doesn't make eye contact. He holds his hand up to his head like a phone. BRANDON Call me. Brandon leaves in a rush. Courtney goes inside. INT. CONNOR LIVING ROOM - SAME COURTNEY What was that all about? KATHERINE I don't know. I thought you had told him you were moving so I brought it up in conversation. COURTNEY What did he say? KATHERINE Only that you two hadn't spoken in a few days and that he didn't know you were leaving town. Then he just left in a hurry. COURTNEY Did he say where he was going? KATHERINE He said he had a meeting with his publisher he forgot about. But he didn't say where. COURTNEY Great. Now he could be anywhere. JACK He didn't go to any meeting. I'm sure he went back home. 00020000064C00019846646,COURTNEY Oh, okay. I'll call him. Or should I wait until he gets home? JACK He won't answer. When he gets likes that he just wants to be left alone. If you really want to talk to him go over there and pound on his front door until he opens it. COURTNEY Thanks. Sorry, guys, but I really need to go see him. KATHERINE No, you go talk with him. We'll be fine. COURTNEY Thanks. Courtney takes off in a rush. EXT. BRANDON'S HOUSE - LATER Courtney pulls into Brandon's driveway. Brandon's car is there. Courtney heads for the front door. Courtney KNOCKS a few times. She KNOCKS again but HARDER. COURTNEY Brandon? I know you're in there. I just want to talk to you. Please let me in. INT. BEDROOM - SAME Brandon lies across his bed looking straight up focused on nothing. Courtney's continuous LOUD KNOCKING is heard OS. Brandon gets up from his bed. He walks to the front door and looks through the peephole. EXT. HOME FRONT DOOR - SAME Courtney stands looking frustrated. COURTNEY Fine. I'll just sit here outside all night until you let me in. I can be just as stubborn as you can. Courtney sits down trying to get comfy. Brandon SIGHS and opens the door. BRANDON Come on in. You look ridiculous sitting there. COURTNEY (firmly) Thank you. Brandon escorts her to the living room. INT. LIVING ROOM - same Courtney has a seat on the sofa while Brandon sits across from her on the loveseat. BRANDON (indifferent) You wanted to talk. Go ahead, talk. COURTNEY Uh-uh. You're not getting off that easy. Why have you been avoiding me? No response. COURTNEY You're going to talk to me about this. BRANDON About what? 00020000060600019E8C600,COURTNEY About us! Don't play dumb with me. BRANDON There is no us. There never has been an us. COURTNEY Don't try to shut me out like you do everything else in your life. Don't put that wall up on me now. BRANDON What wall? What the hell are you talking about? COURTNEY You know you have feelings for me. BRANDON If you say so. COURTNEY You admitted it the other night! But you got weirded out when we were kissing. So you shut down emotionally all over again. But I'm not going to let you this time. BRANDON That's not your choice to make. COURTNEY No, but I don't want you to make the wrong choice. BRANDON What makes you think you know what's good for me? COURTNEY Because I love you! A beat. BRANDON You don't know that. COURTNEY There are a lot of things in this world I'm not sure about. But I know how I feel. And I'm telling you I love you. BRANDON If that's true then why are you leaving? COURTNEY My agent called me from New York the other day. He said he sold many of my paintings already. He told me this was my big break and that I should move up there. Brandon, this is my dream. What I've been waiting for. I wanted to tell you as soon as I heard but you weren't talking to me and I didn't want to push you. But now - BRANDON But now you have to go. I'm happy for you. You deserve it. Best of luck to you. COURTNEY That's it? Good luck? That's all you want to tell me? BRANDON What do you want me to say?? You want me to get on my knees and beg you not to go because I love you? Sorry, but that's not going to happen. 00020000077E0001A48C778,Courtney's visibly hurt. That stung her. COURTNEY You know...for a brief moment when my agent told me I should move to New York I almost told him I couldn't do it. BRANDON Why would you even think about doing that? COURTNEY So I could stay here with you. It was like all my dreams were coming true but you wouldn’t be there to share them with me. I always thought that being an artist and living in New York is what I always wanted. But then I found you. And even though you keep your distance from me something inside me said you were the one. And I knew no matter where I was I would always be happy with you. BRANDON Don't put this off on me if you don't go. COURTNEY Oh, I'm going, without a doubt. But I would love for you to come to New York with me. BRANDON What?? I can't move with you. COURTNEY Why not? What's keeping you grounded here? BRANDON Lots of things. COURTNEY Like what? BRANDON Like...like my work. COURTNEY You're a writer for God's sake. You can do that anywhere in the world. BRANDON But there's Jack, Kat and the kids. I'm their twins' Godfather. I can't just leave them. COURTNEY Oh, please. You hardly see the twins as it is. It's not like you're there with them all the time. And Jack and Kat would be happy for both of us. (beat) So tell me what is really holding you back. BRANDON I told you why. This is my home. I can't just leave. There's too much history here. I don't know what else you want me to say. COURTNEY How about the truth? BRANDON What truth?! COURTNEY The truth about you not being able to let go of your wife who passed away over seven years ago. A beat. BRANDON I don't have to listen to this. Brandon gets up and heads to his bedroom. Courtney takes off after him. INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - same Brandon sits on his bed. Courtney sits right beside him. COURTNEY I'm not going to let you run away from me, Brandon. I'm not afraid to call you out on your bullshit. 0002000006630001AC0465D,BRANDON What bullshit?? You have no idea what it's like to live with something like this. COURTNEY No, I don't. I'd never ask you to forget her. But I would want you to live your life and move on. BRANDON Oh, God. Do you know how many times I've heard that? COURTNEY No, but I know this - she's dead, Brandon. But you're not. And no amount of mourning or self pity you put yourself through is going to bring her back. But you're so afraid to make a move in any direction because all you see is the possibility of something bad happening. We see images through Brandon's POV. BRANDON'S FACE - SERIES OF SHOTS: A) Brandon at his wife's grave crying. B) Brandon taking down all the pictures of him and Lisa from the walls inside his home. C) Brandon taking down all the decorations in the baby's room. BACK TO SCENE BRANDON (indifferent) You said it yourself. I'm estranged from the world. I've jumped into the river too many times to make it home. I'm drowning in my own little way. Now I'm drifting all alone. And that's the way I want it. I've come to know the cold, dark, emptiness of indifference. I think of it as home. It's safe here. It's all I know now. COURTNEY But, Brandon, it doesn't have to be that way. We can - BRANDON It's time for you to go. COURTNEY I don't want to go. We're not finished. BRANDON Courtney, please. Don't make me ask you again. It may not come out so nice next time. Just...go. Courtney begins to tear up. COURTNEY Okay, I'll go. Courtney turns to leave the bedroom but stops at the doorway. COURTNEY Just so you know my flight leaves the day after tomorrow at noon if you want to see me off. 00020000089B0001B261895,BRANDON Mm-hmm. Have a safe flight. COURTNEY I'll see you at the airport, right? No response. Brandon keeps focused away from Courtney. Courtney waits for a few beats then leaves. Brandon takes in a DEEP BREATH and FALLS BACK on his bed. BRANDON FROM A TOP VIEW - He has returned to his severe depressed state -- with a blank, emotionless face. EXT. AIRPORT - DAY Jack and Katherine help Courtney get her bags checked in. Courtney has one carry on bag over her shoulder. JACK You sure you're going to be okay with that bag? COURTNEY Yeah, it's not that heavy. Katherine gives Courtney a big hug. Jack does the same. KATHERINE I'm so happy for you. Knock 'em dead, girl. COURTNEY I'll do my best. JACK We know you'll do fine. Now we get to tell our other friends we know a famous artist in New York City. KATHERINE Jack? JACK Yeah? KATHERINE Get in the car, dear. Jack gives a look of confusion but does as he's told. KATHERINE (to Courtney) I know you're going to do great. You have our numbers. If there's ever anything you need, just call. COURTNEY I will. Thanks, Kat. You're the best. Both women hug again. They remain holding hands. COURTNEY Tell Brandon I said bye for me. KATHERINE Okay, but don't you go worrying about all of that now. You go live your dream. Courtney nods and pulls away from Katherine. She looks back as she enters the airport. Jack and Katherine wave bye from their vehicle. Courtney looks back one more time. Brandon is nowhere in sight. EXT. PARK - sAME Brandon stands feeding the ducks a loaf of bread. He finishes the loaf. Brandon takes out his keys from his pocket and contemplates his next move. He puts his keys back in his pocket and goes for a walk on the jogging trails. INT. AIRPORT - sAME The intercom announces the last call for Courtney's flight to be boarded. WOMAN'S VOICE (V.O.) Final boarding for flight 4327 to New York City has begun. Courtney looks for Brandon. Nothing. She hands the flight attendant her ticket. As she walks down about to board the plane she keeps looking back to hopefully see Brandon. Still nothing. INT. airplane - same Courtney takes her seat and fastens her safety belt as her eyes begin to water. EXT. AIRPORT - SAME 00020000071D0001BAF6717,The plane makes its way skyward bound for New York City. EXT. PARK - mOMENTS LATER Brandon leans on his car overlooking the entire park. He sees the same family from the beginning. The little girl plays chase with her daddy. The mother takes pictures of them playing. Suddenly THUNDER ROLLS and a few rain drops fall. The family hurries back into their minivan. They leave the park. Brandon stays, oblivious to the weather. He walks to the same park bench he and Courtney sat on and fed the ducks. He takes a seat as the rain continues to fall. INT. BRANDON'S BATHROOM - NIGHT - lATER Brandon's clothes are soaked. He begins peeling them off, letting them fall to the floor. Brandon turns on his shower. He enters and stands under the hot water. INT. BRANDON'S STUDY - LATER Brandon sits at his desk. He opens his laptop and stares blankly at the screen. After a few seconds he begins TYPING. INSERT - COMPUTER SCREEN I'll never find anyone to replace you, Lisa. I guess I'll have to make it through all this time without you. Alone. BACK TO SCENE Brandon continues his blank stare when his doorbell RINGS. He doesn't move to answer it. Jack appears in the study holding Courtney's painting of Brandon. He's not surprised when he finds Brandon. Brandon closes his laptop so Jack can't see it. He remains fairly emotionless. JACK Hey, man, your door was unlocked so I came in to drop this off. Brandon sees Jack holding the painting. BRANDON I must have left it unlocked when I came home a while ago. Thanks. You can just set it on the floor. Jack props the painting against a wall. JACK Damn, that really does look like you. Brandon joins Jack at the painting. BRANDON I know. She's good. JACK She wanted to drop it off herself but she said you weren't answering her calls. I promised her I would bring it to you. 0002000007260001C20D720,BRANDON Yeah, I just wanted to be alone the last few days. I needed to catch up on some writing. JACK She's gone you know? She left earlier today. BRANDON I know. JACK Did you go see her off at the airport? BRANDON No. Like I said, I was busy writing. JACK I thought you said you just got home a little while ago? BRANDON (sighs) I don't want to get into this. JACK Get into what? BRANDON A conversation about what happened with me and Courtney. So drop it. JACK I only want to make sure you're okay. So are you? BRANDON Honestly? JACK Yeah. BRANDON No, I'm not. JACK You want to talk about it? BRANDON No. I'll cope. I always do. Jack becomes frustrated. JACK I hate seeing you like this. You were starting to be like your old self again. It was great. You were joking around, having a good time. And then all of a sudden you - BRANDON Look, man, I really got to get some writing done. Give me a call later and we'll catch up then, okay? JACK You don't have to live like this. Please, I'm begging you not to - BRANDON (dead pan) Goodbye, Jack. Brandon glares straight into Jack's eyes without flinching. Jack says nothing and finally puts his hands up in surrender. JACK Alright. I'll leave you alone. Jack turns to walk away. Before he leaves he faces Brandon again. JACK So, I'll call you later? BRANDON (softly) Sure. JACK Will you answer? BRANDON Maybe. Jack stares at Brandon but Brandon doesn't make eye contact. Jack gives in and leaves. The front door is heard CLOSING SHUT OS. INT. FRONT DOOR - SAME Brandon LOCKS the door. He retreats back to his study. INT. STUDY - SAME Brandon returns to his seat and opens his laptop showing his message to Lisa. He highlights the message and hits the DELETE button. Brandon opens a drawer and pulls out his newest book, ‘SECOND CHANCE’. The book has FINAL DRAFT typed on it. 000200000C6F0001C92DC69,Still holding the book Brandon heads to his back yard. EXT. BACKYARD - SAME Brandon walks to his bar-be-que pit and places ‘SECOND CHANCE’ inside. He grabs some lighter fluid and douses the book with it. He lights a match and tosses it into the pit. Brandon watches as the book goes up in flames then walks back inside. INT. STUDY - SAME Brandon sits back down. He moves his cursor and finds where he saved ‘SECOND CHANCE’. After taking one final look he hits DELETE and erases it. Brandon finds the file for his other book, ‘DEATH OF A DREAM’ and opens it. He stares at the screen for a beat then begins typing. Brandon pecks away at his laptop. He notices the painting of him on the floor and stops typing. Brandon leaves the study. Brandon returns with a hammer and two nails. He HAMMERS both nails into the wall. Brandon hangs his painting. It is the only thing on any of his walls. He stands there gazing at it. He finally EXHALES, heads back to his desk. Brandon begins TYPING again as we FADE OUT. SUPER: THREE YEARS LATER Int. study - night Brandon is at his laptop TYPING. Behind him we can see the painting. As Brandon continues to TYPE he begins to NARRATE. BRANDON (V.O.) Courtney was right about me. I purposely distance myself from the world. I heard she made a pretty good name for herself as an artist. She got to travel the world and do everything she always dreamed of doing. Jack told me she got married last summer. She and her husband are supposed to have a nice home in Manhattan somewhere. Good for her. She deserves to be happy. Jack's job transferred him to another state. He even asked me to move to be close to his family. Of course I said no. I can't leave this house. I've known that for a long time. I still talk to Jack every few days. Even from across the country he still manages to find ways to get in the middle of my life. God bless him. My publisher dropped me after hearing about my little torching incident of my 'Second Chance' novel. I can't blame him though. He even gave me a shot by publishing 'Death of a Dream'. The sales were less than magnificent. But it's okay. I got picked up by another publisher who hopes I can rebound from my recent lack of success. I decided to write about what I know one more time. I'm writing about my own struggles and pains from my life. I’m giving the main character a different name so people won't think it's an autobiography. But those closest to me know I'm obviously talking about myself. Knowing I’ll be alone for the rest of my life gets very lonely sometimes. But I write my thoughts and feelings out and turn them into stories. Just like I’m doing now. It’s very therapeutic. The title of the new book? What else? Estranged. Brandon stares at his computer screen for a beat. He then gets up and walks over to the painting. Brandon stares at the painting for a few beats. BRANDON Damn, she’s good. Brandon walks away from the painting. THE CAMERA STAYS ON THE PAINTING. We SLOWLY ZOOM IN on Brandon in the painting. CONTINUE ZOOMING IN on Brandon's eyes. While still on the painting the light to the study is TURNED OFF. FADE OUT: THE END 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