Theme: Cursed Noun!*
It’s Halloween and a cursed noun* has been activated. Your scrappy protag has until midnight to save everyone. Will they succeed?
Genre: Halloween Horror (Thriller, Suspense, Comedy, etc)
Rating: Adult, YA, Family
*A noun is a person, place or thing.
Scripts due to on Friday, October 21st at midnight edt
The Deets:
Write a properly formatted 10 page or less script on the theme provide.
It’s an anonymous challenge. Do not put your name on the script. Provide a pseudonym on the title page as well as “copyright (c) 2022”.
Each writer will be assigned between 5 to 10 scripts they must read (at a minimum) and vote on for “Writers’ Choice”. Writers are encouraged to read more and vote on more. Giving feedback to other writers on the discussion board is highly encouraged!
10/21/22 – midnight edt – scripts due
10/22/22 – midnight scripts posted for reading and reviewing
10/29/22 – Writers’ Choices ballots due.
10/29/22 – guess who wrote what.
10/30/22 – midnight Who Wrote What and Writers’ Choice announced
PC: PH Cook
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