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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Screenplays – Wonder Woman - post author Stephen Batchelor

A Wonder Woman film of some sort has been bouncing around various directors and writers for decades. Studios seem to want to make one, but no one seems to be able to get one off the ground.

At the beginning of 2001, producer Joel Silver approached screenwriter Todd Alcott to step up to the task with Silver Pictures backing the project. At the time, names such as Megan Fox, Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie and Catherine Zeta-Jones were rumored to be up for the role.  ww

Bullock, in interviews confirmed she had been approached for the part, wrestler Chyna had expressed interest in the role, while Zena herself, Lucy Lawless said she had turned down the role in the past, stating that she wanted Wonder Woman to be a more of a flawed hero.

The revolving door of leading actresses was only outweighed by screenwriters. Alcott was followed by, Jon Cohen, Becky Johnston, and Philip Levens. This brings us to August of 2003 when Laeta Kalogridis came on board to tackle the latest draft.

This is the draft I have here today. Click the pic, have a read (a lot of whats in this script seems to coincide with spoilers from the current production, so be warned) and let me know what you think in the comments below.

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