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Monday, September 4, 2006

Twenty unproduced scripts that you can’t discuss… - post author Don

On the unproduced scripts page we have twenty new scripts up for your reading pleasure. However, you can?t discuss them?

Were this happening to anyone else other than me, this would be laughable and extraordinarily funny. I spent the whole day uploading each and every message on the discussion board only to discover that I had uploaded the wrong backup files. (Well, the backup files would have been ‘right? if this were April 10, 2004.) The correct backup files are being uploaded as I type this. They will continue to be uploading long after I tottle off to bed which should be shortly. I do hope that when I wake up tomorrow morning that I can re-open the discussion board.

A long time ago, I used to call out each of the unproduced scripts I put up, but then there got to be so many that I was unable to give each and every one a mention. I tried, for a bit, to give a few a mention – randomly, however then I was inundated with emails from those writers who I didn?t mention asking why his/her script didn?t get mentioned. That I randomly select a few to mention didn?t seem to be a sufficient answer so I went to simply stating that there are ‘x? number of unproduced scripts up for your reading pleasure and left it at that.

Well, for today, since in a few days both SimplyScripts and I are coming up on our birthdays, (SimplyScripts will be a full eight years old this coming week and I will be a full “x” years old {where ‘x? is a number between 29 and 100), I thought that I?d switch things up and mention a few of the scripts up on the unproduceds scripts page.

Christopher Bate has up A Girl Called Simplicity. Christopher wrote Death Rides the Nine which was later produced. DRtN did appear on SimplyScripts for a while, though the hosting of the script and the later production were not connected. (Jeez, just google Death Rides the Nine if you want to know about the script and movie.)

Mike has up The Odds of Love. TOoL was on the site before, but was taken down when Mike sold the script. Mike has re-submitted it. I?m not sure if the production of TOoL has come to a bad end or if Mike simply wants to rub my face in the fact that he?s sold a script and I haven?t. I do hope it is the former because I am a small, petty man.

And, with that, I’m going to tottle off to bed and read a few more chapters of The Stars My Destination. – Don

NB: Both Mike and Christopher did not sell their respective scripts as a result of being posted to SimplyScripts. However, on rare occasions, scripts on the site are sold as a result of being posted on SimplyScripts. This does not happen often. – Don

The Discussion board is still resting - post author Don

The discussion board is still resting. The good news is that the restore went well. The bad news is that every single message needs to be re-uploaded. That is happening now we I type. That will take a couple of hours.

The Three Musketeers I’m guessing you want to hear more about what I got for my birthday.

I got Pevear’s new translation of The Three Musketeers, Kate Mosse’s Labyrinth , Jasper Fforde’s latest Nursery Crime novel, The Fourth Bear and Dava Sobel’s The Planets. – Don

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Discussion board is ‘resting’ - post author Don

Hi all,

The discussion board is ‘resting’ for a bit. I upgraded the board. There were some glitches. Once I got the glitches taken care of I noticed a few new enhancements that I didn’t like, which I thought added confusion to how the board operated, so I decided to revert back to the last upgrade. I am currently re-uploading the back-up (taken just before the upgrade so nothing should be lost).

I just returned from celebrating my birthday and thought I share what I got:

The Stars My Destination by Alfred Bester

The two follow-up books to His Majesty’s Dragons (which I read at the beach), Throne of Jade and Black Powder War

and, Perils of the Atlantic: Steamship Disasters, 1850 to the Present.

Birthday lunch was held at The Back Door in downtown Carlisle, PA. Grabbed some good stuff to eat later at Appalachian Whole Foods where Sandy put me on to some great instant Indian meals and gave the boys some sugar free lollipops. Swung by The Whistlestop Bookshop to say hello to “Uncle Jeff” and Kara and add more books to my Christmas/Birthday list. We then dodged over to Casa Mani for a quick Cafe~ Mocha. Later that evening I had my birthday dinner at Amy’s Thai Cuisine. – Don

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

52 Weeks, 52 Screenplays - post author Don

This is a neat idea. Pick 52 popular, award-winning, influential screenplays and read and blog on one a week for a year. That is what has done. His first script for review is 2001 A Space Odyssey.

For other “top” screenplays, you can also check out the WGA Top 101 Scripts – Don

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Thanks! - post author Don

Thanks to Rodney and Mr. Anonymous Individual Number One and Ms. Anonymous Individual Number Two for their generous donations to help keep simply alive. Much appreciated. Don

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sixty-Six Scripts and the Discussion Board is fixed! - post author Don

Hey, There are 66 new or revised unproduced scripts up on the unproduced scripts page.

Also, the discussion board is now unhosed. Apologies for the disruption.
Damn computers. – Don

Thursday, July 6, 2006

My God, it’s full of scripts… - post author Don

Thanks to “movie fan” for the heads up on these two from Screentalk – We’ve got 2010 The Odyssey Continues and In The Mouth of Madness (filmed by John Carpenter – horror film you think?). These would be on the movie scripts page.

Just to let you know that the unproduced script submission will be going on hiatus for a week. Come back on July 17th to submit your unproduced work. In the mean time, take some time to tighten up your work. Also, the Discussion Board is going to go into ‘lock down’ mode next week. “Lock down” is where nearly all the threads are closed except those threads showcasing unproduced scripts. It, too, will be un-locked down on the 17th. – Don

Friday, June 16, 2006

SimplyScripts picked one of top 100 best entertainment websites by Entertainment Weekly - post author Don

Entertainment Weekly magazine has released their Top 100 Best Entertainment Websites for 2006. Imagine my surprise to find that put in such august company as Dark Horizons and EW selected the Top 25 Entertainment Websites and asked each of those Top 25 to select 3 websites as their top picks. Berge, over at was selected as a Top 25 website. He, in turn, selected SimplyScripts along with Dark Horizons and Thanks JoBlo for picking our dorky little website. Also, the biggest thanks go to the readers, contributors and writers who visit SimplyScript and help support the site. Thanks! You can check out the Top 100 Best Entertainment Websites for 2006 now, or buy the June 23, 2006 issue of Entertainment Weekly. – Don

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Another Lost teleplay - post author Don

Thanks Tell, for the heads up on another Lost Teleplay. The site formeraly knows as “The Hatch” and now known as “pressExecute” has got Outlaws up. Check it out on the TV Scripts or Teleplays or TV transcripts page.

Must Love Dogs Great movie.

Afghan food is good. The Panjshir has good food. I recommend the Sambosay Goshti and the Qaubili Palau. If you are a spicy wuss like me, do NOT stick your Nan in the green sauce. Seriously. I’m so taking the fat Kid and the skinny Kid there next week. “Try this green sauce.” I’m such a mean Dad… – Don

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