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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I Scream, You Screen by Anthony Russo – short script review (available for production*) - post author Michael Kospiah

I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM (6 page short script) by ANTHONY RUSSO

A man encounters turns of fate during an excursion into a virus-ravaged world.

Not sure if you’ve seen the news, but there’s this COVID pandemic thing going on right now. Many of us, including myself, have been under lockdown for the past three months or so. And for those not under mandated lockdown or curfew, I’m sure we’ve all practiced some pretty strict social distancing and self-quarantining during that time.

All joking aside, I’m sure you’re all pretty tired of being locked indoors for the most part. I bet we’re all just chomping at the bit for some sort of normalcy. I, myself, can’t wait to live my life again and enjoy the small things that I took for granted. For instance, the first thing I’m going to do when businesses open back up is enjoy a nice scoop of ice cream – several scoops, in fact. In a huge, dunce-cap sized waffle cone. Yes, I hear the ice cream trucks outside, playing “The Entertainer” tune that come around my neighborhood often. But I want REAL ice cream. I’m talking like some Cold Stone Creamery. Or even a Baskin Robbins. I want that gourmet s**t.

But what if things get worse? What if that day never comes? Sure, that’s a very pessimistic scenario to consider… but who would’ve expected any of this to happen? You never know…

In Anthony Russo’s COVID-themed May – One Week Challenge entry, “I Scream, You Scream”, that’s exactly the kind of world we live in.

Set not too far into the future, the world has been ravaged by the effects of the COVID crisis; Businesses have been decimated, families have been destroyed and the world we once knew has become a post-apocalyptic ghost town, essentially.

We follow an unnamed survivor’s journey through his everyday routine that he was forced to adapt to as he drives through the barren streets wearing a Tyvek suit with a backpack respirator. We get a little context through an old news taping, revealing just how bad things have gotten via voice-over during this unnamed survivor’s journey as he gathers food and necessities…

            FEMALE JOURNALIST (V.O.)
We saw a lot of fatigue in the months of March to June.
Social distancing worked, in that the hospitals weren’t
overwhelmed. But there was no vaccine, and no treatment.
And the shutdown was weeks too late. The virus had lit the match.
So the United States had no choice but to follow the Swedish model
and open back up, or face fifty percent unemployment.
An acceptable level of casualties had to be determined.
     (a beat)
Then, something that not even the best epidemologists or
socialists could have predicted…

Not only have people become infected with the COVID virus… but so has the plant life. Yes, you read that correctly – the God damn TREES have become affected by the virus!

            MALE SCIENTIST (V.O.)
As trees exhaled their oxygen into the atmosphere,
so did they infect the very air we breathe.
So our atmosphere in effect became tainted.
Being outside became like being on Mars.
Impossible without a supplemental air source…

A very grim glimpse into the future, indeed. Tis a very lonely existence for our unnamed protagonist, who has somehow found a way to adapt to this way of life – the sole purpose of his existence now is to survive.

But is surviving the same as living?

He reaches an existential epiphany after he happens upon an abandoned ice cream shop. And he makes a decision based on two choices– to “live” or to continue surviving.

Very well written, Anthony Russo’s entry almost feels like a stream of consciousness in its poetic execution. Though dark, “I Scream, You Scream” isn’t all gloom and doom. Yes, the journey is grim. But its cathartic, bitter “sweet” finale is very satisfying.

BUDGET: Low. With some creativity. It would be easy to shoot exterior shots of junkyards and abandoned houses to give that post-apocalyptic feel.

ABOUT THE WRITER: Anthony J. Russo is an aspiring screenwriter who graduated Summa Cum Laude from Saint Joseph’s University in Philadelphia with a degree in Liberal and Professional Studies and minors in Philosophy and Political Science. His feature-length screenplay JOHN LENNON’S HEAVEN, available for production, explores religion, physics and philosophy in a way never before attempted on screen. His feature project GRAND AVENUE, culled from Anthony’s experiences growing up in the town of Maspeth, Queens, a blue-collar town known for its mob influence, is making the rounds in Hollywood. Anthony has also written several short scripts and has freelanced for Generocity, a Philadelphia based philanthropic organization which highlights charitable endeavors in the region. Anthony can be reached at ajrscreenworks (a)

Read: I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM (6 page short, drama, sci-fi script)

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*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the Reviewer: Michael J. Kospiah is the award-winning screenwriter of critically acclaimed indie-thriller, The Suicide Theory (79% Rotten Tomatoes – available on Amazon Prime, Itunes, Google Play, etc) and 2020’s upcoming Aussie thriller, Rage. His horror feature, They Never Left is currently in development.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Come Along, Harry Higgins by Kevin Machate – short script review (available for production*) - post author Michael Kospiah

(20-page short sci-fi, historical, western, crime script) By Kevin Machate

Successful safe cracker Harry Higgins decides to hang up his drill for good when he meets the woman of his dreams, only to be tailed by the constable that put him away once already.

While looking through scripts, I came upon one based on O. Henry’s short story, A Retrieved Reformation… but with a sci-fi twist! So, I just HAD to give it a read. And, boy, I did not come away from this disappointed…

In what seems like a traditional period piece, we’re taken to the year 1899, where convicted bank robber (and the story’s protagonist), Harry Higgins is serving a four-year sentence at Missouri State Penitentiary. Ten months into his sentence, while making shoes in the prison’s workshop, he’s called to the warden’s office, where he’s told that he’s just been pardoned by the governor.

Now a free man, the confident and charming Harry Higgins heads back to meet up with his old friend Davey, a bartender at the inn where Harry was originally arrested for his crime. But before he gets there, he finds a unique and possibly other-worldly way of communicating when arriving at the train station…

Harry walks toward the train station and sees a large crow land on a telegraph pole. He smiles and tips his hat.

Let Davey know I’ll be arriving
in about 3 hours, old friend.

The crow squawks loudly and flies away.

Hmm. I know crows are supposed to be smart. And who knows? Maybe Harry’s some kind of bird whisperer or something. Of course, we find out that isn’t quite the case when Harry arrives at the bar. Upon meeting with Dave, both their eyes glow green – suggesting that these guys aren’t of this world. The crow is in fact a communication device that allows them to converse using face-time – a technology that isn’t even explored until The Jetsons hit television sets.

After enjoying several seltzer-with-milks (gross), Harry heads to his room where he retrieves a hidden briefcase containing some sort of futuristic device that allows him to easily break into bank vaults and make away with piles of money.

As Harry bounces around from town to town, knocking off bank after bank, he decides to retire from bank-robbing and settle down in the quaint town of Elmore, Kansas. He starts a shoe-making shop and eventually finds love, marrying Anna Sharp who, ironically, is the daughter of a local bank mogul. But despite going straight, the string of bank robberies preceding his change of lifestyle has caught the attention of Jack Wolfe, the pesky police constable who initially put Harry behind bars.

Hot on Harry’s trail, Wolfe eventually tracks him down in Elmore, finding out that he’s living under the alias Robert D. Thompson.

Wolfe finally has his man in his sights at the local bank where Harry’s father-in-law presents to the public his new vault – a vault deemed to be “impenetrable”, opening automatically only at certain times of the day.

Unfortunately, as the presentation continues, a little girl finds herself trapped in the vault while goofing off with a friend. And with the vault not scheduled to reopen anytime soon, the little girl’s life is at stake. If only there was someone with the kind of technology to break into this “impenetrable” vault…

A unique story with a sci-fi twist and excellent characters with impressive arcs, “Come Along, Harry Higgins” is a story that NEEDS to be on the big screen.

BUDGET: This one isn’t exactly low budget (a costume designer would be necessary), but there are numerous shortcuts the filmmakers could make to keep the budget sensible. Regardless, this story is worth every penny.

ABOUT THE WRITER: Although he began his film career as an actor, Kevin quickly moved into producing and eventually directing and writing. Kevin’s films and screenplays have won numerous awards worldwide with his two most recent films having been screened in various cities in the US, Europe, South America, Oceania, and Asia. He has directed six short films and his credits as a producer have exceeded 50 at the time of this writing. His recent works include three short series starring Golden Globe and Tony Award winner Barry Bostwick and Saturn Award Winner Doug Jones, along with a series of short musical and educational videos (With puppets!) starring Ed Helms. Kevin can be reached at: kmachate (a) gmail.

Read: COME ALONG, HARRY HIGGINS (20-page short sci-fi, historical, western, crime script)

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*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the Reviewer: Michael J. Kospiah is the award-winning screenwriter of critically acclaimed indie-thriller, The Suicide Theory (79% Rotten Tomatoes – available on Amazon Prime, Itunes, Google Play, etc) and 2020’s upcoming Aussie thriller, Rage. His horror feature, They Never Left is currently in development.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Virus-99 by Rob Herzog – short script review – available for production* - post author Michael Kospiah

VIRUS-99 (6 page horror short) by Rob Herzog

The quarantine for a deadly virus is over, but the trouble has just started for a man keeping his bizarre family on permanent lockdown.

There was some serious talent on display here on Simply Scripts during its May One Week Challenge. For those visiting and checking out this review, the theme of the One Week Challenge was a pretty relevant topic in today’s world – the COVID crisis. The participating writers had one week to write a 2-6 page screenplay centered around this theme that could realistically be shot during these strange times of social distancing. The results of the challenge saw some very impressive entries across various genres, reflecting our own personal experiences as well as many topics and stories we’ve all seen on the news.

When the writers of the entries were revealed, it was no surprise that Rob Herzog, who has a panache for exploring the deepest, darkest depths of human nature, was the author of one of my personal favorites, the very dark and twisted, VIRUS-99.

What I found really unique about this story in particular was that it didn’t take place DURING the quarantine, but rather POST quarantine, exploring the lingering psychological effects that months of isolation can have on a person.

This twisted tale opens with protective father and husband, William Butler, talking to his sister Erica over the phone. Disheveled and haggard, he looks like a guy who hasn’t left the house in a very, very long time. Though the quarantine has been lifted, William isn’t quite convinced that all is safe, keeping himself and his family on lockdown. Ever the conspiracy theorist (like many during this lockdown), not only does he believe that it’s not safe out there – but he truly believes that there’s something rotten going on. But his sister, Erica, tries to convince him otherwise…

            ERICA (VO)
Go check your window. You’ll see people
outside. The quarantine’s been lifted.

That’s misinformation.

            ERICA (VO)
The vaccine is real. The virus mitigation
is real.

No. Those are deep-fakes.

You can’t really blame the guy for being a little paranoid and overprotective. This quarantine is pretty unprecedented, at least in our lifetime. And it can be very difficult to make the distinction between what to believe and what not to believe based on the information we’re given through the news media.

But as we spend more time with William, we find that his paranoia is a little more disturbing than we’re initially made to believe… bordering crazy.

Erica, I know that it’s not really you
I’m talking to. You’re a computer-generated
deep fake. You sound like my sister, but
you’re not.

            ERICA (VO)

The real Erica is long-dead.

Convinced that his REAL sister is dead, William hangs up on his concerned sister (or sister’s doppelganger), who is determined to come over and talk some sense into her nutso brother.

As if William couldn’t seem any crazier, we really see just how off-the-reservation he might beas he’s cooking up some grilled cheese sandwiches for his wife, Wendy, and his three children. But, rather than actual people sitting at the dinner table, there’s stuffed dummies dressed as his family with facial expressions drawn on pillow cases. Which makes us wonder what happened to his REAL family?

Speaking to them as if they weren’t inanimate, stuffed objects, William prepares them for his “fake” sister’s arrival with a very strange and memorable pep-talk/monologue about the movie, “Apollo 13” – William is 100% certain that an ambush is about to go down.

I won’t reveal TOO much, but just to give you a clue as to how this story may or may not play out, allow me to go back a few sentences in this review where I mentioned – we really see just how off-the-reservation he might be… emphasis on might be.

Very unique and very dark, Rob Herzog’s “VIRUS-99” explores the depths of our paranoia during these strange times, suggesting that some of that paranoia might not sound as insane as others may think.

BUDGET: Shoe string. This would be about as easy as it can get to film with only one location and one on-screen actor.

ABOUT THE WRITER: Rob Herzog is a Chicago screenwriter. He has sold two short scripts and won prize money in two small screenwriting contests. His short horror script Creak and Shriek was produced in 2019 by Mad Dreamer Entertainment and can be viewed on various platforms like Amazon Prime, YouTube and Vimeo. He has a master’s degree in English composition from Northeastern Illinois University. Rob can be reached at: robherzogr (a) hotmail.

Read: VIRUS-99 (6 page horror short)

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*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the Reviewer: Michael J. Kospiah is the award-winning screenwriter of critically acclaimed indie-thriller, The Suicide Theory (79% Rotten Tomatoes – available on Amazon Prime, Itunes, Google Play, etc) and 2020’s upcoming Aussie thriller, Rage. His horror feature, They Never Left is currently in development.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Dear Abby – Short Script Review (available for production) - post author Marnie

Dear Abby by Ashley Hamilton

Haunted by tragedy, a young woman struggles to return to normalcy.

It’s common to take for granted just how easy some of us have it. We pass folks in the store, on the street, or even have brief encounters without knowing what struggles some people may be going through. Every person has a story, and some of those stories are tragic.

Twenty-five year old, Abby Miles has experienced tragedy. As a result, she suffers from a variety of mental issues, and it’s held her back. But she has worked hard, and is determined to push through it. Abby is a strong female protagonist, who courageously decides to make up for lost time and attend college, even reside in a dorm. Her new roommate, Becky however, makes a snap judgment based on Abby’s age and appearance. She relays her thoughts to a friend:

She’s sooo weird!…. And Old!

Just take off. Be nice tho.

She dresses like an Amish man. OMG

When Becky leaves for the night, we watch as Abby’s fears surface and her emotional issues fight to take over. You’ll find yourself wondering, is she just too far gone to have any kind of normal life? Is she delusional? Is she haunted by her past, or is it really coming back to get her? Abby’s strength will make you root for her, her struggle will make you sympathize. She is complex, and troubled…and you’ll find yourself just wanting her to be okay.

Mental illness is a silent struggle, and ABBY portrays that beautifully. This is a short drama that offers an excellent opportunity for a female lead to showcase many sides of herself.

Budget: This can be filmed on a very low budget, in basic locations like a bedroom.

About the Writer: Ashley Hamilton is attached to direct and star in the horror film Gothic Harvest.

Read Dear Abby (7 pages in pdf format)

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This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

About the Reviewer: Marnie Mitchell-Lister has creative A.D.D. Some of her writing can be read here: Some of her photography can be seen here:

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Initiation by Pia Cook – short script review – available for production* - post author Michael Kospiah

INITIATION (14 page suspense short) by P.H. Cook

A young black man, ready to celebrate his promotion and proposal to his girlfriend, runs into a young white girl with sinister intentions.

Though the COVID crisis continues to dominate today’s headlines, there’s one unfortunate news story that came to mind as I was reading Pia Cook’s hard-hitting, racially-charged, white-knuckler, “Initiation”.

Recently in New York City, in an area of Central Park popular amongst birdwatchers called, “The Brambles”, a white woman named Amy Cooper called in a false report to police, claiming she was being assaulted by Christian Cooper (no relation), an avid birdwatcher and member of the board of directors for the New York City chapter of the Audubon Society – he also happens to be African American.

In this area of Central Park, it’s mandatory that dogs must be leashed to preserve the safety of the bird population. This was a rule that Ms. Cooper was neglecting with her own dog despite signs being posted. As I’ve mentioned, Christian is an avid birdwatcher who was merely reminding her of this rule. She, however, decided to escalate matters, threatening to call the police on the “African American man”, as she made it a point to repeat several times. Luckily, Christian, calm as can be, was able to record the whole altercation as Ms. Cooper called the police and, while sounding as distressed as possible, falsely accused this “African American man” of assaulting her and her dog (which she proceeded to choke while on the phone).

Again, luckily, Christian recorded the whole incident and no arrests were made – many would argue that the young woman SHOULD have been arrested for calling in a false report. And luckily, Christian was also a well-known and well-respected pillar of the community. But what would have happened if he hadn’t recorded everything? What if he wasn’t a known figure? Far too often throughout history we’ve seen these false, racially-charged accusations result in innocent black men senselessly being thrown behind bars. And, unfortunately, many times these false accusations have escalated into incidents that have ended in tragedy.

In “Initiation”, Cook’s protagonist, a successful young African American man named Nico is unfortunately faced with the reality that many young black men, such as Christian Cooper, face everyday.

What starts off as a day of celebration, Nico has just been named the new national marketing director of his company. Financially stable enough to afford that wedding ring for his girlfriend and soon-to-be-wife, he plans on finally proposing to her later that night. Getting ready for a night of romance, he stops by the store to pick up some flowers, wine and other necessities that might come in handy on a night like this.

But, as he leaves the store and gets into his car, he’s surprised by a 14-year old white girl named Amara, who invites herself into his vehicle, sitting in the passenger’s seat. What does she want, exactly?

“Just drive,” she tells him. Baffled, Nico does what any ordinary person would do and tells her to get the hell out. Unfortunately for him, he’s a 34-year old black man in a car with a 14-year old white girl. And she uses this as leverage.

You throw me out of your car, I’m
gonna point at you and yell rape.
As loud as I can.

A hint of concern in Nico’s eyes. He scoffs.

Who do you think they will believe?
Me or you?

Trapped in what seems to be a lose-lose scenario, Nico has no choice but to do as she says. But what exactly does she want? And why is she doing this?

The tension throughout this story is very difficult to bear at times. Part of the reason is because it’s sadly, all too real, reflecting issues that are unfortunately still relevant in society today. And though we, as a society, have come a long way in regards to racial equality, this story accurately shows that we still have a very long way to go.

BUDGET: Low. Two main actors and mainly a car (with a few other easily accessible locations).

ABOUT THE WRITER: Born and raised in Sweden, P.H. Cook started writing in 2006. She now has written over 100 shorts scripts and 15 features. Many of those have been produced. She also directs some of her own shorts and hopes to be able to direct a feature some day. She can be reached at gatortales – “AT” – gmail.


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*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the Reviewer: Michael J. Kospiah is the award-winning screenwriter of critically acclaimed indie-thriller, The Suicide Theory (79% Rotten Tomatoes – available on Amazon Prime, Itunes, Google Play, etc) and 2020’s upcoming Aussie thriller, Rage. His horror feature, They Never Left is currently in development.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Geek by Cindy Keller – Short Script Review (Available for Production) - post author Dena McKinnon

Geek (7 pages in pdf format) by Cindy L Keller

Unable to get help and without hope, a bullied boy is pushed to a morbid end.

Jesse sizes himself up in the mirror while he washes off his blooded knuckles. His face is bruised but not as bad as his soul. His glasses are broken, and this isn’t the first time. Guilt sinks in as he begins blaming himself. Jesse can’t seem to find help from his teachers, his principle…even from his own parents. With no hope, Jesse writes a suicide letter and heads to the garage with a rope cinched into a noose. On his way to end his pain, his arch enemy shows up. Curt, the bully, mouths off and a fight ensues.

What I love about this story.
Oh Irony. When Jesse finally wins, he really still loses. I really care about Jesse and want him to find help. It’s both a sad and strong story that will either make you cry or make your blood boil. Use of voice over is done well over strong images. This was a clever way to tell the story making us FEEL Jesse’s pain.

Why this SHOULD be produced.
It’s a story that needs to be told a zillion times to make people aware. A hard but attractive subject for festivals, this script is also budget friendly with only one location.

Production: Budget – low; Characters – 1 main, 6 extras; Location – 1 location

About the writer: Cindy Kellor is an award-winning screenwriter. She’s been a finalist at Page, finalist at Gimme Credit, Sixth place winner at American Gem, and the winner of Hellfire’s Short Horror Contest. She has had two shorts produced, and has more shorts and features available for production. Cindy can be reached at skyburg (a) hotmail

Read Geek (7 page drama in pdf format)

This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the reviewer: Dena McKinnon is an optioned and produced screenwriter who also writes on assignment. Her IMDb credits. She can be reached at: girlbytheshore (a) hotmail.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Scripts of the June, 2020 One Week Challenge - post author Don

On the Unproduced Scripts page are the twenty two scripts of the June One Week Challenge.

Theme: Future Shock
Genre: Horror SciFi
Challenge: Stories inspired by a scary future. Micro-horror shorts with a view to being budget-friendly.

Visit the Discussion Board for the details.

– Don

Friday, June 5, 2020

Bridges by James Austin McCormick – short script review (available for production*) - post author Michael Kospiah

BRIDGES (4 page short drama script) by James Austin McCormick

A suicidal man is comforted by a stranger but soon begins to suspect he might be better off without her help.

Self-preservation isn’t only a natural, human instinct, but it’s also an instinct deeply ingrained in pretty much every species on earth. Just by existing, pretty much every living orgasm on Earth is automatically programmed to sustain that existence – by surviving.

But, the human mind, although the most sophisticated of all species – at least on Earth, that we know of – can be quite fragile due to our unique emotional complexities. I guess it’s a gift and a curse?

Anyway, life is hard. As everyone surely knows, not everything goes our way. And I’m sure that we’ve all hit our own personal versions of rock bottom a time or two in our lives. Life, in itself, is an emotional roller-coaster – the highs can be very high and the lows can be incredibly low. And when those lows are incredibly low, sometimes our emotions can get the best of us. And our fragile, sophisticated psyches can be our own worst enemies – driving some to make a very unfortunate decision that completely goes against our natural, self-preservation instincts.

In James Austin McCormick’s disturbing drama, Bridges, Joe is at a low point in his life. Perhaps going through a mid-life crisis, the 40-year-old man, tired and beaten down, is at such a low point in his life that he’s seriously considering ending it all.

Standing at the edge of a bridge, Joe still isn’t sure if he’s going to go through with it or not. As he smokes a cigarette, weighing his options, perhaps he’s searching deep down for a reason not to do it. Or maybe he’s just waiting for someone to talk him out of it.

“Are things that bad?” a pale woman passing through asks him randomly.

At this point, Joe’s probably heard all the generic advice he can take. And, despite maybe looking for a reason not to jump, he’s still cynical.

Let me guess.

He lights the cigarette.

            JOE (CON’T)
You’re going to tell me it’ll get better.

But Joe doesn’t quite get the answer he was expecting… or looking for.

            PALE WOMAN
Not at all. Life’s cruel, unfair. So many
problems, so many pressures. It’s just so
unbearable. And there’s no escape.

She takes Joe’s arm.

            PALE WOMAN (CON’T)
Apart from this.

Sheesh! Not exactly the person you’d call up for advice when you’re feeling down, is she?

The random stranger continues to give Joe some really terrible advice, doing her best to talk him into taking that life-ending leap. Flabbergasted, Joe has no idea what this strange lady’s agenda really is – perhaps a little reverse psychology? Or is it something much more sinister?

As if her ill-advised persuasiveness wasn’t unexpected enough, it’s at this point that the story moves into an even more unexpected direction. Though the story’s tone is pretty grim, it’s very sharply written with a neat twist.And we really do feel for the Joe character who, unfortunately for a lot of people, is all too relatable.

If you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts or know anyone who is, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

BUDGET: Shoe-string. 4 actors, 1 outdoor location.

ABOUT THE WRITER: James Austin McCormick is a college lecturer and compulsive writer of speculative fiction with many short stories published in various anthologies along with novellas and novels published with Class Act Books. As a screenwriter, James has consistently placed high in international competitions and, along with a co-author, has had three feature-length horror scripts optioned by K5 films. With a long list of short-length scripts, James also collaborated with talented writer, Annabel Grace, on the produced short, In the Silence. You can find his works on the Internet Speculative Fiction Database. James can be reached at: jimbostories (a) hotmail.


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*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the Reviewer: Michael J. Kospiah is the award-winning screenwriter of critically acclaimed indie-thriller, The Suicide Theory (79% Rotten Tomatoes – available on Amazon Prime, Itunes, Google Play, etc) and 2020’s upcoming Aussie thriller, Rage. His horror feature, They Never Left is currently in development.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Dear God, I Quite – Love Satan – (Short Script Review – Available for Production*) - post author Michael Kospiah

DEAR GOD, I QUIT – LOVE SATAN (9 page short comedy script) by Jay Williams

When Satan hands in his resignation letter, God is forced into an impossible situation

What if God one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Just a stranger on a bus… trying to make his way home?

That’s what singer/songwriter Joan Osborne asks us in her insanely catchy 90’s pop song, “What if God Was One of Us”. If even you didn’t grow up in the 90’s, love it or hate it, I’m sure you’ve heard it before.

For obvious reasons, this song played in my head after just finishing Jay Williams’s sharp-witted comedy short, “Dear God, I Quit – Love Satan”. While Joan Osborne’s song asks us what it would be like if God was, indeed, one of us, Williams explores the scenario further… while also asking the same question about God’s rival, the Prince of Darkness himself, Lucifer.

In “Dear God, I Quit – Love Satan”, God is a slob like one of us (to answer Joan Osborne’s question)… and a drunk… and a gambling addict.

The story opens outside of a storefront on the Vegas strip where we meet Godfrey – God in human form. Unshaven and unwashed, Godfrey looks like an old homeless man, muttering profanities to himself while glugging down a bottle of whiskey. It’s been a rough go in Vegas – not only is he hammered… but he’s also broke.

That’s when his friend, Lou, sharply dressed and doing much better than his counterpart, comes to the rescue like any friend would. If you were wondering, yes, Lou is short for Lucifer. And, yes, on Earth, he and God are friends.

Oh Lou, is this how it ends?
How did it ever come to this?

We then cut to heaven, long before God became Godfrey and lost everything in the casinos.

This version of heaven doesn’t seem very heavenly – here, we don’t see angels playing harps with halos over their heads while riding on puffy clouds. This version of heaven looks much like an office you’d find your accountant working in. But maybe a lot less organized and a lot more filthy. Apparently, even in heaven, God is a slob like one of us.

A pile of paperwork in front of him, God seems just as stressed as any nine-to-five office worker. I guess we really were created in God’s image…

That’s when Lucifer arrives to conduct their weekly session where they discuss the balance of good and evil.

OK, I’ve enabled a couple of
new strains of penicillin.

Very noble.
Well, I have introduced three new
outbreaks of Ebola – let’s see what
your penicillin can do about that.


Thank you.
Let’s see – ah yes, I’ve influenced
the commission of eight new seasons
of Two And A Half Men
on an over-the-top video provider.

You bastard.

But, as their session continues, Lucifer breaks some news to his counterpart, handing him a letter of resignation. Bored of his duties, Lucifer has also “seen the light”…

I’ve had an awful long time to
think about it. It was wrong of
me, I was suffering with delusions
of grandeur.

But to truly be relieved of his duties, Lucifer needs God’s forgiveness first. But God isn’t so sure. After giving it some thought, God comes up with a plan – that he and Lucifer head down to Earth in human form. If Lucifer demonstrates good behavior and shows him that he has indeed changed, God will forgive him. But forgiveness comes with some serious consequences…

Packed with pithy dialogue and fantastic chemistry between God and Lucifer, “Dear God, I Quit – Love Satan” will make you do what any good comedy SHOULD do… laugh. And especially with the world where it is right now, God knows we could all use a good laugh.

BUDGET: Low. Two actors, two locations.

ABOUT THE WRITER: Jay Williams is a UK-based writer working in theater and movies. You can read more of his work right here on Simply Scripts. Jay can be reached at: jaywilliams120671 (a)

Read Dear God, I Quit – Love, Satan.

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*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the Reviewer: Michael J. Kospiah is the award-winning screenwriter of critically acclaimed indie-thriller, The Suicide Theory (79% Rotten Tomatoes – available on Amazon Prime, Itunes, Google Play, etc) and 2020’s upcoming Aussie thriller, Rage. His horror feature, They Never Left is currently in development.

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