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Thursday, February 2, 2017

Screenplays – Dr. Strange - post author Stephen Batchelor

“You’ve got the Ancient One as Tilda Swinton. Give me a break! Really? I mean, it’s stupid. You know?”

That’s a quote from screenwriter/producer, Bob Gale, you might know him from films like “Back To The Future” and “Used Cars”.

Gale is a huge fan of Dr. Strange, and in the mid 80’s shopped a rather cool draft around. It wasn’t overly ambitious, and seemed designed for a slightly lower budget, but we have to remember, this is back in a time when Marvel could barely give away characters, let alone have them dominating the box office.

Anyway, for some reason this script didn’t sell, and we wouldn’t see an official Dr. Strange on the silver screen for another thirty years. Click the pic and have a read, Gale says he won’t watch it, but what do you think, is he right to avoid it, or is it just sour grapes, let us know below.


Stephen Batchelor is a screenwriter. He watches movies. Reads scripts. Writes pages. Read His Blog, check out his facebook page and stalk him on twitter @thescriptmason.

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