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Sunday, May 28, 2023

Original Script Sunday - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are eleven original scripts for your reading pleasure.

– Don

Monday, May 15, 2023

Grave Mistake by David Lambertson – Filmed - post author Don

Grave Mistake (Short, Drama, Crime) pdf format) by David (eldave1) Lambertson

An Indian Chief steeped in tribal traditions must use modern technology to find the killer of his granddaughter.

Dave writes,

Filmamkers are inspirational.

This script was set on an American Indian Reservation. A young student filmmaker from India asked permission to shoot this as an India version.

He completed it and asked me what I thought – told him well done other than several scenes were too dark. He replied – I know. We don’t have electricity so there was no way to light the night scenes. This made me feel spoiled and humble at the same time.

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Sunday, May 14, 2023

Original Script Sunday - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced Scripts page are eleven original scripts for your reading pleasure.

– Don

Friday, May 12, 2023

The Breakwater by James Williams – Filmed - post author Don

The Breakwater (pdf format) by James Williams

A grieving mother attempts to get closure with her late son by staying one night in an old lighthouse that’s rumored to be a portal to the afterlife.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Still Life by John Staats (Short script review – available for production) - post author Matthew Taylor

Still Life (Short, Sci-fi) 6 Pages by John Staats – Some super powers just prolong the inevitable

How many times have you been confronted with this hypothetical question “If you could have any superpower, which one would you choose?”. There are so many to choose from! If you could fly you could travel the world, if you had super strength, you could save lives, if you had self-cleaning teeth, you would never have to worry about oral hygiene again!… It is a tough choice. Ultimately though, how would you feel about your decision after it is made? What if you get it wrong?

This hypothetical question forms the basis of John Staats excellent short script, Still Life.

This cautionary tale opens in an outdated and ill-maintained house belonging to a cranky OLD MAN (who we quickly come to love) as we follow his seemingly monotonous routine…


An OLD MAN (70) in a dirty bathrobe enters from the kitchen.
His long white beard and, what remains of his hair, is

He carries a bowl of SpaghettiOs and a can of Budweiser to a
TV tray by the sofa, sets it down, and continues to a shelf
of VHS tapes.

He trails an index finger along the aged and faded VHS

Seen it. Seen it. Hated it. Seen

His arthritic knuckled finger stops on and taps a box with a
handwritten title: Albert’s Big Day.

Hmmm…haven’t watched this in a
long while.

He pulls the tape out and sidles over to a large console


As we join the Old Man is his daily viewing, we soon come to realize that the label of “Albert’s Big Day” is a criminal understatement!
But as we watch this young man on the biggest day of his life, it is difficult to decide which is more entertaining, the day itself, or Old Mans running, sarcastic commentary of it.



Albert stands between the MAYOR and FIRE CHIEF. The crowd
cheers until the Mayor waves his arms and settles them down.

Welcome one and all! We’re gathered
here today-

For votes.

-to recognize Albert Madison for
his bravery and sacrifice-

Yeah, no.

The image fast forwards through the Mayor’s speech and stops
on what appears to be a flash of light. The play resumes…

A flash of light that would change Albert’s and Old Man’s lives forever in a tangle of not-so-hypothetical questions, youthful miscalculations and a lifetime of dissonance.

I can’t say much about what follows so as to not ruin the story for you (Read it, you won’t be disappointed) but what I can say is that John’s brilliant storytelling brings all of the threads together and sheds light on what brought the Old Man to this point in his life, his connection to young Albert, and finishes off the whole thing with a bang in a story reminiscent of Tales of the Unexpected (Or Twilight Zone for the none UK readers).

So, producers, you might not be able to choose any superpower you want but you can choose to produce this super powered short that would make a great addition to any portfolio.

Winner of Writers Choice in the SS April OWC

Read the script HERE
Discuss the script HERE

Budget: Once main actor with a few supporting. One main location with a bit of SFX thrown in means a clever producer can make this cracker on a small budget.

ABOUT THE WRITER: John Staats is a freelance writer of screenplays, comics, and shorts of all sorts. His genres of favor are either gritty westerns, philosophical conundrums, or of topics not usually safe for work. You can track down his work at LinkedIn or right here on Simply Scripts. Just making it up as he goes….

About the Reviewer: Matthew Taylor is an amateur screenwriter with a few script sales and short script productions under his belt. He enjoys writing for the Sci-fi/fantasy audience and tends to lean more on the dark side of life.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Original Script Sunday (has come on a Tuesday) - post author Don

Over on the Unproduced scripts page are eleven original works for your reading pleasure. Interested in one of the works? Please reach out to the author before you get too far.

– Don

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Pencils Down - post author Don

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