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Saturday, December 8, 2018

Goodnight, Lake Regret - post author Gary Howell

I’ve been dreading writing this post for quite a while, probably because I’ve known it’s been coming.  But it’s time to say farewell to Lake Regret, at least the idea of the script and this particular blog. I definitely liked the concept of chronicling the journey of a script from idea genesis to the final marketing of the script, and I thought beginning writers could learn something from the fits and starts that Rick and I went through.

But under the law of unintended consequences, and maybe the other law of “no good deed goes unpunished”, it became clear over a period of time that the the original idea I had for a single setting script wasn’t working out the way we had anticipated, and the more I struggled to fix the problems with the outline or the idea, the more of a slog it became.  Consequently, it had an effect on the blog, because if you don’t have the right idea, you don’t have the right outline, and you don’t have a path forward, ultimately no matter how good a writer you are, you won’t be able to turn that sow’s ear into a silk purse. Or even a script.

So we’re moving on from the original idea we had. And as a writer, you should never be afraid of doing that. Don’t be so wedded to an idea or concept that you can’t see that it’s not working. And don’t be afraid to accept criticism of your concepts, your scripts, or your writing is general. The trick is being able to discern the good criticism from the bad. Sometimes you never know.

As for Rick and me, we’ll continue to write together in the future. There’s always the next great idea just down the road. But it’s probably safe to say I just won’t blog about it.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read our ramblings, and we wish you nothing but great success in your future writing endeavors — and even if you don’t have success, we hope that you will continue to write, if that’s what brings you joy. We can all use a little joy in our lives right now.


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