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Monday, December 16, 2024

Who Wrote What and Writers’ Choice of the December ’24 One Week Challenge - post author Don

Congratulations to Paul Knauer – Writers’ Choice with Rocky Mountain High by Paul Knauer (pkcardinal) writing as M. Boulder
A man meets a boyhood idol after he leaves a family gathering to get high. (Short, Drama) pdf format

Talk about it on the Discussion Board

Read all of the scripts of the December One Week Challenge!

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Original Scripts - post author Don

On the Original Scripts page are twenty three original scripts for your reading pleasure.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Original Script Sunday for November 10, 2024 - post author Don

Happy Birthday, Peg!

Over on the Original, Unproduced Scripts page are 15 original, unproduced scripts for your reading pleasure. And don’t forget the SimplyScripts Writing Community on the Discussion Board. Reach out to other writers to discuss the art and craft of screenwriting.

– Don

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

House Divided by Paul Knauer – Short Script Review – Available for Production* - post author Matthew Taylor

House Divided (Short, Drama) 5 pages by Paul Knauer

A couple reaps the consequences of a long held disagreement.

Most of us have held onto a grudge longer than we should, clutching it stubbornly when it might be easier to forgive and forget. But few have gone to the same lengths as the characters in Paul Knauer’s excellent script, HOUSE DIVIDED.

The story follows Richard and Lizzy, an elderly couple living with a quirky setup. Like bickering siblings forced to share a room, they’ve split their entire house down the middle—right down to the very last detail.

Two of everything. TVs. Recliners. Side tables.

In fact, the room is split right down the middle, as marked with faded SPRAY PAINT across the aging carpet.

Richard pushes the front door closed. He heads for the


Richard sets the groceries on the counter. The kitchen, just like the living room, is divided–there are lines everywhere.

The aging stove–split–two burners on each side of a line. The table. The counter. Everything divided by faded paint, weathered tape, whatever else was handy in the moment a long time ago.

Richard, standing left of a line on the floor, empties the bag, setting some of the food left of a line on the counter, some on the right.

He pulls out two cartons of milk, opens the fridge, where, yes–there’s a line down the middle. He places one carton left, one right.

As we follow Richard through his daily routine, we can’t help but chuckle at the absurdity and sheer dedication to this divided lifestyle. But make no mistake—this script isn’t all laughs.
When Richard finds Lizzy collapsed on the bedroom floor, he realizes she’s not on his side of the line.

Maybe call for help?

Richard hurriedly pulls a cell phone from his pocket. His hands shake as he tries to dial. In fact, they shake so badly, he drops the phone.

The phone bounces off the bed, lands at Lizzy’s feet–on the wrong side of the line.

His shoulders slump: This is bad.

She looks up. Her phone sits on a table, right of the bed. It’s not an option.

Stay with me?

Of course

You’ll find yourself rooting—no, practically yelling! —for him to break through the invisible walls that they’ve maintained for so long. At first, Richard seems heartless for not immediately rushing to her side, but as the scene unfolds, it becomes clear that his reluctance is rooted in deep love and an abiding commitment to his wife. His adherence to her wishes and the boundaries they set together adds layers of tenderness to this seemingly absurd situation.

The simplicity of the setup allows the deeper themes of love, regret, and connection to shine through with heartbreaking elegance. If you want to know what happens to Richard, Lizzy, and their divided house, I strongly urge you to read Paul’s masterful script. You won’t regret it.

And that final shot? Genius! It perfectly encapsulates the emptiness that remains when we cling too hard to our divisions—both hilarious and deeply moving. With only two actors, minimal dialogue, and a single location, this is a filmmaker’s dream. You’ll just need a bit of imagination for that unforgettable final shot.


About the writer: Paul Knauer’s main focus is thrillers and slightly absurdist comedy with heart, but he believes becoming a better writer requires pushing personal boundaries, so you’ll notice a thorough mix of genres in his portfolio. Much of his work has universal appeal, evidenced by successful productions in the UK, UAE, and US–and options in Australia, Russia, India, Canada, and Thailand. He recently optioned his first feature.

Read: House Divided (short drama) 5 pages in pdf format

Discuss on the Discussion Board

About the reviewer: Matthew Taylor just loves telling stories, usually in the thriller and sci-fi genres, most likely involving dark themes, unique characters and almost always ending in tragedy. Some of them are even produced!

*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Original Script Sunday for October 20th - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced, Original Scripts page are twenty original scripts for your reading pleasure.

And, brace yourself for the Halloween One Week Challenge! Sharpen your pencils and get writing! Your 6 page or less script is due Friday, October 25th at Midnight (est).

– Don

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Original Script Sunday (has come on a Tuesday) - post author Don

Still sorting out from server migration. But in the meantime, there are twelve original scripts on the Unproduced Scripts page for your reading pleasure.

– Don

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Original Script Sunday for September 16th - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are twenty-one original scripts for your reading pleasure. And scripts from the week before are here and the Writers’ names for OWC are revealed (and Writers’ Choice).

– Don

Saturday, August 31, 2024

The Scripts of the August One Week Challenge are up! - post author Don

The theme: The Chase – Short script 2 to 6 pages. Read the short scripts of the One Week Challenge

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Original Script Sunday and the One Week Challenge - post author Don

On the Unproduced Scripts page are thirteen original scripts for your reading pleasure.

And, the One Week Challenge is on!

– Don

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