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Monday, May 28, 2007

Unproduced scripts, The City on the Edge of Forever treatment - post author Don

On the unproduced scripts page we have thirty seven scripts up for your reading pleasure. On the movie scripts page we have, thanks to the script to a new indie movie about professional wrestling – Kayfabe. Lastly, thanks to Christopher and Orion Press for these two treatments by Harlan Ellison for Star Trek: City on the Edge of Forever. That would be on the TV scripts page. – Don

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tim Minear’s Drive tv scripts - post author Don

Tim Minear's DriveThanks to Jen for the heads up on these from who has posted the final shooting scripts for the first four episodes of DRIVE! Beware, though: Due to some changes in the editing suite, some scenes that were written for Episodes 103 and 104 were shifted to later episodes. So there are BIG plot spoilers ahead. Check them out on the TV scripts page.

Remember, you have a couple of days and a few hours change to get your short, 15 page or less comedy script (in proper screenwriting format) on the theme of ?Telling your spouse that you lost your job? in for the One Week Exercise. – Don

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Unproduced Scripts, S.W.A.T., and Scrubs - post author Don

On the unproduced scripts page there are twenty-three new or revised scripts up for your reading pleasure.

Thanks to Dailyscript for a couple of neat items. On the TV scripts page we have a draft of the pilot Scrubs.

On the Movie Scripts page we have S.W.A.T.. I think just about every writer in Hollywood has touched the script. – Don

– Don

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Highlander season five scripts and Tombstone script - post author Don

Thanks to Russell for the heads up that Anthology is back up and running with a bunch of Highlander season 5 scripts. In addition there are a ton of transcripts (well done ones, too) of Torchwood, Heroes and Jake 2.0 to name a few.

Thanks to Dennis and WeeklyScript for this draft script of Tombstone.

Skip on over to the TV Scripts (and transcripts) page to see what else is there.

Note: I’ve finally gotten the Link of the Day problem worked out. – Don

Friday, January 12, 2007

Deep Cover scripts, 4400 transcripts and unproduced scripts - post author Don

Thanks to Weekly Script read this shooting draft of the 1992 Deep Cover. That would be on the Movie Scripts page.

Thanks to Suzanne for the heads up on this offering from – transcripts of The 4400. Those transcripts and more are on the TV Scripts (and transcripts) page.

On the Unproduced Scripts page we have sixteen original scripts up. – Don

Monday, December 25, 2006

BBC Writer’s Room Teleplays - post author Don

Thanks to “Luv-a-Lime” for the heads up on these recently added Teleplays to BBC’s Writer’s Room. Writer’s Room has added EastEnders, Waking the Dead and Silent Witness teleplays as well as the teleplay to the award winning Shoot the Messenger. Those and more are on the TV Scripts page.

Writers of unproduced scripts, please note, The Writer’s Room “…accept and read unsolicited scripts for film, TV and radio drama, and narrative comedy…” For more information check out Writing for the BBC.

Merry Christmas or Happy Monday as appropriate. – Don

Friday, December 8, 2006

Masters of Horror teleplays - post author Don

Thanks to Melson for the heads up on these three teleplays from the Masters of Horror series. These come from Drew “Professor Moriarty” of AICN McWeeny’s ‘blog All My Lies Are Always Wishes. There are two drafts of Cigarette Burns and a draft of Pro-Life. Also, if you pop over to McWeeny’s Scripts catagory, you can read a couple of his plays as well as a couple of his other unproduced pieces. So, read a couple of Masters of Horror Teleplays and other good stuff over on the TV Scripts page. – Don

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Movie Scripts and TV Pilots - post author Don

On the TV Scripts page, there are seven scripts up from folks like Daily Script and ScreenTalk. Read pilot teleplays for tv shows such as Heros and Entourage.

On the Movie scripts page, thanks to Daily Script read Presige, Stranger Than Fiction, National Lampoon’s Vacation (and Christmas Vacation), Deliverance and Panic Room

Thanks to folks like Vern, Jason, Andy, Naz, Pete and Sarah. Happy Reading – Don

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Scary Dairy revealed and TV Scripts - post author Don

Thanks to “Scott” and Daily Script there are scripts of episodes available for Brimstone, House M.D., Jack and Bobby and The Office (US version). (Yes, I fixed the links to the Dr. Who transcripts). Those would be on the TV Scripts and transcripts page.

Also, the writers of the Scary Dairy tales have been revealed. Apologies to Seth, Shades of Gray author in the writing exercise. For some reason he got left off the master list of entries. Thanks to ALL the participants in the one week challenge. This includes both the writers and those non-script-submitters who nonetheless contributed with reviews and comments on the work. – Don

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