SimplyScripts Radio – The Cabin In The Woods Edition
In this special edition, host Mike Shelton talks with Actor/Director/Producer Timothy Woodward Jr about two upcoming indie films Finders Keepers (written by Pia Cook and Todd Gorden) and Blackout (directed by Matthew K. Hacker and written by the inestimable Pia Cook.

Finders Keepers trailer (available on 4/4/13 – Check out the Official Website and Like ’em on Facebook)
Blackout trailer (available in July)
BLACKOUT (2012) – Official Teaser from Matthew Hacker on Vimeo.
These two films will be available on Cox Cable, Charter On Demand, Verizon, Mediacom, SuddenLink, RCN, Optimum Bresnan Communications, Frontier, Rogers On Demand, Shaw, COGECO Cable, East Link TV, iTunes, Google play, YouTube, Playstation Network, vudu, Amazon Video, viewster, CINEMANOW
- Hollywood East – watch on Hulu
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SimplyScripts Radio is produced by Michael Cornetto and released under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives 3.0 license.
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