Burning Bridges by Pia
read by iScript.com
To save himself and his younger brother, a young boy resorts to drastic measures. 5 pages, pdf.
Short – Drama
Rated PG
Read the script (5 pages – pdf format). Discuss the script. Listen to the script:
Burning Bridges was a July ’06 One Week Challenge entry. The theme was “At the end of a family bar-be-cue”. The genre was Drama.
In addition, Burning Bridges was a Winner 2006 Cycle III (fall ’06) Gimme Credit super short competition.
{note: The audio recording of Burning Bridges is released under a Creative Commons, attribution, noncommercial, no derivatives 3.0 license. You can share the audio recording in its entirety, but you can’t change it or sell it. }
2 Comments so far
Swamp Tales Films » Blog Archive » The Latest!
September 1st, 2007 at 4:02 pm
[…] at SS is featuring some of our iScripts over there on the home page. Kind of cool. Check it out if you […]
September 2nd, 2007 at 7:08 pm
i want to read some scripts for practice . and i would like to learn how we make them.