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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Script Shop Show podcast – Museum Madness by Joseph Dutra - post author Don

Script Sho ShowI am a regular (as of April) Patreon supporter of the Script Shop Show. I am one of four supporters of the show. And, I got my shout out last week… for my lame Twitter account. Heidi got another shout out. Cheryl got one. And I got one! Apparently I’m mysterious. “Boose, your Dad is pretty cool.”

They most importantly talk about this short script Museum Madness by Joseph Dutra.

A night security guard at an art museum discovers something sinister in the works.

Listen to the show and more importantly, please support them.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Last Nerd – Short Script Review (Available for Production!) - post author David M Troop

The Last Nerd (7 pages in pdf format) by Brett Martin

A storyteller performs an epic adventure for kids.

Which films would you consider timeless? The Wizard of OzCasablancaCitizen Kane, and Gone With The Wind are surely worthy of that name. While such tales may be wildly diverse, classic movies share one enduring trait: the ability to find new audiences and fans – generation after adoring generation – for practically one hundred years.

Let’s take that concept even further. What film might be remembered far into the future? Will it still be Citizen Kane? Or another celluloid classic: a story that’s more than timeless. One that’s legendary, in fact.

Written by veteran screenwriter Brett Martin, The Last Nerd opens in a makeshift theatre full of anxious children – awaiting a show by master storyteller “Patton”.

As the curtain opens, Patton and his trusty dog (yes, you read that right. Patton’s co-actor is a dog) take to the stage to perform an epic saga that’s been passed down for eons… Ear to ear. Word by word.

And when Patton opens HIS mouth, the crucial teaser is revealed. He recites the opening lines from a film we’re intimately familiar with. But the children in THIS audience are hearing it for the very first time.

The film in question? Star Wars!

Yep, the heroic derring do of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Leia – acted out scene by scene by Patton, his trusty dog R2-K9, some crude action figures, and a few eager volunteers from the audience. The tension mounts inevitably – until the Rebels reign victorious. And every child in the theater cheers! Because for a few precious hours, Patton’s weaved together a magical story that allows a rag-tag group of children to escape their reality – and travel back a long time ago. To a galaxy far, far away.

But eventually, even the best adventures must end. After the Death Star dissipates in a brilliant blossom of fire and space dust, Patton packs up his wares and ventures off towards his next show. After all, not every child on Earth has heard the saga of the Jedi. And Patton vows he’ll never rest – until the Force is with them all.

A script with more twists than a Death Star corridor, The Last Nerd requires a director who possesses good rapport with child actors and has experience in the theatre. The part of Patton himself? A role any scenery chewing, spotlight stealing theatre actor would love to add to their resume.

Of course, it wouldn’t hurt if Star Wars is your favorite film.

Either way, make sure you give this one a read. Because whatever Director pulls this homage off will have audiences howling in their seats!

Budget: Moderate. A make-shift theatre and some talented child actors. Doggie treats for R2-K9.

About the Author: Brett Martin is an unrepped screenwriter and freelance reader living in Los Angeles. He sold an action/thriller to Quixotic Productions, which is owned by Brett Stimely (WatchmenTransformers 3). Destiny Pictures recently hired Brett to develop an inspirational sports drama. CineVita Films is currently in pre-production on a proof of concept teaser for Brett’s new contained thriller, which is a modern take on a classic public domain fairy tale. Contact him on LinkedIn

Read The Last Nerd (7 pages in pdf format)

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This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

About the Guest Reviewer:  David M Troop resumed writing in 2011 after a twenty-five year hiatus. Since then, he has written about 50 short scripts, two of which have been produced.   Dave would like to make it three. He is a regular, award-winning contributor to Born on the mean streets of Reading, PA, Dave now resides in Schuylkill Haven with his wife Jodi and their two lazy dogs Max and Mattie. He can be reached at dtroop506 “AT”

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Original Script Sunday for May 26th! - post author Don

Over on the Original Scripts page are eighteen original, unproduced scripts for your reading pleasure.


Thursday, May 23, 2019

Script Shop Show podcast – Power Play by Nick Tassoni - post author Don

Script Sho ShowI am a regular (as of April) Patreon supporter of the Script Shop Show. I am one of four supporters of the show. And, I’m waiting for my ‘shout-out’. And I got it! I got my shout out. For my twitter… (sigh).

They most importantly talk about this short script Power play by Nick Tassoni.

A young woman attempts to escape from her overly polite abductor in an abandoned coal power plant.

Listen to the show and more importantly, please support them.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Original Script Sunday for May 19th - post author Don

Over on the Original, Unproduced Scripts page are twenty eight original scripts for your reading pleasure.

– Don

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Script Shop Show’s podcast of Don’t Call it a Relapse by Vaslav J. Rice - post author Don

Script Sho ShowI am a regular (as of April) Patreon supporter of the Script Shop Show. I am one of two supporters of the show. And, I’m waiting for my ‘shout-out’. Alas, again, there wasn’t one this show, too…

They most importantly talk about this ‘must-read’ short script Don’t Call it a Relapse by Vaslav J. Rice.

A ‘welcome home from rehab’ party turns chaotic as seven family members (plus the girlfriend & an NA sponsor) wait for the arrival of the ‘recovered’ guest of honor.

Listen to the show and more importantly, please support them.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wishbone by Jeremy Storey – Short Script Review (available for production) - post author Dane Whipple

Wishbone (23 pages in pdf format) by Jeremy Storey

Make a wish.

Snap! With the breaking of a wishbone from a simple chicken dinner, inspirational author Nick is sent down an alternate reality.

As an author, Nick has served as an inspiration to many a reader. Recently, though, Nick could use some inspiration himself. You see, he’s been down on his luck ever since a car accident took his wife, Chloe. Riddled with guilt and haunted by dreams (and perhaps his future self),

Nick contemplates just how he has ended up at this low point. But is there another way?

Enter Kat. Kat has just moved into Nick’s building, and it seems she has a past that haunts her as well. As their friendship grows, the parallels between Kat and Chloe become undeniable, and the line between fantasy and reality begins to blur. What unfolds is a dreamlike romance that defies reason and even time itself. All of this builds to an unforgettable finale that you’ll never see coming.

Filled with surreal imagery in the tradition of Vanilla Sky and Shutter Island (hey, if it’s good enough for Scorsese, it’s good enough for you!), Wishbone deftly delivers the kind of weighty rumination that continually garners accolades on the festival circuit. It is a confident, considerate, contemplation of life, and the choices we make, with a ponderous political pitch. Think Déjà Vu meets The Dead Zone. This is one script that will keep audiences and critics intrigued, entertained, and ultimately satisfied.

What more could you wish for? And – as collectors of Monkey Paws are well aware – be careful what you wish for, too.

Budget: Medium. Mainly because of script length. A scene involving a wrecked car may require some savvy directorial skill.

About the writer: Jeremy Storey has been writing on-and-off for the last fifteen years. He’s dabbled in stage plays, screenplays and shorts. He even wrote a novel once, but the less said about that effort, the better. He’s had a few things produced along the way – a feature (REWIND), two shorts (GOOD DEEDS and ADRIFTING) and a play (LAST CUP OF SORROW). He’s even done quite well in a number of screenwriting contests over the years. However, it’s the process of writing and collaborating on creative projects with likeminded folks that really makes him happy and content. He’s delighted to be asked to participate in Simplyscripts, and is genuinely looking forward to connecting with other writers, producers and directors. Contact him at jeremystorey (a) yahoo!

Read Wishbone (24 pages in pdf format)

Find more scripts available for production

This screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.

About the Reviewer: Dane Whipple comes in a little glass vial. A little glass vial? A little glass vial. He is currently working on that screenplay everybody keeps talking about: The Wild Age. Contact him at dane.whipple (AT)

Monday, May 13, 2019

It’s Me by John Stats – Produced - post author Don

It’s Me – Story by John Staats; Art by Gil Murillo (based on the short script Jack Noir (4 page thriller/comic noir incomic format) by John Staats.

A man reminisces the morning after.

(click the image to go to the full-sized version)

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About the writer: As a fly-fishing fanatic and skier living in the Arizona desert, John Staats has plenty of time for writing. After focusing on features and shorts for the screen, John has now ventured into writing for the illustrated page with hopes of eventually writing a full-feature graphic novel. His feature Impasse has also been published as an e-book on Amazon. John can be contacted at jestaats(a)hotmail.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Original Script Sunday for Mother’s Day - post author Don

Over on the original scripts page are eighteen original scripts for your reading pleasure.

– Don

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