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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Stay Six Feet Apart – by Rob Herzog (Short Script Review – available for production*) - post author Michael Kospiah

STAY SIX FEET APART (2-page short horror screenplay) by Rob Herzog

A socially distanced flirtation takes a hideous turn.

You know what would be awesome? If life went back to some semblance of normalcy again. There’s been flashes here and there – many restaurants around me have opened their outdoor seating, while keeping tables six feet apart. I believe in NYC this was part of Phase 2. Phase 3 was supposed to begin, but it’s been postponed after a spike in COVID-19 cases in Florida and Texas. Bummer. But as much as I’d really like to enjoy going out to a restaurant or bar and hanging out with friends again, while making new friends – what’s most important is everyone’s safety. And, as badly as I’ve craved a social life, I did think we were kinda jumping the gun a little bit.

I, myself, haven’t seen my girlfriend in person for a very long time, which sucks. But we do our best, watching movies together at the same time while texting each other comments during the movie, face-timing, etc. I do consider myself lucky despite the separation anxiety. Because how much must it suck to be single during all this quarantining and social distancing? How is romance possible without human contact? How do you even find the opportunity to meet that special someone? Do you know how many potential love connections HAVEN’T been made during this crisis? How many babies that HAVEN’T been conceived?

Horror connoisseur and writer of Stay Six Feet Apart, Rob Herzog, tackles romance during social distancing the only way we would expect Rob Herzog to tackle it – in the goriest, most gleefully disgusting fashion possible.

Somewhat of a commentary on safe social distancing, we open in a park where everyone keeps their distance while going about their days, all of them wearing N-95 masks. In a meet-cute moment straight out of a wholesome romantic comedy, two very attractive (from what we can tell with their masks on) potential lovebirds – PAIGE and AARON (both in their 20s) – cross paths. And they immediately catch each other’s eye – love at first sight.

Though there isn’t any dialogue, we see just how much of a connection is made between them. It starts off with some small talk and a few laughs. Soon, the couple is walking together through the park, though still keeping six feet apart from each other. But as their lovely walk through the park together continues, they begin to break their social distance more and more, getting closer and closer… until they finally touch hands in a wonderfully romantic moment that will fill your heart with warmth and remind you of first loves from the past.

Finally, Paige blows Aaron a kiss. But, unable to fight this temptation, unable to let social distancing keep them from acting on their urges, things get hot and heavy. And they embrace…

But the romance takes a strange turn once the masks come off. Especially when Paige removes her mask first. In a classic body horror reveal, we find out just how strong this potential couple’s connection really is. This reveal felt like early Peter Jackson meets David Cronenberg, but Rob Herzog definitely puts his own unique twist on it.

Cute, funny and gleefully repulsive, “Stay Six Feet Apart” is the perfect romance/horror micro-short for this strange time we’re living in. And with only two actors and an outdoor location, this would be ideal to film during social distancing at dirt cheap – though I do recommend a strong make-up artist.

BUDGET: Shoe-string – Low. Two actors, a park and a good make-up artist, particularly one that specializes in the horror genre.

ABOUT THE WRITER: Rob Herzog is a Chicago screenwriter. He has sold two short scripts and won prize money in two small screenwriting contests. His short horror script Creak and Shriek was produced in 2019 by Mad Dreamer Entertainment and can be viewed on various platforms like Amazon Prime, YouTube and Vimeo. He has a master’s degree in English composition from Northeastern Illinois University. Rob can be reached at: robherzogr (a) hotmail.

Read STAY SIX FEET APART (2-page short horror screenplay)

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*This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

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About the Reviewer: Michael J. Kospiah is the award-winning screenwriter of critically acclaimed indie-thriller, The Suicide Theory (79% Rotten Tomatoes – available on Amazon Prime, Itunes, Google Play, etc) and 2020’s upcoming Aussie thriller, Rage. His horror feature, They Never Left is currently in development.

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