Lady Justice (10 page in pdf format ) by David González (Philostrate)
The life of a crooked Mexican police officer is turned upside down when a woman walks into the police station with an old gun she found.

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About the writer: David González (Philostrate) is an amateur screenwriter from Spain with three shorts optioned. His scripts have placed in various competitions, including the Inroads Screenwriting Fellowship, the Zed Fest Film
Festival and the Crimson Screen Horror Film Fest. He can be reached at davidgonzalezpn “AT”
About Hyper Epics: Home of the 3 page sagas, Hyper Epics is a bold anthology series that offers diverse and exciting comic book stories on its website – – and in print form. Each original story is packed with stunning artwork, memorable characters, and captivating stories enhanced with dazzling soundtracks. It is quickly becoming a go-to destination for readers worldwide.
2 Comments so far
June 17th, 2019 at 10:22 am
Congratulations and Welcome to the world of comics!
It’s a beautiful thing to see your work come to life on the page.
All the best and I hope to see more of your work in the future,
June 22nd, 2019 at 11:33 pm
Great work, David. Came up a treat!