Horrific Tales of the Wickedly Macabre is an anthology series that celebrates the ridiculous excess of ’80s horror. Eight separate terrifying stories, each told by horror fans, specifically for horror fans.
Next up is:
Kindhearts by Sean Chipman (Wraparound Story Written by Sean Chipman)
A troubled couple visits a sit-down chain restaurant on their daughter’s 15th birthday, only to find that the restaurant harbors a dark secret.
2 Comments so far
October 4th, 2020 at 8:39 am
I have to say that I sure am enjoying this anthology so far. I just downloaded this screenplay and know it will be a good read.
October 4th, 2020 at 12:05 pm
Thanks for reading, Cindy! You should totally jump over to the discussion board and share your thoughts on the episodes thus far.