-2Final Draft, Inc. Final Draft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planet earth - dAY (montage) -- A view from outer space ZINGS through our solar system and meets the pale blue spot turning slowly on its axel. -- On the western portion of South America, the Amazon River is highlighted in red like a vein that irrigates the heart. -- The entire continent pulsates with life, but the rain forest shows an irregular HEART BEAT. -- Google Earth style, a probe approaches the planet all the way down to the forest level. -- High up on the canopy, it meets three CHAMELEONS basking in the sun. -- A drop of water falls from one of the chameleons tongue while he ROLLS his eyes. -- The droplet lands on a toucans beak and hugs the curvy yellow surface on its way to the jungles floor. -- At ground level, the driblet is boomeranged back into the air by an ARMADILLOs tail. -- The abundance of life in the jungle is reflected in the drop of water during its trajectory. -- The drip lands on the tip of a monkey's nose. After staring it down for a while, the cross eyed primate SNORTS it back up for grabs. -- The drop touches down on the curvy back of an anaconda and slides toward the Amazon a few feet away. A WAVE LIKE MOTION of the snake catapults the driblet over the river. -- The drop splashes on the bottom of a canoe where a human torso raises a harpoon in the air and spears something in the river. -- The Amazon turns red with blood. INT. marcos vision - nIGHT (Montage) -- A fast moving STORM darkens the view. Heavy THUNDER and lightning are set to the tone of ominous DRUM BEATS. -- A deadly progression initiated around the canoe leaves a trail of floating bodies in the blooded river. -- A couple of fiery bongos execute aerial maneuvers over the images of destruction. -- The fiery drums become the eyes of a tridimensional human profile. With fast talking lips, the spirit of the forest spells a riddle. 00020000072600000757720,Fiery DRUMS Wake up man before it is too late The circle of life renews its faith Feel the heart beat like a Samba drum Keep the focus, but also keep the fun -- After spacing back up, a view of the entire Amazon basin shows the deadly tide first killing the vegetation on the banks, and later on destroying the entire forest. -- The circle of death spreads past the Amazon. Quick moving clouds show the weather of the whole planet being altered, but the final outcome of the climate change isnt revealed because a pair of eyes snaps open. INT. marcos bachelor pad - day The chameleon bolts out of bed like a waken zombie. The lizard rolls his eyes looking a little WOOZY. Marcos Uuuuiiieee! That was bananas! I had way too much guarana juice last night. MARCOS reaches for a water bottle by his bed. After flipping it up in the air, the precious final drop BOUNCES off his outstretched tongue and hits the floor. The lizard JUMPS out of bed with a shrug. Once upright, his bright green peel contrasts with the tight yellow boxers hes wearing like a second skin. Using his rotating eyes, Marcos looks at the clock mounted on the wall behind him. The arms mark 12:30. MarcoS (CONTD) (suddenly alarmed) I got to meet my parents for lunch! With a SNAP of his tongue from the distance, Marcos OPENS the blinders sealing the large windows of his den. Sunlight suddenly inundates the entire room and reveals the details of his crib, leopard skin padding and all. Marcos eyes move back in their orbs to escape the glare. MarcoS (CONTD) Slam! Moms gonna be mad! IN THE BATHROOM Marcos rushes to the sink and BRUSHES his long teeth. After washing his face, the lizard moves behind a translucent dressing screen that reveals only his silhouette and initiates a wardrobe change. 00020000081000000E7780A,MarcoS (CONTD) BZZZZ... (suit and tie shape) Way too formal! BZZZZ... (barrel and handles) Lets not go there! BZZZZ.... (ballet tights) Dont even think about it... BZZZZ... (loose shirt and short pants) Thats more like it! Marcos emerges from behind the screen wearing a colorful Hawaiian shirt and surf-trunks. As he saunters down the steps, the lizard uses his tongue to grab his glasses from the top of the dresser. MarcoS (O.S.) (CONTD) (tongue retreating with glasses) Cant forget my shades. DOWNSTAIRS IN THE DINING ROOM Marcos meets his parents already at the table. MarcoS (CONTD) Hi folks, its a beautiful morning! MAMMA CHAMELEON lowers her chin and glances over her reading glasses. The commanding lizard PUTS DOWN HER FORK to signal her sudden loss of appetite. ACROSS THE TABLE A lanky PAPA CHAMELEON ducks for cover. Mamma cHAMELEON Morning? Thats when I heard you come in. MarcOS Now that you point it out, I think I do recall the birds chirping. MAMMA CHAMELEON Did you get enough sleep or youre still tired after all the hard work? MarcOS You know what? At times it did feel like work out there, Mom. MAMMA CHAMELEON I wonder how can you tell since you dont have a real job to compare it to? MarcOS (Pointing to his head) Thats why it only felt like it, I knew it was all in my head... Papa Chameleon swiftly waves his son to the table. PAPA CHAMELEON Son, sit down before-- MAMMA CHAMELEON (Interrupting) --before what, Nicholas? PAPA CHAMELEON (Lowering his eyes) ...before you get me in trouble. MAMMA CHAMELEON You should be in too because hes just like his daddy. I stand corrected, actually he is better than you, at least he came back home this morning. Thats more than I can say about you in past Carnivals... Marcos uses the change of target to slink out. The chameleon grabs a surf board on the way to the door. MarcOS Im gonna skip lunch and have something at the coconut stand. There are three days of Carnival left, I need to recharge my batteries. Dont wait for me. Ill be out working late, right Dad? 0002000007710000168176B,AT THE TABLE The experienced lizard gives his son a stealth thumbs up. PAPA CHAMELEON (winking) Dont do anything I would do and stay hydrated. Have fun for the two of us, son. Mamma chameleon SLAPS her husband in the arm. When she turns back to Marcos, the door is SLAMMING behind him. MAMMA CHAMELEON See what youre doing? He is out on an empty stomach, that cant be good. PAPA CHAMELEON Hell be alright. MAMMA CHAMELEON Just like you used to, hmmm? PAPA CHAMELEON Ill take the fifth on that one. MAMMA CHAMELEON Sometimes I think I should never have taken you out of your moms house. PAPA CHAMELEON And I would probably have stayed there, at least she let me out during Carnival. MAMMA CHAMELEON (Eyeing him down) You dont want me to start raining on your parade Nicholas! Eat your food before YOU become cold! The father focuses on the plate ahead of him like any experienced lizard would under these circumstances. EXT. pink dolphins palace - dAY Underwater in a classical greek palace, several FEMALE PINK DOLPHINS are gathered in front of an altar. From her throne, a PINK DOLPHIN princess gazes with royal grace toward two dolphins approaching her to pay homage. Tracker #1 (Bowing) Your highness... PRINCESS ISABEL nods in response. Tracker #1 (CONTD) We went all the way to the great fall and could not find a single male left. Tracker #2 (Sadly lowering eyebrows) We failed you. The princess receives the news in silence. The court repeats the words from the two trackers and the sound of concerned MURMURS makes its way around the room. Princess Isabel rises in her throne. Isabel This is the time our forefathers have warned us. The great journey is here. The room falls silent. Every pair of eyes is glued to the princess coming down the altar to be among her peers. ISABEL (CONTD) I know my destiny and Im ready to answer the calling. There is no time to waste. 0002000006F700001DEC6F1,In decisive fashion, the pink princess climbs the steps to the altar and moves on to her chambers. Her court DEBATES loudly as she passes by. BACKSTAGE Princess Isabel is shadowed by her two close aides, a portly manatee butler appropriately named UBA, and FLUTIE, a striped fish who poses as her body guard. Isabel (CONTD) (Back toward the manatee) How was the speech? UBA Showed confidence, not panicking. Thats good. Using the legend as a smoke screen was a great idea, people will keep having hope until we find a solution. Isabel I meant what I said. UBA About going upriver? If you want the cover of every tabloid there are easier things you can do. Isabel This is it, my wise friend. I can hear my calling. Uba Wait princess. Lets talk about this. Its just an old legend told for generations on the banks of this river, like many others about your species. Isabel The future of my people rests in the balance. Flutie (Breaking in) And if the legend is true, everybodys neck is in it, including your triple chin, big guy. Uba Please watch for paparazzi and let me do the talking here. Isabel There is no time to waste! We need to find a male, urgently! Flutie Oh, I didnt know it was that bad! Isabel Thats not it! The mating season is close to an end. Flutie Dont worry princess, youre time is gonna come. Males are like parking spots: the good ones are taken, and the only ones left are all handicapped. Uba uses his big body to BUMP the fish out of the way and get full access to the princess. UBA Excuse me! Your highness, how exactly are we supposed to get upriver? Youre pink, but youre not a salmon. Isabel Life always finds a way. Lets get this show on the road! The princess swims away. Behind her the two escorts BICKER with each other. 00020000084A000024DD844,ExT. upriver - day Close to the Amazons source, the deep vegetation along the banks shades the sun and turns day into night. Approaching from the distance, a well equipped FISHING BOAT slowly cuts through a sea of large lily pads. Crouched by the noisy MOTOR Two men display battle tested skins darkened by the years spent fishing on the river. Roaming up front A sharp dressed adventurer stands tall twirling his crowded mustache. Pierre Papin One more, I need one more! (Turning toward the back) Vamos!!! The MOTOR hits a high note and the boat creates WAVES that raise the thick vegetation floating around. Underneath the LIly pads A pair of frightened eyes is the only visible part of a MALE DOLPHIN hiding in the murky waters. ExT. the jungle walk - day Surrounded by other animals strutting the boardwalk, Marcos carries his surf board on the wooden path that contours this heavily populated area of the riverbank. The Amazon Meets the ocean around these parts and the encounter creates GIANT ROARING WAVES that flow upriver. Lowering his sun glasses Marcos checks the sandy beach where the DIVERSE LIFE forms in the forest lay down to sunbath. The lizard SCOOPS a female chameleon wearing a Brazilian bikini. His skin turns red with excitement. MarcoS Boo-yah!!! AT THE COCONUT STAND A counter full of animals sips cold concoctions prepared by a FROG BARTENDRESS. Marcos joins in. MarcOS (CONTD) Layla, I need a pick me up! Bartendress (singing it) Put the lime in the coconut! MarcOS Pour one down for me! (looking at the beach) Ill be right back, I see something I like. Surfboard in hand Marcos DASHES toward the river. Before jumping in, the lizard teases the babe in bikini. MarcOS (CONTD) Check this out, Sunshine. JUMPING OVER THE WATER The chameleon uses his skin changing abilities to turn his clothes into a swim suit in mid-air. Marcos lands on top of the surf board and TAPS into an incoming sequence. The lizard catches a BREAKING WAVE and performs gravity defying maneuvers pushed by the wall of water. ON THE SAND The crowd stops to watch him showcase his ability. 000200000FD200002D21FCC,Riding the wave All the way to the bank, Marcos jumps on firm ground to RIVETING APPLAUSE from the crowd. The lizard bows to his newly made fans and winks at the babe in bikini before heading back to the coconut stand. AT THE KIOSK BARTENDress Youre such a show off. (extending an umbrella drink) There you go. The lizard picks up his coconut drink, lime on the side. MarcOS Color me bad! A reptiles got to do what a reptiles got to do. Cheers! Marcos GULPS the coconut and chases it with a long CHEW of the lime. Still sporting his green smile, the lizard waves at the bikini-clad babe laid down on the sand. BARTENDress Your battle stories from last night already made it here before you did. MarcOS Its always like that, the word spreads while the hero sleeps. BARTENDress What are the plans for tonight? MarcOS I dont know, Im thinking about taking it easy. I had a crazy nightmare this morning, and the song from it keeps hammering in my mind. Have you heard this before? (DRUMMING on the counter) Wake up man before it is too late The circle of life renews its faith Feel the heart beat like a Samba drum Keep your focus but also keep the fun BARTENDress Nope. MarcoS I cant let this thing loose in my head, its driving me nuts. BARTENDress Maybe its a message. Marcos Yeah right, mail doesnt get delivered on a Carnival Sunday. BARTENdress Maybe Inky at the Coca Mocca knows what the riddle is about. Hes the poet on the dial around here. MARcoS Good idea, I forgot about that old geezer. Can I leave my board here? BARTENDress Mi casa su casa. MarcOS Put the drink on my tab, Ill hit you when I get my paycheck. BARTENDress Thats what you said last month. Your mom told me the other day that you were still out of work. MarcOS (Raising his eyes to the sky) Thanks for the free advertising, Mom! (Back to the bartendress) You know this place doesnt get going until Carnival is over. Ive got some good things coming my way, dont worry. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOARDWALK The lizards eyes are at ten and two: to the left the babe waves at him from the sand, while to the right a neon sign reads Coca Mocca on top of a marquise. With an angst look in his face, Marcos signals for the babe to wait. MaRCOS (CONTD) Ill be right back! The chameleon changes into a cotton suit, tilts his panama hat and turns the rotating doors of the cafe. INT. coca mocca - Continuous An ANIMATED CROWD at the bar drinks their favorite coffee mixes in tall martini glasses. Smoke from shared hookah pipes create a foggy atmosphere over the entire room. BEHIND THE COUNTER A sloth slowly pours a drink out of the expresso machine with a towel hanging over his shoulder. MarcOS How you doing speedy? Is Inky here? Sloth Bartender (Slow twang)) Funny... (Tilting his head) He is at his regular table. The narrow bar opens up to a spacious lounge area. On stage A green parrot WORKS THE CROWD Vegas style. Parrot (Stuttering) La-la ladies and gen-gentleman, the great Ko-Koco Loko Band. Behind him, a FEATHERED JAZZ TRIO plus horn section jams on the tiny platform with contagious swing. IN THE LOUNGE Marcos walks along intimate tables lit by jars of fire flies. The entire place JAMS to the music, heads bobbing everywhere while the lizard searches the crowd. AT A CORNER BOOTH Marcos spots INKY, a well traveled chameleon from the Andes SNAPPING his fingers to the groove. Dressed like a hippie on vacation, the pencil-thin lizard has the cool, introspective look with a foo manchu to back it up. His aged skin shows the whiter shade of pale the passage of years leaves behind in the mountains. MarcOS (siting down) Whats up, mano? Inky (necking around) Where is the fuzz? You got to be hiding to enter a cafe during Carnival. MarcOS I miss you too bro, how is life? INKY The usual with the usual suspects. MarcOS Writing a lot? INKY Yeah, have been busy these days. My work is starting to get around. MarcOs The block? Just kidding, I actually came here because of some lines myself. INKY 00020000076200003CED75C,You writing?!? That sounds scary!!! MarcOS Actually it came to me in a dream, more like a nightmare I would say. Some crazy fiery drum drilled it into my head. On stage The parrot takes the microphone and starts SINGING a slow song accompanied by the house band. The crooners VOICE makes angels sound like bad karaoke. BACK ON THE BOOTH MarcOS (CONTD) Doesnt he stutter? INKY Never when he sings... The lizards attention follows the parrot as he struts down to the floor mic in hand and SERENADES a fan on his best Wayne Newton kitsch. Marcos wondering eyes Shift to a pair of female chameleons JAMMING at a nearby table. INKY (CONTD) Tell me about the lines. MarcOS (Still focused on the pair) Lines? INKY Yes...nightmare, fiery drums, poetry, the reason for you being here. How can you lose your focus so quickly, son? MarcOS Its Carnival, theres a lot going on. Look around, you might see something you like...Oh, I forgot your tired eyes cant tell whats good anymore, can they? The old school chameleon glances at the female lizards at their table, but simply keeps his cool. INKY Experience does it all the time, nephew. MarcOS Thats what I imagined when I came here. You may be the only person that knows what this riddle is about. Wake up man before it is too late The circle of life renews its faith Feel the heart beat like a Samba drum Keep your focus, but also keep the fun INKY Hmmm, thats interesting. MarcOS Why? Have you heard this before? INKY No, but the idea of a fiery drum speaking in riddles, yes, a looong time ago. MarcOS Tell me, Ive got to get rid of it. INKY Well, its just a legend back where I come from. In the mountains around Machu Picchu we used to hear this story about a cave up north that holds the heartbeat of the rain forest. In the legend the heartbeat of life is a fiery drum, an oracle that speaks in riddles. 0002000006450000444963F,MarcOS Legends, legends, legends...this forest is filled with them. I rather live for the moment. Marcos turns to the two female lizards and tips his hat. ON STAGE The parrot finishes his encore to overwhelming APPLAUSE. PARROT (Stuttering) And now, fo-for the fi-fi-first time in the Coca Mocca Cafe, Ca-Carla chameleon! A drag dressed chameleon takes over the stage. The singers well toned arms move to the rhythm of her baubles, bangles and beads. Behind the mic stand, her colorful costume SHAKES in a frenzy along her curvy body. At their table The two lizards go ballistic. Both put their enlarged EYES IN ORBIT around the shining sun on stage. Their tongues OPEN AND CLOSE like a party favor. MarcOS Boo-yah Cha-ka-la-ka! Does she perform here often? INKY No, I would definitely remember if I had seen her before. CARLAs Tutti frutti hat sways side to side with her hip swings. MarcOS (scratching his chin) Theres something different about her... INKY Ive never seen anything like it. MarcOS Its the first time I see a chameleon wearing make-up... INKY She looks good from here. MarcOS With your 20 20 vision? You know Lola, the owner of the Coca, right? Put the hours buried in this place to good use. See if you can get her to our table after the show. I want to take a closer look. Inky raises his Gandhi like body to look for LOLA, the sloth owner of the Coca. He waives the hairy mammal down. INKY Its going to take a while... ACROSS THE ROOM The sloth slowly makes her way through the clientele GUZZLING on and off from a big mug filled with coffee. Lola (Painfully slow) 0002000005AF00004A885A9,What an honor to have such a colorful bunch on my cafe! (To Marcos) How are you doing, stranger? Woke up on the wrong side of the tree? MarcOS That actually describes it well, but now Im happy I stopped by. LolA Found something you like? The sloth turns to the stage where Carla works the crowd into a FRENZY shaking it all down under her costume. LolA (CONTD) Its definitely an interesting act... MarcOS I would like to invite her to our table. LolA Nothing like checking it out up close, hmmm? Carnival is full of surprises... Ill see what I can do. Happy trails. ON THE PLATFORM Carla finishes her act to deafening APPLAUSE. Clapping his way back to the mic, the parrot addresses the crowd while Carla heads backstage loaded with flower bouquets thrown by her fans. ParROT La-la-ladies and gen-gentleman, the su- superb Ca-Ca-Carla Chameleon. AT THEIR BOOTH The chameleons clap and whistle. MarcOS That was awesome! INKY A force of nature. BACK ON THE FLOOR After the show, Carla makes her way among the clientele. With her natural height plus platform shoes, the performing lizard towers over the competition. Lola holds on to her arm and points the singer in the direction of the chameleons. Quick on his feet, Marcos jumps to make space on his side of the booth as the entertainer approaches their table. MarcOS (Looking up) Please have a seat, Sunshine. You are a tall drink of water! Have you ever thought about playing some ball? 00020000087700005031871,Carla GIGGLES while the chameleon kisses her hand. MarcOS (CONTD) My name is Marcos, and this is Inky. What are you thirsty for? Carla A dirty cappuccino, make it two lumps. MarcOS (Toward the waitress) A dirty cappuccino for my cinnamon girl over here, and a double of your best blend for me. Make it neat, please. INKY Ill have a mate, no sugar. Sloth Waitress (Slow as molasses) Itll be right out. MarcOS Suuure... (Turning to Carla) Blessed be the winds that brought you this way. What place let you out, cause I want to go back there to see if theres more of you. Carla Rio. Marcos Wow, a Carioca! Carnival around is a little bit different. CARla No problem, thats what Im looking for. I was tired of the same old same, so I decided to head out and have an alternative Carnival for once, thats why I took this gig in the Amazon. MarcOS Dont worry, youre in good hands now. The chameleons stretched eyes check her out while he holds on to her hand like a hungry politician. CARla (Pulling her hand) Excuse me! You dont joke around, do you? INKY Hes a joker alright. Myself, I am a lover and a poet. Do you appreciate food for the soul? CARla I love poetry! MarcOS Dont get him started or we may be here until Ash Wednesday. Hes a chameleon of a different color. Carla I wonder what brings an odd couple like you two together. INKY I asked myself the same thing the moment he sat at this table. Marcos Well, its a bad dream with an even worse soundtrack, you dont wanna know. CARla Im curious, tell me about it. MarcOS I had a crazy nightmare last night that showed humans, who else, doing something in the water that turns the river dead silent and destroys the entire forest. CARla Ive seen what humans can do up close in Rio. What about the soundtrack? MarcOS Well, some fiery drum shouting nonsense in between beats. CARla What did it say? MarcOS Boy, you ARE curious! Take over grandpa, youre the in house poet. Im tired of the whole thing. Standing up to increase the emotional charge behind his words, the intellectual lizard changes into a tweed jacket with patches on the elbows, and pipe in hand says the lines like a pro. 0002000006D2000058A26CC,INKY Wake up man before it is too late The circle of life renews its faith Feel the heart beat like a Samba drum Keep your focus, but also keep the fun CaRla It makes sense. You look the kind of lizard that needs to be reminded to stay focused all the time. INKY Bingo! Marcos Thats my Moms job description right there, dont mess with it. CARla Seems like someone is trying to reinforce the idea. You shouldnt ignore it. INKY Thats what I told him. Theres a legend where I come from-- MarcOS (Interrupting) --dont listen to this ancient stuff. Theres a mean party at the cove tonight, float parade and all. Let me show you how we rock the boat around here. CaRla Let him finish! MarcOS Oh boy, here we go... INKY Back in the Andes we have a legend about a cave deep in the forest where a fiery drum spells the future in riddles. In the middle of the Amazon, the place with more life forms than anywhere else, life talks back to you. Thats if youre listening. MarcOS Blah, blah, blah. Nevermind. Inky used to rely heavily on the Coca leaves back in his Machu Picchu days. CARla I think this is something important. Marcos Important enough that cant wait after Carnival is over? With a quick STRIKE of the tongue Marcos takes the three glasses from the slow moving waitress across the room, and places them on the table without wasting a drop. MarcOS (CONTD) I need a coffee fix. Its been a rough day. (Raising his tumbler) To an eventful weekend in the Amazon. The chameleons TOUCH GLASSES and take a quick sip before putting the concoctions down. Stretching the eye, Marcos uses the toast to gawk Carlas body down. CARla Hey there! Wake up man before its too late. Theres a sense of urgency in this. MarcOS 0002000007B800005F6E7B2,(Staring her down) I got my priorities straight. CARla (Fixing her dress) I can tell, but I think we should go find this cave and check it out. Do they talk about where this place is in the legend? INKY Yes, on the mountains up north, following the waters of the Negro river. MarcOS Thats what I need: a trip up the Negro on a Carnival Sunday. Marcos DOWNS the rest of his coffee and POUNDS the empty tumbler on the table. Carla I love hiking! It would be something different to do. (Looking at Inky) What do you think? INKY Ive hiked thousands of miles around the Inca ruins back in my beloved Peru-- MarcOS (Interrupting) --I bet you did, but nowadays you dont even leave the Coca to take a shower. CARla It would be an opportunity to get in touch with my mystical side. Would you come with me? INKY Until the edge of the world and back, mi corazon. MarcOS Im on my first coffee, definitely not going to hike the Negro, of all places... CARla Well, youre going to miss a heck of a party then, isnt that right partner? INKY Reservations for two only. Inky stands up by the booth and offers his arm to Carla. Raising her tall curvy body, she tangles around Inkys arm and waves goodbye to a startled Marcos. MarcOS Wait a minute! Where are you guys going? The oddly sized couple leaves the table behind. MarcOS (CONTD) (To himself) If I lose to a fossil like Inky, who am I going to tie around here? Theres something different about this Carla Chameleon that I cant quite figure out. I need a close up. (Pointing to the sloth) Waitress, the check. Quick, I mean, reeeally quick! ExT. pink dolphins palace - dAY A SCHOOL OF FEMALE DOLPHINS gathers to say goodbye to the princess walking the red carpet with her two escorts. Uba tries to reason with her one last time. UBA Your highness, I ask you again to reconsider this trip. This is nonsense. We are going to find a way to solve the problem from here. Isabel Its my destiny. I can feel it inside me. 0002000009730000672096D,FlUTIE Give up man! She feels it. Like people say: Fire up the mountain, water down a hill, when a female wants something, theres no one to appeal UBA Thanks for the higher learning, Socrates. (Turning to Isabel) Even if we go with this crazy plan, how are we gonna get by the great fall? This river is full of dangers. Isabel I respect your fears. Thats why I told you this is my journey, and my journey alone. Ill understand if you decide not to come. That applies to you too, Flutie. FlUTIE Im with you all the way princess. Isabel Good, Ill need your expertise up there. UBA Expertise? He doesnt even remember what he ate for breakfast this morning... FLUTIE A lot less than you did, meat barge, thats for sure.... Isabel The decision has been made a long time ago. Im just a piece in this puzzle, and the legend tells exactly where I fit in. UBA This is madness, but I promised your father when he freed me from a fishing net that I was going to take care of you when he couldnt do it himself. This is definitely the time. I also couldnt leave you alone with this head case. FLUTIE You are never alone with a schizophrenic... UBA Point made. Isabel Thanks for your loyalty, Uba. I trust your knowledge and experience, but this time I have to follow my instincts. Enough said, Im ready to go. The three leave the palace behind while the crowd waves a final farewell to their princess. Int. Japanese restaurant - day MELVIN, a nerdy looking half-asian piranha with the thick glasses to prove it, and other three fellow predators watch an ELECTRIC EEL sushi master at work. BURSTING through the door with his bad boy attitude and perennial empty stomach, BRUNO, the leader of the pack, takes a sit at the counter. bruno What are we having? Piranha #1 (Bracing for the reaction) Melvin ordered.... bruno Are you kidding me?!? How many times do I have to tell you guys that my brother can not be in charge of food... PIRANHA #2 But boss, Mel has been talking to us about the importance of a balanced diet. bruno Dont tell me you guys stopped to listen to his vegan speech again? PIRANHA #3 It opened our eyes... Melvin Sports a mission accomplished smile. bruno Aint this my lucky day? (Pointing to the sushi man) Give it to me... The sushi master quickly THROWS several rolls in the air, and with a FLASHY SWING of the knife, cuts them in perfect coins into the plates on the counter. 0002000005460000708D540,bruno (CONTD) (Looking at his plate) California rolls?!? PIRANHA #1 We discussed the sea cucumber issue for a long time, but decided that at this point it wasnt worth the fight. bruno What have I done to deserve this? Chef, salmon sashimi for everybody!!! And that includes you Melvin. Im tired of getting embarrassed by your crazy behavior. Chef Right out. The two piranhas cover Melvins eyes while the sushi master CUTS FILLETS out of a pink piece of meat. AT THE DOOR A whistling catfish enters the cozy sushi place and freezes when he sees the piranhas on the counter. Catfish (Turning around) I think I rather have some barbecue... bruno Dont worry, Im too hungry for take out. Have a sit!!! CATFISH If you insist... The sushi master places a set of delicate pieces of salmon in front of the pack. SNAPPING his tail around, the bad ass carnivore stares down the rest of the pack. The piranhas look at each other unsure of what to do. Behind thick glasses Melvins horizontally cut eyes look stone cold toward the sliced fish on the counter. He lowers his head and mourns the loss of life. bruno What are you guys waiting for? Bruno jumps up and SNATCHES the food from the plate. bruno (CONTD) (Turning to the catfish) Care for a bite? The frightened customer turned dinner backs up toward the door searching for an escape route. 0002000006AE000075CD6A8,WITH hIS KNIFE-LIKE TEETH Shining Bruno Moves in for the kill. The rest of the pack returns to their old piranha ways and follow right behind. On the counter Melvin snaps his eyes open after the meditation and readily jumps into the fray. The little ninja materializes in front of the hungry pack and with two fingers he gives the charging piranhas the Bruce Lee sign of Come and get it. A startled Bruno stares down his brothers direct challenge of authority. BY THE DOOR The catfish tryes to talk his way out of paying for dinner. CATFISH You dont want meat from a bottom feeder. You should stick with specialty meats... I know of a meal much more suitable for such a developed taste. Melvin looks back in admonishment, but its too late. His proteges large mouth is already singing like a bird. CATFISH (CONTD) How about some royal pink meat? Brunos attention is taken by the fishs words. The leader of the pack stands down waiting for the details. bruno Keep talking, but it better be something good or Ill bring some extra bite on your tail. CATFISH Thats the word on the mouth. Princess Isabel is going upriver looking for a male. For an experienced palate like yours, I imagine a royal treat like this is the opportunity of a life time. bruno (Salivating) I havent had princess tail before... CATFISH And there is more! She wont be going alone. The princess has a heavy-set manatee butler and a good size body guard with her. They would make up quite the three course meal. Melvin shakes his head in disbelief over the big mouthed fish spilling the beans to save his own tail. bruno (Daydreaming) Royal pink meat... (Moving toward the catfish) I could use a snack before the trip! 00020000072000007C7571A,Melvin stands tall blocking access to the cornered fish. bruno (CONTD) Melvin... Melvin You heard the man. We have some serious food waiting for us. You dont want to spoil your appetite with some ratfish. Bruno is happily surprised by his little brothers change of heart and lets the catfish go with a head nod. PIRANHA #1 How are we going to catch the princess? He just said shes being escorted. bruno Team work. We are a pack, and have to act like one, right Melvin? Still playing his part, Melvin simply nods. bruno (CONTD) No worries, we have until Angels fall to come up with a plan...and when they are blocked upriver...its happy hour at the buffet. CHOMP TIME!!! Ext. inland near the negro RIVER junction - daY The lizards have long left the busy streets behind and now hike amidst the precious vegetation the Amazon forest reserves for the few lucky eyes to come this far. MarcOS Dont you think youre a little overdressed for the trip? CARla Look around you: this is Earths greatest spectacle, and we all have roles in it. Im just dressed for my part... Marcos uses his mutant powers to change from the light cotton best suited for the indoors into a hiking outfit. INKY (Gallantly toward Carla) Dont change a thing. You are the center piece ruby in this royal crown. MarcOS Eeeasy on the sugar, crusty bum! My ears are getting glazed by your sweet talk. (Up close in Carlas ear) I cant quite figure it out, but I feel something special hidden inside you. INKY What we cant explain is usually what the heart convenes. CARla You have such a gift for words. INKY Centuries absorbing the beauty of life, all I have to do now is reflect what these selective eyes fancy. MarcOS Lazy eyes, thats what you mean. Better watch out grandpa, looks can be deceiving as we chameleons know very well. 000200000B830000838FB7D,In the DISTANCE The STRONG THUD of an incoming storm reverberates in the air. Under fast moving clouds, the jungle suddenly begins to show its night colors. MarcOS (CONTD) (With a chill up the spine) There is a reason people dont come around these parts anymore. I think we should scrap the whole tracking thing and go to this house party in my crib... Carla Right, and who else is going to be there? MarcOS Well, me and you basically. I got two roommates, but they are very understanding. INKY They have to, its in their blood. CARla You still live with your parents?!? MarcOS Best roommates you can have. Carla I think Ill pass on the family-menage. Inky Wise choice young lady, youve shown experience beyond your years. Marcos Stay out of this, old lizard. Look around you, were in the middle of nowhere. You dont wanna be caught hanging out in the wrong place at nightfall. We are not in the good old days anymore granny, now you watch were you go. INKY When youve hiked Inca pyramids and slid down the Andes, youre ready for whatever life throws at you. Above the chameleons a BLASTING lightning strike deafens the forest. After the blinding flash of light retreats, Inky is on Carlas arms being rocked like a child. The petrified Peruvian reptile fiddles with his fake teeth opening and shutting his mouth like a cash drawer in giving mode. Under censuring looks from the other two chameleons, Inky steps down and regains his old form. MarcOS (Rolling his eyes) Mountain lizards... RAIN starts pouring down. The dampened vegetation closes in on the soaking wet lizards. Towering ahead in the lead, Carla fights her way through the thick vegetation. Moving long leafs to the side, she finally spots the junction with the Negro river. From the bank The trio has a front row seat to the spectacle of the two differently colored waters dancing their way to unity. The river looks like a two layer cake. LOOKING NORTH OVER THE HORIZON Thunder rolls accompany the quickly approaching nightfall. Angry lightning bolts criss cross the skies. Marcos (CONTD) Are you sure this is the way to go? INKY The black waters of the Negro come south from the hills on the border with Venezuela. The cave is said to be located in those mountains. Feeling a chill up his spine, Marcos watches the waters of the Negro river slide down like molasses. MarcOS Mama told me not to come! ExT. underwater going upriver - dAY The pink princess and her two escorts make way upriver. Falling behind, Uba MOANS wearing his tongue like a tie. Uba (Griping) Hufff, hufff, I need a break. Isabel We just started. UBA (Choking) I need to BREEEEEATH!!! Isabel Youre right. This is not a sprint, its a marathon. Lets stop to catch some air. UBA Aahhhhhh!!! Isabel (Turning toward the fish) Mammals have this little extra to deal with underwater. You can do whatever your species does down here waiting for us, Flutie. Is it breathing or drinking? 00020000069200008F0C68C,FLUTIE I dont drink river water. Fish fool around in it all the time. Isabel shakes her head on her way to the water line where the exhausted manatee floats around like a meat balloon. In the distance Menacing eyes watch carefully as the princess emerges to join Uba on the surface. The hungry look belongs to Bruno and his stealth traveling pack of piranhas. Piranha #1 (Jumping the gun) Lets go get them! Bruno Eeeasy there! Its not going to be that simple. Look. ON THE RIVER BOTTOM Flutie swims after his own tail to fight the boredom, but for the predators yards away, he looks like a Tasmanian devil standing guard under the princess. Bruno (CONTD) He is good. Well have a better chance after night fall. Lets follow them closely and when darkness takes over the waters... its CHOMP TIME!!! The hungry pack can hardly hold their excitement BITING AT THE GATES behind their ferocious leader. Melvin, the bespectacled PETA loving piranha, remains composed through the entire testosterone-rich mellay. BACK FROM THE SURFACE Uba looks dumbfounded at Flutie chasing his own tail. Isabel snaps the fish out of his spin cycle. Isabel What are you doing? Weve wasted enough time, lets go! Flutie, still a little woozy from all the spinning, and Uba, shaking his head in protest for the extra exercise, immediately sag behind the determined princess. FLUTIE She is one tough cookie to follow. Uba Hard headed, thats what the princess is for insisting on this crazy legend. FLUTIE I believe in it too! UBA Its all rubbish! A princess going upriver to save the royal species? This is something we tell the little pink ones so they go to sleep at the right time. 0002000005A9000095985A3,FLUTIE Says who? UBA Reason, or do you believe the other things they say about pink dolphins? FLUTIE Ive seen it with these very own eyes. UBA (Flapping his jowls) Dont even start. FLUTIE Serious. I was near a village enjoying a nice dinner when it happened. UBA (With a hunger strike) Dont talk about food! Im starving. FLUTIE It was just a snack. Some brown manna coming down the pipes. UBA Sewer water? That explains it all. FLUTIE So -- I was having this power bar by the bank when I saw a dolphin come to the edge of the river. He looked around to see if anybody was watching, and like a frog he morphed into a two legged creature and walked out of the river. UBA Right! And you also believe that he goes into the village to befriend women, and after making them fall in love he breaks their heart and returns to the waters? FLUTIE Why else would somebody hang out with humans if it wasnt for the women? UBA Stop. No mas! And as a friend, a little piece of advice about your quick snacks around populated areas: if its chewy and it floats, better not touch it. FLUTIE And what about the crispy ones? The manatee URPS in response to his partners comment. Up ahead The princess turns around to speed them up. Isabel Come on guys!!! I bet you can go faster if you dont talk. Save some of that energy for when Angel Falls comes around. Like a couple of preschoolers following the teacher after the bell, the two pick up the pace. 00020000073800009B3B732,EXT. pier upriver - day The sun is half way behind the canopy by the time the MOTOR BOAT closes in on the pier. Under POURING RAIN, the boat docks on the marine. One of the fishermen jumps overboard and ties the boat. The darkened silhouettes start unloading the equipment. The fancy shoes Of the French explorer crack the wood of the pier steps. ON TOP OF THE PIER The fit figure of Pierre Papin stares back at the river. Pierre Papin (Looking through binoculars) Where are you... A PHONE RINGS Amidst the boxes still on the boat. The poacher JUMPS back on the schooner. Pierre Papin Lowers the hood from the see through plastic cover and puts the oversized handset by his ear. Drenched by the HARD FALLING DROPS, his profile listens to the WORDS THUNDERING DOWN the speaker. MEDITERRANE (Just a mouth on the headset) Do you have my package in hand? Pierre Papin Not yet Monsieur. We spent the entire day on the river and couldnt find a male. On the other side of the ATLANTIC The face for a French fashion house speaks from behind his chic but austerely decorated table. His manicured body straitens up in the chair in fury with the answer. MEDITERRANE (BANGING FIST on the table) Pourquoi?!? One more sample and I will be able to bottle up the lifestyle of this seducing species to my own collection. The true love potion is finally at arms length. Every bachelor will want this fragrance, and it will bear my name, Mediterrane for men. Go back in the river and get it done! Pierre Papin Mais Monsieur...the crew is exhausted. MEDITERRANE The whole production line is waiting for you. Dont disappoint me. BACK ON THE RIVER The CLICK on the other side of the line is loud enough to make Pierre Papin brace from the headset. The explorer turns around and yells at the two locals working on the equipment. Pierre Papin 00020000063E0000A26D638,Turn on the lights! Were going back. ON THE PIER The fishermen MUMBLE a complaint in Portuguese. Shaking their heads, the two hold their ground under the deluge. Inside the boat Pierre Papin takes a big roll of dollar bills from his pocket and throws it at the pair. They catch the money and get back to work. NEARBY UNDER THE PIER A lonely pair of eyes from a frightened dolphin BLINKS in the waters shaken by the HEAVY RAIN. EXT. nightfall in the water - niGHT Blueish rays of moonlight expose the royal convoy resting by the bank following the long stretch upriver. After all the exercise, Uba SNORES LIKE A FREIGHT TRAIN. Shaken by the waves created by the manatees cheeks, Princess Isabel impatiently rolls awake in the river bed. Completely oblivious to the underwater tsunami, Flutie hibernates BUBBLING ZZZZs instead of watching his post. WITH eyes and teeth glowing large The pack of piranhas huddle up in the distance. Bruno Come on guys, this is it. We gotem just where we want them. Listen to me and well have a serious postgame meal. 69 toss power trap. On two! One, two... Pack (Clapping their fins) Break! The piranhas swim in formation. Leading the charge, Bruno quaterbacks the group rapidly approaching the goal. Bruno You three block the large mammal. I take care of the bodyguard. Melvin, you go for the princess. Ready? The pack answers by SNAPPING THEIR JAWS. Hiding focused eyes Under his coke bottom glasses, Melvin simply nods. BY THE RIVER BANK The princess jumps up alerted by the approaching threat, but has a hard time waking up her security detail. 0002000006BE0000A8A56B8,Isabel (Shaking the two senseless) Get up guys!!! Flutie (Still sleeping) I did it again, mom, Im a bad boy. Isabel (SLAPPING Flutie in the face) Wake up! FLUTIE Sorry, I was having a wet dream. Isabel We are under attack! Uba Where? What? When? Isabel Look! In the distance The pack CUTS THE WATERS with their shiny sharp teeth. BACK AT THE CONVOY The animals huddle up to plan their defense. UBA Quickly, we have to break their formation or we dont stand a chance. Flutie, straight up the middle. FLUTIE What? A kamikaze shot? UBA Trust me, the blitz will startle them. Isabel Guys, they are coming... Flutie swims straight at the pack with eyes wide shut. IN THE PACK PIRANHA #1 I never saw a fish do that! This guy is crazy! Piranha #2 What are we going to do now? Bruno Calm down! Stick to the plan. MELVIN (Creating confusion) Lets take care of the charging fish first, and then go after the princess. Bruno No. Do as I say! Too late. By the time they are at striking distance of the bodyguard, the entire attack is out of sync. IN A BLIND CHARGE Flutie swims past the pack of piranhas and keeps going into the murky waters like a bull fooled by the matador. Protected by the manatee Isabel loses the hungry pack in the dark waters. THE PIRANHAS Scramble to recompose. PIRANHA #2 The princess is gone. Bruno What the heck is going on out here? I say something in the huddle, we stick to it. And I mean all of us, Melvin... The sabotage master silently contemplates his good work. PIRANHA #1 Lets go after them. BRUNO We have no chance of finding them in the dark, but dont worry, we know where they are heading, and once they are stuck with Angel Falls at their backs Ill get that pink tail and... 0002000004700000AF5D46A,(Salivating) ITS CHOMP TIME! The two mammals Swim as fast as they can away from the battle field. Isabel And what about Flutie? Uba Dont worry, not even a pack of piranhas can figure him out, hes going be fine. Deep behind enemy lines Flutie finally opens his eyes. Expecting the worst, the fish fights invisible enemies until realizing hes safe. FLUTIE (False bravado) I knew they were going to chicken out! Flutie gets spooked by some movement around him. FLUTIE (CONTD) Uba? Isabel? Where are you guys? Wait for me! I hate being alone in the dark. ExT. north up the negro river - night The lizards snoop around in the dark behind Carlas lead. The wet canopy shades off the little natural light left, and all the chameleons can see is the silhouette of the exotic plants of the region being rocked by the rain. The exquisite vegetation includes the meat eating kind. With taste buds enticed by the fresh lizard smell, a giant killer bud OPENS ITS MOUTH over the trio. A lightning bolt Throws some clarity into the situation. Realizing the danger, the lizards take flight. MarcOS Better run through the jungle!!! 000200000D240000B3C7D1E,After the scare, the trio carefully browses in the dark. The RAIN stops. Without the thundering noise of the rainfall, other life forms in the forest take the stage to speak their mind. Crowd (O.S.) (Voodoo chanting) Mamaco mamusa macumacusa...mamaco mamusa macumacusa. The chameleons look around for the source of the voices. Crowd (o.S.) (CONTD) Mamaco mamusa macumacusa...mamaco mamusa macumacusa. The trio moves in the direction of the rhythmic crooning. The VOICES GET LOUDER. Crowd (o.S.) (CONTD) Mamaco mamusa macumacusa...mamaco mamusa macumacusa. From the edge of a promontory The chameleons identify the source of the chant: a parade of eyes with different sizes and shapes marching down toward the river to the sound of Jingo-like drum beats. MarcOS Macumba! Lets get out of here! INKY This is not native. My readings in the forgotten arts tell me that somebody brought the voodoo to the Amazon. IN THE SKIES The moon frees itself from the hovering clouds and its silver shine unveils an elaborate stage built with the waters of the Negro river as background. Manned by BATS, large reflecting panels high up around the perimeter redirect the moonlight and make the shack like structure come to life in the darkened jungle. Decorated like a masquerade bowl, this open air arena is the final destination for the entire night life of the region marching down in step like a roman legion. Dressed for the occasion, these nocturnal species echo their response toward the percussion work creating the look of a group of extras from Thriller. CROWD (entering the arena) Mamaco mamusa macumacusa...mamaco mamusa macumacusa. MarcOS These drums sound familiar... CARla Its a scary crowd, but maybe somebody in there knows something about the cave. The chameleons get closer to the action and can finally tell the source of the rhythmic beat: high up on stage, a TOUCAN wearing a vampire cape works the bongos. ON THE PLATFORM A band composed of FROG musicians looks on while the bird captivates the audience with his percussion solo. The toucan leaves the drums behind and wobbles his way to the microphone stand. The band kicks into a swinging tune while a couple of HOOTERS sing on cue. ON THE DANCE FLOOR Freed from the hypnotizing bongos, the crowd parties on. Crowd (into a frenzy) Iko! Iko!... Iko! Iko! ON STAGE Tilting the old school mic stand side to side, the toucan shakes his legs James Brown style. Once he get his cue from the band, IKO kicks in some old school rock n roll. OUTSIDE THE ARENA MarcOS This is not Carnival...BUT I LIKE IT! CARla Are you gonna shag the party? MarcOS Dont worry, Im VIP wherever I go. The chameleon disappears into the crowd. CARla I know it looks ugly, Inky, but lets see what we can find out about the cave in there. But first, well need some help to blend in. Using her natural ability, Carla changes her wardrobe into a drag version of Mortisha. INKY You wear it well! Following suit, Inky changes into a scary version of Montezumas revenge. Dressed for success, the couple mingles with the crowd. ON THE DANCE FLOOR The spotlight brings Carla show biz side out and the lizard starts shaking her tambourine. Inky joins in shadowing a couple of moves himself, but his unsure steps only make clear that at this time in history, he shouldnt be dancing in public anymore. FROM THE STAGE 00020000062C0000C0E5626,Iko spots Carla parting the crowd like a fun Moses and calls her up. She gets a leg up the platform and the two join on a duet. ON THE BACK OF THE PARTY Marcos elbows the counter of the refreshment stand. Surprised to hear Carlas voice over the microphone, Marcos gets the attention of a BAT working behind the counter, cocktail shaker in hand. MarcOS Whos the toucan from Transilvania? Bartender The gringos name is Iko, but his thirst is of a different kind. He just relocated here from New Orleans. MarcOS Americano, hmmm? Mardi Gras, that explains it all. (Pointing toward the bar) What you got back there? Any Guarana juice? BARTENDER We havent had this spirit here since 1969. I have some jungle juice Iko brought himself from the Gulf. The bartender points to a punch bow. MarcOS Gimme the thing! Ive been running on empty all day. The bat pours a glass of the cola-looking concoction. Marcos takes a curious look at the glass filled with the thirty weight thick liquid, and after a silent sign of the cross, he slides the mud down in one chug. MarcOS (CONTD) (rolling his eyes) Uuuuiiieeeee!!! Fire in the whole!!! TONGUE STRETCHED out to catch some air, Marcos looks for something to cool his burning throat. Throwing away the flowers, the chameleon downs a vase full of water. On stage The double rumble comes to an end. To DELIRIOUS APPLAUSE from the crowd, the American idol bows to his guest. Carla thanks the host and jumps on the arms of her fans. After traveling the length of the place on the crowd shoulders, the singer lands on the back bar. 0002000005A50000C70B59F,MarcOS (CONTD) (still rolling his eyes) Mama kin!!!That was some strange brew. (acknowledging Carla) What a nice surprise! I see you found your way back to me. CARla Apparently all you have to do is follow the crowd. MarcOS (approaching Carla) True, but what I really want to do is to hide from the world and check what you pack up close. Mano a mano... The chameleon tries to get personal with the singer, but she scapes to the dance floor with a stylish move. Marcos changes into a black outfit a la Johnny Cash, throw in the sun glasses for stealth and follows Carla. ON THE DANCE FLOOR The lizard grabs the singer by the hand and pulls her up close. Cheek to cheek the couple splits the crowd with synchronized high kicks. The reflective panels focus moon silver shine on the couple displaying some serious ballroom moves. Bringing it all home at the end, Marcos swiftly moves in for the kill. With a snappy tango pirouette Carla lands defenseless on the lizards outstretched arms. MarcOS (CONTD) (softly closing his eyes) Lets do the lokomotion. The chameleon approaches Carla for a kiss. Iko (interrupting with claps) Bravo!!! Bravo!!! Like an experienced criminal, Carla untangles herself from Marcos arms and leaves the chameleon in mid air with eyes closed and other plans spelled in his lips. Marcos stumbles to the floor after kissing the wind. BY THE COUNTER Carla visits with the toucan. IKO (CONTD) (cajun accent) 0002000003950000CCAA38F,Hoo-da! I havent seen such colorful creatures in a long time. What brings you guys to this neck of the woods? CARla Just a holiday getaway. Nice party you got going here! IKO Thanks. Its not easy to entertain this crowd. CARla I can tell. So you wanna be a rock star? IKO Well, I had some gigs back in the US, but Katrina blew my life out of the water. CARla She had to be a heck of a chick to make you give up America for this dark hole. IKO Katrina wasnt a woman, Katrina was a hurricane. I was born in the New Orleans Zoo from Brazilian parents. When the hurricane hit the city and closed down the place, I lost my working visa and was deported back into nature. CARla (tapping Iko in the back) Welcome home gringo. No green card, no cigar. Picking himself up from the floor Marcos breaks into the conversation. MarcOS Dude, you cant do whatever you want just because youre a gringo during Carnival. 0002000007C80000D0397C2,CARla Let him be. Hes still new to the Brazilian way. Where did you learn to play the bongos like that? IKO Back in Nawlins. Im a voodoo child, babe. CARla (pushing Marcos forward) Ask him!!! MarcOS About what? CARla The drum beat, jello head. You said it sounded familiar. Maybe he knows something about the cave. MarcOS Im tired of this treasure hunt thing. Look where it got us? Talking about us, where is Inky? The group turns to the crowd. ON THE DANCE FLOOR Inky is taking it old school style to a couple of scary looking lizards dressed like Goth chicks. MarcOS (CONTD) He cant see very well under any light, I better rescue him. Marcos pulls Inky from the arm. MarcOS (CONTD) (dragging the old lizard) Youll thank me for this one day... INKY I havent been out in so long. This is such a boost to my creative nature. MarcOS You were not painting a Monalisa back there, it was UGLY!!! INKY Looks are intrinsically valueless, young soul. What the skin holds inside is what really matters. Thats why we chameleons are the ultimate species: our eyes can see through appearances, and that allows us to change colors and match natures. MarcOS Always with your big words. Stay close museum plum, I wont bail you out again. The two lizards return to the counter where Carla and the expatriated toucan continue their conversation. IKO Its creepy that you mentioned a cave in conjunction with my drum work. I had a weird experience on my first night back in the jungle. Marcos (cutting in front) Really? By the freaks youve been bringing together, I just imagine the kind of stuff that goes down around here. CARla Let him finish! IKO I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of heavy drums. The thing reeled me out of bed because it reminded me of the voodoo beats I heard back in the Bayou. After some serious trucking through the jungle, I came up to this cave on the mountains up north. It felt like the entire forest was pulsating through that place. 0002000002BE0000D7FB2B8,CARla And what happened? IKO When I took one step into the cave the drum beats stopped. I came out of my trance and without extra help I wasnt entering that dark hole. CARla It sounds like the cave in the Inca legend, doesnt it? InKY As if it was written in the stars. CARla Could you take us back there? MarcOS Wait a minute, Im not going anywhere. Iko Nobody is. Its hard to travel up there at night. We have to wait until the sun is up to head north. CARla No sugar tonight then guys! We leave at the crack of down. Carla looks back at the crew but realizes that shes all by herself, everybody else is already on the dance floor. The singer shakes her head watching the troupe party on. 00020000059A0000DAB3594,EXT. pier upriver - dAY The sun slowly comes up behind the fishing boat DRAGGING back from the overnight expedition. Up front With his head weighted heavily on his hands, Pierre Papin DIALS a long string of numbers on the satellite phone. Grimacing before the call is even answered, the Italian hired gun looks down on himself with weary eyes. His profile anxiously listens to the intercontinental RINGS. OVERSEAS In a lavishly furnished patio, Mediterrane sips white wine out of a crystal glass. Comfortably stretched on a fancy sun chair, the manicured fashion designer lets the PHONE RING a couple of times before he bothers to answer. MediterranE Alo. Pierre Papin Monsieur... Mediterrane It was about time! The news. Pierre Papin (Closing his eyes) We spent the entire night in the river, and not a single male... MEDITERRANE And what are you doing talking on the phone? Get back in the water! Pierre Papin Mais Monsieur... MEDITERRANE You know their habits better than anybody else. Its almost the end of the mating season. I put my name and fortune behind this formula. Theres no turning back. Pierre Papin Mais... MEDITERRANE (erupting) I dont care if you have to drag this darn river all the way down to the ocean, get me what I need! Pierre Papin If we drag with long nets we are going to kill a lot of other species. MEDITERRANE Too late to develop a consciousness. I dont wanna hear excuses. Just do it! 00020000061C0000E047616,Mediterrane closes his cell with a LOUD CLAP. Without loosing his self given pomp, the French cappo turns around and picks another glass of wine from a professionally mannered maid standing by his side. BACK IN THE RIVER Pierre Papin swiftly lowers his head as he DROPS THE OVERSIZED HEADPHONE on the boats floor. After a long second hanging by the neck, he rises up and starts combing fingers through his hair like a madman. Pierre Papin Ill need a lot more help. The boat Closes in on the pier and shuts down the MOTOR. ON THE VILLAGE The hee-haw from the NATIVES celebrating on the streets echoes through the otherwise quiet morning. Oblivious to the eminent sunset, SILHOUETTES take the streets in a Conga line. Back on the boat Pierre Papin (CONTD) Its not going to be easy finding somebody to work around here... Ext. Journey toward the cave - day The sun exposes the dark forest with its rays. The group gets set to move toward the cave. Taking the lead, the toucan directs traffic in front of the pack. Iko (Pointing north) The caves a half days journey that way. Right behind the bird, Carla barks orders to the two chameleons struggling to move after partying all night. Carla Come on guys! If we dont leave now we wont be back before sundown. You dont wanna be caught up there in the dark. Dragging their tired bodies, Marcos and Inky share aches, pains and battle stories. Marcos Those freaks didnt turn out that bad when you peeked under their costumes. (Tapping Inky in the back) I didnt see all that fire in you, oldie. 00020000051E0000E65D518,Inky Im not dead yet. MarcOS Well, it just looks like it. INKY Call me old faithful. I had my days back in Peru. ExT. Underwater - day The first rays of light cut through the murky river and expose the two mammals making way against the current. Up ahead The princess trusts forward by lowering and raising her curvy back with royal grace. Behind And struggling to keep it that way, Uba has his undersized fins shaking with muscular spasms. The exhausted mammal is about to sink like a led zeppelin. Isabel (Turning back) Lets take a break. UBA (Almost exploding) Huuufffff! The oversized manatee catches up with the princess sliding gracefully to the surface, and SHOVES large quantities of the riverbank vegetation into his mouth as soon as he hits air. Isabel I wish Flutie was here. UBA (Breathless and mouthful) Dont worry, huff, huff, he knows where we are going. (Taking another bite) The problem is hes not alone. The news of the trip already hit the streets. That attack didnt seem random to me. The manatee takes another XLG bite from the green buffet. Isabel Easy there! Well need you slim and fast when we get to Angel Falls. UBA Huff, huff. And how exactly do you expect to reach up there? Isabel I dont know, but in the legend the dolphin finds a way to save the river. UBA 00020000044D0000EB75447,Your highness, I dont want to be pessimistic, but we are talking about letting a childrens story guide us. Isabel Its much more than that, Uba. Since unrecorded times nature has been teaching us how to survive. The legend is simply another chapter, one that talks about the day when the royal species will face a battle for survival that has implications for the entire river. UBA Hopefully when we get to the fall youll understand how real things can be. Isabel Well find a way, my gracious friend, youll see. Im glad to have you here, especially now that we lost Flutie. UBA (Taking a bite) You can count on me to take on the extra work. (FLAPPING his jaw around) I need a to go box. I hate leaving food on the plate. Princess Isabel smiles while her famine ridden friend CHOMPS the last mouth full of vegetation making his cheeks look like overpacked luggage. EXT. fuel station in the Jungle - day In the middle of the forest, a service station with sugar cane pumps reloads travelers with the all natural juice. MarcOS (jumping to the front) Thats what I need. Filler up. 00020000060B0000EFBC605,The attendant takes the nozzle and sticks it on the side of the chameleons mouth. Sitting on a barber chair Marcos ROLLS HIS EYES in synch with the display marking the gallons pumped. The chameleon jumps up when hes had his fill. MarcOS (CONTD) (rolling his eyes) Uuuuiiiieee!!!Thats what Im talking about! Sugar cane is much better than that black stuff you brew in the gulf, gringo. Iko Where I come from, black turns into green. MarcOS Not the kind of green we need. Here, have a try. The toucan takes a chug from the clean burn fuel. Iko Smooooth... MarcOS And it has great mileage in it too. By the way, how far until we reach this cave? Theres only a couple of days left in Carnival, I dont wanna spend them buried in the jungle with you guys. IKO Not very far. Look. The toucan uses his wing to point north. over the tree tops A mountain range covered with thick vegetation spreads for miles. MARCOS (pushing Inky) Better top it off, old man. We still got some ways to go. Inky takes the nozzle, but like a gentleman he makes sure that Carmen is satisfied before filling up his own tank. IN THE DISTANCE Hovering clouds surround the green hill tops. EXT. PIER UPRIVER - daY Pierre Papin checks his watch from the top of the pier. ON THE BANKS A loud HORDE OF VILLAGERS carrying nets goes down the steps that lead to a series of boats crowding the river. Pierre Papin These guys are a drag. Guide (in broken English) Best I could find Carnival morning. Net too big, not good for dolphin. Kill other fish too. Pierre Papin 0002000004BB0000F5C14B5,Im paying for a male dolphin, you guys can keep the rest of the stuff. BACK AT THE SHORE Some workers snore using the nets as pillows. Red faced Papin JUMPS from the pier and lands on his boat. The IMPACT rocks the vessel. Pierre Papin (CONTD) Get up! The locals scramble to position. Shouting orders in all directions Pierre Papin leads the parade of boats away from the banks. EXT. near the cave - dAY The toucan cuts through the thick vegetation with his beak clearing the path for the rest of the group. BEHIND HIM Carla towers over the other two chameleons trying to spot the mountains, but the green canopy shades off her view. The group reaches a clear surrounded by heavy foliage. Carla I recognize this spot. Weve been moving in circles. (tapping Ikos shoulder) Do you know where you are going? Iko (scratching his head) I did, but now...see, the only reason I found the place the first time was because of the drums. Marcos I knew it! Just the kind of lead we need. INKY We cant be too far. MarcOS Its time for a change of command. Im taking over. Let me see, where is north? Marcos eyes Spin around surveying the jungle. By his side, Carla taps her platform shoes impatiently. 00020000037B0000FA76375,CARla Now we are getting somewhere! Mr. Focused leading the way...sure, why not? Marcos points in every direction before choosing one. MarcOS Thats the way, right there! The chameleon tries to move in the pointed direction, but his foot gets tangled up on a tree root. Loosing his balance, the lizard BREAKS through the heavy foliage behind him and disappears. CARLA Marcos?!? MARCOS (O.S.) Guys, over here! Iko uses his beak to cut across the green wall. On the other side of the bush Marcos is laying down on the ground pointing at the mountain range up side down. Carla Look! at the end of a spread with no vegetation A cave mouth opens up at the feet of the mountain. Iko This is it. I can feel it. Carla Lets go check it out. The group marches in file toward the mountain. FROM THE CAVE MOUTH A couple of muffed DRUM THUDS reverberate in the distance ON THE BEATEN PATH 0002000002110000FDEB20B,Inky stalls as if he just hit an invisible wall. Marcos walking right behind him bumps face first into his skinny back. Inky Did you feel that? I havent sensed anything this strong since my days in the sacred grounds of Machu Picchu. MarcOS (startled) All I could feel was how bad you need a shower and some new clothes. InkY (showing off the garment) This is 100% Chilean llama. MarcOS The llama wore it better. From inside THE CAVE Another pair of DRUM THUDS rock the air. The sound waves raise Ikos black feathers. 0002000005300000FFF652A,IKO Thats the one right there, straight from the Bayou. INKY This is the place the legend talks about. MarcOS People bang a gong everywhere this time of the year. Out of the dark WHOLE HEAVY DRUMS START POUNDING on cue. The contagious beat hypnotizes the group. In trance, the animals cover the last steps leading to the cave walking like zombies. When they take one step inside the cavern the drum work stops abruptly. CARla (coming out of the trance) Oh la la! I never heard anything like that. Marcos (turning around) Thats the wrong beat during Carnival, Im ready to get out of here. CARla Wait! And what about the riddle? MarcOS That led to the cave, and here we are. Lets put the mission accomplished banner up, and go home. Next! Marcos looks around the group for support. Inky The vision you had was a call for help. MarcOS Well, this time, if its for me, take a message. Im busy figuring out my way out of here. Marcos tries to leave, but Carla blocks the way with her extra large body. CARla Wait a minute there. Inky, what does the legend say about the oracle? INKY Only the right person is allowed to hear what the heartbeat has to say. Thats why the drums stopped when Iko came here for the first time. The same happened again. Carla and Inky exchange a quizzical look before turning to face Marcos. 00020000065600010520650,MarcoS What? CARlA Nature has its own way of doing things if it chose you for something like this, but who am I to doubt it? Get in there! Carla pushes the chameleon inside the cave. The drums restart at once, and this time they come accompanied by a light display to which the animals can simply see the colorful reflection off the walls. INSIDE THE TUNNEL A frightened Marcos turns around looking for back up and sees hes all by himself. Taking a deep breath, the wide eyed chameleon gingerly taps his way toward the source of the blinding lights creating long shadows on the walls. After a sharp turn, the cavern opens up into a high ceiling cathedral filled with stalactites. In its heart The cave is the stage for a couple of fiery drums thundering rhythmically side by side. On the background, an indoor Aurora Borealis is the source of the intense light display. Its colorful rays dance their way around the open space of the atrium. The two gongos get airborne and become the fiery eyes of a giant tridimensional profile with fast talking lips. Fiery drums Passed Jerusalem the party must stream To a place the captain may sink or swim With a pink life jacket to lead the way Find the bridge and in the ark they stay Marcos eyes Start twirling like a couple of drains. Earth, wind and fire come together in the spirits encore. The drums make an elaborate ballet in the air that leaves Marcos woozy following their every move. AT THE ENTRANCE The final drum thuds still echo in the air when the chameleon makes his way back to the group repeating the riddle as an automaton. 00020000074000010B7073A,MarcOS Passed Jerusalem the party must stream To a place the captain may sink or swim With a pink life jacket to lead the way Find the bridge and in the ark they stay Carla slaps the chameleon in the face to snap him out of the voodoo. CARla I heard it the first fifteen times! Marcos comes out of the trance wobbly. MarcOS (rotating his eyes) UUUUiiieeee. That was bananas! CARla The problem now is figuring out what it means. IKO Jerusalem is on the other side of the world, what can be further away? Inky A riddles meaning is subtle, what you see is not what you get. MarcOS Well have plenty of time to figure it out on the way back. CARla Passed Jerusalem the party must stream, the heart beat is giving us directions. Is there a town called Jerusalem in the Amazon? MarcOS Nope, but I know where home is... INKY Hmmm, I see it now...the riddle is not talking about a town, but a gathering of a different kind. CARla What do you mean? INKY There is a new era community called New Jerusalem in the junction with the Solimoes. Over there predators and prey leave as friends in an endless summer of love. I spent some time there in 67 when I first came from Peru. MarcOS Are we talking about some freaky hippies hanging around in huts? INKY No, actually the place is pretty high tech. Some of the greatest minds of the Amazon leave and party there. MarcOS Party? Did I hear the magic word? INKY And not any party, the mother of all haves. That is what the riddle is talking about. On the last day of Carnival the animals stream to the margin of the Amazon to celebrate life, prey and predator alike. In New Jerusalem the party rolls deep into Ashs Wednesday. MarcOS For an old geezer, you know a little something about having fun. INKY I was born yesterday, but I spent all night just learning the right tricks... 00020000045A000112AA454,CaRla And how do we get there? INKY That is the problem. To be there in time we need to cross the Negro river and head southwest through a region that is in constant fires. We need a tracker that knows the ground or well never make it. IKO I know somebody that can take us there. MarcOS Dude, I dont know if I can follow you around again. IKO Trust me, I met him when I first arrived and was impressed with his ground skills. CARla Well, it does not look like we have a lot of options. Lets go meet this guy. EXT. angel falls - day Princess Isabel hits the surface of the huge pool that sits underneath Angel Falls. The massive amount of water falling from the rocks creates a thick foam on the river surface. Isabel looks up The aired out drops dancing their way down from the top of the waterfall and contemplates the challenge. Uba emerges For air like a whale with a case of the hick ups. UBA (Out of breath) Hufff! Can you see it now, your highness? I told you the fairy tale would be over when we got to the fall. How do you plan to get up there? Isabel Where there is a will, there is a way. 00020000053B000116FE535,UBA (Frightened) Make it quick then, look. The princess submerges to check what has the manatees full attention. Across the way Spread in a half moon formation ready to strike, the carnivorous fish listen to their headman. bruno No mess ups this time and well savor a royal pink banquet. At one end of the line, Melvin holds a determined look of anticipation behind his nerdy looking glasses. bruno (CONTD) Listen up! We are going all out. You guys take care of the manatee while Melvin and I go after the booty. They have nowhere to run this time! When I get that tail trapped with Angel Falls behind her, its CHOMP TIME!!! Following Brunos lead the pack starts swimming in high velocity toward their target. ACROSS THE WAY The princess and her heavy set butler look around searching for a scape route. SWIMMING IN FORMATION With their sharp teeth in full display, the pack flanks the flustered mammals. UP AHEAD The royal convoy freezes like dear on the headlight. Isabel What are we going to do? UBA Im thinking! Isabel We need a little bit more than that now. OUT OF nowhere Flutie shows up with a full head of steam and cuts through the water in a collision course with the carnivore threat. Isabel (CONTD) Flutie! UBA It was about time! INSIDE THE FORMATION One of the piranhas notices the body guard on duty. 00020000074F00011C33749,PIRANHA #1 Look! That crazy fish again. The attention of the pack shifts to the side. Coming at an angle The fish screams from the top of his lungs as he charges at the piranhas. FlUTIE Im a bad man!!! The pack brakes the formation to avoid the collision. IN THE DISTANCE The princess and her butler use the opportunity to swim as fast as they can contouring the sharp rocks at the bottom of the fall. Uba Where do we go now? It wont take long for them to catch up with us. AFTER Making a tight corner Flutie meets the fleeing couple. Isabel Flutie! Im so glad to see you. Flutie My princess, I found a passage upriver, but we are on a tight spot. (Pointing at Uba) The thing is not made for somebody that visits the big and tall session, if you know what I mean. UBA My size is just right. Flutie Well see when we get there. The mammals follow the body guard contouring the rocky bottom until they are directly underneath the fall. Back behind THE CONVOY The piranhas regroup after the near miss. bruno Lets go guys. They can run, but they can not hide. The huge volume of water falling from the top of the rocks disturbs the bottom of the pool and creates a natural camouflage for the fleeing dinner. UNDERNEATH THE FALL UBA (Looking back) You better know where youre going cause theyll be here fast and furious. FLUTIE Its right here. Lets go princess, you first. Uba, hold your breath and tighten up those abs, itll be a close fit. Flutie points to the entrance of an underwater cave. Isabel is the first one to swim through the hole, but the current in the underwater tunnel requires a lot of effort from the princess to make way upwards. Right behind her, Flutie uses his nimble body to beat the current and follow Isabel to the top. at the entrance Uba struggles to fit in the hole. UNDERNEATH THE FALL The piranhas look for the lost trail. 00020000091F0001237C919,bruno They cant be too far, keep looking. PIRANHA #1 Over there! The fish points his fin in the direction of the oversized butler being held behind by his extra curves. Melvin quickly jumps ahead of the pack. MELVIN He is mine! Get out of the way. The Asian looking piranha swims toward the entrance of the tunnel with his oversized glasses tilting side to side with each stroke of his fins. BACK IN THE PACK bruno Stand back! It was about time he started to go after big game. The piranhas follow Melvin at a distance anxious to see him in action against the oversized manatee. Inside the tunnel Flutie looks back and notices Uba is not there. FLUTIE (Toward Isabel on the front) Keep going, I need to give the big fella a hand. The fish turns around and heads downhill. On the outside The manatee exhales and makes a last effort to fit through the opening. Backing up to get some room, Uba swims into the hole with all his 900 pounds of momentum, but despite the head of steam the manatee plugs the tunnel like a fat cork. Inside the TUNNEL Flutie catches up with Uba. In his struggle to fit in, the manatee makes faces. FLUTIE (CONTD) Come on big fella, think light, you are going to make it. The manatee lets a loud spray of bubbles go. UBA Oops. FLUTIE Keep working, the ozone layerll survive. On the outside Melvin catches up with the manatees oversized behind stroking to unclog itself, and is received with the bubbles from the river cow flatulence. Woozy from the gas, the vegetarian fish fakes a mean face and clings to the mammals tail being swung up and down. In the tunnel Uba feels the bite and starts screaming with pain. Uba AAAArgh!!! FLUTIE Yeah! Get lean and mean, big daddy. IN THE DISTANCE Bruno and the rest of the pack see Melvin having a hard time chewing his supersized meal and jump in the fray. bruno Lets go guys, its a free for all! Seeing the pack move in the corner of his eye, Melvin goes against his own nature and gives the manatee a real chew. Inside the tunnel Uba cries out in pain. The manatees reaction props his body passed the bottleneck and moving uphill. FLUTIE Yeah, big pappy, keep coming! OUTSIDE THE TUNNEL The sudden release of all the water that was dammed by the manatees large body hits the piranhas head first and sends them packing to the bottom of the pool. 0002000004D500012C954CF,Mission accomplished, Melvin lets go off Ubas tail. The fish wears a green smile while he lets his body be taken down by the current. UPRIVER Uba and Flutie finally reach the top of the waterfall where they meet an ecstatic Isabel. Isabel Thank God! I thought the piranhas had gotten to you guys. UBA (Showing his behind) They took a chunk out of my tail. FluTIE Dont worry, there is plenty where it came from, you wont miss a bite. Isabel Lets keep moving. The journey just begun now that we made past the fall. The princess trusts against the current. Right behind her, Flutie smiles looking back at the manatee inspecting his partially bitten tail. EXT. upriver on Pierre Papins boat - day The loud roar from fishing boats heading down river makes long legged birds take flight from nearby trees. Flanking each other with only a couple of feet in between them, the vessels cruise the calm river in formation. On the rear deck OF THE boats Men get set to cast nets tied to a long rope stretching the length of the convoy. From the top of the leading boat Pierre Papin gives the go ahead signal to the crew. With a heavy splash, the fishermen throw the nets over the rail. The waters quickly swallow the fishing gear. 00020000058800013164582,Holding their position The fishing boats drag the waters giving the convoy the appearance of a comb grazing through the river. ON THE CABIN Pierre Papin swings his head up to contemplate the immensity of the river through his binoculars. Pierre Papin You got to be here somewhere, and Im going to find you, yes I will. The Frenchman approaches the back rail of his fishing boat and gives his men a signal. On deck Shirtless men pull on the cord with coordinated strokes. The ballet of bodies raising and lowering their torsos to gain over the tight rope is intense. The crew clears the rail with the bounty. The net is dropped on the floor of the wooden boat. Its lively content of flapping tails fills the deck along with used tires, rusted cans and random trash. Pierre Papin inspects the result of the drag on his boat. His face grows gloom when he sees no pink dolphin among the trapped species desperately fighting for their lives. ON ANOTHER BOAT A commotion ensues with the net still in the air. A fisherman starts to yell in Portuguese and waves across the river to get Pierre Papins attention. The explorer jumps From rail to rail to meet the crew gathered around the fish wrap. Papin spots a pink profile fighting the nylon among other species. The package is released on deck. With a splash of lively bodies moving in all directions, the content spreads itself on the bottom of the boat. 0002000005AE000136E65A8,Papin jumps over the dolphin, but yells in frustration. Pierre Papin (CONTD) Another female! With anger bloated in his grimace, the Italian explorer turns around to face the river. Pierre Papin (CONTD) Ill find you!!! GUIDE (Pointing at the dolphin) And what about this one? Papin turns around to face the female pink dolphin banging her head on the deck. The convex reflection of the French explorer in the dolphins eyes yells back at the crew. Pierre Papin Get ride of her! We got to get these nets freed up quickly, there is a lot of river to drag. Lets go! The image of a fishermans hand approaching her body is the last picture on the dolphins eyes before she blinks. ExT. riverside - day With Iko as guide, the group climbs a promontory on the east bank of the Negro River. As they gain elevation, Negros dark waters open up in front of the bunch. Marcos Here we go again! Whoever you were looking for, better be on this side. Iko Dont worry, were here just in time. Nothing like a friendly after work, specially if you spend all day in a hole. The toucan points down to the riverbank. Caved out of the waterfronts high grass, a dirt pitch populated by armadillos warming up for a soccer match parallels the river. IKO (CONTD) These are the best sits in the house, just sit back and enjoy. Blowing the whistle A trio of black wild dogs heads to mid-field carrying a soccer ball. The captains of both teams approach the ref. 000200000E1900013C8EE13,Ref First to five wins. Ready? Wearing number ten in blue, a short and stocky armadillo with permed hair smirks his consent. Across the way, a dark skinned armadillo with royal attitude and a yellow shirt to back it up nods back. The two teams scramble to position. The ref drops the ball from the air like a hockey puck to start the match. To contagious cheer from the other life forms populating the sidelines, the armadillos immediately go at it showing impressive footwork under their armored bodies. Ext. soCCER PITCH - day (montage) -- The short and squab legged armadillo wearing number ten for the blue team seizes control of the ball and starting from mid-field blows by several defenders plus the goalie for a score. -- An armadillo with big teeth and nappy hairdo receives a sweet assist from number ten in yellow, but is brought down by an Azurres defender right in front of the box. -- The ref blows the whistle and measures steps for the wall. Bending the laws of physics to put the ball out of reach of a frozen goalie, a bold armadillo with legs like tree trunks stuffs the net with a left foot canon. -- On the other end, a pass from a tall mid fielder with German like efficiency leaves the dark skinned number nine for the blue team in position to squeak the ball by the lion haired goalie guarding the sticks. -- Heading to the corner post to celebrate with African joy, the striker is joined by his teammates. -- Ignoring the taunts, the captain for the yellow team picks the ball from the net and brings it to mid-field. -- After initiating a play on the right flank, number ten positions himself in the box. Floating in the air like a hummingbird, his header pummels the ground with fury, but is miraculously tapped in the low corner by the goalie. -- The blue team counter attacks with shorty wearing number ten leading the charge. Using the hand of God to make up for his low stature, he beats the goalie on a jump ball inside the box to put his team ahead 3 X 1. -- The ref is immediately surrounded by complaints from the yellow team. The argument spreads to the players, and after some pushing and shoving, a tall and bold armadillo receives a red card for giving an opponent a head bunt. -- As soon as the ball rolls again, the right wing for the yellow team dazzles the blue defense, stopping and going so quickly as to make defenders look like fools. -- Starting from their own backfield, the yellow team shares the love leaving blue defenders lost in space. Once inside the box, their right back receives an assist from number ten and fills the net with a diagonal blast. -- The ref raises substitution signs on the sidelines. Two female armadillos sprint into the field. -- After a quick exchange of passes, a shorty wearing eleven in yellow uses his break out speed to sprint past defenders and beat the goalie with a right foot tap. -- Receiving a sweet pass from the tango dancer wearing ten, the striker in blue is brought down inside the box. The ref blows the whistle and points the penalty mark. -- The female armadillo who just came in approaches the box, sets up the shot, and fires a sure strike on the corner to put her team up 4 X 2. She takes her shirt off to show her sports bra during the celebration. -- Number ten in yellow collects a pass with his chest inside the box, loops one defender with a quick touch and fires the rock before it even touches the ground. -- Team blue tries to respond with a quick strike from their own captain, but this time the goalie snatches the ball heading to the top drawer in mid-air like a feline. 00020000085C00014AA1856,-- On the other end, a pass along the box line reaches a player in yellow who lets the ball go by opening his legs. The trickery frees number nine who uses his right foot to kiss the lower corner and tie the game at fours. -- The ref raises one finger before dropping the ball at mid-field. With an orange sundown in the background, the focused expression of both captains at the face off show that this one is for all the marbles. -- Blue team controls the rock first and marches down the field with quick passes. When number ten is ready to strike, the captain for the yellow team show his true colors by helping the defense with a game saving tackle. -- The yellow team gets its chance. After a diagonal entry pass from a mid-fielder, number ten fools the goalie in the box by letting the ball go untouched. Retrieving it himself, the king scores to end the game. ExT. kosmos home field - daY Emerging from a pile of armadillos celebrating the victory with a mosh pit, the game hero is brought in the arms of his teammates to the sidelines where Iko and the rest of the troupe have come down to meet him. IKO Bravo! Bravo! You got some mad skills! We have to get you out of this hole and in front of a real audience. Kosmo I rather play among friends. I see you have a crew of your own this time. Do they also play the beautiful game? IKO No, we came here looking for ground skills of a different kind. Can you take us to New Jerusalem? KOSMO I didnt know you liked to party like that, gringo. IKO Its serious business. The spirit of the forest gave us an important message, but we have to be there before Carnival ends. KOSMO Whatever. Being kidnapped by aliens would work better with my wife. Carla It is true. He had a dream that may have repercussions for life in the entire forest. Tell him about it, Marcos. Carla turns around to look for the lizard, but his attention is somewhere else, eyes twitching and turning while he looks at two female chameleons on the sideline. KOSMO I can see hes trying to get somewhere... Carla yanks the lizard by the arm. Marcos body follow the lead, but his eyes stay behind. 000200000635000152F762F,Inky We dont know what the message means yet, but the answer is in New Jerusalem. Iko Well never make there in time without your help. The armadillo stops to ponder. Looking around to see if anyone is watching, he huddles in for privacy. KOSMO (Lower tone) And I get to enjoy the party once we get there? Carla Until the sun comes up. Thats the only thing keeping this lizard here on track. Carla shakes Marcos like a salt shaker. After rattling in the cage Marcos wondering eyes finally focus on the conversation. MarcOS Its all good and that, but can somebody tell me how were going to get across? The DARK waters of the Negro Roll passed the soccer pitch. KOSMO Dont worry, I have just the right thing now that the parade is about to start. MarcOS Parade, like in Carnival Parade? KOSMO Life is always better on the other side of the tracks. Look. The armadillo points passed the Negro River. With THE red sunset as background A phalanx of animals dressed in shining costumes take the west bank by storm. MarcOS What are we waiting for? KOSMO Well, first we have to convince my wife I need to be out saving the world during Carnival... Kosmo waves down an angry looking female armadillo. KOSMO (CONTD) Honey, come meet our visitors! Ext. Pier downriver - night The noisy flotilla closes in on a village made of wooden shacks suspended over the waters. The boats secure anchor and turn off their motors. Celebration sounds coming from the houses reverberate throughout the river. Like in a jailbreak, the crew jumps out of the boats to join the party in the village. 0002000006E1000159266DB,From his captains chair Pierre Papin yells at his men abandoning ship like rats. Pierre Papin Get some rest, well be back in the water before the sun is up. IN THE VILLAGE The crew ignores him and joins the celebration. BACK IN HIS BOAT Pierre Papin (CONTD) (To himself) There is only one day left in the season, I have to get my hands on a pink dolphin before Carnival is over. ExT. kosmos home field - night Led by the soccer playing armadillo, the group crosses the pitch toward the east bank of the Negro river. MarcOS (tapping Kosmo in the back) Man, you married a keeper! CARla No kidding! KOSMO (looking around) Shhhh! Wait until we are on the other side of the river to brag about it, she still can change her mind. MarcOS Now that you said it, how are we going to get across? KOSMO Teamwork. They join the rest of the armadillos gathered by the bank. To the sound of soccer chants, the players carry one of the goals in their arms, net and all. Crowd Ole, ole ole ole, party! party! MarcOS I aint gonna be part of no soccer riot! Im a lover, not a fighter. KOSMO Its not what youre thinking. The armadillos stick the goal posts on the dark mud by the water. Pointing the wooden rectangle toward the shiny costumes moving across the river, the crew gets set. Armadillo Fun torpedo number one ready captain. KOSMO Set! Stretching the net like a sling shot, the team loads one of the armadillos deep in the ropes and aims the shot at the parade across the river. KOSMO (CONTD) Ready... In the middle of the net The armadillo digs deep inside its own shell and turns into a live cannon ball. KOSMO (CONTD) Fire! The animals let the net go. the three chameleons Follow the parabola like trajectory of the armadillo with their necks. 0002000006810001600167B,The group cringes when the shot falls short of the target and the lizard hits the water. KOSMO (CONTD) (turning to the chameleons) Hum...dont worry, he knows how to swim. (toward the artillery) Come on guys, put some juice on it! Another armadillo jumps in the net. Making faces with the extra effort, the team puts more muscle in it this time. KOSMO (CONTD) Fire! The men let the sling shot go. The mammal encapsulated in its hard shell rainbows all the way across the river. ON THE OPPOSITE BANK The live ball stuffs a net tied to a couple of trees. The armadillo rolls down the net and once on firm ground, he waves back at the crew before running to join the crowd gathered for the parade. BACK ACROSS THE RIVER KOSMO (CONTD) There he goes! (offering his arm to Carla) Ladies first. Like a gentleman, Kosmo leads the extra large chameleon to the middle of the net. All hands are necessary to stretch the sling shot back and prop Carla in the skies. in the air The lizard spots the flames of forest fires burning in the horizon. Carla lands on the net and graciously slides to the ground. She waves to the chameleons, calling them on. ACROSS THE RIVER The chameleons look at each other, but hold their ground. KOSMO(CONTD) Who is next? Again no response, just a stare. IKO It may take a while! See you guys across. The toucan takes off. IN THE SLING SHOT Kosmo brakes the stalemate by putting a double load on the net and lobbing the two lizards at once. in the skies Marcos screams his lungs out while Inky shakes like a leaf on tree wrapped around the lizard. The two chameleons hit the net awkwardly and tumble all the way to the ground. 000200000AD50001667CACF,With their slick bodies playing twister with each other, the chameleons crash land by Carlas tapping feet. Kosmo stuffs the net Right behind them and rolls out of his shell in stride. KOSMO Come on guys! There is no time for that. The chameleons untangle themselves. STUFFING THE NET One by one, the rest of the armadillos reach safety. Kosmo leads the group to the middle of the crowd gathered on the side of the road to watch the Carnival parade. ON DISPLAY Giant decorated floats populated by the forest life wearing costumes make way across the avenue. Behind the line of huge carts, droves of percussion players provide the heart beat for the celebration. With painted bodies, these SPIDER MONKEYS drum their contagious beat while dancing in step. At the rear, a tall bus with giant speakers pointing in every direction cuts across the sea of people. On top of the bus An elaborated stage is home for an entire band, soloing guitarists and all. On the mic, four JAGUAR crooners take turns singing their calls of joy to invite the crowd. THE LEGION Gathered to watch the parade rushes to join in. KOSMO (CONTD) Lets go! CARla Did you see the forest fires from the skies? How are we going to get across? KOSMO I got that covered, tonight we celebrate. The group is engulfed by the avalanche of moving bodies dancing their worries away. ExT. night stay by the riverbank - night The royal convoy arrives at a vegetation rich curve of the river. In tall bunches, long leafed plants stretch up creating the appearance of a green Medusa in the waters. Isabel Thats enough for today guys. Lets spend the night here, the vegetation will shelter us. Flutie Uba likes the room service. the manatee CHEWS HEAVILY On the wavering leafs. Uba If you just did your job, we wouldnt have to hide. Flutie Hard to hide a cow in a closet. UBA Who are you calling a cow fish? Isabel Boys, stop bickering and get some rest! Tomorrow we have a long day ahead of us. UBA Ill take the first shift. FLUTIE Thank you, that way the rest of us might be able to get some sleep too. Flutie and the princess make themselves comfortable on the riverbed and immediately start catching some ZZZs. Steadfast in his post Uba gluts down large quantities of the vegetation. ON LAND A giant anaconda travels in stealth mode amidst the foliage on the forests floor. UNDERWATER Uba at first takes just a small taste out of a green bunch, but insatiable, gulps the whole thing. ON THE EDGE The anaconda submerges without a splash, its long body thickening as it gains over the calm waters. UNDERWATER The manatee chews on his dinner unaware hes got company. IN STEALTH The snake takes a sinuous path to the river bottom. Camouflaged by the thick vegetation, it roams for prey. 000200000EA40001714BE9E,The snakes eyes spot the manatee. In the distance Uba is too concerned about which bunch to stick in his mouth next to see it coming. IMMERSED IN THE VEGETATION The predator slowly makes her way toward the prey. Starting from the tail up, the anaconda carefully wraps her body around the manatee. Suffocated by the surprise hug, Uba tries to cry for help but the anacondas tail gags his mouth. BRIDGET Got you on a stranglehold baby! The manatee tries to fight his way out of the snakes grip, but all he manages to do is to expose different portions of his love handles. The snake opens its enormous mouth. Uba stares down the gargantuan throat in panic as the predator begins to swallow him head first. Neck deep in the anacondass mouth, Uba fights for his life. Bloated by the effort, the manatee lets a fart go. The bubbles of gas released by the mammals flatulence travel all the way to where Flutie and Isabel sleep. A big bubble disappears in Fluties mouth. The snoring fish wakes up shaking his head in repulse and sees the anaconda swallowing the manatee whole. FLUTIE Wake up princess! You have to see this. The fish shakes the princess. Isabel wakes up slowly, but becomes wide eyed as soon as she sees the feeding snake. Isabel You are not going to do anything? FLUTIE I think its already too late. The anacondas stretched mouth covers the manatees entire head. Isabel Please, let him go. Uba has been a loyal friend of the family for generations, I need him in this journey. The snake continues to chew on the manatee. FLUTIE I think youll have to use something a little more convincing than that. Isabel (Somber) Pink dolphins have been given the responsibility to reign over this river with the understanding that every life form in it is as important as the other. Now that our own survival is on the balance, the journey to save ourselves turns out to mean much more than just the survival of one species. The snake stops for a second and eyes the princess. Isabel (CONTD) The Amazon river links us all together. If that chain is broken, there is not telling which creatures will survive. I need his help to keep going. The anaconda spits the manatee whole. FluTIE Smart choice, your cholesterol thanks you. Uba is blue from the death choke and starts coughing up. BRIDGET What can I do to help? FLUTIE Unless you know a bar where single male pink dolphins hang out before the mating season is over, theres not much to do. IsABEL You already did a lot by letting my friend go, thank you. The anaconda Swims away and disappears in the dark waters. ON THE RIVER BED Uba slowly gathers himself and starts eating again. FLUTIE Yes, have a little more stuffing. ExT. Pier DOWNRIVER - day Pierre Papin is sound asleep on his captains chair. loud phone rings make him jump out of his sit. Reaching for the headset from the boats floor, the poacher scrambles to answer the call. Pierre Papin Alo! IN AN EUROPEAN SPA Mediterrane has his assistant hold the phone in position while a couple of firm hands give him a massage. Mediterrane Its the last day of Carnival. Where is my dolphin? BACK IN THE RIVER Down on the boats wooden canvas, Pierre Papin struggles to straighten his body up. Pierre Papin Im working on it, Monsieur. MEDITERRANE Youre late to work. The mating season will be over tomorrow. Pierre Papin finally manages to stand up headset in hand. Pierre Papin Its the Carnival, people around here cant think of anything else. MEDITERRANE Youre running out of time and excuses. Dont come back empty handed. IN THE SPA Mediterrane waves his head and his assistant closes the phone. Laying down with a towel over his body, the fashion mogul receives karate shots to his lower back. 00020000079C00017FE9796,BACK IN THE BOAT Pierre Papin lowers the phone and looks around for the rest of his crew. Up in the village The last ones standing walk side by side singing out of tune. IN HIS CABIN The Italian explorer throws his cap on the back seat, turns his motor on and jumps overboard to untie the boat. With athletic moves Pierre Papin makes his way back to the cabin and steers the boat away from the pier. Pierre Papin If you got do something well, you have do it yourself. The boat accelerates away from the village. ON THE RIVER BANK The profile of a handsome man wearing a suit and a panama hat walks toward the water line. The gallant figure slowly submerges in the river. After a second, a dolphins tail strikes the surface. EXT. west of the negro river - day Led by the armadillo, the group hikes the forest. MarcOS It was a great party last night. I got to try different things more often. KOSMO Wait until we get to New Jerusalem, that is the best Carnival in the world. Carla Lets not loose sight of our goal here, fellas. We still do not know what the riddle is about, and it wont be easy to make it there in the first place. Look. A CLEAR Of burned trees with smoke still coming out of the darkened ground opens up in the middle of the forest. Inky Men! CARla And it is not over yet. Look. On the horizon A wall of flames as high as the tallest tree tops still torches the green vegetation. MarcOS I think we better find another way. Grilled lizard is not on the menu today. CARla We cant afford to go around this fire or well never make it on time. KOSMO There is another way. Follow me. Kosmo starts roaming around checking the few trees that were left standing. MarcOS What is he looking for? Iko I have no idea. The armadillo finds a tree he likes and starts POUNDING its trunk with his tail. IN THE FIELD Several holes on the ground open up and from wooden doors armadillos stick their heads out across the torched land. 000200000D380001877FD32,Kosmo Brothers and sisters, we ask for the right of way. The same sound Kosmo made with his tail on the tree trunk can be heard repeated in the distance. KOSMO (CONTD) Lets go! MarcoS What are we supposed to do? KOSMO Pack tight behind me, were going down under. Iko I see you guys across the fire. I dont wanna become smoked turkey. The bird takes flight. KOSMO Ready? The lizards line up behind Kosmo. KOSMO (CONTD) Hold on tight, were going for a ride. The three chameleons follow the lead of the armadillo and jump down the entrance of a nearby hole. The compact group slides down the underground tunnel system built by the armadillos like a bob sled team. At the end of the tunnel, the group is propelled back into the air. The chameleons scream during the parabola like trajectory, but land on the opening for the next hole. The animals go from one opening to the other across the field. The group approaches the line of fire. KOSMO (CONTD) Hang on tight and stand the heat! The animals dive underground inches before hitting the wall of flames. After sliding down the smoky tunnel, the group is propelled back to the surface without completely clearing the forest fire. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FLAMES Marcos holds by a thread to Inkys ragged shirt. He twists and turns to avoid the blazes. The animals dive into the entrance for another hole. Coming out of the tunnel the animals land safely on the other side of the fire. Marcoss tail is lit. KOSMO (CONTD) (turning around) Everybody OK? Marcos sits on his tail to put the fire out. Marcos Now I know why you guys carry that shell around. KOSMO We have to keep going, this fire wont stop burning. A VIEW FROM THE AIR Shows miles of the rich rain forest vegetation being reduced to charcoal by the raging fire. EXT. Underwater by the riverside city - day Princess Isabel swims flanked by her two helpers as they reach a heavily populated portion of the river. In the harbor, ship hulls crowd the water surface trashed with human pollution. The group has to work hard to avoid discarded tires, plastic bottles, oil cans and everything else being washed down by the current. UBA Lets head to the middle of the river. The convoy tries to distance themselves from the heavy traffic in the harbor, but all of a sudden a fishing net appears in front of them. FLUTIE Princess! Flutie bumps the pink dolphin clear of the drag, but is himself caught in the net. ISABEL Flutie! trapped on the nylon wall The fish is pulled toward the surface. UNDERWATER Uba reacts quickly. The manatee whirls over the net and swims in the opposite direction. FLUTIE What are you doing? Isabel needs you. UBA We take care of each others back. The manatee uses all his might to hold the net still. UP On the boat Japanese tourists with cameras in hand follow every move of the two dark skinned fishermen pulling on the rope. Fisherman (In broken English) River is busy today! The two locals hold their ground leveraging against the boats rim. UNDERWATER Flutie and the manatee swim against the pull of the net. UBA Keep fighting, dont give up! Despite all the effort, the net gains on the two and the manatees body is partially exposed over the water line. ON DECK FISHERMAN A manatee! This is lucky sign. The flashes from the tourists cameras go off while the fishermen struggle with the weight of the catch. BOAT SIDE 0002000005FF000194B15F9,The net is suspended in the air for a few moments, but the excess weight makes it collapse. Uba and Flutie hit the waterline with a big splash and disappear underwater. ON DECK The two fishermen fall backwards over the curious crowd gathered to take pictures. On the river bottom Princess Isabel has her fins gathered in prayer and her eyes closed when she hears the splash noise. The pink dolphin wags her tail in excitement seeing her two companions swim toward her in safety. ISABEL I though I had lost both of you! FLUTIE Uba saved the day. Uba (Exhausted) Those extra pounds came handy. Flutie bows in front of the manatee. FLUTIE Thank you for risking your life for me. UBA Every life in this river is important, even some waco like you! That is what this journey is about, we will only survive if we stick together. The princess contemplates as the two share a high five. Uba (CONTD) Lets get moving, we have an enchanted prince to find. EXT. Pierre Papins boat - day through binocular lenses The river continue its slow roll toward the ocean. Pierre Papin Lowers the binoculars and begins to maneuver the wheel away from the bank. OVER THE JUNGLE Hundreds of flying birds call the explorers attention to the bank. Putting the binoculars back on, the explorer focus the lenses on the forest where a large tree top tumbles to the ground taking a lot of vegetation with it. The sound of CHAIN SAWS resonate in the distance. UP AHEAD A pier is crowded with several men standing by a log chute leading to the water. 0002000005BA00019AAA5B4,Huge logs slide from deep in the forest and fall in the river with a big splash. The lumber floats down river in clusters. Pierre Papin (To himself) Cutting trees is the only thing that does not stop for Carnival around here. Pierre Papin approaches the pier with his boat and addresses one of the men patrolling the log chute. Pierre Papin (CONTD) Where are these logs going? Worker Lumber yard down river. Pierre Papin waves to the man and accelerates the boat away from the pier. Pierre Papin (To himself) If this dam can trap these logs, a bet it also can hold a pink dolphin. EXT. forest farm - daY Cows graze a pasture cleared on the edge of the forest. Kosmo leads the troupe under a barbed wire fence. KOSMO That is what all the burning is about. Opening up space for human progress. INKY Life has evolved sharing this plot of land since unspeakable times, it does not have to be like this. CARLOS All I try to do is get out of their way. Men and chameleons dont mix well. The animals hike past the farm house where a cage held by chains on a tree trunk holds an orange SPIDER MONKEY. Carlos (CONTD) See what Im saying? INSIDE THE CAGE The monkey bounces from one side to the other. Monique Over here! Carla Poor soul, it has to be horrible to live in a cage. Iko I got three square meals a day at the zoo, but missed spreading my wings. RATTLING THE CAGE The monkey goes insane. MONIQUE Dont leave me here! Carla It must drive anyone crazy. 00020000060A0001A05E604,Marcos Specially during Carnival. Carla We have to do something about it. KoSMO How are we going to get to that cage? And what about the lock? Iko I had my in runs with the law in New Orleans, I can take care of that. Carla Lets work together. If we stand on top of each other we can reach it. (Directing the crew) Kosmo, youll be the base. Ill stand on top of you and hold Marcos and Inky up. That way Iko will be steady to pick the lock. The animals gather under the cage in an improvised circus act. On the bottom Carla climbs the armadillos back and stand on his shell. Carla (CONTD) Come on guys! The chameleons scale the base and balance each other on top of Carlas broad shoulders. CARLA (CONTD) Ready! Iko flies to the top. On the peak of the pyramid The chameleons hold the toucan still so he can pick the lock. The tower swings from one side to the other. Iko Hold still! With his beak, Iko manages to open the lock just before the group collapses to the ground. Freed from the cage, the monkey jumps up and down. MONIQUE Thank you! Thank you! Im Monique, Ive been waiting for this moment all my life. CARLA Youre never been out of that cage? MONIQUE Thats the only place Ive known. CARLA Welcome to the jungle then! Free at last, the monkey dashes to climb a nearby tree. REACHING THE TREE TOP The monkey looks down and gets dazed. MONIQUE (Closing his eyes) Guys, help me, I cant get down. Marcos Thats what this world needs, a spider monkey scared of heights. In panic, Monique holds tight to the tree trunk. 00020000064B0001A662645,HIDDEN BY THE CANOPY A giant anaconda slowly makes way toward the monkey. ON THE GROUND The animals spot the danger and try to warn Monique. CARLA Get out of there! Look beside you! HUGGING THE TREE The monkey has her eyes closed. MONIQUE I cant look! Sliding over the tree trunk, the anaconda reaches the monkey and wraps around its body. MONIQUE (CONTD) (Opening her eyes) Thanks for the hand! The monkey stares the open mouthed snake right in the eye and freaks out. BRIDGET Got you on a stranglehold baby! ON THE BOTTOM Marcos looks away. MARCOS She didnt last that long out here. Carla We need to help her! MaRCOS I dont know about you, but Im not ready to trade spots. Carla stands on a tree root and pleads to the snake. CARLA Please, Ms. Anaconda, shes lived her entire life on a cage. Have some mercy! BRIDGET This is the law of nature, predator and prey live in balance on this jungle because each one knows its role. Carla Look around you! Humans are the biggest predators this jungle has ever seen and they have forgotten it all. Were not asking you to change your nature, just to give this poor monkey a chance to learn how to live in the wild. The snake looks the desperate monkey in the eye. BRIDGET And why do you guys care? Carla Were on a journey to save the river because we believe every life form in the jungle deserves a chance. Predator and prey alike. Cut Monique a brake. BRIDGET Looks the freaked out monkey in the eye and lets her go. Monique passes out and falls from the trunk. ON THE BOTTOM The other animals pick her up in their arms. BACK ON THE CANOPY 00020000061F0001ACA7619,BRIDGET Its getting hard to get a meal around here. Everybody is so emotional about saving the river. CARLA What do you mean? BRIDGET The pink dolphin princess is swimming against the tide looking for a male to save their species from extinction. She says the river is in danger if she fails. Inky Thats it! The riddle! KOsMO What do you mean? Inky With a pink life jacket to lead the way Find the bridge and in the ark they stay The pink dolphins, that is the key! KOSMO But how can we help the princess to find a male? Inky The riddle talks about a bridge, theres got to be something in her way. BRIDGET The log jam. There is a lumber yard upriver by New Jerusalem that dams the waters this time of the year. CARLA When does it open? BRIDGET Not soon enough, her escort talked about being the end of the mating season. CARLA We have to find a way to open that dam. KosMO But what about the humans? How can we infiltrate that place? BRIDGET Maybe she can. On the ground The freaked out monkey has panic in her eyes. Carla Shes been hanging around humans her entire life, shes the best bet we got. Kosmo We still have to get there in time. Marcos What are we waiting? Its the last day of Carnival, New Jerusalem here I come! EXT. pier by the lumber yard - SUNDOWN The sun fades behind the tree line. Pierre Papin jumps overboard and ties his boat on the wooden pier busy with natives carrying goods in and out of the boats. In the village Locals hang Carnival decorations while a band tunes in on a stage built in the middle of the towns square. 00020000056E0001B2C0568,OVER THE WATER A dam cuts across the entire length of the river and traps the logs floating downstream. On top of the dam Workers wearing gloves tie chains around the logs and bring them out of the water with the help of cranes. INSIDE THE LUMBER YARD Mechanized saws cut the logs moving over conveying belts and human hands stack the lumber in piles. PIERRE Papin Looks at the village getting set for the last day of Carnival and then turns his head to the silent river. Pierre papin This is where Ill make my final stand. ON THE WATER A dolphin surfaces to get some air amidst the logs floating down river and disappears back in the water. Ext. underwater by the river dam - night Princess Isabel reaches the dam and tries to find a passage swimming alongside the barrier. The solid wall extends from one bank to the other. In the middle, a retractable gate lets the water of the river through, but the gap is too small for the princess. UBA This is the end of the line princess. Isabel There is got to be a way! The princess pokes around searching for a passage. The dolphin surfaces and looks up to the dam erected several feet over the water line. Uba joins her in the surface. Isabel has a saddened look scanning the barrier. UBA Im sorry princess. ISABEL I have to keep going. Flutie and the manatee approach the princess to console her as tears flow down her eyes. 000200000A3C0001B828A36,Shaking herself up, the princess shows resilience. Isabel (CONTD) Theyll have to open this dam sometime, Ill be here waiting. UBA This is dangerous, princess, we got to go back. The mating season will be over soon, well weather the situation and try again next year. ISABEL It will be too late. Ive not come this far to turn back now. Well spend the night by the dam. Ext. Village by the dam - night A flash light scans the surface of the river. On a canoe, Pierre Papin puts down the lantern and paddles alongside the bank. IN LAND Gathered at the town plaza, the population of the village dances to the tune of the band on stage. STANDING UP ON THE CANOE Pierre sets up fishing nets in the dark waters. PIERRE PAPIN Ill be right here waiting for you. UNDERWATER The profile of a dolphin swims in the murky river. The mammal raises its head over the water line and looks at the village lit up by the celebration. EXT. outside new jerusalem - night An encampment circumvents a large circus tent hidden in the vegetation by the river bank. Strobe lights inside the tent create a colorful display with the tie dye patterns of the cloth. All around the perimeter, an over crowd of different animals from the rain forest jumps up and down to the sound of electronic music. ACROSS THE LENGTH OF THE RIVER The dam is illuminated by lamps spread out evenly. On the opposite bank The village shine bright alongside the lumber yard. CARLA Here we are! Lets break up. Bridget, you go underwater and check if anybody knows something about a pink dolphin. Iko, you look for any sign from the sky. MarCOS Ill mingle to see if anybody has heard about a male dolphin in the party. KOSMO Im with you. Carla Inky, you keep them focused. I will check the dam with Monique. Well meet back here with any news. Iko takes off flapping his wings while Bridget slides her way toward the river. Marcos and Kosmo dash to join the party under the tent. Inky struggles to catch up with them. CARLA (CONTD) Lets go Monique, we have to find a way to open that dam. Int. neW JERUSALEMs tent - night Under the circus cover, a multitude of animals party to the sound of electronic music. A mirror ball brings the colored costumes to life. A CAPYBARA DJ With headphones tied to his ear spins a double deck at center stage. On the DANCE floor A SLOTH and a HARPY EAGLE dance together. On the side, a JAGUAR and a TAPIR spin around with hands tied. MaRCOS You were right Inky, I never saw hunt and hunter have fun together like this. Inky Ashes to ashes. In the end were all the same, thats what New Jerusalem is all about. 0002000005CC0001C25E5C6,KoSMO Lets jump in. INKY We got to find out about the dolphin. Inky approaches a couple of dancing ant eaters. After talking to them, both shake their heads negatively. InKY (CONTD) No luck. MaRCOS Dont worry. Bridget has the river covered. Marcos changes his wardrobe to a tie dye shirt with yellow glasses glued to his face and jumps in the crowd. EXT. the river dam - night Crossing the wall that divides in two the waters of the Amazon, Carla and Monique look over the somber river. CarLA Itll be hard to locate anything at night. I hope Bridget has better luck. Walking beside her, the spider monkey looks spooked. ON THE OTHER BANK The lights of the village show the locals celebrating in the middle of the central plaza. CARLA (CONTD) Everybody will be out partying, all we got to do is figure out how to open the gate. Monique swallows her fears looking at the large warehouse illuminated at the end of the dam. ExT. pierrEs CANOE - night Crouched on the wooden boat, Pierre Papin fights hard to keep his eyes open. The French explorer lowers his head and falls asleep. Pierre drops the flash light on the bottom of the canoe and wakes up with the noise. The french explorer almost tips the narrow boat trying to grab the light. Pierre swings the flash light over the dark river and sees nothing but water. PIERRE PAPIN I better go get some coffee. Pierre paddles toward the pier. IN THE WATER A dolphin looks over the water line and sees the canoe taking off. 00020000052C0001C824526,The mammal swims in the direction of the bank. The dolphin looks both ways to see if theres anybody looking as he approaches the shore. In the sand A shadow morphs into the profile of a man dressed in a suit and Panama hat. Int. new JERUSALEMS TENT - niGHT Marcos has his arms raised jumping up and down in the middle of the crowd. By his side Inky shows signs of being tired. MarCOS Come on old man, we only have a few hours before Carnival is over. InKY My battery is running low. Ive asked everyone in here about the dolphin. Marcos snaps two cups from a waitress tray. MARCOS Have some guarana juice, itll keep you running. Marcos downs his cup. Inky smells the liquid before trying it. IN THE MIDDLE OF the dance floor A circle opens up for Kosmo showing some serious break moves. The armadillo spins a windmill over his shell. Int. lumberyard - night Carla and Monique approach the warehouse. INSIDE The place is vacant and the machines turned off. A security guard sleeps on a chair near the main office. CaRLA I bet the controls to open the gate are in there. Ready? Carla turns around and finds Monique frozen with her back to the wall. CaRLA (CONTD) Come on. We need you now. Shaking with fear, the monkey takes some tentative steps toward the main office. CARLA (CONTD) Go girl, you can do it! 00020000059C0001CD4A596,EXT. Party in the village - nighT Pierre Papin approaches the counter of a busy bar. NEARBY ON THE PLAZA The locals dance in circles following the band on stage. PIERRE PAPIN Cafe. Behind the counter a barman pours a glass of coffee. The Frenchman sips the hot liquid watching the locals celebrating Carnival until the last minute. IN THE COUNTER A beautiful woman with dark hair and tanned skin finds a spot right by Pierre. Her beauty immediately catches the explorers attention and he opens a smile to her. The belle replies in kind. The Frenchman makes a motion toward the woman, but at the same time a sharply dressed man hits the counter on the opposite side and tips his Panama hat. The beautys attention shifts to the handsome man wearing a cotton suit with a flower on the lapel. The gallant figure winks at her. The woman smiles to him with a shine in her eyes. After a head motion from the gentleman, she follows him away from the counter leaving Pierre Papin behind. The Frenchman shrugs and finishes his coffee. Int. LUMBERYARD - night Hugging the wall, Monique slinks toward the main office. BY THE DOOR Balancing the weight of his body on an office chair, a security guard snores. Monique looks back at the entrance to the warehouse. From the distance Carla waves her forward. The monkey Sneaks passed the security guard contouring the legs of the chair. Monique jumps on the handle and springs the door open. 0002000005880001D2E0582,The rusty door hinge disturbs the security guard sleep and makes him move on the chair. Carla Cringes AT THE ENTRANCE for the warehouse. SWINGING FROM THE HANDLE Monique sighs in relief seeing the guard rest motionless. The monkey jumps to the floor and enters the office. THE INSIDE OF THE POWER HOUSE Is filled wall to wall with machinery controls. A red button covered with a plastic cover reads START. Monique jumps over the counter, raises the cover and presses the button. IN THE PLANT Emergency sirens go off and the belts start moving the logs toward the spinning saws. The security guard Jumps from the chair, and sees the office door open. He pulls his gun and enters the room. OUTSIDE THE WAREHOUSE Carla closes her eyes. CaRLA Poor Monique. weapon in hand The guard searches the room. Finding no one around, he shakes his head and presses the button to turn off the machines. With a puzzled look, the guard closes the door and goes to make his round. IN THE OFFICE Monique clings to the inside of the ceiling lamp. ExT. unDERWATER BY THE RIVER DAM - night Isabel remains awake while Uba and Flutie sleep. The anaconda approaches the convoy. BRIDGET I finally found you! Uba wakes up and freaks out when he sees the snake. Uba Urgh!!! BRIDGET Have no fear, Im here to help. Ubas flabby chin trembles. BRIDGET (CONTD) The animals in the jungle know your plea and are working to open the dam. 0002000007F20001D8627EC,Carla I knew it! BRIDGET We are going to get you across. CARLA Quick my honorable friend, the mating season will be over soon. The anaconda swims away. ON ANOTHER POINT OF THE DAM The pack of piranhas looks the submerged wall over. Bruno This is the end of the line for the princess. All we got to do is find her. The piranhas swim in formation searching the waters. Melvin Shows a concerned look behind his thick glasses. ExT. pIERREs CANOE - night In the middle of the river, Pierre puts the paddle down and gazes at the horizon. OVER THE TREE LINE The first rays of light tint the clouds in purple. PIERRE PAPIN The sun is about to be up. Where are you? EXT. vILLAGE BY THE DAM - night The handsome man in suit approaches the water line and looks back toward the party winding down in the square. IN THE PLAZA Hair undone, a woman desperately searches the crowd. BACK IN THE RIVER The man walks slowly toward the Amazon and submerges. The beauty In the cotton dress approaches the water line and looks over the river with tears in her eyes. Something floating in the water gets her attention and she dashes inside the river. Water to her waist, she picks up a Panama hat. Tears stream down her face holding the hat to her bosom. INT. lUMBERYARD - daY At the entrance for the warehouse, Carla waits for the guard to make his round of the other side of the plant. The chameleon slides in stealth mode as soon as the man is out of sight. The lizard climbs the chair and looks inside the office. Carla spots Monique on the lamp and knocks on the window. The monkey Opens her frightened eyes for a second, but covers her face back up again. OUTSIDE THE ROOM Carla jumps on the floor and wraps her tongue on the knob to swing the door open. Carla Come on Monique, hell be back soon. Monique I cant! Carla climbs on the table underneath the lamp and waves the monkey down. CARLA Come on, just let go, Ill catch you. The monkey opens one eye and lets go off the lamp. She misses the landing spot and crashes on the table. 00020000079C0001E04E796,Carla (CONTD) Oops! ACROSS THE LUMBERYARD The guard hears the noise and dashes back to his post. He finds the door for the office open. Gun in hand, he looks around the empty room and scratches his head. Outside THE ROOM The door for THE OFFICE Swings closed to reveal Carla and Monique hiding behind it. INT. neW JERUSALEMS TENT - daWN The last party animals move on an empty dance floor. Beside fallen bodies taking a nap, KOSMO dances with a pair of CAPYBARAS. Inky enters the tent and heads toward the group. Inky We found him! Where is Marcos? The armadillo answers with an unsure shrug. Inky looks around and spots Marcos passed out on the bar counter. Int. marcos nightmare - day (montage) -- Marcos falls in the water wrapped in a fishing net. -- To the sound of ominous drum beats, he frenetically tries to untangle himself. -- Marcos gets free and swims toward the surface. -- The chameleon pants climbing the side of a canoe. -- Inside the boat, Pierre Papin spears a pink dolphin in the water and throws its inert body inboard. -- The river turns red. Death spreads to other life forms in the water and leaves a trail of floating bodies. -- A view of the entire Amazon basin shows the deadly progression first killing the vegetation on the banks, and later on destroying the entire forest. -- The circle of death spreads past the Amazon. Quick moving clouds show the weather of the planet changing. -- From outer space a view of the blue planet rotating at high speed denotes the passage of time. -- Google Earth style, a probe approaches the planet and shows Marcos alone laying down on the canoe. -- The chameleon looks up to a Statue of Liberty covered with moss. Across the water, Manhattan is run down with wild vegetation growing on its empty streets. -- Marcos stares the remains of civilization. -- A tsunami size wave tips the canoe. EXT. neW JERUSALEMS TENT - day Inky throws a bucket of water in Marcos face. 0002000006BA0001E7E46B4,Inky Wake up man, we found him! MaRCOS (Jumping up) What? INKY Iko spotted a dolphin trapped by the bank. Marcos shakes the water out and follows Inky. MARCOS They were gone! INKY Who was gone? MARCOS Humans. This time I could see the ending. After killing the pink dolphins men will disappear from this planet just like the dinosaurs. INKY To a place the captain may sink or swim Thats it. Humans have wiped out so many species in this planet, they are about to become a prey of their own misjudging. The ark will boot its captain for bad behavior. Unless... MARCOS Unless what? INKY We can save the dolphins and stop the progression. Marcos Are you sure? This place would be a lot better without humans, and who wears pink these days anyway? OUTSIDE THE TENT The clouds reflect the colorful rays of light from the sun beginning to show behind the dam. By the river A crowd gathers in the shallow water. The chameleons join the assembly. In the middle of the circle, a dolphin fights for its life wrapped around a fishing net. Iko works on the net with his beak. The animals shed tears for the mammal contorting its body against the nylon. Marcos looks the dolphin in the eye and sees his own reflection. INKY Oh no! Look. IN THE RIVER The silhouette of a canoe paddles toward the bank with the rising sun on the background. ON THE BANK The animals retreat and leave the dolphin on its own. INTO THE SUNRISE The profile of the canoe nears the bank. HIDDEN IN THE JUNGLE The animals resign to their sorrow. Iko We got this close... Marcos Why do we have to stop men from being men? They are digging their own grave. Im going to miss the pink dolphins, but Ill take the loss for the good of the planet. 0002000006180001EE98612,In shallow water Several men jump overboard and approach the dolphin. Wearing gowns made of feathers and leaves, NATIVE AMERICANS help the mammal free itself from the net. The natives board the canoe and paddle away. IN THE JUNGLE Inky Treat life like your own life depended on it. Men knew this simple rule, but have lost their touch with nature. Marcos I guess they just remembered it and got themselves a second chance. The animals get out of the woods. THE NATIVES Wave goodbye from the canoe paddling into the sunrise. IN THE BANK The animals gather around the male dolphin floating in shallow water. BRIDGET I thought we lost you. The dolphin looks over the water line to the multitude of animals gathered to check on him. BrIDGET (CONTD) Whats you name? Mango Mango. Why the commotion? BRIDGET Ill explain to you on the way. We got a river to save. EXT. UNDERWATER BY THE RIVER DAM - day Princess Isabel and her two escorts wait by the gate. WIDE EYES From Bruno and the rest of the pack scout the group in the distance. The piranhas huddle up. BrUNO Listen to me now. We need to spread them out so I can get to the dolphin. (Pointing to the pack) You two go after the manatee. You and Melvin corner the body guard. After I get a clear path to the princess the rest will come easy. Ready? The piranhas nod, but Melvin keeps his cool. BRUNO (CONTD) (Gathering fins) One, two, three... Pack Together! The piranhas swim toward their target. IN THE DISTANCE Flutie senses the danger and alerts Isabel. Flutie Princess! The dolphin looks over. 0002000006190001F4AA613,SWIMMING In formation, the pack exposes their hungry teeth. UBA Shelters the princess with his large body. UBA We have to buy some time! Int. luMBERYARD - day Carla and Monique roam around the warehouse. CARLA We got to find this lever. Carla rotates her eyes walking amidst the equipment in the lumber yard. Behind her, Monique slinks wide-eyed. Carla (CONTD) Over there! A handspike Hangs on the wall right by a large saw machine. CARLA (CONTD) We cant reach it from the ground, youll have to climb the machine and pull it. Monique looks up in terror. Guard (O.S.) You little monsters! FROM THE END OF THE CORRIDOR The guard looks straight at the animals. EXT. river dam - day Marcos, Inky and Kosmo run across the dam. Inky I just hope they get it open in time. IN THE RIVER The dolphin swims jumping in and out of the water. FROM THE BANK A fishing boat cuts the river at high speed. CROUCHED BY THE MOTOR Pierre Papin has his eyes glued on the dolphin. PIERRE PAPIN I knew I was going to find you! EXT. uNDERWATER BY THE RIVER DAM - day Trapped with the dam on their backs, the royal convoy looks for a scape route. FLUTIE We have to move princess. IsABEL I cant leave now. Uba Live to fight another day. Lets split. Uba swims to one side, Isabel to the other and Flutie stays in his spot. The fish looks at the incoming piranhas wide eyed. INT. lUMBERYARD - day The guard dashes toward the lizard and the monkey. Carla Work on the lever, Ill keep him busy. Carla runs in between the legs of the guard and he follows her down the corridor. 0002000006060001FABD600,BY THE SAW MACHINE Monique remains frozen with her back to the wall. The monkey looks up at the lever and with recalcitrant steps starts to climb the saw machine. ACROSS THE WAREHOUSE The lizard scapes the guard moving from wall to wall. Carla enters the front office and jumps over the counter. BY THE DOOR The guard walks slowly toward the chameleon. Guard Come with Daddy! The guard lounges at the chameleon. Like a matador, Carla gets out of the way. The guard hits the start button with his elbow. THE SAW MACHINE STARTS WORKING And catches Monique in the middle of her climb. The monkey falls on the moving belt and is carried toward the SAW. Monique stands up inches from the blade and has to jump log after log to avoid being cut in half. The spider monkey climbs the machine, swings around the column and lands on the handspike. WITH EYES CLOSED Monique hangs to the lever with both hands. The weight of her body lowers the lever. Running down the corridor Carla has the guard in close pursuit. CARLA You did it! Lets get out of here. The monkey lets go off the lever and hits the floor running. ExT. rIVER DAM - day From the top of the dam the animals look over as Pierre Papin pursuits the dolphin in the fishing boat. MaRCOS Now what? IN THE WATER The gate opens and the logs start floating downriver. OVER THE DAM Inky Look! The logs are moving. The animals start jumping up and down waving their arms. IN THE WATER The boat catches up with the dolphin. Papin leaves the helm and leans over the water harpoon in hand. 0002000005C5000200BD5BF,Mango Turns around and stares the cold tip of the bayonet. The dolphin abruptly submerges under a floating log. A WIDE EYED Pierre Papin is caught by surprise. The boat jumps over the log and flips sideways throwing the explorer in the water. EXT. uNDERWATER BY THE RIVER DAM - day Uba swims parallel to the dam chased by two piranhas. He turns around and sees Flutie trapped with a piranha salivating in front of him. The manatee swims back. THE GATE Opens up and logs start floating downriver. The lumber strikes the piranha and break Flutie free. UBA Where is Isabel? In the distance Bruno closes in on the princess. EXT. riVER DAM - day Mango swims under the logs being funneled through the gate, but a log jam suddenly clogs the passage way. The dolphin surfaces. Mango Its jammed! ON TOP OF THE DAM The animals look at each other. Kosmo What are we going to do now? CARLA AND MONIQUE Come running down the pathway. Carla We got it! Where is the dolphin? KOSMO Down there, but there is a log jam. CARLA We have to help him get through! Carla jumps on top of a floating log and starts spinning it with her feet. Inky and Kosmo follow suit. BRIDGET Wraps around a log trying to move it out of the way. ON TOP OF THE DAM Marcos runs from one side to the other of the dike. EXT. uNDERWATER BY THE RIVER DAM - day Cornered Between the dam and the river bank, the dolphin backs up until there is nowhere to go. Bruno salivates approaching the prey. BrUNO Finally... 000200000E590002067CE53,IsaBEL Dont do this. The survival of the river depends on me. BRUNO Try to talk yourself out of it. IN THE DISTANCE Melvin sees his brother about to snap at the princess and swims to help. UBA Intercepts the little piranha with his body and bumps him out of the way. THE TWO ESCORTS Swim as fast as they can to save Isabel. BRUNO Opens his mouth ready to strike, but the princess compassionate look makes him stop. Brunos own image Is reflected in her eyes as tears stream down her face. Mesmerized, the piranha freezes. FLUTIE AND UBA Stop incredulous of what they witness. Melvin SWIMS By the two escorts with a smile in his face. The princess nods to Bruno and slowly makes her way out. The escorts follow her exit looking back at the piranhas. The rest of the pack approaches their leader. Piranha # 1 They are getting away. BRUNO Let them go. The royal convoy approaches the gate. The princess pokes around the passage but realizes it is jammed. IsABEL Not again! EXT. riVER DAM - day The animals struggle on top os the logs trying to move the pile. CaRLA This is not working. On top of the dam Marcos bounces from one side to the other of the barrier. Marcos Find a bridge and in the ark they stay! Find a bridge and in the ark they stay! UPRIVER Holding to a log, Pierre Papin floats toward the dolphin with a spear in his hand. ON TOP OF THE DAM Marcos eyes roll in all directions. Marcos (CONTD) Where is the bridge? The chameleon eyes focus on the anaconda. FLASHBACK - MARCOS VISION A snapshot of his dream shows the snake bridging land and water for the drop racing toward the river. BACK TO PRESENT DAY MARCOS (ConTD) Thats it! Bridget is the bridge. The chameleon comes to the edge of the dam and yells to the animals working over the log jam. MARCOS (CONTD) Bridget, lay down over the logs so Mango can slide across. The snake stretches her long body over the pile. Backing up first, the pink dolphin swims at high speed. The dolphin rushes passed Pierre Papin who swings the harpoon and misses. Mango Slides up the snake toward the top of the dam. The momentum carries the dolphin in the air to the other side of the barrier. The prince lands with a splash. UNDERWATER Isabel has her head lowered. She looks up and sees Mango swimming toward her. The two exchange a deep look. ON TOP OF THE LOGS The animals jump up and down to celebrate. The logs crumble down and start moving so the animals climb to the dam. The sudden break of the log jam creates a fast current that washes Pierre Papin away. UNDERWATER The two pink dolphins swim downriver twisting around each other like a newlywed couple. ON THE SIDE Uba and Flutie hug each other in celebration. The manatee notices the hungry stare from the pack of piranhas. Uba I guess we better get going too. The two escorts swim away. IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PACK Melvin looks up to his brother. Melvin Im really proud of you. Bruno You shouldn't. Now Im starving. Pierre Papins passes by holding on to a log. Brunos eyes follow him around. ON THE SURFACE The French explorer grimaces with pain. PIERRE PAPIN Argh! ON TOP OF THE DAM The animals wave their farewell to the two dolphins jumping in and out of the water toward the rising sun. Marcos (Approaching Carla) How about we head to the house party now that the deed is done? Inky comes up on the other side of the large chameleon. InKY With all this epic journey, I had no time to show you my latest sonnets. With a red sunshine in the background Carla kisses both lizards in the forehead and spreads her arms in a big brotherly hug. Carla Carnival is over fellas, but there is always next year, there is always next year... FADE OUT 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