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Monday, May 6, 2019

Dead Man’s Money by John Hunter – Short Script Review (Available for Production) - post author Dane Whipple

Dead Man’s Money (5 pages in pdf format) by John Hunter

“A dead man’s winning lotto ticket brings no good.”

Walt is dead, to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that.

His lifeless body is discovered by his best friend, Benny, inside a makeshift shack in the homeless camp that the two call home. Benny and Walt usually spent their days collecting aluminum cans, trying to earn enough money to keep them in cheap wine (you know, the kind with the screw-on cap). Benny could never understand why week after week Walt would throw money away on lotto tickets. After all, nobody ever wins! But, in the clutches of Walt’s cold, dead hands, Benny sees it: the winning ticket!

Will the ticket will bring Benny more luck than it brought Walt? Not likely.

If you think this story has a happy ending, you haven’t been paying attention. You see, this particular lotto ticket seems to have a will of its own, springing from owner to owner when the time is right. It isn’t long before the same tragic, tough luck that befell Walt, sets its sights on Benny. Can Benny escape the cosmic, karmic, kismet threatening to destroy him? Will the ticket be satisfied with Benny’s death, or are there others in the path of the tornado?

Tales of luck, fortune, and chance, are the life-blood of cinema. As a witty, dark comedy that is equal parts Waking Ned Devine and It FollowsDMM is a mind-bending blend of comedy and horror, with the chipperest ending this side of Fargo. Perfect for a director with an understanding of biting, twisted humor, and a flair for the dramatic, DMM is set to be a festival favorite.

But, you have to play to win. So pick your lucky numbers and take a chance on Dead Man’s Money!

Budget: Moderate. With a diverse array of props and locations, it is definitely a professional-grade script.

About the writer, John Hunter: With the completion of (4) features, a litter of riveting shorts, a one hour take-your-breath-away sci-fi TV pilot and first 30 minute episode for that series, I am now officially THAT guy — The one who really needs an Agent or Executive Producer. Contact me at x32792 (AT)

Read Dead Man’s Money (5 pages in pdf format)

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This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

About the Reviewer: Dane Whipple is an educated fool with money on his mind. He is currently writing that screenplay everybody keeps talking about: The Wild Age. Contact him at dane.whipple (AT)

3 Comments so far


KP Mackie
February 21st, 2016 at 12:29 am

Surprising twist that I didn’t expect.
Terrific visual quality. Could envision every scene. A couple made me squirm a bit, which is always a good thing!
Well done. 🙂


Gwangju South Korea
February 22nd, 2016 at 1:50 am

This is a visual script…film inspiring too.


March 18th, 2016 at 9:02 pm

I was reminded about the irony that plagues excitement… Years ago, the founder of Eagle Computers was driving his new Ferrari, almost to his Silicon Valley location, coming out of San Francisco and being notified of his company’s IPO… just before his exit he was killed in an auto accident… from struggling to success to high riches, and not being able to enjoy any of it.

So many real stories, fitting into the truth behind the quote John Lennon made famous (not his quote) about life’s reality when busy making other plans.

Good story. Mom was right to look both ways when crossing the street

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